[HN Gopher] Stable Diffusion Public Release
       Stable Diffusion Public Release
       Author : flimsythoughts
       Score  : 481 points
       Date   : 2022-08-22 18:08 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (stability.ai)
 (TXT) w3m dump (stability.ai)
       | UncleOxidant wrote:
       | > You can join our dedicated community for Stable Diffusion here:
       | [https://discord.gg/stablediffusion]
       | Oh, discord... I've had so many problems trying to log into
       | discord in the last couple of years that I've given up on it.
         | Kiro wrote:
         | That's peculiar. I run a couple of big Discord servers and
         | never heard anyone saying they have problems logging in.
           | UncleOxidant wrote:
           | First about 18 months ago they said I had an IP phone and
           | could no longer log in (my carrier is Republic Wireless).
           | When I contacted support and told them that I had been able
           | to login with that number in the past they basically said
           | "we're tightening up security, too bad so sad. get another
           | phone number" Then recently I found that I was able to log in
           | when I wanted to try midjourney (Republic changed something
           | back in April, apparently so they it no longer looks like an
           | IP phone#). Then I wanted to login to discord on the my
           | desktop and it gave me some weird errors which basically
           | amounted to "this number is already claimed" (it was, by me)
           | so now I'm back to ignoring discord again.
       | mabbo wrote:
       | The most interesting part, to me, of a release like this is the
       | amount of "please don't abuse this technology" pleading. No
       | licence will ever stop people from doing things that the licence
       | says they can't. There will always be someone who digs into the
       | internals and makes a version that does not respect your hopes
       | and dreams. It's going to be bad.
       | As I see it, within a couple years this tech will be so
       | widespread and ubiquitous that you can fully expect your asshole
       | friends to grab a dozen photos of you from Facebook and then make
       | a hyperrealistic pornographic image of you with a gorilla[0].
       | Pandora's box is open, and you cannot put the technology back
       | once it's out there.
       | You can't simply pass laws against it because every country has
       | its own laws and people in other places will just do whatever it
       | is you can't do here.
       | And it's only going to get better/worse. Video will follow soon
       | enough, as the tech improves. Politics will be influenced. You
       | can't trust anything you see anymore (if you even could before,
       | since Photoshop became readily available).
       | Why bother asking people not to? I guess if it helps you sleep at
       | night that you tried, I guess?
       | [0]A gorilla if you're lucky, to be honest.
         | OmarIsmail wrote:
         | We do a decent job of banning child pornography.
         | And bringing the two ideas together, is child pornography that
         | is provably created by an AI still illegal?
           | seydor wrote:
           | Actually ... we just did a good job of making generated child
           | pornography ubiquitous.
           | causi wrote:
           | As far as I'm aware countries fall broadly into two camps.
           | Camp 1, USA for example, is concerned purely with the abuse
           | of children, i.e., anything that depicts or is constructed of
           | pieces of real children is illegal but other things such as
           | drawings, stories, adults role playing, etc is not. Camp 2
           | outlaws any representation of it whether or not a child was
           | involved.
           | Nowhere will a training set featuring pictures of naked
           | children be legal.
             | 16890c wrote:
             | >Nowhere will a training set featuring pictures of naked
             | children be legal.
             | True, but generalizing beyond the training set is precisely
             | the point of machine learning. A good generative model will
             | be able to produce such images, no matter how heinous the
             | content is.
             | OmarIsmail wrote:
             | > Nowhere will a training set featuring pictures of naked
             | children be legal.
             | Appropriately from the recent news stories, but it's easy
             | to imagine at least portions of such pictures being
             | available for medical diagnostic purposes. I've sent
             | pictures of my children to my doctor, so presumably in the
             | future it's easy to imagine sending pictures to an AI to
             | diagnose which would require a suitably fleshed out (pardon
             | the pun) training set.
         | mdcds wrote:
         | > you can fully expect your asshole friends to grab a dozen
         | photos of you from Facebook and then make a hyperrealistic
         | pornographic image of you with a gorilla
         | my prediction is that, as a result, people will start assuming
         | pics online are fake until proven otherwise.
           | lern_too_spel wrote:
           | > my prediction is that, as a result, people will start
           | assuming pics online are fake until proven otherwise.
           | "That worked well for quotations." -- Abraham Lincoln
         | fpgaminer wrote:
         | If I recall from the interview with Stability.ai's founder, he
         | has more or less the same opinion, and that humans will adapt
         | to the new technology as we always have. I figure "please don't
         | abuse this technology" warning stickers are more CYA. It'll
         | make the vast majority of judges look at a motion to dismiss
         | and not blink an eye.
           | gitfan86 wrote:
           | Historically, he is correct. It is easy to find people that
           | were against TVs, Cars, Trains, Electric Cars. Those people
           | were not entirely wrong with their logic. Trains and cars did
           | make it much easier for scammers to come into a town and then
           | leave quickly.
             | theptip wrote:
             | In terms of the equilibrium, this is certainly a true
             | observation. However, historically speaking new technology
             | can be extremely disruptive in the short-term as society
             | figures out the new norms, and the power-structures are
             | disrupted and then re-equilibrate.
             | Concretely, it's probably true that children born with this
             | technology will have adapted to many of the negative (and
             | positive) aspects of it. But the current generation of
             | elites, politicians, and voters might have a harder time
             | adapting.
         | patientplatypus wrote:
         | oifjsidjf wrote:
         | This.
         | They just have to cover their asses, any sane dev would make
         | the same license due to the power of this tech.
         | On some level I can't stop laughing since OpenAI really got
         | smoked. "OpenAI" my ass, this is what open TRULY means!
         | Cheering for these devs.
         | aortega wrote:
         | >make a hyperrealistic pornographic image of you with a
         | gorilla[0]
         | I don't understand this irrational fear. This can be done
         | today, just need some minutes instead of some seconds to create
         | a good Photoshop.
         | Also, seriously this is the thing you fear? fake porn? there
         | are much worse thing you can do with this tech, like phising,
         | falsifications, etc. Not mentioning leaving millions of graphic
         | designers out of job.
           | peoplefromibiza wrote:
           | Unfortunately _Anything that can go wrong will go wrong_
           | Photoshop is a skill, not very widespread as we assume.
           | Typing something is _literally_ at everyone 's fingertips.
           | cerol wrote:
           | That's what I was thinking. Whether a pornographic picture of
           | me and a gorilla was made by photoshop or AI is irrelevant.
           | People's reactions will be the same, and repercussions will
           | be mostly the same (which doesn't means there will be
           | consequences).
           | If someone really wants to hurt you, not having AI isn't
           | going to stop them.
             | aortega wrote:
             | The real effect will be that you can publish a real picture
             | of you fucking a gorilla and nobody would believe it
             | because it's trivial to generate it with an AI.
         | naillo wrote:
         | I much prefer a company that asks me to not abuse it but lets
         | me, then a company that treats me like child and force filters
         | it out for me.
         | skybrian wrote:
         | It seems inevitable like it's "inevitable" that they Photoshop
         | your face onto porn. Yes, of course it will happen but maybe
         | not to most people? I'd guess inevitable for many celebrities.
           | croes wrote:
           | It will be more now. Photoshop needs some skills. With AI it
           | gets easier and easier.
             | eastbound wrote:
             | But even today, we deal correctly with it. Fakes and real
             | photos are mingled together in 9Gag/LatestNews reports
             | about Ukraine. Under the fakes (and the real), people ask
             | for confirmation. Someone says it's true, no-one believes
             | him, until a link to a newspaper is dropped. And 9Gag isn't
             | the highest IQ community around, so yes, general population
             | does distrusts photos by default until proven.
             | They are laughed at anyway if they tell a story coming from
             | a forged photo.
             | Sure, newspapers could forge stories, display pictures
             | with, I don't know, Biden's son with a crackpipe, and make
             | the populace believe untrue stories. But guess what, they
             | already do it anyway, newspapers already "spin" (as they
             | say, i.e. forge, suggest without literally saying) stories
             | all the time.
             | The world deals correctly with fakes.
               | croes wrote:
               | I have a quite different perception of 9gag. Yes, some
               | ask for confirmation but it depends very much on the
               | topic.
               | Wrong topic and facts get downvoted and the fake news
               | prevail.
               | And not all links to newspaper are considered valid,
               | especially if it's about "woke culture". Then you have to
               | search the reasonable needle in the haystack of
               | transphobia, homophobia and misogyny.
               | gabereiser wrote:
               | The problem comes from the early adult newsroom interns
               | responsible for sourcing content. They don't know it's
               | fake, it sounds like a good click-baity article to them,
               | so they run it. It happens.
               | eastbound wrote:
               | I wouldn't shift responsibility on the shoulders of the
               | last newcomer. The top of the management has had ample
               | time to diagnose this. If it remains like this, it's by
               | design.
         | wwwtyro wrote:
         | > Politics will be influenced. You can't trust anything you see
         | anymore
         | I've been wondering for a while now if this will lead to an
         | unexpected boon: perhaps people will be forced to pay attention
         | to a speaker's content instead of simply who is speaking.
           | dbingham wrote:
           | The problem with this is that you will never know who is
           | actually speaking. Deep fakes are already a thing, but as
           | they get better and more accessible we will approach a world
           | where anyone can make anyone say anything and make it hyper
           | believable. In that world, it will be very difficult to tell
           | what is real.
             | bluejellybean wrote:
             | My personal hunch is that this will end up leading to a
             | situation in which presenters do a cryptographic handshake
             | that works to verify and prove authenticity. This isn't a
             | new idea, and it has some very obvious drawbacks, but I
             | don't see much of a way around the issue. The handshake
             | could work great for something like official news releases,
             | but for other instances that might come up in court, say,
             | dash cam footage of an accident, it seems to me that the
             | legal system is going to face some serious issues as these
             | programs progress.
               | nelsondev wrote:
               | Looking forward to a future where all a politician's
               | quotes are on a blockchain, signed by their private key,
               | and they chose to do so voluntarily out of fear of deep
               | fakes.
               | Will remove all the useless "I didn't say that"
               | dinosaurdynasty wrote:
               | Do politicians understand blockchains?
