[HN Gopher] Pypi.org is running a survey on the state of Python ...
       Pypi.org is running a survey on the state of Python packaging
       Author : zbentley
       Score  : 163 points
       Date   : 2022-09-07 15:05 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (pypi.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (pypi.org)
       | sanshugoel wrote:
       | Pickup poetry and fix it. I thought it would be fun to use poetry
       | but it smacks itself here and there.
       | clintonb wrote:
       | The survey is at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/M5XKQCT.
         | MonkeyMalarky wrote:
         | Seems more oriented to (potential) contributors than end users
         | of the packaging system. Who cares about mission statements and
         | inclusivity, secure funding and pay developers to make the
         | tools.
           | woodruffw wrote:
           | > Who cares about mission statements and inclusivity, secure
           | funding and pay developers to make the tools.
           | These are connected things.
           | I maintain a PyPA member project (and contribute to many
           | others), and the latter is aided by the former: the mission
           | statement keeps the community organized around shared goals
           | (such as standardizing Python's packaging tooling), and
           | inclusivity insures a healthy and steady flow of new
           | contributors (and potential corporate funding sources).
           | nomdep wrote:
           | The PSF are not engineers looking for a better developer
           | experience, but politicians looking for power. That's why the
           | pipenv fiasco a few years ago
             | zo1 wrote:
             | What was the pipenv fiasco?
         | crazytalk wrote:
         | This survey is the literal definition of leading question.
         | Found about 2 boxes I could tick, before being forced to order
         | a list of the designer's preferences according to how much I
         | agree with them. The only data that can be generated from a
         | survey like this is the data you wanted to find (see also
         | Boston Consulting Group article earlier today). I cannot
         | honestly respond to it
         | The only question I have is, what grant application(s) is the
         | survey data being used to support?
           | KingEllis wrote:
           | The absence of the go binary as a tool (i.e. "go get ...",
           | "go install ..." etc.) is odd, considering that is what has
           | been eating Python's lunch lately.
       | erwincoumans wrote:
       | I am pretty happy with PyPi/pip, it is an easy way to distribute
       | Python and C++ code wrapped in a Python extension to others. For
       | a C++ developer it is becoming harder to distribute native
       | executables, since MacOS and Windows require signing binaries.
       | Python package version conflicts and backwards incompatibility
       | can be an issue.
       | mdmglr wrote:
       | My wishlist:
       | We need a way to configure an ordered list of indexes pip
       | searches for packages. --extra-index-url or using a proxy index
       | is not the solution.
       | Also namespaces and not based on a domain. So for example: pip
       | install apache:parquet
       | Also some logic either in the pip client or index server to
       | minimize typosquatting
       | Also pip should adopt a lock file similar to npm/yarn. Instead of
       | requirements.txt
       | And also "pip list" should output a dependency tree like "npm
       | list"
       | I should not have to compile source when I install. Every package
       | should have wheels available for the most common arch+OS combos.
       | Also we need a way to download only what you need. Why does
       | installing scipy or numpy install more dependencies than the
       | conda version? For example pywin and scipy.
         | ciupicri wrote:
         | > apache:parquet
         | How are you going to name the file storing the wheel for that
         | package? Using ":" on Windows is going to be problematic.
         | tempest_ wrote:
         | If you are using poetry you can add something to the
         | pyproject.toml to handle the indexes, though I am not sure if
         | they are ordered or not
         | [[tool.poetry.source]] name = "my-pypi" url = "https://my-pypi-
         | index.wherever" secondary = true
       | orf wrote:
       | For improvements I commented: Remove setup.py files and mandate
       | wheels. This is the root cause of a lot of the evil in the
       | ecosystem.
       | Next on the list would be pypi namespaces, but there are good
       | reasons why that is very hard.
       | The mission statement they are proposing, "a packaging ecosystem
       | for all", completely misses the mark. How about a "packaging
       | ecosystem that works" first?
       | I spent a bunch of time recently fixing our internal packaging
       | repo (nexus) because the switch from md5 hashes to sha256 hashes
       | broke everything, and re-locking a bajillion lock files would
       | take literally months of man hours time.
       | I've been a Python user for the last 17 years, so I'm sympathetic
       | of how we got to the current situation and aware that we've
       | actually come quite far.
       | But every time I use Cargo I am insanely jealous, impressed and
       | sad that we don't have something like it. Poetry is closest, but
       | it's a far cry.
         | baggiponte wrote:
         | I recommend PDM over poetry!
         | blibble wrote:
         | > The mission statement they are proposing, "a packaging
         | ecosystem for all", completely misses the mark. How about a
         | "packaging ecosystem that works" first?
         | I think at the point a programming language is going on about
         | "mission statements" for a packaging tool, you know they've
         | lost the plot
         | copy Maven from 2004 (possibly with less XML)
         | that's it, problem solved
         | dalke wrote:
         | > Remove setup.py files and mandate wheels
         | What alternative is there for me?
         | My package has a combination of hand-built C extensions and
         | Cython extensions, as well as a code generation step during
         | compilation. These are handled through a subclass of
         | setuptools.command.build_ext.build_ext.
         | Furthermore, I have compile-time options to enable/disable
         | certain configuration options, like enabling/disabling support
         | for OpenMP, via environment variables so they can be passed
         | through from pip.
         | OpenMP is a compile-time option because the default C compiler
         | on macOS doesn't include OpenMP. You need to install it, using
         | one of various approaches. Which is why I only have a source
         | distribution for macOS, along with a description of the
         | approaches.
         | I have not found a non-setup.py way to handle my configuration,
         | nor to provide macOS wheels.
         | Even for the Linux wheels, I have to patch the manylinux Docker
         | container to whitelist libomp (the OpenMP library), using
         | something like this:                 RUN perl -i -pe
         | 's/"libresolv.so.2"/"libresolv.so.2", "libgomp.so.1"/'
         | /opt/_internal/pipx/venvs/auditwheel/lib/python3.9/site-
         | packages/         auditwheel/policy/manylinux-policy.json
         | Oh, and if compiling where platform.machine() == "arm64" then I
         | need to not add the AVX2 compiler flag.
