[HN Gopher] Tipi - A personal homeserver for everyone
       Tipi - A personal homeserver for everyone
       Author : thunderbong
       Score  : 279 points
       Date   : 2022-09-09 04:35 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | wyldfire wrote:
       | I have now stumbled onto "libreddit" [1].
       | > cloud Light: no JavaScript, no ads, no tracking, no bloat
       | I have been an addicted reddit user since before they had user
       | accounts. I never had any desire to block reddit ads until the
       | last ~6-12 months or so when it would autoplay ads when I scroll.
       | I have "no thumbnails" so it doesn't show me the ad other than a
       | line of text or so. I have "old" reddit enabled on my account --
       | this works for desktop. And now I've started using the explicit
       | "old.reddit.com" on mobile. But I would prefer mobile-optimized
       | reddit without audio ads. I will probably give libreddit a try.
       | [1] https://github.com/spikecodes/libreddit
       | EDIT: of course, since it's privacy focused I can't login to my
       | account and reddit is unbearable if you try and use it without
       | your account to curate the subreddits. Whoops, scratch that idea!
         | jneumann004 wrote:
         | With libressit you can subscribe to subreddits. It saves to
         | your browsers localhost (just like their settings), nothing is
         | sent to their server.
         | grimgrin wrote:
         | Just bookmark a multireddit url, ala:
         | https://teddit.net/r/mud+dcss+cataclysmdda (in this thread I
         | show you teddit, another privacy focused frontend)
         | teddit does actually have a subscription concept, accountless,
         | but in general the multireddit solution would work for your
         | libreddit example
         | https://teddit.net/about                   Teddit is a free and
         | open source alternative Reddit front-end focused on privacy.
         | Teddit doesn't require you to have JavaScript enabled in your
         | browser.         The source is available on Codeberg at
         | https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit.              No JavaScript
         | or ads         All requests go through the backend, client
         | never talks to Reddit         Prevents Reddit from tracking
         | your IP or JavaScript fingerprint         Lightweight (teddit
         | frontpage: ~30 HTTP requests with ~270 KB of data downloaded
         | vs. Reddit frontpage: ~190 HTTP requests with ~24 MB)
           | mawise wrote:
           | You can even aubscribe to an rss feed of a subreddit, I think
           | each has a rel="alternate" link to the feed url
         | visiblink wrote:
         | On an Android device, Slide allows you to add subreddits
         | without logging in. I follow several subreddits but have no
         | account. I don't see any ads.
         | Go to the hamburger menu > settings > manage your subreddits.
         | Another mobile option is i.reddit.com.
           | entropie wrote:
           | Did you know there is a rss feed for every subreddit?
           | https://www.reddit.com/wiki/rss
             | visiblink wrote:
             | Yes, but if you want to read the comments associated with a
             | post, the link takes you right back to the regular reddit
             | site.
               | entropie wrote:
               | You can also read comments via rss, but I see that might
               | just be to much effort.
               | visiblink wrote:
               | I think so too. IIRC, you'd have to add a new feed for
               | each thread.
           | bityard wrote:
           | RedReader is also a great choice on Android, I wish there was
           | a native desktop version of it.
         | thekingshorses wrote:
         | You can use my personal reddit site. https://reddit.premii.com
         | It has JS. Optimized for mobile. No tracking from my side.
         | Open in congnito for NSFW subreddits. Enable pictures/NSFW mode
         | to load all pictures in line. Close it when you are done.
         | sorenjan wrote:
         | I find that old.reddit.com is ok on desktop (with uBlock
         | origin), and for mobile there's several third party apps that
         | make for a better experience than a website. I personally like
         | "Relay for reddit".
           | whalesalad wrote:
           | Apollo is a perfect example of a 10/10 iOS app.
         | nebul wrote:
         | > mobile-optimized reddit without audio ads
         | I don't know if you've tried it already, but
         | https://i.reddit.com might fit the bill.
           | kornhole wrote:
           | Infinity is found in F-droid store.