               | kelseyfrog wrote:
               | Neither do we[1], so it's sort of a mixed bag.
               | 1. True for an overwhelming majority of the body politic.
               | nelsondev wrote:
               | Rename it as "verified speech transcripts." I don't need
               | to understand video codecs to watch Youtube.
               | marak830 wrote:
               | It will end up back where we started, "it's not on the
               | Blockchain so I didn't say it", while making racist
               | remarks with friends.
               | swader999 wrote:
               | That's a start! I think their video appearances should be
               | like a car in NASCAR with permanently displayed logos
               | superimposed from all the interests that have funded
               | their rise.
             | [deleted]
           | edouard-harris wrote:
           | Unfortunately a speaker's content can also be auto-generated
           | now, at least for brief enough snippets. And that means the
           | content can (and will) be optimized to appeal to a target
           | segment much more than has ever been previously possible.
         | narrator wrote:
         | As someone who witnessed AI Dungeon's GPT-3 model with an
         | unlimited uninhibited imagination for erotica I would download
         | everything now before they cripple the models. I would not be
         | surprised if they very shortly completely stop downloads due to
         | "abuse" and pursue a SAAS model.
         | I think it's funny how Yandex, a Russian company, releases
         | these big language models without all the AI safety
         | handwringing in their press releases. The Russians have a
         | tradition of releasing technology without giving a lot of worry
         | about what happens to it, for better or for worse. For example,
         | they made between 75 and 100 million ak-47s, a not in any way
         | limited machine gun, and it spread to every corner of the
         | world. They even gave out all the plans and technical
         | assistance so any one of the organizations they worked with
         | could produce their own. 20 different countries make ak-47s
         | currently. Of course you had to register every xerox machine in
         | the Soviet Union, so maybe they just had different priorities?
         | The west is absolutely fascinated these days with the control
         | of advanced technology. Drones, Blockchain, and AI models seem
         | to be the latest things that the west is determined to exercise
         | control over. For example:
         | "Many of the technological advances we currently see are not
         | properly accounted for in the current regulatory framework and
         | might even disrupt the social contract that governments have
         | established with their citizens. Agile governance means that
         | regulators must find ways to adapt continuously to a new, fast-
         | changing environment by reinventing themselves to understand
         | better what they are regulating. To do so, governments and
         | regulatory agencies need to closely collaborate with business
         | and civil society to shape the necessary global, regional and
         | industrial transformations." -Klaus Schwab, "The Fourth
         | Industrial Revolution", Page 70.
           | RandomLensman wrote:
           | It's not about control of advanced technologies but rather
           | making such technologies look more powerful by pointing out
           | real or imagined destructive capabilities. If you want
           | funding or "big up" a topic, claim it has the power to bring
           | down the world (anyone remembering gray goo?).
         | seydor wrote:
         | I think that s a hopeful message.
         | At first we will see a lot of "prompt censoring mobs" that will
         | try to "stop abusers because children and terrorists", but as
         | the images multiply, and they will multiply, the line between
         | real and fake photos will become hard to spot, for real. This
         | is i think a pivotal and great moment, because everyone can now
         | claim plausible deniability to any picture. No revenge porn
         | will be believable anymore, nor will anyone know if that
         | Bezos's weiner pic is real or not.
         | gjsman-1000 wrote:
         | I had a thought for a utopian/dystopian world.
         | One day these image generators will also get video support...
         | and pornography support. When that happens, a few things may
         | occur that I think are reasonable to predict:
         | EDIT: Original post was way too wordy, TL;DR:
         | When AI-generated pornography becomes available, it could be
         | likely that demand for "real" pornography disappears because
         | the AI will match and surpass the "real." When that occurs, the
         | "real" will become increasingly regulated and legally risky,
         | and may just outright be as good as banned.
           | suby wrote:
           | There will be a huge and unkillable market for non-AI
           | generated pornography, even if people cannot tell the
           | difference in an AB test. The demand will be too strong and I
           | don't think there will be much outcry to ban it if it's all
           | consenting adults.
             | scarmig wrote:
             | If people can't tell the difference in an AB test, how will
             | the real porn out compete the generated stuff? Porn
             | distributors aren't known for their truth in advertising or
             | care in sourcing of material. And even if they were, how
             | would the porn distributors be able to source the real
             | stuff, when anyone can create porn of anyone they imagine?
             | You might say PKA will save us, but people aren't going to
             | be typing out `gpg --verify` when their hands are otherwise
             | occupied.
             | tastemykungfu wrote:
             | Curious as to how you arrived at that conclusion.
               | derac wrote:
               | A quick Google shows an estimate that it was a 100
               | billion dollar market in 2017. Seems there is a lot of
               | demand.
               | thfuran wrote:
               | But what portion of that demand is specifically for
               | artisinally handcrafted authentic sex rather than for
               | apparent sex acts?
         | croes wrote:
         | Perhaps we should have started with artificial wisdom instead
         | of artificial intelligence
         | matheusmoreira wrote:
         | > you can fully expect your asshole friends to grab a dozen
         | photos of you from Facebook and then make a hyperrealistic
         | pornographic image of you with a gorilla
         | ... Someone is gonna do this to children. This technology is
         | gonna end up on the news. Maybe they'll even try to ban it.
         | indymike wrote:
         | Corollary: If you did not make it, someone else would have
         | anyway.
         | hahajk wrote:
         | Like you mentioned near the end, all this has been possible
         | with photoshop, with amateur level skill. Hollywood can CGI the
         | entire Captain Marvel movie, so as far as state-level efforts
         | go, AI can really only be an incremental improvement at best.
         | I think this is all just trendy popular sentiment moralizing
         | AI.
         | cypress66 wrote:
         | > Why bother asking people not to? I guess if it helps you
         | sleep at night that you tried, I guess?
         | They obviously are aware. They just put all that so they don't
         | get "canceled". It's just virtue signaling and covering your
         | ass.
         | nootropicat wrote:
         | This is great news for those that actually have sex with a
         | gorilla, because now they can claim it's an ai photo. :)
         | Kidding aside, I think this is actually good. Humans need
         | ephemerality. We are never getting the full version of it back,
         | but with photorealistic ai video and image creation some
         | freedom returns. I think without it a society in which everyone
         | has a camera all the time would mean absolute ossification of
         | social norms. Right now it's very, very new - I mean multiple
         | generations living with the current, or better (eg. recording
         | eye implants) technology.
         | ForrestN wrote:
         | I wonder/hope if a downstream effect of this technological
         | change will be the end of the idea of a "shameful" or
         | "humiliating" image. We all have bodies, we all have sex, and I
         | agree that soon images of ourselves being nude/having sex etc.
         | will proliferate because they'll be generated instantly via
         | Siri shortcut as part of casual banter.
         | In a world where every celebrity is having sex with gorillas,
         | doesn't such an image lose its charge? Will Norms and values
         | around sex/body shaming change?
           | Fauntleroy wrote:
           | If we get to the point where we can't tell AI generated
           | images from reality, I'm not sure "body shaming" will be on
           | society's collective radar anymore.
             | geysersam wrote:
             | I bet someone said in 1830, "by the time we can send robots
             | to Mars, body shaming will not be a thing anymore". For
             | better and worse, that's not how we humans do things
             | generally.
             | ForrestN wrote:
             | Why?
               | TylerE wrote:
               | Much bigger fish to fry.
               | Think things like forged evidence in trials.
               | telesilla wrote:
               | It's the right time to get into the digital forensics
               | business.
               | 867-5309 wrote:
               | ..and the Berlin gorilla nightscene
               | mmmpop wrote:
               | I second this.
               | bwest87 wrote:
               | Appropriately prioritizing problems has never really been
               | society's strength...
               | mmmpop wrote:
               | That's because pesky things like "democracy" get in the
               | way of getting shit done.
               | Don't you think?
           | BrainVirus wrote:
           | _> In a world where every celebrity is having sex with
           | gorillas, doesn't such an image lose its charge?_
           | No, because the image itself doesn't matter. What matters is
           | how much the public wants to hate someone. If t he public is
           | primed, any remotely plausible incriminating image will do as
           | an excuse.
           | Fortunately, these images are actually far than what someone
           | can cook up with Photoshop. Unfortunately, it's a part of a
           | bigger trend where we get more and more tools to produce,
           | manipulates and share information, while the tools to analyze
           | and filter information are lagging by at least half a
           | century.
           | Swizec wrote:
           | > In a world where every celebrity is having sex with
           | gorillas, doesn't such an image lose its charge? Will Norms
           | and values around sex/body shaming change?
           | I hoped this would happen with social media. Everyone says
           | stupid shit online and everyone has past beliefs they've
           | outgrown. So what's the big deal?
           | Instead we went the opposite way. Everyone is super self
           | conscious and censoring at all times because you never know
           | who's gonna take it out of context and make a big deal.
             | seydor wrote:
             | This is not the same though, it's about being able to deny
             | that that photo of you is real, not that it's taken out of
             | context.
               | Swizec wrote:
               | Well what's a "real" photo?
               | If I take your photo and photoshop (very well) different
               | surroundings. Is it a real photo if you?
               | If I photoshop your face (very well) onto a different
               | body. Is that real?
               | If I feed your photos into a model that can create
               | realistic versions of those photos in different poses or
               | with different facial expressions. Is that real?
               | They all start with something that is very definitely a
               | real photo. You can't (yet? ever?) generate a realistic
               | photo of a specific person from a textual description.
               | The machinery needs a source.
               | seydor wrote:
               | A real photo is one created by photons outside the camera
               | Swizec wrote:
               | You'll be surprised to learn that doesn't work without
               | some amazing tech to process the photons. Different
               | settings will produce a different photo.
               | Hell, just changing focal length makes a bigg difference
               | to what your face looks like:
               | https://imgur.io/gallery/ZKTWi no digital manipulation
               | required.
               | Which of those faces is "real"? They're all just
               | recording photons hitting the camera, but look very
               | different.
               | It gets even worse when we start talking about colors.