         | The non-setup.py packaging systems I've looked at are for
         | Python-only code bases. Or, if I understand things correctly,
         | I'm supposed to make a new specialized package which implements
         | PEP 518, which I can then use to boot-strap my code.
         | Except, that's still going to use effectively arbitrary code
         | during the compilation step (to run the codegen) and still use
         | setup.py to build the extension. So it's not like the evil
         | disappears.
           | [deleted]
           | korijn wrote:
           | I emphatize with your situation and it's a great example. As
           | crazy as this may sound, I think you would have to build
           | every possible permutation of your library and make all of
           | them available on pypi. You'd need a some new mechanism based
           | on metadata to represent all the options and figure out how
           | to resolve against available system libraries. Especially
           | that last part seems very complicated. But I do think it's
           | possible.
           | orf wrote:
           | To be clear, I'm not suggesting we remove the ability to
           | compile native extensions.
           | I'm suggesting we find a better way to build them, something
           | a bit more structured, and decouple that specific use case
           | from setup.py.
           | It would be cool to be able to structure this in a way that
           | means I can describe what system libraries I may need without
           | having to execute setup.py and find out, and express compile
           | time flags or options in a structured way.
           | Think of it like cargo.toml va build.rs.
             | dalke wrote:
             | I agree it would be cool and useful.
             | But it appears to be such a hard problem that modern
             | packaging tools ignore it, preferring to take on other
             | challenges instead.
             | My own attempts at extracting Python configuration
             | information to generate a Makefile for personal use
             | (because Makefile understand dependencies better than
             | setup.py) is a mess caused by my failure to understand what
             | all the configuration options do.
             | Given that's the case, when do you think we'll be able to
             | "Remove setup.py files and mandate wheels"?
             | I'm curious on what evils you're thinking of? I assume the
             | need to run arbitrary Python code just to find metadata is
             | one of them. But can't that be resolved with a
             | pyproject.toml which uses setuptools only for the build
             | backend? So you don't need to remove setup.py, only
             | restrict when it's used, yes?
               | infogulch wrote:
               | The closest thing I've seen to a solution in this space
               | is Riff, discussed yesterday [1], which solves the
               | external dependency problem for rust projects.
               | [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32739954
             | dec0dedab0de wrote:
             | The ability to create a custom package that can run any
             | custom code you want at install time is very powerful. I
             | think a decent solution would be to have a way to mark a
             | package as trusted, and only allow pre/post scripts if they
             | are indeed trusted. Maybe even have specific permissions
             | that can be granted, but that seems like a ton of work to
             | get right across operating systems.
             | My specific use cases are adding custom CA certs to certifi
             | after it is installed, and modifying the maximum version of
             | a requirement listed for an abandoned library that works
             | fine with a newer version.
             | I think the best solutions would be an official way to
             | ignore dependencies for a specific package, and specify
             | replacement packages in a project's dependencies. Something
             | like this if it were a Pipfile:                 public-
             | package = {version = "~=1.0",replace_with='path/to/local-
             | package'}       abandoned-package = {version =
             | "~=*",ignore_dependencies=True}
             | But the specific problem doesn't matter, what matters is
             | that there will always be exceptions. This is Python, we're
             | all adults here, and we should be able to easily modify
             | things to get them to work the way we want them to. Any
             | protections added should include a way to be dangerous.
             | I know your point is more about requiring static metadata
             | than using wheels per se. I just believe that all things
             | Python should be flexible and hack-able. There are other
             | more rigid languages if you're into that sort of thing.
             | edit:
             | before anyone starts getting angry I know there are other
             | ways to solve the problems I mentioned.
             | forking/vendoring is a bit of overkill for such a small
             | change, and doesn't solve for when a dependency of a
             | dependency needs to be modified.
             | monkeypatching works fine, however it would need to be done
             | at all the launch points of the project, and even then if I
             | open a repl and import a specific module to try something
             | it won't have my modifications.
             | modifying an installed package at runtime works reasonably
             | well, but it can cause a performance hit at launch, and
             | while it only needs to be run once, it still needs to be
             | run once. So if the first thing you do after recreating a
             | virualenv is to try something with an existing module we
             | have the same problem as monkey patching.
             | 'just use docker' or maybe the more toned down version:
             | 'create a real setup script for developers' are both valid
             | solutions, and where I'll probably end up. It was just very
             | useful to be able to modify things in a pinch.
         | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
         | Setup.py can do things wheels can't. Most notably it's the
         | _only_ installation method that can invoke 2to3 at runtime
         | without requiring a dev to create multiple packages.
           | orf wrote:
           | It's lucky Python 2 isn't supported anymore then, and
           | everyone has had like a decade to run 2to3 once and publish a
           | package for Python 3, so that use case becomes meaningless.
             | mistrial9 wrote:
             | very unfortunately the direct burden of python2 is placed
             | on the packagers.. users of Python 2 like their libs (me)
             | and have no horse in this demonization campaign
               | orf wrote:
               | Pay for support for Python 2 then? At which point it's a
               | burden on the person you are paying.
             | coldtea wrote:
             | You'd be surprised at how many billions lines of production
             | code are still at 2 (and could not care less whether it's
             | end-of-lined)
               | orf wrote:
               | I'm not surprised at all, but regardless they also should
               | not be similarly surprised if people could not care less
               | about that use case.
         | ziml77 wrote:
         | I tend to just give up on a package if it requires a C
         | toolchain to install. Even if I do end up getting things set up
         | in a way that the library's build script is happy with, I'll be
         | inflicting pain on anyone else who then tries to work with my
         | code.
           | [deleted]
           | tux3 wrote:
           | It feels so suboptimal to need the C toolchain to do things,
           | but having no solid way to depend on it as a non-C library
           | (especially annoying in Rust, which insists on building
           | everything from source and never installing libraries
           | globally).
