[HN Gopher] D2: A new declarative language to turn text into dia...
       D2: A new declarative language to turn text into diagrams
       Author : snikolaev
       Score  : 177 points
       Date   : 2022-08-30 16:33 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (d2-lang.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (d2-lang.com)
       | JohnHaugeland wrote:
       | It's interesting.
       | This notation is pretty similar to the notation in the FOSS tool
       | (admittedly that I wrote) over here:
       | https://stonecypher.github.io/jssm-viz-demo/graph_explorer.h...
       | Fortunately, no need for accounts or payment there.
       | wongarsu wrote:
       | Mermaid also does this, and is integrated in github/gitea/gitlab.
       | To try it out, just open a new github issue and add
       | ```mermaid           graph TD;               A-->B;
       | A-->C;               B-->D;               C-->D;         ```
       | Or try the live editor: https://mermaid.live/
         | jbreckmckye wrote:
         | Mermaid has heaps of problems. I discovered this when I tried
         | extending it myself.
         | Firstly, neither its parser and its visualiser can be extracted
         | from the library. You can't process a grammar on a backend and
         | then render out an SVG. You can't generate an SVG as part of a
         | CLI tool - not without spinning up a web browser in automation
         | mode.
         | Secondly, the grammar is messy. Really really awkward.
         | Flowcharts are OK because they were the first Mermaid usecase,
         | but other grammars are quite weirdly written, brittle, and try
         | to be a mismash of other DSLs. Which in turn leads to very
         | awkward token choices to avoid stepping on the toes of parts
         | that are UML-like, parts that are DOT-like, etc etc
         | My impression reading Mermaid's issues is that it was built
         | from scratch by a JS developer who hadn't any previous
         | experience with DSLs, parsers, or language design, and largely
         | learned as he went along. That's acceptable for a proof of
         | concept. But as a finished product Mermaid is a lumbering mess
       | Terretta wrote:
       | See also:
       | https://structurizr.com/ - diagrams as code
       | https://c4model.com/ - C4 model for visualising software
       | architecture
       | The consistency of structurizr + c4 is great for sharing
       | information across scaled teams of teams.
         | michaelsbradley wrote:
         | also:
         | The XState Visualizer generates nice looking statecharts.
         | https://stately.ai/viz
         | Click _See an example_ in the left pane, then click _Visualize_
         | at the bottom of the right pane.
         | On the roadmap are visualizations for XState's actors facility,
         | i.e. multiple statecharts interacting with one another.
         | If you login, you can save/fork statecharts and get shareable
         | links for them. There doesn't seem to be a way to export the
         | diagrams (as PNG or SVG) but maybe that will be added in the
         | future.
         | howeyc wrote:
         | also:
         | https://pikchr.org/
       | keepquestioning wrote:
       | Does this use Stable Diffusion?
       | whalesalad wrote:
       | Something was posted here recently in a similar light - does
       | anyone recall what it was?
         | jrib wrote:
         | there are a few of these tools but
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31273777 was a recent
         | reference to https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/
         | tonerow wrote:
         | This was up yesterday
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32637689 It's similar in
         | that it's a diagramming DSL
       | ducktective wrote:
       | Is there a declarative language or framework for creating ad-hoc
       | GUIs that consume structured data from stdin stream and spit-out
       | a GUI?
       | Like feedgnuplot [1] but not only restricted to graphs.
       | [1] https://github.com/dkogan/feedgnuplot
         | ajstarks wrote:
         | Not a GUI, per se, but there is decksh [1] and dchart: [2]
         | [1] https://speakerdeck.com/ajstarks/decksh-object-reference
         | [2] https://speakerdeck.com/ajstarks/dchart-charts-from-deck-
         | mar...
       | keyboardclicker wrote:
       | Time for someone to copy the good parts and implement them as
       | FOSS. Good luck getting enterprises to pay for diagrams.
         | stuart78 wrote:
         | At the end of the video the presenter mentions that they plan
         | to open source the language when it reaches a greater stage of
         | maturity.
           | clcaev wrote:
           | A code dump does not make it an open source project.
           | Sustainable OSS projects are developed publicly.
