[HN Gopher] We switched to cursor-based pagination
       We switched to cursor-based pagination
       Author : qin
       Score  : 64 points
       Date   : 2022-08-17 13:09 UTC (4 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.moderntreasury.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.moderntreasury.com)
       | [deleted]
       | fein wrote:
       | I have a few main requirements for what I consider easy to use
       | pagination.
       | 1. I can set how many items per page.
       | 2. I can get to an arbitrary page either through a path/ query
       | param or at least close with a pagination row that contains a way
       | to jump around. If an item gets removed, whatever I was looking
       | for should still be in the same vicinity.
       | 3. As a result of #1 and #2, I can go back and find items I saw
       | previously because their placement is at some fairly reliable
       | position on the page I remember it being on or around.
       | You know, like how a physical book or catalogue with pages works.
       | Please stop trying to improve on this and making usability more
       | difficult. I hate infinity scroll and I hate not being able to
       | pick my page in an intuitive fashion.
         | int0x2e wrote:
         | I totally agree with you from a usability standpoint, and while
         | it is possible to make this work well, for larger-scale
         | services it is rarely without costs, and for the most part -
         | people don't seem to care as much as you'd think.
         | While it can be frustrating, I doubt much revenue (relatively
         | speaking) was lost due to this issue, which means for most apps
         | and services, it will likely not get done.
         | (I'm not disputing the merit of your arguments, just explaining
         | why this will rarely get done well in real life...)
         | nemothekid wrote:
         | > _I can get to an arbitrary page either through a path / query
         | param or at least close with a pagination row that contains a
         | way to jump around_
         | I've had quite a few heated discussions on this point. The
         | problem is, once your dataset gets large enough, this use case
         | is incredibly difficult to scale; not impossible (Google does
         | it with millions of search results), but prohibitively
         | expensive compared to how often the need of being able to jump
         | to any specific page arises.
         | Now I always try to stick to cursor based pagination as the
         | default in order to prevent people from building workflows on
         | top of offsets.
           | robertknight wrote:
           | > Google does it with millions of search results
           | Google cheats, but in a way that very few users will notice.
           | You can only access the first 20 pages of search results.
           | Depending on user behavior, this is one way to offer
           | navigation via page number while limiting worst-case cost.
             | zaroth wrote:
             | I doubt that 21st page actually exists, even on the back
             | end.
             | I would bet the top-line number of results is some sort of
             | extrapolated estimation thing, a hand-wavey way to
             | represent how deep the hypothetical result set is for that
             | query.
       | camgunz wrote:
       | I think the challenge is always the stateless nature of HTTP.
       | It's pretty hard to keep a connection to the API server that has
       | your database cursor.
       | Everything else has big tradeoffs. You can make sure your rows
       | are sortable by a specific column, but that means your searches
       | must all be sorted by that column.
       | You can save the results of a search and page through it, but
       | that's a lot of I/O.
       | You can not do any of the above, but then you run the risk of
       | non-deterministic pagination (I went back and because someone
       | added/deleted a row, that page is slightly different now). You
       | also can't really link to it.
       | These things might all be fine. In my experience though, you run
       | into people who really want to do search in way A, and will use
       | the tradeoffs for way B/C/D to argue against it, as though A has
       | no tradeoffs.
       | aarondf wrote:
       | There are ways to mitigate the (although not eliminate) the
       | slowing down of offset/limit pagination in later pages. The
       | technique is called a "deferred join" and it is most effective in
       | MySQL. The basic idea is to paginate as little data as necessary,
       | and then do a self-join to get the rest of the data for a single
       | page.
       | You can read more about it here:
       | https://aaronfrancis.com/2022/efficient-pagination-using-def...
       | or here https://planetscale.com/blog/fastpage-faster-offset-
       | paginati....
       | There are libraries for Laravel
       | (https://github.com/hammerstonedev/fast-paginate) and Rails
       | (https://github.com/planetscale/fast_page) as well!
       | Cursor based pagination is wonderful, but sometimes you're stuck
       | with offset/limit for whatever reason. Might as well make it
       | fast.
       | mike_hock wrote:
       | TL;DR: The headline. TFA doesn't really add any information.
         | G3rn0ti wrote:
         | Well, except that TFA explains what DB cursors are and why they
         | are faster than page offsets (because they skip DB entries).
           | jsmith99 wrote:
           | I'm pretty sure they aren't using actual SQL cursors as that
           | wouldn't scale well so it's probably not a 'DB cursor'. It's
           | a shame as actual cursors are the native database way to do
           | pagination.
