[HN Gopher] The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Makefiles
       The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Makefiles
       Author : srijan4
       Score  : 163 points
       Date   : 2022-08-12 13:49 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (matt-rickard.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (matt-rickard.com)
       | LAC-Tech wrote:
       | I wanted to learn makefiles to generate a static website.
       | Quickly ran into some massive limitations - one of which is that
       | it completely broke apart when filenames had spaces in them.
       | "But why would you do that you're doing it wrong" - don't care
       | wanted spaces in filenames.
       | Ended up switching Rake (a make like DSL written in ruby) and
       | never looked back. Not only can you do all the make declarative
       | stuff, but you get the full power of ruby to mess around with
       | strings.
         | rightbyte wrote:
         | Next thing you ask for leading tabs in filenames ...
         | And the feature bloat slippery slope is sliding towards Bazel!
       | Mister_Snuggles wrote:
       | My most horrible abuse of `make` was to write a batch job runner.
       | Most of the targets in the Makefile had a command to kick off the
       | job and wait for it to finish (this was accomplished with a
       | Python script since kicking off a job involved telling another
       | application to run the job) followed by a `touch $@` so that make
       | would know which jobs it had successfully run. If a process had
       | dependencies these were declared as you'd expect.
       | The other targets in the Makefile lashed those together into
       | groups of processes, all the way up to individual days and times.
       | So "monday-9pm" might run "daily-batch", "daily-batch" would have
       | "daily-batch-part-1" (etc), and each "daily-batch-part-..." would
       | list individual jobs.
       | It was awful. It still is awful because it works so well that
       | there's been no need to replace it. I keep having dreams of
       | replacing it, but like they say there's nothing more permanent
       | than a temporary solution.
       | All of this was inspired by someone who replaced the rc scripts
       | in their init system with a Makefile in order to allow processes
       | to start in parallel while keeping the dependencies in the right
       | order.
         | jbboehr wrote:
         | > All of this was inspired by someone who replaced the rc
         | scripts in their init system with a Makefile in order to allow
         | processes to start in parallel while keeping the dependencies
         | in the right order.
         | Any sufficiently complicated init system contains an ad hoc,
         | informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half
         | of systemd.
         | ithkuil wrote:
         | My most horrible abuse of make was a distributed CI where I put
         | a wrapper in the MAKE env var so that recursive make executions
         | would invoke my wrapper which would enqueue jobs for remote
         | workers to pick up
         | [deleted]
         | scott_s wrote:
         | Congrats! You invented Apache Airflow:
         | https://airflow.apache.org
           | Mister_Snuggles wrote:
           | Interesting:
           | > Airflow was started in October 2014 by Maxime Beauchemin at
           | Airbnb. It was open source from the very first commit and
           | officially brought under the Airbnb GitHub and announced in
           | June 2015.
           | I believe I starting building my tool somewhere around 2010,
           | possibly 2011. The core mechanism has been completely
           | unchanged in that time. If Airflow was a thing at the time,
           | I'd have hopefully looked into it. I looked at a handful of
           | similar products and didn't find anything that was a good
           | fit.
           | Based on a really quick skim of the Airflow docs it seems
           | like it checks all of the boxes. Off the top of my head:
           | * LocalExecutor (with some degree of parallelism, assuming
           | the dependencies are all declared properly) seems to do
           | exactly what I want.
           | * I could write an Operator to handle the interaction with
           | the system where the processes actually run. The existing
           | Python script that does this interaction can probably get me
           | 90% of the way there. Due to the nature of what I'm running,
           | any job scheduler will have to tell the target system to do a
           | thing then poll it to wait for the thing to be done. To do
           | this without any custom code, I could just use BashOperator
           | to call my existing script.
           | * It's written in Python, so the barrier to entry (for me) is
           | fairly low.
           | * Converting the existing Makefile to an Airflow DAG is
           | likely something that can be done automatically. We
           | deliberately keep the Makefile very consistent, so a
           | conversion program can take advantage of that.
           | I think my dream of replacing this might have new life!
           | rhacker wrote:
           | But airflow is an abomination... that I am forced to use at
           | my current job.
           | MonkeyMalarky wrote:
           | With the added bonus of not having to learn or maintain
           | Apache Airflow!
         | cerved wrote:
         | That's beautiful, not awful
         | josteink wrote:
         | > All of this was inspired by someone who replaced the rc
         | scripts in their init system with a Makefile in order to allow
         | processes to start in parallel while keeping the dependencies
         | in the right order.
         | Sometimes the most interesting thing is not the story itself,
         | but the story _behind_ the story.
         | This has my interest _peaked_. Is there anywhere else I can
         | read about this?
           | pjot wrote:
           | Just a friendly tip that it's _piqued_ :)
             | shawabawa3 wrote:
             | You never know, maybe it is the peak of their interest and
             | it's all downhill from here
           | [deleted]
       | topspin wrote:
       | My most elaborate use of make was ten years ago to build a
       | bootable, reproducible embedded system image including the OS,
       | application, media files and cryptographic signatures. It's still
       | in active use and no one is complaining.
       | hyperupcall wrote:
       | Honestly, I only find Makefiles useful when I have a tiny C/C++
       | project and need stuff just to compile quickly and easily without
       | the overhead of a real build system.