               | For example: it took cameras _decades_ before they could
               | accurately capture black faces. Where accurately means
               | "an average person would say it looks right"
               | https://www.vox.com/2015/9/18/9348821/photography-race-
               | bias
               | kortex wrote:
               | Simple: a "real" photo is one in which a light field from
               | the real world impinges on a photosensitive media (CCD,
               | film), and directly encodes that information, with some
               | allowance for global light levels, gain, ISO, and speed.
               | Anything else is a modification therein. HDR, multi-
               | exposure compositing, etc, aren't truly "real". They may
               | be 99% real, but aren't 100% real. If you _crop_ it, it
               | 's 99.9% real (we have models which can detect cropping
               | and even from which region it originated, obviously it
               | can't reconstruct the missing data).
               | Yes, by that definition, most photographs already aren't
               | real.
               | Swizec wrote:
               | > Yes, by that definition, most photographs already
               | aren't real.
               | What if I use no digital manipulation at all, but play
               | around with focal lengths or perspective to produce the
               | desired effect. Is that a real photo?
               | For example from covid reporting:
               | https://twitter.com/baekdal/status/1254460167812415489
               | simondotau wrote:
               | So if I take a photo of a photoshopped photo, it is a
               | real photo.
               | taylorportman wrote:
               | It is an interesting point [the hope that values will
               | adapt to reflect typical mischievous patterns of social
               | dynamics within various clusters].. I used to marvel
               | during the dotcom era at the salivating delight of "the
               | internet never forgets" of college students caught
               | smoking a bong and the subsequent impact on their career
               | (virtue signalling?).. I saw hope that society could then
               | adapt about ridiculous FUD biases. There is a strange
               | relationship of scarcity & opportunity and these windows
               | into souls painting a distorted picture of the darker
               | side of our ambitions. It is a cancer. Also, humans are
               | always testing boundary conditions - curiosity,
               | discontent, security,insecurity. Some inherent
               | desperation of people jockeying for the next path from
               | frying pan to fire in the search for greener pasture
               | breeds opportunism that seems certain to favor
               | desperation and negativity.
           | tshaddox wrote:
           | That seems unlikely, given that _making up hurtful stories
           | about people and transmitting them via text or voice_ is
           | still a thing. Everyone knows that anyone can make up any
           | story they want without any technology whatsoever, and yet
           | spreading rumors is still a thing.
             | seydor wrote:
             | Not really. I can't think of a recent "leaked texts" that
             | the participants cannot not easily and plausibly deny (e.g.
             | elon's supposed messages to gates), or even voice messages.
             | Even most images can already be denied as photoshop if all
             | the witnesses agree. The only medium that is somewhat hard
             | to deny is videos, like sex tapes, but that's also not too
             | hard. I think there will soon be a race to make deep
             | learning pics look completely indistinguishable from phone
             | pics.
               | zone411 wrote:
               | It'll be hard to deny crypto-signed photos
               | https://petapixel.com/2022/08/08/sonys-forgery-proof-
               | tech-ad..., especially if they include metadata that
               | distinguish photos of AI generated images from normal
               | photos.
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | Are journalists savvy or ethical enough to give a shit?
               | What about the people reading/viewing/listening to the
               | news?
               | seydor wrote:
               | any camera can be hacked to plant an image in its
               | framebuffer
               | zone411 wrote:
               | Maybe at some point for some cameras. But not soon after
               | their release if they took steps to protect their
               | pipeline with hardware.
               | dustyleary wrote:
               | There are a few different kinds of 'secure enclaves'
               | implemented on chips, where you can have some degree of
               | trust that it "cannot" be faked.
               | E.g. crypto wallets, hardware signing tokens, etc.
               | We could imagine an imaging sensor chip made by a big-
               | name company whose reputation matters, where the imaging
               | sensor chip does the signing itself.
               | So, Sony or Texas Instruments or Canon start
               | manufacturing a CCD chip that crypto signs its output.
               | And this chip "can't" be messed with in the same way that
               | other crypto-signing hardware "can't" be messed with.
               | That doesn't seem too far-fetched to me.
               | * edit: As I think about it, I think more likely what
               | happens is that e.g. Apple starts promising that any
               | "iPhoneReality(tm)" image, which is digitally signed in a
               | certain way, cannot have been faked and was certainly
               | taken by the hardware that it 'promises' to be (e.g. the
               | iPhone 25).
               | Regardless of how they implement it at the hardware level
               | to maintain this guarantee, it is going to be a major
               | target for security researchers to create fake images
               | that carry the signature.
               | So, we will have some level of trust that the signature
               | "works", because it is always being attacked by security
               | researchers. Just like our crypto methods work today.
               | There will be a cat-and-mouse game between manufacturers
               | and researchers/hackers, and we'll probably know years in
               | advance when a particular implementation is becoming
               | "shaky".
               | tshaddox wrote:
               | Perhaps that's somewhat true for famous people, although
               | there are plenty of examples of false stories (without
               | any forged evidence, literally just stories) causing real
               | embarrassment and damage to reputation.
               | But it's even more true for non-famous people getting
               | bullied in their social groups, both online and offline,
               | and that's more what I was responding to (the "asshole
               | friends" in the original comment).
         | tgv wrote:
         | You're right. They call this an "ethical release", but what
         | ethics, I may ask. A profitable IPO is more likely to have been
         | their consideration. As other researchers before them, they are
         | willingly releasing something with the potential to do harm, or
         | pave the way for it, washing their hands in innocence.
         | choppaface wrote:
         | Really, the licensing is most interesting? There's a lot of
         | public info about training and development too.
         | The license itself is pretty irrelevant. What people will
         | actually do with the training blueprints, and how fast things
         | will evolve.. now that's interesting.
         | Geee wrote:
         | I think the actual problem is that this gives plausible
         | deniability against photographic evidence, which might result
         | in increase of bad behavior. Even cameras which
         | cryptographically sign their output can't prove that the input
         | was actually photographed from the real world, or if it's just
         | an image of an image.
       | jl6 wrote:
       | Can this be used to create Imagen/DALL-E levels of image quality
       | on consumer GPUs?
         | andybak wrote:
         | For many classes of prompts - yes. It has less semantic
         | awareness in some regards but it's in the right ballpark.
         | toxik wrote:
         | Takes 10 GiB but yes.
       | mkaic wrote:
       | This is one of the most important moments in all of art history.
       | Millions of people just got unconditional access to the state-of-
       | the-art in AI text-to-image for absolutely free less the cost of
       | hardware. I have an Nvidia GPU myself and am thrilled beyond
       | belief with the possibilities that this opens up.
       | Am planning on doing some deep dives into latent-space
       | exploration algorithms and hypernetworks in the coming days! This
       | is so, so, so exciting. Maybe the most exciting single release in
       | AI since the invention of the GAN.
       | EDIT: I'm particularly interested in training a hypernetwork to
       | translate natural language instructions into latent-space
       | navigation instructions with the end goal of enabling me to give
       | the model natural-language feedback on its generations. I've got
       | some rough ideas but haven't totally mapped out my approach yet,
       | if anyone can link me to similar projects I'd be very grateful.
         | egypturnash wrote:
         | It's the opposite of exciting if art is your job, lemme tell
         | you.
           | grandmczeb wrote:
           | Depends on your perspective I guess. The visual artists I
           | know are super excited about AI art.
           | squeaky-clean wrote:
           | I have a friend who works as an artist and he's excited and
           | nervous about this. But also he's trying to learn how to use
           | these well. If you try these AI out, there's definitely an
           | art to writing good prompts that gets what you actually want.
           | Hopefully these AI will become just another brush in the
           | artist's palette rather than a replacement.
           | I hope these end up similar to the relationship between
           | Google and programming. We all know the jokes about "I don't
           | really know how to code, I just know how to Google things".
           | But using a search engine efficiently is a very real skill
           | with a large gap between those who know how and those who
           | don't.
             | squeaky-clean wrote:
             | Replying to myself because I just had a chat with him about
             | this. He's thinking of getting a high end GPU now, lol.
             | Some ideas of how this could be useful in the future to
             | assist artists:
             | Quickly fleshing out design mockups/concepts is the obvious
             | first one that you can do right now.
             | An AI stamp generator. Say you're working on a digital
             | painting of a flower field. You click the AI menu, "Stamp",
             | a textbox opens up and you type "Monarch butterfly. Facing
             | viewer. Monet style painting." And you get a selection of
             | ai generated images to stamp into your painting.
             | Fill by AI. Sketch the details of a house, select the Fill
             | tool, select AI, click inside one of the walls of the
             | house, a textbox pops up, you write "pre-war New York brick
             | wall with yellow spray painted graffiti"
           | fithisux wrote:
           | AI will just replace existing jobs. It is unethical since a
           | lot of people will be destroyed but our leaders sponsored by
           | the majority's insatiable appetite for power will soon make
           | it legal.
           | AI is a new tool that will automate away a lot of workers
           | like other machines.
           | What happens with these workers is what defines us.
             | boredemployee wrote:
             | And there are a lot of influencers saying that it will be
             | "really nice that AI will replace the boring jobs so we can
             | focus on creative/fulfilling life" yeah right...
               | cercatrova wrote:
               | Ironically, with Moravec's Paradox, (digital) creative
               | tasks will probably be automated while the boring tasks
               | of moving boxes around might not be for a while:
               | > _Moravec 's paradox is the observation by artificial
               | intelligence and robotics researchers that, contrary to
               | traditional assumptions, reasoning requires very little
               | computation, but sensorimotor and perception skills
               | require enormous computational resources. The principle
               | was articulated by Hans Moravec, Rodney Brooks, Marvin
               | Minsky and others in the 1980s. Moravec wrote in 1988,
               | "it is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult
               | level performance on intelligence tests or playing
               | checkers, and difficult or impossible to give them the
               | skills of a one-year-old when it comes to perception and
               | mobility"._
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moravec%27s_paradox
           | mkaic wrote:
           | (OP here) I agree. I am an artist (not by trade but by
           | lifelong obsession) in several different mediums, but also an
           | AI engineer--so I feel a weird mixture of emotions tbh. I'm
           | thrilled and excited but also terrified lol.
             | egypturnash wrote:
             | It's my fucking job. I've spent my whole fucking life
             | getting good at drawing. I can probably manage to keep
             | finding work but I am really not happy about what this is
             | going to do to that place where a young artist is right at
             | the threshold of being good enough to make it their job.
