[HN Gopher] Whats the best SDK documentation you've ever read, a...
       Whats the best SDK documentation you've ever read, and why?
       Finding a good sdk is hard. Finding a well documented one is
       harder. Would love to see what you consider as the golden standard
       for documenting sdks!
       Author : sethx
       Score  : 27 points
       Date   : 2022-09-10 20:27 UTC (2 hours ago)
       | dmitrygr wrote:
       | This one:
       | https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/user/yonah/docs/Palm%20OS%20R...
       | tangerine11 wrote:
       | The maven documentation is worth mentioning here. It it's useful
       | for my area of Android dev and has also made me laugh with it's
       | bluntness.
       | richardcrossley wrote:
       | The Windows 3.1 SDK. I bought and read it at University, some
       | decades ago, and I can still write simple C programs for Windows
       | that compile under Windows 2000 and run under Windows 10.
       | taeric wrote:
       | The TeX-Book. Really fun read that presents the system with
       | exercises that are approachable.
       | zanethomas wrote:
       | I think the documentation for Vue is pretty good.
       | GnarfGnarf wrote:
       | I find the Qt documentation to be excellent. If only Microsoft
       | rose to the same level of helpfulness.
       | danellis wrote:
       | RISC OS Programmer's Reference Manual. It's very well laid out,
       | clearly written and consistent. In fact, I even bought myself a
       | copy all these years later to peruse for nostalgia.
       | zetalyrae wrote:
       | This will be an unusual answer: the Inform documentation. It is
       | some of the best, most compelling technical prose I've ever read.
       | The stability of it is very calming when everything else in
       | programming is in a perpetual state of simultaneous development
       | and deprecation.
       | The two books are "Writing with Inform" and "The Inform Recipe
       | Book":
       | https://ganelson.github.io/inform-website/book/WI_1_1.html
       | https://ganelson.github.io/inform-website/book/RB_1_1.html
       | Inform is a weird beast: it is a domain-specific language for
       | writing interactive fiction stories, with natural English
       | language syntax. But underneath there's an object model and
       | datatypes and you can use it as a general-purpose language:
       | https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/inform7/
       | Additionally, there's "The Inform Designer's Manual", which is
       | for an earlier version using a more standard programming language
       | syntax:
       | https://www.inform-fiction.org/manual/html/index.html
       | jtreminio wrote:
       | Use openapi and many of the documentation generators will create
       | great reference pages.
       | thenerdhead wrote:
       | Stripe always stood out in terms of SDK documentation. Never had
       | an issue from start to finish.
       | I always appreciated Maven documentation too. Always verbose and
       | you'll find more than enough information rather than none.
       | donio wrote:
       | Nobody would call it an "SDK" but I find the Emacs/Elisp
       | documentation to be excellent both on the docstring level and the
       | manuals. It has been refined over several decades, it is
       | thorough, well written and very easy to use from the comfort of
       | Emacs itself.
       | aeturnum wrote:
       | I'm extremely fond of the official Elixir documentation - it's
       | easy to read, has a standard structure, and most importantly (to
       | me) you can click the "code symbol" (</>) to go to the actual
       | implementation of the function documented.
       | https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Enum.html#flat_map/2
       | hprotagonist wrote:
       | does this count?                 M-: (info "(elisp)") RET
         | GeorgeTirebiter wrote:
         | M-: (info "elisp") RET
       | srik wrote:
       | Tailwind. Since tailwind classes expand to css, they could've
       | called it a day by just showing those expansions, but they went
       | further and each class has it's own section and every variant
       | comes with an explanation, often accompanied with illustrations
       | even. Their designer roots show too, because the illustrations
       | are tight. Honestly, one could potentially skip having to refer
       | to css docs and make do with just tailwind's.
       | https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation
       | jasone wrote:
       | The FreeBSD manual pages. They are thorough, accurate, and well
       | maintained. I still refer to them on occasion even though I've
       | not actively developed on FreeBSD for the better part of a decade
       | now.
       | aljgz wrote:
       | Strictly speaking, it's not an SDK, but postgresql's official
       | documentation is the best I have seen. Very easy to find what
       | you're looking for, very approachable for beginners, yet
       | versatile for the one who needs to dig deeper.
       | kaladin-jasnah wrote:
       | GStreamer is incredibly well documented from when I tried it.
       | ihaveajob wrote:
       | Stripe's documentation was terrific when we were doing our
       | initial integration. Clear descriptions, frequent use cases were
       | described and indexed so they're easy to find, and the code
       | samples (in 6-8 languages) are copy-paste ready using your own
       | pre-populated credentials.
       | highwind wrote:
       | I know there are lot of hate for Java but I find Java Doc very
       | complete and helpful.
         | cosmotic wrote:
         | Java docs are great because they document: * technical details
         | and algorithms used * side effects * runtime and memory usage *
         | inputs that result in undefined behavior * causes of exceptions
         | * behavior when accessed concurrently * thoroughly hyperlinked
         | It's been this way for decades and the presentstion has
         | remained largely consistent the whole time.
         | topspin wrote:
         | Second this. The core SDK and many common libraries are very
         | well served by javadoc. I believe this is a key aspect of the
         | success of Java. Javadoc serves so well that it compels Java
         | developers to use it; you can tell if you're dealing with
         | 'good' work or not by the thoroughness of the javadoc work.