           | theogravity wrote:
           | It needs to talk about how to actually implement it. Most
           | articles like this one mention its existence and why it's
           | good, but generally stop there.
             | G3rn0ti wrote:
             | Postgres supports cursors and documents them very well:
             | https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/plpgsql-
             | cursors.html
             | Basically, you declare a cursor like that:
             | DECLARE cname CURSOR FOR <select statement>;
             | You can pass the cursor's name ,,cname" (and even store it
             | on the client side, although, best encrypted) and obtain
             | the ,,next" slice of your data corresponding to the query
             | on demand like that:
             | FETCH next cname;
             | Not sure you really gain that much performance on everyday
             | queries but with a large number of rows it might.
               | chowells wrote:
               | Of course, this isn't what the article is talking
               | about...
           | theteapot wrote:
           | TFA isn't talking about that kind of cursor.
           | thaumasiotes wrote:
           | > TFA explains what DB cursors are and why they are faster
           | than page offsets (because they skip DB entries)
           | Except that no such information appears in the article.
           | Here's the entirety of the explanation:
           | >> Once you've been returned a cursor, you can provide it in
           | your requests to act as a farther-along starting point within
           | your data entries. The server is then able to efficiently
           | skip all entries that come before your specified cursor value
       | feike wrote:
       | Reminds me of Markus Winand who hands out stickers on database
       | conferences banning offset.
       | His site is a great resource for anyone wanting to take a deeper
       | dive on SQL performance:
       | https://use-the-index-luke.com/sql/partial-results/fetch-nex...
         | wootest wrote:
         | Which in turn reminds me of:
         | http://simonwillison.net/2022/Aug/16/efficient-pagination-us...
           | pvorb wrote:
           | Do you know if this is specific to MySQL or does it also
           | apply to other RDBMS like PostgreSQL?
         | ReactiveJelly wrote:
         | So basically do it like Reddit?
         | https://old.reddit.com/?count=25&after=t3_wtpvdp
         | I noticed Reddit's pagination has that "after" parameter, which
         | points to the last post on the current page.
         | It glitches out if the last item is deleted by moderators, but
         | otherwise it works smoothly.
           | MatmaRex wrote:
           | Yeah, or Wikipedia.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Living_p.
           | ..
           | djbusby wrote:
           | On Reddit I frequently see the "next" page having the same
           | posts as the previous page. Not all the same but many of the
           | same. Like, maybe after is being respected but the sorting is
           | different or something.
             | saghm wrote:
             | I see that on Hacker News a decent amount as well when
             | going through the top stories across multiple pages. My
             | assumption has always been that the order changes between
             | when I load the page and when I move to the next one (which
             | sometimes is not for another several minutes).
             | radiojasper wrote:
             | You took some time to read the page and while reading it,
             | the homepage changed and some new posts got added to the
             | top. Therefore some posts get moved to the 2nd page.
         | dinkledunk wrote:
         | how to jump to an arbitrary page?
           | nextaccountic wrote:
           | You can do that with postgres histograms
           | https://www.citusdata.com/blog/2016/03/30/five-ways-to-
           | pagin... - go to the section "Keyset with Estimated
           | Bookmarks"
           | > As we saw, plain keyset pagination offers no facility to
           | jump a certain percentage into the results except through
           | client guesswork. However the PostgreSQL statistics collector
           | maintains per-column histograms of value distribution. We can
           | use these estimates in conjunction with limits and small
           | offsets to get fast random-access pagination through a hybrid
           | approach.
           | jsmith99 wrote:
           | Do you really need to jump to an arbitrary page and land on
           | the exact item? For many applications an approximate jump is
           | fine. If your column is fairly uniformly distributed you can
           | guess the index for any arbitrary page.
             | dinkledunk wrote:
             | Yes, my business users will feel like they don't have
             | sufficient access to their data if they can't.
             | > If your column is fairly uniformly distributed you can
             | guess the index for any arbitrary page.
             | I don't think that'll work in a multi-tenancy situation
             | with complex filters.
               | waspight wrote:
               | I bet your users does not always know what is best for
               | them.
               | eurasiantiger wrote:
               | Some people thoroughly enjoy a linear saccade search! See
               | for example any social media app.
               | It definitely isn't in the users' best interest to have
               | any method of scrolling through a lot of records.