           | I make a tool/library that requires the C toolchain at
           | runtime. That's even worse than build time, I need end users
           | to have things like lld, objdump, ranlib, etc installed
           | anywhere they use it. My options are essentially:
           | - Requiring users to just figure it out with their system
           | package manager
           | - Building the C toolchain from source at build time and
           | statically linking it (so you get to spend an hour or two
           | recompiling _all of LLVM_ each time you update or clear your
           | package cache! Awesome!),
           | - Building just LLD/objdump/.. at build-time (but user still
           | need to install LLVM. So you get both slow installs AND have
           | to deal with finding a compatible copy of libLLVM),
           | - Pre-compiling all the C tools and putting them in a storage
           | bucket somewhere, for all architectures and all OS versions.
           | But then not have support when things like the M1 or new OS
           | versions right away, or people on uncommon OSes. And now need
           | to maintain a build machine for all of these myself.
           | - Pre-compile the whole C toolchain to WASM, build Wasmtime
           | from source instead, and just eat the cost of Cranelift
           | running LLVM 5-10x slower than natively...
           | I keep trying to work around the C toolchain, but I still
           | can't see any very good solution that doesn't make my users
           | have extra problems one way or another.
           | Hey RiiR evangelism people, anyone want to tackle all of
           | LLVM? .. no? No one? :)
           | cycomanic wrote:
           | I know this is unpopular opinion on here, but I believe all
           | this packaging madness is forced on us by languages because
           | Windows (and to a lesser degree osx) have essentially no
           | package management.
           | Especially installing a tool chain to compile C code for
           | python is no issue on Linux, but such a pain on Windows.
             | humanrebar wrote:
             | C tends to work in those cases because there aren't a
             | significant number of interesting C dependencies to add...
             | because there is no standard C build system, packaging
             | format, or packaging tools.
             | When juggling as many transitive dependencies in C as folks
             | do with node, python, etc., there's plenty of pain to deal
             | with.
         | progval wrote:
         | > For improvements I commented: Remove setup.py files and
         | mandate wheels.
         | This would make most C extensions impossible to install on
         | anything other than x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (or arm-linux-
         | gnueabihf/aarch64-linux-gnu if you are lucky) because
         | developers don't want to bother building wheels for them.
           | urschrei wrote:
           | cibuildwheel (which is an official, supported tool) has made
           | this enormously easier. I test and generate wheels with a
           | compiled (Rust! Because of course) extension using a Cython
           | bridge for all supported Python versions for 32-bit and
           | 64-bit Windows, macOS x86_64 and arm64, and whatever
           | manylinux is calling itself this week. No user compilation
           | required. It took about half a day to set up, and is
           | extremely well documented.
           | mathstuf wrote:
           | I think it'd make other things impossible too. One project I
           | help maintain is C++ and is mainly so. It optionally has
           | Python bindings. It also has something like 150 options to
           | the build that affect things. There is zero chance of me ever
           | attempting to make `setup.py` any kind of sensible "entry
           | point" to the build. Instead, the build detects "oh, you want
           | a wheel" and _generates_ `setup.py` to just grab what the C++
           | build then drops into a place where `build_ext` or whatever
           | expects them to be using some fun globs. It also fills in
           | "features" or whatever the post-name `[name]` stuff is called
           | so you can do some kind of post-build "ok, it has a feature I
           | need" inspection.
         | korijn wrote:
         | ...and ensure _all_ package metadata required to perform
         | dependency resolution can be retrieved through an API (in other
         | words without downloading wheels).
           | orf wrote:
           | Yeah, that's sort of what I meant by my suggestion.
           | Requirements that can only be resolved by downloading and
           | executing code is a huge burden on tooling
             | LukeShu wrote:
             | If the package is available as a wheel, you don't need to
             | execute code to see what the requirements are; you just
             | need to parse the "METADATA" file. However, the only way to
             | get the METADATA for a wheel (using PyPA standard APIs,
             | anyway) is to download the whole wheel.
             | For comparison, pacman (the Arch Linux package manager)
             | packages have fairly similar ".PKGINFO" file in them; but
             | in order to support resolving dependencies without
             | downloading the packages, the server's repository index
             | includes not just a listing of the (name, version) tuple
             | for each package, it also includes each package's full
             | .PKGINFO.
             | Enhancing the PyPA "Simple repository API" to allow
             | fetching the METADATA independently of the wheel would be a
             | relatively simple enhancement that would make a big
             | difference.
             | ----
             | As I was writing this comment, I discovered that PyPA did
             | this; they adopted PEP 658 in March of this year! https://g
             | ithub.com/pypa/packaging.python.org/commit/1ebb57b7...
             | korijn wrote:
             | Yeah. Well, mandating wheels and getting rid of setup.py at
             | least avoids having to run scripts, and indeed enables the
             | next step which would be indexing all the metadata and
             | exposing it through an API. I just thought it wouldn't
             | necessarily be obvious to all readers of your comment.
               | orf wrote:
               | Just to be clear, package metadata already is sort of
               | available through the pypi json api. I've got the entire
               | set of all package metadata here:
               | https://github.com/orf/pypi-data                 $ gzcat
               | release_data/c/d/cdklabs.cdk-hyperledger-fabric-
               | network.json.gz | jq '. | to_entries |
               | .[].value.info.requires_dist' | head       [
               | "typeguard (~=2.13.3)",         "publication (>=0.0.3)",
               | "jsii (<2.0.0,>=1.63.2)",         "constructs
               | (<11.0.0,>=10.0.5)",         "aws-cdk-lib
               | (<3.0.0,>=2.33.0)"       ]
               | It's just not everything has it, and there isn't a way to
               | differenciate between "missing" and "no dependencies".
               | And it's also only for the `dist` releases. But anyway,
               | poetry uses this information during dependency
               | resolution.
           | dalke wrote:
           | What if I have a dependency on a commercial third-party
           | Python package which is on Conda but not on PyPI?
             | mistrial9 wrote:
             | you are placing open code in a vendor lock-in, to start
               | dalke wrote:
               | Yes, I understand that.
