[HN Gopher] Why Not: From Common Lisp to Julia
       Why Not: From Common Lisp to Julia
       Author : ctrlmeta
       Score  : 69 points
       Date   : 2022-09-07 13:08 UTC (9 hours ago)
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       | kazinator wrote:
       | > _There exist MiniSpec and Common Lisp Quick Reference for a
       | beginner._
       | Not only that, but books. Common Lisp books going all the way
       | back to the 1980s are perfectly, or almost perfectly usable,
       | modulo some small issues due to CL not having been ratified until
       | 1994.
       | E.g. Wilensky's _Common LISPcraft_ [1986] (don 't let the all
       | caps LISP put you off) or Stuart Shapiro's _Common Lisp: an
       | Interactive Approach_ [1992]. Norvig 's PAIP (the Lisp-based
       | original) can be used for learning Common Lisp by advanced
       | beginners.
       | Shapiro's book is out of print, but here is the free PDF:
       | https://cse.buffalo.edu/~shapiro/Commonlisp/commonLisp.pdf
       | It is disingenuous to state that the only resource for learning
       | Common Lisp is the HyperSpec, which is hard to use, ignoring
       | decades of books, and tutorials.
         | lispm wrote:
         | notable also:
         | Lisp, 3rd edition from Winston/Horn
         | then ANSI Common Lisp from Paul Graham
         | Common Lisp Recipes from Edi Weitz
         | On Lisp by Paul Graham
         | I also own 1,5 meters (the sum of the books widths) of printed
         | documentation for Symbolics Genera, which is also available via
         | its integrated documentation reader.
         | LispWorks and Allegro CL have also a large amount of current
         | documentation.
         | cylinder714 wrote:
         | David S. Touretzky's _Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to
         | Symbolic Computation_ is in print; I picked up a copy at Barnes
         | and Noble a few years ago.
         | http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/
       | sundarurfriend wrote:
       | _(Copy-pasting my comment on this from the other thread)_
       | > If I had to wish something from Julia, it would be to provide a
       | way to turn off runtime optimization to (radically) speed up
       | compile times for purposes of debugging.
       | 100% agreed on that. I've tried a Julia alias with `--compile=min
       | --optimize=0` options passed in to try to say "please give me
       | responsiveness over runtime performance", but it's still not
       | quite the smooth flow I'd like it to be.
       | > Dynamic Binding
       | Beyond performance, it sounds like dynamic binding would have the
       | same hard-to-debug action-at-a-distance problems that global
       | variables often land you in, so I'm not sure it's worth it. (The
       | specific case the author mentions would also lead to type
       | stability problems, but that's maybe beside the point.)
       | > Structural editing
       | It's hard to process things from gifs, especially since I can't
       | tell what the starting point of the gif is. It vaguely gives me
       | the impression of the Emmet plugin for HTML development [1].
       | > I am aware julia has a --lisp mode, but I have never found any
       | documentation for it. So, I don't agree that all the things in
       | julia are well-documented either :).
       | Afaik, the `--lisp` mode is intended to be sort of an easter egg,
       | rather than a real mode for practical coding. I doubt many people
       | use it other than Jeff himself. :)
       | The author doesn't say everything in Julia is well-documented by
       | the way, or even mention Julia documentation. There's just
       | complaints about the Lisp ecosystem's lack of documentation, and
       | perhaps from that an implication that Julia has better docs, but
       | I doubt the author would say all the things are well-documented -
       | there's still quite a way to go for that to be the case.
       | Overall, the article left me more curious to explore Lisp, not
       | less. It didn't feel particularly gloomy, and exposed me to many
       | features of the language that make me really want to try it out.
       | I hope there's more articles like this - in the sense of being
       | intended for a general (non-lisp) audience, and talking about
       | specific features rather than just "it expands your mind, it's
       | programming like you've never done before" type statements.
       | [1] https://emmet.io/
         | OkayPhysicist wrote:
         | Are you closing the Julia process between each run, or do you
         | have a REPL sitting open in another window at all times?
         | I used the latter when I was doing my thesis in Julia, and that
         | cut down on start times a lot.
           | sundarurfriend wrote:
           | Yeah, that kind of single, long-running project is exactly
           | what Julia is made for, so it works out great for those use
           | cases. I do the same when I have projects like that.
           | Generally though, I tend to need to switch to different clean
           | environments, to debug others' codebases, or to work on
           | distinct packages, etc. And even in a long running REPL,
           | things suddenly take a lot time to run and then I realize I
           | hadn't run that particular method in this session yet so my
           | workflow is paused suddenly while I wait.
