[HN Gopher] DockYard R&D: FireFly Optimizes Your Elixir Compilation
       DockYard R&D: FireFly Optimizes Your Elixir Compilation
       Author : freedomben
       Score  : 78 points
       Date   : 2022-09-03 16:25 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (dockyard.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (dockyard.com)
       | pdimitar wrote:
       | I would appreciate if this post included just a few shell script
       | snippets showing how to replace current Erlang compilation
       | toolchain so Erlang/Elixir/other-BEAM-langs can try it, i.e. a
       | drop-in replacement for your day-to-day dev workflow.
       | I don't mind compiling `firefly` from source (as the GitHub page
       | instructs). That's all fine and an accepted reality when an
       | experimental tool is starting to take off.
       | But not providing much of a context + actionable list of items on
       | how to try it in your day-to-day work is to me a PR piece doomed
       | to fall on deaf ears.
       | This is not an investor pitch to business people. You're
       | advertising to programmers. Please craft your articles
       | accordingly.
       | Don't get me wrong, I am glad this exists and will follow it. I
       | just wish we had something to copy-paste in our `~/.bashrc` file
       | and and be able to try the tool today.
       | tr1ll10nb1ll wrote:
       | Dockyard seems to be making strides with their projects which in
       | turn makes working with Elixir lucrative (assuming the projects
       | do take off).
       | Yesterday, they posted LiveView Native and now-- this.
         | JediLuke wrote:
       | yewenjie wrote:
       | I think this project used to be called Lumen until pretty
       | recently - https://github.com/GetFirefly/firefly
       | jononomo wrote:
       | It makes no sense to me to use Elixir without running on the
       | BEAM. Absolutely zero. You lose OTP, for one thing, which means
       | that the entire programming paradigm goes out the window.
         | bitwalker wrote:
         | You don't lose OTP, because OTP is a library, written almost
         | entirely in Erlang (not counting the set of NIFs/BIFs which
         | provide intrinsic functionality), which we absolutely aim to
         | compile with Firefly just like any other Erlang (or other BEAM
         | language) sources.
         | The BEAM also provides a runtime, but that runtime can be
         | implemented using other strategies. It essentially provides a
         | M:N green threading abstraction (processes), with a specific
         | set of semantics around how those communicate (messages) and
         | how failure is handled (links/monitors/etc). Firefly provides a
         | runtime that aims to be equivalent to that of the BEAM from the
         | perspective of the developer, the only difference is in how
         | that is done behind the scenes, what is produced by the
         | compiler, and what restrictions we impose that the BEAM doesn't
         | (namely no hot code loading, at least for the forseeable
         | future).
         | I'm not sure where you got the idea that Firefly throws away
         | OTP, or tries to implement Erlang with different semantics,
         | because that is explicitly _not_ the goal.
         | hosh wrote:
         | The people writing Firefly are trying to support OTP on WASM.
         | Because the WASM runtime have different characteristics and
         | guarantees from BEAM, and they don't want to run BEAM inside
         | WASM, they created an alternate runtime. There was at least one
         | instance where Dockyard proposed and implemented changes to the
         | WASM spec itself in order to support Elixir/Erlang/OTP in WASM.
         | sergiomattei wrote:
         | I don't think Firefly gets rid of the OTP.
           | jononomo wrote:
           | OTP is a programming library/paradigm that doesn't work
           | without the ability to create extremely lightweight threads,
           | which is what the BEAM provides.
             | peoplefromibiza wrote:
             | Apparently it has feature parity with the BEAM, but lacks
             | support for NIFs
             | https://github.com/GetFirefly/firefly#runtime
               | bitwalker wrote:
               | It doesn't currently, but you are correct that the goal
               | is to maintain feature parity with the BEAM (with
               | explicit caveats to that, namely hot code loading). There
               | actually is support for NIFs, just not via the erl_nif
               | interface that NIFs use today, support for that will
               | arrive eventually.
             | freedomben wrote:
             | I don't understand, isn't the BEAM just a software runtime
             | that provides a lightweight thread implementation that OTP
             | can use? Why couldn't they implement an alternative that
             | runs on WASI?
             | I agree that Elixir without OTP becomes much less useful,
             | but there could be some changes to the language to enable
             | in-process state changes so that you wouldn't be limited to
             | a single process and the immutability restrictions that
             | would make that very difficult to do anything useful with.
             | I'm sure they thought of this problem and have a solution
             | in some form.
               | bitwalker wrote:
               | Correct, the BEAM is just one implementation of the
               | runtime, there can (and have) been others. Firefly aims
               | to be as close to the BEAM semantics as possible, but
               | there will naturally be some differences as we're taking
               | a different approach with compilation, with some benefits
               | as a result, but naturally there are also tradeoffs.
             | pessimizer wrote:
             | BEAM isn't the only runtime possible with green threads.