       | For literally everything else, I found myself using it more as a
       | task runner - and Make doesn't do a great job at it. You end up
       | mixing Bash and Make variables, string interpolation, and it
       | becomes really messy, really fast. Not to mention the footguns
       | associated with Make.
       | I found bake (https://github.com/hyperupcall/bake) to suit my
       | needs (disclaimer: I wrote it). It's literally just a Bash script
       | with all the boilerplate taken care of you - what a task runner
       | is meant to be imo
       | evilotto wrote:
       | The 2 biggest things I find missing in makefiles is the ability
       | to have the "modified date" of a target be something other than
       | the mtime of the target file, and for the dependencies of a
       | target to be generated rather than statically specified. The
       | latter there are workarounds for, but not the former. The
       | author's suggestion of "better support for make docker" is
       | completely the wrong thing to do - you don't need to support
       | docker, you need to support mtimes and dependencies in a way that
       | docker could use.
       | h4l wrote:
       | I've found these guidelines for Makefiles make for a pretty good
       | experience using make: https://tech.davis-hansson.com/p/make/
       | The advice on output sentinel files for rules creating multiple
       | files helps keep rebuilding dependencies reliable. Avoiding most
       | of the cryptic make variables also helps Makefiles to remain
       | easily understandable when you're not frequently working on them.
       | And using .ONESHELL to allow multi-line statements (e.g. loops,
       | conditional etc) is great. No need to contort things into one
       | line. or escape line breaks.
       | Seems like you could even use a more serious programming language
       | instead of sh/bash by setting SHELL to Python or similar. That
       | may be a road to madness though...
         | carapace wrote:
         | > Seems like you could even use a more serious programming
         | language instead of sh/bash by setting SHELL to Python or
         | similar. That may be a road to madness though...
         | TIL.                   SHELL=/usr/bin/python         .ONESHELL:
         | all:           @from plumbum.cmd import ls
         | print(ls["-a"]())
         | It totally works... _Mwoooo ha ha ha haaaa!_
         | zelphirkalt wrote:
         | The problem with .ONESHELL is, that it is for the whole file. I
         | so wish it was per target. That would be really useful. But for
         | the whole file? Maybe I need each line to be a separate shell
         | anywhere in the file and that will make it impossible to use
         | .ONESHELL for the entire file.
           | h4l wrote:
           | It is per target, that's how it works when I've used it. For
           | example:                 # Makefile       SHELL := bash
           | .ONESHELL:       .RECIPEPREFIX = >              thing1:
           | > FOO=bar       > echo "$${FOO:?}"       .PHONY: thing1
           | thing2:       > echo "$${FOO:?}"       .PHONY: thing2
           | Results in:                 $ make thing1 thing2
           | FOO=bar       echo "${FOO:?}"       bar       echo "${FOO:?}"
           | bash: line 1: FOO: parameter null or not set
           | Note how the bash error for unset FOO is line 1 for the
           | second target.
           | Edit: Maybe I misinterpreted, do you mean you'd want to
           | choose whether a given target is ONESHELL or not?
       | philsnow wrote:
       | > File-watcher or live-reloading. You can create a build/deploy
       | loop fairly easily
       | When I worked with latex more, I kept a ~/.Makefile-latex and a
       | shell function that would pretty much just do
       | inotifywait -e modify -e move --recursive --monitor . | while
       | read; do make --makefile ~/.Makefile-latex; done
       | and I kept emacs and xpdf in side-by-side windows. Whenever I'd
       | save a file in emacs (or xfig or whatever), a second later xpdf
       | would refresh the pdf (and stay on the same page). It took away
       | some of the pain of working with latex.
       |  _edit: I used this complicated setup instead of LyX or whatever
       | other "(la)tex IDE" because I had ancillary files like xfig
       | diagrams that would get compiled to .eps files and gnuplot
       | scripts that would render data into graphs, and the makefile knew
       | how to generate everything._
         | kwantam wrote:
         | Very nice! It turns out that latexmk has this functionality:
         | latexmk -pvc -pdf foo.tex
         | (It can be configured to HUP your pdf reader if needed, too.)
         | I usually add something like this command as the `auto` target
         | in my latex Makefiles, which works pretty nicely.
         | earthscienceman wrote:
         | This is funny, because I just wrote a (fish) shell script that
         | does this as well because all of the tex IDEs are so painful.
         | Mostly because the entire efficiency of latex is that you're
         | editing text and can do it in a _text editor_ like emacs and
         | move things around very quickly. I don 't want a new interface!
         | But. I'm kind of proud. My shell script monitors the tex files
         | for character changes and then once a (configurable) threshold
         | of changes is met, it kicks off the compilation process. But
         | the real game changer is that every time it compiles, if the
         | compile is successful it commits the recent edits to a git
         | branch. Then if I want, I can go through the git branch and see
         | the entire history of edits for only versions of the document
         | that compiled. It's a game changer in a big way. When I finish
         | a section, I squash the minor edits into one commit and give it
         | a good message and then commit the full thing to the main
         | branch. Then there is where I can make sure my manuscripts look
         | the way they should and do major revisions or collaborative
         | edits.