         | Karrot_Kream wrote:
         | I never understood why so many of these Reddit viewers have no
         | JS in them (well it's generally a cultural preference among a
         | certain crowd, but still feels irrational.) I usually open a
         | forum like Reddit and have it open all day, I'd be fine with
         | loading a SPA and having it make background requests to fetch
         | API output and render them in page and give nice functionality,
         | as long as the code is open and there's no ads. I've been
         | building this myself because both Libreddit and Teddit don't
         | use JS.
       | PontifexMinimus wrote:
       | How does this compare with Umbrel (https://umbrel.com/) which
       | appears to be a similar project?
         | ocdtrekkie wrote:
         | Umbrel isn't open source, for one, and is heavily crypto
         | focused, as it started as a Bitcoin miner and expanded out into
         | being a selfhosting platform.
         | Otherwise, pretty similar, it's Docker plus fancy glue. :)
           | PontifexMinimus wrote:
           | Would it make sense to merge the 2 projects, given that there
           | is considerable overlap?
             | ocdtrekkie wrote:
             | From my experience everyone who makes their own has some
             | reason they want it done their way. While I'd like to see
             | more selfhosting platforms collaborate, I think it's also
             | good we don't have a strong monoculture in the space.
       | electrona wrote:
       | 'OpenMediaVault + Portainer + Docker Compose' is my favourite
       | setup.
       | [deleted]
       | kevincox wrote:
       | There UI is frustrating to use because none of the links are
       | actually <a> tags but JS divs. It makes it hard to open links in
       | new tabs or copy them.
       | wnscooke wrote:
       | Not a fan of the name, and the image they use isn't _even_ a
       | tipi.
         | dudeinjapan wrote:
         | It comes from the Lakota language.
         | mr_woozy wrote:
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | In their title, they use the character U+26FA TENT, which could
         | be depicted as any kind of tent. In the body, GitHub replaces
         | emoji with images for some reason, in this case a particularly
         | weird thing that isn't even obviously a _tent_. (I presume this
         | is what you're remarking on.)
         | The screenshot shows what I presume is actually the logo, which
         | is a tipi.
           | croes wrote:
           | Do you see something different than I do? I see a typical
           | orange two-man tent
         | sakras wrote:
         | I feel bad that whenever I read the name I think "I AM
         | croes wrote:
         | Just a github issue. Here it's a tipi
       | solarkraft wrote:
       | I've seen many of these, but none that were all that promising.
       | All I'm looking for is a thin layer over docker-compose - maybe
       | this is that.
       | singhrac wrote:
       | Is there a reason it needs to be started as root? In similar
       | self-hosted apps I've run into many issues from having scripts
       | run as root. Often the individual apps don't play nicely enough
       | with each other.
       | Otherwise it looks interesting, I like the UI and the demo
       | instance shows the UX well.
         | Terretta wrote:
         | Agree, I feel as though it should, itself, be a container, that
         | manages a docker-compose file, then manages the apps using
         | appropriate docker-compose commands. All tested against podman
         | as well.
         | Then the tool could be used readily on the many docker
         | appliances (Synology, Qnap, etc.).
         | feet wrote:
         | My guess would be docker is the reason
           | hatware wrote:
           | You don't need to run a script with sudo to use docker. This
           | is targeted at tech-agnostic users, really odd misalignment
           | of goals to ask folks who don't know what they're doing to
           | 'sudo run.sh'.
             | feet wrote:
             | Standard docker installation requires sudo to start
             | containers
       | unixhero wrote:
       | Wohey, this seems like a freebie version of https://cloudron.io
       | of which I really love. Can't wait to run Tipi at home. Cloudron
       | will still run my businesses which is has been with incredible
       | stability for 3 years, that includes email (sic). Not related to
       | cldrn only a happy customer and impressed.
       | kinnth wrote:
       | i've always wanted to get my homeserver setup to really work for
       | sabnzb/xbmc/kodi and all video files but it ALWAYS has never
       | turned out quite right. Theres always some plugin or unzip that
       | screws it up.