             | OTP is just the libraries.
             | Lots of people have written alternatives to BEAM. The only
             | problem they run into is that BEAM is very good, and would
             | be tough to beat. I was an admirer of Erlang on Xen:
             | https://github.com/cloudozer/ling
       | derefr wrote:
       | As someone who's the exact target audience of this post
       | (deploying Elixir apps in production), I have no idea what this
       | PR piece is trying to say.
       | > Unlike BEAM it compiles applications ahead of time, allowing
       | Lumen to perform optimizations BEAM can't.
       | What does this mean? Erlang/Elixir _are_ AOT-compiled languages.
       | They 're compiled into bytecode. (Also, "BEAM" is not a compiler,
       | but a bytecode VM which executes the bytecode emitted _by_ the
       | compiler.)
       | Do they mean that they further compile the BEAM bytecode to
       | native host-ISA object code? Or did they write alternative Erlang
       | and Elixir compilers, to compile these HLLs directly to host-ISA
       | object code, skipping both the language runtime and BEAM bytecode
       | entirely? Do they mean "compiles applications" literally, in the
       | sense of Whole-Program Optimization?
       | In short -- is this something like GraalVM's Native Images; or
       | something like an AOT version of BEAM's HiPE extension; or
       | something else?
       | > FireFly is able to compile Elixir applications without having
       | to run through the Erlang Virtual Machine.
       | So is the key benefit here that the _compilation_ is faster
       | because it 's not running on the BEAM (good for e.g. CI); or is
       | the key benefit that the _resulting executable_ is faster because
       | it 's not running on the BEAM?
       | Also, there are some questions I have that this post didn't even
       | try to answer. E.g.:
       | It is my understanding that the the bytecode-ness of the Erlang
       | VM is crucial to the lightweight bounded-runtime cooperative-
       | scheduling mechanism that allows Erlang/Elixir code to be high-
       | concurrency + soft-realtime. (Effectively, every ISA op
       | implicitly decrements a per-actor reduction-counter as part of
       | its implementation; and the yield-point checks are _also_ inside
       | the impls for certain BEAM ISA ops, rather than being their own
       | explicit BEAM ISA instructions.) How does a non-bytecode version
       | of Erlang /Elixir abstract-machine semantics, achieve these same
       | guarantees? Is there an explicit reduction-counter being carried
       | around in the emitted native code?
       | And _also_ , there is no mention of disadvantages/constraints of
       | using this system. It's pretty clear that you wouldn't be able to
       | do hot reloading or dynamic trace-point insertion without the
       | BEAM there to intermediate it. That's fine for some use-cases,
       | but they should explicitly mention the trade-offs and target
       | audience.
         | freedomben wrote:
         | While I'd be fascinated to hear the answers to all your
         | questions, I would guess maybe 2% of people would even
         | understand them. I wouldn't expect a post like this to get
         | anywhere near that technical.
         | e3bc54b2 wrote:
         | Indeed all the DockYard pieces announced are nice, but the
         | posts are puff pieces at best.
         | From what I understood, Elixir/OTP are there, but instead of
         | compiling to BEAM bytecode, they compile for WASI (targeting
         | whatever can run WebAssembly). It is not HiPE, nor JIT, there
         | will not be any bytecode. Only AOT compiled native code, except
         | targeting WASI.
         | Generally BEAM is understood to be slower of the big runtimes
         | (compared against Java, CLR, Go and often V8/Javascript).
         | FireFly claims to be faster, and smaller in compiled form than
         | current interation compiled against BEAM.
         | How that plays with actor model and preemptively switched
         | lightweight processes is a mystery to me too.
         | I'd really appreciate something with more technical sauce but
         | human explanation. Currently all we have is PR puffs like this
         | and source code (at least for the LiveView native, haven't
         | tried looking for this).
         | All that said, this does indicate there is good activity and
         | desires to get Elixir working on stuff other than its current
         | strong suit. This usually means the language and ecosystem is
         | growing. It could be Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, but I started
         | learning Elixir couple of weeks ago, starting with LiveView
         | tomorrow, and there is nice stream of posts coming for it.
         | Exciting times :)
           | freedomben wrote:
           | Agreed, these posts from Dockyard have been really low
           | quality. Dockyard makes some awesome stuff generally, so I'm
           | surprised at how shallow and marketing-speak these have been.
           | That said I'm really excited for this and the other projects.
           | Looking forward to some more technical dives.
             | hosh wrote:
             | They make up for it in their ElixirConf keynotes and
             | presentations.
           | hosh wrote:
           | If you are looking for more substantial technical
           | information, they are found in the ElixirConf '19 keynote
           | speech and demo when Lumen was announced.
           | https://youtu.be/uMgTIlgYB-U
       (page generated 2022-09-03 23:00 UTC)