[HN Gopher] Coping with Copilot
       Coping with Copilot
       Author : lameda
       Score  : 209 points
       Date   : 2022-08-20 14:49 UTC (8 hours ago)
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       | WoodenChair wrote:
       | I wrote an essay "Introductory Programming Assessment Must
       | Accommodate Copilot-like Assistants" about this same topic last
       | month and came to the option 3 conclusion (use more exams or in-
       | class live coding assignments):
       | http://www.observationalhazard.com/2022/07/introductory-prog...
       | adrian17 wrote:
       | Extra nitpick regarding generated code: the
       | `quicksort_random_pivot` implementation isn't what people
       | commonly mean by "quicksort", as in: it's not in-place. This
       | means that some properties like space complexity are also going
       | to be different than what's usually expected of quicksort.
       | pydry wrote:
       | A professor could put up an almost correct but slightly wrong
       | answer on github or even a right answer with a copyright trap.
       | So it might be more like bringing a tennis racket to a grenade
       | fight.
       | highwaylights wrote:
       | If what you're asking of these students can easily be automated
       | by a tool then the problem is in the assignment. Either don't
       | request it, knowing it can be automated with ease, or accept that
       | bubble sorts are a long solved problem and move on to teaching
       | other things.
       | Lest anyone think I'm saying don't teach important concepts or
       | that such things no longer matter: there's a whole world of
       | principles and fundamentals that can be taught and assessed
       | without fizzbuzzing 100 students who already had access to Google
       | and StackOverflow before Copilot came along.
       | Yes, directly assessing hands-on coding would be much better, but
       | these tiny snippets aren't really indicative of real-world tasks
       | that will be needed anyway (given that almost anything so
       | foundational will almost certainly be in a standard library), it
       | doesn't really prepare students for real-world development work,
       | and there's a general expectation that new graduates are going to
       | be _very very green_ and therefore need a lot of handholding
       | regardless. Even more than that, you've no way of detecting
       | plagiarism already in these assignments given that a couple of
       | basic rename refactors is going to stop you from proving the code
       | was lifted from elsewhere to begin with.
         | Merad wrote:
         | > If what you're asking of these students can easily be
         | automated by a tool then the problem is in the assignment.
         | Either don't request it, knowing it can be automated with ease,
         | or accept that bubble sorts are a long solved problem and move
         | on to teaching other things.
         | If assignments that are easily automated are a waste of time,
         | do you have any suggestions on how instructors should help
         | students move from "I know literally nothing about writing
         | code" to "I know the basics well enough to solve problems that
         | aren't trivially generated by Copilot"? In my anecdotal
         | experience (albeit years ago) as a graduate assistant, for
         | students who are totally new to programming that phase often
         | lasts throughout the typical intro to CS course and it's not
         | unusual for it to stretch into the second level course.
       | Arch-TK wrote:
       | While copilot does great on short simple fundamental problems, it
       | sucks (and requires good attention and experience to find all the
       | bugs in generated solutions) when solving anything more
       | difficult. Although I can totally see how this would make
       | teaching the basics difficult.
       | That being said, I think Microsoft should be fined $100B every
       | time they give one of their products away for free to students.
       | Hopefully that will be sufficient incentive for them to stop so
       | being so overtly anti-competitive.
       | Jamie9912 wrote:
       | Had to disable Javascript on your site because of the awful
       | hijacked scroll smoothing
       | meltyness wrote:
       | My proudest moment was in an embedded systems course, the teacher
       | asked for a function to generate fibonacci linearly in assembly,
       | there was a reaalllllly long pause, and I barked the answer
       | across the classroom. I vividly remember some stunned, disgusted
       | glances.
       | [deleted]
       | copperx wrote:
       | GitHub/Microsoft know what's up, because they make Copilot free
       | for students, but teachers have to pay for it. The best thing for
       | Copilot is to keep teachers as oblivious as possible.
       | cothrow_away wrote:
       | Euclid said that there is no royal road to geometry. People who
       | pick the royal road end up elsewhere. In a society that grades
       | them and acts on these grades, it may very well end up on a
       | king's throne. But not geometry.
       | shakow wrote:
       | Could you just use another teaching language? Does copilot work
       | as well with e.g. Racket, Raku or Pascal, which all seem like
       | decent CS101 languages to me?
         | SoftTalker wrote:
         | Students don't like learning languages that they are not going
         | to use professionally. They want to learn Python, Javascript,
         | maybe Java or C#.
         | This is another clear indicator that most students today see
         | college as a higher class trade school, not as a place of
         | higher learning.
         | infinityio wrote:
         | To quote the article:
         | > Here's an approach that'll work for sure: use some, let's
         | call them alternative, programming languages that Copilot
         | doesn't really know. (...) Sadly, I have news: Copilot's love
         | for programming languages knows no bounds! Racket! Haskell! ML!
         | (...) Copilot is a ravenous beast: if any code in any language
         | found its way into a GitHub repo, it's already swallowed it up
         | and is hungry for more, nom nom nom.
         | Not sure how true this is in practice - I only used Copilot
         | once, with Python - but if it is that might invalidate this
         | concept
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | If it doesn't now, it will quickly if that solution is adopted.
         | emeryberger wrote:
         | Hi all - article author here.
         | A reader of my article sent me this note, pointing me to some
         | relevant hot-off-the-presses work (reproduced with permission):
         | -----
         | A group recently evaluated the performance of Codex (and
         | another model) on 18 programming languages:
         | https://nuprl.github.io/MultiPL-E/
         | The high-order bits are:
         | 1. The latest and greatest Codex is now twice as good on its
         | own benchmark suite than the original version published a year
         | ago.
         | 2. It's just as good on Python as it is on JS, Scala, C++,
         | Swift, TypeScript... and other languages are not too far
         | behind. It's not bad at _bash_ of all things.
         | Paper here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.08227
           | [deleted]
       | yosito wrote:
       | As someone who's used machine translation as a tool to learn 2
       | human languages, which I eventually gained fluency in, I'm really
       | tired of AI being considered "cheating". Yes, you can use it to
       | approximate answers to questions and be fairly certain those
       | answers are correct. But you can also use it as a tool in your
       | learning process to help you fill in the gaps until you're all
       | the way there. In language, it's quite obvious that _using_ the
       | language will increase your abilities over time. In programming,
       | that may not be so intuitive, but it 's also true. The more
       | software you build, the more you will understand about building
       | software well, even if you use Copilot to help write your
       | algorithms. I think the "problem" here is that tools like this
       | make it difficult to enforce that _others_ learn something. But
       | for self-directed people, who are committed to learning and
       | understanding what they are doing, AI is more of a useful tool
       | than a cheat.
       | superb-owl wrote:
       | While this will definitely be an issue in the short term, it's
       | part of a long standing series of panics where a new technology
       | develops, and everyone worries that we'll lose the skills it
       | abstracts away.
       | And to some degree we will! I certainly can't do long division
       | anymore, and I struggle to navigate my own neighborhood without
       | GPS. This is a bit sad, but I think something of an
       | inevitability.
       | If history is any guide, academics should embrace the new tech
       | and try to teach students bigger things that copilot can't yet
       | handle, with the assumption that they'll use copilot to fill in
       | some details--the same way we now teach students to use graphing
       | calculators to solve problems that would have been out of reach
       | for their grandparents.
       | There are so many things I never learned as an undergrad because
       | we were too focused on algorithms. Database design, testing
       | strategies, different architectures, programming language design,
       | etc. Maybe these things can come to the forefront of the
       | curriculum if we don't need to drill basic algorithms.
         | svnpenn wrote:
         | > I certainly can't do long division anymore, and I struggle to
         | navigate my own neighborhood without GPS
         | These are not the same thing at all. Yes calculators and such
         | have largely made long division pointless, but it's still quite
         | useful being able to get around without GPS. especially around
         | construction, GPS is awful.
         | You need to know the limits of the tools you're using. If you
         | just say "I'm always going to use GPS, because it's always
         | better" you are really doing yourself a disservice.
       | tommyage wrote:
       | Who should fix the bugs in the future? Nerds? Where are they
       | coming from 60 years from now?
       | E(very) S(ingle) W(ord) S(hould) be (no [ACCEPTED] completion
       | here) W(ritten) W(ith) C(onscience). You should be responsible
       | for your code submitted. Are your feeling confident?
       | Won't touch Co-Pilot. Probably you are spending equal time proof
       | reading than _understanding what needs to be written_ in advance.
       | At least that is what I am hoping about. Of course you don't have
       | to proof read, and most things can probably be grasp in a glance.
       | But you rely on a black-box. From a corporation. To me that
       | sounds like agreeing with a dictator.
       | Wouldn't promise my craftmanship for things I didn't grasp in
       | advance. But maybe that's a culture hindrance. I like it though.
       | I want to know the code I am corrected about. I want to archive
       | mastery.
       | muhehe wrote:
       | I've read the title as "copilot with copilot" and thought that
       | copilot leaked some parts of itself :)
       | BiteCode_dev wrote:
       | While it is true code pilot is quite amazing and can produce some
       | very decent snippets, if the exercice you give is specific
       | enought (using a special database schema, file format, or API),
       | with objectives that are not common (ask the user specific
       | questions, and draw conclusions out of it or react to events),
       | then it cannot produce a fully working program. I use code pilot
       | regularly now, and it does speed up my work, but I can't do
       | anything with it without understanding the problem at hand.
       | There is nothing wrong with the student assemblings and fixing
       | parts of code that exist. Doing that requires understanding those
       | parts, how they interacts and what you can do with them. It's not
       | killing tests. Plus as professionals, we all do that anyway.
       | Heck, I learned doing that. I'm paid doing that.
       | However, there is something wrong with academic exercices that I
       | see in the wild. Things that are very abstracts, requiring way
       | more than programming knowledge, or stuff that are asked out of
       | context completely. Students are both understimulated, and given
       | too hard bites to chew. It's a terrible way to learn, and to be
       | tested IMO.
       | Tests nowaday don't tests for knowledge, they test either for
       | compliance, or act as a filter instead of a feedback loop. This
       | is not education.
       | In fact, I've yet to see school IT course that I didn't find
       | deeply flawed, and I completely understand the students for
       | cheating at them to that they can suffer as little as possible.
       | They are not given a chance to prove themself or progress, they
       | are not respected. They are forced fed junk and asked to spit it
       | back all shiny.
       | I remember when I was a student, and I went to 11 different
       | schools because of my twisted life. They all sucked. And I say
       | that as I spent half my student life at the top of my class grade
       | ladder.
       | I regret having cheated so rarely now.
         | NikolaNovak wrote:
         | As I moved as well, I experienced three different Canadian
         | universities' Computer Science Program.
         | There was only one professor and course that I still remember
         | 20 years later: CS408, Software Engineering, Professor Wortman,
         | UofToronto.
         | Class project was in four phases, cumulative (basic
         | functionality for the application in phase 1, progressively
         | additional functionality in other phases, frequently strongly
         | interacting with previous phase code).
         | Here's the kicker: After each phase, you had to _swap your
         | code_ with another team. So you had to pick up somebody else 's
         | code, figure it out, and then build up on it.
         | Few of us that had real-world working experience loved the
         | course and flourished in it. This is what we are training for!
         | This is what programming is like! You are taking real code and
         | building a real thing with it!
         | About 250 other students signed a petition to the Dean on how
         | this is unfair and awful and they will _not_ put up with it.
         | They were just too used to  / spoiled by 16 years of 5
         | assignments per semester with abstract, entirely separate
         | questions of 1.a), 1.b), 1.c), etc.
         | All I could think of - if you did not like this course, you are
         | about to not enjoy next 4-5 decades of your life :D
         | Other than this one course, I can say that I'm a prolific,
         | enthusiastic, life-long learner, and my university experience
         | was the absolute dumps - it was far less about learning, and
         | far more about bureaucratic hoops and artificial constraints
         | and restrictions. I was top of the class in some hard courses
         | (generative compilers etc), mid-pack in the some of meh
         | courses, but in retrospective, my life opened up when I was
         | done with academia and could work and learn in the 'real
         | world'.
           | x86x87 wrote:
           | > Here's the kicker: After each phase, you had to swap your
           | code with another team. So you had to pick up somebody else's
           | code, figure it out, and then build up on it.
           | This is hilarious and is a good example of how sw engineering
           | works in the real world. Love it.
           | bobwaycott wrote:
           | Hats off to your prof. This is such a brilliant idea for how
           | to teach, anchored in a solid reflection of what "doing the
           | job" is like day-to-day outside the academic context.
           | johndough wrote:
           | > After each phase, you had to swap your code with another
           | team.
           | I'd expect that most students would just "rewrite" the code
           | they received from the other team and replace it with their
           | own.
             | DangitBobby wrote:
             | I'm sure that various strategies for gaming the system were
             | anticipated and prohibited.
           | yosito wrote:
           | > you had to swap your code with another team. So you had to
           | pick up somebody else's code, figure it out, and then build
           | up on it
           | Genius idea! Though if my professors did this, I may have
           | been scared away from a career in programming
           | jcranmer wrote:
           | There are a few issues with this kind of assignment.
           | The first issue is that it's really hell on the TAs with all
           | of the administrative work needed to do the swapping between
           | phases. Software engineering is already one of the more
           | annoying classes to TA, and this makes it even less
           | palatable.
           | The bigger issue is that, on the basis of fairness, you grade
           | in later phases is very heavily dependent on factors that are
           | outside of your control. If you get someone's code who just
           | didn't complete the assignment--that is probably going to
           | happen once a semester--you are going to be at a
           | disadvantage. Even if there is an option to appeal to the TAs
           | and get the unacceptable code base replaced with an
           | acceptable one, that's still likely to be a few days' worth
           | of work lost learning the codebase, discovering its
           | incompleteness, and now you have to start over _again_.
