[HN Gopher] Not Your Grandfather's Perl
       Not Your Grandfather's Perl
       Author : djhaskin987
       Score  : 187 points
       Date   : 2022-09-08 15:40 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (stackoverflow.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (stackoverflow.blog)
       | ksherlock wrote:
       | Please don't blame bare word file handles on "C heritage"
       | --
       | Some of the improvements were needed because in places Perl's
       | Unix/C heritage shows through a little more than we'd like it to
       | in the 21st century. One good example of this is bareword
       | filehandles. You're probably used Perl code to open a file
       | looking like this:
       | open FH, 'filename.dat' or die;
         | tyingq wrote:
         | Maybe the thinking was that Perl's STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, came
         | from c's (well, stdio.h's) stdin, stdout, stderr?
         | Which then inspired the bad idea of expanding on that?
           | ksherlock wrote:
           | It's more from sed/awk/shell I suppose.
           | eg, open FH, "<filename"
           | vs FILE *fh = fopen("filename","r")
             | tyingq wrote:
             | For the <,> and variations, sure. Though IO::File has been
             | there a long time and looks a lot more like your C example.
             | IO::Handle also.
             | Supports, for example:
             | $fh = IO::File->new("filename", "r");
             | Or, as with C, things like O_WRONLY|O_APPEND in place of
             | "r".
       | johnmc408 wrote:
       | Looking forward to v7 and intro docs that only use "even more"
       | Modern Perl. For a bigger push, we should all volunteer on those
       | "Do X in Y" language sites and add Perl examples. Same with
       | Amazon Lambda and other opportunities where pick your language is
       | available.
       | Also a modern OO seems nice, though not sure what is in it. Would
       | also like to see a default async library (maybe POE, but I never
       | used it and find the name a bit strange for a default...but then
       | I like Tokio...) Not my area at all, but an opinionated way of
       | async seems nice.
       | thesuperbigfrog wrote:
       | The current state of Perl 5 for Python fans:
       | Perl 5: I'm not dead!
       | TIOBE: 'Ere! 'E says 'e's not dead!
       | Internet: Yes he is.
       | Perl 5: I'm not!
       | TIOBE: 'E isn't?
       | Internet: Well... he will be soon-- he's very ill...
       | Perl 5: I'm getting better!
       | Internet: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
       | TIOBE: I can't take 'im off like that! It's against regulations!
       | Perl 5: I don't want to go off the chart....
       | Internet: Oh, don't be such a baby.
       | TIOBE: I can't take 'im off....
       | Perl 5: I feel fine!
       | Internet: Well, do us a favor...
       | TIOBE: I can't!
       | Internet: Can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be
       | long...
       | TIOBE: No, gotta get to Reddit, they lost nine today.
       | Internet: Well, when's your next round?
       | TIOBE: Next year.
       | Perl 5: I think I'll go for a walk....
       | Internet: You're not fooling anyone, you know-- (to TIOBE) Look,
       | isn't there something you can do...?
       | Perl 5: I feel happy! I feel happy!
       | =====================
       | You can write Perl in Latin: https://metacpan.org/dist/Lingua-
       | Romana-Perligata/view/lib/L...
       | or Klingon: https://metacpan.org/pod/Lingua::tlhInganHol::yIghun
       | or whitespace: https://metacpan.org/pod/Acme::Bleach
         | [deleted]
         | IncRnd wrote:
         | You can even write perl to dump urls submitted by hn users, as
         | this person I found does. [1]
         | [1] https://gist.github.com/adulau/939629
         | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | calvinmorrison wrote:
       | I wish there was a callout to Modern::Perl;                   use
       | Modern::Perl;
       | and you get the lot of those features.
       | orf wrote:
       | Sorry, but what? The top features they highlight here are a print
       | statement that adds a new line, a change to the bonkers default
       | of creating some kind of implicit global named variable every
       | time you open a file, representing time as an object (with a
       | strftime function!) and... function signatures?
       | I wouldn't call this as "Perl moving forward", I'd call this
       | "Perl is still about 20 years behind everyone else".
       | Wait until they find out that other languages print statements
       | let you customise the line ending!
         | [deleted]
         | wwweston wrote:
         | The `print` statement in perl has always behaved more or less
         | as it does in the "other languages" you describe.
         | `say` removes the need for anyone to write their own "I'm tired
         | of the manual newline ritual" function and provides a standard
         | for where the newline is added. That's a marginal convenience,
         | but given the frequency with which people either do write their
         | own or newline inconsistency gets encountered (or both), it's a
         | reasonable one.
         | And it's in pieces like this one not because it's a huge thing
         | to crow about, but to illustrate the opt-in nature of
         | incremental changes or sets of changes to perl.
