[HN Gopher] My Contribution to Markdown
       My Contribution to Markdown
       Author : zdw
       Score  : 82 points
       Date   : 2022-09-02 16:37 UTC (6 hours ago)
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       | NelsonMinar wrote:
       | That little asterix on "without any changes" is doing a lot of
       | work.
       | > The code block has to be indented, of course, or--in many
       | implementations, but not Gruber's--surrounded by fences.
       | Indenting is always a nuisance and can present more complicated
       | problems for Python or other whitespace-significant languages.
       | CommonMark and most Markdown flavors support 3 backticks or 3
       | tildes as a fence. Then everything inside is literally unaltered
       | code. Not sure what you do if your code sample itself has the
       | fence in it.
       | isitmadeofglass wrote:
       | A contribution typically implies actual work, not just having
       | talked to the person who made the actual contribution.
         | redditor98654 wrote:
         | A product manager that comes up with feature ideas is doing
         | actual work, would you not agree? Even if they themselves do
         | not implement anything.
           | just-ok wrote:
           | What? No. Writing a well-spec'd feature request with clear
           | outcome and behavior expectations is work. Just asking,
           | "Wouldn't it be cool if ____?" is not actual work.
             | redditor98654 wrote:
             | If the feature is simple enough, it is possible to
             | illustrate it in a few sentences. I am just speculating at
             | this point, but if the discussion went like "hey, I think
             | in Markdown, if the users enters a code-block, we should
             | treat everything literally and not escape anything. This
             | way users can just copy-paste code and expect it to render
             | exactly like the raw text".
             | This is clearly spec'd and has clear expectations on how it
             | should behave. No implementation details of course which
             | you wouldn't expect from a product manager in most cases as
             | well.
         | julianlam wrote:
         | Not according to GitHub, which -- unless I'm mistaken -- treats
         | opened issues as contributions.
         | soperj wrote:
         | Noticing a bug and filing a report on it is actual work.
       | brycewray wrote:
       | > Anyway, it was during a digression--actually a digression
       | within a digression-- that Gruber talks about code blocks in
       | Markdown and how one of his favorite features is that you don't
       | have to escape anything in a code block. You can paste source
       | code directly into your Markdown document without any changes,
       | and it will appear as expected in the rendered HTML.
       | True enough as far as it goes but, if you use that Markdown in
       | some static site generators (SSGs), you may still have to massage
       | it a bit so the SSG output won't be borked. For a couple of
       | examples:
       | - In Eleventy and Jekyll (and maybe others), you often have to
       | wrap code blocks in `{% raw %}` and `{% endraw %}`.
       | - In Hugo, if you're including anything that Go initially
       | "thinks" is real code rather than just a reproduction thereof,
       | you must put comment characters around it: `{{< this >}}` isn't
       | OK, but `{{</* this */>}}` is (and will display in Hugo as the
       | desired `{{< this >}}`).
         | groby_b wrote:
         | If the SSGs are broken, that's hardly markdown's fault.
           | brycewray wrote:
           | Just sayin'. :-)
       | n4jm4 wrote:
       | I supported an effort to standardize Markdown into an actual
       | common syntax, instead of the nasty variation we see between
       | GitHub, Reddit, Stack Overflow, Atlassian, etc. etc. This became
       | CommonMark, which everyone ignores.
         | polygamous_bat wrote:
         | I am sorry. However, XKCD did warn us about this:
         | https://xkcd.com/927/
           | [deleted]
           | avgcorrection wrote:
           | > 14 competing standards
           | MarkDown didn't have any standards to begin with, just
           | different implementations for different platforms. Tired 927
           | refuted.
         | bosswipe wrote:
         | If Gruber had gotten behind that initiative it probably
         | would've worked but he was weirdly antagonistic to it.
       | remram wrote:
       | I do wish we could have _both modes_ in Markdown, similar to how
       | bash has  <<END and <<'END'
       | Sometimes I want to highlight a part of the code...
       | behnamoh wrote:
       | > But I was there first, you're welcome.
       | With these things, I always think "but if he hadn't done it,
       | someone else would". Therefore, what matters is the thing that
       | got done; the person doing it isn't special (nor should they feel
       | so).
         | abnry wrote:
         | You forgot these sentences right before it:
         | > Undoubtedly, as Markdown became more popular, someone else
         | would have pointed out this problem. Gruber himself would have
         | been annoyed by it if he ever needed to write a code block with
         | backslashes in it.
         | People are overreacting to a tongue-in-cheek post. I doubt the
         | author takes himself too seriously with all of this.