       | This looks good but still doesn't look proper home media server
       | enabled.
       | chirau wrote:
       | ELI5: What does a homeserver allow me to do?
       | I am confused as what homeservers are. It seems this one is
       | allowing me to run some apps. Does this mean I would otherwise
       | not be able to use these apps if I did not have a homeserver?
       | Also is there a difference between a homeserver and localhost?
         | kornhole wrote:
         | There is a saying that the cloud is just somebody else's
         | computer, but with your own server, it can be your computer.
         | You always need to trust the admin or company of any
         | server/cloud service you use to not abuse you in some way, but
         | if you are the admin, you only need to trust yourself.
         | Some of these server apps are made available to others by hosts
         | of servers. The more people hosting servers for their friends
         | and family, the less we all rely on the big central services.
         | I will let you lookup the definition of localhost. You will
         | need to learn some networking if you decide to host your own
         | services, and I encourage you to do so. It is fun and
         | empowering.
         | brudgers wrote:
         | http://localhost a loopback address for network addressing.
         | It means send this from my network connection to my network
         | connection.
         | This homeserver is kind of like a smartphone loaded with
         | default apps (and kinda not like that, too).
         | What I mean is that this homeserver is essentially a bunch of
         | apps and a platform for running those apps all bundled together
         | to make setup easier.
         | You can setup and run all the same apps yourself if you want,
         | but it might be a lot of melodrama for little, no, or negative
         | advantage (or it might not).
         | The same applies to the homeserver itself. It might not make
         | your life easier and might make it worse.
         | Which is to say it might not be for you -- it isn't for me,
         | because it seems like a bit of bother to address things I don't
         | really care about.
         | But it might be perfect for other people anyway.
         | arjvik wrote:
         | I think your question is what does Tipi do?
         | Essentially, it's a single-click installer and management
         | interface for a bunch of apps that you might want on your home
         | server. Tipi isn't a "homeserver" itself, but it's goal is to
         | let you turn any old computer (even if it's somebody's Windows
         | desktop while they're not heavily using it) into a home server
         | without needing server OS administration or related expertise.
         | Admittedly, a better title is "Tipi - a personal homeserver
         | manager for everyone." But the idea behind the current title
         | seems to be that it enables everyone--regardless of hardware
         | and expertise--to run a homeserver.
         | turtleyacht wrote:
         | A home server is a separate machine from your main computer. It
         | may not be connected to a monitor, or it may be a used laptop
         | no one sits at. But it lives on your network at home.
         | A server provides software _services_. Your router could be
         | considered a server: it helps your wifi devices get online and
         | manages the Internet connection.
         | Tipi is an example of a pre-configured router, but as a server
         | for certain apps: by using it, you don't have to set it up
         | yourself. It comes with software that you can use, already
         | available, installed, and configured. But it is a server too--
         | and running in your home, it is a "homeserver."
         | You could likely use those same apps without Tipi, with varying
         | amounts of time spent configuring something similar.
         | > Also is there a difference between a homeserver and
         | localhost?
         | Yes, it would be different. If Tipi is running on a separate
         | machine (the server), its localhost may load some kind of web
         | control panel. However, when you visit localhost on your
         | personal machine, if a web server is not running, the browser
         | may just load an error page.
         | See this nearby comment for some advantages of running your own
         | server(s) at home:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32794629
         | cma wrote:
         | It is just a server in your home. Cloud hosts will all give
         | access to your data to law enforcement without any warrant, so
         | if you host a private message board with friends where you talk
         | about smoking weed or getting an abortion it isn't so private
         | and you can get arrested without them ever going through
         | getting a warrant with any kind of probable cause legal
         | procedures.
         | In your home you are protected (this is why Hillary's email
         | server was self-hosted, to get the same rights against
         | unreasonable search and seizure you get with US Mail), on the
         | cloud the third-party doctrine rules and they can just give out
         | your private data at any time.