             | Because once you're spending most of your days doing a
             | thing, _you start getting better at it a lot faster_. And
             | every place this shit gets used is a lost opportunity for
             | an artist to get paid to do something.
             | I wanna fucking punch everyone involved in this thing.
               | cercatrova wrote:
               | I mean I get what you're saying, sucks to have someone or
               | something take your job, but isn't this a neo-luddite
               | type argument? AI is gonna come for us all eventually.
               | egypturnash wrote:
               | Please save this comment and re-read it when a new
               | development in AI suddenly goes from "this is cute" to
               | "holy fuck my job feels obsolete and the motherfuckers
               | doing it are not gonna give a single thought to all the
               | people they're putting out of work". Thank you.
               | cercatrova wrote:
               | Look at that, you said the same thing to me 8 days ago
               | [0]. I'll stick to the same rebuttals you got for that
               | comment as well, namely that AI comes for us all, the
               | only thing to be done is to adapt and survive, or perish.
               | Like @yanderekko says, it is cowardice to assume we
               | should make an exception for AI in our specific field of
               | interest.
               | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32462157
               | visarga wrote:
               | You got to move one step higher and work with ideas and
               | concepts instead of brushes. AI can generate more imagery
               | than was previously possible, so it's going to be about
               | story telling or animation.
               | egypturnash wrote:
               | I make comics, it's already about storytelling and ideas
               | as much as it is about drawing stuff. I make comics in
               | part because _I like drawing shit_ and that gives me a
               | framework to hang a lot of drawings on. I _like_ the set
               | of levels I work at and don 't want to change it. I've
               | spent an _entire fucking lifetime_ figuring out how to
               | make my work something I enjoy and I sure bet nobody
               | involved in this is gonna fling a single cent in the
               | direction of the artists they 're perpetrating massive
               | borderline copyright infringement upon.
               | But here's all these motherfuckers trying to automate me
               | out of a job. It's not even a boring, miserable job. It's
               | a job that people dream of having since they were kids
               | who really liked to draw. Fuck 'em.
               | redavni wrote:
               | Eh...the countdown to Photoshop and Blender integrating
               | AI support has already started.
               | egypturnash wrote:
               | I wanna punch everyone involved in that, too.
               | Admittedly as someone who's been subscribing to Creative
               | Cloud for a while I already wanna punch a lot of people
               | at Adobe so the people working on this particular part of
               | Photoshop are gonna have to get in line.
           | boredemployee wrote:
           | Yep. I'm glad that didn't hit other spaces, like music, _yet_
             | zone411 wrote:
             | Check out the melodies I made with an AI assistant I
             | created (human-in-the-loop still but much quicker than if I
             | tried to come up with them from the scratch): https://www.y
             | outube.com/playlist?list=PLoCzMRqh5SkFwkumE578Y.... There
             | are also good AI tools for other parts of making music,
             | like singing voice generation.
           | fezfight wrote:
           | Kinda like the creation of copilot and it's ilk for
           | programmers, and gpt3 for writers. Ive seen some talk
           | recently around 'prompt engineers'... Probably to some
           | extent, every job will become prompt engineering in some way.
           | Eventually I suppose the AIs will also do the prompts.
           | At which point I hope we've all agreed to a star trek utopia,
           | or it's gonna get real bad. Or maybe it'll get way better.
             | egypturnash wrote:
             | Yeah, if we're gonna replace every fucking profession with
             | a half-assed good-enough AI version, what're we even here
             | for? We're sure not all gonna survive in a capitalist
             | society where you have to create some kind of "value" to
             | earn enough money to pay for your roof and your food and
             | your power.
             | IIRC there is some vague "it sure got real bad" somewhere
             | in the Trek timelines between "capitalism ended" and "post-
             | scarcity utopia" and I sure am not looking forwards to
             | living through those times. Well, I'm looking forwards to
             | part of that, I'm looking forwards to the part where we
             | murder a lot of landlords and rent-seekers and CEOs and
             | distribute their wealth. That'll be good.
               | bottlepalm wrote:
               | Next let's get rid of all the artists and replace them
               | with AI. Redistribute their skills so we can all make
               | art. Oh wait that just happened. You're a hypocrite that
               | wants to redistribute the wealth of others, but not your
               | own.
               | Also joking about murdering people is bad taste and not
               | how you convey a point or win an argument. Very low
               | class.
             | ALittleLight wrote:
             | I think right now we could setup the AI's to do the
             | prompts. You type in a vague description - "gorilla in a
             | suit" and that is passed to GPT-3's API with instructions
             | to provide a detailed and vivid description of the input in
             | X style where X is one of several different styles. GPT-3
             | generates multiple prompts, the prompts passed to Stable
             | Diffusion, the user gets back a grid of different images
             | and styles. Selecting an image on the results grid prompts
             | for variation, possibly of the prompt and the images.
         | tailspin2019 wrote:
         | > state-of-the-art in AI image-to-text
         | I think you meant text-to-image!
           | mkaic wrote:
           | oh heck, you're right! I edited the original comment, thanks.
         | [deleted]
         | bilsbie wrote:
         | > particularly interested in training a hypernetwork to
         | translate natural language instructions into latent-space
         | navigation instructions with the end goal of enabling me to
         | give the model natural-language feedback on its generations.
         | What are you doing exactly?
           | DougBTX wrote:
           | Imagine every conceivable image is laid out on the ground,
           | images which are similar to each other are closer together.
           | You're looking at an image of a face. Some nearby images
           | might be happier, sadder, with different hair or eye colours,
           | every possibility in every combination all around it. There
           | are a lot of images, so it is hard to know where to look if
           | you want something specific, even if it is nearby. They're
           | going to write software to point you in the right direction,
           | by describing what you want in text.
           | Here's an example of this sort of manipulation:
           | https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.01187
           | haneefmubarak wrote:
           | AFAICT: making a navigation/direction model that can
           | translate phrase-based directions into actual map-based
           | directions, with the caveat that the model would be updated
           | primarily by giving it feedback the same way that you would
           | give a person feedback.
           | Sounds only a couple of steps removed from basically needing
           | AGI?
             | space_fountain wrote:
             | I suspect you'd want to start by trying to translate
             | differences between images into descriptive differences.
             | Maybe you could generate examples by symbolic manipulation
             | to generate pairs of images or maybe nlp can let us find
             | differences between pairs of captions? Large nlp models
             | already feel pretty magical to me and encompass things that
             | we would have said required AGI until recently so it seems
             | possible, though really tough
         | daenz wrote:
         | >This is one of the most important moments in all of art
         | history.
         | I agree, but not for the reasons you imply. It will force real
         | artists to differentiate themselves from AI, since the line is
         | now sufficiently blurred. It's probably the death of an era of
         | digital art as we know it.
           | gjsman-1000 wrote:
           | Maybe this will signal a return to "real" non-digital artwork
           | and methods...
           | quadcore wrote:
           | Wait here, this shit hasnt hit France yet :)
           | Those models are trained on artists work and put those same
           | artists out of work. When people will register I dont think
           | this is gonna fly.
             | ben_w wrote:
             | > Wait here, this shit hasnt hit France yet.
             | What is special about France in this case?
               | vintermann wrote:
               | Labour protections/willingness to strike, I suspect they
               | mean. But I don't buy it. I've seen far too many people
               | who "should" be worried about this technology instead be
               | absolutely in love with it.
               | Case in point, the comic artist Jens K (who, f.d, I
               | support on Patreon):
               | https://twitter.com/jenskstyve/status/1560360657148682242
           | [deleted]
           | telesilla wrote:
           | Did we say the same in the 80s when audio sampling became a
           | thing? We accepted it (after obligatory legal battles) and
           | moved on, giving rise to the Creative Commons.
           | wwwtyro wrote:
           | Yeah, the fact that these models are necessarily based on
           | existing works leaves me hopeful that humans will remain the
           | leaders in this space for the time being.
             | soulofmischief wrote:
             | Human works are needed to create the initial datasets, but
             | an increasing amount of models use generative feedback
             | loops to create more training data. This layer can easily
             | introduce novel styles and concepts without further human
             | input.
             | The time is coming where we will need to, as patrons,
             | reevaluate our relationships with art. I fear art is
             | returning to a patronage model, at least for now, as
             | certainly an industry which already massively exploits
             | digital artists will be more than happy to replace them
             | with 25% worse performing AI for 100% less cost.
               | BeFlatXIII wrote:
               | For those who are lucky enough to make it, I foresee
               | patronage as being much more stable than making art to
               | sell to the masses/corporate ad contracts.
               | quadcore wrote:
               | The generated pictures that are posted in the blog post
               | are superior than the average artist work. Which isnt
               | surprising, AI corrects "human mistake" (e.g.
               | composition, colors, contrasts, lines, etc) easily.
               | archagon wrote:
               | Why would people want to consume art that says nothing
               | and means nothing? While this technology is fascinating,
               | it produces the visual equivalent of muzak, and will
               | continue to do so in perpetuity without the ability to
               | reason.
               | jmfldn wrote:
               | That's the problem for me too. This tech is cool for
               | games, stock images etc but for actual art it's pretty
               | meaningless. The artist's experience, biography and
               | relationship with the world and how that feeds into their
               | work is the WHOLE point for me. I want to engage, via any
               | real artistic product, with a lived human experience.
               | Human consciousness in other words.
               | To me this technology is very clever but it's meaningless
               | as far as real art goes, or it's a sideshow at best.
               | Perhaps best case, it can augment a human artistic
               | practice.
               | visarga wrote:
               | It's easy to generate believable backstory. A large LM
               | comes to write the bio of the "artist" and even a few
               | press interviews. If you like you can chat with it, and
               | of course request art to specification. You can even keep
               | it as a digital companion. So you can extend the realism
               | of the game as much as you like.
               | ben_w wrote:
               | How much is really being said by the highest dollar-
               | valued modern music?
               | https://youtu.be/oOlDewpCfZQ and
               | https://youtu.be/L2cfxv8Pq-Q come to mind for different
               | reasons.
