[HN Gopher] The mechanics of a sophisticated phishing scam and h...
       The mechanics of a sophisticated phishing scam and how we stopped
       Author : radicalbyte
       Score  : 55 points
       Date   : 2022-08-10 11:02 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.cloudflare.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.cloudflare.com)
       | cmroanirgo wrote:
       | Have a look at their timeline. Very impressive, 3 mins from first
       | sign (2 mins from first report), the domain is blocked.
       | (Edited a bit for brevity & mobiles)
       | > 22:49 UTC Attacker sends out 100+ SMS messages...
       | > 22:50 UTC Employees begin reporting SMS messages...
       | > 22:52 UTC Verify that the attacker's domain is blocked in
       | Cloudflare Gateway for corporate devices.
       | > 22:58 UTC Warning communication sent to all employees across
       | chat and email.
       | etc
       | psanford wrote:
       | > we were able to thwart the attack through [...] physical
       | security keys issued to every employee that are required to
       | access all our applications
       | I hope you are paying attention, Twilio. WebAuthN tokens are an
       | effective phishing mitigation, unlike security/phishing training
       | for employees.
         | tialaramex wrote:
         | Right. Employees hate the training and it isn't very effective.
         | WebAuthn should be a no brainer.
       | thewebcount wrote:
       | > Cloudflare built our secure registrar product in part to be
       | able to monitor when domains using the Cloudflare brand were
       | registered and get them shut down.
       | That's pretty disturbing. What about fair use? What if someone
       | wants to register cloudflaresucks.com, for example? Or what if
       | they have a name that happens to have "cloudflare" in it (such as
       | oortcloudflares.com, where one would presumably have information
       | about flares of ... something... in the oort cloud)?
       | I get wanting to stop attacks like this one, but I'd hope they
       | don't have the power to just indiscriminately take down other
       | people's web site just because the name is one they don't like.
         | sophacles wrote:
         | Presumably Cloudflare has trademarked their name, and as such
         | has various protections via ICANN:
         | https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/trademark-infringement...
         | Whether you like it or think it's unfair, this was litigated
         | long ago, and Cloudflare's actions are no different than any
         | other big brand hiring a company to search registrars for thier
         | name.
         | It's worth noting that cloudflaresucks.com and similer
         | *sucks.com names have been protected by the courts in the US as
         | non-infringing. Names like Cloudfare.com or C1oudflare.com
         | probably can be taken down, particularly if they represent
         | themselves as actually being cloudflare.
         | TechBro8615 wrote:
         | I'm not clear how owning a registrar gives them a unique view
         | into domain registrations at other registrars. Does being a
         | registrar come with special privileges like programmatic
         | unmasking of "whois protection?"
         | They also already have a source of DNS traffic to mine for new
         | registrations. Surely a phishing site would show up there
         | fairly soon after registration. So does being a registrar come
         | with more benefits than just timing?
         | If it does, then shouldn't the worry be more broadly about
         | Cloudflare potentially abusing this system to deanonymize the
         | owner of _any_ domain, not just those they deem trademark
         | infringing?
       | coderintherye wrote:
       | Starting to wonder if this is a continuation attack from the Okta
       | breach* a while back
       | * Whether or not you call it a breach depends on perspective I
       | suppose
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30762520
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30769537
         | cmroanirgo wrote:
         | I was thinking of the twitter breach - just mention CF in your
         | tweets or profile and become a target.
         | It should be a simple matter for CF to figure out which is the
         | case.
         | It would be nice to know if CF customers were also targeted.
       | kurupt213 wrote:
       | when they say "scan the web" for Cloudflare targeting websites,
       | does that mean they wrote a webcrawler that is constantly
       | trolling for new Cloudflare targeting content?
       | fjni wrote:
       | > We blocked these IPs from accessing any of our services.
       | > ... we're tightening up our Access implementation to prevent
       | any logins from unknown VPNs
       | This requires clarification. I think this means cloudflare is
       | completely blocking some of mullvad's ip addresses for their
       | internal tools (or third-party services they use?) But "all
       | services" could also mean if I run my service on cloudflare, this
       | will affect some of my customers who happen to be using these
       | mullvad nodes.