         | The icing on the cake is that the fish script monitors for a
         | special keypress and will take actions. So I hit "c" to compile
         | the tex, "b" to rerun the massive bibliography compilations,
         | "s" to squash the commits into the main branch, and "l" to
         | display log errors. It's a dream! Now I don't think about
         | compilation at all, or when I should commit something minor to
         | git (and fiddle with the commands). I just type away and
         | watch/request the pdf refresh when I need it... and _actually_
         | get work done. My god. So happy.
         | I just finished this today.
       | shepherdjerred wrote:
       | I'd encourage anyone thinking of using make to look at
       | alternatives. Make is great, but is quickly becomes a ball of
       | duct-tape. Make works very well when you spend the time to
       | express your dependency tree, but realistically that never
       | happens and people tend to add hacks upon hacks for Makefiles.
       | Not only that, but they don't scale well as your project adds
       | more components, such as integration testing, documentation, etc.
       | I found Earthly[0] to be a great replacement. Everything runs in
       | Docker. Your builds are reproducible, cache-able, and
       | parallelizable by default. I've heard Dagger[1] is another good
       | tool in the space.
       | [0]: https://earthly.dev/
       | [1]: https://dagger.io/
       | keepquestioning wrote:
       | Now we need to banish CMake
         | Koshkin wrote:
         | Yeah, there is something deeply wrong about the whole thing...
         | But what do we replace it with? (Out of desperation, perhaps, I
         | even dreamt of a build system based on a C library, with the
         | usage being, say,                 tcc -run mybuild.c
         | :)
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | People keep saying that, but of the systems I've encountered
         | that use CMake they've worked the most predictably, as opposed
         | to autotools, meson, scons, bazel, or heavenforbid ./build.sh
         | *WRITING* CMake is the 11th circle of hell, but CLion is
         | gradually getting more support for it because they use(d?) it
         | as the first-class project definition when it launched
         | I would pay good money for CMake 4.x to switch to
         | skylark/starlark
       | klodolph wrote:
       | Make is fantastic at what it does well.
       | These days, I would absolutely not use Make to compile code
       | written in C, except for the smallest personal projects. It is
       | just too fussy to construct the Makefile correctly, in a way that
       | you can get correct incremental builds. Nearly any other build
       | system is better at building projects written in C, in the sense
       | that it is easy & straightforward to get your build system to do
       | correct incremental builds.
         | EddySchauHai wrote:
         | Absolutely! Basically every company I've worked with over the
         | last couple years as a contractor followed this methodology and
         | it's grown to be my default runner as it's language agnostic.
         | properparity wrote:
         | > incremental builds
         | I've found that to not matter that much these days - unless
         | your projects is hundreds of thousands (or maybe millions even)
         | of LOC, full builds are instant on modern machines.
           | klodolph wrote:
           | That's definitely not true for:
           | - Most C++ or Rust projects
           | - Medium size or larger C projects
           | - Anything which is built with tools written in JavaScript
           | (due to Node startup time overhead)
           | Stuff where a full build is close enough to instant:
           | - Most Java, C#, Go projects
           | - Small C projects
           | - Tiny/trivial C++ or Rust programs, or C++ programs written
           | for embedded systems
           | This is just my experience. YMMV.
             | stjohnswarts wrote:
             | any sizeable rust or c++ project is gonna take a while to
             | compile in my experience? I tend to break things off into
             | libraries that are faster to compile. Some of my coworkers
             | don't like it but they learn to deal (c++)
         | cassepipe wrote:
         | Advertisement time (not affiliated, just want to share the joy)
         | : I personally use Xmake and try to advertise it every time I
         | get the chance : FOSS, no DSL it's just Lua, dead simple yet
         | featureful, and it is ninja fast, or at least claims to be I
         | never bothered to check that out, it's fast enough for me.
         | https://xmake.io/#/
       | est31 wrote:
       | Make is solving many complicated tasks, like keeping in mind when
       | to re-run some target (there is communication going on with the
       | compilers that provide make .d files so that they know which
       | source files influence a binary), or running job servers managing
       | parallelism that also support nested sub-makes. But it also has
       | many ugly warts. It's hard to design something that solves both
       | those tasks as well as make does, and also as _generalist_ as
       | make does. Often they are solving a subset, what currently itches
       | the main developer. But something that is both as general, and as
       | comprehensive as make, those tools are rare. Ninja for example
       | checks many of the boxes, but lacks make jobserver support.
         | bXVsbGVy wrote:
         | Ninja looks clean because it is new. Give it some decades and
         | it is likely inherit a few of warts make has.
           | aappleby wrote:
           | It's not that new, and in practice there aren't very many
           | ways for it to get warty because it's basically a dependency
           | graph with "run this command line if this node is dirty"
           | attached to the edges.
           | I like it very much.
       | belkarx wrote:
       | There was a post on HN (I believe) a couple of months ago
       | concerning a research paper that explores "What defines a
       | makefile" concluding that by their definition, Excel can be used
       | as one. I've looked around the internet and can't find it, so if
       | anyone else remembers it and has it upvoted or otherwise has the
       | link, posting it would add to this conversation. It had
       | interesting discussion of graphs and requirements and was overall
       | a worthwhile read.
         | yaris wrote:
         | Was it "Build Systems a la Carte" paper? I could not find
         | mentions of it on HN after 2020 though.
           | belkarx wrote:
           | Yes, thank you!