           | nescioquid wrote:
           | What was the purpose of the post? The author wrote a tedious
           | story about listening to a podcast episode in which markdown
           | codeblocks are mentioned and "That's my doing".
           | But the rest comes off like mock humility because there
           | really wasn't any information of relevance to anyone but the
           | author.
           | Had the article been about the importance of user engagement
           | in open source projects and then used his personal experience
           | to underscore the point, then the article is really about
           | raising awareness and might be something of utility to a
           | reader. This article, however, just reads like me, me, me.
             | Veen wrote:
             | It wasn't a personal letter addressed to you so naturally
             | it fails to account for your ignorance. He's writing for
             | long-time readers of his blog who already understand the
             | context, his style, his relationship with Gruber and
             | Markdown, and so on. Perhaps, given that you haven't got a
             | clue about any of that and don't seem to know what irony
             | is, you should reconsider whether your rude comment is
             | justified.
               | nescioquid wrote:
               | Well I did find the irony of your reply delicious; sure,
               | I'll just leave it to you to decide what is justified and
               | what is rude.
             | abnry wrote:
             | Yeah, it is self centered, but it is fun.
       | swyx wrote:
       | im too late to contribute anything to core markdown, but my claim
       | to fame is making a list of "mistakes in markdown" that Gruber
       | endorsed recently:
       | - list: https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1240719259505963010
       | (previously on HN https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22776108 )
       | - gruber: https://twitter.com/gruber/status/1240888155307495426
         | thangalin wrote:
         | Another item missing from Markdown is a standard syntax for
         | cross-references and citations:
         | https://talk.commonmark.org/t/cross-references-and-citations...
         | Is the tweeted list a little outdated now?
         | > no id's in headers
         | A natural ID is derived by changing the header to lowercase and
         | replacing spaces with hyphens, such as:
         | https://github.com/DaveJarvis/keenwrite/blob/master/docs/scr...
         | > no syntax for adding classes
         | Pandoc introduced ::: annotation blocks that produce div tags
         | with classes. I discuss this length:
         | https://dave.autonoma.ca/blog/2020/04/28/typesetting-markdow...
         | My editor, KeenWrite[0], also supports annotation syntax:
         | https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2131950/161400266-...
         | > any number will do in ordered lists
         | Isn't that either a presentation issue or a feature? I prefer
         | numbering lists with a sequence of 1., 1., 1., 1., to let the
         | computer automatically increment the number. Makes
         | adding/removing items easier. Being able to arbitrarily change
         | the numbering seems weird, though potentially useful.
         | > code blocks (4 spaces) over code fences (```)
         | Not sure why this is a design mistake. When reading technical
         | documentation, indented stands out more. IMO, it improves
         | readability for short snippets (where syntax highlighting
         | doesn't matter).
         | > can't nest Markdown in HTML in Markdown
         | Depends on the Markdown flavour, doesn't it?
         | [0]: https://github.com/DaveJarvis/keenwrite#download
           | swyx wrote:
           | yes, i was commenting on the base markdown spec by Gruber
           | (since that is the subset that all the supersets have to fit)
       | trauco wrote:
       | All the humming and hawing about how the author of the post is
       | taking credit for someone else's work, etc, is a good example of
       | the problem of reading one-off things on the internet and
       | commenting on them here without understanding the context or the
       | voice of the author.
       | As a long-term reader of that blog, it is obvious to me this is a
       | little historical anecdote, mostly tongue-in-cheek, from a
       | particular mac-centric community to which both the author and
       | Gruber belong to. He's not being grandiose or trying to take
       | credit.
       | Sometimes a story is just a story.
         | [deleted]
         | AceJohnny2 wrote:
         | Someone recently put it very insightfully, that it was
         | impossible to post things candidly on the Internet because your
         | in-group shared background/assumptions aren't shared by randos
         | on the internet that will come across your post and
         | misinterpret it.
         | (I'm pretty sure this was linked on HN, but it's too vague for
         | me to search/find it)
         | capableweb wrote:
         | Sounds just like what the author could expect from a discussion
         | in a community which is not the same community they usually
         | find themselves in ("a particular mac-centric community",
         | whichever that refers to).
         | Strangers on the internet will come across your little random
         | story if it's public, and rather than blaming first-time
         | readers for not understanding the context nor the voice of the
         | author, maybe the author could adjust the article to provide
         | the context or make the voice stronger/more obvious?
         | Honestly, I'm fine with not understanding everything from
         | communities I don't generally hang-around, it's bound to happen
         | at one point or another.