           | I'll also point out that it's not exactly real-world
           | experience. It is extremely rare that someone will be dumped
           | on a codebase without a prior author remaining on to help
           | them ramp up on the code.
             | haskellandchill wrote:
             | > It is extremely rare that someone will be dumped on a
             | codebase without a prior author remaining on to help them
             | ramp up on the code.
             | what? I must be living a rare life.
               | ticviking wrote:
               | Most of my major professional achievements involve
               | jumping into code like this, and solving some problem
               | anyhow.
               | x86x87 wrote:
               | Hahahaha. Most of the times the author has moved on a
               | long time ago.
               | filoleg wrote:
               | Yeah, that statement was the only thing that stuck out to
               | me in an, otherwise, pretty good writeup that I mostly
               | agree with.
               | The only times I can think of where the previous author
               | was able to help was either during onboarding (where you
               | are expected to be given smaller-scope tasks with the
               | context of that code being predefined for you) or during
               | work on certain specific singular projects as a team.
               | But at any large big tech company, you are probably gonna
               | be jumping around more than a few different codebases
               | (more often than not, large and being worked on for
               | years), even if you work on a singular team/product. And
               | most of the time, you are expected to figure as much as
               | possible on your own, only reaching out to the people
               | when you get stuck or encounter a specific issue. Other
               | than that, you are expected to be able to build at least
               | a janky proof of concept with as little help as possible.
               | Most of the time, the help I sharply needed was rather
               | targeted and not really related to the code itself
               | overall. It would be something that is kind of extremely
               | difficult to guess on your own without it being
               | explicitly told (aside from docs/code comments), things
               | like "everything looks fine, but I get stuck at this auth
               | step, what's wrong there?" - "oh yeah, you gotta auth as
               | a part of this specific group, so you need to be added to
               | this security group in this config file".
               | I am not trying to say that i am some genius and can get
               | the structure and overall mental model of how a codebase
               | works all on my own easily, only with the specific
               | "gotchas" (like the ones mentioned in a paragraph above)
               | giving me issues. Not at all. The only way I can mentally
               | get a structure of the codebase and how the whole system
               | works and operates (even as a rough/simplified model) is
               | by looking at the design docs/documentation (very
               | helpful, but far from sufficient on its own, more like a
               | supplementary material of variable quality) and, most
               | importantly, making small code changes and debugging the
               | code using breakpoints to see how it all flows and where.
               | Imo, understanding code through debugging and reading a
               | lot into the code is an irreplaceable step for
               | understanding a section of any significantly-sized
               | codebase.
             | ticviking wrote:
             | I had a similar software engineering course experience to
             | the one above with a lot of things out of my control.
             | I got an A. By being humble reflective and proactive,
             | showing the instructor that I was looking for solutions to
             | the problem and giving an appropriate amount of time and
             | effort to the class.
             | x86x87 wrote:
             | I would expect that code you get from Stage N-1 is
             | functional across a range of tests that are agreed upon
             | upfront.
             | For the fairness aspect, I would also let students pick any
             | Stage N-1 that is not their previous N-1. That would also
             | teach em that not all is created equal (and probably
             | identify approaches / ideas that they can incorporate in
             | their work)
               | ericbarrett wrote:
               | I love this idea. Maybe some extra credit if your Stage
               | N-1 is the most popular choice?
             | JackFr wrote:
             | I think you could remove a lot of your fairness and
             | logistical concerns by at stage N choosing one solution and
             | everyone group has to start from there.
             | Now for pedagogical purposes it might be that the professor
             | chooses the best solution or a substantially worse
             | solution.
             | There might be some concern that this unfairly advantages
             | one group over the others but it's not completely clear to
             | me that it does.
               | jefftk wrote:
               | You could also choose two, which then ensures no team
               | starts with their own work from the previous phase
           | corbin wrote:
           | > About 250 other students signed a petition to the Dean on
           | how this is unfair and awful and they will not put up with
           | it.
           | That behaviour by the students disgusts me.
           | bogdanu wrote:
           | Wow, your professor had an amazing idea! I wonder why isn't
           | this strategy more common in college classes.
           | bcrosby95 wrote:
           | My software engineering teacher did something similar. We had
           | a giant group project that had to be worked on by the whole
           | class. He split the class into 5 groups of 5, and we divided
           | the work by group, and groups had to work together to
           | integrate with each other.
       | unnouinceput wrote:
       | Quote: "Oh, have I mentioned that Copilot is free for students?
       | Yep, COPILOT IS FREE FOR STUDENTS. It integrates helpfully right
       | in their favorite IDEs."
       | Does it integrate with Lazarus?
       | debbiedowner wrote:
       | Just don't grade HW and have handwritten quizzes and tests in
       | class? (Yes, the grad students will suffer when grading... unless
       | you pay them and then they will be lining up)
       | hospadar wrote:
       | I've always thought that the ability to communicate to other
       | humans about programs and to be able to synthesize a conceptual
       | understanding from looking at code are highly valuable and
       | sometimes-overlooked in the workplace. Assignments to write a
       | function don't really demonstrate either skill.
       | Maybe more assignments like:
       | - "Here is a function that is supposed to generate a fibonacci
       | sequence, but it is not correct, explain why"
       | - Here is a sort function. What is the name of the algorithm
       | implemented by this sort function?
       | The reality of any career in CS is going to involve a lot of
       | maintenance/understanding of existing code any systems. Copilot's
       | failure to replace all human programmers isn't because of it's
       | inability to cough up complex code, it's because it can't
       | communicate with the product owner, debug a program amidst a
       | time-sensitive incident, or explain its work.
         | dwohnitmok wrote:
         | Those two questions are definitely within the reach of current
         | AI. Not within 100%, but probably better than 70%.
           | emeryberger wrote:
           | Agreed. I just tried this by writing three sort functions
           | named "some_sort", "another_sort", and "yet_another_sort". I
           | started comments after each with "# The algorithm used in
           | some_sort is known as: " and Copilot correctly completed them
           | in all three cases (bubble, insertion, and merge).
       | MarcScott wrote:
       | And old colleague of mine used to teach CS, when students had to
       | send off code they'd written to Cambridge University for it to be
       | compiled and run, and the results were then returned, all by
       | post.
       | Then you were able to compile and run code locally on your
       | machine. Then the IDEs came along, with syntax highlighting and
       | then linting.
       | Copilot is just the next evolution in writing code, and saving
       | you the effort. I bet they railed against Timsort and it's
       | inclusion in the Python standard library, but now who honestly
       | writes their own sorting algorithms?
       | This kind of generational gap reminds me so much of the "Kids are
       | spending too much time reading" > "Kids are spending too much
       | time watching TV" > "Kids are spending too much time on their
       | phones" rants.
       | social_quotient wrote:
       | How does medical school, law school, and non-CS engineering
       | resolve this?
       | Seems like they would have had to solve the "how do I know what
       | you know you know issue".
         | tzs wrote:
         | In law school there generally isn't any homework in classes
         | about the law. The only classes with homework will usually be
         | classes in legal research or in classes that cover non-legal
         | subjects from a legal perspective. As an example of the later,
         | at my school there was a "Quantitative Methods in Law" class
         | that basically was an introductory statistics class focused on
         | applications involving law.
         | For the classes that are about the law (contracts, torts,
         | criminal procedure, etc) it pretty much all comes down to
         | exams. I only had one take-home exam [1]. All the others were
         | in-class.
         | The exam questions were mostly essay questions. There would be
         | a couple paragraphs or so describing some situation, and you
         | would be asked what the legal outcome should be. Your essay
         | needed to identify the legal issues involved, cite the relevant
         | cases and/or statutes, and argue how those applied to the facts
         | of the case to support the result you were trying to argue.
         | [1] Note: I am not a lawyer. I went to law school when I got
         | burned out with programming. By the end of law school I was no
         | longer burned out, and decided I'd rather be a programmer who
         | knows a good bit about law than a lawyer who knows a good bit
         | about programming.
       | GrumpyYoungMan wrote:
       | Straight up assembly language, preferably Motorola MC680x0 or
       | some other contemporary that was meant to be coded by hand; it's
       | the only way, man! Plus students will gain some appreciation for
       | how microprocessors actually work.
       | In the same vein, just have them write code out on paper during
       | exams and coding competitions like the way we did it back in my
       | day. It's not as if they're not going to need that skill anyway
       | when they get whiteboarded during interview loops when even the
       | most lenient employers get exasperated at "CoPilot-only"
       | graduates.
       | </tongue-in-cheek>
       | somenameforme wrote:
       | Do people no longer generally have exams on paper?
       | For lower level courses we had online assignments, and pen and
       | paper exams - which is where the majority of the course grade
       | came from. If you didn't [intimately] know what you were doing on
       | the assignments, you'd fail the classes due to the tests.
       | brundolf wrote:
       | Eh, it's always been super easy to cheat on programming
       | assignments. Often they're variants on toy problems that have
       | been used in the past, or worst-case, you could crowdsource an
       | answer on stackoverflow or Reddit
       | Just make sure Copilot is explicitly against the rules, there's
       | not much more you can do than that
       | twodave wrote:
       | Programming and, even more so, software engineering are _trade
       | skills_. There will ALWAYS be "cheaters" but you will know them
       | by the end product of their work. Yes, it's important to
       | understand the fundamentals. An unwillingness to learn these
       | things is a great indicator that you will be a failure as a
       | professional. As another commenter mentioned, the focus on grades
       | at all makes the problem worse.
       | More important than even fundamentals, though, is modeling a
       | successful software development mindset and problem solving
       | technique. Too many professors have not _had_ any success in
       | software development, which is sad. I can count dozens of
       | examples of my own personal growth that could have been handled
       | in college, that I instead ended up inflicting on my first
       | employer.
       | lfkdev wrote:
       | With that logic using a calculator is also cheating.
         | tgv wrote:
         | On an arithmetic test, yes, it is.
       | pavelboyko wrote:
       | This reminds me of a story that an old professor of theoretical
       | physics told me. In the early nineties, he left the former Soviet
       | Union for the United States to teach physics at one of the top
       | universities. There he encountered the fact that American
       | students were fantastically good at solving all his standard
       | problems for integrals. It quickly became clear that the students
       | were using the then-new program for symbolic calculations,
       | Mathematica. As a result, our professor also mastered Mathematica
       | and spent half the night finding such integrals that it still
       | could not calculate for assignments.
       | I use Copilot every day and I can assure you it makes a lot of
       | mistakes. I think that, at least in the short term, CS teachers
       | will still find assignments where it makes mistakes.
       | jeffbee wrote:
       | I guess CS programs are going to need to grow up and teach real
       | topics like ethics, technical communications, effective testing,
       | and large-scale systems design instead of how to write simple
       | loops, which is something I learned at the age of 4 from "Gortek
       | and the Microchips".
         | eru wrote:
         | What makes you think GPT-3 (or similar) won't write your ethics
         | essay for you?
           | jeffbee wrote:
           | That's very easy to deal with. Oral exams or blue-book exams.
             | eru wrote:
             | What's a blue-book exam?
             | You can test loop-writing in an oral-exam, too. Thus your
             | proposed solution for GPT-3 writing ethics essays is so
             | good, that it fixes the original problem.
               | shagie wrote:
               | A blue book exam is where you go into the lecture hall
               | and write out, long hand, in a blue book the material
               | being tested on.
               | The blue book is a standard.
               | https://www.amazon.com/BookFactory-Exam-Blue-Ruled-
               | Format/dp...
               | https://www.thoughtco.com/blue-book-1856928
               | In the classes that I had that used blue books for exams,
               | the exam book was free and given out by the proctor.
               | jeffbee wrote:
               | You're right, that a pretty good approach anyway. Teach
               | your whole course in a fake language or on a fake machine
               | like MMIX.
       | youssefabdelm wrote:
       | Ever heard of just-in-time learning? Copilot (if it gets good
       | enough) is the damn teaching tool! All they need to do is come up
       | with a programming goal/project thats extremely
       | important/relevant/exciting to them, and break the problem down
       | into sub-problems for copilot. This time they'll actually give a
       | shit to understand why copilot wrote a bug or why the code works.
       | No more boring pointless teacher assignments that hold no
       | relevance whatsoever for the students most immediate and
       | important goals and concerns in life. Finally life is fucking
       | good for students for once and they dont need to google every
       | answer for an hour.
       | norwalkbear wrote:
       | So algos take a back seat to imperative code
       | captainmuon wrote:
       | I don't know, I tutored an introductory course on data science in
       | Python last semester, and yeah copilot would have been able to
       | answer most of the problems. But students would have been able to
       | copypaste them from somewhere else anyway. If you want to test
       | them, have them _explain_ what they did, and why they wrote it
       | this way and not another way. But personally, I believe that
       | people are at the university to learn learning, and to learn
       | independence, and if they really want to cheat then it is their
       | fault. You spend a lot of time (and in some places money) to be
       | here, so you might as well be honest and learn. The degree itself
       | is not as helpful as one might think. It is the stuff you learn
       | for the degree that helps you later on.
       | But on the other hand, I found copilot useful as a tutor. When
       | somebody asked about an API, I didn't have to akwardly search the
       | documentation, I fired up VS code and have copilot suggest
       | something (without the students seeing it of course ;-)).