         | (some providers have now said they won't give it out for
         | requests about people seeking abortion, but that could end up
         | in there when they search it based on a request about something
         | else, and I don't know if any put the restriction on sharing
         | abortion stuff with law enforcement in their actual legal
         | agreements)
       | micheljansen wrote:
       | Really liking the UI design. For the (presumed) target audience a
       | Raspberry Pi image would also be a nice way to get started.
       | mikae1 wrote:
       | _Exactly_ what I was researching only a few weeks ago. Did not
       | find anything satisfactory. This looks very promising.
       | mr_woozy wrote:
       | ignoramous wrote:
       | From their apps repo, https://github.com/meienberger/runtipi-
       | appstore/blob/c86641b...: _Install the Syncthing app on your
       | Umbrel and pair it with the Syncthing app on your phone or
       | computer for a self hosted peer-to-peer backup solution._
       | I hope meienberger here hasn't plagiarized source-available
       | project named Umbrel.
       | The comments in this file seems _similar_ too:
       | https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel-apps/blob/eb0f119df8ed89...
       | https://github.com/meienberger/runtipi-appstore/blob/c86641b...
         | X6S1x6Okd1st wrote:
         | Judging by Meienberger's license they could have forked it, but
         | they had to keep the license
         | squarefoot wrote:
         | > Install the Syncthing app on your Umbrel and pair it with the
         | Syncthing app on your phone or computer for a self hosted peer-
         | to-peer backup solution.
         | This text is identical word for word in the Syncthing app file
         | at the Umbrel repo.
         | https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel-apps/blob/master/syncthi...
         | chromatin wrote:
         | Kinda looks like it
       | diptanu wrote:
       | Can this support Cal.com in the future?
       | https://github.com/calcom/cal.com
       | mthld wrote:
       | https://yunohost.org is a much more mature project, with a larger
       | app ecosystem. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed.
         | benou wrote:
         | I highly recommend yunohost. I am using it since a few years,
         | after a lot of years of maintaining my own "classic" mail + web
         | server by hand [1].
         | I deploy it in an unprivileged LXC container [2] and went
         | through several upgrades already. It really worked great for
         | me.
         | [1] https://benou.fr/www/ben/14-years-of-self-hosting.html [2]
         | https://github.com/bganne/yunohost
         | bitxbitxbitcoin wrote:
         | Is that read: "Why You No Host? dot org"
           | tomcam wrote:
           | A visit to the home page will give you the delightful answer
           | layer8 wrote:
           | Indeed it is:
           | https://yunohost.org/user/images/dude_yunohost.jpg
             | omgwtf1000 wrote:
             | Love it!
         | jacooper wrote:
         | It isnt based on docker, so it heavily depends on unofficial
         | packages.
           | indigodaddy wrote:
           | Yep and thusly also turns into somewhat of a spaghetti
           | monster.
           | julianlam wrote:
           | I hate how it's just a drive-by criticism now that something
           | isn't using Docker.
           | You know we weren't in the dark ages before Docker, right?
             | piaste wrote:
             | Not the OP, but while I would have no problem using an
             | orchestrator based on a different common packaging than
             | Docker (e.g. RPM or AppImage), I would be very hesitant to
             | use one that needs its own bespoke packaging. Because
             | that's maintenance work and I would need to feel confident
             | that someone will keep packaging future app updates.
             | conception wrote:
             | Its the technobro version of "I have to install this
             | instead of just downloading it off the app store?? Nah
             | brah."
             | Karunamon wrote:
             | Comparatively speaking, going back to how we deployed
             | applications 10 years ago is the dark ages. Having
             | everything in containers is objectively easier both from a
             | getting started and ongoing maintenance standpoint.
             | Now: making minimal edits to a provided compose file for
             | initial configuration, run command to spin up everything
             | application needs, and you're done.
             | Then: install application package onto system (best: from
             | developer package source/better: from old version in
             | operating system repo/worst: by compiling from source after
             | locating all dependencies and running make install),
             | setting up any necessary databases or storage by hand,
             | editing configuration files that are hopefully in /etc if
             | the developer thinks the FHS is something to be honored,
             | setting up init scripts/unit files so the application
             | starts up in the environment it wants and when you want,
             | and finally running the command which starts the
             | application (which is probably distro specific).