           | squeaky-clean wrote:
           | Jumping to a specific page is a bit of an ambiguous /
           | undefined term in this case. Like asking for a specific page
           | in a book that's still being written. Maybe today the plot
           | twist occurred on page 100, but then the author decides
           | chapter 1 needs more backstory, and now the plot twist
           | happens on page 115.
           | Unless you can guarantee your data is static, or that the
           | sorting order cannot be mutated and only append later values,
           | the concept of what data belongs in which page could be
           | changing every millisecond.
           | MatmaRex wrote:
           | You don't, but instead you can jump to an arbitrary place in
           | the results. For example, you could show results starting
           | from the letter P, or show results starting from 2022-04-02.
           | hnuser847 wrote:
           | Spoiler: you can't.
             | thaumasiotes wrote:
             | But the entire concept is that this is an adaptation to the
             | fact that data may be added to or removed from the
             | database. If that's true, there would be no benefit in
             | jumping to a specific page - there's no guarantee that that
             | page will display any particular data.
         | croes wrote:
         | Can't he just use rowversion?
         | No need for row value syntax and it works with MS SQL Server
       | jvolkman wrote:
       | For anyone curious about this approach, I've posted an excerpt
       | [1] of the shared Python + SQLAlchemy + Postgres code we use to
       | handle pagination at my company.
       | The name "cursor pagination" is super confusing given that
       | "cursor" is an overloaded term in databases. I always call this
       | "token pagination", given that the APIs I've seen usually call
       | the value a token.
       | [1]
       | https://gist.github.com/jvolkman/b8c0e3d05929a1506c99fbc9474...
       | hirundo wrote:
       | My sympathies to the coders downstream of this large change for
       | the amount of work required. I would like to _add_ cursor based
       | pagination to the APIs I manage. It would not be an option to go
       | to our clients and explain that offset-pagination will be
       | removed. There seems to be very little cost in supporting both.
         | mgkimsal wrote:
         | I didn't see anything specific about timelines. I would expect
         | you'd want to offer both for some length of time, with some
         | deprecation notice and a sunset date for the older approach.
         | But perhaps they seem use cases in their logs that the current
         | offset is used minimally already, and it's better to switch now
         | vs later if/when adoption is higher?
       | drdec wrote:
       | I was hoping to read about how they handled cleaning up cursors,
       | what the effect on the server was when having a bunch of open,
       | long-running cursors, etc. Unfortunately the article only treated
       | the subject at a superficial level.
       | So, anyone here implement pagination via cursors? What do you
       | find to be the drawbacks and how do you mitigate them?
         | imbusy111 wrote:
         | You probably assume they are talking about database cursors.
         | The cursor is just a record ID in this article. There is no
         | long term storage of database cursors on the server. Assuming
         | you can sort all your data, next query just returns all records
         | after the given record ID, plus the record with that ID.
         | One corner case would be if the cursor record is deleted. I
         | don't see it mentioned how they handle it.
           | [deleted]
           | erikpukinskis wrote:
           | Does that mean you have to scan the entire results set to get
           | the right page? So if I am on page 100, I have to query pages
           | 1-99 and discard them?
           | Or is there a trick here I'm missing?
             | imbusy111 wrote:
             | There are no pages anymore. You fetch a record by ID and
             | next N records.
             | nerdponx wrote:
             | I think the point is that clients are not even given the
             | option to think in terms of "page numbers".
             | What's the use case for needing the 100th page of a query
             | result, that also doesn't allow you to cache the 100th page
             | locally to retrieve it later?
         | erikpukinskis wrote:
         | Yah, another downside of cursor-based pagination is: what
         | happens when the record the cursor refers to is deleted?
         | Do you just crash and ask the user to start over?
         | Do you have to nudge open cursors on every delete?
           | hamandcheese wrote:
           | Instead of the cursor being an ID, it could directly encode
           | whatever column(s) you are sorting by. Then you don't have to
           | locate any record in particular, you can always return
           | records that sort after the cursor.
           | simonw wrote:
           | My implementation of cursors works by encoding the primary ID
           | of the last row on the page, along with additional
           | information corresponding to the sort order if that's needed.
           | That way it doesn't matter if the record is deleted - I can
           | still return the next page by showing records that come after
           | that provided cursor value.
           | There's an example on this page:
           | https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/sortable?_sort=sortable
           | Since the table is sorted by the "sortable" column, the next
           | page link includes this:                   ?_next=15%2Cg%2Cz
           | 15 is the last value for "sortable" on the page, then g,z are
           | the compound primary key for that last row.