       | ctoth wrote:
       | Setting aside the academic implications for a moment, if you
       | think that Copilot-like models won't be a significant part of
       | programming in the future I'd like to point out this research
       | from Google:
       | > We compare the hybrid semantic ML code completion of 10k+
       | Googlers (over three months across eight programming languages)
       | to a control group and see a 6% reduction in coding iteration
       | time (time between builds and tests) and a 7% reduction in
       | context switches (i.e., leaving the IDE) when exposed to single-
       | line ML completion. These results demonstrate that the
       | combination of ML and SEs can improve developer productivity.
       | Currently, 3% of new code (measured in characters) is now
       | generated from accepting ML completion suggestions.
       | So 3% of all code at Google is now written by AI autocomplete,
       | and Google developers who use this technology are 6% more
       | efficient than those who don't[0].
       | Is it bad that students are cheating on homework with this? As
       | bad as it was when students used Stackoverflow to cheat, I
       | reckon. But will working with AI models be an essential skill to
       | learn for new (and existing) programmers? About as much as
       | getting comfortable with Stackoverflow was, I reckon.
       | [0]: https://ai.googleblog.com/2022/07/ml-enhanced-code-
       | completio...
       | Lev1a wrote:
       | In computer class back in 9th grade there were one or two exams
       | about Excel, _where we were to use excel_ to compute some of the
       | answers for questions. The fact that  "memorization questions"
       | (if that's the right English term?) about several functions and
       | concepts were on the same exam sheet and that the Excel help
       | function was right there was something that seemingly slipped the
       | teacher's mind.
       | Although he was an older physics teacher who only really did
       | computer class ("Informatik") because there was nobody else
       | available or (more) qualified to do the job. When later on there
       | were classes on programming, he made us use TurboPascal instead
       | of something less cluttered and actually useful in modern economy
       | like Python.
       | That same teacher later on performed some show experiments about
       | induction and electromagnetic forces in physics class where he
       | let a magnet fall through a glass tube with several copper coils
       | around it. So far so good, but he then tried to readjust one of
       | the coils one the glass tube, which predictably shattered in his
       | hands, nearly severing some fingers and actually severing some
       | tendons, which IIRC were later replaced with other tendons from
       | his legs or something. Needless to say, not the sharpest tool in
       | the shed.
       | My other physics teacher during 10th-12th grade physics classes
       | was a severely esoteric nutjob, preferring to hold long rants
       | about "science" being able to diagnose diseases in people by
       | somehow shining a laser at a drop of their blood and interpreting
       | the reflection/refraction because there was a "connection"
       | between the person and their blood (or something like that, I
       | honestly tuned out his ravings after a while). Apparently his
       | wife is/was some kind of homeopathic "healer".
       | All that is to say, computer and physics class teachers for me
       | were "very fun" and "useful", since one did not have a clue that
       | their students were "cheating" and both were not very in tune
       | with modern and/or scientific methods.
       | zitterbewegung wrote:
       | Just add a requirement where the student has to explain how the
       | code works.
       | To be honest there should be a class called language model
       | querying because for simple tasks it does well but eventually you
       | will have to debug the output (not just copilot but GPT3 and
       | dall-e).
         | [deleted]
         | wiradikusuma wrote:
         | > Just add a requirement where the student has to explain how
         | the code works.
         | There's an AI for that!
         | jefftk wrote:
         | _> there should be a class called language model querying_
         | Do you think the skills taught in that class would be relevant
         | for very long?
           | zitterbewegung wrote:
           | Hypothetically if they became irrelevant wouldn't that imply
           | that we have models that could just understand natural
           | language?
             | jefftk wrote:
             | Not necessarily. The skills could become irrelevant just
             | because the models advance and you need new and different
             | skills to query them effectively.
               | zitterbewegung wrote:
               | But then you would have a foundation to figure out the
               | new models. This is the essential problem when teaching
               | any field because the field itself advances faster than
               | one can effectively teach you.
               | That's why getting an Internship is always a good idea.
         | [deleted]
         | GrumpyYoungMan wrote:
         | Much like reverse engineering, it's easier to come up with an
         | explanation when you have someone else's working solution to
         | examine than it is to come up with a working solution from
         | scratch on your own. So that doesn't really help.
           | vinodkd wrote:
           | but maybe, they'll end up learning anyway? one thing i
           | realized when i went back to studying online is that i was no
           | longer the student who needed to prove something to someone
           | else, and the typical test annoyed me. I get that this
           | article is about a teacher trying to find out how much their
           | students have learned a subject, but maybe that needs to
           | change?
           | niek_pas wrote:
           | Agreed, and, in addition, having every single student explain
           | their program would be a significant burden on teaching
           | resources.
       | t_mann wrote:
       | > we teach in programming languages that don't even exist
       | I remember reading about a framework that actually sort of does
       | that - create randomized programming languages. It was meant as a
       | security feature against code injections iirc, but technically it
       | should work as a solution to OP's problem.
       | Although I guess some of the other suggestions are better and
       | easier to implement - ask students to explain their code (select
       | one person randomly per problem, it's quite common anyway) and
       | give more weight to tests.
         | O__________O wrote:
         | Only matter of time before CoPilot like systems (if they do not
         | already) just reverse engineer the compilers to produce and
         | link a dynamic syntax to know instances in plain-text source
         | code of the "foreign" programming languages and render them
         | within a language the user already understands; yes, there
         | might be gaps in idioms, assuming a natively written language,
         | but using example you provided, there in theory would not;
         | ...and if need, return a final version in the target "foreign"
         | programming language.
           | t_mann wrote:
           | such systems might spring up, but the market is far more
           | limited than for generalist CoPilot-like systems, and they
           | will thus likely be less sophisticated and thus easier spot
           | (by other automated solutions)
             | O__________O wrote:
             | Might? This is the future of systems like CoPilot, reading
             | existing source code only goes so far and it is only matter
             | of time before the state of the art systems dynamically map
             | compilers, even foreign ones, to source code. Once mapped,
             | system will use its universal transcoder to remap the code
             | to a know target language and even dynamically rewrite the
             | compiler of the foreign language if appropriate to fill
             | idiomatic gaps.
             | Ultimate end user for systems like these are not humans.
       | niek_pas wrote:
       | The scrolljacking on this site is awful. Why do people keep doing
       | this?
         | tazjin wrote:
         | Only way to use the web is worth uBlock disabling all JS by
         | default. Works on mobile, too.
         | stevebmark wrote:
         | This is why I love the disable javascript plugin for Chrome.
         | One click and terrible sites like these are tamed. uBlock
         | origin is also useful to block sticky headers.
         | foepys wrote:
         | I'm using reader mode in Firefox more and more often because
         | websites just cannot keep their hands off my inputs nowadays.
         | It's infuriating.
       | mediumcat wrote:
       | Copilot still works quite poorly with problems that are not
       | "Stackoverflowable". Perhaps the best way to fight this is to
       | create assignments that cannot be googled in 5 seconds.
       | fancyfredbot wrote:
       | I get that copilot is AI and pretty cool, but students could look
       | up a Fibonacci program on Google before it existed. What's more
       | these algorithms are written in books. If students wanted to
       | cheat on your "write depth first search" assignment then they
       | already were.
         | SoftTalker wrote:
         | Even implementing an algorithm from a book teaches you
         | _something._
         | Most book algorithms are in pseudocode so you need to know how
         | to write a loop or a function in the language you are using.
         | And just the act of typing it line-by-line will focus attention
         | and help cement concepts in the brain (assuming one really
         | wants to learn).
         | Hitting TAB in Copilot doesn't do any of those things.
           | throwaway675309 wrote:
           | I understand what you're getting at, but feel like you're
           | splitting hairs here since somebody who goes to look it up on
           | Stack overflow is just going to copy paste... not type it out
           | line by line like it's a page of BASIC from BYTE magazine.
         | jefftk wrote:
         | I think the big change here is how much easier it is? Students,
         | like everyone else, are lazy. Previously just doing the
         | assignment was typically less work than cheating, and Copilot
         | makes that much less common.
           | moffkalast wrote:
           | Type the assignment into google and press enter vs type it as
           | a comment and press tab?
           | Seems roughly the same amount of effort, and since Copilot is
           | not free anymore most students won't bother paying for access
           | on any kind of scale that matters. Whoever was going to cheat
           | will cheat regardless.
           | Besides it's one of those "you won't have a calculator with
           | you everyday" fallacies. If you can solve problems with
           | Copilot in class you can also do it at your job later on.
             | sliken wrote:
             | Not really, for small snippets, sure. But jobs require
             | getting something done. Sure you might be able to tab
             | complete 10 pieces, but at some point you have to tie them
             | together to get a working program and those 10 pieces will
             | have different assumptions and require some real
             | understanding to integrate.
             | sodality2 wrote:
             | > Copilot is not free anymore most students won't bother
             | paying for access
             | Copilot is free for students:
             | https://docs.github.com/en/billing/managing-billing-for-
             | gith...
           | niek_pas wrote:
           | > Previously just doing the assignment was typically less
           | work than cheating
           | I don't think this is generally true, especially for
           | algorithms and smaller programs: Googling 'fibonacci python'
           | takes 3 seconds.
       | omginternets wrote:
       | This seems like a problem for educational institutions, not for
       | industry. We're already inundated with mediocre programmers, many
       | of whom have CS degrees, which is precisely why the industry
       | looks at job experience more than credentials [0]. I don't see
       | how this is going to further reduce the supply of competent
       | candidates.
       | What it _will_ do, however, is make it difficult for CS
       | departments to evaluate students based on homework, and it 's not
       | clear to me that this is such a bad thing. My experience with
       | university CS courses has been that assignments are largely auto-
       | graded, with systems akin to unit tests. In the common case, an
       | overworked TA quickly spot-checks the source code to look for
       | obvious signs of academic dishonesty, but that's it. So,
       | universities are left with the following choice: give everyone an
       | A, or grade differently. In the optimistic case, this might even
       | produce a grading strategy that improves the value of a CS degree
       | as a predictor of programming competence. It likely won't, in
       | which case we have a _status quo_.
       | [0] This is a problem in its own right. I recently referred a
       | grad student as a job candidate in my current company. I'm the
       | most senior backend engineer, and this grad student was a
       | _highly_ competent contributor to my open-source project, which
       | currently plays a strategic role in our backend. Said grad
       | student is unusually bright and productive in a complex specialty
       | (distributed systems), and I had to push our VP Eng very hard to
       | hire him. His initial reaction was along the lines of  "he
       | doesn't have any industry experience, so we don't know if he's
       | good". It gives me nausea to think about how many outstanding,
       | 2-sigma engineers are rejected because companies don't know how
       | to evaluate their talents. In the end, we ended up hiring him,
       | but only because I stated that I would take full responsibility
       | for his productivity. I regret nothing. </rant>
       | marmada wrote:
       | I think Copilot will make cheating easier. A benefit of this is
       | that employers may look at side projects much more, which are
       | harder to cheat
       | [deleted]
       | charcircuit wrote:
       | Copilot is limited to short snippets. You can't just ask it to
       | write a HTTP server. Also I don't see how having copilot generate
       | the code for listening on a server socket is any better than when
       | I copied how to do it out of a man page. Copilot doesn't add
       | anything new, you've always been able to look up the
       | documentation or look up how other people approach the problem.
       | The fibonacci example doesn't make much sense either due to how
       | trivial it is. Without copilot you are just copying from the
       | definition of the function and with it copilot copies it for you.
       | The other algorithms that follow are both online and probably in
       | their textbook.
         | johndough wrote:
         | Copilot can almost write an HTTP server. Here is how I did it:
         | 1. Start a new python file with the line "# This is an
         | implementation of an HTTP server"
         | 2. Press autocomplete a bunch of times and stop somewhere when
         | "enough" libraries are imported
         | 3. Press "#" and let it autocomplete the comment about what
         | comes next (global variables for PORT and BUFFER_SIZE in my
         | case)
         | 4. Again, Press "#" and let it autocomplete a bunch of comments
         | and functions ("get_file_extension", "get_file_content_type",
         | "get_file_size" in my case)
         | 5. At this step, I had to cheat a bit since it was generating
         | too many "get_*" functions, so I started a comment with "#
         | Initialize" and let it autocomplete again to get
         | "init_server_socket"
         | 6. From here on, it generated handle_request, parse_request,
         | get_file_path and send_response automatically.
         | 7. Lastly, I wrote "def main" and let it autocomplete again.
         | This produced an HTTP server which almost worked. I just had to
         | fix a small issue with "file_path", since it expected that
         | files were stored in the root directory, but I wanted it to
         | load files from the local directory.
         | The code is not great since it does not handle most errors
         | gracefully and is vulnerable to directory traversal, but I
         | didn't even have to think about the HTTP protocol while writing
         | it, so it is still quite impressive.
         | A few good points:
         | It generated a huge selection of MIME types which I probably
         | would have had to look up by hand.
         | The generated server is multi-threaded!
         | It automatically reuses the socket, so I do not have to wait a
         | minute every time I restart the server.
         | Here is the final code: https://bpa.st/CTRA
       | muzani wrote:
       | This reminds me of when my school teacher insisted that real
       | engineers didn't use calculators. They'd calculate their sines
       | and cosines from a table.
       | 3 years later, the education ministry decided that was BS and let
       | everyone bring calculators to math exams. Surprisingly, math
       | scores didn't go up much.
         | eru wrote:
         | We never did much calculation in math exams. That's what
         | physics class was for.
           | muzani wrote:
           | It was 8th or 9th grade for me when the switch happened. We
           | were still doing areas and perimeters.
           | A calculator actually helped me understand physics a lot
           | better, especially things like slopes.
             | eru wrote:
             | Makes sense!