         | `say` is also about 15 years old, like Time::Piece. The author
         | is not announcing features that are new to the whole world,
         | just new to a certain audience, possibly including the author.
         | This is also true of the filehandle scoping feature (which is
         | 22 years old). If you find the old bare filehandle scope
         | behavior only notable enough to hurl a drive-by "bonkers" at it
         | then I suppose that's one way of advertising that you haven't
         | spent much time thinking about unix shell utilities and
         | associated features/issues.
         | Function signatures are slightly younger than typescript, or at
         | least, the most familiar syntax for them; both the old and more
         | recent means are essentially naming a list of arguments.
         | In general: perl is an opportunity to think about programming
         | languages differently. There's a lot of contexts in which I
         | never use it anymore, but it's rare to find people with
         | substantial insights who casually disparage it.
         | shp0ngle wrote:
         | It's a weird feature set to highlight; most of this is
         | available for a long time.
         | I didn't know about the function signatures. It's nice, I
         | guess.
         | But I don't want to write perl again anyway.
         | tyingq wrote:
         | >"Perl is still about 20 years behind everyone else"
         | The version of Perl on your favorite Linux distro might be. I
         | think that's the point the article was trying to make...that
         | distros ship VERY old versions of Perl.
         | eduction wrote:
         | Ya those were my thoughts exactly, and I used Perl heavily for
         | several years.
         | The number two feature they listed was released more than 22
         | years ago.
         | Perl is fine for certain tasks, I have no problem with people
         | who choose to use it, but at a certain point I'd argue it's
         | better to learn a new language than try to use Perl for a new
         | type of task.
       | ibiza wrote:
       | The thing that kills Perl for me is its weak typing. Automatic
       | variable coercions lead to data-dependent bugs. JavaScript has
       | the same problem.
       | For scripting anything longer than a command line, I'll take
       | Python.
       | pkrumins wrote:
       | I love Perl!
         | samiam_iam wrote:
       | LordKano wrote:
       | When I was an intern, my boss insisted that I learn Perl. I had
       | not yet been introduced to the ways of the monks but I learned
       | quickly.
       | Perl is still my go-to language when I need to write something
       | quickly.
       | I have so many purpose driven utilities that I have written in
       | Perl, that it saves me several man-hours of work every month.
       | cheaprentalyeti wrote:
       | Damn Pythonistas! Get off my lawn!
         | cheaprentalyeti wrote:
         | (Shakes cane at clouds)
         | HeckFeck wrote:
         | the camel shall crush the serpent
         | 1024core wrote:
         | I am forced to use Python, and I hate it.
       | auraham wrote:
       | I skimmed the article looking for a mention of a REPL or a new
       | debugger. Perl is a great language but it lacks these tools.
       | Sometimes I just want to try a couple of lines of Perl code in a
       | REPL, but I cannot. Instead, I need to create a file. Also, when
       | debugging with `perl -d`, I cannot use the Up arrow key to get
       | the previous command. Not a big deal but the coding experience
       | will be significantly improved with those tools.
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | I still use Perl whenever I need to get something complex done
       | quickly. Whether it's the handy command-line switches and
       | features for easier one-liners, or just easier stream text
       | processing, or easier external command execution, or the huge
       | library of modules that often support things Python doesn't, Perl
       | is my "fuck it, I just need to get this done" language.
       | I can't wait for the day that programming languages as a concept
       | are obsolete. It feels exactly like hand-tool woodworking. I
       | would love to stop building tables and chairs over and over,
       | instead just buy them from Code IKEA.
       | csdvrx wrote:
       | Even on modern hardware with vectorization, the speed of perl is
       | hard to match for stream processing.
       | I write and deploy brand new perl code in 2022 to replace some
       | clunky python and javascript - for real! AMA!
         | qsort wrote:
         | What's the difference when compared with other scripting
         | languages? Is it just all-around faster or it's about some
         | particular application?
           | csdvrx wrote:
           | > What's the difference when compared with other scripting
           | languages?
           | Compared to every other scripted languages I've tried, it's
           | always faster - so much that it often rivals compiled code
           | (even with extra optimizations as explained before)
           | > Is it just all-around faster
           | Yes - also faster to deploy, and harder to break in
           | deployment due to dependencies rarely evolving. No need to
           | pip install whatever.