               | I see I misunderstood korijn's comment. My earlier reply
               | is off-topic, so I won't continue further off the track.
       | IceHegel wrote:
       | If I see some JS, Go, or Rust code online I know I can probably
       | get it running on my machine in less than 5 min. Most of the
       | time, it's a 'git clone' and a 'yarn' | 'go install' | 'cargo
       | run', and it just works.
       | With python, it feels like half the time I don't even have the
       | right version of python installed, or it's somehow not on the
       | right path. And once I actually get to installing dependencies,
       | there are often very opaque errors. (The last 2 years on M1 were
       | really rough)
       | Setting up Pytorch or Tensorflow + CUDA is a nightmare I've
       | experienced many times.
       | Having so many ways to manage packages is especially harmful for
       | python because many of those writing python are not professional
       | software engineers, but academics and researchers. If they write
       | something that needs, for example, CUDA 10.2, Python 3.6, and a
       | bunch of C audio drivers - good luck getting that code to work in
       | less than a week. They aren't writing install scripts, or testing
       | their code on different platforms, and the python ecosystem makes
       | the whole process worse by providing 15 ways of doing basically
       | the same thing.
       | My proposal:
       | - Make poetry part of pip
       | - Make local installation the default (must pass -g for global)
       | - Provide official first party tooling for starting a new package
       | - Provide official first party tooling for migrating old
       | dependency setups to the new standard
       | edit: fmt
         | bno1 wrote:
         | I wish pip had some package deduplication implemented. Even
         | some basic local environments have >100MB of dependencies. ML
         | environments go into the gigabytes range from what I remember.
       | mcdermott wrote:
       | Installing packages, creating a manifest of dependancies,
       | managing virtual environments, packaging, checking/formatting
       | code, etc... should be built into the Python toolchain (the
       | python binary itself). Needing to chose a bunch of third party
       | tools to make it work... makes Python, well... un-pythonic.
       | siproprio wrote:
       | State of the art python packaging must include support for common
       | use cases such as conda+machine learning.
       | It's incredible how even Julia's Pkg.jl supports better python
       | packaging in combination with conda than the official python
       | packaging tools.
       | This is very clearly a question of the culture of the core python
       | developers (such as brett cannon) who seem to think the machine
       | learning people with their compilers and JITs are not an
       | important part of the community.
       | bzxcvbn wrote:
       | I just wish they'd change their name so that my students stop
       | snickering. (The name is pronounced like the French word for
       | "piss".)
         | d0mine wrote:
         | Isn't PyPI pronounced like: pie (food/p) + pea + eye ().
         | that is different from the french "pipi": pea + pea.
           | bzxcvbn wrote:
           | Sure. Now tell that to a bunch of immature college juniors.
           | If you read the letters "pypi" in French, it sounds exactly
           | like "pipi".
           | And wait until you learn what "bit" sounds like in French.
           | di wrote:
           | Yep: https://pypi.org/help/#pronunciation
       | yewenjie wrote:
       | Is there any hope that even if there emerges a consensus package
       | management solution going forward, old packages will be easily
       | portable to it?
         | black3r wrote:
         | Is there a problem with the package format itself though? There
         | are lots of serious problems tied to distribution rather than
         | package format which would make the experience way easier
         | especially for beginners and people used to other package
         | managers...
         | lacking binary wheels on PyPI, problems with shipping project
         | with dependencies, confusion about there being multiple
         | "package managers" (pip, pip-tools, poetry, pipenv, conda) and
         | multiple formats of dependency lists (setup.py, setup.cfg,
         | requirements.txt, pyproject.toml, ...), sys.path associated
         | confusion (global packages, user-level packages, and anything
         | specified in PYTHONPATH, ...)
         | ferdowsi wrote:
         | Nothing will improve as long as the Python powers insist on
         | packaging being an exercise for the community.
       | at_a_remove wrote:
       | I have a terrible admission to make: one of the reason I like
       | Python is its huge standard library, and I like that because I
       | just ... despise looking for libraries, trying to install them,
       | evaluating their fitness, and so on.
       | I view dependencies outside of the standard library as a kind of
       | technical debt, not because I suffer from Not Invented Here and
       | want to code it myself, no, I look and think, "Why isn't this in
       | the standard library with a working set of idioms around it?"
       | I haven't developed anything with more than five digits of code
       | to it, which is fine for me, but part of it is just ... avoidance
       | of having to screw with libraries. Ran into a pip issue I won't
       | go into (it requires a lot of justification to see how I got
       | there) and just ... slumped over.
       | This has been a bad spot in Python for a long, long time. While
       | people are busy cramming their favorite feature from their last
       | language into Python, this sort of thing has languished.
       | Sadly, I have nothing to offer but encouragement, I don't know
       | the complexities of packaging, it seems like a huge topic that
       | perhaps nobody really dreamed Python would have to seriously deal
       | with twenty years ago.
         | itake wrote:
         | More packages in the standard library means it can run in less
         | machines and more extra junk needs to be installed.
         | Minimal standard library languages let you pick and choose what
         | needs to be run. Golang is a nice happy medium since it's
         | compiled.
         | samwillis wrote:
         | > despise looking for libraries, trying to install them,
         | evaluating their fitness, and so on.
         | This is exactly why I prefer the larger opinionated web
         | frameworks (Django, Vue.js) to the smaller more composable
         | frameworks (Flask, React). I don't what to make decisions every
         | time I need a new feature, I want something that "just works".
         | Python and Django just work, and brilliantly at that!
           | [deleted]
           | 5d8767c68926 wrote:
           | Currently dealing with Flask and it makes me sad from the
           | endless decision fatigue. Enormous variations in quality of
           | code, documentation, SO answers, etc. To not even consider
           | the potential for supply side attacks.
           | With Django there is a happy path answer for most everything.
           | If I run into a problem, I know I'm not the first.
         | manuelabeledo wrote:
         | This is one of the reasons why I don't quite like Node. It
         | feels like _everything_ is a dependency.