         | TakeBlaster16 wrote:
         | I had to deal with this too. "You're not going to go through
         | life with a calculator in your pocket!"
           | Invictus0 wrote:
           | I've seen people take this to the extreme and literally be
           | unable to do basic fractions and percentages either in their
           | head or on paper.
         | lancebeet wrote:
         | I wasn't allowed to have a calculator until I was around 10 or
         | 12 years old. I didn't like it at the time but now I'm quite
         | happy about it.
       | Brian_K_White wrote:
       | It sounds like copilot could ultimately be just another
       | progression in the definition of normal or baseline, like using
       | calculators in math classes.
       | Whatever the current state of the art and tools of the trade are,
       | that's what they are, and probably the bulk of courses will just
       | adapt to reflect that state of reality and incorporate that into
       | the courses.
       | Outside of maybe some specialist courses that may still exist but
       | most students wouldn't need to take, it would just be expected
       | that most students use the current tools to accomplish the tasks.
       | Even going so far as to provide free student access to any paid
       | tools to avoid giving the rich kids an unfair advantage.
       | The nature of posed problems, and their teaching purpose (why
       | they are posed and what you get out of them) would just change
       | from what they are now.
       | Whatever the "calculator" can do, simply becomes uninteresting
       | and not required for most people to worry about.
       | My first couple years of school I was taking mechanical
       | engineering, and it was right during a transition where we were
       | doing both manual and cad drafting. There is a lot of geometry
       | tricks both physical drawing and math required to generate
       | accurate views of any shaped objects intersecting with any other
       | shaped objects, viewed from any angle, sliced at any depth.
       | We spent a lot of time and effort on that. That is all done by
       | magic now inside the cad engine.
       | Someone still needs to know it, but 99% of people whos job is to
       | design or otherwise manipulate models of objects do not need to
       | know it.
       | I, who did learn that stuff, don't think an engineer who didn't
       | have to know how to generate an accurate view with nothing but a
       | pencil and a calculator is a less capable less insightful less
       | quality engineer.
       | If anything they may be better for not having to spend as much of
       | their intellect on mechanics & implementation vs ideas. The
       | knowledge & skills I'm talking about don't contribute to their
       | understanding of the real job, they aren't foundations that the
       | later stages build on. It's just labor of no value at all except
       | to the cad engine designer. It had a value in the past because it
       | was a form of literacy. It was simply the only way to document
       | the ideas you were fabricating.
       | Perhaps copilot is like that.
       | I don't know and I'm not saying it is, but it could be.
       | spcebar wrote:
       | Cheating is getting easier by the day, but the bottom line is
       | that if the student is cheating, they're probably not absorbing
       | the coursework (or if they are cheating and absorbing the
       | coursework, there might be something wrong with the coursework).
       | The most effective policy might not be to try and mechanically
       | prevent cheating, but to explain that, this is information that
       | you're going to need if you actually want to go into the field
       | and if you're using copilot here you are damaging yourself in the
       | long run.
       | Maybe it's not fair to give as good grades to students who are
       | cheating on assignments as those who are actually doing the
       | assignments, but at the end of the day is the purpose of the
       | course to measure the student or to teach the student?
         | ren_engineer wrote:
         | yeah Copilot really changes nothing here, all these basic
         | questions can be found with a quick Google search. The reason
         | Copilot is so good at these types of questions is lazy
         | professors assigning the same basic stuff so there is a ton of
         | training data.
         | instead of writing an article crying about it, the professor
         | could try making some unique questions to test knowledge of the
         | underlying concepts
         | duxup wrote:
         | At that point should we count grades at all, other than a basic
         | evaluation for the student's personal use?
         | chiefalchemist wrote:
         | True story. I got my CS degree pre-internet. I did well with
         | programming. Some of my friends / peers were less talented. In
         | one of my 300 level courses the assignment was more difficult
         | than usual. I naturally figued it out. They struggled.
         | Evetually I gave a copy of my code / solution to Friends Group
         | A and also to another Group B. They didn't know each other. I
         | said, "Be careful! If you copy, disguise it."* Deadline comes.
         | Everyone hands in their work.
         | The following week, we go to lecture. Prof walks in and writes
         | a list of names on the board. I knew each name. I knew what was
         | happening. I waited for the shoe to drop (i.e., my name on the
         | list). The shoe never dropped**
         | I believe they were all given Ds. Not sure why they didn't fail
         | (F).
         | * In retrospect, this was a stupid on my part. If they knew how
         | to alter enough it's likely they'd be able to write it
         | themselves. That is, I all but suggested they walk on water.
         | ** Also in retrospect, the TAs + prof had to realize I was the
         | source. The class was big but not that big. And if only some
         | completed the assignment correctly, the source had to be not
         | difficult to identify. I'm not sure why I was never pulled
         | aside and spoken to. Thank gawd.
         | chrismarlow9 wrote:
         | If someone is just looking to fill a course requirement and has
         | no interest in being a programmer, my response is "meh,
         | whatever".
         | If someone is cheating and actually expects to land a decent CS
         | job, my response is "good luck on the leetcode questions and
         | the 5-7 hours of questions you'll have to answer between the
         | intro call, panels, and an offer".
         | And if someone magically manages to get all that way without
         | actually learning the material they will get absolutely crushed
         | at work. Meetings where you have to give your professional
         | opinion will induce fits of anxiety. Making changes to your
         | code based on feedback and not having any idea what the
         | feedback means. Even just the amount of work alone that needs
         | to be done at most tech places crushes great engineers. Without
         | the knowledge it will just stack up on you even further.
           | oxfordmale wrote:
           | You underestimate the human ability to get away with
           | incompetence. Unfortunately many of those cheaters manage to
           | get in roles where they can hide their inadequacies, either
           | by slacking of their colleagues that do actual work or by
           | sucking up to the right managers.
             | chrismarlow9 wrote:
             | Oh it definitely happens, I'm not saying it doesn't. But in
             | those examples you mention I would say there are more
             | people who are bad at their job than just the IC who "faked
             | it".
         | GrumpyYoungMan wrote:
         | > " _...this is information that you 're going to need if you
         | actually want to go into the field..._"
         | That has never, ever stopped anyone motivated to cheat. Even
         | here on highly-educated HN, you get posters with open disdain
         | for what they learned in college.
         | > " _... at the end of the day is the purpose of the course to
         | measure the student or to teach the student?_ "
         | Both. Otherwise, the college diploma really does become the
         | meaningless scrap of sheepskin that its detractors claim it is.
         | tux1968 wrote:
         | > is the purpose of the course to measure the student or to
         | teach the student?
         | The very basis of the scientific method is measurement. If you
         | can not measure your learning progress, how are you to know if
         | your training methods are adequate or failing?
         | I really don't understand this idea that testing and measuring
         | students is a problem. Even the dreaded "teaching to the test",
         | sounds like a good idea. If doing so would somehow exclude
         | important learning, that just identifies an area where the
         | testing needs to be improved.
         | croes wrote:
         | At the end if the it is to get a job. And cheating students
         | often get better grades as most other students who don't cheat.
         | They may lose in the long run, but the non cheaters aren't even
         | allowed to run
         | zeta0134 wrote:
         | There's more to this: it used to be that a college degree
         | carried with it something of a soft guarantee that the student
         | could achieve a baseline level of work on their own. This acted
         | as a useful filter for employers. If cheating runs rampant that
         | filter becomes meaningless, and once the student has
         | successfully cheated their way into the work force, their
         | incompetence can (depending on field) do very real damage to
         | the lives of others.
         | Because of this, there will always be considerable pressure to
         | detect cheating and remove offending parties from the program,
         | be that the students copying answers from the internet, or the
         | institutions failing to detect the problem before handing out a
         | degree.
           | buscoquadnary wrote:
           | A college degree used to signal competence. Now it signals
           | you have the ability to show up and avoid doing something to
           | get kicked out for 4 years.
           | I feel we'd probably get the same value to society if we just
           | made grades 9-12 optional. It would remove the people that
           | don't want to be there, improve the quality of instruction,
           | and college would actually be a meaningful achievement so we
           | no longer have requirements for entry level jobs to require a
           | Master's degree.
             | sarchertech wrote:
             | In many states school is already optional after age 16.
         | busyant wrote:
         | > The most effective policy might not be to try and
         | mechanically prevent cheating, but to explain that, this is
         | information that you're going to need if you actually want to
         | go into the field and if you're using copilot here you are
         | damaging yourself in the long run.
         | I don't teach CS, but I teach an online course in a STEM field.
         | I give out a similar message ("you're only hurting yourself in
         | the long run").
         | My anecdotal evidence is that my warning does nothing--I have
         | trap questions on various quizzes/exams and the frequency of
         | cheating hasn't changed with or without the warning.
         | My _suspicion_ is that the students who cheat feel this way: _"
         | This is just some bullshit hoop that I have to jump through, so
         | it's okay if I cheat. I'll figure out the important stuff when
         | the time comes."_
         | I mean, they're delusional, but I understand the mindset for
         | cheating.
         | edit: amusing story.
         | Faculty members in my department are required to take an on-
         | line course on how to handle hazardous waste. There are a few
         | hours worth of videos to watch and a test that you need to pass
         | at the end.
         | Last year, one of the faculty members took the test, compiled
         | the answers and emailed them around to everyone else (to save
         | them the time for this "bullshit task.").
         | I said to him, "Isn't this precisely the kind of shit that
         | makes every faculty member angry when the students do it?"
         | That being said, it was a bullshit test.
           | randomdata wrote:
           | _> I mean, they 're delusional, but I understand the mindset
           | for cheating._
           | Parental (other similar) pressure can indeed be quite strong.
           | Absent of that pressure they wouldn't be there in the first
           | place, so perhaps it is not so much being delusional as a
           | rational response to their environment? If they cheat their
           | way through the parents are happy and then they can return to
           | the life they otherwise would have lived. The time lost is
           | unfortunate in some respects, but at the same time if you're
           | cheating, the time investment likely isn't that great and an
           | acceptable cost given the circumstances.
           |  _> the kind of shit that makes every faculty member angry_
           | I find it curious that the customer using the product in an
           | unintended way would be upsetting to the vendor. What drives
           | such emotions? In my businesses, I couldn't care less how the
           | customer uses my product. If they're happy, I'm happy.
             | bo1024 wrote:
             | Famous professor quote/reply about this: "in teaching,
             | students are not the customer. They are the product."
               | randomdata wrote:
               | That certainly would be true within the public education
               | (primary, secondary) system, where the government is the
               | customer. Hence why attendance is mandated. However,
               | typically college level students are initiating and
               | fulfilling the transaction, thus they are the customer.
               | They offer up money in exchange for keeping arbitrary
               | social pressures at bay. In rare cases they offer money
               | in exchange for learning things.
               | It is possible for the customer to also be the product.
               | Especially in the age of salable data, that is becoming
               | more and more common. However, when that is the case
               | there is incentives given to the customers to shape them
               | into what selling them as a product requires. In context
               | here, that would mean something like giving discounts to
               | those who don't cheat, which I am not familiar with any
               | college doing, so... That brings us back to why would a
               | vendor get emotional about the customer not using the
               | product as intended?
           | pclmulqdq wrote:
           | Some courses really are required bullshit to some students. A
           | lot of professors don't realize this, but if you teach a
           | required course, it is simple math to say that _some_ of your
           | students just don 't need to learn what you are teaching.
           | Sure, a lot of students _do_ need it but don 't _think_ they
           | do, but a good fraction of the class does not need to learn
           | the content you are teaching.
           | The only remaining question is how to engage these people. I
           | have seen good approaches to that problem and really, really
           | terrible approaches, and it seems that most professors go for
           | the terrible approaches. Unfortunately, engaging people who
           | don't want to be there is a lot harder than just having a
           | bunch of required tests.
           | These students are not all wrong that some courses are BS
           | hoops to jump through. Meet them in the middle. Teach them
           | something.
             | busyant wrote:
             | I know a lot of what I teach is not really relevant to
             | students who aren't chemistry majors--I even say this UP
             | FRONT at the beginning of the course. I tell the students
             | that they should think of the course as a way of assessing
             | whether they can think logically and critically about
             | "weird things." Because life is full of weird things that
             | need logical and critical analysis.
             | In general, they appreciate my candor.
             | That being said, in my experience, the students who cheat
             | often delude themselves into thinking that they understand
             | the material--and they really don't.*
             | Then they seem shocked when they take a certification exam
             | (where they have to leave phones at the door and are
             | closely monitored) and they bomb the exam.*
             | * I'm speaking in generalities here. I'm sure there are
             | some cheaters who are being "smart" about their cheating.
               | pclmulqdq wrote:
               | In the time I was at school, I heard of a lot more
               | cheating than would be justified solely by people
               | conserving time. I have recently seen studies that argue
               | that 50-80% of students cheat at some point, and
               | something like 10-20% cheat in every course they take.
               | Personally, when I conserved time, I just accepted the
               | bad grades - it was easier than trying to cheat and not
               | get caught. The OP was talking about students cheating
               | because they are not engaged with the material. I think
               | that's only part of the problem with cheating: there are
               | lots of other factors, like pressure to get a high GPA.
         | Kamq wrote:
         | > this is information that you're going to need if you actually
         | want to go into the field and if you're using copilot here you
         | are damaging yourself in the long run
         | When you say into the field, do you mean academia or industry?
         | Because the things copilot does for you are absolutely not the
         | things you need to know yourself to be in industry. They're,
         | for the most part, things we tried to put in libraries (or more
         | ideally language standard libraries for a lot of things).
         | The fact that is solves a lot of interview questions just means
         | our interview process was absolutely garbage.