           | Also, I'd just love to be able to use Julia as a quick
           | calculator, to run little snippets of code I need for non-
           | project reasons, etc., just use it as a general computing
           | environment. But the unpredictable latency makes this less
           | pleasant than it would otherwise be.
         | borodi wrote:
         | --lisp mode just lands you in the REPL of femtolisp, which is
         | used for the parser and lowererer. It's kind of an easter egg
         | for sure.
         | williamstein wrote:
         | I wonder if this JuliaInterpreter would help with his main
         | concern regarding "a way to turn off runtime optimization to
         | (radically) speed up compile times for purposes of debugging."?
         | https://github.com/JuliaDebug/JuliaInterpreter.jl/blob/maste...
           | sundarurfriend wrote:
           | I hope it does, thanks for reminding me of it!
           | I'd come across it quite some time ago, but it was mentioned
           | in the context of someone saying "I wish it was more actively
           | developed", so I just assumed it was something of a stale
           | project. Looking at the repo now, that doesn't seem to be the
           | case at all. I've added an alias                   alias
           | jli="julia --project=@Interpret -e 'using JuliaInterpreter'
           | -i"
           | and will give it a try over the next few days. (`@Interpret`
           | is the environment I installed the package in.)
             | adgjlsfhk1 wrote:
             | the main downside of it is that it is very slow. Julia can
             | always use more compiler people, but if anyone wants to
             | work on a faster, less debug-oriented interpreter for
             | Julia, that would be a really valuable project.
       | mark_l_watson wrote:
       | Nice writeup.
       | re: ""All these paragraphs might seem like I use Common Lisp as
       | my daily driver. But because the people around me rely on Python,
       | and because Python has vastly more libraries that Common Lisp, I
       | am stuck with Python. However, sometimes, I also rely on py4cl/2
       | to use python libraries in Common Lisp in cases where performance
       | is not a concern.""
       | I am in the same position. I am right now working for a 95%
       | Common Lisp shop, but very often in the last 7 or 8 years using
       | Python is close to mandatory when working with deep neural
       | networks, graph neural networks, etc.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | If only Python embraced native code generation like Lisp
         | languages....
           | GeorgeTirebiter wrote:
           | Part of what makes Python so attractive is I can develop on
           | NetBSD/arm64 and deploy on Windows/x86.
           | VMs are a powerful concept (...Java....). The execution
           | performance penalty is tolerable for so many real-world
           | applications these days.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | No need for slow interpretation as means for portability.
             | As you mention Java, it has been supporting dynamic
             | compilation for 20 years now, and for those willing to pay
             | for it, AOT compilation as well.
             | It isn't even the first doing it.
       | Archit3ch wrote:
       | The obvious one: CL can be statically compiled.
       | aidenn0 wrote:
       | I've been thinking about the "50% solution" problem and it's a
       | tough nut to crack because it's self perpetuating. When combined
       | with the lack of documentation, it means it's often faster to
       | write your own 50% solution than it is to determine if any of the
       | 6 existing 50% solutions already meet your needs.
       | Something I hadn't originally predicted is that Github has helped
       | with this a bit; I have gotten PRs on my own 50% solutions that
       | fill in some missing features. I never got a patch e-mailed to
       | me, so the familiarity and low-friction of GH PRs is doing some
       | good here.
       | abrax3141 wrote:
       | Nicely argued. I do agree that the compile times in Julia are
       | annoying, and the debugger sucks, but I've come to think of them
       | as features rather than bugs; reminders to, as you say in your
       | note, stop and take a breath, a reminder that computers are
       | actually very very slow and you should strive to emulate them by
       | slowing down and stopping to skim HN while the operator puts your
       | punch cards in the card reader and your output will show up on
       | the line printer in a half hour or so, then you can go back to
       | the keypunch and fix the typo and recurse.
         | [deleted]
         | wudangmonk wrote:
         | To me compilation speed is right up there with runtime speed in
         | terms of importance. I do not like this trend where we
         | sacrifice compilation speed to have "correct" code and give up
         | because computers are so slow when in fact computers are
         | incredibly fast and its this attitude of not caring about
         | compilation speed that makes them seem so slow.
         | All these typed languages have to balance how much static
         | analysis they do anyways, I just think they should dial it back
         | and settle for the middle ground between analysis and
         | compilation speed as the default. You can have options to
         | increase it just as you have options for optimization levels.
         | The default should never be having to wait half and hour to fix
         | a typo. That seems crazy to me but that is exactly what we have
         | with some of these languages.
       (page generated 2022-09-07 23:02 UTC)