         | It seems ridiculous to me that there isn't a native method for
         | something as simple and ubiquitous as putting a thread to
         | sleep, or that there is an external library (underscore) that
         | provides 100+ methods that seem to be staples in any modern
         | language.
         | Python is nice in that way. It is also opinionated in a
         | cohesive and community driven manner, e.g. PEP8.
         | mrweasel wrote:
         | If requests and a basic web framework was in the standard
         | library you'd effectively eliminate the majority of my
         | dependencies.
         | Honestly I doubt see the package management being an issue for
         | most end-users. Between the builtin venv, conda and Docker I
         | feel that the use-cases for most is well covered.
         | The only focus area I really see is better documentation.
         | Easier to read documentation more precisely. Perhaps a set of
         | templates to help people getting start with something like
         | pyproject.
         | It feels like the survey is looking for a specific answer, or
         | maybe it's just that surveys are really hard to do. In any case
         | I find responses to be mostly: I have no opinion one way or the
         | other.
           | rpcope1 wrote:
           | Something like bottle.py would be an excellent candidate for
           | inclusion. The real reason to avoid putting anything into the
           | standard library is that it seems to often be the place where
           | code goes to stagnate and die for Python.
             | at_a_remove wrote:
             | I am not sure why that has turned into a truism.
             | Really good code in the standard library should reach a
             | level of near perfection, then eventually transition into
             | hopeful speed gains, after which you're really only
             | changing that code because the language has changed or the
             | specification has updated.
         | qayxc wrote:
         | > I view dependencies outside of the standard library as a kind
         | of technical debt
         | That's an interesting position. So are you suggesting that very
         | specialised packages such as graph plotting, ML-packages, file
         | formats, and image processing should be part of the standard
         | library? What about very OS/hardware-specific packages, such as
         | libraries for microcontrollers?
         | There are many areas that don't have a common agreed-upon set
         | of idioms or functionality and that are way too specialised to
         | be useful for most users. I really don't think putting those
         | into the standard library would be a good idea.
           | at_a_remove wrote:
           | Hrm. Graph-plotting ... yes. File formats ... yes, as many as
           | possible. Image processing, given the success of ImageMagick,
           | I'd say yes there as well. I don't know much about ML to say.
           | OS-specific packages, quite possibly.
           | The thing about the standard library is that it is like high
           | school: there's a lot of stuff you think you will never need,
           | and you're right about _most_ of it, but the stuff you do
           | need you 're glad you had something going, at least.
             | qayxc wrote:
             | ImageMagick is actually a good example: I use Python as my
             | primary tool for shell scripting (I don't like
             | "traditional" shell scripts for various reasons) - if I can
             | use Python to control external tools such as ImageMagick,
             | why would I want to include all its functionality, codecs,
             | effects, etc. in the standard library?
             | Including too much leads to a huge burden for the
             | maintainers and consequently results in this:
             | https://peps.python.org/pep-0594/
             | Quote:
             | > Times have changed. With the introduction of PyPI (nee
             | Cheeseshop), setuptools, and later pip, it became simple
             | and straightforward to download and install packages.
             | Nowadays Python has a rich and vibrant ecosystem of third-
             | party packages. It's pretty much standard to either install
             | packages from PyPI or use one of the many Python or Linux
             | distributions.
             | > On the other hand, Python's standard library is piling up
             | with cruft, unnecessary duplication of functionality, and
             | dispensable features.
       | shrimpx wrote:
       | I like poetry for its simplicity but I can't tell how "official"
       | it is in the python ecosystem. I hope it doesn't die out. I think
       | it's the simplest possible way to maintain deps and publish to
       | PyPI if you don't have any weird edge cases.
         | wlkr wrote:
         | Couldn't agree more. Poetry is fantastic and provides that
         | 'just works' experience for most cases. It's not official
         | (although possibly should be adopted) but has gained ground by
         | virtue of its quality. Fortunately it's very actively developed
         | so will hopefully stick around.
           | tempest_ wrote:
           | I like poetry. It still has a way to go though since it is
           | slow as all hell doing almost anything and its error messages
           | are closer to a stack trace than something actionable.
             | shrimpx wrote:
             | I agree that the stack trace error messages are weird. That
             | aspect feels uncharacteristically hacky for an otherwise
             | pretty polished tool.
         | IceHegel wrote:
         | It should be make the official package manager IMO.
       | fsniper wrote:
       | Python lacks the flexible universal binary distribution solution
       | which nearly all of the new comers has. Consider golang, rust or
       | docker images. Most probably docker image distribution is the
       | only available solution for now and volume management is the
       | worst problem on that front.
       | black3r wrote:
       | I just wish that PyPI would enforce binary wheels going forward
       | (at least for linux x64/arm64 for people who use Docker, but
       | ideally for all common platforms). They already supply the
       | cibuildwheel tool to automate their builds, so it shouldn't be
       | that hard for library developers...
       | Software developers shouldn't need to figure out what build-time
       | dependencies their libraries need...
         | JonathonW wrote:
         | I haven't had too much trouble with packages missing binary
         | wheels lately. Occasionally Pip doesn't find them, which looks
         | the same as if the binary wheel were missing entirely (looking
         | at you, Anaconda-- update your Pip already), but they're
         | usually there.
         | But I'm usually on Windows if I need binary wheels; maybe the
         | coverage is a bit different on Linux.
           | verst wrote:
           | Try installing grpcio-tools on Darwin/arm64 with Python 3.10.
           | More often than not I run into problems where low level
           | headers required by some cryptography libraries cannot be
           | found and as a result compilation fails.
         | dalke wrote:
         | Should PyPI kick my project off because it don't support MS
         | Windows?
         | My package uses C and Cython extensions. While I support macOS
         | and Linux-based OSes, I don't know how to develop on or support
         | MS Windows.
         | I've tried to be careful about the ILP32 vs LP64 differences,
         | but I suspect there's going to be many places where I missed
         | up.
         | I also use "/dev/stdin" to work-around my use of a third-party
         | library that has no way to read from stdin. As far as I can
         | tell, there's no equivalent in Windows, so I'll have to raise
         | an exception for that case, and modify my tests cases.