         | And I'm skeptical of the academic side of this as well. It
         | sounds like professors from the early 60s being annoyed that
         | students have compilers (another tool that saves a ton of work
         | and repetition). Y'all are forgetting that this is the ultimate
         | lazy man's field. This isn't the first time the basics have
         | been swept away and replaced with something easier to work with
         | (and hopefully won't be the last).
           | mannykannot wrote:
           | > They're, for the most part, things we tried to put in
           | libraries.
           | We need some people who can do things like making those
           | libraries. It also seems plausible that the people who have
           | at least some of the knowledge and judgement to do that
           | effectively will, on average, be more effective on more
           | mundane tasks as well.
           | Larry Wall is one who wrote (somewhat drolly) about the
           | virtues of laziness, but there was nothing lazy about what he
           | did.
             | Kamq wrote:
             | > We need some people who can do things like making those
             | libraries.
             | Do we? For things as simple as copilot tends to put out?
             | Why?
             | Do you also believe we need to keep people around that do
             | other automated things? Plowing fields by hand? Hand
             | compiling higher level languages (as the first lisp
             | compiler was bootstrapped)?
             | I mean, keep the information around. Don't go burning
             | textbooks on subjects just because we automated something.
             | But, what exactly is the value proposition of having
             | students do these things?
             | > It also seems plausible that the people who have at least
             | some of the knowledge and judgement to do that effectively
             | will, on average, be more effective on more mundane tasks
             | as well.
             | And your claim is also that this is the only way to get the
             | requisite knowledge and judgement? Have students take in a
             | string from stdin with a format that changes every
             | semester, munge it around, and do things with it instead.
             | > Larry Wall is one who wrote (somewhat drolly) about the
             | virtues of laziness, but there was nothing lazy about what
             | he did.
             | As someone who has done string munging in C, I'm not
             | entirely convinced that creating perl isn't an effort
             | saving defense mechanism (only half joking).
               | mannykannot wrote:
               | I find this a very puzzling reply, and it may be that I
               | misunderstood to what you are referring with the
               | "they're" in "They're, for the most part, things we tried
               | to put in libraries (or more ideally language standard
               | libraries for a lot of things.)" It might refer to "the
               | things Copilot does for you" or alternatively "the things
               | you need to know yourself to be in industry."
               | The thing is, regardless of which way you meant it, we
               | need some people who can make the sort of libraries we
               | need in part precisely because automation such as Copilot
               | is no substitute (at least not yet.)
               | This observation does not (and is not intended to)
               | endorse current methods of instruction or hiring; on the
               | contrary, it supports spcebar's view that riding your way
               | to a degree, certificate or entry-level position on the
               | back of Copilot is not doing yourself any favors.
               | The point about Larry Wall is that we don't get labor-
               | saving tools without someone making an effort.
               | Kamq wrote:
               | > I find this a very puzzling reply, and it may be that I
               | misunderstood to what you are referring with the
               | "they're" in "They're, for the most part, things we tried
               | to put in libraries (or more ideally language standard
               | libraries for a lot of things.)" It might refer to "the
               | things Copilot does for you" or alternatively "the things
               | you need to know yourself to be in industry."
               | I do see how that could be ambiguous. That's on me. I was
               | referring to "the things Copilot does for you". Generally
               | speaking trivial (or near trivial) algorithms.
               | > The thing is, regardless of which way you meant it, we
               | need some people who can make the sort of libraries we
               | need in part precisely because automation such as Copilot
               | is no substitute
               | Fine. Some people might need to be able to implement and
               | maintain libraries filled with generic algorithms,
               | especially language maintainers. That's still a very
               | different claim from the original "this is information
               | that you're going to need if you actually want to go into
               | the field". That claim implies that it's a universal
               | requirement, whereas the reality is the vast majority
               | probably don't need that knowledge.
               | Implementing these things is tedious, and results in a
               | bunch of code that has to be maintained vs using
               | something out of the standard library. For example, sort
               | or max functions, which are at the intersection of what I
               | see copilot generate a lot and intro to CS classes. Even
               | without copilot, that's not really a skill that the
               | average practitioner needs to have ready at all times, in
               | fact I'd probably block a PR that implemented either of
               | those things in my projects, it results in extra code
               | that needs to be maintained and can be broken by a typo
               | or something silly.
               | > The point about Larry Wall is that we don't get labor-
               | saving tools without someone making an effort.
               | My comment about perl was sarcastic, and probably not
               | helpful. That, also, is my bad.
               | [deleted]
         | russfink wrote:
         | Adjunct instructor here. Before I came into the program,
         | cheating was on the rise. When given programming assignments,
         | students would go to Geeks for geeks and download solutions,
         | some of them mostly correct, and submit those for credit. One
         | remedy was to try to make programming assignments harder and
         | harder. Eventually, they got so hard that we were asking people
         | new to computer science to implement a full arbitrary length
         | integer calculator using nothing but a single tape Turing
         | machine (in Java, not BF).
         | Eventually, some of us came to the realization that you can
         | never prove that somebody is cheating. People have been known
         | to hire tutors to do their assignments for them. There is just
         | no end.
         | As a result, we evaluate students on four dimensions.
         | Programming assignments,* homework assignments, but also class
         | discussions and group participation. Those last two count for a
         | small, but non-trivial percentage of the grade, and are usually
         | enough to separate and identify those who understand what they
         | are doing, from those who are just "following along" solutions
         | that they find on the internet.
         | * one addition to programming assignments includes an analysis
         | write up. Tell me in human words what is happening. Why do you
         | see that effect. What is the running time. And separately,
         | comment your code to tell me how it works. Those two parts
         | count significantly towards the grade.
         | Any other professors here, what have you found that works?
           | scott00 wrote:
           | Not a professor, but my undergrad classes were generally
           | graded as 10-15% homework and 85-90% exams.
           | With grading like that cheating on the homework is basically
           | pointless, so few did it.
           | emeryberger wrote:
           | I think grading on multiple dimensions makes sense, though
           | scaling is a challenge.
           | As for analysis write-up: turns out, language models can also
           | explain what the code does really well, in convincing
           | vernacular. They generate reasonable comments.
           | https://twitter.com/emeryberger/status/1560618825208320001?s.
           | ..
           | As an illustrative example, I just typed in a little test
           | into Copilot. I only typed the first line and the text that
           | starts with "a paragraph explaining...", and typed a "#" for
           | each comment. Copilot filled in the rest.                 def
           | compute_sum_recursively(n):           """A paragraph
           | explaining what this function does and why, and explaining
           | its running time:           This function computes the sum of
           | the first n natural numbers.           The running time of
           | this function is O(n).           """           # Base case: n
           | = 0           if n == 0:               # The sum of the first
           | 0 natural numbers is 0               return 0           else:
           | # Recursive case: n > 0               # The sum of the first
           | n natural numbers is n + the sum of the first n-1 natural
           | numbers               return n + compute_sum_recursively(n-1)
           | sireat wrote:
           | I teach data structures and algorithms among other subjects.
           | My assignments are similar to everyone else's (CLRS, JeffE,
           | Leetcode) yet different enough that simply copy and pasting
           | will not work.
           | All I ask is that they comment their code, analyze complexity
           | and cite sources.
           | I've been using copilot for the last year in my live coding
           | sessions. It saves so much time (especially in comments). If
           | students want to use Copilot I do not see a problem. It is
           | just another tool.
           | Copilot is near useless without decent programming knowledge.
           | 80% of time it is fantastic. About 10% of time Copilot gives
           | you subpar snippets. O(n2) instead of O(n) etc. Then 10% of
           | time it just gives you wrong snippets.
           | Just like GPT-3, once you go beyond a paragraph it loses
           | context.
           | leeoniya wrote:
           | > one addition to programming assignments includes an
           | analysis write up.
           | when i was interviewing candidates this was the fastest way
           | to filter those who understood and those who didnt.
           | ask someone to talk you through how to solve some real-life
           | problem. to look at a stack trace and describe what they see,
           | or to run a profile and trace through the cause of a
           | hotspot/contention. show them an issue and have them live
           | debug to root-cause and fix. it's okay if they use the
           | internet, SO, etc. -- that's how we all do it. see what they
           | have to look up! just listening to the amount of depth
           | someone can verbally communicate during novel problem solving
           | (including additional questions they ask you) turns a 60min
           | interview that wastes time into a 10min one that tells you if
           | you can move on.
           | a favorite one of mine was to ask the candidate to describe
           | in as much detail as possible what happens between a
           | keystroke typed into a google search box and the search
           | results appearing. the diversity of replies is facinating.
           | some will tell you "google returns results from its
           | database", others will ask you if you want them to first
           | describe how the keyboard works at an electrical level
           | through the USB or bluetooth driver stack.
           | "Never memorize something that you can look up." --someone
           | smart
             | matheusmoreira wrote:
             | That's a great way to evaluate someone! Individualized and
             | personal, uses concrete problems, no artificial
             | restrictions.
             | It's a shame our mass education systems cannot use it. They
             | simply cannot apply such a humane method to hundreds or
             | thousands of students. They are reduced to applying their
             | bullshit test questions because it's the best they can come
             | up with at their scale.
             | nkingsy wrote:
             | Ugh I had someone ask me to debug a verbally communicated
             | error message in an interview.
             | Like they picked some random port configuration issue that
             | had stumped them for days in the past and thought cool
             | let's remove the internet, the command line, and ask people
             | to solve it on the spot.
             | I offered plenty of plans for how I would go about
             | debugging, but I didn't know the one simple trick.
             | I agree with trying to use challenges that are closer to
             | the real work, but it's really hard to do that without
             | over-testing domain knowledge.
             | For instance, I ask candidates to do some asynchronous
             | control flow. These are all candidates with js listed as
             | their best language and I offer to let them look things up
             | or to show them the promise apis they need, but a certain
             | percent just refuse to engage with the problem because they
             | don't have the domain knowledge and seem to feel they're
             | being tested unfairly.
             | The problem does a really good job of showing a candidates
             | grasp of all the tricky parts of js, so I keep using it
             | despite the drawbacks.
               | leeoniya wrote:
               | > Ugh I had someone ask me to debug a verbally
               | communicated error message in an interview.
               | i dont mean that the problem is only verbally
               | communicated. i mean that the debugging process the
               | candidate does is verbally communicated.
               | in the scenario you're describing you'd be sitting at
               | that machine with access to the internet on another
               | machine. like, you know, in real life.
               | > The problem does a really good job of showing a
               | candidates grasp of all the tricky parts of js, so I keep
               | using it despite the drawbacks.
               | async stuff in js is pretty good, but it's also easy to
               | go too deep on it with some bizzarely poorly architected
               | code. many js devs still fail to grasp all the
               | implications of closures, or how to avoid memory leaks,
               | or how to work with the GC rather than against it.
               | [deleted]
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | > but also class discussions and group participation
           | I really, really hated those parts of school, second only to
           | group projects. I do appreciate why teachers want that, and I
           | hear you about how it can surface those who are cheating, but
           | I do wonder if it's causing the class to suffer for the
           | alleged misdeeds of a few
             | ethbr0 wrote:
             | I disliked them in school, for the usual reasons, but found
             | them the most useful exercises for developing career
             | skills.
             | No person an island.
             | And if they are, I don't want to be on a work team with
             | them.
               | jahewson wrote:
               | Is doing other people's homework for them a career skill?
               | qsort wrote:
               | School assignments are so different from the dynamics of
               | a real workplace that I find this point very moot. Always
               | hated them with a passion, but otoh I always enjoyed team
               | math and programming competitions, situations where you
               | have to do stuff that's actually hard, work with people
               | you actually respect and _trust_ them to do their job.
               | NikolaNovak wrote:
               | That's the thing.
               | For me at least, the dynamics of "School Group Project"
               | are basically completely different and separate from
               | "Work team". I happen to do well in both, but I do not
               | enjoy both: the motivations and structure and dynamics
               | and goals and timelines of "School Group Project" are so
               | much more artificial and ultimately pointless, and
               | obviously to all from the start.
               | Same things with discussions - I happen to be an engaged
               | student, usually front row, hand always up, discussing
               | with instructor and team and colleagues and everybody. I
               | like to be engaged and figure things out together. But
               | I'll never be half the developer than my colleague who
               | barely speaks a word unless asked. He's friendly, meek,
               | polite, and excellent team player and developer - he just
               | does not initiate conversations, _especially_ in group
               | settings. I can imagine he 'd have a nice big 0 in that
               | category if that was a grade criteria.
               | Which is not to criticize the professors who try to use
               | group discussions; just to point out, this is not a
               | solved problem at scale any more than
               | interviewing/hiring. There's too much humanity and too
               | few absolutes :)
           | clusterhacks wrote:
           | Hi, sometime adjunct here.
           | Cheating on programming assignments has been rampant forever
           | at every undergrad institution I have experience with and
           | somewhat present among graduate students. My experience spans
           | about 25 years in that space now.
           | When I taught an introductory class, I gave open-book exams
           | with no laptops or phones allowed. About 1/3 of the class was
           | unable to write a syntactically correct for loop in Python
           | despite our textbook being an introductory Python-based book
           | chock full of examples. It was pretty clear that a subset of
           | students were either working together on project assignments
           | or out-and-out having someone else do the assignments for
           | them. I mainly compensated for this by having a large part of
           | the grade being a 1-1 meeting with me to talk me through the
           | code. That and the exam had the effect of actually making
           | cheating somewhat less worthwhile. But this approach simply
           | doesn't scale these days - my max class was around 32-33
           | students and the time I spent meeting with students was
           | _insane_. I haven 't taught in a few years and understand
           | that class sizes of 150+ are not uncommon. I could have never
           | used the same approach with that many students. I probably
           | would have doubled-down on exams and made exam length darn
           | near impossible to finish without actually knowing the
           | material well enough to do without referring to the textbook.
