[HN Gopher] ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand
       ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand
       Author : gaocegege
       Score  : 212 points
       Date   : 2022-09-10 08:17 UTC (14 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | toastal wrote:
       | I would rather have a Nix devShell.
         | viraptor wrote:
         | Is there a good solution for devshell with associated services?
         | The app itself is fine that way, but what about the database,
         | message queue, seed data, etc.?
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | You can install any services in your nix dev shell
           | environment. Run them however you desire--a bash script that
           | backgrounds their tasks, systemd user services, supervisord,
           | or any other process manager.
           | edit: A really simple and effective process manager is
           | foreman and its procfile format. I like the golang version of
           | it (simple single binary with zero dependencies):
           | https://github.com/ddollar/forego or
           | https://github.com/mattn/goreman
             | viraptor wrote:
             | So I'm aware you can script anything you want. I meant a
             | more integrated version. Now I'm tempted to write one
             | myself where you provide the (for example) mysql you want
             | to run and it automatically inserts the right scripts...
           | _hl_ wrote:
           | I usually write a script that idempotently spins these things
           | up locally, and use the shellHook to call that script. That
           | way whenever I cd into the dir the first time, direnv loads
           | the nix-shell, which starts the db, message broker, etc. I
           | also have a shutdown script that I run when I manually want
           | to shut things down. Works quite well.
           | For more advanced use cases, such as k8s with tons of
           | services, you're better off using something like tilt.dev.
           | thenonameguy wrote:
           | I've been using https://github.com/F1bonacc1/process-compose
           | with great success.
           | It's a userspace process orchestrator/scheduler that works
           | across all relevant platforms, supporting daemon processes
           | and k8s style readiness/health checks.
           | In combination with nix flakes, it quickly reduced my
           | projects docker-compose usage for easy-to-configure services.
           | This gave huge performance benefits for the M1 Mac folks on
           | my team especially for CPU intensive processes thanks to
           | native binaries.
           | For maximal ease of use, the remaining docker-compose
           | containers are started/stopped as a process-compose task.
           | Quite meta :)
         | evol262 wrote:
         | I would, too, but the barrier to entry is much higher.
         | This has been discussed ad-nauseum, but "getting started" with
         | nix (or home-manager, or devshell) is an experience worse than
         | trying to do anything with Linux in 2005.
         | Cobbling together a bunch of blogposts and docs which kind of,
         | sort of, might let you piece together a config which works
         | after enough iterations and unreadable backtraces is far more
         | difficult than it needs to be, and that's before you get into
         | cases like "I want Python linters in my environment, so I need
         | Python, but I also need access to some modules from Python on
         | the system, which aren't installable (let's say `python-apt`,
         | which cannot be installed from pypi), and..."
         | For probably the 500th time someone has said it on HN this
         | week, nix will never be really usable or gain wider adoption
         | until someone puts together solid documentation, or even a
         | solid "getting started -- intermediate" guide which can bridge
         | between "let me set up a trivial env" and "I'm running nixos
         | and it's nix all the way down"
       | cod3rboy wrote:
       | I like the idea. With this, I can do something like - a Golang
       | IDE container for go projects, a Javascript IDE container for
       | frontend projects and so on.
       | goodpoint wrote:
       | Or just use SystemD with nspawn.
         | janosdebugs wrote:
         | You can, but it be comes quite difficult to secure and manage
         | very quickly. Nikos talks about the SSH use case at CERN in
         | this video [1] and mentions that they tried quite a few things
         | before ending up with ContainerSSH.
         | [1] https://youtu.be/d6aCBiInMbg?t=525
           | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
           | Thanks for this! This explains the project better than the
           | GitHub site
             | janosdebugs wrote:
             | Yeah, we've gone through a few iterations with the README
             | on GH, but it's really hard to explain the project in the
             | length available there without going into only a very
             | specific use case.
       | JoyrexJ9 wrote:
       | Sounds a lot like VS Code devcontainers
       | https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers
         | janosdebugs wrote:
         | Not exactly, VS Code devcontainers work by directly interfacing
         | with the container environment. If you don't trust the
         | connecting party with direct access, you can use ContainerSSH.