           | ciupicri wrote:
           | Can't you use "CON" instead of "/dev/stdin" on Windows?
             | dalke wrote:
             | I asked that question nearly 11 years ago on StackOverflow,
             | at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7395157/windows-
             | equivale... . ;)
             | Quoting the best comment, "echo test | type CON or echo
             | test | type CONIN$ will read from the console, not from
             | stdin."
       | Kim_Bruning wrote:
       | XKCD's opinion:
       | https://xkcd.com/1987/
         | 7373737373 wrote:
         | And that's just installing packages, _creating_ packages is
         | another hellscape altogether
       | YetAnotherNick wrote:
       | I wish there is some package manager in middle of conda and pip.
       | Conda is too strict and often get stuck in SAT solving. pip
       | doesn't even ask when reinstalling a version currently being
       | used.
       | Edit: Typo: reinstalling a version of package currently being
       | used
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | > pip doesn't even ask when reinstalling a version currently
         | being used.
         | Just as an explanation: a "version" in Python packaging can
         | come from one of many potential distributions, including a
         | local distribution (such as a path on disk) that might
         | different from a canonical released distribution on PyPI.
         | Having `pip install ...` always re-install based on its
         | candidate selection rules is _generally_ good (IMO), since an
         | explicit run of `pip install` implies user intent to search for
         | a potentially new or changed distribution.
           | YetAnotherNick wrote:
           | I meant this for dependency not the package I am installing.
             | woodruffw wrote:
             | I'm not sure I understand what you mean -- `pip` should not
             | be reinstalling transitive dependencies. If you install A
             | and B and both depend on C, C should only be installed
             | once.
               | Izkata wrote:
               | I think they're referring to requirements files. I've
               | seen the same behavior - on day 1, pip installs packages
               | A and B, then on day 2 when someone else modified the
               | requirements file it installs C and reinstalls B even
               | though B hasn't changed.
               | This one I've seen when the dependency doesn't specify an
               | exact version and you included "--upgrade".
               | There's a second case that I think was fixed in pip 21 or
               | 22, where two transitive dependencies overlap - A and B
               | depend on C, but with different version ranges. If A
               | allows a newer version of C than B allows, C can get
               | installed twice.
         | 5d8767c68926 wrote:
         | My ask would be to get rid of the need for conda all together.
         | Conda obviously offers a lot of value in sharing hairy compiled
         | packages, but it does not play well with anything else. None of
         | available the tooling really works with both conda and pip. It
         | fragments the already lousy packaging story.
         | lmeyerov wrote:
         | we find mamba solves deps solving for conda (we fail to do GPU
         | dependencies without it), and I think it's getting integrated
         | my main thing w/ conda is it's bananas figuring out how to make
         | a new recipe, which is pretty surprising
           | kylebarron wrote:
           | Agreed, I've found packaging for conda to be so much harder
           | than packaging for pip
         | thefinaluser wrote:
         | Try poetry. It wraps pip and fixes a lot of its issues
           | lightspot21 wrote:
           | Seconding Poetry. IMO it should have been the standard
           | package manager - it just works (TM)
             | Smaug123 wrote:
             | Although it consumed 70GB of RAM before I killed it, when I
             | tried to use it to `poetry install` stable-diffusion.
         | dwagnerkc wrote:
         | Try using mamba (https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba)
         | We ran into many unsolvable or 30m+ solvable envs with conda
         | that mamba handled quickly.
         | The underlying solver can be used with conda directly as well,
         | but I have not done that
         | (https://www.anaconda.com/blog/a-faster-conda-for-a-
         | growing-c...)
       | ryan29 wrote:
       | I didn't take the survey because I've never packaged anything for
       | PyPI, but I wish all of the package managers would have an option
       | for domain validated namespaces.
       | If I own example.com, I should be able to have
       | 'pypi.org/example.com/package'. The domain can be tied back to my
       | (domain verified) GitHub profile and it opens up the possibility
       | of using something like 'example.com/.well-known/pypi/' for self-
       | managed signing keys, etc..
       | I could be using the same namespace for every package manager in
       | existence if domain validated namespaces were common.
       | Then, in my perfect world, something like Sigstore could support
       | code signing with domain validated identities. Domain validated
       | signatures make a lot of sense. Domains are relatively
       | inexpensive, inexhaustible, and globally unique.
       | For code signing, I recognize a lot of project names and
       | developer handles while knowing zero real names for the companies
       | / developers involved. If those were sitting under a recognizable
       | organizational domain name (example.com/ryan29) I can do a
       | significantly better job of judging something's trustworthiness
       | than if it's attributed to 'Ryan Smith Inc.', right?
         | simonw wrote:
         | That's a really interesting idea, but I worry about what
         | happens when a domain name expires and is re-registered
         | (potentially even maliciously) by someone else.
           | ryan29 wrote:
           | I think you'd probably need some buy in from the domain
           | registries and ICANN to make it really solid. Ideally,
           | domains would have something similar to public certificate
           | transparency logs where domain expirations would be recorded.
           | I even think it would be reasonable to log registrant changes
           | (legal registrant, not contact info). In both cases, it
           | wouldn't need to include any identifiable info, just a simple
           | expired/ownership changed trigger so others would know they
           | need to revalidate related identities.
           | I don't know if registries would play ball with something
           | like that, but it would be useful and should probably exist
           | anyway. I would even argue that once a domain rolls through
           | grace, redemption, etc. and gets dropped / re-registered,
           | that should invalidate it as an account recovery method
           | everywhere it's in use.
           | There's a bit of complexity when it comes to the actual
           | validation because of stuff like that. I think you'd need buy
           | in from at least one large company that could do the actual
           | verification and attest to interested parties via something
           | like OAuth. Think along the lines of "verify your domain by
           | logging in with GitHub" and at GitHub an organization owner
           | that's validated their domain would be allowed to grant OAuth
           | permission to read the verified domain name.