         | Spring has often frustrated me in this regard. Spring's website
         | is thorough and nearly everything you might need can be found
         | there with enough wading, but Spring's javadoc is often
         | lacking. This poses a problem, for instance, when dealing with
         | different versions. Spring's indifference to javadoc is deeply
         | stupid.
       | bitwize wrote:
       | The man pages to NetBSD. I don't think I've seen such
       | comprehensive documentation in all my born days. Every command,
       | API, data structure, and concept in the base system is thoroughly
       | documented. I managed to write a toy device driver and
       | incorporate it into the kernel, using nothing but the man pages.
       | rtdgggvvgg wrote:
       | Not related to sdk but i Remember the hlp of visual basic like
       | One of the best docs ever edit: because of the code snippets
       | redwoolf wrote:
       | The Android SDK is well documented with examples throughout and
       | hyperlinked to examples and posts which explain some content in
       | greater depth.
         | Aaargh20318 wrote:
         | Did they improve it recently ? I haven't developed for Android
         | in a while but it used to be terrible. Full of absolutely
         | useless method descriptions.
         | For example, I remember getting frustrated because of the docs
         | for a setTextSize method, with the helpful description "sets
         | the text size". Nice. Very helpful that it didn't mention what
         | unit the parameter was, especially since (after
         | experimentation) it turns out the unit is not the one you would
         | expect for a font size.
         | The API docs were full of that kind of 'documentation', setX:
         | "Sets X".
         | If you are writing documentation, please explain what method
         | parameters and return values actually mean, what the units used
         | are. Especially if uses a unit no one expects. For example:
         | font sizes are usually specified in points, if you expect them
         | to be specified in pixels you should absolutely mention that.
         | drpixie wrote:
         | Really? Most of it seems to be machine generated from the code
         | definitions - very little explanation, very little usage info.
         | I find it terrible.
       | Max-q wrote:
       | When I was 10, I got my first computer. A Commodore VIC 20. The
       | book that came with the machine taught me programming. It was
       | very well written and already at 11 I could program quite well. I
       | wish we could take more inspiration from that period when writing
       | modern documentation.
         | stevenwoo wrote:
         | Do you mean this one or some other one?
         | https://archive.org/details/Personal_Computing_On_The_VIC-20...
       | omnicognate wrote:
       | I don't have a view on SDK documentation but the best API
       | documentation I've read is the Win32 docs.
       | Why? They are comprehensive, detailed, consistent, systematically
       | presented, clearly explained and professionally written.
       | Microsoft documentation has sadly gone steeply downhill since.
         | stevenwoo wrote:
         | What year? I can remember around 1998? having difficulty with
         | the foreign language IME and having to delve through the disks
         | we got from MSDN or something?(I forgot the name) from our
         | annual subscription to figure out the details of using it and
         | finding out it was only documented with examples in a prior
         | year we did not have and having to dig up the example files
         | someone helpfully archived on their non Microsoft website (it
         | was scrubbed from the Microsoft website for some reason). Then
         | I noticed some other poor developer have the exact same issue
         | (so it wasn't just me!) on usenet so I just emailed the files
         | to him.
         | userbinator wrote:
         | I still use Win32.hlp for most of my reference needs.
         |  _Microsoft documentation has sadly gone steeply downhill
         | since._
         | I heard they decided to get rid of most of their documentation
         | writers, and instead rely on "the community" to do it for them.
         | And this horrible migration to a new system, which was
         | basically an act that only the team doing it seems to be proud
         | of:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11626886
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | I suspect that the PHP documentation has been the most effective.
       | I know everyone likes hating on PHP, but the docs actually work
       | very well.
       | Part of it is because the language is basically a big standard
       | library of functions, and those are easy to document, but the
       | integration of user comments into each page has also been
       | extremely useful to me.
       | Inside Macintosh (Apple's original system docs) was very good.
       | Apple's documentation has steadily degraded, since. The
       | documentation for SwiftUI is basically worthless.
         | gregsadetsky wrote:
         | Agreed! I remember going from mainly writing PHP to Python many
         | years ago and being specifically irked at how Python's core
         | docs, unlike PHP's, didn't "clearly" (in my view) list
         | arguments and, importantly, examples.
         | PHP's one-page-per-func just seemed like a better way of
         | focussing on/laying out everything there was to know about one
         | function. This page [0] looks like it hasn't changed much in
         | the last 15 years and absolutely brings back memories.
         | [0] https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.str-ends-with
       | gsliepen wrote:
       | For C and C++: cppreference.com. Why?
       | - Very good overview pages.
       | - Everything is cross-referenced.
       | - Almost everything comes with an example of how to use it.
       | - It's a wiki, so you can edit it yourself if you find anything
       | lacking.
         | kaba0 wrote:
         | Maybe it's just me being stupid, but cppreference, while
         | absolutely of great quality, some c++ pages can be as cryptic
         | as it gets. I know, the language is very much not trivial due
         | to all these features, but for example the page about the
         | different kind of l/rvalues is very very complex.
       | fsflyer wrote:
       | The original Inside Macintosh: https://www.pagetable.com/?p=50
       | and the Human Interface Guidelines:
       | https://archive.org/details/applehumaninterf00appl
       | Lots of overview material explaining how it all fits together, as
       | it was a big change from the past.
       (page generated 2022-09-10 23:00 UTC)