             | erikpukinskis wrote:
             | Interesting... what happens if new records are added with
             | that 15 value? Do you need an implied secondary sort with
             | the record created time?
             | Also what if there are more than $page_size records with
             | that 15 value?
               | simonw wrote:
               | Yes, if you want to support new records being added it's
               | up to you to include something like a created date as
               | part of your specified sort order.
               | More than page_size records with that value works fine -
               | that's why the primary key is included as a tie-breaker.
         | christophilus wrote:
         | It's not a cursor as in a relational database cursor. It's a
         | cursor, as in an ID of an item in a stably ordered set. There's
         | no long-running anything to be worried about.
       | radiojasper wrote:
         | ReactiveJelly wrote:
         | If we're still using SQL, what did PHP do correctly to make
         | pagination easier?
           | masklinn wrote:
           | A: nothing whatsoever, gp was just dealing with low offsets,
           | or ignoring the issue.
       | WesleyJohnson wrote:
       | At my current job, our intranet site has lackluster performance
       | due, in part, to limit/offset pagination. Unfortunately, the
       | business treats the "reports" we author like glorified
       | spreadsheets and want the ability to filter on any column and
       | order by any column. It makes it near impossible to
       | tune/optimize.
       | The legacy system we're replacing used cursor pagination in a lot
       | of areas and was perfectly acceptable to them, but now that we're
       | going web based - it's not. Unfortunately, really - it seems
       | vastly superior.
         | yrgulation wrote:
         | "It makes it near impossible to tune/optimize."
         | I recommend using elastic search or a nosql database to
         | optimise performance. Relational databases can be slow for this
         | use case.
           | jitl wrote:
           | What kind of NoSQL database are you thinking about? What
           | strategy would you take with that database to optimize this
           | problem?
             | yrgulation wrote:
             | This is hilarious - i am sharing my knowledge and getting
             | downvoted for it.
             | Anyway, the gist of it is that you store data in
             | denormalised documents whereby searchable columns become
             | keys of a single entry. The storage is a secondary storage
             | not the main data source. You write data in both - sync in
             | your relational db, async via a queue or what works best
             | for your infrastructure. Searches are then made against it.
             | If you go for es you can rank results assuming filtering is
             | done using free text search. I prefer es, the of flavour of
             | nosql doesn't matter, but es is great for free text search.
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | You said in a sibling comment that denormalized analytics
               | tables are a hack, but I don't see how this is any less
               | of a hack. It's literally the same technique, except now
               | you're adding substantial operational complexity with a
               | whole extra database server (versus just extra tables in
               | the same database). And it does not at all solve the
               | problem of needing to figure out _which fields to
               | denormalize_ and which ones to leave in separate
               | documents /collections.
               | And even if you do decide that it makes sense to split
               | your analytics data into a separate database system
               | entirely, document-oriented databases "ain't it".
               | I have very little experience with Elasticsearch,
               | although I'm surprised to hear it being recommended for
               | anything other than full text search. GP was talking
               | about spreadsheet-style filtering, not full-text search.
               | But I do have a good amount of hands-on experience in
               | production with Mongo, and I can say for sure that it is
               | absolutely not a good option for an analytics database,
               | and that I would much rather deal with traditional joins
               | and filters. Even using it as a primary "application
               | database" for a web app was a constant headache from
               | beginning to end. I never thought I would miss MySQL so
               | much, and I would never consider using Mongo again unless
               | I had the very specific use case of storing a high volume
               | of semi-structured data with no consistent schema, and
               | even then I would convert the data to a more traditional
               | tabular/relational format for use in a data warehouse if
               | the business analysts or data scientists needed to work
               | with it.
               | yrgulation wrote:
               | I hate mongodb with a passion. It may very well be that
               | we are misunderstanding ops use case and making
               | assumptions. My assumptions are: 1) many types of reports
               | (as such many tables, es can create docs on the fly), 2)
               | reports are made of many rows (otherwise why compare them
               | with spreadsheets). My second assumption is that once you
               | add pagination you can no longer ctrl f for content, you
               | need full text search.
               | For a set of reports with consistent column names and
               | values made of aggregate or static data what you are
               | proposing works fine - since you can just increase
               | counters or cache values as data comes in.
               | But for a use case where different types of reports have
               | varying columns you can just dump everything into es
               | documents and run basic aggregate queries. Or you can
               | precompute data when making inserts.
               | Anyway, i am assuming too much about the use case, my
               | bad. I'd have to hear more about it to defend my point.