       | If it's the latter, I understand the immediate concern is the
       | phishing attack, but on a larger level this is concerning since I
       | can't see how this response would mirror to cloudflare's own vpn
       | offering. If an actor were to use cloudflare's vpn offering for
       | nefarious purposes (directed at cloudflare or someone else,) I
       | don't see cloudflare implementing this policy aimed at their own
       | offering.
         | kurupt213 wrote:
         | if it was cloudflare's own VPN, wouldn't they know the IP
         | address of the system connecting to the VPN?
       | josephcsible wrote:
       | > every employee at the company is issued a FIDO2-compliant
       | security key from a vendor like YubiKey. Since the hard keys are
       | tied to users and implement origin binding, even a sophisticated,
       | real-time phishing operation like this cannot gather the
       | information necessary to log in to any of our systems.
       | This is why WebAuthn needs to become way more popular.
         | EGreg wrote:
         | And yet.
         | I am shocked to see that all the "two-factor authentication"
         | approaches _don 't bother to mention the action that is being
         | authenticated_.
         | People often are conditioned to simply enter their passwords
         | and their two-factor authentication into a window _just because
         | they think they are dealing with an official representative_.
         | If you think you're immune, think of how many times you've
         | entered your information into Plaid, which was displayed as a
         | mere iframe on a website! How did you know it was Plaid?
         | Because you trusted the enclosing website? And for that matter,
         | why do you trust Plaid?
         | People get phished all the time by having a "bank rep" call
         | them on their phone and have them read back these numbers,
         | claiming that a different action is about to take place than
         | the one being confirmed. All that could be EASILY stopped by
         | the banks if they just added the action that's about to be
         | confirmed. But somehow this hasn't happened in any of the
         | incarnations.
         | PS: I think some places in Europe do mandate it but not USA at
         | all!
           | mirashii wrote:
           | Webauthn does cover the scenario described by associating the
           | credentials in the hardware token with the domain name, so
           | that you're not entering credentials into a random site or
           | iframe; the browser and token are verifying that the URL
           | requesting a challenge is the same as the one that generated
           | the credentials in the first place.
           | Showing the action as part of the dialog doesn't really solve
           | the threat posed here, because if you're not validating where
           | you're answering a challenge from, then you also don't really
           | have a way to know they're not lying about the action
           | presented.
           | kurupt213 wrote:
           | this wouldn't have been caught by the authenticator app
           | either, would it?
           | kadoban wrote:
           | To really do this right, the yubikeys would need to have some
           | kind of display to see what action you're confirming.
           | Slightly better than nothing, the OS/browser UI could show
           | it.
           | Something like Plaid is unfixable though, that's just a
           | garbage heap of insecure patterns. I refuse to use it.
             | g_p wrote:
             | Something I was disappointed (but not surprised) to never
             | see take off outside a few niche areas and closed systems
             | like payment card terminals was personal smartcard readers.
             | Even reasonably affordable ones commonly have a 16x2 or
             | 16x4 LCD screen. While today's protocols and drivers don't
             | inherently tie together the data being signed with a string
             | shown on the screen, appropriate design of protocols could
             | enable this - then you'd have a hardware reader with PIN
             | pad, where your PIN isn't seen by the computer, and with a
             | screen showing you exactly what domain you are logging
             | into, or which action you're approving.
             | You can implement webauthn on a smartcard just fine as well
             | (there are open source applets for it I believe) - just a
             | shame that hardware readers with trusted displays never
             | really took off on desktop PC! Then again for "just login"
             | like in webauthn, really the domain is the only thing seen.
             | A rogue local browser app can prompt you to authenticate
             | for an arbitrary domain, but it's challenge/response based
             | so the attack needs to happen in real-time.
           | tialaramex wrote:
           | All that the second factor mode of WebAuthn does is "This
           | still me". Who? Me. That's all. The token intentionally has
           | no idea who "me" is, nothing is preserved from one such
           | interaction to another - it only knows that it's still the
           | same token as it was before. This makes the technology
           | privacy preserving yet is ideal for the specific scenario we
           | care about - proving I'm still me. I just typed my username
           | or email or whatever into a web site, so the web site already
           | _knows_ who I claim to be on that web site, they 're just
           | checking that in fact "this is still me" whoever that is.