               | robocat wrote:
               | Can photography be good art? Is Marcel Duchamp (found
               | object) art? Can good art be discovered almost
               | serendipitously, or can good art only be created by
               | slowly learning and applying a skill?
               | I think art is mostly about perception and selection, by
               | the viewer. There are others that think art is more about
               | the crafting process by the artist. How do you tell the
               | difference between an artist and a craftsperson?
               | One way I categorise artists I have met is engineer-type
               | artists versus discovery-type artists:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31981875
               | Disclaimer: I am engineer.
               | scarmig wrote:
               | We can tell the difference between muzak and "real
               | music"; we just dislike the muzak. But the real risk and
               | likelihood is that we get to the point that AI will be
               | generating art that is indistinguishable from human-
               | generated art, and it's only muzak if someone subscribes
               | to the idea that the content of art is less relevant than
               | its provenance. Some people will, particularly rich
               | people who use art as a status signifier/money laundering
               | vehicle, but mass media artists will struggle to find
               | buyers among the less discerning mass audience.
               | buildartefact wrote:
               | Marvel Studios makes billions of dollars every year
               | archagon wrote:
               | And I'm fairly confident in saying that AI will never be
               | able to generate a Marvel movie! (Not in our lifetimes,
               | anyway.)
             | BobbyJo wrote:
             | Humans are trained on other humans' work as well though. Is
             | there a type of ideological or aesthetic exploration that
             | can't be expressed as part of an AI model?
           | derac wrote:
           | Making art is already not making much money for the vast
           | majority of producers (outside of 3d modeling). There really
           | aren't very many jobs in making art. I'd reckon most people
           | are artists because they love doing it.
       | rvz wrote:
       | Great news of the public release, just look at the melting pot of
       | creativity and innovation already being posted here: [0] Much
       | better than DALLE-2.
       | Well done to the Stable Diffusion team for this release!
       | [0] https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/
       | mmastrac wrote:
       | How hard would this be to re-train to more domain-specific
       | images? For example, if I wanted to teach it more about specific
       | birds, cars or plane models?
       | serf wrote:
       | this one was incredibly easy to trick into producing uncensored
       | nudes.
       | which. personally.. I think is great.. but to each their own
       | (NSFW!!!) this ween does not exist :
       | https://i.ibb.co/D7qJ7HC/23456532.png
         | amrrs wrote:
         | They have a content filter classifier at the top wondering how
         | this escaped that.
           | GaggiX wrote:
           | You can disable it
       | contravariant wrote:
       | Don't tell it to make stuff in the style of Junji Ito.
       | bluejellybean wrote:
       | While neat, and no doubt impressive, it still utterly fails on
       | prompts that should be completely reasonable to any sane human
       | being/artist.
       | Take something like "A cat dancing atop a cow, with utters that
       | are made out of ar-15s that shoot lazer-beam confetti". A vivid
       | description should be aroused in your head, and no doubt, I could
       | imagine an artist have a lot of fun creating such a
       | description... Alas, what the model spits out is pure unusable
       | garbage.
         | topynate wrote:
         | The referent of "utters" (sic) is ambiguous, so I can imagine a
         | model having more difficulty with it than usual. Regardless,
         | the current SOTA does need more specific and sometimes
         | repetitive prompting than a human artist would, but it's
         | surprising how much better results you can get from SOTA models
         | with a bit of experience at prompt engineering.
           | bluejellybean wrote:
           | This is, in part, what I'm trying to point out, it's an
           | obvious typo given the context, and something that you or I
           | would be able to pick up on, yet it completely breaks (it
           | spit out a bunch of weird confetti cats for me). Perhaps I'm
           | being a little harsh, but if it requires word-perfect tuning
           | and prompt engineering, it speaks to something about the
           | 'stupidity' of these models. It's a neat trick, but to call
           | it anything in the realm of artificial intelligence is a bit
           | of a joke.
         | TulliusCicero wrote:
         | More complex/weirder prompts aren't going to work yet, no.
         | What will probably happen with these models is that for more
         | advanced stuff, you may using the "inpainting" that Dall-E
         | already has going, where you can sort of mix and match and
         | combine images. That way you could have the cat, for example,
         | rendered separately, thereby simplifying each individual
         | prompt.
         | h2odragon wrote:
         | ITYM "udders"
         | also try "teats"
       | naillo wrote:
       | Fucking awesome
       | mysterydip wrote:
       | Really interesting. I wonder if at some point it would be
       | possible to optimize a network for size and speed by focusing on
       | a specific genre, like impressionist or only pixel art. I like
       | that I can get an image in any style I want, but that has to
       | increase the workload substantially.
       | badsectoracula wrote:
       | Is there any way to download this on my PC and run it offline?
       | Something like a command-line tool like                   $
       | ./something "cow flying in space" > cow-in-space.png
       | that runs with local-only data (i.e. no internet access, no DRM,
       | no weird API keys, etc like pretty much every AI-related
       | application i've seen recently) would be neat.
         | cercatrova wrote:
         | Yes, clone the repo (https://github.com/CompVis/stable-
         | diffusion), download the weights and follow the readme for
         | setting up a conda environment. I am presently doing so on my
         | RTX 3080.
           | isoprophlex wrote:
           | I can't believe i sold my rtx2070 last month, aaargh...!
         | digitallyfree wrote:
         | As an aside I wonder how performance would be like running this
         | on CPU (with the current GPU shortage this might well be a
         | worthwhile choice). Even something like 30 minutes to generate
         | an image on a multicore CPU would greatly increase the number
         | of people able to freely play with this model.
         | drexlspivey wrote:
         | Yes but you need a GPU with 10Gb of vRAM
         | GaggiX wrote:
         | Yes you can
         | https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/releases/tag/v0.2.3
         | (probably the easiest way)
           | timmg wrote:
           | Garr:
           | > And log in on your machine using the huggingface-cli login
           | command.
           | I find that annoying. I guess it is what it is.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Yes, that's actually the biggest reason this is such a cool
         | announcement! You just need to download the model checkpoints
         | from HuggingFace[0] and follow the instructions on their Github
         | repo[1] and and you should be good to go. You basically just
         | need to clone the repo, set up a conda environment, and make
         | the weights available to the scripts they provide.
         | [0] https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion [1]
         | https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion
         | Good luck!
           | vintermann wrote:
           | You need a decent GPU, though. I suspect my 6080MiB won't cut
           | it any longer :(
             | miohtama wrote:
             | Is Apple M1 support expected soon? Because even if Apple's
             | chips are slower, they have plenty of RAM on laptops. I saw
             | some weeks ago it was coming, but I am not sure where to
             | follow the process.
             | neurostimulant wrote:
             | You're going to need at least 10GB VRAM. My SFF pc with 4GB
             | VRAM can only run dalle mini / craiyon :(
               | mempko wrote:
               | Not if you change the precision to float16. Should work
               | on a smaller card. Tried on a 1080 with 8GB and it works
               | well.
               | krisoft wrote:
               | How would one do that?
               | -----
               | Sorry my bad, found the answer. One simply adds the
               | following flags to the
               | StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained call in the
               | example: revision="fp16", torch_dtype=torch.float16
               | Found it in this blogpost:
               | https://huggingface.co/blog/stable_diffusion
               | mempko thank you for your hint! I was about to drop a not
               | insignificant amount of money on a new GPU.
               | What does one lose by using float16 representation? Does
               | it make the images visually less detailed? Or how can one
               | reason about this?
               | [deleted]
             | ompto wrote:
             | There's a version that's a bit slower but more memory
             | efficient https://github.com/basujindal/stable-diffusion
             | that runs on 6GB too.
         | naillo wrote:
         | This should be possible if someone just exported them to tflite
         | or onnxruntime etc (quantization could help a ton too). Not
         | sure why ppl haven't yet. Sure it'll come in the next few days
         | (I might do it).
         | [deleted]
         | jsmith45 wrote:
         | I _think_ the answer is yes, but setup is a bit complicated. I
         | would test this myself, but I don 't have an NVIDIA card with
         | at least 10GB of VRAM.
         | One time:
         | 1. Have "conda" installed.
         | 2. clone https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion
         | 3. `conda env create -f environment.yaml`
         | 4. activate the Venv with `conda activate ldm`
         | 5. Download weights from https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-
         | diffusion-v-1-4-origin... (requires registration).
         | 6. `mkdir -p models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/`
         | 7. `ln -s <path/to/model.ckpt> models/ldm/stable-
         | diffusion-v1/model.ckpt`. (you can download the other version
         | of the model, like v1-1, v1-2, and v1-3 and symlink them
         | instead if you prefer).
         | To run:
         | 1. activate venv with `conda activate ldm` (unless still in a
         | prompt running inside the venv).
         | 2. `python scripts/txt2img.py --prompt "a photograph of an
         | astronaut riding a horse" --plms`.
         | Also there is a safety filter in the code that will black out
         | NSFW or otherwise expected to be offensive images (presumably
         | also including things like swastikas, gore, etc). It is trivial
         | to disable by editing the source if you want.
           | cypress66 wrote:
           | I haven't gotten around it, but I remember reading on /g/
           | that you can make it run on 5GB (sacrificing accuracy).
           | You should check their threads there, there's some good info.
           | entrep wrote:
           | Thanks for these instructions.
           | Unfortunately I'm getting this error message (Win11, 3080
           | 10GB):
           | > RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 3.00
           | GiB (GPU 0; 10.00 GiB total capacity; 5.62 GiB already
           | allocated; 1.80 GiB free; 5.74 GiB reserved in total by
           | PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try
           | setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See
           | documentation for Memory Management and
           | Edit:
           | >>> from GPUtil import showUtilization as gpu_usage
           | >>> gpu_usage()
           | | ID | GPU | MEM |
           | ------------------
           | | 0 | 1% | 6% |
           | Edit 2:
           | Got this optimized fork to work:
           | https://github.com/basujindal/stable-diffusion
             | orpheansodality wrote:
             | I also have a 10g card and saw the same thing - to get it
             | working I had to pass in "--n_samples 1" to the command,
             | which limits the number of generated images to 2 in any
             | given run. This has been working fine for me
         | squeaky-clean wrote:
         | There's some additional discussion on running it locally here
         | https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/wuyu2u/how...