           | Consequently, tracking modules' versions (say in python) and
           | their break in compatibility is a thing of the past. Some may
           | say it's because it's dead. I guess I'm a necrophiliac then,
           | because it makes my life so much easier that I'm loving it :)
         | avyjit wrote:
         | When you refer to modern hardware with vectorization, are you
         | saying perl beats software that makes use of vector
         | instructions? If so wow! Afaik perl is a plain old interpreted
         | language with no JIT, what makes it so fast? I had an idea of
         | perl as in the same performance category as Python, Ruby and
         | friends.
           | cogman10 wrote:
           | My assumption (and I could be wrong) is that whenever you do
           | something that's ultimately CPU intense, perl dives into C
           | code. The sort of stuff you do with perl tends to be a lot of
           | string manipulation and it turns out perl is pretty hyper
           | optimized for that sort of workload.
           | Other languages could do the same, but often they have a few
           | more layers before they start running that C code.
           | I'd be curious to know if the perl grammar also somehow lends
           | itself to being fairly optimizable for it's interpreter.
           | csdvrx wrote:
           | > Afaik perl is a plain old interpreted language with no JIT,
           | what makes it so fast?
           | IDK. I didn't waste time checking why.
           | My guess is that due to the much smaller code size, it
           | reaches a sweetpoint where it fits nicely in the L1 or L2
           | cache.
           | But it's just a hunch, I couldn't prove it.
           | kstrauser wrote:
           | Perl likely spends a lot more time in C than a lot of other
           | bytecode-compiled languages like Python.
           | while(<STDIN>) {        print $_;       }
           | isn't doing much of its work at the top level.
         | clscott wrote:
         | 1. What's your top technique for keeping it fast?
         | 2. Are you hiring?
           | csdvrx wrote:
           | > 1. What's your top technique for keeping it fast?
           | Using the stock install as much as possible.
           | Since a perl interpreter is available about everywhere, this
           | makes the scripts cross platform very easily too.
           | > 2. Are you hiring?
           | Maybe? You have no email in your profile. Can you please send
           | your CV to my nickname at outlook dot com?
         | wistlo wrote:
         | I'm working in Windows (employer's choice) and need to process
         | some huge data files on the desktop.
         | Perl (Strawberry Perl for Windows) is much faster than native
         | Powershell (or CMD) scripts. A few Perl one-liners and I have 2
         | GB processed in a couple of minutes.
         | Big fan of Perl here.
           | anthk wrote:
           | Perl is the Unix utilities' replacement for Windows. It can
           | do awk/sed in one place.
           | What I miss it's a "strings(1)" replacement for Perl.
           | csdvrx wrote:
           | > A few Perl one-liners and I have 2 GB processed in a couple
           | of minutes.
           | This matches my experience: my task is IO bound, processing
           | tens of GB in a matter of minutes.
           | > I'm working in Windows (employer's choice)
           | Work prefers MacOS, Windows is my personal choice :)
           | Windows 10 and 11 are a pleasure to use: between the Windows
           | Terminal and tools like AutoHotKey, there's no Linux
           | equivalent, even for a commandline geek.
           | Using Windows (and Perl, and other weird things I like) may
           | not be fashionable, but it's hard to beat.
             | hpcjoe wrote:
             | > > A few Perl one-liners and I have 2 GB processed in a
             | couple of minutes. > This matches my experience: my task is
             | IO bound, processing tens of GB in a matter of minutes.
             | Huh. Windows is usually anywhere between bad to horrible at
             | IO compared to alternatives. 2GB processing (usually
             | mixtures of regex, summarizing data, summing fields
             | extracted) shouldn't take more than a few seconds. Even on
             | a slow disk, say 100MB/s, we are talking 20s. On faster
             | SSDs, and NVMe, its very snappy.
             | If you are waiting minutes ...
             | > Windows 10 and 11 are a pleasure to use: between the
             | Windows Terminal and tools like AutoHotKey, there's no
             | Linux equivalent, even for a commandline geek.
             | Huh. I'm happy that $dayjob gave me the option of getting
             | off my horrible Dell workstation laptop (8 core, 64 GB ram,
             | nvidia graphics) and onto a mac pro m1. While the keyboard
             | diff is annoying, karabiner elements fixes most of that. I
             | still ask for a linux laptop at ever opportunity though, as
             | this is what I'm most functional with. Easily the
             | best/fastest experience I've had for dev/admin, and the
             | most stable. Mac is a close second.
             | wistlo wrote:
             | Full disclosure: Work has been Windows centric, but I
             | recently moved to a new group with some Mac users. I'll
             | have that choice, next time I swap hardware, but probably
             | will stay with Windows because
             | * Would miss too many amazingly useful utilities like
             | arsclip.
             | * Easier to patch into my home network, which is NTFS-
             | based.
             | * Employer is now wedded to Microsoft and Azure, so having
             | Powershell and native access to NTFS AD on my native
             | desktop is proving more useful.