           | Here's the PDF in case anyone else is interested:
           | https://www.microsoft.com/en-
           | us/research/uploads/prod/2018/0...
           | I can't find any actual conversation about it on HN so I
           | won't post the HN link
       | eichin wrote:
       | Aww, noone mentioned that `debian/rules` files are almost always
       | makefiles? (To the point of starting with `#!/usr/bin/make -f`
       | ...)
       | aappleby wrote:
       | Recently I've been much more pleased by the "Unreasonable
       | Effectiveness of Ninja Plus A Few Trivial Scripts".
       | A raw Ninja file is verbose but easy to read and understand, and
       | there is basically no magic happening behind the scenes (well,
       | except for "deps = gcc", but that's minor). Any action that's too
       | complicated to go directly in the Ninja file goes to a "rule
       | command \ command = ${command}" that just runs a python or shell
       | script.
       | The only thing I'd like to add to my setup would be "Ninja with
       | glob support", but again that can be handled in a few lines of
       | Python that spit out another chunk of .ninja rules so it's not
       | really a blocker.
       | falcolas wrote:
       | I love Make. It's a terrible tool for quite a few things, but
       | it's awesome at the thing I use it most for - abstracting away
       | complex series of shell commands behind one or two words. It's
       | like shell aliases that can follow a repo anywhere.
       | make test              make format              make clean
       | make docker-stack
       | Fantastically useful stuff, even if all it's doing is calling
       | language specific build systems in the background.
       | JackFr wrote:
       | Never loved make. First used it in the early nineties and found
       | the syntax obscure and error messages cryptic.
       | My response to this article would be, if make is so great why did
       | they have to invent 'configure' and 'xmkmf'? And why do people
       | continue to create new build tools every couple of years?
       | Yeah, I mean I guess it worked, but unreasonably effective?
       | Hardly.
         | jhallenworld wrote:
         | Eh, they solve different problems. Make is too simple to
         | customize your build to deal with system differences- it just
         | builds your code.
         | falcolas wrote:
         | > why did they have to invent 'configure'
         | Cross-architecture and linux distro compatibility, mostly.
           | compiler-guy wrote:
           | Err, pedantically, configure was not for cross Linux distro
           | compatibility, but for cross unix compatibility. It existed
           | long before Linux was a sparkle in Linus's eye.
           | And even then, it handled even some non unix environments as
           | well.
         | bch wrote:
         | > ... why do people continue to create new build tools every
         | couple of years?
         | Seems like a rite[0] of passage to some degree. Perhaps similar
         | to people talking a stab at The Next Actually Correct CMS, and
         | The Next Object System That Doesn't Suck, or The Next Linux
         | Distro For Smart People.
         | [0] edit: corrected "right V. rite" per
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32442473
           | erik_seaberg wrote:
           | (btw, it's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rite_of_passage)
         | stjohnswarts wrote:
         | i've turned to cmake to do some really weird dependency
         | management for various script calling. It's much more
         | scriptable/friendly than make in its modern form but obviously
         | no python :)
       | ogogmad wrote:
       | Is there a Python library that can check a timestamp and update
       | some files according to a lambda? I don't want to learn Make
       | syntax again.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | if os.stat(object).st_mtime < os.stat(dependency).st_mtime:
         | ...
         | Use a dict to contain each rule:                 rules["a.c"] =
         | (["b.c", "c.c", "b.h", "c.h"], action)       ...
         | That can be simplified as well and then run a simple parser
         | over it that takes a simpler representation and turns it into
         | that dict. Then:                 def make(rules, rule):
         | (deps, action) = rules[rule]         run_rule = len(deps) == 0
         | # if there are no dependencies, the rule always runs
         | for dep in deps:           make(rules, dep)           if
         | os.stat(rule).st_mtime < os.stat(dep).st_mtime: run_rule = True
         | if run_rule: action()
         | Of course, this doesn't actually validate the DAG itself.
         | ----------
         | An amendment: You'll probably want to pass both the rule name
         | and the dependencies into the action function/lambda/object so
         | that you can parameterize it and maybe reuse the action (like a
         | common compiler command):                 if run_rule:
         | action(rule, deps)
       | badrabbit wrote:
       | Autogen/autotools mess however... not so pleasant when it breaks.
       | Curious for those who published source with autotools,etc... do
       | you really sit down and figure that out. It's just a mystery that
       | works or doesn't to me. I never have or would go beyond a simple
       | make file. It really seems tedious on top of the actual code you
       | write. A bit impressive tbh.
         | jbboehr wrote:
         | Yes, I used autotools[0]. It's definitely hairier than plain
         | make, but you get a lot of useful features on top of it.
         | There's thousands of examples all over the internet so it's
         | easy to reference them.
         | I like the elegance of pure make, and do use it when
         | appropriate, but I wouldn't really want to reimplement the
         | things autotools does myself in it.
         | [0]:
         | https://github.com/jbboehr/handlebars.c/blob/master/configur...
       | thinkingkong wrote:
       | I like make. But these days to me the best part about it is that
       | it's a common entry point. Most popular languages come with their
       | own make-esque tools that provide the same experience to
       | developers and systems.
       | Tying together multiple projects, source from different
       | locations, etc Id probably use make or a script.
       | dijit wrote:
       | A company I worked for used make to execute docker, which felt
       | somewhat odd.
       | Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always assumed `make` to be one of
       | those build tools that could incrementally build targets based on
       | dependencies.
       | The arcane and esoteric language that constitutes `make` is
       | almost universally avoided, surely if people need a simple task
       | runner there could be better options?
         | falcolas wrote:
         | Better? Absolutely.
         | More ubiquitous? Not really.
         | I use it for executing docker as well, because the docker
         | command is actually about 5 commands with long lists of
         | parameters. But it's just `make docker-stack` for everyone now.
       | jwilk wrote:
       | It's 500 Internal Server Error for me.
       | Archived copy:
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20220812135641/https://matt-rick...
       | jcoq wrote:
       | This is a remarkably stupid comment but not everything is
       | "unreasonably effective". Mathematics was noted as unreasonably
       | effective for modeling the universe because most areas of
       | mathematics were not invented for the applications they meet...
       | like discovering that your coffee maker doubles as an
       | exceptionally good waffle maker.
       | Makefiles on the other hand, are not unreasonably effective in
       | this sense. Makefiles are, in fact, _reasonably_ effective...
       | like a coffee maker that brews coffee well.
         | [deleted]
       | bjourne wrote:
       | The short article conflates popularity with quality. Windows 3.11
       | became the most sold os in history despite being utter trash.
       | Make is popular because it was the first build system, not
       | because it is not utter trash.
         | BiteCode_dev wrote:
         | Just got out of a python training session with one of my
         | student running w11. Can confirm. So many problems.
         | Seems like one version out of 2 of windows being trouble stills
         | stand.
       | Nexialist wrote:
       | Slightly tangential but I've worked for several companies now
       | that use `make` as a simple command runner, and I have to say
       | it's been a boon.
       | Being able to drop into any repo at work and expect that `make
       | init`, `make test` and `make start` will by convention always
       | work no matter what the underlying language or technology is, has
       | saved me a lot of time.
         | ReadTheLicense wrote:
         | This is standard in Node.js ecosystem and I love it. Each
         | package has scripts in package.json that you can run with _npm
         | run [name]_ , and some of these like start, test or build (and
         | more) are standardized. It's really great DX.
           | patrickthebold wrote:
           | But it's npm, so when you switch to a java project, for
           | example, you have different commands.
             | r3trohack3r wrote:
             | Quite a few companies I've contracted with have lifted the
             | pattern up into Bazel or Gnu Make - for node projects `make
             | lint` can be a pass through.
             | In the project repo, either work.
         | txutxu wrote:
         | Conventions are great, but that doesn't look like anything
         | specific to make, a shell wrapper could do that:
         | #!/bin/sh                  case $1 in             init)
         | ... do whatever for each project init             ;;
         | start)                  ... do whatever for each project start
         | ;;             test)                  ... do whatever for each
         | project tests             ;;             *)
         | echo "Usage: $0 init|start|test" >&2                 exit 1
         | ;;         esac
         | In my home/personal projects I use a similar convention (clean,
         | deploy, update, start, stop, test...), I call those little sh
         | scripts in the root of the repo "runme".
         | The advantage could be, maybe, no need to install make if not
         | present, and no need to learn make stuff if you don't know it.
         | Sometimes they don't match the usual words (deploy, start,
         | stop, etc) but then I know that if I don't remember them, I
         | just type ./runme and get the help.
         | For my scenario, it's perfect because of it's simplicity.
           | kazinator wrote:
           | You can make "make init" work on Windows _and_ Unix if you
           | work at it, out of the same Makefile.
           | The above won't.
           | dymk wrote:
           | A shell wrapper could do that, but Makefiles are a DSL to do
           | exactly that with less boilerplate.
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | And have a nice inbuilt graph runner if you decide one task
             | depends on another...
               | tom_ wrote:
               | Complete with automatic parallelization if you ask for
               | it! And automatic KEY=VALUE command line parsing, default
               | echoing of commands (easily silenced), default barf on
               | subprocess failure (easily bypassed). The variable system
               | also interacts reasonably sensibly with the environment.
               | I've never rated Make for building C programs, but it's
               | pretty good as a convenient cross-platform shell-agnostic
               | task runner. There are also several minimal-dependency
               | builds for Windows, that mean you can just add the exe to
               | your repo and forget about it.
               | marcosdumay wrote:
               | To tell the truth, make sucks incredibly for building
               | modern C programs. There are just too many targets. It's
               | why all of them generate their makefile with some
               | abomination.
               | But it is still a great task runner.
               | natrys wrote:
               | Tbf, that particularity is easily achieved in shell
               | scripts too:                   task1() {             echo
               | hello         }              task2() {
               | task1()             echo world         }
               | "$@"
               | garblegarble wrote:
               | But now update it to not re-run tasks unnecessarily -
               | it's already wordier than a shell script right now.
               | Meanwhile, in Make that's                   task1:
               | echo hello              task2: task1             echo
               | world
               | natrys wrote:
               | True, that's where Make shines. Though given the
               | popularity of so many Make alternatives (the strictly
               | subset of command runner variety, like just[1]) who keep
               | its syntax but not this mechanism, I wonder if for
               | command runner unnecessarily re-running dependencies is
               | really a big deal. Because quite often the tasks are
               | simple and idempotent anyway, and then it's a bit of a
               | hassle to artificially back the target by a dummy file in
               | Make (which your example doesn't do here e.g.).