             | nerdponx wrote:
             | This sounds pretty typical for "analytics" workloads, which
             | relational databases handle just fine. Maybe by "noSQL"
             | they just meant something with column-oriented storage? But
             | even that seems like it might be overkill, compared to
             | setting up a couple of denormalized "analytics tables" to
             | avoid the cost of complicated joins.
               | yrgulation wrote:
               | Yeah with all due respect but hacks like these are a bit
               | amateurish. I heard of a dude i think at intuit building
               | their queues in a relational db because they work "just
               | fine". Prompted a giggle or two. Use the right tool for
               | the task at hand, dont do clever hacks as they bite back
               | later on.
               | jvolkman wrote:
               | "works just fine" might be a perfectly reasonable
               | tradeoff if it avoids adding additional architectural
               | complexity.
               | yrgulation wrote:
               | Depends what you define as complexity. What i described
               | is trivial. Unless the userbase and or data are small.
       | andy800 wrote:
       | Why does every web site default to aggressively paginate their
       | information? Pagination sucks, it's a waste of time and of
       | clicks, and should be a last resort. Sure, when Google returns
       | millions of search results, paginate. But:
       |  _For instance, if you have 40 entries and specify that there
       | should be 10 items per page_
       | 40 entries??? Just show them all to me. My browser has a
       | scrollbar, CTRL-F is much faster than your search box.
       | "but not everyone has a reliable fast connection" -- yes, which
       | is a good reason to deliver more data per http request than
       | breaking it up and requiring lots of slow requests.
       | "but the database load" -- half the queries, each returning 2x
       | data, is almost always going to be easier on a RDBMS. If it's not
       | then you probably need to rethink your schema.
         | ilammy wrote:
         | > _Why does every web site default to aggressively paginate
         | their information?_
         | You get to see more ads while flipping through pages.
         | Timing metrics for loading smaller pages make marketing happy.
         | Timing metrics for time spent on the website make marketing
         | happy.
       | erikpukinskis wrote:
       | Worth noting that another solution to the problems with offset
       | cursors is to do updates. When you add/remove rows you just
       | update the results set and then there's no issue with missing or
       | duplicated rows.
       | Not easy to do of course, but it's one direction you can go.
       | debrice wrote:
       | The pagination con given in the article is wrong, switching to
       | stream isn't fixing the dropping issue, removing sorting is
       | likely why no records are being dropped (you wouldn't drop
       | records using a numerical sorted ID or creation date)
       | Pagination is incredibly useful to human. If I tell you I found
       | something on page 15 you can relate to it, something I cannot do
       | with infinite scroll.
       | bjourne wrote:
       | Ime, concurrent updates to the data set isn't a problem in
       | practice and nobody cares if they occasionally get duplicate
       | entries. The cluttered and sometimes useless urls cursors cause
       | are, again ime, a much bigger usability problem. Sure, naively
       | implemented queries suffer if the user types ?page=123456 in the
       | url but such problems are quite easy to fix.
         | nickkell wrote:
         | How do you fix those problems then? Let's say you have a "last
         | page" button in the UI for example
           | dmacedo wrote:
           | Have used the conditional that if current page is greater
           | than last page, just return the last. And same with negative
           | just returning the first. If records are updated / deleted
           | and the last page changed, then you'll just get the results
           | of what the "new last page" are.
           | At scale you might care about the duplicate or up-to-date
           | records. But cursor-based doesn't solve the problem if a
           | results page is left open for "too long" and stuff was added
           | behind your cursor (or after it, if navigating backwards).
           | It's as if making things less intuitive (to articles'
           | reference to book pages), makes it any easier as long as you
           | don't think about any pitfalls.
           | My suggestion is to just use pages, and optimise for the
           | right order (I.e.: sequential IDs, or creation date,
           | alphabetical, etc) that make sense for your data.
           | If you REALLY must care if results have changed, some delta
           | being stored would be best (like some timestamp that allows
           | the server side to indicate "hey, your results are out of
           | date, from 7 days ago, maybe you left that page/API response
           | unused for too long")
           | bjourne wrote:
           | Don't have a last page button. :) Or limit the number of
           | results to, say, 1000, which is trivial for an rdbms to
           | handle. Or precompute the result set's rankings and transform
           | the offset-limit query into a "where rank >= 991 and rank <=
           | 1000" query.
       | hamandcheese wrote:
       | Cursor based pagination doesn't actually solve the described
       | pitfalls if your results are ordered by anything mutable, though.