             | * I actually like the Windows interface, even with the
             | Control Panel and other system utilities caught in a weird
             | split between Windows XP and WIndows 10 UIs.
             | * Some things, like certificate management and hosting a
             | personal database, I do in Ubuntu or Debian as a VirtualBox
             | guest under Windows.
             | * Wife uses Windows on her laptop. She doesn't know it, but
             | it's actually running as a VM on Debian, very stable, and
             | can easily take her Windows to a new machine.
             | * [I keep coming back to add items to this list] Remote
             | Desktop Services have improved vastly, and I can manage
             | remote servers or 12 year old client machines at a remote
             | site with equal ease. (XP/7-era machines got a second life
             | when I converted Windows OS disk to SSD). Also find screen
             | sharing via 3rd party VNC (TightVNC) useful.
             | * The keystrokes have become second-nature. Try as I might,
             | I can never get fully comfortable on a Mac OS desktop. Now
             | get off my lawn.
               | csdvrx wrote:
               | > The keystrokes have become second-nature. Try as I
               | might, I can never get fully comfortable on a Mac OS
               | desktop.
               | Same, that's one of the biggest reasons - but I also
               | agree with the rest of your list: what I like the most in
               | Windows is the UI! I run most of my programs fullscreen,
               | with shortcuts. I rarely use the mouse, and Windows plays
               | along, while I have to fight other systems.
               | Even when run baremetal, Windows has improved so much
               | over the board that once you add RDP/VNC, it's a no
               | brainer.
       | SighMagi wrote:
       | Gives me warm fuzzies to read new Perl articles. Such a fun,
       | hackable and eminently practical language.
       | HankB99 wrote:
       | I've used Perl off and on throughout my career, even working at
       | one job that was pretty much exclusively Perl. I've also used
       | Java and C/C++. I've done a lot of work with embedded systems
       | where C was the order of the day.
       | But back to Perl. I always thought one of the best things about
       | Perl was CPAN. I could nearly always find a module that would
       | accomplish a specific task I needed and then I was just left to
       | write the glue to implement that function (or functions) for my
       | particular needs. I'm surprised CPAN is not mentioned. I wonder
       | if it is still active. I also wonder about security of CPAN in
       | todays environment. I find stuff like pypi and npm to be pretty
       | scary.
       | I haven't started anything in Perl in quite some time. All the
       | cool kids are using Python so I've been sharpening my skills with
       | that. (But it's all hobby projects these days.)
         | guilherme-puida wrote:
         | > But back to Perl. I always thought one of the best things
         | about Perl was CPAN.
         | I'm a younger developer, so I wasn't around when Perl was super
         | popular. I listened to the Corecursive episode about CPAN [0]
         | and was really impressed. It's a good listen even if you're not
         | that interested in Perl anymore.
         | [0]: https://corecursive.com/tdih-cpan/
         | wainstead wrote:
         | CPAN was definitely the envy of other languages for many years
         | but I feel most have caught up by now.
       | forgotmypw17 wrote:
       | With function signatures and state variables added in 5.010, I
       | consider Perl feature-complete and have not really missed
       | anything from it for as long as I've been writing Perl.
       | What I do appreciate that's missing from many other languages and
       | systems is the extreme committment to backwards compatibility.
       | The knowledge that the next minor release won't break existing
       | scripts is underrated, IMO.
       | Solo project with ~23K LOC of Perl and counting here. Bless you,
       | Larry Wall and Perl maintainers. Keep it up!
         | arthurcolle wrote:
         | What is your project? Raku has some cool features and
         | interesting syntax, I took a look at it before the rename, but
         | find myself reaching for Python for basically everything.
           | forgotmypw17 wrote:
           | Link is in my profile.
         | duskwuff wrote:
         | Signatures were added in 5.020, and [edited:] were considered
         | experimental until 5.036.
           | theonething wrote:
           | are Perl function signatures the PHP/Python equivalent of
           | type hints?
             | duskwuff wrote:
             | This may shock you, but: historically, Perl functions did
             | not have declared arguments. Like, at all. The function
             | just got arguments implicitly passed to it as an array
             | (@_), and parsing that into individual variables was up to
             | the function -- so most functions would start like this:
             | sub myFunction {             my ($self, $arg1, $arg2) = @_;
             | ...         }
             | Or, in older code, you might even see this:
             | sub myFunction {             my $self = shift; # implicitly
             | get the first value from @_             my $arg1 = shift;
             | my $arg2 = shift;             ...         }
             | Notably, this didn't even check the number of arguments you
             | passed. If you passed too many or too few arguments to a
             | function which worked this way, the extra arguments would
             | silently be ignored, or missing arguments would silently
             | show up as undef.
