[HN Gopher] LibVF.IO: Add support for GPU Virtual Machine (GVM)
       LibVF.IO: Add support for GPU Virtual Machine (GVM)
       Author : ArcVRArthur
       Score  : 68 points
       Date   : 2022-08-24 17:40 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (arccompute.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (arccompute.com)
       | stuaxo wrote:
       | Can I use this to with an AMD APU, like the graphics on a Ryzen ?
         | ArcVRArthur wrote:
         | Unfortunately there is limited support on AMD. I would like to
         | try to make it better though!
         | https://openmdev.io/index.php/GPU_Support
           | MuffinFlavored wrote:
           | What's one of the biggest things AMD could go to help you
           | turn this into a reality? Just... documentation? Source code
           | examples?
           | Which... I'm assuming they'll never do?
             | ArcVRArthur wrote:
             | If they would consider helping with the things I mention
             | here we'd do our best to support them!
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32585950
       | ArcVRArthur wrote:
       | Hey, I'm the co-creator of LibVF.IO and the GVM project. I'd love
       | to hear what you think about our latest release where we added
       | support for GVM components in LibVF.IO.
       | Side note: We also added in support for Libvirt by allowing users
       | to install standalone GVM components via ./scripts/install-
       | standalone-gvm-components.sh.
         | gorkish wrote:
         | To be honest with you I am extremely excited by what you are
         | working towards, but utterly beyond confusion when it comes to
         | the GPU virtualization landscape. The walls that vendors have
         | built in this area in their attempt to artificially segment
         | "consumer" and "professional" are shameful. NVidia in
         | particular has been reprehensible. I wish more people cared.
         | Thank you!
           | ArcVRArthur wrote:
           | Thanks for your kind words! We're all virtualization users
           | ourselves so I definitely get what you mean - we started this
           | project because we wanted to help people to get access to the
           | magic at home using the hardware they already have! I will
           | say though that Nvidia has done a lot towards improving their
           | support for open source. While it might be a bit of an
           | uncommon take in my view many of the folks who probably are
           | most passionate about bringing exciting GPU technology to the
           | world work at Nvidia. :)
             | DennisAleynikov wrote:
             | Gigachad Arthur
         | MuffinFlavored wrote:
         | https://github.com/Arc-Compute/LibVF.IO
         | https://docs.linux-gvm.org/
         | For anybody else interested
       | habobobo wrote:
       | Is it possible to use this for a remote gpu solution somehow?
         | ArcVRArthur wrote:
         | That depends on the driver implementation and what exactly the
         | features are that you are looking for. In general if you're
         | using virtualization tools like KVM/Xen you can configure a
         | computer to make virtual machines that can be accessed remotely
         | (for example you would likely want to configure the network to
         | provide your machine with an IP address). You can use GVM for
         | GPU accelerating various programs like those that use DirectX,
         | Vulkan, and OpenGL so if that meets your needs from a remote
         | machine and you have the necessary resources (networking
         | resources such as IP addresses, time and know-how to configure
         | such a setup) then I would say yes.
       | lostmsu wrote:
       | What does it do? Does it let one pass a virtual GPU to the guest
       | without complete PCI-passthrough? E.g. will I be able to share
       | host GPU between the host system and guests?
         | ArcVRArthur wrote:
         | Ya, that's exactly correct. :)
           | Melatonic wrote:
           | What about one GPU with multiple VM?
           | Annoying t hing right now is that you have to pony up for the
           | fancy nvidia cards plus insane nvidia licensing for their
           | multiGPU virtualized cards. AMD at least makes you only pay
           | for the hardware but its still super pricey.
             | ArcVRArthur wrote:
             | Ya, you can use multiple VMs. Here is a video I took of a
             | laptop with LibVF.IO and an early pre-release version of
             | GVM installed - at the start of the video you can see a
             | fullscreen Windows VM and then I back out and open another
             | compartmentalized 'app VM' (browser):
             | https://streamable.com/gd45bh
             | Both VMs are actually based on Windows (one simply doesn't
             | have explorer.exe running) and each has it's own virtual
             | GPU attached.