             | sharkster711 wrote:
             | That's probably why they're doing a code dump
               | stragies wrote:
               | The language spec, or the rendering backend code? And
               | even if the "complete package", if the "locally runable
               | version" is an afterthought of the OnlineWebVersion, have
               | previous situations like that not regularly resulted in
               | *Paks wrapping an electron instance with some blobs under
               | the hood?
         | zactato wrote:
         | Lucidchart has entered the chat.
       | dalager wrote:
       | https://plantuml.com/ is free and nice. Plays well with Markdown
       | and C4 diagrams. The only UML-specific diagram type I use is the
       | sequence diagram but that is very useful IMHO.
         | be_erik wrote:
         | It can be a bit clunky setting up the jar (or hosting it
         | yourself), but it's still the best worst option. It scales
         | pretty well and can draw some very complex flows, while still
         | giving you the best in just plain ole text editing.
         | I could have never maintained the diagrams I used for other
         | developers on my teams or folks on the audit/regulation side of
         | thing without it.
         | The default styles are really unprofessional looking and I
         | think a lot of folks look the other way once they see that. C4
         | diagraming with PlantUML is also a breeze for systems diagrams.
         | https://github.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML
       | nerdponx wrote:
       | A declarative language for diagrams without so much as a passing
       | mention of Graphviz, or even Mermaid.js anywhere in the docs?
       | It does look like a material upgrade from Graphviz, but even
       | so...
         | stragies wrote:
         | graphviz svg output can be (with some tricks) CSS-styled + JS-
         | animated, so the sky is the limit w.r.t. how fancy you want to
         | make you DOT graphs, and their elements.
           | convolvatron wrote:
           | actually the effective limit seems to be around 50 nodes
             | stragies wrote:
             | Limit of what exactly? I've made much bigger than 50 nodes
             | SVG-graphs using GV, and styled them with probably 50+ CSS
             | styles and animated more than 50 nodes.
             | So, could you please elaborate?
       | deltree7 wrote:
       | Sadly, any start-up tool firm can't have any other business model
       | other than subscription.
       | sharkster711 wrote:
       | Does anyone know what the clipboard tool that was being used in
       | the youtube demo is?
         | jacobra2 wrote:
         | I believe FlyCut.
       | rgrieselhuber wrote:
       | Looks cool. Any inherent limitations or performance issues with
       | graphs that are very large? (20M+ elements)
         | mkl95 wrote:
         | Unless you use instanced rendering via some GPU API it's going
         | to take some galaxy brain code to make that work.
           | jbreckmckye wrote:
           | Forget about rendering, just doing the layout would be
           | extremely challenging.
             | stragies wrote:
             | Some of the graphs (near the bottom) of the GraphViz
             | example page are quite large: https://graphviz.org/gallery/
             | And there's a link to a gallery with even bigger ones, so
             | #NumberOfNodes alone does not seem to be the main limiting
             | metric. Maybe combined with the choice of rendering layout.
         | samatman wrote:
         | Why uh. Would you expect that to work?
         | How much of your life were you planning to dedicate to
         | scrolling from one side of the image to another?
           | guhidalg wrote:
           | I think he expects to be able to zoom out.
             | rgrieselhuber wrote:
             | Yup for zoomed out views. It's handy when visualizing large
             | websites.
       | abeppu wrote:
       | The last question in the FAQ makes it clear that this can only be
       | used in the context of their account-based online tool. Their
       | free offering literally says "3 diagrams". Above this, the FAQ
       | tries to compare their tool to Mermaid, Graphviz, PlantUML which
       | are all open source, locally runnable, etc. Their comparison
       | totally skips the fact that, because D2 can only be used in their
       | service, a broad number of use cases (including programmatically
       | generating diagrams inside some other application) basically
       | aren't supported.
       | Seems like it could have been cool, but likely will not seriously
       | try it because of these limits.
         | kevmoo1 wrote:
         | Agreed! Interesting idea, but charging for this is not going to
         | get them very far.
         | Gotta find a way to do an "open core" or similar.
         | geodel wrote:
         | Agree. To be honest, I'd find it useful if it were closed
         | source but native installable tool that can convert text to
         | diagram which then could be exported to image/pdf etc.
           | geraldwhen wrote:
           | Yup. I use many paid, local tools. And because there's no
           | network service nonsense it's not a problem at work.