               | [1] https://github.com/casey/just
           | whateveracct wrote:
           | make gives you autocomplete more easily for free. One reason
           | I use it always.
         | sanderjd wrote:
         | This was the nicest thing about blaze at google. I'm a big
         | believer that having a single standard tool for things is a
         | huge value add, regardless of what the tool is. I didn't really
         | like blaze particularly, and I don't really like make
         | particularly, but it's _amazing_ to just have a single standard
         | that everybody uses, no matter what it is.
           | pornel wrote:
           | Rust's Cargo has the same appeal. There are 90,000 libraries
           | that support cargo build/doc/run/test with no fuss.
         | shoo wrote:
         | I've worked on a few projects that apply this pattern of using
         | a Makefile to define and run imperative commands. A few people
         | develop the pattern independently, then it gets proliferated
         | through the company as part of the boilerplate into new
         | repositories. It's not a terrible pattern, it's just a bit
         | strange.
         | For many junior colleagues, this pattern is the first time
         | they've ever encountered make -- hijacked as some kind of
         | imperative command runner.
         | It's quite rare to run into someone who is aware that make can
         | be used to define rules for producing files from other files.
         | I find it all a bit odd. Of course, no-one is born knowing
         | about middle-aged build tools.
           | arinlen wrote:
           | > _It 's quite rare to run into someone who is aware that
           | make can be used to define rules for producing files from
           | other files._
           | Is it, though?
           | That's literally what Make does as part of its happy path.
           | GNU Make even added support for pattern rules, as this use
           | case is so pervasive.
           | What do you think people think make is about?
             | shoo wrote:
             | oh i agree, that's why i find the situation odd!
             | i'm talking working on projects with people whose first
             | encounter with make is in a project where someone else has
             | defined a Makefile to wrap imperative actions, e.g. `make
             | run-unit-tests`, `make deploy`. If they think about make at
             | all, there's a good chance they think make is for
             | performing imperative actions, and has nothing specifically
             | to do with producing files from other files using rules and
             | a dependency graph, or the idea of a target being a file,
             | or a target being out of date.
           | 3836293648 wrote:
           | This is what I do for all non-rust projects. I knew what it
           | was supposed to do, but wow if it took me forever to figure
           | out how to do it (the connection between rule name and file
           | name is really poorly documented in tutorials, probably
           | should've just read the man page)
             | jbboehr wrote:
             | Yeah, I did this too. It's not that surprising considering
             | that typically end-users only interact with phony targets
             | (all, clean, install, etc).
         | pak9rabid wrote:
         | $ make run-dev
         | That command (to run an Angular/nodejs dev instance has staved
         | off carpel-tunnel syndrome for me for maybe another 5 years.
       | shadowgovt wrote:
       | Does make still basically fail to handle filenames with spaces in
       | them?
       | That was the deal-breaker for me last I checked.
       | davidpfarrell wrote:
       | As these types of post often come around to make's sub-optimal
       | use as general runner, I'd like to point out my project, Run:
       | https://github.com/TekWizely/run
       | It feels like a makefile but is optimized managing and invoking
       | small tasks and wrappers, and auto-generates help text from
       | comments.
       | [deleted]
       | PaulKeeble wrote:
       | Its unfortunate that other build systems haven't taken over. Make
       | is terrible for incremental builds and its reliance on binaries
       | often means issues getting it to run and being very platform
       | dependent. It is better than using a bat or shell file for the
       | same purpose but its a long way behind many of the other language
       | specific tools. I am surprised something better hasn't become
       | popular, Make is the CVS of the build tools.
       | olliej wrote:
       | I find a bunch of the decisions in Make to not be great - but
       | it's all just syntax stuff.
       | At its core all a Makefile is is a dependency graph, which is
       | necessary in all the more advanced config managers, only those
       | others are much more heavyweight than the vast majority of
       | projects ever need. Most code doesn't need to vary arguments or
       | parameters based on the target environment, and so that
       | complexity is unneeded, in which case a Makefile can do it all.
       | BiteCode_dev wrote:
       | Make dsl is terrible, it's the yaml of build systems.
       | If you are a python dev, give doit a try.
         | Koshkin wrote:
         | What is so "terrible" about it? I think the rule syntax is as
         | simple as it gets.
           | vitiral wrote:
           | Required tabs, lines are each their own "script" instead of
           | blocks (allowing variables), not allowing other executors
           | (i.e. python, TCL, etc would be better than sh).
         | nottorp wrote:
         | Interesting that everyone who recommends an alternative to Make
         | picks... something different. I doubt there will be two people
         | recommending the same thing in the whole discussion.
       | qbasic_forever wrote:
       | For a task runner I really like just and its Justfile format:
       | https://github.com/casey/just It is heavily inspired by make but
       | doesn't focus on the DAG stuff (but does support tasks and
       | dependencies). Crucially it has a much better user experience for
       | listing and documenting tasks--just comment your tasks and it
       | will build a nice list of them in the CLI. It also supports
       | passing CLI parameters to task invocations so you can build
       | simple CLI tools with it too (no need to clutter your repo with
       | little one-off CLI tools written in a myriad of different
       | languages).