             | This laptop has a Nvidia graphics processor inside but it
             | also works with laptops that have an Xe Intel graphics
             | processor. I'm hoping at some point it will work well on
             | AMD too.
               | kbumsik wrote:
               | Sounds very interesting! Do VMs work with a display
               | session (Xorg) too?
               | Some GPU-enabled applications require an X server with a
               | physical HDMI/Displayport attached.
         | amelius wrote:
         | How secure is that? Are users of a GPU completely isolated from
         | eachother? Will there be side-channel attacks possible?
           | amarshall wrote:
           | It's mostly up to the specific hardware and its host-side
           | drivers. I'd say that GPU compute security is a very under-
           | studied area compared with CPU compute.
       | synergy20 wrote:
       | GPU can not even run its own OS basically, it's a parallel co-
       | processor, when-should/how-could I use it as a VM?
         | ArcVRArthur wrote:
         | According to https://docs.linux-gvm.org/
         | "GVM ... may be used in combination with KVM or other platform
         | hypervisors such as Xen* to provide a complete virtualization
         | solution via both central processing (CPU) and graphics
         | processing (GPU) hardware acceleration."
         | fulafel wrote:
         | Most current GPUs could, even with the public programming info.
         | The limitations in interrupt handling would eat into either
         | functionality or performance somewhat I think.
       | maldev wrote:
       | This is pretty cool, one of the killer features that windows has
       | had with Hyper-V that is really creaming QEMU/KVM. You could
       | probably try getting some support from a vendor like Red Hat, as
       | something like this in the Linux Kernel is a huge
       | datacenter/cloud hosting feature that directly impacts their
       | bottom line.
         | ArcVRArthur wrote:
         | I would love to work with folks like the people at RedHat!
         | We're working on some new tools in C (GPLv2) which we think
         | will make it easier to work with existing kernel/driver
         | maintainers. We'll announce some of those things early next
         | month and right after we'll be at QubesOS Summit & KVM Forum. I
         | hope we get the opportunity to talk to some of the RedHat
         | folks! :)
           | csdreamer7 wrote:
           | Do you have a contact where Red Hat people can reach you?
           | (Not in the VM/Graphics space, but I can try to reach out to
           | the right people.)
             | ArcVRArthur wrote:
             | For sure! They can reach me at arthur@arccompute.io
             | I'll also be attending KVM Forum this year so I'd love to
             | chat with folks there as well! :)
       | rcarmo wrote:
       | I really want this to work on AMD hardware.
         | ArcVRArthur wrote:
         | I hope I can work with them some time to improve support! I
         | outlined a few things they would need to do to help support GVM
         | using the amdgpu driver on this page:
         | https://openmdev.io/index.php/AMDGPU
         | Ideally some folks who know about amdgpu might consider helping
         | our open source community by adding similar information to that
         | page to the information we added on the Nvidia Open Kernel
         | Modules page:
         | https://openmdev.io/index.php/OpenRM
         | If that could be done then we would do our best to add in AMD
         | support to GVM.
       | montecarl wrote:
       | I run Linux for software development, but I need to also run
       | Autodesk Fusion 360, which doesn't run on Linux. So I run it in a
       | VirtualBox virtual machine. It works poorly as it sometimes
       | doesn't render correctly and the performance is bad. I know that
       | if I did some research and bought a second GPU that I could maybe
       | get PCI-passthrough working, but I find that obnoxious and
       | wasteful.
       | Can I use LibVF.IO/GVM to get better performance (and perhaps
       | proper rendering) on a VM in Linux? Or is there a different
       | solution I should be looking into?
         | ArcVRArthur wrote:
         | Ya, LibVF.IO & GVM are built for things like this! For example
         | I have a friend who uses it for various Adobe programs which
         | also don't work well on Linux.
         | amarshall wrote:
         | It depends if your GPU is supported, and such support is mostly
         | beholden to the hardware before anything else. Currently it's
         | largely limited to: for Nvidia, most Maxwell, Pascal, & Turing
         | cards; for AMD, very few obsolete cards; for Intel, gen 6-9
         | iGPUs.
       | yissp wrote:
       | Is this similar to the virglrenderer project?