         | One use case would be a shared development environment.
       | sascha_sl wrote:
       | For those that prefer a local environment that's disposable but
       | still supports most graphical apps as well, there's Fedora's
       | Toolbox for pet containers.
       | https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-silverblue/toolb...
       | razemio wrote:
       | Nice! Will give this a try. My current setup is a vscode docker
       | container with every dependency and plugin I need for
       | development. It runs on a powerful server.
       | It is SO nice to come back where you left from multiple machines.
       | Also it is very nice to have a 10 gig connection. It works
       | incredible well. With Scala and the metals plug-ins it is very
       | close to a full blown intellij experience.
         | scoopertrooper wrote:
         | It seems (from the material on the site) that the motivating
         | use case for this isn't development, but rather running
         | computer labs for students.
           | razemio wrote:
           | If did understand it correctly, it can be used to auto deploy
           | a container on an ssh host, start the cli and once you exit,
           | it will clean everything up. This would be very usable for
           | developing certain things.
             | janosdebugs wrote:
             | You did understand it correctly. ;)
             | scoopertrooper wrote:
             | For sure, it could be used that way. But, a lot of people
             | were comparing this unfavourably to how they currently
             | manage their dev workflows. My point was that they weren't
             | really the target market.
               | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
               | I think this is the workflow most people should be moving
               | to: immutable development.
               | If your dev environment's state mutates and deviates from
               | the rest of a team's (or away from production), the
               | deviation introduces bugs. This tool lets you "start
               | fresh" with the correct environment every time, but (I
               | imagine) also lets you update that shared environment by
               | pushing a new container.
               | In this way you ensure everybody is developing off
               | exactly the same thing, and can easily update that shared
               | environment, but nobody clobbers anybody else's WIP, and
               | you can test new changes in your own container, even
               | persisting your own configuration using persistent
               | volumes.
               | Sadly, this does not support port forwarding, which is
               | the final feature necessary to do remote development (run
               | your web app remotely, see it in your browser locally).
               | janosdebugs wrote:
               | If you build from the libcontainerssh sources on GitHub
               | it does. We just haven't released it yet. :)
         | rmetzler wrote:
         | Your setup sounds a lot like gitpod.io
           | razemio wrote:
           | Yes but everything "self-made". Been working like this for
           | years now.
           | Also have arch + i3 + openrdp dev containers which work
           | awesome. Even with multi-monitor support. The only thing
           | missing is gpu acceleration. Then it would be perfect.
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | > arch + i3 + openrdp dev containers
             | Any chance you've published the build files somewhere? This
             | sounds fantastic
             | gingerlime wrote:
             | sounds intriguing. is there a blog post with your setup?
             | can this be (easily) used between several developers? each
             | needs their own server? can the server spin on-demand?
         | janosdebugs wrote:
         | For VS Code you will need to build your own binary because it
         | needs port forwarding which isn't released yet.
         | Edit: also, ContainerSSH tears down the container when you
         | disconnect, so that may not exactly be what you are looking
         | for.
       | janosdebugs wrote:
       | Hey folks, one of the authors here. The website contains a lot
       | more information than the GitHub page: https://containerssh.io
       | If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer.
         | e12e wrote:
         | From a quick glance it's unclear if there are any ready-made
         | auth servers for this? Eg, ldap, sso for o365 or Google?
           | janosdebugs wrote:
           | Currently, there is only the test server that's available. In
           | the next version we will support direct oAuth2 / OIDC
           | integration. It's a little ways out, but testable with Google
           | at the moment. Here's an early demo from when we started
           | working on it: https://youtu.be/SGHee9cV_rA
             | judge2020 wrote:
             | Slightly related: Is there a similar ssh auth system for
             | regular openssh? One where no client software is needed and
             | to login you use a browser to authorize the login based on
             | Google/GitHub identity?
               | janosdebugs wrote:
               | Yes, there are several PAM integrations, some more
               | rudimentary than others. The most developed seems to be
               | this one [1], but I haven't tested it. However, it only
               | supports the device flow, so it's limited to 50 logins
               | per hour on GitHub.