             | Function signatures turn this into something that'll look
             | much more familiar to users of other languages:
             | sub myFunction ($self, $arg1, $arg2) {             ...
             | }
             | which includes checks to make sure that all the expected
             | arguments (and no more) were passed.
           | darrenf wrote:
           | > and are still considered experimental
           | No, 5.36 stabilised them.
           | https://perldoc.perl.org/perldelta#Core-Enhancements
           | > _The 5.36 bundle enables the signatures feature. Introduced
           | in Perl version 5.20.0, and modified several times since, the
           | subroutine signatures feature is now no longer considered
           | experimental. It is now considered a stable language feature
           | and no longer prints a warning._
             | duskwuff wrote:
             | Ah! Looks like I need to upgrade, then -- I was reading
             | from "perldoc feature" in my install, which was still on
             | 5.34.
           | forgotmypw17 wrote:
           | Thanks for the correction. I don't use them anymore (instead
           | doing a few lines of sanity-check boilerplate in each sub) so
           | that's why I made that mistake.
         | yamtaddle wrote:
         | > What I do appreciate that's missing from many other languages
         | and systems is the extreme committment to backwards
         | compatibility. The knowledge that the next minor release won't
         | break existing scripts is underrated, IMO.
         | I don't write much Perl these days and haven't for some time,
         | but it's still what I might reach for if I were tasked with
         | writing something suitable for a scripting language that had to
         | run with ~0 operational or upgrade/maintenance budget for a
         | decade or more in environments I wouldn't necessarily be able
         | to control or influence, or else [bad thing will happen].
           | latchkey wrote:
           | Perl needs backwards compatibility given the `write once,
           | read never` nature of the syntax.
           | Imagine trying to upgrade this to some new syntax...
           | https://github.com/schwern/AAAAAAA
             | usefulcat wrote:
             | The fact that it's possible to craft deliberately
             | obfuscated code in a language doesn't actually tell you
             | much about the language.
             | TimTheTinker wrote:
             | That looks more like write-only naming... but the syntax
             | itself isn't bad at all.
             | Here's the main module: https://github.com/schwern/AAAAAAA/
             | blob/aaaaaa/aaa/AAAAAAAAA...
             | gerikson wrote:
             | See also Acme::Bleach:
             | <https://metacpan.org/pod/Acme::Bleach>
         | yakubin wrote:
         | I've had very limited contact with Perl, but for scripting
         | purposes it does seem like the best option, so I intend to sit
         | down to it and learn it better. It looks like a great next step
         | after sed and awk (perl -pe). I love the ability to write terse
         | scripts, reasonable speed for a scripting language and, as you
         | said, backwards-compatibility (such a stark contrast compared
         | to Python).
           | stjohnswarts wrote:
           | I would argue that ruby as almost all the strengths of perl
           | and conciseness with more coherency if you want a perl-like
           | fluidity and terseness. I personally like python for anything
           | that becomes more than a 100 lines of bash.
             | ilyash wrote:
             | For that, there is Next Generation Shell. Also works like a
             | charm even before 100 lines. For example when structured
             | data is needed. Some other advantages over bash are error
             | handling, automatic command line arguments parsing (similar
             | to Raku, btw), standard library with functions like warn(),
             | log(), debug(), retry(), etc that you have likely
             | implemented hundreds of times in your bash scripts.
             | Disclosure: I'm the author.
             | btilly wrote:
             | Due to poor coding practices (eg monkeypatching) and a
             | weaker testing culture (by default Ruby does not run unit
             | tests when installing libraries) I've found Ruby to be
             | substantially less reliable than Perl.
             | However the world has moved on to Python. So I curse every
             | time I again have to look up how subprocess works for what
             | I'd do in Perl with backticks.
             | kqr wrote:
             | Does Ruby come pre-installed on virtually every Unix-like
             | system out there?
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | No, and if it is, who knows what version it is.
               | I think that's the main thing preventing one from using
               | ruby like this. It is otherwise preferable in pretty much
               | every way.
               | Perl is kind of pre-installed on virtually every Unix-
               | like system for what are at this point historical/legacy
               | reasons. It is unlikely any other language can ever
               | achieve this at this point.
               | ARandomerDude wrote:
               | If it's not installed already, Ruby will be installed
               | ASAP on any machine I use.
               | someRandoJunk wrote:
               | You're confusing perl with ruby there.
             | [deleted]
           | senorsmile wrote:
           | The "Learning Perl" book from O'Reilly is the best book to do
           | this (and imho is one of the best written programming books).