           | You _can_ leverage this technology to do more, including your
           | "action that is being authenticated" stuff, but this adds
           | complexity we mostly don't need. It turns out we can get a
           | _really long way_ with just absolute certainty that  "This is
           | still me".
         | Spivak wrote:
         | Which is why it's so unbelievably stupid that the power to make
         | unphishable systems is being arbitrarily tied to hardware keys
         | and secure enclaves when it could just be an app on your
         | system, deployed for free instantly across a whole fleet of
         | machines that manages keys behind the password protected full
         | disk encrypted systems they already have. "Oh but then someone
         | who compromises the user loc... sssh the phishing protection
         | alone is worth it."
         | I know I'm talking about software authenticators, but the whole
         | "movement" if you wanna call it that seems to be openly hostile
         | to them to the point of implementing DRM via attestation
         | because there's money to be made in selling new disposable
         | plastic thing.
       | [deleted]
       | aetherspawn wrote:
       | Is it possible to use a Dell contact smart card reader for web
       | 2FA? Preferably in some way that it can be cloned if they lose
       | their card.
       | We've got contact readers in all the laptops, and our door
       | systems can read them too, but not sure how to deploy them for
       | websites and such.
       | You want to implement security for even the least technical role
       | (ie reception), but you also don't want to give everyone a
       | keychain full of dongles or install half a dozen computer
       | plugins.
       | joe_the_user wrote:
       | _Since the hard keys are tied to users and implement origin
       | binding, even a sophisticated, real-time phishing operation like
       | this cannot gather the information necessary to log in to any of
       | our systems._
       | I'm struggling to figure out what this means and how it works. A
       | cursory Googling didn't help.
         | elchief wrote:
         | setup yubikey with domain.com
         | login to domain.com
         | enter username/password to domain.com, it then demands
         | domain.com yubikey authn token. yubikey provides only if on
         | domain.com
         | login to fakedomain.com
         | enter username/password to fakedomain.com, it then demands
         | domain.com yubikey authn token. yubikey does not provide
         | because not on domain.com. or it demands fakedomain.com token,
         | but yubikey doesn't have it
         | so, in that way, yubikeys (and similar) are immune to phishing,
         | unlike say google authenticator
         | mirashii wrote:
         | https://webauthn.guide/ has a lot of detail if you want to go
         | into it, but what they're referencing here is the "rp" or
         | "relying party" field that's used as part of the credential
         | setup. This uses browser APIs to share the origin of the
         | credentials stored with your hardware token to guarantee that
         | your private key is only used when visiting that same service.
         | This is as opposed to TOTP as a second factor where you're
         | relying on the user to verify that they're not putting it into
         | a phishing website.
         | kevin_b_er wrote:
         | I'm not familiar with FIDO2's changes, but FIDO1/U2F stuff.
         | What happens is the browser signs the request to the security
         | token with the website URL. The security token's response based
         | on the secret includes this as a result. So if you try to login
         | to d0main.com instead of domain.com and get a U2F 2nd factor
         | auth, the browser will generate a request based on d0main.com.
         | Even if the malicious site, d0main.com, copied/repeated the
         | public key info for the second factor auth request from
         | domain.com, the browser would hash and sign the request as
         | coming from d0main.com as a result. The resulting login token
         | would not match up with what domain.com expected. The login
         | would fail.
         | So the beauty of this protocol is that, by having the browser
         | be a trusted intermediary, you have to login to the correct
         | website for the 2-factor U2F token to create the right
         | response. You cannot be phished unless you can trick the
         | browser as well into signing your malicious site's request with
         | the real domain/url.
         | This does not work with 'enter a code', sms, or those apps that
         | prompt you to say you approve of the login. All of those are
         | subject to an attack where the legitimate login system gets
         | proxied by an attacker.
         | Unsure how FIDO2 stuff changes this.
       (page generated 2022-08-10 23:01 UTC)