               | [1] https://github.com/slaclab/pam_oauth2_device
         | gaocegege wrote:
         | Sorry I did not ask you to post the project to HN. I just found
         | it interesting.
           | janosdebugs wrote:
           | Oh, no worries, thank you for posting it, we are all very
           | excited it made it on the front page. :) I just wanted to
           | point to the website as it contains a lot more info than the
           | GitHub repository. :)
       | michaelsalim wrote:
       | Love the concept of the explainer video. But am I the only one
       | that didn't understand what this does? I had to watch the video
       | twice and really read the readme to finally get it.
       | Am I understanding that this is a fancy way of doing: - SSH to
       | server - Create docker container (or Kubernetes) - docker exec
       | -it container /bin/bash But in 1 command & auto cleanup?
       | Pretty neat. Not sure I have a use for it though. Would've loved
       | to see more use case in the docs (along with making the video
       | explain the project better since it's a great concept!)
         | janosdebugs wrote:
         | In a nutshell, yes. However, the main use case is when you
         | don't want to give people access to the container environment,
         | instead you want to drop them in a restricted shell. Think jump
         | host. :)
         | honkler wrote:
         | there is no use for this, or most of the stuff around
         | docker/k8s that's posted here. It's all just a fad. And people
         | keep mindlessly pumping out more code.
           | honkler wrote:
           | you may downvote my comment, but you will never juice out
           | anything useful from most new age "technologies".
             | joshmanders wrote:
             | Why are you even in this industry if you hate it so much?
       | scrappyjoe wrote:
       | Awesome! I wonder if I can use this to replace jupyterhub for my
       | small data science team. The jhub kubernetes architecture is
       | (roughly) -
       | Proxy --> hub --> spawner based on selected image --> container
       | with /user persistent PV
       | But the image needs to be spawnable by jhub (i/e it needs to have
       | some variant of jupyter-server-proxy installed), and currently
       | that limits you to JupyterLab, RStudio and openrefine.
       | If you can port-forward with containerssh you could bypass the
       | whole jhub proxy / hub / spawner rigmarole and simply
       | Select image -> containerssh w/port forward -> start the desired
       | dev environment from inside the container -> get to work.
       | Then you're not limited to jhub-compatible environments, and you
       | don't have to manage the complexity of jhub.
         | paulgb wrote:
         | For the "jhub but for any container that speaks HTTP" use case,
         | you might find our Spawner project interesting:
         | https://github.com/drifting-in-space/spawner
         | We don't have support for volumes yet, but I'm open to ideas.
         | urcyanide wrote:
         | Recently, I found another tool built for machine learning
         | environment: https://github.com/tensorchord/envd. It integrates
         | with buildkit and can share the config like Python functions
         | cross the team. This can reduce a lot complexity for data
         | scientists.
         | janosdebugs wrote:
         | Yes you can and you wouldn't be the only person doing this.
         | However, port forwarding is only supported in the in-
         | development version, so you have to build your own binary for
         | that.
       | Demiurge wrote:
       | If this works with Docker, it can work in AWS ECS with a bit of
       | wrapping, right?
         | janosdebugs wrote:
         | Yes, your config server can pass the Docker connection
         | parameters directly, so you can scale it. I believe you could
         | scale AWS ECS up and down as needed and then expose the Docker
         | socket with TLS to ContainerSSH.
           | drdaeman wrote:
           | Would this work with Fargate? I don't think I've ever seen
           | any Docker (or alike) API there that can spawn new tasks.
           | I wonder how hard it is to make a custom backend...
       | tambourine_man wrote:
       | The one minute video doesn't load for me
         | janosdebugs wrote:
         | It should link to this YouTube video:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs9OrnPi2IM
           | tambourine_man wrote:
           | Yeah, but I get this error:
           | https://ibb.co/TYjY8Y0
             | janosdebugs wrote:
             | I just went through the YouTube settings, nothing there
             | indicates anything that we can do about it. I also checked
             | in several browsers and devices to no avail.