       | Traubenfuchs wrote:
       | So is there a simple way to do this online? I have no dedicated
       | gpu and won't buy one just for this. We'd pay.
         | scoopertrooper wrote:
         | https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion
         | Here you go.
           | mromanuk wrote:
           | the queue to make images was 1 now is 5
         | marc_io wrote:
         | https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/
         | panabee wrote:
         | hotpot.ai should offer stable diffusion later today and
         | available via API as well.
         | we're also building an open-source version of imagen, if anyone
         | likes working on this kind of applied ML (need ML + design
         | help).
       | fpgaminer wrote:
       | Played with it for a bit in DreamStudio so I could control more
       | of the settings. So far everything it generates is "high
       | quality", but the AI seems to lack the creativity and breadth of
       | understanding that DALL-E 2 has. OpenAI's model is better at
       | taking wildly differing concepts and figuring out creative ways
       | to glue them together, even if the end result isn't perfect.
       | Stable Diffusion is very resistant to that, and errs towards the
       | goal of making a high quality image. If it doesn't understand the
       | prompt, it'll pick and choose what parts of the prompt are
       | easiest for it and generate fantastic looking results for those.
       | Which is both good and bad.
       | For example, I asked it in various ways for a bison dressed as an
       | astronaut. The results varied from just photos of astronauts, to
       | bisons on earth, to bisons on the moon. The bison was always
       | drawn hyper realistically, which is cool, but none of them were
       | dressed as an astronaut. DALLE on the other hand will try all
       | kinds of different ways that a bison might be portrayed as an
       | astronaut. Some realistic, some more imaginative. All of them
       | generally trying to fulfill the prompt. But many results will be
       | crude and imperfect.
       | I personally find DALLE to be more satisfying to play with right
       | now, because of that creativity. I'm not necessarily looking for
       | the highest quality results. I just want interesting results that
       | follow my prompt. (And no, SD's Scale knob didn't seem to help
       | me). But there's also a place for SD's style if you just want
       | really great looking, but generic stuff.
       | That said, the current version of SD was explicitly finetuned on
       | an "aesthetically" ranked dataset. So these results aren't really
       | surprising. I'm sure the next generations of SD will start
       | knocking DALLE out of the park in both metrics. And, of course,
       | massive massive props to Stability.ai for releasing this
       | incredible work as open source. Imagine all the tinkering and
       | evolving people are going to do on top of this work. It's going
       | to be incredible.
         | GenericPoster wrote:
         | Interesting. I took a stab at your prompt and SD really
         | struggles. It just completely ignores part of the prompt. Even
         | craiyon puts in an effort to at least complete the entire
         | prompt.
         | The bison is very realistic at least. So maybe the future is
         | different models that have different specialties.
         | Edit: managed to get this one after a few more tries
         | https://imgur.com/a/3061n5d
         | ralfd wrote:
         | I read that you have to give longer prompts to Stable
         | diffusion.
         | This is my bison astronaut:
         | https://i.imgur.com/ohIuG6F.png
         | The prompt was:
         | "A bison as an astronaut, tone mapped, shiny, intricate,
         | cinematic lighting, highly detailed, digital painting,
         | artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, art
         | by terry moore and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha"
           | naillo wrote:
           | Img2img and inpainting is usually a lot easier to get cool
           | results (with a lot of control on your end) with in my view.
       | Tenoke wrote:
       | I'm getting a 403 on the Colab (while successfully logging in and
       | providing a huggingface token). Is it already disabled? Do you
       | have to pay huggingface to download the model? It's unclear from
       | the Colab and post where the issue is.
         | punkspider wrote:
         | The solution seems to be to visit
         | https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4 and check
         | a checkbox and click the button to confirm access.
         | The full error I also got was:                 HTTPError: 403
         | Client Error: Forbidden for url:
         | https://huggingface.co/api/models/CompVis/stable-
         | diffusion-v1-4/revision/fp16
         | I visited https://huggingface.co/api/models/CompVis/stable-
         | diffusion-v... and saw                 {"error":"Access to
         | model CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4 is restricted and you are
         | not in the authorized list. Visit
         | https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4 to ask for
         | access."}
         | Eventually I focused and realized I need to visit that URL to
         | solve the issue. Hope this helps.
           | johnsimer wrote:
           | yeah visit the url and click the checkbox and Accept
       | hunkins wrote:
       | This release changes society forever. Free and open access to
       | generate a hyper-realistic image via just a text prompt is more
       | powerful than I think we can imagine currently.
       | Art, media, politics, conspiracy theories; all of it changes with
       | this.
         | gjsman-1000 wrote:
         | Eh... if I was making conspiracy theories, it's not like
         | Photoshop hasn't existed for decades already, with far more
         | predictable results.
           | johnfn wrote:
           | Photoshop requires hours of work from a skilled professional
           | to create results of decent quality. Now anyone can do it for
           | free, virtually instantaneously.
           | seydor wrote:
           | This is like a gazillion photoshops being released in the
           | wild. Things change with scale, and there is a threshold
           | where, if enough people start doubting often enough, then all
           | the people will doubt all the time
           | TulliusCicero wrote:
           | Photoshop requires skill. This mostly doesn't.
           | [deleted]
           | jcims wrote:
           | >it's not like Photoshop hasn't existed for decades already,
           | with far more predictable results.
           | Agreed. For me those results are predictably shit. Every
           | time.
           | realce wrote:
           | Photoshop requires experience and some talent, this doesn't.
           | If I was some small rebel group in Africa or the Middle East
           | with basically no money or training, I'd use this tool every
           | single day until I was in power, or I'd frame my opposition
           | as using it against the People.
           | Everyone just got their own KGB art department.
             | roguas wrote:
             | Try and do that. Likely those people won't care too much
             | about you, they lean towards authority figures in their
             | community. It is way easier to find those guys and corrupt
             | them. Rather than running some underground news agency
             | changing minds of millions of people.
             | In fact quite often the former is the case + cheaper + less
             | time to execute. "Western" societies will be more resilient
             | to this scenario. So, mostly its gonna be a lot of
             | "political" art we gonna see.
         | vagabund wrote:
         | Longterm, multimodal generative models will be society-
         | altering. But right now this is just a really cool toy.
         | rvz wrote:
         | Yes. This changes everything.
         | Until this point, you _really_ cannot believe any image you see
         | on the internet anymore.
       | kertoip_1 wrote:
       | Ahh, this technology moves so fast I'm not even able to even keep
       | up with reading about it. Not to mention trying it myself.
       | aaroninsf wrote:
       | Price check for A6000 GPU: $4500 USD
       | Hmmm.
         | andybak wrote:
         | It's running fine on my gaming laptop.
         | zone411 wrote:
         | You don't need an A6000. You can run it on consumer GPUs.
       | Kiro wrote:
       | So how do I set up a server to generate images for me? An API I
       | can post anything to and get an image back.
         | derac wrote:
         | You'll need to know how to program. Try Python with Flask or
         | Bottle.
           | Kiro wrote:
           | Very funny.
           | Anyway, this pretty much answered my question:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32556277
             | derac wrote:
             | Sorry I misinterpreted what you meant, I wasn't meaning to
             | be glib.
       | TeeMassive wrote:
       | That explain Open-AI's price reduction email that I got this
       | morning.
       | throwaway-jim wrote:
       | will anyone think about the illustrators? Who will pay them when
       | amateurs can generate 9 good enough images from a text prompt?
         | MaxikCZ wrote:
         | And that terrible time a plow was discovered. So many people
         | with shovels lost their job.
       | simonw wrote:
       | If you want to try it out this seems to be the best tool for
       | doing so: https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/
         | criddell wrote:
         | If I'm willing to buy a computer, any pointers on what I would
         | have to buy? I'm asking for specific models from a company like
         | Dell, Apple, or Lenovo?
           | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
           | You'll need a GPU. One with a LOT of RAM, like an RTX 3090,
           | which has 24 GB.
             | msoucy wrote:
             | According to this post, it needs 6.9 Gb. So the 3070,
             | 3070-Ti, 3080, etc. can all run it. Sadly, my RTX 2060 is
             | below that limit...
               | smoldesu wrote:
               | Apparently the model decompresses, and it won't fit very
               | well on the 8gb models... I'm willing to give the max
               | settings a spin on my 3070ti, but I'm not very hopeful.
             | criddell wrote:
             | Would a Mac Pro with a Radeon Pro W5700X with 16 GB of
             | GDDR6 memory work?
               | barbecue_sauce wrote:
               | It says that NVIDIA chips are recommended but that they
               | are working on optimizations for AMD. This implies to me
               | that it probably involves CUDA stuff and getting it to
               | run on a Radeon would be potentially difficult (I am not
               | an expert on the current state of CUDA to AMD
               | compatibility, though).
               | Rzor wrote:
               | AMD's answer to CUDA is called ROCm. I've been doing a
               | little research on it since a few weeks ago and it seems
               | to be funky when not outright broken. It's absolutely
               | maddening that after all this time AMD doesn't have
               | proper tooling on consumer GPUs.
               | mattkevan wrote:
               | They're also working on M1/M2 support.
           | derac wrote:
           | Wait for the 4070, it should be around the perf of a
           | 3080/maybe 4090 for ~500 bucks if rumors hold up. It is
           | coming in a few months. NZXT used to make good pre-builts.
           | Not sure which others have a good rep. DO NOT BUY DELL.
             | criddell wrote:
             | What's wrong with Dell? Is Lenovo a bad option as well?
             | Does NZXT offer on-site service?
               | derac wrote:
               | You aren't getting on-site service with a consumer
               | product. There are plenty of 3rd party people who can
               | service your computer, though. It's like Lego.
               | Dell uses crappy proprietary tech, poor quality
               | components, and they have an all around bad reputation.
               | NZXT uses good components and they make some of the best
               | cases you can buy.
               | I don't know much about Lenovo's desktop products.
               | You might try posting on reddit.com/r/suggestapc and ask
               | about the best service contracts and high quality system
               | integrators.
               | Edit: that particular reddit looks pretty dead actually.
               | The big one is r/buildapcsales , you can take a look at
               | their side bar or discord and ask around.