           | trauco wrote:
           | > Strangers on the internet will come across your little
           | random story if it's public, and rather than blaming first-
           | time readers for not understanding the context nor the voice
           | of the author, maybe the author could adjust the article to
           | provide the context or make the voice stronger/more obvious?
           | I'm not "blaming" anyone. I'm just pointing out that the
           | commenters here are missing the point of the story because
           | they don't understand the context, and that this is a fairly
           | common phenomenon.
           | I think it's fine to tailor your writing to a community of
           | like-minded readers rather than a first-time reader from here
           | that is unlikely to come back.
           | > Honestly, I'm fine with not understanding everything from
           | communities I don't generally hang-around, it's bound to
           | happen at one point or another.
           | Me too, of course. It just makes a discussion without that
           | context, i.e., what's happening here, detached from what the
           | author meant with the post.
           | lapcat wrote:
           | > Sounds just like what the author could expect from a
           | discussion in a community which is not the same community
           | they usually find themselves in ("a particular mac-centric
           | community", whichever that refers to).
           | The author of the blog post did not submit the article to
           | Hacker News.
           | Anyway, I wish that HN commenters would apply the same HN
           | guidelines to article authors that they do to each other.
           | It's all too easy to rip on someone who isn't here to explain
           | or defend themselves.
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
       | throwthere wrote:
       | I think you're meant to read this post as if the entire thing is
       | surrounded by "sarcasm" tags.
       | ninepoints wrote:
       | This is akin to filing a bug report, and then taking
       | responsibility for the fix committed by someone else.
         | dewey wrote:
         | > Undoubtedly, as Markdown became more popular, someone else
         | would have pointed out this problem. Gruber himself would have
         | been annoyed by it if he ever needed to write a code block with
         | backslashes in it. But I was there first. And you're welcome.
         | I don't see how he's taking responsibility for fixing the bug.
         | To me it just sounds like he's sharing an anecdote and this is
         | not entirely serious.
         | tshaddox wrote:
         | I personally read it as a tongue-in-cheek boast where the
         | author's intent was to clearly indicate that their contribution
         | was minimal and they just happened to be the first person to
         | point something out to the developers of the library.
           | hisnameisjimmy wrote:
           | Agree completely. This is just a fun little anecdote.
         | jancsika wrote:
         | Don't know about responsibility, but there are cases where I'd
         | certainly take the credit. For example:
         | 1. Finding the bug was difficult, while fixing the bug was
         | trivial
         | 2. My own proposed patches seem to sit for years, while
         | emailing bug reports directly to the committer results in them
         | committing fixes within days.
         | actuallyalys wrote:
         | I help maintain some open source projects, and I totally
         | disagree. Filing bugs (or thoughtful feature requests) is
         | absolutely a contribution, and I wish more users would do so.
         | Edit: In fairness, I think some of the ways the author
         | describes it are grandiose ("my extremely important
         | contribution"), but I interpreted them as hyperbole.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | I think this is the part that itches me:
           | > . You can paste source code directly into your Markdown
           | document without any changes, and it will appear as expected
           | in the rendered HTML. That's my doing.
           | It makes it sound like the author of this blogpost actually
           | did the change, while in reality they suggested the change.
           | Of course it's good to suggest something, and even nicer when
           | whoever you suggest it to implements it. But I'd never claim
           | "that's my doing" after suggesting any features/fixes.
           | A bit like writing an email to Apple suggesting something,
           | then they do that thing and I wrote a blogpost saying "That's
           | my doing, I was there first. And you're welcome.". It just
           | doesn't taste well.
             | actuallyalys wrote:
             | I interpreted that as not being serious, but I can see why
             | that part rubbed people the wrong way.
             | btown wrote:
             | If a candidate were to say "that's my doing" when
             | describing the outcome of a prior _team_ project, and
             | language barriers weren't a mitigating factor, I would
             | consider that a significant red flag for ego. Not a crime,
             | and a reasonable exaggeration in many circumstances. But I
             | wouldn't want someone communicating that way in a
             | professional capacity on an engineering team.
               | indymike wrote:
               | > If a candidate were to say "that's my doing" when
               | describing the outcome of a prior team project,
               | "I made that" is the ultimate statement of pride in work.
               | Taking that away is a really awful anti-pattern in
               | management. Let your people be proud of their
               | contribution, and equally proud of the product of the
               | team. The work of a team is the sum of the contribution
               | of all members.
               | > a reasonable exaggeration in many circumstances
               | I find people who take credit for the work of the team to
               | be a lot worse than people who take pride in their
               | contribution to the team.