             | And that's not even getting into updates. I'll take pulling
             | the latest version of the container and restarting over app
             | specific update instructions any day of the week. Life is
             | too short for putting up with that kind of minutia.
             | sanitycheck wrote:
             | I played with YunoHost a bit yesterday, and within a couple
             | of hours hit a situation where a misbehaving application
             | froze the whole thing requiring a reboot. That's after
             | spending longer than I wanted figuring out why the ISO
             | always locked up mid-install, starting with Debian 11 +
             | nonfree drivers instead and installing Yuno on top.
             | Really liked the concept, not the execution so much as it
             | turns out.
             | Thinking of taking a look at CapRover next, which is docker
             | based. This Tipi thing might be worth a go too, though
             | maybe when it's a bit more mature.
               | wnscooke wrote:
               | You'll like some of the apps available on CapRover, like
               | PenPot. I've used CR several times just for a few apps
               | they supply.
         | nicoco wrote:
         | Came here looking for this reference. A comparison table with
         | existing similar projects would be nice.
       | blfr wrote:
       | Speaking of a multipurpose home server, how do you guys
       | compartmentalize it so that one faulty or vulnerable app doesn't
       | take the whole thing down?
       | Docker/containers used to not be hardened enough. Are they now?
       | Virtualization/VMs used to be the answer but it adds both
       | performance and management overhead. Is there a good system here?
       | Or something else entirely? Like old school separate users.
         | kayson wrote:
         | Docker is the de-facto standard in the community now (and, to a
         | lesser extent, alternatives like LXC or podman). The daemon
         | should be run rootless if possible, or the containers rootless
         | if not.
         | You can still use VMs, and some use that as an additional layer
         | of isolation because they're virtualizing anyways (performance
         | overhead is really negligible).
         | I've been self-hosting on my home server for at least 5 years
         | now, and I think I've only seen two or three vulnerabilities
         | across all the services I know about, none of which were ever
         | really exploitable.
           | scrozart wrote:
           | Have you tried using kubernetes to manage your containers?
           | Wondering if the extra level of complexity is worth it for a
           | home server.
             | khimaros wrote:
             | it isn't
             | bongobingo1 wrote:
             | Kubernetes alone recommends at least 1gb of ram just for
             | itself IIRC, so that may push it out of some home servers
             | such as RPIs or smaller nucs depending on the actual
             | service load.
               | robertlagrant wrote:
               | K3s is half that. Still quite a lot, but not as much!
             | chromatin wrote:
             | Kubernetes is 1000% overkill for a home server, but
             | Hashicorp Nomad is very manageable. It runs all my Docker
             | containers at home.
             | vineyardmike wrote:
             | 100% not worth it. If you need multi-host for some reason
             | (beyond "I want it" - and you don't) then try docker swarm.
             | It's your home environment. You want it to be easy. You
             | want to use the tools you run not maintain them. If you
             | want to learn k8 for professional growth, learn it
             | separately from a home server.
             | Your home server can be more pet than cattle.
               | enos_feedler wrote:
               | And yet my iphone is cattle. Treating any machine like a
               | pet seems like a recipe for disaster.
               | zrail wrote:
               | Proxmox + Proxmox Backup Server + external storage (I use
               | my NAS) means I don't really have to worry about
               | disaster, as such, because every VM is backed up nightly.
               | VMs and the hypervisor can all be pets and I can just
               | restore a backup if something happens.
               | Karrot_Kream wrote:
               | If you're doing something for a hobby, treat it like the
               | special snowflake it is to you. If you're doing something
               | just to get things done, treat it like the utility it is.
               | If you're at home playing around with machines in a
               | homelab, feel free to baby your servers.
               | As far as disaster is concerned, it's not that difficult
               | to install software that really needs minimal
               | maintenance. But it comes down to what you want out of
               | the software and hardware that you run.