           | I was teaching more from a practice-based viewpoint so mostly
           | I came up with "weird" projects that mirrored problems I
           | spend time on (data cleaning, using existing libraries to do
           | neat little things, and also having students pick a personal
           | project to implement that I helped them scope appropriately).
           | We bitch and moan about interview whiteboarding but given
           | grade inflation its kind of hard to trust university
           | credentials. Grade inflation was kind of disheartening in
           | that the worst students didn't really get a poor grade. But I
           | also didn't have any problems with the top 1/3 of the class
           | getting a very high grade - these students were motivated,
           | understood the material, and often impressed me with where
           | they got in a single semester.
             | SoftTalker wrote:
             | I recently worked at a large state university. I remember a
             | conversation with an instructor in a master-level operating
             | systems course. One of the assignments was to implement a
             | simple filesystem. The amount of cheating was insane. He
             | started academic dishonesty proceedings against many of the
             | students but the department pressured him to "work it out."
             | He had to basically interview each student individually and
             | ask for an explanation of the code. Most could not explain
             | what their code was doing (because they didn't write it).
             | They were all given an opportunity to resubmit original
             | work. Many could not do it, because they simply didn't
             | understand the basics of programming, or the language they
             | were using, or how computers even worked.
             | These were Masters students.
               | clusterhacks wrote:
               | That is just awful - I have similar stories. To me, it
               | seems so unfortunate that students are just in this
               | desperate grind to get all A's.
               | But I'm on the other side and don't have the stress of
               | "my whole life depends on looking like an all-star" at
               | university. Like, what do you do if you leave school with
               | such a severe lack of actual skill?
               | OTOH, the last year I taught, _every_ student in the
               | program I was an adjunct for graduated with a job offer
               | in hand. Maybe it all works out fine.
               | sarchertech wrote:
               | The majority of CS Masters students in the US don't have
               | a BS in CS, or have one from a non top tier overseas
               | university. Even more so than undergrad, Masters students
               | in CS are there for the credentials, so I would expect
               | cheating to be worse.
             | [deleted]
           | philipswood wrote:
           | When playing with GPT-3, I've found it to be impressively
           | good at explaining what code does in English...
             | drran wrote:
             | When teachers require recording of timelapses, we will have
             | AI which will be able to generate text and a video of a
             | user typing it. IMHO, they should start to require
             | timelapses right now.
               | NoraCodes wrote:
               | That requires either trusting that students haven't
               | edited out the evidence of cheating, which is pointless,
               | or forcing them to use specific, proprietary software to
               | record the video, which is unacceptable.
           | aaomidi wrote:
           | I do want to say that, those criteria exclude neurodivergent
           | folk (who for many reasons may have never even been
           | diagnosed).
           | Honestly I think moving away from grades is going to be the
           | way forward. Part of this is also making university, etc
           | cheaper so you're not financially incentivized to not take a
           | class one, or multiple more times.
             | DiggyJohnson wrote:
             | Do you also believe that we should move away from
             | evaluation entirely? Genuinely asking.
               | matheusmoreira wrote:
               | Evaluation is vital but the current model used in
               | education today is not evaluation, it is punishment.
               | Failed to get the answers right? You are punished. You
               | lose points. Your GPA plummets. You could even fail the
               | class and have to take it again which means the
               | punishment is not only social but economical.
               | There's real life consequences to this kind of
               | evaluation. Huge consequences. Students cannot afford to
               | make mistakes. There's huge pressure and anxiety before
               | and during a test because the stakes are so high. Failing
               | at this stuff can cost someone their future: future jobs,
               | future career, even the student loans that enable them to
               | study in the first place may only be afforded to students
               | who get good grades.
               | Is it any wonder people cheat?
               | johndough wrote:
               | If you define negative evaluations as "punishment", then
               | evaluation without punishment is useless.
               | aaomidi wrote:
               | I think during education yes, during execution of the
               | skills learned in education - not really but also
               | depends.
               | A lot of people hate how tech interviews are done, right?
               | Cause they have nothing to do with the job the majority
               | of the time. Those are places where I can see
               | improvements.
               | However, some jobs do genuinely need you to interact with
               | a diverse set of people all the time, for those you need
               | to make sure for the sake of your company & the candidate
               | that they match the criteria. Other jobs, you need only
               | maintain strong relations with small groups, and the
               | requirements for those are a lot easier to hit - even the
               | most introverted people can do well in smaller groups
               | that don't change a lot.
               | I do really think a lot of evaluations that happen during
               | education though makes a confrontational relationship
               | with learning. You're constantly judged about your
               | _ability to learn_and that has far reaching impacts
               | beyond your first twoish decades of your life. You get
               | scared of making mistakes, you get scared of taking
               | risks, etc.
               | So, evaluate when it's important for the function &
               | safety of the job, and the candidate. Skip evaluation
               | when its evaluation for the sake of evaluation.
             | matheusmoreira wrote:
             | > Part of this is also making university, etc cheaper so
             | you're not financially incentivized to not take a class
             | one, or multiple more times.
             | I'd rather people had better opportunities in life that
             | didn't depend on education. There's a lot of people who
             | hate school and are just going through the motions because
             | they believe it's the only path to success in life.
             | nyanpasu64 wrote:
             | Mass-produced education is like a train, once you fall off
             | you'll get hurt trying to get back on. I've come to the
             | realization that given the inhumane pace, difficult and
             | poorly-taught curriculum, and ambiguous/out-of-scope
             | homework assignments in a top-tier university's CS program,
             | the majority of my university classes were either not worth
             | taking, or I'd be better off self-studying if I found an
             | intrinsically rewarding project (definitely less panic
             | attacks and psychological trauma, sometimes even similar or
             | deeper learning). Perhaps I'd have a better time in a less
             | prestigious university that doesn't see its purpose as
             | weeding out and breaking lesser students.
           | jstanley wrote:
           | > One remedy was to try to make programming assignments
           | harder and harder.
           | How is that going to stop cheating? Surely that will just
           | make people _more_ inclined to cheat, since they have less
           | chance of solving it on their own.
             | gfaster wrote:
             | It would prevent people from simply going and downloading
             | solutions from the internet. A lot of easier assignments
             | are fairly well treaded and already have solutions floating
             | around.
       | yummybear wrote:
       | Doing algorithms and functions are the least of my worries as a
       | web developer. I need a copilot that helps me determine which
       | kind of ui elements i need to help with task. I need it to
       | automate standard issues like make login functionality invludkng
       | two factor or to determine data structures for a novel problem.
       | That'd be great.
       | criloz2 wrote:
       | I have been using copilot for two months and I find it more
       | annoying than useful, am the only one that feel like this?, I
       | also used tabnine, and it gives a lot of syntax errors in rust,
       | so I could barely use it for a week. I definitely can agree that
       | copilot is better than tabnine, but I feel like writing code is
       | the easy part of programming, and copilot doesn't offer a crazy
       | help to justify the monthly payment and that my private code is
       | uploaded to Microsoft servers. Not only that, but I find that my
       | IDE suggestion are good enough most of the time.
         | thefourthchime wrote:
         | I use it with python and vscode, it's great there. Sure, half
         | the stuff it makes isn't correct, or nearly correct, but it's
         | very close, and I just need to change a little here or there.
         | It also does a fantastic job of filling in method parameters
         | from my local variables, again not 100% of the time, but 90% of
         | the time it nails it.
         | stew-j wrote:
         | I'm not sure how it would be done, there might not even be
         | enough existing code to train it on, but I would like to try
         | out Copilot for code-based CAD models in something like
         | OpenSCAD. I've never tried it at all, but thanks for sharing
         | your experience, all.
         | [deleted]
         | nprateem wrote:
         | Yeah I was going to post this. I did some coding the other day
         | and it kept spitting out code that looked right but was calling
         | functions that didn't exist. It also competes with IntelliJ's
         | auto-complete making things doubly irritating.
         | I leave it disabled more often than it's enabled, unless I'm
         | doing something simple like wanting to copy a file, which in Go
         | is stupidly obtuse.
       | coding123 wrote:
       | No big deal. If students have access to this, then instead of
       | trying to teach them and grade them on fibonacci - let the next
       | generation have larger assignments. Like building a 3d rendered
       | first person shooter (a basic one with no AI)
       | ___j___ wrote:
       | bb
       | analog31 wrote:
       | I wonder if copilot could be used against itself, i.e., to find
       | problems that it is absolutely guaranteed to get wrong.
       | i_am_toaster wrote:
       | "Coping with google... students can just search for the answers
       | by typing in 'depth first search code python'. Buckle up and
       | hunker down for one slippery slope of an article!"
       | stew-j wrote:
       | Guess how I learned query/replace in Emacs in 1985?
       | My friend who copied my Pascal programming assignment is now a
       | director at a $1B hedge fund. I'm the founder of a series of
       | scrappy, ramen noodle startups. I guess it's the "Senator
       | Blutarsky" effect:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_%22Bluto%22_Blutarsky
         | SoftTalker wrote:
         | The skill of getting others to do work for you is highly valued
         | in the Director and C-suites.
       | Spivak wrote:
       | I love their take at the end which is to not expand the already
       | crazy anti-cheating apparatus and just give students more
       | interesting problems and let them use all the information at
       | their disposal. I wish more professors took this attitude. Having
       | every student implement the exact same famous algorithms is
       | really silly when you take a step back. You don't gain any
       | appreciation for them because they're unmotivated and you lack
       | all the foundational knowledge. The proofs/explanations are all
       | totally bespoke and don't generalize.
       | You really win as a professor when you design a project that
       | naturally causes you to reach for the knowledge you're trying to
       | teach. One of the best was my networking class where the project
       | had us secretly rediscover tcp by trying to invent reliable
       | transmission over UDP and then once we sufficiently cut our teeth
       | the second half of the course was implementing a real working
       | version on top of the professor provided userspace ip stack.
       | withinboredom wrote:
       | Here's the thing. When you learn to be a carpenter, they teach
       | you how and when to use certain tools. The same can be for any
       | profession. This is a new tool. They shouldn't be telling
       | students not to use it, but when to use it and what it is suited
       | for.
       | bfung wrote:
       | On tests, make students write short programs with pen and paper.
       | Good practice for white boarding interviews.
       | chiefalchemist wrote:
       | The good students will take the time to learn and understand
       | (even if they didn't write the code). Other students, as they
       | _always_ have, will look for short cuts.
       | Not everyone who take CS1* courses are CS (or similar eng)
       | majors. We keep crying "Everyone should learn to code" and now
       | that's made easier than ever some of continue to complain. Huh?
       | Full disclosure: I started to use CoPilot a couple of months ago.
       | It does not remove me from the process. It does allow me to shift
       | more brain cycles from the mundane to the more difficult. My
       | general feeling is, I have yet to get close to taking full
       | advantage of what it can offer me.
       | dvh1990 wrote:
       | It is not the lecturers job to police their students. People that
       | cheat only end up cheating themselves, and nobody but the cheater
       | should do anything about it.
       | refulgentis wrote:
       | I love the choice of an AI-generated photo for the header, and
       | the hidden message of its poor quality if you look at it longer
       | than a glance.
       | There's an emerging divide between those with experience with AI
       | tools and people who tried them a few times and got hyped and
       | blogged a maximalist view of consequences.
       | brimstedt wrote:
       | I don't think using copilot is much worse than autocomplete.
       | It's an improvement of our toolbox, students SHOULD learn to use
       | it.
       | It's not much worse than using c instead of assembler, or java
       | instead of c, or ...
       | Throughout time people have invented new tools that makes their
       | predecessors more efficient in their proffesion.
       | Too many programmers these days behaves like the workers did when
       | automatic looms were invented. Or when the chainsaw was
       | invented.. or the computers.. or the...
         | tgv wrote:
         | > Throughout time people have invented new tools that makes
         | their predecessors more efficient in their proffesion.
         | And yet, here we are, learning reading and writing like it's
         | 500BC.
       | hbn wrote:
       | I don't know if the idea of future generations of programmers
       | squeezing by on having a robot make best guesses to get their
       | work done without understanding it makes me feel confident in
       | terms of job security, or fills me with dread knowing that I'll
       | surely be relying on the software they produce to access my bank,
       | have my cars controls hijacked because it thinks it knows better
       | than me, keep my life support running when I'm old, etc.
       | Aeolun wrote:
       | This is no different from finding the solutions on wikipedia, or
       | any of a thousand other websites. People that want to cheat will
       | do so, and they might even be correct in a completely selfish
       | sense.
       | driverdan wrote:
       | The solution doesn't seem that hard to me. Put less weight on
       | homework grades and more weight on projects and tests. If they
       | cheat the homework they'll bomb on tasks that can't be solved
       | with Copilot.
       | caust1c wrote:
       | Maybe AI will know what to do with our burning planet...
       | [deleted]
       | joak wrote:
       | Grading students is probably an archaic way of teaching. You want
       | them engaged not cheating. But ok, institutions want grades...
       | What about this solution?:
       | https://theconversation.com/i-no-longer-grade-my-students-wo...
         | joak wrote:
         | Previously discussed here:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30842587
       | cmrdporcupine wrote:
       | I understand the problem here and I sympathize with professors in
       | these circumstances. Learning the fundamentals will remain
       | important. But as others have pointed out: if students are
       | unwilling to learn, or are taking shortcuts, it will ultimately
       | hurt them in the long run.