               | filmgirlcw wrote:
               | Well it's a good thing drdrang was just posting a missive
               | on his blog and not in a job interview with you. But I
               | guess if he does ever interview with you, you'll remember
               | his tongue-in-cheek missive and be dismissive, even if if
               | never comes up in conversation.
               | That'll show 'em! Never write tongue-in-cheek blogs or
               | else random weirdos who will never meet you will write
               | you off as a candidate for an engineering team that
               | doesn't exist and that you don't want to join in the
               | first place.
           | koheripbal wrote:
           | A well described and thought out bug report can make fixes
           | trivial and are worth their weight in gold.
           | Obviously the "it doesn't work" bug reports are worthless.
         | svnpenn wrote:
         | The whole post is pretty obnoxious. Its literally "you made
         | this? I made this":
         | https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/079/173/ed2...
         | sophacles wrote:
         | Some credit as the motivator of the fix is deserved. The author
         | very clearly states:                  Undoubtedly, as Markdown
         | became more popular, someone else would have pointed out this
         | problem. Gruber himself would have been annoyed by it if he
         | ever needed to write a code block with backslashes in it. But I
         | was there first. And you're welcome.
         | I don't think they are trying to take more credit than is due.
           | dathanb82 wrote:
           | But also > You can paste source code directly into your
           | Markdown document without any changes, and it will appear as
           | expected in the rendered HTML. That's my doing.
           | In that sentence, it kinda does sound like they're trying to
           | take credit for it.
             | kergonath wrote:
             | Or maybe the reader can do better than isolate a sentence
             | out of context and assume bad intent. It's obvious this is
             | not to be taken seriously. It's a few paragraphs on a blog,
             | FFS.
             | water-your-self wrote:
             | Its upon the reader to ascribe malintent. Ill choose not
             | to.
               | sophacles wrote:
               | Generally I don't like to point out typos, but in the
               | context of malintent: Ill vs I'll is pretty amusing :D
               | [deleted]
             | sophacles wrote:
             | It is their doing - they started the series of events. It's
             | other people's doings ALSO. This sentence doesn't imply
             | exclusivity, it just doesn't say others did stuff.
             | Fortunately the entire rest of the document, particularly
             | the part I highlighted above, makes it very clear:
             | 1. what their doing is in more specific detail
             | 2. what others' doings are in more specific detail
             | I'm going to assume that the author included all that
             | additional detail in the document on purpose, and with the
             | intent of clarifying what "That's my doing" entails. It
             | seems pretty unlikely that your hypothesis of "the person
             | is claiming the whole thing is their doing and accidentally
             | wrote a whole bunch of words undermining that simple
             | sentence" is the right one.
             | IncRnd wrote:
             | There is an entire article. There doesn't need to be just
             | one sentence plucked out of context.
             | "I pointed this out in the Markdown mailing list, and
             | Gruber agreed that it should be changed. In the next
             | Markdown release--which was, I believe, his last--he made
             | the change, and all the text in code blocks has been
             | treated literally ever since."
             | What's wrong with that? He said what he did, said who fixed
             | the issue, and stated the result.
         | Veen wrote:
         | It's not that. It's tongue in cheek, as anyone who has followed
         | Gruber and Dr. Drang for a while will understand.
         | redditor98654 wrote:
         | It is still a contribution, which is what the title is. It did
         | not say "my feature implementation in Markdown". A good feature
         | suggestion which is thoughtful and genuinely improves a product
         | not just for that one user but for everyone is a great
         | contribution.
           | remram wrote:
           | The exact phrasing:
           | > That's my doing.
           | Come on now.
             | [deleted]
             | kergonath wrote:
             | There is even worse than that. He also wrote:
             | > I
             | Which clearly means that he takes full credit for the whole
             | Markdown implementation. What a scandal!
             | actuallyalys wrote:
             | I interpreted it as a joke, but I'm familiar with the
             | author and hyperbole doesn't always translate, so I can see
             | why it rubbed people the wrong way.
           | klez wrote:
           | Right. That's why I can claim that my biggest contribution to
           | Firefox is suggesting indicating the estimated reading time
           | at the top of an article in reader mode. I'm the one who made
           | the feature request [0].
           | It took some time, but they finally implemented it and I felt
           | (and still feel) very good about it :)
           | [0] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1265304
             | capableweb wrote:
             | I think the claim "that's my biggest contribution to X" is
             | fine, if you feel like that was what you think is the
             | biggest contribution you made to X.
             | Where it starts to feel wrong, would be if you somehow
             | started claiming "I suggested it first. It's because of me
             | it's there. You're welcome", when you merely suggested the
             | feature, not implemented or drove it to be implemented.
       (page generated 2022-09-02 23:00 UTC)