               | jyrkesh wrote:
               | I went with Docker Swarm on the same advice from someone
               | else, and tbh, it's unnecessary overhead as well. And at
               | least on RPis, it's very fragile and not as self-healing
               | as I'd hope it to be. My stacks are well
               | compartmentalized, but weird database locks will still
               | happen, or the swarm will just become unreachable, and I
               | gotta go power-cycle a node or two to get things back up
               | again. (I mean, we're talking once every few weeks or
               | something, but still not okay.)
               | I've been moving workloads to an old gaming rig running
               | NixOS with varying levels of isolation (some containers,
               | but really just good user/group/permissions management),
               | and it runs super well.
               | Of course, you could do the same with just Docker Compose
               | and no Swarm, and I think you'd still be better off than
               | using Swarm.
             | adra wrote:
             | I've dabbled, but really docker is way easier than k8s uses
             | until you start moving into multi-server workloads
         | onehair wrote:
         | I use docker containers with separate dedicated users with just
         | enough permissions for their purpose. For example my media
         | server user can't touch anything other than the media files and
         | isn't part of sudo.
         | xxpor wrote:
         | I use proxmox, which is more or less a VM and workflow manager
         | on top of KVM.
         | The overhead on something like an RPi would be ridiculous, but
         | on modern x86 hardware with an IOMMU (VT-d in Intel speak, AMD-
         | Vi for AMD), the overhead of passing through HW is, for homelab
         | purposes, essentially 0. A lot more expensive, but the
         | organization and extensibility is well worth it.
         | I have anything that I expose directly to the internet on a
         | separate VM from my "internal" services. If I were super
         | paranoid, I'd expose them to separate VLANs, and then use my FW
         | to control network traffic. The Intel 82599 can enforce
         | different vlans on different VFs with SR-IOV.
         | I have a VM that runs flatcar for docker for things that are
         | too hard to set up otherwise, but I vastly prefer NixOS for
         | most things.
           | blibble wrote:
           | it seems to be almost impossible to find a machine that is
           | both low power and also supports SR-IOV ARI (more than 8 VFs)
           | and the best reason to use SR-IOV with networking is you
           | completely avoid the awfulness that is the Linux
           | bridging/firewalling stack
           | float4 wrote:
           | > If I were super paranoid, I'd expose them to separate
           | VLANs, and then use my FW to control network traffic
           | This is exactly what I did initially, but it was indeed a bit
           | of a pain to manage. Eventually I went with something in
           | between, by first compartmentalizing services and then
           | putting them in separate VMs with separate VLANs:
           | 0. Router / FW.
           | 1. WireGuard / reverse proxy.
           | 2. Personal, e.g. file storage, backups.
           | 3. Hosting. My personal site is reverse proxied through
           | Cloudflare and only their IP ranges are whitelisted.
           | 4. Compute, i.e. stuff I want to compile / develop / run on
           | my server. Handy if I want to run a heavy simulation
           | overnight or need more disk space / RAM / CPU power than my
           | M1 MB Air has available.
           | 5. Services. This runs many small tools / services that don't
           | need access to my RAID pool or anything like that. If this
           | gets infected I wouldn't really care.
           | 6. VPN. This VM can only access the internet through a VPN.
           | Doesn't have anything installed ATM, but has been used in the
           | past for urlwatch and torrenting.
           | 7. Test. This is where I try out new software before actually
           | installing it on the correct VM. Once I've concluded testing
           | I rollback this VM to a clean install.
           | It takes a weekend to install Proxmox and set up the VMs /
           | VLANs, but after that it easy to use.
           | lostlogin wrote:
           | Another option is the free tier of ESXi. It works well, but
           | having tested Proxmox recently, I really liked it.
         | the_third_wave wrote:
         | ProxMox running containers wherever possible - which is nearly
         | everywhere except for when you need to run different OSs
         | (Windows, Android, etc.). Even the router runs in a container
         | with all the other containers connecting to it through bridges.