         | rvense wrote:
         | Services as a software substitute...
         | alixanderwang wrote:
         | Those tools are mature 10-20+ year and we're just getting
         | feedback for our little ol' alpha born ~yesterday. The
         | limitations are temporary -- we are working on an offline,
         | locally runnable experience (it's in the roadmap), but, alas,
         | engineering bandwidth of a 6 person team.
         | edit: I've updated the docs to make this clear
           | BarryMilo wrote:
           | How is this different/better than, say, Mermaid?
         | sieabahlpark wrote:
         | Would you believe me if I said this was just an ad and you
         | wasted time on it?
         | Just because HN isn't Reddit doesn't mean ads aren't thrown in
         | with all the curated "content"
           | armchairhacker wrote:
           | May be an ad but this is something I would actually use if it
           | wasn't paid.
           | Like other said, maybe it will inspire someone to take this
           | and make an open-source version
             | rch wrote:
             | If it was open source with a permissive license I'd start
             | paying immediately, like I have with other projects.
             | > if it wasn't paid.
             | Maybe you intended to say 'if it wasn't _closed_ ', or
             | similar.
         | jacquesc wrote:
         | Wow, thanks for the clarification. Totally missed this part.
         | After having already evangelized this with my coworkers, I may
         | need to take it back.
         | If they made the core open and allowed users to use this
         | language independently of their online service, there's still a
         | ton of value they could have added with premium services on top
         | of this. For writing the docs, sharing with teams, comments /
         | versioning, etc. Visual figma type features essentially. A team
         | bought into the specification would very likely pay for this.
         | But it's hard to imagine it taking off being completely locked
         | into their service. Ah well, a fine idea and looked pretty well
         | executed.
         | EDIT: maybe that's on their roadmap "When the language is more
         | stable, we intend to open source D2. This will happen sometime
         | in 2022.". Ok, back on board
         | abeppu wrote:
         | Also, to me this was a reminder of the importance of context
         | and assumptions in good communication. Never having heard of
         | this org, I clicked the link for this post, saw the top-level
         | blurb describing the project and assumed that a 'language'
         | which generates diagrams from declarations would be something I
         | could _run_. I clicked on the 'Getting Started' section and was
         | annoyed that there was no 'Installation' section. I started
         | from a context that inclined me to think of this as a stand-
         | alone project which ought to have certain characteristics.
         | I think the author of this page started with the assumption
         | that of _course_ given their business and product, a 'language'
         | for diagrams is only giving users access to something that maps
         | on to whatever internal representation their tool already uses,
         | and allows technically inclined users to work with text and
         | fewer clicks. To them, the assumption seems to have been that
         | readers will already be users of their product, and the
         | assumption that the 'language' is built into their tool _and
         | nowhere else_ is so far in the background that it's only
         | somewhat obliquely addressed as the last question in a FAQ.
         | Per_Bothner wrote:
         | People seem to be missing that this is a preview, not a product
         | (yet). And that: "When the language is more stable, we intend
         | to open source D2. This will happen sometime in 2022."
           | setr wrote:
           | In D2 Tour video, at 4:30, they say
           | > When it's more stable, we will be open-sourcing the
           | _language_.
           | If thats the case, that only the _language_ will be open-
           | sourced, not the visualization, then I 'm not entirely sure
           | what that really gets you, beyond perhaps alternative
           | editors?
           | But its the layout algorithms that are actually notable.
           | [deleted]
           | stragies wrote:
           | Perhaps then "Preview/Beta online service" should be part of
           | the Headline/title.
             | sophacles wrote:
             | Perhaps reading the article is a useful way to get
             | information? If the headline contained everything everyone
             | would conceivably want to know, it would be the article.
             | It's not like the headline was misleading: "a new $tool" is
             | a common phrase for software in alpha and beta stages.
               | stragies wrote:
               | So, to you, "Tool" or "Language" do NOT imply that you
               | can use it independently of a specific online service?
               | I mean, I agree, that "new" is marketing speak for
               | "alpha/beta", but -to me- there is a difference between a
               | "language/tool" and a "Single-Vendor-WebService". Or is
               | my understanding of the semantics of the English language
               | outdated?
         | geraldwhen wrote:
         | This is a complete non starter for any regulated industry.