       | A result you haven't yet seen can be mutated to sort before your
       | current cursor, likewise a result that you've already seen can be
       | mutated to sort after the current cursor, causing you to see it
       | twice.
       | Cursor based pagination does minimize the issue somewhat, because
       | only the mutated rows are possibly affected, not unrelated
       | records that lie on page boundaries. But depending on the use
       | case I'm not sure that is worth that added complexity of cursor
       | based pagination (it does get a bit tricky once you have any non-
       | trivial sort clause).
         | simonw wrote:
         | The only approach I can think of which might be able to handle
         | mutability of the rows used for sorting would be to support
         | paginating through a snapshot: provide a mechanism whereby a
         | full snapshot of the query at a specific point in time is
         | captured such that the user can then paginate through that
         | snapshot.
         | Expensive to implement, so this would only work for situations
         | where you can afford to spend significant storage and
         | computation resources to keep a specific user happy.
           | mikedouglas wrote:
           | This theoretically should be possible with MVCC, right? It's
           | not an area I've explored and I could immediately see some
           | issues with resource clean-up, but I could imagine it being
           | possible with most modern DBs.
             | vbezhenar wrote:
             | Yep, keep transaction open with necessary isolation. But it
             | requires very thorough design of queries, as you'll run
             | into locks pretty quickly. MVCC is not magic.
               | twic wrote:
               | Or using an Oracle style AS OF query:
               | https://oracle-base.com/articles/10g/flashback-query-10g
           | mbreese wrote:
           | You could also store timestamps as part of the records. Then
           | your query will always be consistent if you add an extra
           | clause of tstamp < query_tstamp. So long as you store both
           | the query_tstamp and the last record, you'll get consistent
           | results without needing to store individual cursors/snapshots
           | for each user. (You'll still have more CPU time per query,
           | but that's kind of a given here).
           | You probably also need to switch from deleting records to
           | adding an archive bit (or timestamp).
           | This gets complicated fast.
           | kibwen wrote:
           | That might be even worse (or just as bad) for users, as now
           | they won't see any updates to the underlying data set even if
           | they want to, and will presumbaly need to perform some
           | explicit action to get a new snapshot.
           | Personally, if you care about users not missing _any_ item in
           | a query, you just can 't use pagination at all, and you have
           | to give them every item in the query in a single huge dump
           | (running the query again would be the "explicit action"
           | mentioned above that gets the user new data). Conversely, if
           | you use pagination, users are free to assume that they might
           | miss some items unless they already expect the underlying
           | data to be immutable.
       | simonw wrote:
       | This post is not about database cursors. It's about the style of
       | pagination where you have a ?_next=xxx link to get to the next
       | page, where the xxx bit encodes details about the last item on
       | the current page such that the next page can show everything that
       | comes after that record.
       | This is also sometimes known as keyset pagination. My favourite
       | technical explanation of that is here: https://use-the-index-
       | luke.com/no-offset
         | jlg23 wrote:
         | This post is about "database cursors" and "keyset pagination".
         | In practice, these terms refer to the same thing, one seen
         | bottom-up the other seen top-down. Implementation-wise, one
         | saves the state of the cursor in the pagination [parameters]
         | and resumes reading from the DB with an equivalent cursor.
           | nextaccountic wrote:
           | > these terms refer to the same thing
           | No, cursor is this
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cursor_(databases)
           | https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/plpgsql-cursors.html
           | I once did pagination using database cursors, which is
           | something different than keyset pagination: The server would
           | keep a cursor open and keep fetching more data from the same
           | query. This enabled the system to have an interface similar
           | to offset pagination (you get the first page, then the second
           | page, etc) but without doing a new query for each page
           | discarding the first n-1 pages per query
           | The downside is that it makes the server stateful, and
           | doesn't scale (you would need to keep hundreds of cursors
           | open if you had hundreds of simultaneous users)
             | orf wrote:
             | Words can have two meanings. Cursor pagination and key set
             | pagination do indeed refer to the same thing.
             |  _database_ cursors are a different thing.
               | mbreese wrote:
               | Yes words can have two meanings, but given the similarity
               | of context between these two meanings, calling this
               | cursor pagination is not a great idea. It screams of
               | someone that didn't know about database cursors (which is
               | only one implementation method) trying to describe a
               | method for web site pagination. I'm not blaming the
               | author here for this, as they likely know the difference.
               | But for a new developer trying to Google this, it will be
               | very confusing.
       (page generated 2022-08-21 23:00 UTC)