             | dane-pgp wrote:
             | You've already talked about Sigstore (which is an excellent
             | technology for this space), so we can consider developers
             | holding keys that are stored in an append-only log. Then it
             | doesn't matter if the domain expires and someone re-
             | registers it, since they don't have the developer's private
             | keys.
             | Of course there are going to be complexities involving key-
             | rollover and migrating to a different domain, but a
             | sufficiently intelligent Sigstore client could handle the
             | various messages and cryptographic proofs needed to secure
             | that. The hard part is how to issue a new key if you lose
             | the old one, since that probably requires social vouching
             | and a reputation system.
             | [0] https://docs.sigstore.dev/
               | jacques_chester wrote:
               | > _Then it doesn 't matter if the domain expires and
               | someone re-registers it, since they don't have the
               | developer's private keys._
               | A principal reason to use sigstore is to get out of the
               | business of handling private keys entirely. It turns a
               | key management problem into an identity problem, the
               | latter being much easier to solve at scale.
               | ryan29 wrote:
               | > Then it doesn't matter if the domain expires and
               | someone re-registers it, since they don't have the
               | developer's private keys.
               | That's a good point in terms of invalidation, but a new
               | domain registrant should be able to claim the namespace
               | and start using it.
               | I think one possible solution to that would be to assume
               | namespaces can have their ownership changed and build
               | something that works with that assumption.
               | Think along the lines of having 'pypi.org/example.com' be
               | a redirect to an immutable organization;
               | 'pypi.org/abcd1234'. If a new domain owner wants to take
               | over the namespace they won't have access to the existing
               | account and re-validating to take ownership would force
               | them to use a different immutable organization;
               | 'pypi.org/ef567890'.
               | If you have a package locking system (like NPM), it would
               | lock to the immutable organization and any updates that
               | resolve to a new organization could throw a warning and
               | require explicit approval. If you think of it like an
               | organization lock:
               | v1:                   pypi.org/example.com -->
               | pypi.org/abcd1234
               | v2:                   pypi.org/example.com -->
               | pypi.org/ef123456
               | If you go from v1 to v2 you _know_ there was an ownership
               | change or, at the very least, an event that you need to
               | investigate.
               | Losing control of a domain would be recoverable because
               | existing artifacts wouldn't be impacted and you could use
               | the immutable organization to publish the change since
               | that's technically the source of truth for the artifacts.
               | Put another way, the immutable organization has a pointer
               | back the current domain validated namespace:
               | v1:                   pypi.org/abcd1234 --> example.com
               | v2:                   pypi.org/abcd1234 --> example.net
               | If you go from v1 to v2 you _know_ the owner of the
               | artifacts you want has moved from the domain example.com
               | to example.net. The package manager could give a warning
               | about this and let an artifact consumer approve it, but
               | it 's less risky than the change above because the owner
               | of 'abcd1234' hasn't changed and you're already trusting
               | them.
               | I think that's a reasonably effective way of solving
               | attacks that rely on registering expired domains to take
               | over a namespace and it also makes it fairly trivial for
               | namespace owners to point artifact consumers to a new
               | domain if needed.
               | Think of the validated domain as more of a vanity pointer
               | than an actual artifact repository. In fact, thinking
               | about it like that, you don't actually need any
               | cooperation or buy in from the domain registries.
               | > The hard part is how to issue a new key if you lose the
               | old one, since that probably requires social vouching and
               | a reputation system.
               | It's actually really hard because as you increase the
               | value of a key, I think you decrease the security
               | practices around handling them. For example, some people
               | will simply drop their keys into OneDrive if there's any
               | inconvenience associated with losing them.
               | I would really like to have something where I can use a
               | key generated on a tamper proof device like a YubiKey and
               | not have to worry about losing it. Ideally, I could
               | register a new key without any friction.
           | westurner wrote:
           | CT: Certificate Transparency logs log creation and revocation
           | events.
           | The Google/trillian database which supports Google's CT logs
           | uses Merkle trees but stores the records in a centralized
           | data store - meaning there's _at least one_ SPOF Single Point
           | of Failure - which one party has root on and sole backup
           | privileges for.
           | Keybase, for example, stores their root keys - at least - in
           | a distributed, redundantly-backed-up blockchain that nobody
           | has root on; and key creation and revocation events are
           | publicly logged similarly to now-called "CT logs".
           | You can link your Keybase identity with your other online
           | identities by proving control by posting a cryptographic
           | proof; thus adding an edge to a WoT Web of Trust.
           | While you can add DNS record types like CERT, OPENPGPKEY,
           | SSHFP, CAA, RRSIG, NSEC3; DNSSEC and DoH/DoT/DoQ cannot be
           | considered to be universally deployed across all TLDs.
           | Should/do e.g. ACME DNS challenges fail when a TLD doesn't
           | support DNSSEC, or hasn't secured root nameservers to a
           | sufficient baseline, or? DNS is not a trustless system.
           | EDNS (Ethereum DNS) is a trustless system. Reading EDNS
           | records does not cost EDNS clients any
           | gas/particles/opcodes/ops/money.
           | Blockcerts is designed to issue any sort of credential, and
           | allow for signing of any RDF graph like JSON-LD.
           | List_of_DNS_record_types:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DNS_record_types
           | Blockcerts: https://www.blockcerts.org/
           | https://github.com/blockchain-certificates :
           | > _Blockcerts is an open standard for creating, issuing,
           | viewing, and verifying blockchain-based certificates_
           | W3C VC-DATA-MODEL: https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/ :
           | > _Credentials are a part of our daily lives; driver 's
           | licenses are used to assert that we are capable of operating
           | a motor vehicle, university degrees can be used to assert our
           | level of education, and government-issued passports enable us
           | to travel between countries. This specification provides a
           | mechanism to express these sorts of credentials on the Web in
           | a way that is cryptographically secure, privacy respecting,
           | and machine-verifiable_
           | W3C VC-DATA-INTEGRITY: "Verifiable Credential Data Integrity
           | 1.0" https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-integrity/#introduction :
           | > _This specification describes mechanisms for ensuring the
           | authenticity and integrity of Verifiable Credentials and
           | similar types of constrained digital documents using
           | cryptography, especially through the use of digital
           | signatures and related mathematical proofs. Cryptographic
           | proofs enable functionality that is useful to implementors of
           | distributed systems. For example, proofs can be used to: Make
           | statements that can be shared without loss of trust,_
           | W3C _TR_ DID (Decentralized Identifiers)
           | https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/ :
           | > _Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of
           | identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital
           | identity. A DID refers to any subject (e.g., a person,
           | organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc.) as
           | determined by the controller of the DID. In contrast to
           | typical, federated identifiers, DIDs have been designed so
           | that they may be decoupled from centralized registries,
           | identity providers, and certificate authorities.