         | These bridges are assigned VLANs which are brought out tagged
         | on one of the Ethernet ports which connects to a managed switch
         | which takes care of untagging to specific ports and/or trunking
         | VLANs to the different buildings on the farm.
         | melony wrote:
         | I miss sandstorm.
           | ocdtrekkie wrote:
           | It's still here and we're still working on it! It's 300th
           | release just rolled out. I'm personally working on packaging
           | three different apps right now.
           | ryukafalz wrote:
           | I still use Sandstorm! Some of the apps are a bit outdated
           | but the security model means that mostly doesn't matter.
           | The WordPress Sandstorm app is slow enough at rebuilding the
           | static side of our large site that I've been meaning to try
           | forking it or building my own though. But Sandstorm itself
           | has been great.
         | dontlaugh wrote:
         | I use Unraid, which manages storage for you and lets you run
         | Docker containers for apps.
         | Spivak wrote:
         | Containers are fine for this unless you reach the popularity
         | where you are attracting dedicated attackers.
         | Use userns-remap. Run the docker daemon rootless if you want
         | but don't stress about it. Set up auth to the docker socket.
         | Don't bother with running the processes in the container as not
         | uid 0, with remap it's effort for little gain.
         | Now breaking containment means having a local privesc on your
         | Linux distro or breaking the auth on the docker socket. Like
         | that's plenty for drive by attackers.
         | sekh60 wrote:
         | I use one VM per component. The overhead is pretty minimal and
         | VMs I think are still more secure than containers. Maybe I am
         | just a tech dinosaur though. I run my VMs on OpenStack for the
         | networking flexibility, and use Ceph for block and file system.
         | NexRebular wrote:
         | SmartOS with zones. Mostly native but some LX thrown in for too
         | linux-specific software.
         | LaputanMachine wrote:
         | I create a separate user for each app, and use the systemd exec
         | configuration [1] for sandboxing [2]. Some apps only get read-
         | only access to their own files, and no Internet access, for
         | example (along with many other restrictions). I have some
         | systemd drop-in units that I frequently reuse.
         | For standard services, I use Apparmor with the default
         | `apparmor-profiles`, as well as fail2ban with some additional
         | firewall rules.
         | [1]: https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.exec.5
         | [2]:
         | https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/User:NetSysFire/systemd_san...
         | ocdtrekkie wrote:
         | You're looking for Sandstorm containers. They are much more
         | hardened and purpose-built for self-hosting. To my knowledge,
         | nobody's ever reported a container escape that affects
         | Sandstorm.
       | indigodaddy wrote:
       | Will this work on ARM? Wanted to try this on Oracle Cloud
       | ed25519FUUU wrote:
       | Nothing in here for email sadly. I think we're giving up on self-
       | hosted email.
         | jmconfuzeus wrote:
         | I run my own email server with Postfix, Dovecot, Rspamd,
         | Roundcube webmail, and a Sqlite database.
         | I use it for my personal mail along with some clients.
         | It was quite easy to setup by following this guide:
         | https://workaround.org/ispmail/buster/.
         | There's also an ansible playbook by the author to automate all
         | of that for you.
         | Other solid solutions include Mail-in-a-box and Mailcow.
         | DuckDuckGo them to learn more.
         | A lot of people say that you shouldn't waste your precious time
         | hosting email. Then, these same people won't hesitate to spend
         | countless hours browsing Pornhub or Netflix and playing video
         | games.
         | Forget about these losers and roll your own email for fun. The
         | last thing you want is to be on your deathbed regretting not
         | having had your own personal mail server.
         | unstatusthequo wrote:
         | Yes, life is too precious to self host email. Get a reasonably
         | secure provider and don't put super sensitive information in
         | it. Better channels for that type of information anyway.
         | mfashby wrote:
         | maddy.email could be a good addition
         | djbusby wrote:
         | I've recently found mxroute.com , next best thing to self
         | hosted
           | lordfosco wrote:
           | Honestly, way better than self hosting if you're not an
           | absolute expert in that field. I am a customer for years and
           | Jarland is a legend when it comes to superb email delivery.
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