               | One more thing, GamersNexus on YouTube does reviews of
               | pre builts and they are the best at this sort of thing.
               | Their community is likely very helpful as well.
               | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsuVSmND84QuM2HKzG7ipb
               | IbE...
               | The biggest issue with most pre-builts is terrible
               | airflow making the expensive components throttle. The
               | (Dell) Alienwares are some of the worst for this.
           | hedora wrote:
           | I'd rent a cloud vm with a beefy gpu from paperspace or a
           | similar company. It'll run about $20 per month for casual
           | use.
             | mattkevan wrote:
             | Go for Google Colab Pro - about PS12 per month - or Pro+ at
             | PS45 per month for A100 and V100 Gpus.
         | jmfldn wrote:
         | I just tried it via this link. I'm not sure what I'm looking at
         | here but the results were extremely underwhelming. I've used
         | Dall E 2 and Midjourney extensively so I know what they're
         | capable of. Maybe I'm missing something?
           | derac wrote:
           | This Twitter thread has a lot of great comparisons of the
           | models with different prompts.
           | https://twitter.com/fabianstelzer/status/1561019215754280963
           | akvadrako wrote:
           | I've only used it via discord, but it's much better than
           | Midjourney and sometimes better than Dall-E. So maybe that
           | site isn't the same thing or you need to work on your
           | prompts.
             | jcims wrote:
             | I haven't seen anything beat midjourney for creating
             | atmosphere.
             | DALL-E is great at making 'things' and generally good/great
             | at faces.
           | andybak wrote:
           | Every model I've used initially seemed poor compared to the
           | one I was just using. It takes time to figure out their sweet
           | spot and what kind of prompts they excel at.
           | I've had a lot of great results from SD - but _different_
           | great results to Dall-E.
       | alcover wrote:
       | Moral question:
       | Such tool _will_ be used to generate lewd imagery involving
       | virtual minors.
       | No way to prevent it upstream by outlawing feeding it real
       | content (whose possession already is illegal). Suffice to add
       | 'childrenize' layer onto adult NN or something.
       | How will the legal system react ? Bundle it into illegal imagery,
       | period ? Maybe it's already the case - I think drawing made
       | public is, not sure. If not, on what ground could it be ? No real
       | minor would be involved in that production.
         | ta_99 wrote:
         | naillo wrote:
         | If it is made illegal it'll probably be applied to the sites
         | that distribute stuff like that, not this model itself.
         | miohtama wrote:
         | Thoughtcrime is not a thing in the US, do not know about other
         | countries
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoughtcrime
         | Though Think of the children folk have often tried to make it
         | illegal.
       | tomtom1337 wrote:
       | > The final memory usage on release of the model should be 6.9 Gb
       | of VRAM.
       | Do they actually mean GB or Gb? Can anyone confirm?
         | coolspot wrote:
         | Gigabytes not gigabits for sure
       | soperj wrote:
       | This is honestly the best one so far for the things I'm looking
       | to do. For weird prompts though it sometimes produces images that
       | just look blurry.
       | gjsman-1000 wrote:
       | DALL-E 2 just got smoked. Anyone with a graphics card isn't going
       | to pay to generate images, or have their prompts blocked because
       | of the overly aggressive anti-abuse filter, or have to put up
       | with the DALL-E 2 "signature" in the corner. It makes me wonder
       | how OpenAI is going to work around this because this makes DALL-E
       | 2 a very uncompetitive proposition. Except, of course, for people
       | without graphics cards, but it's not 2020 anymore.
         | at_a_remove wrote:
         | I have been considering building a "modern" computer and now
         | wonder exactly what I need to load this puppy up.
           | TulliusCicero wrote:
           | People are saying you need a GPU with 6.9GB of RAM for the
           | current model, so in practice at least an 8GB GPU.
           | Thankfully, GPU prices have finally calmed down and you can
           | get one for a reasonable price. I think any of the RTX 3000
           | series desktop GPU's should do it, for example.
         | Baeocystin wrote:
         | DALL-E's filters are so harsh that I find myself often in the
         | situation where I don't even understand how what I prompted
         | could possibly be in violation.
         | It's a novel feeling, but utterly stifling when it comes to
         | actual creativity, and I'm not even trying to push any NSFW
         | boundaries, just explore the artspace. Once I can run
         | unfiltered on my own GPU, DALL-E will never get used by me
         | again.
           | vintermann wrote:
           | The usual modern Google experience: they won't tell you what
           | you did wrong.
             | derac wrote:
             | Openai isn't a Alphabet/google company
         | throwaway675309 wrote:
         | Midjourney also completely destroys DALL-e from a price
         | perspective, effectively allowing nearly unlimited generation
         | for approximately $50 a month.
         | Even though DALL-E tends to be better at following prompt
         | details, you're inhibited from being able to explore the space
         | freely because of how prohibitively expensive it can become.
         | polygamous_bat wrote:
         | This, however, is unconditionally good for the end users. I
         | expect OpenAI to lower their prices significantly quite soon.
           | morsch wrote:
           | In fact, they announced lower prices today, going into effect
           | in September.
           | https://openai.com/api/pricing/
             | aaronharnly wrote:
             | That's for GPT-3 text generation, not the DALL-E 2 image
             | generator. Hopefully that will get pricing revised down
             | (and an official API) before long.
               | morsch wrote:
               | Oh, I see! Thanks, I should have read the mail more
               | closely.
       | TOMDM wrote:
       | Been playing with this for the past hour now on my RTX 2070. Each
       | image takes about 10 seconds.
       | Results vary wildly but it can make some really great stuff
       | occasionally. It's just infrequent enough to keep you going "one
       | more prompt".
       | Super addicting.
       | Lookingforward to people implementing inpainting and all the
       | stuff that lets you do.
       | jupp0r wrote:
       | "Use Restrictions
       | You agree not to use the Model or Derivatives of the Model:
       | - In any way that violates any applicable national, federal,
       | state, local or international law or regulation;
       | - For the purpose of exploiting, harming or attempting to exploit
       | or harm minors in any way;
       | - To generate or disseminate verifiably false information and/or
       | content with the purpose of harming others;
       | - To generate or disseminate personal identifiable information
       | that can be used to harm an individual;
       | - To defame, disparage or otherwise harass others;
       | - For fully automated decision making that adversely impacts an
       | individual's legal rights or otherwise creates or modifies a
       | binding, enforceable obligation;
       | - For any use intended to or which has the effect of
       | discriminating against or harming individuals or groups based on
       | online or offline social behavior or known or predicted personal
       | or personality characteristics;
       | - To exploit any of the vulnerabilities of a specific group of
       | persons based on their age, social, physical or mental
       | characteristics, in order to materially distort the behavior of a
       | person pertaining to that group in a manner that causes or is
       | likely to cause that person or another person physical or
       | psychological harm;
       | - For any use intended to or which has the effect of
       | discriminating against individuals or groups based on legally
       | protected characteristics or categories;
       | - To provide medical advice and medical results interpretation;
       | - To generate or disseminate information for the purpose to be
       | used for administration of justice, law enforcement, immigration
       | or asylum processes, such as predicting an individual will commit
       | fraud/crime commitment (e.g. by text profiling, drawing causal
       | relationships between assertions made in documents,
       | indiscriminate and arbitrarily-targeted use)."
       | The last point seems to be the only thing that's not illegal, all
       | other restrictions seem to be covered under "you are not allowed
       | to break laws", which is somewhat redundant.
       | dang wrote:
       | Recent and related:
       |  _Stable Diffusion launch announcement_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32414811 - Aug 2022 (39
       | comments)
       | ChildOfChaos wrote:
       | So what do I need to run this and how?
         | andybak wrote:
         | Anything close to a decent modern gaming PC will do it fine.
         | I'm running on a laptop 3080 and I can generate 768x512 in
         | about 20 seconds (with a 30 second overhead per batch)
           | swagmoney1606 wrote:
       | superdisk wrote:
       | Just tried it, the results seem pretty poor, about on par with
       | Craiyon/DALL-E Mini. I don't think OpenAI should be worried quite
       | yet.
         | i_like_apis wrote:
         | No it's all about the prompt. It takes some getting used to,
         | you have to look at a bunch of prompts from experienced users.
         | SD is waaay better than Craiyon. And better than Dalle2.
         | Check out r/StableDiffusion
         | minimaxir wrote:
         | It depends on the domain. Artsy will do better with Stable
         | Diffusion, but realistic/coherent output with Stable Diffusion
         | is harder to do especially compared to DALL-E 2.
         | andybak wrote:
         | With all due respect, I've been using it for over a week and I
         | don't think you've given it a fair shot.
         | There's plenty of cases it's worse than Dall-E and there's
         | plenty of cases where it's better. Overall it seems to show
         | less semantic understanding but it handles many stylistic
         | suggestions much better. It's definitely in the right ballpark.
         | In fact I'm still using a wide range of models - many of which
         | aren't regarded as "state of the art" any more - but they have
         | qualities that are unique and often desireable.
           | treis wrote:
           | Can you give an example? I've done:
           | A house painted blue with a white porch
           | A dreamy shot of an alpaca playing lacrosse
           | A red car parked in a driveway
           | The last one was particularly crappy. It gave me a red house
           | with a driveway, but no car. And the house wasn't even really
           | a house. It superficially looked like one but was actually
           | two garages put together.
             | andybak wrote:
             | Here's some random prompts I've had nice results from:
             | iridescent metal retro robot made out of simple geometric
             | shapes. tilt shift photography. award winning
             | Scene in a creepy graveyard from Samurai Jack by Genndy
             | Tartakovsky and Eyvind Earle              virus bacteria
             | microbe by haeckel fairytale magic realism steampunk
             | mysterious vivid colors by andy kehoe amanda clarke
             | etching of an anthropomorphic factory machine in the style
             | of boris artzybasheff              origami low polygon
             | black pug forest digital art hyper realistic              a
             | tilt shift photo of a creepy doll Tri-X 400 TX by gerhard
             | richter
             | I guess I might have spent more time reading guides on
             | "prompt engineering" than you. ;-) I think maybe Dall-E is
             | more forgiving of "vanilla prompts".
             | However I do get nice results from simpler prompts as well.
             | I just tend to use this style of prompt more often than
             | not.
           | mattkevan wrote:
           | Agreed. I still primarily use vqgan + clip, which is nowhere
           | near state of the art, but produces really interesting
           | results. I've spent a long time learning to get the best out
           | of it, and while the results aren't very coherent, it's great
           | at colour, texture, materials and lighting.
       | lxe wrote:
       | The adjustable safety classifier makes this release leapfrog
       | above the competition imho.
       | [deleted]
       | bilsbie wrote:
       | Is there a way to give it an image to manipulate as part of the
       | prompt?
         | neurostimulant wrote:
         | Maybe try the img2img script?
         | https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion/blob/main/README...
       | davesque wrote:
       | Pretty cool. Although it's interesting that it can't seem to
       | render an image from a precise description that should have
       | something like an objectively correct answer. I tried prompts
       | like "Middle C engraved on a staff with a treble clef" and "An
       | SN74LS173 integrated circuit chip on a breadboard" both of which
       | came back with images that were nowhere close to something I'd
       | call accurate. I don't mean to detract from the impressiveness of
       | this work. But I wanted a sense of how much of a "threat" this
       | tech is to jobs or to skills that we normally think of as being
       | human. Based on what I'm seeing, I'd say it's still got a ways to
       | go before it's going to destroy any jobs. In its current form, it
       | mostly seems like a fun way to generate logos or images where the
       | exact details of the content don't matter.