           | Specifically, while other parties might be used to help
           | enable the discovery of information related to a DID, the
           | design enables the controller of a DID to prove control over
           | it without requiring permission from any other party. DIDs
           | are URIs that associate a DID subject with a DID document
           | allowing trustable interactions associated with that
           | subject._
           | > _Each DID document can express cryptographic material,
           | verification methods, or services, which provide a set of
           | mechanisms enabling a DID controller to prove control of the
           | DID. Services enable trusted interactions associated with the
           | DID subject. A DID might provide the means to return the DID
           | subject itself, if the DID subject is an information resource
           | such as a data model._
             | jacques_chester wrote:
             | Sigstore uses Trillian for its transparency log, Rekor.
             | dane-pgp wrote:
             | For another example of how Ethereum might be useful for
             | certificate transparency, there's a fascinating paper from
             | 2016 called "EthIKS: Using Ethereum to audit a CONIKS key
             | transparency log" which is probably way ahead of its time.
             | Abstract: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-6
             | 62-53357-4_...
             | PDF: https://jbonneau.com/doc/B16b-BITCOIN-ethiks.pdf
           | rhyselsmore wrote:
           | Needs compensating controls to get it right.
           | * Dependencies are managed in a similar way to Go - where
           | hashes of installed packages are stored and compared client
           | side. This means that a hijacker could only serve up the
           | valid versions of packages that I've already installed.
           | * This is still a "centralized" model where a certain level
           | of trust is placed in PyPi - a mode of operation where the
           | "fingerprint" of the TLS key is validated would assist here.
           | However it comes with a few constraints.
           | Of course the above still comes with the caveat that you have
           | to trust pypi. I'm not saying that this is an unreasonable
           | ask. It's just how it is.
         | jacques_chester wrote:
         | Maven Central requires validation of a domain name in order to
         | use a reverse-domain package[0].
         | It's not without problems. One is that folks often don't
         | control the domain (consider Go's charming habit of conflating
         | version control with package namespacing). Another is what was
         | noted below: resurrection attacks on domains can be quite
         | trivial and already happen in other forms (eg registering
         | lapsed domains for user accounts and performing a reset).
         | [0] https://central.sonatype.org/faq/how-to-set-txt-record/
       | shireboy wrote:
       | I've been tinkering with stable diffusion lately and this has
       | been a rude introduction to python. Coming from .net (nuget) and
       | JavaScript (npm), it's baffling that there isn't an established
       | solution for python. It looks to me like people are trying, but
       | different libraries use different techniques. To a newcomer this
       | is confusing.
         | timtom39 wrote:
         | ML/AI is the deep end of python dependencies. Lots of hardware
         | specific requirements (e.g. CUDA, cuDNN, AVX2 TensorFlow
         | binaries, etc). A typical python web application is a lot
         | simpler.
         | antod wrote:
         | _> I've been tinkering with stable diffusion lately and this
         | has been a rude introduction to python. Coming from .net
         | (nuget) and JavaScript (npm), it's baffling that there isn't an
         | established solution for python._
         | Python has had multiple legacy solutions going back a long time
         | before nuget and npm existed, and before central registries of
         | dependencies. Every new solution has to cope with all that
         | compatibility/transitional baggage. Also a bunch of usecases
         | .NET or JS never really had to deal much with - eg being a core
         | system language for Linux distros, and supporting cross
         | platform installs back in the download and run something days.
         | The scope of areas Python gets used in means its packaging is
         | pulled in more directions than most other languages who mostly
         | stick to a main niche.
         | So the history and surface area of problems to solve in Python
         | packaging is larger than what most other languages have had to
         | deal with. It also takes years for the many 3rd party tools to
         | try out new approaches, gain traction and then slowly get their
         | best ideas synthesized and adapted into the much more
         | conservative core Python stdlib.
         | Not saying it is great, just laying out some of the reasons it
         | is what it is.
       | zbentley wrote:
       | I imagine many of you have feedback that could be useful to folks
       | making decisions about the future of Python packaging, a common
       | subject of complaint in many discussions here.
       | Remember not to just complain, but to offer specific
       | problems/solutions--i.e. avoid statements like "virtualenvs suck,
       | why can't it be like NPM?" and prefer instead feedback like "the
       | difference between Python interpreter version and what virtualenv
       | is being used causes confusion".
         | Kwpolska wrote:
         | "virtualenvs suck, why can't it be like NPM?" is a specific
         | problem and a specific solution. The problem being having to
         | manage venvs (which have many gotchas and pitfalls, and no
         | standarization), and the solution is to replace those with
         | packages being installed into the project folder with
         | standardized and well-known tools.
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | Keep an eye on https://peps.python.org/pep-0582/ it's a
           | proposal to add local directory/node_modules-like behavior to
           | package installs. It stalled out a few years ago but I heard
           | there is a lot more discussion and push to get it in now.
           | I think if this PEP makes it in then like 90% of people's
           | pain with pip just completely goes away almost overnight.
           | Love it or hate it the NPM/node_modules style of all
           | dependencies dumped in a local directory solves a _ton_ of
           | problems in the packaging world. It would go a long way
           | towards making the experience much smoother for most python
           | users.
       (page generated 2022-09-07 23:00 UTC)