[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-09-04) - Page 2
 (DIR) New performance materials are coming
       196 points by tsungxu (65 comments)
 (DIR) Bones: Why Utah's desert is a paleontologist's playground
       8 points by Hooke (0 comments)
 (DIR) On Device Learning
       77 points by abhaynayar (34 comments)
 (DIR) Zstandard - Real-time data compression algorithm
       62 points by RafelMri (22 comments)
 (DIR) Optimizing Clang: A Practical Example of Applying Bolt
       23 points by cpeterso (0 comments)
 (DIR) Google Pixel 6 still freezes when calling Emergency Services
       403 points by curiousgal (279 comments)
 (DIR) Tennokoe, Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Save the Game
       11 points by zdw (0 comments)
 (DIR) W2UI is a JavaScript UI library for building rich web applications
       65 points by spapas82 (39 comments)
 (DIR) Spreadsheet Gaming
       35 points by Tomte (8 comments)
 (DIR) Almost half of cancer deaths are preventable
       185 points by LinuxBender (232 comments)
 (DIR) Histogram vs. ECDF
       57 points by r4um (17 comments)
 (DIR) A New Materials Paradigm Is Overdue
       30 points by dereg (5 comments)
 (DIR) Oberon, Plan 9 and Inferno (2021)
       119 points by eterps (23 comments)
 (DIR) Ask HN: As a dev, what made (or almost) you quit from a job?
       7 points by boredemployee (8 comments)
 (DIR) Genomics of mortal and immortal cnidarians unveils keys behind r...
       32 points by bookofjoe (1 comments)
 (DIR) Program Synthesis is Possible (2018)
       87 points by xept (13 comments)
 (DIR) SDSL - Succinct Data Structure Library
       69 points by signa11 (8 comments)
 (DIR) What the KIM-1 really needs is bubble memory
       32 points by classichasclass (8 comments)
 (DIR) Google's Project Nimbus is the future of evil
       14 points by danboarder (3 comments)
 (DIR) Lapce Editor, Release v0.2.0
       77 points by manaskarekar (33 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2022-09-04 23:01 UTC)