           | HeckFeck wrote:
           | The Modern Perl book is great, it explains a lot of the Perl-
           | isms to a modern audience.
           | http://modernperlbooks.com/ is where you can read it for
           | free.
         | theonething wrote:
         | >Bless you, Larry
         | I see what you did there.
         | Edit: for those downvoting me because they don't understand my
         | comment, it refers to the fact that bless is function of the
         | standard library to associate an object with a class.
         | If you're downvoting me because you think it's a stupid and off
         | topic comment, that is perfectly valid and acceptable to me.
         | cryptonector wrote:
         | Needs static typing.
         | I'll let myself out now.
           | forgotmypw17 wrote:
           | I make up for this by writing short subprocedures and many
           | sanity checks.
           | MobiusHorizons wrote:
           | When was the last time this caused a bug for you? My
           | experience of moving from JavaScript to typescript is that it
           | takes significantly longer to write many generic things
           | because the types can't really express the intended use as
           | well. I will certainly admit that types help a lot at the
           | boundaries between systems , or for catching errors
           | introduced when changing code, but it's not always a clear
           | win for types, given how much more verbose, and less
           | expressive the language becomes as a result.
         | cogman10 wrote:
         | While it's not my favorite language. I have to admit that
         | function signatures go a long way towards making perl feel
         | somewhat normal to work with. I have to imagine they are pretty
         | big boons for IDEs.
         | singingfish wrote:
         | One of my criteria for good tools is that they scale well from
         | the smallest possible use case to absolutely massive. Git meets
         | this criterion for example.
         | Anyway I manage a 250kline code base written over 20 years
         | which is in surprisingly good shape consider it's age and how
         | many people have touched it. Last time we upgraded the perl for
         | the first time in a decade - going through the addition of many
         | features and major internal changes (e.g. unicode,
         | optimisation) the total number of lines of code we needed to
         | change was at most 50. And very little having to fiddle with
         | underlying cpan libraries.
         | Back to the point. Throwaway script - perfect candidate. Code
         | capable of running the money pump for a billion dollar company.
         | Also just as fine as any other similarly capable environment,
         | better than some, trickier to manage the team than others.
       | superkuh wrote:
       | I'd argue perl's major value is from stability in the sense that
       | what the perl developers write today can be run on the perl
       | available on any machine, new or old. If a lot of perl developers
       | end up use'ing lots of these new features that feeling of
       | compatiblity will go away.
         | cestith wrote:
         | If you need new code you write today to run on 20 year old
         | systems, don't use the newer features. Perl 5.36 is backwards
         | compatible to code written for Perl 5.6 after all. If you need
         | 20 year old code to run on new machines, the same thing occurs
         | - you hand it to a recent Perl 5 and it works. Compare and
         | contrast the last 20 years of PHP or Python.
           | csdvrx wrote:
           | > If you need 20 year old code to run on new machines, the
           | same thing occurs - you hand it to a recent Perl 5 and it
           | works.
           | You're only noticing half of the picture.
           | If you want to write code that'll still run in 20 years, do
           | the same.
       | HeckFeck wrote:
       | It's not objective, but I find I have more fun in Perl than any
       | other language. The initial jump was steep, but it helped that I
       | already knew some shell. Now I think in references, I can guess
       | what $_ is going to be, I slap in a big, my $val =
       | s/<RE_HERE>/other_thing wherever I want, I could go on!
       | I think $_ belongs to a different era, before levelling
       | everything to the lowest common denominator became seen as a good
       | thing. I found the limitations of its rivals less than
       | compelling, and besides JavaScript is arguably _more_ complex
       | than Perl these days.
         | shp0ngle wrote:
         | ugh $_
         | I successfully hide away all my bad perl memories and now it's
         | coming all back
           | forinti wrote:
           | Funny thing is: $_ is a valid Java variable name.
             | HeckFeck wrote:
             | And a JavaScript library! http://underscorejs.org/
       | wistlo wrote:
       | "Bare bones" seems to be a good thing for Perl. I use Strawberry
       | Perl on Windows and it is orders of magnitude faster than
       | Powershell for processing large files of text strings using
       | regular expressions.
       | I hope the addition of a "new object-oriented programming
       | framework" won't take away the "bare-bones" speed of the current
       | release.
         | anthk wrote:
         | Perl's bindings for Win32 and OLE are amazing.
           | csdvrx wrote:
           | Would you have some interesting examples?
           | I love Win32 because it's the closest we have to a universal
           | GUI format for software.
