[HN Gopher] DTrace-on-Windows
       Author : thunderbong
       Score  : 100 points
       Date   : 2022-08-19 10:27 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | tobinfekkes wrote:
       | Yesterday, Bryan Cantrill was on the homepage for learning via
       | screaming at a server, now he's back here for an equally useful
       | contribution :)
       | stevemk14ebr wrote:
       | While amazing, this Microsoft implementation has some
       | limitations. See my adaptation / reimplementation here
       | https://github.com/mandiant/STrace
         | 4ad wrote:
         | Yours doesn't even support the D language, which is the most
         | useful part of DTrace.
         | Also it lacks the most important property of DTrace -- safety.
         | With DTrace you can't crash the machine. Unless I am
         | misunderstanding something, your code doesn't have this
         | property.
           | stevemk14ebr wrote:
           | Yes, you do misunderstand. The D language is terrible, it has
           | no loops, no functions, it is not a usable language beyond
           | basic scripts. The _good_ part of the windows implementation
           | is the kernel interfaces, which is what my design uses. The
           | entire point of this research was to discard the D language.
           | My implementation(s) allow you to use C++ 17, or Web Assembly
           | instead. These are significantly more powerful languages. The
           | Web Assembly scripts are a demonstration of using the same
           | 'safe' architecture as DTrace. While the C++17 DLL system is
           | a demonstration of an 'unsafe' but more powerful design.
           | If you think DTrace can't crash the system, you are mistaken.
             | adamrezich wrote:
             | to clarify for the uninitiated like myself: this "D" is not
             | the Walter Bright "D", but a language specifically for
             | DTrace.
       | anaisbetts wrote:
       | Windows since Vista actually has a similar tool called ETW that
       | is insanely powerful and worth a look as well. It also has its
       | own analyzer tool called XPerf to help you understand the data
       | you capture.
         | 4ad wrote:
         | ETW is not similar at all to DTrace, a fact explained in the
         | README of the linked repository.
         | I am not privy to Microsoft's decision to port (and ship!)
         | DTrace to Windows, but I would imagine its advantages compared
         | to ETW had something to do with it...
           | anaisbetts wrote:
           | It is similar in the types of problems you would try to solve
           | with both tools, and the data that you can collect - not in
           | their design. Both allow you to gather extremely detailed
           | performance and trace information about a running system,
           | without having to explicitly stop/restart running processes.
             | 4ad wrote:
             | > without having to explicitly stop/restart running
             | processes.
             | With DTrace you not only don't have to restart processes,
             | but you don't have to _recompile_ them. ETW is glorified
             | logging. Logging is useful, but dynamic tracing is
             | transformatively different. I can 't recompile the Windows
             | kernel to add missing ETW probes, but I can use DTrace to
             | probe it just fine.
       | 0mp wrote:
       | It's pretty cool to see it forked off the OpenDTrace repository
       | on GitHub.
       | jongalloway2 wrote:
       | Blog post with more info (2019):
       | https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-kernel-intern...
       | flakiness wrote:
       | Why now, and why DTrace (vs BPF)? Looking at the doc [1]:
       | > Check that you are running a supported version of Windows. The
       | current download of DTrace is supported in the Insider builds of
       | 20H1 Windows after version 18980 and Windows Server Build 18975.
       | Installing this version of DTrace on older versions of Windows
       | can lead to system instability and is not recommended. The
       | archived version of DTrace for 19H1 is available at Archived
       | Download DTrace on Windows. Note that this version of DTrace is
       | no longer supported.
       | So it's not "now", but has been there for a while. Also it might
       | not be very helpful to align with BPF anyway as the kernel itself
       | is totally different thus any tool reuse wouldn't be very
       | practical.
       | [1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-
       | hardware/drivers/de...
         | stevemk14ebr wrote:
         | Dtrace was added to windows before the bpf system was. This is
         | a bit over two years old now.
           | flakiness wrote:
           | You made me realize that Windows does supprot BPF! I saw that
           | before but forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder! Such a
           | crazy operating system (an applause.)
           | https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/opensource/2021/05/10/makin.
           | ..
         | 0mp wrote:
         | It probably helps that OpenDTrace has a published specification
         | that you can use to not only to reimplement bits of DTrace from
         | scratch but also to agree on a common behavior across many
         | operating systems: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/techreports/UCAM-
         | CL-TR-924.pdf
       | CoastalCoder wrote:
       | My impression is that on open-source operating systems, some of
       | DTrace's / eBPF's value lies in the ability to monitor kernel
       | internals.
       | If that's true, is DTrace as valuable on Windows, where computer
       | owners don't have access to the OS's source code?
       | For example, I'd love to use a tool like DTrace to monitor
       | if/when/what telemetry data is being gathered and sent to
       | Microsoft. But I imagine that's not possible for regular people
       | like me.
         | 4ad wrote:
         | Fortunately, Microsoft publishes symbols for the Windows
         | kernel.
       | wicket wrote:
       | > One of the more useful debugging advances that have arrived in
       | the last decade is DTrace.
       | DTrace arrived over 17 years ago with the launch of Solaris 10.
       | EddySchauHai wrote:
       | Where do you guys learn about using eBPF? It'd be really useful
       | for my work, I think, but then most intros I see start with
       | 'Recompile the Linux distro' or something and that just seems too
       | much effort to get going?
         | FooBarWidget wrote:
         | I wrote an intro for bpftrace:
         | https://www.joyfulbikeshedding.com/blog/2019-01-31-full-syst...
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