       | One thing tho is that things like Copilot put the lie to the
       | hypothesis (propagated mostly by the Google-style job interview)
       | that intensely coding clever for-loops to perform algorithmic
       | magic (for things usually already in the standard library) is the
       | best measure of the competence of a software developer. If it can
       | literally be done _by a machine_ , maybe we should be measuring
       | based on something else. Especially since this kind of thing is
       | best done on the job _by looking in a good textbook_ or _using
       | the standard library_. Probably grading at the university level
       | needs to consider this also.
       | I haven't used Copilot. I doubt I'm its intended audience. After
       | 30 years, actually writing _code_ is perhaps the easiest part of
       | my job. The mechanics is the easy part. The big picture thinking
       | and figuring how to get it all together into a _system_ is the
       | hard part (and honestly there are plenty of people far better at
       | it than I am). Now, if we get a Copilot for _that_ ... then our
       | profession is in trouble.
         | greymalik wrote:
         | > the hypothesis (propagated mostly by the Google-style job
         | interview) that intensely coding clever for-loops to perform
         | algorithmic magic (for things usually already in the standard
         | library) is the best measure of the competence of a software
         | developer
         | I think the hypothesis is, rather, that people who can
         | successfully run that gauntlet are smart and motivated. The
         | details of the problems they're solving along the way are
         | almost incidental.
         | thefourthchime wrote:
         | I've been writing code for nearly as long and man, you have to
         | try it. It's more like autocomplete on roids than something
         | that generates Fibonacci methods automagically.
           | ALittleLight wrote:
           | I've used Copilot for a little while. I'm away from my
           | computer at the moment but I'm very confident it would
           | generate Fibonacci methods.
             | glacials wrote:
             | I don't think they mean that it can't, just that the better
             | way to think about the advantages it gives an experienced
             | engineer is more along the lines of "autocomplete v2", i.e.
             | a keystroke-saver.
               | andrepd wrote:
               | Is it a keystroke saver if you need to review every line
               | it proposes to you?
               | throwaway675309 wrote:
               | Yes because often times while I'm unable to recall the
               | exact idiosyncratic keywords incantation that I need,
               | copilot will retrieve them automatically. This saves me a
               | context switch to MSDN docs or stack overflow.
               | It automates a great deal of boilerplate crap that you
               | have to do especially in web frameworks such as angular.
               | matthewmacleod wrote:
               | Yes. For my part, it's a very obvious boost in exactly
               | that sort of keystroke-saving way.
               | Here's an example I just now tried in the codebase I had
               | open. I literally typed in the following Go in a
               | function:                 mean := geom.Vec3D{}       for
               | Copilot then autocompleted this, me pressing tab to
               | accept each line, to:                 mean :=
               | geom.Vec3D{}       for _, detection := range filtered {
               | mean.X += detection.X         mean.Y += detection.Y
               | mean.Z += detection.Z       }       mean.X /=
               | float64(len(filtered))       mean.Y /=
               | float64(len(filtered))       mean.Z /=
               | float64(len(filtered))
               | It's not a perfect platform by any means, but it's also
               | pretty useful for this sort of autocompletion.
               | gopher_space wrote:
               | I can picture autogen boilerplate being collected and
               | distributed in versioned "community expansion packs" to
               | popular languages, and I'm not looking for fragmentation
               | like that in my tools. I _really_ don 't want my IDE
               | involved like this.
               | I'd rather see Copilot used to expand existing libraries.
               | Pulling potential additions to your own library off of
               | Copilot would be an interesting twist on the situation. A
               | hacktoberfest-alike based off this would be weird.
               | julian37 wrote:
               | This is a good example of why I dread Copilot: even if Go
               | specifically couldn't express this any more concisely,
               | there is a language that can and Copilot's very existence
               | makes it less likely for that other language to be used
               | as much as it deserves.
               | Besides, the generated example seems to be missing code
               | to gracefully handle the case where len(filtered) is
               | zero. Maybe there's a precondition that prevents that
               | from happening or maybe a division by zero is exactly
               | what you'd want, but at face value it looks like the bot
               | did a rush job.
               | morelisp wrote:
               | Zero is gracefully handled; the mean of a zero-sized set
               | is best represented by NaN, and this would be idiomatic
               | in most languages' IEEE754-style handling.
               | Saturation is not. This is what really bugs me: If I'm
               | going to drag in a billion GPUs of external computation
               | (or a dependency, which is basically the same thing but
               | with human brains), I want it to provide the hard
               | algorithm I can't write, not the easy one I can. I am not
               | limited by typing speed.
               | I also wonder what a "detection" is.
           | Beltalowda wrote:
           | I found carefully reviewing the suggestions it gave me more
           | work than actually writing the code myself. Granted, I only
           | used it for a day, but many of the suggestions were subtly
           | wrong, needless inefficient, or used outdated/deprecated
           | paradigms/standard library stuff.
           | I only used it for a language I'm very familiar with. I'd be
           | a lot more hesitant using it for a language I'm less familiar
           | with because I won't be able to spot the problems so easily.
           | fassssst wrote:
           | RTFA :)
           | throwaway6977 wrote:
           | Yup exactly, and the ability to basically be fluent in any
           | language.
           | cmrdporcupine wrote:
           | I will try it at some point, but I have... feelings... about
           | its abuse of open source licenses software as a learning set.
           | Also I work in Rust these days, and use CLion. Not sure if it
           | would be much help in that environment.
             | bayindirh wrote:
             | I left GitHub on the spot, and moved to Source Hut the day
             | Copilot released.
               | MichaelMoser123 wrote:
               | someone can still mirror your stuff on github. I wonder
               | if they should make a special open source license, that
               | disallows use of the source code for the purpose of
               | training something like Copilot.
               | gopher_space wrote:
               | If it's your creation you can make your own license. Copy
               | and paste a license you like and add a few lines.
               | This fact solves many "we need this lib but it's too
               | open" problems. The author can make a special license
               | just for you if they want.
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | As in this example: https://web.archive.org/web/201302031
               | 12329/http://dev.hasenj...
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | > Someone can still mirror your stuff on github.
               | It is the nature of the beast, however I make my stance
               | clear and stand by my principles. It is equally important
               | for me.
               | dragonwriter wrote:
               | > I wonder if they should make a special open source
               | license, that disallows use of the source code for the
               | purpose of training something like Copilot.
               | Since Microsoft uses material for copilot outside of
               | licensing on the basis that it is Fair Use, that would
               | probably have no effect in practice on whether or not the
               | material is used in training something like Copilot. For
               | that to matter, you'd first have to win a lawsuit on the
               | basis that training something like Copilot requires
               | permission of the copyright owner of the training
               | material, to invalidate the premise of Microsoft's
               | action.
               | MichaelMoser123 wrote:
               | > Since Microsoft uses material for copilot outside of
               | licensing on the basis that it is Fair Use, that would
               | probably have no effect in practice
               | i think that any formal violation of an open source
               | license would be very bad in terms of public relations -
               | even if they can claim fair use.
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | They got it covered. Passed the responsibility to user in
               | their official documentation.
               | cmrdporcupine wrote:
               | I don't care about all the handwaving here, it comes down
               | to this.
               | The moment a fragment of code from a GPL'd or AGPL'd
               | project shows up almost verbatim in someone's closed
               | source or non-copylefted, etc. project, and someone
               | proves it, sparks are going to fly.
               | And it's probably already happening, just people haven't
               | discovered it yet.
               | How many years did the Oracle/Google lawsuit go on for?
               | And in the end about a handful of a lines of code only
               | tangentially related to the issue at hand?
               | Part of the lesson from that must be: employers should be
               | telling their workers to say TF away from Copilot or
               | things like it. And be careful in general when browsing
               | source. License literacy is critical.
               | I don't touch it because I need to feed my kids. I don't
               | need my career exploded. Overcautious? Maybe. I'll let
               | someone else find out. I make a living in and around open
               | source software.
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | > The moment a fragment of code from a GPL'd or AGPL'd
               | project shows up almost verbatim in someone's closed
               | source or non-copylefted, etc. project, and someone
               | proves it, sparks are going to fly.
               | I'm hoarding popcorn and can't wait for that, honestly.
               | > License literacy is critical.
               | It's beyond critical, but most people I have talked says
               | that they see the right to copy and use any code they see
               | online. They don't care.
               | Building this open source corpus was not easy, and we
               | need to defend it too. This is a culture.
             | sidlls wrote:
             | How is it abusive?
               | Guest42 wrote:
               | It was trained using source code whose licenses don't
               | permit such usage.
               | skybrian wrote:
               | This is unclear. I have never seen an open source license
               | that was explicit about this. Seems like a grey area.
               | It's not even clear how often training machine learning
               | algorithms on code results in copyright violations.
               | CoPilot does have a setting to detect and disallow direct
               | copying, but how well does it work?
               | This legal uncertainty is enough that I wouldn't advise
               | using it, but maybe people who use it will be fine?
               | sidlls wrote:
               | In what sense? Copilot isn't a derivative work in the
               | sense these licenses usually are understood to mean. And
               | given that they're open source code bases I expect
               | licenses to explicitly disallow things, and consider
               | anything not explicitly disallowed as permitted.
               | teddyh wrote:
               | > _Copilot isn't a derivative work in the sense these
               | licenses usually are understood to mean_
               | The phrase "derived work" is, IIUC, a phrase from
               | copyright law. And you'd have a hard time convincing me
               | that Copilot-generated code is not a derived work from
               | its training data.
               | > _And given that they're open source code bases I expect
               | licenses to explicitly disallow things, and consider
               | anything not explicitly disallowed as permitted._
               | That is very much _not_ how copyright and licences work.
               | Copyright law permits the copyright holder the exclusive
               | right to make copies of the work, making derived works,
               | (and to do some other related things, like making a
               | public performance of it, etc.), so to do any of those
               | things, you need explicit permission, i.e. a _license_
               | from the copyright holder to do it. A license is not a
               | list of things you are forbidden to do; on the contrary
               | it is a list of things you are _permitted_ to do, which
               | you would not otherwise be legally allowed to do
               | according to copyright law.
             | scoot wrote:
             | I guess any "abuse" is the fact that any code reproduced
             | verbatim doesn't carry the license under which it was
             | originally published. But the reality is that what Copilot
             | is most useful for is (semi) intelligent autocomplete, and
             | generating functions that almost certainly exist as
             | StackOverflow answers. It won't do any thinking for you
             | when it comes to the bigger picture.
           | TheRealPomax wrote:
           | Not until there's a setting that can guarantee the
           | automcomplete is based on verifiably license-unencumbered
           | source that is automatically tracked in some kind of
           | sourcemap that tells me which parts of "the code I didn't
           | write" comes from which other project and file inside that
           | project.
           | Until then, copilot is a giant liability that ensures I can't
           | use it for code that my company ends up owning, nor can I
           | contribute code I write with it to literally any open source
           | project because in a very real sense: I didn't write it. I
           | just assembled it from parts unknown, and those parts may end
           | up being lawsuits.
             | honkdaddy wrote:
             | As a hypothetical, what would that case actually look like?
             | I'm suing you because I have a strong belief that part of
             | the codebase of your personal project was assembled from
             | code I wrote and didn't license permissively, so now I'm
             | claiming ownership?
             | Obviously IANAL so this is largely conjecture, but until we
             | _actually_ see how this would play out in court, I'm
             | leaning towards this being less of a legal issue than folks
             | here act like. For personal projects, I'd say the
             | likelihood of some other engineer reading your code,
             | noticing a similarity or duplication, and dragging you to
             | court for it is near 0.
             | thaeli wrote:
             | I would also be comfortable with a service that was willing
             | to broadly indemnify me as the customer from copyright and
             | patent claims arising from code generated by their service.
             | I doubt that will ever happen either.
         | alain94040 wrote:
         | Copilot doesn't change the fact that trivial questions (such as
         | 'write a Fibonacci function') can already be googled.
         | What I don't know (I can't try the 'free' Copilot without
         | providing a credit card), is how well it understands unusual
         | constraints and separate pieces of C++ classes that make the
         | real programs we write.
         | For instance, a simple test would be: "write a fibonacci
         | function but skip the number 5". Does it do the right thing?
         | Another challenge would be a C++ class with several fields.
         | That's what our real programs look like: composite data
         | objects, mixing several different algorithms together to
         | implement complex behavior.
         | Maybe my data structure has a hash table of items, as well as a
         | direct link to the largest item. When I say: "write the
         | function to insert a new item in the list, and remember to
         | update the largest item if it is larger than the current one",
         | would Copilot do the right thing? Each step is easy in itself
         | (adding an element to a hash, comparing an item to another
         | one).
           | wilg wrote:
           | I (surprisingly) could not get it to generate a Fibonacci
           | function that skips 5.
             | thewebcount wrote:
             | As a human, I'm having trouble understanding the problem
             | description. What does it mean to "skip 5"? I've always
             | understood the definition of a Fibonacci sequence to be,
             | starting with 2 numbers (usually 1 and 1) the next number
             | in the sequence is the sum of the previous 2.
             | So starting with 1 and 1, we get 2. 2 and 1 is three. 3 and
             | 2 is five. What do we do from here? Do I not add 5 and 3?
             | If not, then what do I add? 3 and 2 again? Do I repeat 3
             | and get 6? What does it mean to "skip 5"?
               | hibbelig wrote:
               | You compute the Fibonacci sequence first. Then you use
               | that as the input for another function that produces the
               | modified sequence by dropping 5.
         | Applejinx wrote:
         | I code for a living and Copilot can't do the least part of my
         | job, though it is possible it could find uses here and there
         | around the fringes (perhaps not even then).