             | anthk wrote:
             | https://metacpan.org/pod/Win32::OLE
           | jug wrote:
           | Really? This is interesting! I had completely written off
           | Perl for Windows due to its heritage. But we still use COM
           | objects in our scripts here and while I like PowerShell
           | conceptually, I really never got to have fun with it as a
           | scripting language. It just has so many quirks like "implicit
           | returns" etc. and is just so verbose it's bordering on hard
           | to read at times.
             | anthk wrote:
             | https://metacpan.org/pod/Win32::OLE
         | rurban wrote:
         | The best OO frameworks Mouse and cperl make it faster. Moose,
         | Moo and Corinna signicantly slower. Guess which frameworks are
         | recommended
           | justinator wrote:
           | Corinna is essentially the working spec of the new class
           | system in Perl. I'm not sure being performant was ever the
           | goal.
       | jlv2 wrote:
       | I spent the last 16 years of my career using Perl for about half
       | of what I wrote.
       | And I read the article.
       | The title makes no sense. The article show anything meaningful as
       | to why Perl has improved and is "not your Grandfather's Perl".
       | Most of what the article talks about has been around for over a
       | decade. If anything, it shows that Perl really still has under it
       | the same old decrepit beast it always been hiding away.
         | [deleted]
       | CraigJPerry wrote:
       | I don't really miss perl. I do miss the period when perlmonks was
       | relevant to me. I haven't really seen a similar community since.
       | Maybe rose tinted spectacles on my part but i learned some really
       | enlightening algorithms on there specifically in text processing
       | and i recall it being a really warm community.
       | Randall Schwarz used to run a podcast that was a total goldmine.
       | Fond memories of listening to that on the train on the way to
       | work.
         | btilly wrote:
         | Most of the people who were on perlmonks are still around
         | somewhere. Often with the same or a similar handle. (I added my
         | first initial to mine.)
       | samiam_iam wrote:
       | My grandfather was too smart to use Perl.
       | ra88it wrote:
       | When I was about 20, I went to the local Barnes and Noble to find
       | a book about programming.
       | Picked up the O'Reilly Javascript book from around 2000. Had no
       | idea what javascript was, just wanted to learn how to program and
       | trying to pick the most popular language.
       | $40 later, I got home and started reading! Very confusing, the
       | first half of the book covered the language runtime (I think?)
       | and the second half covered the browser sandbox, and it took me
       | 200 pages to realize that I can't easily read or write to files
       | on my machine with this language. Not what I was hoping for!
       | Back to Barnes and Noble, another $40 and I came home with the
       | O'Reilly camel book, Beginning Perl I think? Cover to cover read,
       | probably the last time I did that with a programming manual.
       | Decades have passed, I'm in the same camp as those that prefer
       | Ruby now, but man what a breath of fresh air Perl was back in
       | 2000.
       | pmontra wrote:
       | Thumb up for function signatures!
       | I slowly switched from Perl to Ruby for writing my own text
       | processing scripts. A loop with <> is very convenient but I was
       | using Ruby for work (still do among other languages) and Perl for
       | nothing. I was forgetting how to do stuff in Perl.
       | newaccount2021 wrote:
       | mikejulietbravo wrote:
       | Perl receives such an unnecessary amount of hate
         | michaelwww wrote:
         | I don't think it's hate. I think it's more "why would I choose
         | Perl over Python?" Perl has a painful syntax, Python greatly
         | improves on this with easy syntax. I don't want to have to
         | relearn the syntax every time I reach for a scripting tool.
           | mikejulietbravo wrote:
           | Sure, but there are a lot of times where if you care about
           | performance you should use Perl. General purpose? Sure,
           | Python.
           | autoexec wrote:
           | > Perl has a painful syntax, Python greatly improves on this
           | with easy syntax.
           | Regular expressions are way better in Perl. I increasingly
           | find myself going back to Perl for RE heavy projects because
           | it's so cumbersome in Python by comparison.
           | I'm still undecided on if Perl needing semicolons everywhere
           | is only 'as bad' or 'worse' than Python forcing you to worry
           | about the exact number of tabs/spaces indenting lines, but
           | I'm leaning toward python being easier in that respect.
           | Still, when I have to get something done quickly, especially
           | if it's an immediate need I don't see having to worry about
           | later, Perl is what I turn to. Everything in Python becomes a
           | "Project".
         | lmm wrote:
         | Those who've had to maintain someone else's perl tend to find
         | that the hate is, if not strictly necessary, very much
         | warranted.
           | em-bee wrote:
           | apparently also some of those that have to edit their own
           | code they have not touched for a year.
           | djbusby wrote:
           | I see this for every language, every project - and across
           | domains.
           | Every new Dev says the previous code is shite. Odd that the
           | plumber and electrician do it too.
