[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-08-26) - Page 2
 (DIR) The culture of rejection in computer science publications
       201 points by headalgorithm (149 comments)
 (DIR) Psychedelic drugs take on depression
       81 points by bookofjoe (61 comments)
 (DIR) The Signal State - Modular Synth Logic Puzzle Game
       54 points by evo_9 (10 comments)
 (DIR) O&O App Buster removes Windows Apps you don't want
       32 points by DerekBickerton (14 comments)
 (DIR) Two research teams grew synthetic mouse embryos using stem cells
       75 points by gmays (70 comments)
 (DIR) Ask HN: Boring but important tech no one is working on?
       182 points by sremani (274 comments)
 (DIR) Why aren't there C conferences? (2018)
       110 points by optimalsolver (131 comments)
 (DIR) Hacking Photosynthesis
       15 points by prostoalex (3 comments)
 (DIR) Why Xen Wasn't Hit by RETBleed on Intel CPUs
       116 points by plam503711 (51 comments)
 (DIR) I Love My PinePhone
       151 points by todsacerdoti (134 comments)
 (DIR) Ask HN: Chip startups?
       58 points by icu (43 comments)
 (DIR) The rise of workplace surveillance [audio]
       83 points by kennethfriedman (26 comments)
 (DIR) The Next Mainstream Programming Language: A Game Developer's Per...
       80 points by Tomte (73 comments)
 (DIR) Ashby (YC W19, B) Hiring Engineers Who Want to Own Product/Design
       1 points (job listing)
 (DIR) Hooking Go from Rust
       125 points by carride (29 comments)
 (DIR) MIT scientists discover neurons that light up whenever we see im...
       61 points by rntn (20 comments)
 (DIR) Espanso Cross-Platform Text Expander
       93 points by enbugger (37 comments)
 (DIR) How discord stores billions of messages (2017)
       170 points by greymalik (62 comments)
 (DIR) GitHub-Next
       153 points by rahulpandita (101 comments)
 (DIR) Raw material choices and technical practices as indices of cultu...
       17 points by diodorus (0 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2022-08-26 23:01 UTC)