             | I'm afraid, this may be something where YouTube isn't
             | working as intended. (For example, I had problems with
             | YouTube in Firefox on Linux for quite a while and needed to
             | disable tracking protection entirely to get it working
             | despite paying for Premium.)
               | tambourine_man wrote:
               | Thanks for the trouble. I'll try again later
               | janosdebugs wrote:
               | I uploaded the video to Google Drive, maybe this works
               | for you: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tIf86ba68Bc1RbW
               | kVgrXlXeIFMD...
       | lapser wrote:
       | I'm struggling to understand why this is useful. How is this
       | useful from doing a docker exec, or kubectl exec?
         | janosdebugs wrote:
         | It was born from a need in the webhosting sector. I wanted to
         | give users shell access so they can do things like git pull
         | directly to their website. Without containers it's difficult to
         | constrain a user. The first SSH server I build along these
         | lines involved the components what make containers today:
         | chroots, cgroups, etc. (That was more than 10 years ago.)
         | Over time, more use cases have developed, most of them around
         | the need for jump host or lab access. There has also been some
         | research done into SSH attack patterns using this as a
         | honeypot, which will hopefully be published soon. See:
         | https://containerssh.io/usecases/lab/
           | alerighi wrote:
           | It is difficult? It is something most web hosting did way
           | before container existed. You just create the user on the
           | system (well, probably have the user in LDAP) and give the
           | user the permission to access only its files and possibly
           | execute only a number of trusted programs (or not execute
           | programs at all, and dive only SFTP/SCP/git access and not a
           | shell).
           | Containers may give some false sense of security tough, a lot
           | of people doesn't understand really that escaping a container
           | is not such a difficult thing, since it pretty new stuff and
           | bugs are being discovered, also the container may be
           | configured badly, while the UNIX permission mechanism is
           | around since forever and it's pretty solid (not that in the
           | past there weren't bug that bypassed it, but the same bugs
           | may as well be used in a container anyway).
             | janosdebugs wrote:
             | Most webhosting services barely managed to offer encrypted
             | FTP/SFTP before containers existed, most went with plain
             | text FTP. When I worked in the sector back 2011 we had a
             | customer with a hacked/stolen FTP password every other
             | week.
             | As far as features are concerned, yes, you can make a git
             | server you can push to, but allowing users to get a full
             | shell and pull from their git server is a whole other
             | comfort level. More modern alternatives would include on-
             | server development with VS Code, which we aim to support in
             | the next version with port forwarding supported.
             | As far as container security is concerned, if properly
             | configured, these are still a sight more secure than trying
             | to give users shell access without them. The UNIX
             | permission mechanism is woefully inadequate for keeping
             | users from messing with each other's stuff. This is
             | obviously not a problem if you don't want to provide a
             | shell service to users, but some services, like the LX Plus
             | service at CERN mentioned in the other thread [1] is
             | specifically that: a shell service for users to access.
             | One of the problems containers (or more accurately, network
             | namespaces) solve are the language or development servers
             | users may start for their development needs. These often
             | don't contain any extra security beyond binding to
             | However, on a shared server this is obviously
             | not enough.
             | The other problem with using purely UNIX permissions to
             | isolate users in the webhosting sector is users messing up
             | their permissions. Back in the day this was also a constant
             | problem, so nowadays all webhosters run the webserver /
             | PHP-FPM instance with the same user ID as the user uses to
             | upload their code, often having multiple websites for the
             | same user using the same user ID. This lends itself to
             | cross-contamination between sites if one is breached. If
             | the sites run on a different user ID, however, it becomes
             | more difficult for a user to move data between them.
             | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32790856
             | rkeene2 wrote:
             | Indeed, I let anonymous people run arbitrary code on my
             | system... though I haven't bothered to make it available
             | over SSH.
             | https://rkeene.dev/js-repl/?arg=bash
             | It creates a secure environment on every connection, though
             | it doesn't use cgroups, just chroot, resource limits, and
             | other boundary protection mechanisms, etc.
       (page generated 2022-09-10 23:00 UTC)