       | If most of your make usage is a bunch of .PHONY nonsense and
       | tricks to make it so developers can run a simple command to get
       | going, check out just. You will find it's not difficult to
       | immediately switch over to its task format.
         | gurgeous wrote:
         | Seconded - I love just & Justfile. Such an upgrade after trying
         | to force things into package.json scripts. Chaining commands,
         | optional CLI arguments, comments, simple variables, etc. Very
         | simple and a breath of fresh air.
         | davidpfarrell wrote:
         | For those looking for a powerful task runners that feel like a
         | makefile, please take a look at Run:
         | https://github.com/TekWizely/run
         | It's better a managing and invoking tasks and generates help
         | text from comments.
         | kbd wrote:
         | Just seems neat, but except for the dependencies it's just a
         | way to package multiple shell scripts into one file, no?
         | I've thought about trying it out a few times but can never see
         | its value over scripts in ./bin.
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | Scripts in bin have no documentation, no easy way to
           | enumerate them, etc. There is definitely a time and a place
           | for bin scripts, especially as things grow in complexity.
           | However the beauty of just is that there's one file (the
           | justfile) that defines all of your project's actions. You
           | don't have to go spelunking into bin to figure out how to
           | tweak a compiler flag, etc. And since just will run anything
           | there's no reason why your complex bin scripts can't just be
           | called from a simple one liner task in a justfile.
           | Could your write a bash script that does stuff like enumerate
           | all the bin scripts, pull out documentation comments, etc.?
           | Absolutely, and people have followed that pattern for a while
           | (see https://github.com/qrush/sub) but it's a bunch of
           | boilerplate to copy between projects. Just pulls out that
           | logic into a simpler config file.
         | niedzielski wrote:
         | Just looks soooo promising! I don't think I can use it until
         | conventional file target and dependencies are supported though.
         | Right now everything's tasks (phonies) so conventional makefile
         | rules like the following are impractical:                 tic-
         | tac-toe: tic.o tac.o toe.o         cc -o '$@' $^
         | %.o: %.c; cc -c $^
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | You might find checkexec useful to pair with just, it is
           | basically a tool that only does the file-based dependency
           | part of make: https://github.com/kurtbuilds/checkexec
         | dahfizz wrote:
         | I don't understand the use case of `just`. It drops every
         | useful feature from `make`. It doesn't look like it has
         | parallelism or the ability to not needlessly re-run tasks.
         | Even if `just` was installed on a standard Linux box, I don't
         | see the benefit of it over a bash script.
       | throwaway787544 wrote:
       | Declarative isn't important. I wish people would stop talking
       | about it. It's not even useful to think about most of the time
       | because of how many ways it can be interpreted. It's a
       | thereotical categorization, not a functional design principle.
       | Just make the program do useful things for the user. Make the
       | computer work for the human rather than the other way around.
         | shepherdjerred wrote:
         | > Make the computer work for the human rather than the other
         | way around.
         | Ironically is a very concise definition of `declarative`.
         | samatman wrote:
         | This is almost too devoid of content (opinion is not that) to
         | usefully reply, and I suspect you're gesturing at some more
         | specific point I might agree with, or at least understand.
         | Declaration is absolutely a coherent and functional design
         | principle. A declarative system is one in which the outcome is
         | specified and the process is not.
         | This has big payoffs in domains where it's natural. A good
         | example being grammars. It also has hazards, a good example
         | being the performance of algorithms to parse grammars.
         | We can see where a declarative build system might be a mixed
         | bag, because the process itself is imperative: make is an early
         | attempt to reconcile imperative build processes with a
         | declaration of what circumstances require their triggering.
         | Basically every build system since make has improved on make,
         | but they all do more-or-less what make does.
         | The design, in short, is proven, as well as declarative but not
         | purely so.
         | And the ability to reason about the degree to which make is
         | declarative shows that 'declarative' is in fact a coherent
         | idea. But you can't declare software into existence, you must
         | compile it.
         | nimih wrote:
         | I dunno, the "declarative-ness" of `make` is a pretty important
         | component of its usefulness. In particular, the property of
         | `make`, wherein the structure/details of the computation is
         | implicit in the provided configuration and invoked command
         | rather than being explicitly written down somewhere, is central
         | to its utility, since the alternative of just writing a shell
         | script is anecdotally a much less popular option. If you want
         | to propose a more appropriate word to describe such a property
         | which is less buzzwordy, feel free, but in the context of "why
         | does `make` have such enduring popularity", I think the
         | article's author is being quite reasonable in bringing it up.
           | throwaway787544 wrote:
           | You could replace the word "declarative-ness" with
           | "automation" and it'd mean the same thing. And literally all
           | configuration of functionality implies the structure and
           | details of computation - that's the point of configuration,
           | to tell an already assembled program that already has
           | structure and computational details what to do with it.
           | There's no overt distinction between "declarative
           | programming" and "configure a function with value X".
           | Makefiles are simply configuration files that use whitespace
           | and a couple characters to create the configuration, and what
           | Make's inbuilt functions do with that determine the extent to
           | which the result becomes "more intelligent". Yes they are
           | used to build a graph and execute it, but so is Dotfile
           | notation, and software package configuration files. But we
           | don't call those declarative programming. Many of those
           | configuration files create multiple levels of instructions
           | and require several passes to execute properly. But we just
           | call them "config files" because we don't feel they are
           | intellectually superior enough to be called a form of
           | programming. And on the other hand, we don't call declarative
           | programming "configuration", but they're often the same
           | thing.