       | https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/virgl/virglrenderer
         | ArcVRArthur wrote:
         | It is slightly different - this runs an unmodified GPU driver
         | in the guest (no para-virtualization) and in our observations
         | our performance is close to native which I believe is a fair
         | improvement over the overhead of Virgl. Also there's
         | availability of more APIs - for example DirectX, Vulkan, and
         | OpenGL work with GVM guests. I don't think all of those work
         | with Virgl. We make use of various different assistance modes
         | (either hardware or software I/O virtualization/resource
         | sharing) via VFIO-Mdev (VFIO Mediated Device), or via SR-IOV
         | (Single Root IO Virtualization), or SIOV (Scalable IO
         | Virtualization).
         | I made this web page to try consolidate some information from
         | various folks who have contributed a lot in this area of open
         | source to show how it works (there are some novel additions
         | we've made as well based on our own work with GVM):
         | https://openmdev.io/index.php/Virtual_IO_Internals
       | [deleted]
       | punkpeye wrote:
       | What are the practical use cases for this?
         | SXX wrote:
         | Practical use would be rather niche. For instance easy
         | splitting resources of single GPU between multiple VMs if you
         | want to run isolated instances of ML software. Or if you're
         | need to run automated tests for your game across different OS.
         | Or tests for any software that use GPU acceleration.
         | In reality most users of VFIO passthrough use it for gaming or
         | creating multiseat systems. I guess it's will be true for vGPU
         | feature too.
           | ArcVRArthur wrote:
           | There are also some benefits in load balancing GPUs. For
           | instance processes can be controlled with controlled groups
           | (cgroups) and niceness/thread affinity to make sure
           | scheduling / resource allocation is done equitably between
           | processes on the system. Using GVM and 'app VMs' it is
           | possible to do similar things with the GPU (restrict GPU
           | processes to a user configurable slice of the GPU so it
           | cannot deny service to other processes on the system which
           | are also using the GPU):
           | https://openmdev.io/index.php/Mdev-GPU#fbLen
           | Since this type of load balancing was originally used in the
           | datacenter where virtual machine multi-tenancy was the use
           | case the Quality of Service (QoS) functions here are fairly
           | robust.
         | ArcVRArthur wrote:
         | For my use I tend to run a high performing Windows VM (very
         | good with most games and other GPU accelerated programs - even
         | chrome/adobe these days uses the GPU) inside Linux.
         | This can also be used for various high assurance use cases such
         | as OpenXT / QubesOS (security by compartmentalization). For
         | example a laptop computer being used by an automotive company
         | for CAD to keep their information safe from other programs on
         | the system (like a browser in another VM) the prying eyes of
         | competitors. I made a video of that here:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32585333
         | We have also been working on something called "LIME Is Mediated
         | Emulation" which is a Win64 binary compatibility layer similar
         | to WINE but using vGPUs. You can read about that here:
         | https://openmdev.io/index.php/LIME_Is_Mediated_Emulation
           | lvass wrote:
           | This is beautiful, you're doing the Lord's work. I absolutely
           | loathe the current situation of MAC security being so
           | complicated on desktops combined with graphical performance
           | issues in compartmentalization. And surely a lot of folks are
           | also stuck on a certain OS because GPU performance in VMs is
           | terrible. This is very much needed.
             | ArcVRArthur wrote:
             | Thanks!! We'll do our best to keep improving things for
             | everyone. Hopefully security by compartmentalization folks
             | benefit from our work as well. I'll be going to QubesOS
             | Summit so hopefully there will be more good conversations
             | there. :)
         | digitallyfree wrote:
         | While less for general consumer use (honestly most consumers
         | don't use CPU virtualiztion either), this has strong potential
         | in VDI applications. Today with CPU virtualization available
         | everywhere one inexpensive machine can host many VMs all
         | sharing common processing power. If GPU virtualization gains
         | traction this could mean we could be doing the same with GPUs
         | but in an open manner (currently vGPUs are only avaliable in
         | expensive datacenter GPUs and the tech is proprietary).
         | Personally I would like to go with full VDI at home if
         | inexpensive vGPU tech was available - though I guess I'm not
         | the average home user.
       (page generated 2022-08-24 23:00 UTC)