         | Shame. Mermaid works almost okay and often looks like garbage.
         | I wish there was an open source effort somewhere to do better,
         | or even a paid locally runnable tool that has no service
         | connections.
           | JohnHaugeland wrote:
           | Here's an option: https://stonecypher.github.io/jssm-viz-
           | demo/graph_explorer.h...
           | cush wrote:
           | It's why I keep falling back to excalidraw over tools like
           | mermaid with auto-layout. When I need to communicate an idea,
           | often I really need to fuss with layout in order to get my
           | point across, and having the control to drag things around is
           | the only way to get there.
           | tonerow wrote:
           | It won't work for every use case but https://flowchart.fun is
           | one open-source alternative
       | alixanderwang wrote:
       | Hi all, creator of D2 here. I posted this on Reddit to get some
       | feedback but was hoping to improve the docs and offer a
       | playground environment before posting on HackerNews. Ah well. I
       | wanted to clarify some things:
       | 1. D2 will be open source and usable outside of Terrastruct.
       | Terrastruct will remain the best interface to D2, with
       | bidirectional updates from GUI, but we already have vscode and
       | vim plugins ready for local editing. We're a small team and
       | working on one thing at a time.
       | 2. We're aware of PlantUML, Graphviz, Mermaid, of course. These
       | are mature offerings, but I see plenty room for improvement that
       | we intend to tackle with D2. https://d2-lang.com/tour/faq#how-
       | does-this-compare-to-mermai...
       | Feel free to ask any questions!
         | kaladin_1 wrote:
         | Nice intro video on the landing page. I liked the capabilities
         | shown.
         | I do think you could have made it obvious in the Getting
         | Started section that this is not a local runnable language. I
         | spent some time looking for how to install it only for me to
         | realise that it is some form of SaaS.
           | alixanderwang wrote:
           | Thanks! The caveat is on the intro/home page. We very much
           | intend to support a high quality locally runnable experience
           | before we'd call it a v1.
         | flashgordon wrote:
         | By the way do you have a BNF grammar (or something more of a
         | formal spec for this?). The cheat sheet does look good though.
           | alixanderwang wrote:
           | No unfortunately not yet. The docs are like 75% caught up to
           | all the language right now and it's still changing not
           | infrequently, so we'll make some formal specs once it's
           | stable. This reveal caught us off guard =).
             | mdaniel wrote:
             | > I posted this on Reddit to get some feedback
             | > This reveal caught us off guard
             | Hmmm
               | alixanderwang wrote:
               | hah, so the line of logic was: "let's post on reddit to
               | get some low stakes feedback in preparation for a HN
               | launch"
       | [deleted]
       | kgm wrote:
       | I am taken a little aback by the name. There is, of course,
       | already the D programming language, which has even had a major
       | version number of 2 for quite some time.
       | It also brings to mind the JavaScript library d3, which, while
       | not _strictly_ for making diagrams, can easily lend itself to the
       | purpose.
       | Calling this thing "D2" seems potentially confusing.
         | snowcorn wrote:
         | We have:
         | "D" the programming language [0]
         | "D" the data language specification [1]
         | "D" the programming language for DTrace [2]
         | "D3" the javascript library [3]
         | "D4" library/tool for Declarative Data-Driven Documents[4]
         | "D4" implementation[5] of the data language specification[1]
         | Overall, I think "D2" is objectively the best choice here. We
         | have at least three "D"s, two "D4"s, and one "D3", so it makes
         | sense to put it in as "D2". I certainly wouldn't want another
         | "D" or, heaven forbid, a "D5".
         | [0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D_(programming_language)
         | [1]:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D_(data_language_specification...
         | [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DTrace#Description
         | [3]: https://d3js.org/
         | [4]: https://github.com/joelburget/d4
         | [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dataphor#Languages
           | tomwojcik wrote:
           | As a gamer, after reading just "D2" my brain immediately
           | assumed it's about Diablo 2 Resurrected.
             | Ancapistani wrote:
             | I thought of the D-2 extract on Reserve in Escape from
             | Tarkov.
         | MaxBarraclough wrote:
         | Calling it now, someone will make a tool for automatic
         | documentation of R codebases, and call it R2D2.
       (page generated 2022-08-30 23:00 UTC)