           | Nobody says they "imperatively configure" some software, but
           | they do consider themselves "declaratively configuring" it.
           | Because they've overloaded the word "declare" as if it means
           | something other than "write down a thing I want a computer to
           | eventually do with some automation". People bring up the
           | declarative thing because they want to imagine there's some
           | intellectual value to considering it, but there isn't. You're
           | basically saying "I want to configure a program rather than
           | write one". Which is fine. But just say that and stop
           | pretending that's going to immediately lead to a better
           | result.
             | Banana699 wrote:
             | Configuration doesn't have to be declarative, for example
             | see https://lukeplant.me.uk/blog/posts/less-powerful-
             | languages/, in particular the section about python
             | configuration, where an imperative configuration language
             | is discussed. How imperative? Very. It's a line-oriented
             | language, where the program reads a line and changes
             | something in an internal data structure accordingly then
             | continue reading the file. This is imperative, the person
             | writing the configuration file has to think about state and
             | time while writing the file, not just abstract goal states
             | and facts.
             | Declarative vs. Imperative is a spectrum. For instance,
             | there is a declarative language hiding inside most
             | imperative languages : Infix Math. 1+2*3/71**7 is
             | declarative because it under-specifies the order of
             | operation, only the data flow dependencies implied by
             | operator precedence needs to be respected. In the
             | precedence hierarchy I had in mind when I wrote it, You can
             | do 2*3 first or 71**7 first, it's unspecified and
             | irrelevant. I only ask that you do both before you perform
             | the division of their results, and that the addition is the
             | last operation. Meanwhile, in Forth, math is imperative,
             | you have to unroll the expression tree into an exact
             | sequence.
             | Declarative is any language that under-specifies the task
             | being described. Therefore, every language worth using is
             | declarative to some degree or the other. After all, that is
             | the very purpose of a high level language : to under-
             | specify a task by describing only the most essential of
             | details, all the abstracted details are taken care of by
             | either inference (compiler figures it out, possibly
             | according to rules that you need to be aware of) or
             | exhaustive checking (compiler generates all possible cases
             | and code to select among them at runtime, or very generic
             | code that can handle all cases uniformly). If, like Alan
             | Perlis says, "A low level language is that which requires
             | attention to the irrelevant", then every good language is
             | already declarative in some sense, you omit things and they
             | get taken care of automatically, that's what Decorative
             | means.
             | You can say you hate buzzwords, I empathize. You can just
             | say that make is bad software (trivially true, or we
             | wouldn't have needed software to _generate_ makefiles,
             | effectively making them a machine code that isn 't meant to
             | be written by humans) and that being declarative doesn't
             | make it any less bad. Declarative vs. Imperative are just
             | names for design decisions, they guide a language designer
             | but don't have the power to make a language good single-
             | handedly.
             | wnoise wrote:
             | The builder pattern is imperative configuration.
       | kazinator wrote:
       | Anyone who finds make unreasonably effective must be working with
       | GNU Make.
       | If I had to use some barely POSIX conforming thing from BSD thing
       | or wherever, I'd instead write a write a top-to-bottom linear
       | shell script full of conditionals.
         | makapuf wrote:
         | In that case,a good habit is to name those GNUMakefile. Works
         | the same, but announce gnu make (which is the one worth it)
       | bXVsbGVy wrote:
       | I'm trying to understand why so many people seems to hate make.
       | I hate building system that don't use Makefile, or that use but
       | don't respect the variable convention. It makes really quite
       | annoying to do things like changing allocation library, add
       | compilers flags, etc.
         | TylerE wrote:
         | Because gnu autotools blows goats. Oh, and the tab thing.
           | gbrown_ wrote:
           | make != autoconf
             | TylerE wrote:
             | Yes, but 99% of the makefiles you encounter in the wild
             | comes from autotools.
               | dima55 wrote:
               | This isn't at all true, in my experience. If it's true
               | for you, please consider that your issues are about
               | autotools and not Make, and direct your complaints in
               | that direction.
               | stjohnswarts wrote:
               | the vast majority of the ones I encounter are from
               | cmake...
           | tpoacher wrote:
           | surely it blows gnus rather than goats?
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | As a build system make wasn't really designed to handle stuff
         | like partial rebuilds, caching, or distributed building. Modern
         | build systems like bazel are just orders and orders of
         | magnitude faster and better for complex projects.
         | dima55 wrote:
         | Yeah. As far as I can tell, most people complaining about Make,
         | and building its replacements haven't figured out how to use
         | Make, or bothered to read the manual. It's really not that
         | complicated...
           | nhooyr wrote:
           | 100% agreed. Half these comments make no sense and
           | demonstrate a real ignorance of make. Please everyone read
           | the manual and judge make for make, not autotools...
           | [deleted]
       | jhallenworld wrote:
       | To go along with Make, use this technique to automatically
       | generate and include dependency information:
       | https://scottmcpeak.com/autodepend/autodepend.html
       | And this, avoid recursive make:
       | https://accu.org/journals/overload/14/71/miller_2004/
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