         | I'm coding audio DSP along the lines (real example here) of,
         | "Given that the Dolby noise reduction system is deeply part of
         | the sound of classic seventies and eighties recording, what
         | parts of it can be generalized to make DSP processing producing
         | the same general effects on the sound, and having done so, how
         | should this be tweaked and adjusted to optimize for pleasurable
         | results?"
         | This doesn't exist on Copilot. Damn near nothing I do for work
         | exists on Copilot, and even if it (being an MIT-licensed public
         | code library) gets slurped up into Copilot, Copilot has
         | absolutely no way to determine whether a 0.8273 in the
         | algorithm should be leaning towards 0.83 to brighten the sound
         | of something happening, that it would do this, or why you'd
         | want brighter rather than darker, or whether you are right in
         | wanting this or would do better to go darker knowing that other
         | things will happen to the listening experience.
         | Copilot's inability to do these things is much like Dall-E's
         | inability to do art. There is much visualization and a striking
         | absence of purpose or intention. With Copilot, it will do all
         | the boring or common stuff for you. If that's your job, maybe
         | you're not aiming at the strengths of humans, rather you are
         | aiming at things too easy to automate...
         | baby wrote:
         | If you're writing code you are the audience for copilot. Just
         | try it
           | Brian_K_White wrote:
           | This sounds kind of creepy culty. I think it's the pushing
           | "just try it" vs merely reporting "I like it".
             | netr0ute wrote:
             | If you're into being hydrated, water is great. Just try it
         | t_mann wrote:
         | Leetcode interviews have maybe just become an example for
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law - as long as
         | people aren't aware, it's a great signal, but after people
         | catch onto it, it becomes a measure of something else
         | tgv wrote:
         | > if students are unwilling to learn, or are taking shortcuts,
         | it will ultimately hurt them in the long run
         | That's a very limited, and dismissive view. If you allow
         | students to use copilot, you're handing out certificates or
         | diplomas to people who can't code. That will very quickly erode
         | the value of your institute's certification, and with it, that
         | of the other students. Otherwise, why not give everyone an MSc
         | in CS? "It'll only hurt themselves in the long run".
         | > coding clever for-loops to perform algorithmic magic
         | A for loop for searching or summation is not algorithmic magic.
         | > maybe we should be measuring based on something else
         | No, why? Students have to understand the fundamentals. What
         | those fundamentals are depends on the expertise. Once you've
         | shown mastery, you can use more advanced tools. Teaching has
         | always been like this, and for a good reason.
           | nightpool wrote:
           | I'll be honest: has anyone here ever looked at a resume with
           | an MSc in CS and said "Yep, I bet this person knows how to
           | write code well"? Surely there are some research level jobs
           | where a PhD in CS is necessary, but for most coding jobs, an
           | MSc is just 2 years of missed experience where you're
           | learning bad habits and antipatterns by never having your
           | code used by other people in any strenuous way.
           | Certainly there are a lot of pros and cons to getting a BA in
           | CS. But "learning how to write code" is not the major
           | advantage of a university education, nor should it be.
             | morelisp wrote:
             | I'll generally rate an MSc lower than BA/BSc. (The
             | exceptions would be if you needed the MSc to meet some visa
             | requirement, or if you had an BSc in some weakly-related
             | field beforehand.)
             | From downvoters: I would genuinely love to hear a defense
             | of an MSc per se. What university has their shit together
             | enough to actually accelerate/compress 2-4y of work
             | experience into 1-2y years of academic project, which is
             | what's always the claim? If all you're doing is the
             | courses, those are accessible to 4th year undergraduates in
             | every university I know.
             | To a person, everyone I've interviewed who did an MSc for
             | the coursework had to because they finished their BSc with
             | minimum effort and no one was interested in hiring them.
             | Even worse is when you see 4y BSc, 2y work, 1y MSc.
               | vladtheimpala wrote:
               | One does not typically _return to undergraduate study_
               | after gaining a first BS degree. If you have a BS (or in
               | my case a MS as well) in a not-directly related technical
               | field and wish to study CS, you get a graduate degree.
               | This often requires extensive additional coursework, in
               | my case about 12 additional semester hours. Thanks for
               | ranking people like me lower than someone with less
               | education; I doubt I would enjoy working for you anyway.
               | morelisp wrote:
               | I described precisely this case even before my edit and
               | said it was an exception.
               | There are a _lot_ of people coming with 4+1y or 4+2y
               | purely CS /SE. That's who I'm talking about.
               | vladtheimpala wrote:
               | I'd quibble with the meaning of weakly related vs. not
               | directly related, but fair enough.
               | throwaway675309 wrote:
               | A masters program is generally going to cover deeper
               | theoretical subjects and will also give you stronger
               | mathematical underpinnings in those areas.
               | If you're just looking for a code monkey to do your
               | e-commerce react website then obviously work experience
               | will always trump academia.
               | morelisp wrote:
               | Those aspects of a MSc are easily accessible to any
               | motivated undergraduate as well.
             | bcrosby95 wrote:
             | I've thought of going back for an MSc because it sounds
             | kinda fun. Although probably in math rather than CS.
             | I never thought it would be held against me though. Seems
             | weird.
             | herval wrote:
             | Depends on the school and depends on the person. The same
             | way many companies in the US assume any grad from MIT is a
             | good engineer, there are companies who look at resumes w/
             | an MSc and bump them up. From personal experience, MScs are
             | particularly well-regarded in Brazil, for instance.
           | hedora wrote:
           | I've interviewed lots of new grads, and also observed my own
           | classmates.
           | Most institutions have been granting CS diplomas to people
           | that cannot code for decades.
           | Those people tend not to find long-lasting programming jobs.
             | Karellen wrote:
             | Computer science is to programming what materials science
             | is to construction. It produces really interesting new
             | building blocks that actual practitioners can put to
             | amazing uses.
             | But research scientists aren't necessarily great engineers,
             | and engineers aren't necessarily great research scientists.
             | That's OK though, it's why we have separate disciplines.
               | squeaky-clean wrote:
               | The CS program at my university, and most people I've
               | spoken too, wasn't research oriented. At least not until
               | the graduate level. Maybe at really respected places like
               | MIT. Yes there were algorithms classes and such, but it
               | was more about memorization than actually studying how
               | they were made or how you would make a novel one. Final
               | projects were always about building a real-world-ish
               | application on a team.
               | But I'd say about 20% of the students that graduated
               | still didn't understand things like references very well.
               | They'd write their code with "foo.bar" and when it didn't
               | compile they'd randomly change "." to "->" or add random
               | asterisks around until it compiled.
               | (Classes were primarily in C++. We did some classes Java
               | as well, and in my 3rd year Microsoft came in with a big
               | sponsorship to change all the Java classes to C#
               | classes.)
               | cmrdporcupine wrote:
               | I mean, it's more like "woodworker" vs "carpenter." We
               | don't ask people framing houses to plane their own wood.
               | Most practitioners in our industry don't apply much
               | fundamental CS knowledge.
               | After graduating most CS grads seem to forget
               | foundational CS stuff anyways.
               | I never got a CS degree. So I trained myself. While
               | working and also a lot of a year when I was unemployed
               | during the .com crash.
               | Which only made me more frustrated to find that most jobs
               | are just "you nail these two boards together" and most
               | programmers are clueless about things like what the
               | "relation" in "relational DBMS" means.
           | cpuguy83 wrote:
           | I don't think copilot is to the point where this is true.
           | Copilot mostly helps write boiler plate. It can also do a
           | good job with adding correct comments to that boiler plate.
           | It's a tool that saves time and repetition. It's not a tool
           | that's writing algorithms or solving problems for you.
           | jrumbut wrote:
           | A lot of CS education is limited by students' ability to
           | code.
           | If everyone was great at coding after a year or two, you
           | could do a lot more algorithm analysis,theory, engineering
           | principles, mathematics and other sciences, etc.
           | PragmaticPulp wrote:
           | > If you allow students to use copilot, you're handing out
           | certificates or diplomas to people who can't code. That will
           | very quickly erode the value of your institute's
           | certification, and with it, that of the other students.
           | Very true. Like it or not, the reputation of educational
           | institutions plays a significant role in candidate selection
           | processes at many companies. If a company brings in 10
           | graduates from a local college and discovers that 7/10 of
           | them can't actually write basic code, they're going to become
           | more hesitant to bring in other graduates from that college.
           | Meanwhile, someone who has Stanford or Harvard on their
           | resume is virtually guaranteed an interview. Reputation
           | matters far more than I ever thought it would.
           | geraldwhen wrote:
           | Most people I meet with CS degrees cannot code. Not anything.
           | Some can't declare variables or get a file to compile.
           | Brian_K_White wrote:
           | "you're handing out certificates or diplomas to people who
           | can't code"
           | The diploma is not issued after only the 101 course.
             | varjag wrote:
             | So people who couldn't find a max value in an array will
             | somehow excel at advanced concepts later?
               | Brian_K_White wrote:
               | You seem to have missed the point of this thread.
               | The problem an earlier comment expressed is that the
               | student will sabotage themselves.
               | What else did you think that means besides exactly what
               | you just said?
               | They sail through the beginning and splat in the middle,
               | because they didn't have to learn anything in the
               | beginning.
               | My comment is reponding to one that says the problem is
               | that students get diplomas witbout learning.
               | I am saying that diplomas and certs are not a problem,
               | not that there is no problem. The problem is what the
               | earlier comment said in the first place.
               | Actually I'm not even sure that's a problem either in the
               | long term, but it is the immediate problem. It may just
               | be during a transition period while schools have not yet
               | adapted to reality and are still worried about
               | calculators in math classes. But at this moment, it's a
               | problem.
           | throwaway675309 wrote:
           | While it would likely be prohibitively expensive, I really
           | wish there was an independent board that would certify
           | software engineering as a certification and required an oral
           | defense in the same style as a PhD.
           | I recognize that it's kind of gatekeeping but it feels like
           | more and more diploma mills are just hanging out degrees, not
           | to mention all the coding camps out there.
         | x86x87 wrote:
         | The grind you have to go through in a "google style" interview
         | has nothing to do with the actual work you normally do. It's
         | done to show 1) you will do large amounts of boring work
         | without questioning the need for it 2) you got the fundamentals
         | and you know what's there / when using something you can grok
         | what's going on under the covers. Nobody needs to implement a
         | sorting algorithm until they do - the risk of NIH and
         | reinventing the wheel is high. When you do you need to have a
         | good understanding of why
         | [deleted]
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | Yeah, I totally get it. The purpose of education is credentialing
       | and so cheating undermines that. If the purpose of education were
       | solely instruction you would advise students not to use Copilot
       | to finish assignments but those who do would only harm
       | themselves.
       | wiseowise wrote:
       | Are comments supposed to be funny?
       | rwky wrote:
       | When I did my BSc in computer science we had to do exams which
       | involved writing code using pen and paper without a computer in
       | sight. Bringing that back would solve this problem ;)
       | throwaway4good wrote:
       | What is this? Computer science Luddites?!
       | Just pose better questions and more open ended assignments.
       | tazjin wrote:
       | These examples of producing known algorithms in response to
       | function signatures make it seem to me like Copilot is an
       | intelligent, vendoring "package manager", not something that
       | solves problems by itself.
       | The perceived productivity boost that people get from it could be
       | interpreted as a condemnation of how verbose a lot of coding
       | still is even in known areas. Lots of brain cycles wasted on
       | doing things suboptimally that we can already do optimally.
         | vbezhenar wrote:
         | The difference is that package management hides packages
         | somewhere deep and you're not supposed to care about code
         | quality. If it popular and works, good enough. Copilot puts
         | terrible code snippets right before your eyes and you'll spend
         | more time making it better and fixing bugs rather than writing
         | that code from scratch. I tried copilot and for me it's not
         | ready yet. I guess my issue is that I don't like average code
         | and copilot was trained on that code, so it's as good as
         | average coder and that bar is not high. Or I'm too picky and
         | high-minded, doesn't matter, the result is the same.
         | [deleted]
       | O__________O wrote:
       | Curious, has anyone has seen a "cheaters" guide to programming --
       | that basically teaches a predictable barebones process that
       | assumes unmoderated access to internet, computer, etc - and using
       | Google, StackOverflow, CoPilot, etc. to solve 80% of programming
       | issues average programmer faces?
       | T3RMINATED wrote:
       | emeryberger wrote:
       | Hi everyone, article author here. I was also interviewed by The
       | Register about this topic:
       | https://www.theregister.com/2022/08/19/copilot_github_studen....
         | stew-j wrote:
         | I might have missed it today in your articles or comments here
         | --it's been a hectic day--but has there been some study of just
         | how different code would be given that the students are using
         | the same text from questions? Is there randomization intrinsic
         | to Copilot, or is it just because minor variations in textual
         | input causes code to be so different?
         | My wife taught CS, she did catch cheaters pre-Copilot, and my
         | first thought it that she probably would enter test questions
         | and print out a reference sheet for Copilot generated results.
         | Barrin92 wrote:
         | >"Copilot is different, he said, "It actually generates novel
         | solutions. Not like they're super-crazy, sophisticated, genius
         | solutions. But it makes new solutions that are superficially
         | different enough that they plausibly could have come from a
         | student.""
         | virtually every cheating student has always slightly altered
         | their solutions. At best copilot saves you the five minutes of
         | Googling and refactoring. For the committed cheater who wants
         | to avoid a week's worth of homework and learning that's hardly
         | meaningful. And in fact probably not even that because you
         | still need to actually read what copilot outputs because it
         | makes obvious bot-like mistakes quite often.
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