           | It's as if nobody can produce good work except for $ME at
           | $NOW
           | rrwo wrote:
           | Badly-written Perl code from the 1990s is not the fault of
           | the language.
           | It's the fault of the non-programmers who read "Learn Perl in
           | 2 hours and become a millionaire" books, had a massive s*t on
           | a keyboard and started a business with it
         | csdvrx wrote:
         | > Perl receives such an unnecessary amount of hate
         | I agree. We might deny it, because we are geeks, not
         | fashionistas, but there's such a thing as "cool for geeks" like
         | running Rust code on MacOS with some PostgreSQL sprinkled on,
         | and such a thing as "uncool" like running Perl code over
         | Windows and exchanging CSV files.
         | Personally, IDGAF: I care about what works the best, not what's
         | cool. I care about performance. I care about the code not
         | breaking due to weird compatibility issues. I care about
         | keeping the stack as simple as possible, because what's simple
         | often works better.
         | If, god forbid, I need something more complicated than CSV, I
         | reach for sqlite --- which, unfortunately, is starting to
         | become the "cool" option, and therefore might get turned into
         | the proverbial hammer that makes all your problems look like
         | nails!
           | mikejulietbravo wrote:
           | This^
           | If your system isn't performant, it's shit. Performant is
           | relative to what you're trying to do and how picky your users
           | are, but at some point you're going to be optimizing for
           | milliseconds without question.
             | [deleted]
       | JackFr wrote:
       | Maybe I'm missing the point of this piece, but it's probably
       | because I'm still reeling from the author's idea that adding
       | "say()" which is "print()" with a newline added, is somehow an
       | improvement to the language.
         | lloeki wrote:
         | The point is not about `say` itself (which has been there since
         | Perl 5.10, released on 2007/12/18), it's only an example of how
         | much Perl uses modularity (via `use`) to enable new features
         | while ensuring a) code dependent on a new feature alerts on
         | Perl versions without the feature and b) backward compatibility
         | of new Perl versions with old Perl code.
         | Compare:                   # Perl         use feature 'say'
         | vs:                   # Python         from __future__ import
         | print_function
         | Which at first blush follow the same principle, except that
         | Python decides that `from __future__` is a vision into upcoming
         | doom, that is a future version of Python for which code that
         | preexists becomes incompatible _unless it is ported to the new
         | version_.
         | IOW py2 code doesn't run on py3, barking at you in obscure ways
         | if you try, and py3 code doesn't run on py2, barking at you in
         | obscure ways if you try. (or worse, partially runs and either
         | explodes in mid flight or silently corrupts data).
         | Whereas Perl code written targeting vX runs on Perl vY as long
         | as Y >= X, and if Y < X then Perl tells you "unsupported
         | feature foo" or "your perl is too old, update to at least X".
         | $ perl5.18 sig.pl         Feature "signatures" is not supported
         | by Perl 5.18.4 at sig.pl line 1.         BEGIN failed--
         | compilation aborted at sig.pl line 1.
         | (yes yes I am aware that with enough effort and trickery you
         | could write code that works on both py2 and py3. I did that a
         | long time ago; it's a pain, and doesn't solve the problem of
         | _preexisting_ code)
         | And not just that, Perl alters its parser behaviour _live_ (and
         | scoped to the module!) so remove ` 'signatures'` from `use` and
         | you get:                   $ perl5.30 sig.pl         Malformed
         | prototype for main::my_subroutine: $foo, $bar, $baz = 'fury' at
         | sig.pl line 7.
         | But leave it in and there's no parse error. No magic
         | preprocessed comments or fake code trickery like JS (which has
         | a commitment to backwards compatibility as well) has to do[0]:
         |  _To invoke strict mode for an entire script, put the exact
         | statement ` "use strict";` (or `'use strict';`) before any
         | other statements._
         | (They had to make it a string in void context instead of a
         | comment because comments are removed by JS obfuscators, but
         | it's essentially a magic comment/preprocessor directive)
         | [0]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...
           | hpcjoe wrote:
           | This. So much this.
           | At the $dayjob, writing some python assuming late model
           | 3.10.x, and discovering that the API has changed when I have
           | to make sure it works on 3.6.x and 3.7.x.
           | Nevermind important libraries like pandas changing the API so
           | some functions you 've used for years just disappear.
           | I've got 30+ year old perl 5, that just works. And is
           | readable. I wish 2 year old python could just work.
       | xivzgrev wrote:
       | Perl was created in 1987. My grandpa isn't that young!
       | mansilladev wrote:
       | As if Perl already didn't have a bad reputation for readability,
       | that black or dark gray text in that <code> blocks.. phew.
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