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | I am generally of the "it's not threatening yet and won't be
         | for a while" camp, but in this _particular_ case it 's probably
         | just for lack of trying. These algorithms are essentially
         | enormous pattern-matching engines, so given enough data and
         | some task-specific engineering effort, I wouldn't be surprised
         | if you could build an "AI" circuit designer, like Copilot but
         | for electronics instead of code.
         | Next-level autorouting would be cool, but it's still not going
         | to put the electrical engineering field out of business.
       | cercatrova wrote:
       | I've been looking forward to this. The license however strikes me
       | as too aspirational, and it may be hard to enforce legally:
       | > You agree not to use the Model or Derivatives of the Model:
       | > - In any way that violates any applicable national, federal,
       | state, local or international law or regulation;
       | > - For the purpose of exploiting, harming or attempting to
       | exploit or harm minors in any way;
       | > - To generate or disseminate verifiably false information
       | and/or content with the purpose of harming others;
       | > - To generate or disseminate personal identifiable information
       | that can be used to harm an individual;
       | > - To defame, disparage or otherwise harass others;
       | > - For fully automated decision making that adversely impacts an
       | individual's legal rights or otherwise creates or modifies a
       | binding, enforceable obligation;
       | > - For any use intended to or which has the effect of
       | discriminating against or harming individuals or groups based on
       | online or offline social behavior or known or predicted personal
       | or personality characteristics;
       | > - To exploit any of the vulnerabilities of a specific group of
       | persons based on their age, social, physical or mental
       | characteristics, in order to materially distort the behavior of a
       | person pertaining to that group in a manner that causes or is
       | likely to cause that person or another person physical or
       | psychological harm;
       | > - For any use intended to or which has the effect of
       | discriminating against individuals or groups based on legally
       | protected characteristics or categories;
       | > - To provide medical advice and medical results interpretation;
       | > - To generate or disseminate information for the purpose to be
       | used for administration of justice, law enforcement, immigration
       | or asylum processes, such as predicting an individual will commit
       | fraud/crime commitment (e.g. by text profiling, drawing causal
       | relationships between assertions made in documents,
       | indiscriminate and arbitrarily-targeted use).
       | How can you prove some of these in a court of law?
         | lacker wrote:
         | The license does seem impossibly vague and broad. Usually what
         | happens when software projects use custom & demanding licenses
         | like this is that large companies refuse to allow the software
         | to be used because of the legal uncertainty, small companies
         | just use it and ignore the licensing constraints, and there are
         | never any lawsuits that clarify anything one way or another. If
         | that's fine with the authors of the project, they can just
         | leave the license vague and unclear forever.
         | alexb_ wrote:
         | Make sure your art isn't the wrong type of artistic!
         | jahewson wrote:
         | I dunno. I can imagine any of those points being the subject of
         | a civil suit and for someone to win damages, for e.g.
         | psychological harm. The parts talking about "effect" instead of
         | intent are of questionable enforceability - how can I agree not
         | to cause an unanticipated effect on a third party? I cannot.
         | But having said that, I can be asked to account for effects
         | that a "reasonable person" would anticipate, so there's that.
         | These are all things that someone could sue over (especially in
         | California) and so they're wanting to place the responsibility
         | on the artist and not their tools.
         | [deleted]
         | fluidcruft wrote:
         | It seems like the sort of things you would require so that
         | HuggingFace doesn't get roped in as defendants in lawsuits
         | related to things that others do with the code. So if for
         | example someone builds something that generates medical advice
         | and gets sued for violating FDA requirements or damages or
         | whatever then HuggingFace can say that was not something they
         | allowed in the first place.
           | laverya wrote:
           | Yeah it really reads like "we know people are going to do
           | nasty things with this; we can't prevent that; please don't
           | sue us over it" to me
             | hedora wrote:
             | They really should have used blanket liability waiver text
             | and left it at that.
             | I'm sure someone will find a way to sue them anyway. It
             | doesn't even call out using this to create derivative works
             | to avoid paying original authors copyright fees.
             | On top of that, their logo is an obvious rip off of a Van
             | Gogh. It seems clear they're actively encouraging people to
             | create similar works that infringe active copyrights. They
             | should ask Kim Dotcom how that worked out for him.
               | ben_w wrote:
               | > On top of that, their logo is an obvious rip off of a
               | Van Gogh. It seems clear they're actively encouraging
               | people to create similar works that infringe active
               | copyrights.
               | I don't think Van Gogh's works are under copyright any
               | more. At least not directly, recent photos of them may be
               | but that's the photos not the paintings that have a
               | copyright.
             | cercatrova wrote:
             | Indeed, it seems like a legal "wink wink, nudge nudge" sort
             | of thing. Well, as long as I can run stuff on my own GPU,
             | I'm satisfied.
           | digitallyfree wrote:
           | I'm actually seeing these types of conditions becoming more
           | common in software EULAs as well, as an boilerplate addon to
           | the usual copyright notices and legal disclaimers. Don't have
           | examples off the top of my head but I've seen clauses that
           | this application may not be used for the enablement of
           | violence, for discriminatory purposes, and so forth. It
           | really is a CYA sort of thing.
         | hedora wrote:
         | Each of the "for any use ... which has the effect of ..."
         | clauses probably bars any wide distribution of the output of
         | this model.
         | Trivially: People have phobias of literally everything.
         | They ban using it to "exploit" minors, presumably that prevents
         | any incorporation of it into any for-profit educational
         | curriculum. After all, they do not define "exploit", and
         | profiting off of a group without direct consent seems like a
         | reasonable interpretation.
         | I am not a lawyer, but I wouldn't dream of using this for
         | commercial use with a license like this. This definitely
         | doesn't meet the bar for incorporation into Free or Open Source
         | Software.
         | nullc wrote:
         | That license from top to bottom is distilled "tell me you don't
         | know anything about art without telling me you don't know
         | anything about art".
         | Interesting art challenges its audience. But even the most
         | boring art will still offend some-- it's the nature of art that
         | the viewer brings their own interpretation, and some people
         | bring an offensive one.
           | digitaLandscape wrote:
           | TigeriusKirk wrote:
           | I dunno. All I see is necessary ass covering. They're just
           | saying anyone who does these objectionable things did so
           | against our terms.
             | nullc wrote:
             | CYA doesn't necessitate creating a cause of action against
             | the users for engaging in what otherwise would be a legally
             | protected act of free expression. One can disclaim without
             | creating liability.
       | ambivdexterous wrote:
       | /ic/ is having daily meltdowns over this. I don't think the
       | internet at large is doing better, because even professional
       | concept artists are dialing it in now. Holy hell.
         | gjsman-1000 wrote:
         | What's /ic/?
           | alexb_ wrote:
           | https://4channel.org/ic/
           | ambivdexterous wrote:
           | 4chan's Art Critique board
         | kache_ wrote:
         | I kept on warning them
         | They ignored me
         | Now however..
       | howon92 wrote:
       | Huge kudos for stability.ai
       | faizshah wrote:
       | What's the license on the images produced by this model?
         | coolspot wrote:
         | CC0 - no one owns the copyright, so everyone is free to use
           | kazinator wrote:
           | That is not so; the CC0 explicitly states that patent and
           | trademark rights are not waived.
           | Contrast that with, say, the Two-Clause BSD which says
           | "[r]edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
           | without modification, are permitted provided that the
           | following conditions are met [...]".
           | Since trademark and patent rights are not mentioned, then
           | these words mean that even if the purveyor of the software
           | holds patents and/or trademarks, your redistribution and use
           | are permitted. I.e. it appears that a patent and trademark
           | grant is implied if a patent holder puts something under the
           | two-clause BSD. Or at least you have a ghost of a chance to
           | argue it in court.
           | Not so with the CC0, which spells out that you don't have
           | permission to use any patents and trademarks in the work.
       | api wrote:
       | "This release is the culmination of many hours of collective
       | effort to create a single file that compresses the visual
       | information of humanity into a few gigabytes."
       | If something like this is possible, does this mean there's
       | actually far less _meaningful_ information out there than we
       | think?
       | Could you in fact pack virtually all meaningful information ever
       | gathered by humanity onto a 1TiB or smaller hard drive? Obviously
       | this would be lossy, but how lossy?
         | MaxikCZ wrote:
         | You can pack virtually all meaningful information ever gathered
         | by humanity onto a single bit, but its gonna be lossy. And what
         | is your definition of "meaningful information" anyway.
         | Meaningful today might not be meanigful yesterday. Nobody cares
         | about spin of each electron in my brain today, but in 4
         | centuries my descendants will be like "if only we had that
         | information, we could simulate our great-...-great parent
         | today"
       (page generated 2022-08-22 23:00 UTC)