[HN Gopher] Shortest URLs on the Internet
       Shortest URLs on the Internet
       Author : jamespwilliams
       Score  : 222 points
       Date   : 2022-09-11 17:10 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jameswillia.ms)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jameswillia.ms)
       | daniel-cussen wrote:
       | dehrmann wrote:
       | Any FTP urls? I'm sure there are protocols with shorter schemes,
       | but FTP is still semi-supported.
         | mtmail wrote:
         | No longer supported by Firefox, Edge or Chrome
         | https://www.zdnet.com/article/now-firefox-has-dropped-suppor...
           | thrdbndndn wrote:
           | Honestly, never expect browsers to support them to begin with
           | anyway.
           | Any semi-serious FTP users use dedicated clients.
           | dehrmann wrote:
           | Still works on IE! Why my Windows 10 installation has an
           | unsupported copy of IE is another question.
       | heydemo wrote:
       | I love hacker news for this type of insightfully researched
       | light-hearted tech trivia.
       | TimLeland wrote:
       | Check out the URL Shortener T.LY. It's one of the shortest domain
       | that allows you to create short links that I know of.
       | >> https://t.ly/
         | daqnal wrote:
         | That one is cool. Another similar one:
         | > >>https://s.id/
         | Aachen wrote:
         | Tough competitor! I think dro.pm wins by one character because
         | the URIs are shorter, at least on days where I didn't post it
         | to HN. And that can be used for pastes and file hosting
         | directly. The caveat being that it expires; it's meant as
         | something you can write on a whiteboard on a conference or pass
         | over the phone easily without needing to send a random URL to
         | someone via chat, sms, or email or something.
       | edent wrote:
       | You can also use Unicode ligatures to make URls which _look_
       | shorter.
       | From that list, you could use http:// cm. / - that's U+339D if HN
       | mangles it.
       | I wrote it up at https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2020/08/buying-a-
       | single-character-d...
       | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | ttctciyf wrote:
       | You don't need the http:// for pn. (At least in firefox on my
       | laptop) pn./ suffices.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | We're talking about the URLs, not what you can type in the
         | address bar to access them.
       | dn3500 wrote:
       | http://ai is an interesting case. It was there from the early
       | days of the web, back when you could type "ai" into the mozilla
       | url bar and it would take you there. Today firefox "helps" you
       | out and changes what you typed into something else because it
       | knows better than you do what web site you want.
       | It's run by a character named Vince Cate who moved to Anguilla to
       | protest taxes or something. He was from the US and gave up his US
       | citizenship. He talked the Anguilla government into letting him
       | set up its internet infrastructure for them.
         | ktpsns wrote:
         | You still can type "ai." (including the dot, excluding the
         | quotation) in your browser. Works in firefox (tested in 104),
         | however does not work in Chrome (tested in Chromium 105).
           | camoufleur wrote:
           | "http://ai." works in Chrome
             | Chilko wrote:
             | Does not work in Edge.
             | epuixrk wrote:
             | well obviously, he meant without the protocol at the
             | beginning
             | jbkkd wrote:
             | Doesn't work on Chrome on Android
               | 867-5309 wrote:
               | working here. latest chrome, android 12
           | kccqzy wrote:
           | You need a slash for it to work in Chrome: "ai./" and "ai/"
           | both work in Chrome (obviously without quotes.)
           | [deleted]
       | teloli wrote:
       | Amazing, instead of "ping 1.1" I can now use "ping ai" and save
       | one character. What a great world we live in.
       | thewebcount wrote:
       | It's interesting that Anguilla is the ai domain. I didn't know
       | that! It's also a nice little island to take a trip to if you
       | want to go somewhere that's not too touristy. Beautiful beaches,
       | and at least last time I was there, they didn't allow cruise
       | ships. So it ended up being a beautiful and quiet getaway. They
       | do, however, drive on the left side of the road, but with North
       | American cars, so it's a little odd driving there at first!
       | tpmx wrote:
       | http://dk used to work at one point in time, IIRC. (It was some
       | nic.dk thing, I think.)
       | gsich wrote:
       | https://l.de
         | [deleted]
       | vesinisa wrote:
       | All the domains have an invalid TLS certificate. Now, it would be
       | very interesting to see the process for actually obtaining a
       | valid certificate for one of these. Anyone know if there are
       | reasons one could not be obtained?
         | [deleted]
         | notpushkin wrote:
         | I think these weren't meant to run on the apex domains, so
         | nobody even bothered getting a certificate. Would be
         | interesting to try and get one, I agree.
       | themoonisachees wrote:
       | Cool to know, i guess.
       | TIL that dotless record on newer gTLDs is forbidden, which
       | explains my age-old question: "if google holds google., why are
       | they only using it on domains.google? Surely having the url
       | https://google would be desirable for the folks in marketing?".
       | The answer is that they can't possibly because the ban was added
       | precisely because of this.
         | KMnO4 wrote:
         | Google actually serves a bunch of pages through their TLD:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.google
           | varun_ch wrote:
           | Google Search is actually a useful way to find sites on a
           | TLD:
           | https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Agoogle
           | https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Agle
           | https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Agoog
             | bdn_ wrote:
             | This works with DuckDuckGo as well:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32473643
             | You can combine the exclusion `-` syntax with this as well.
             | If you want to find different sites on the TLD `.test` but
             | only URLs on `home.test` are being shown, you can use this
             | search:
             | site:test -site:home.test
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | I think it's obvious that they use their TLD, just not via a
           | root A record, so resources aren't loaded via
           | https://google/some.js
         | varun_ch wrote:
         | It's not really the same, but Microsoft has
         | https://www.microsoft/ as a redirect to their .com, which
         | causes some weird side effects in Chrome's omnibox, because it
         | automatically adds the www subdomain:
         | https://imgur.com/a/2cVxnYf
       | fennecfoxen wrote:
       | I used to have an email address with a three-letter username
       | @eh.net, which was actually surprisingly annoying to use. If you
       | ever gave the address to someone they'd be very confused at how
       | short it is.
         | zfxfr wrote:
         | From my experience if you give people any email address with a
         | custom domain people will usually be confused and ask you to
         | repeat even if it's very clear and easy to remember. Last time
         | i gave my mail which is something like :myname@LLL.fr i was
         | asked : are you sure ?
           | AviationAtom wrote:
           | I usually get: "@gmail.com?"
           | "No, no. Not everyone has to use Gmail!"
           | cldellow wrote:
           | I had to deal with an accountant to get advice on how to file
           | taxes after the sale of a private company.
           | They needed information from a third party. I gave the
           | accountant the third party's email address,
           | firstname@lastname.co.
           | The transaction was taking a while to get resolved. After
           | repeated followups, the accountant finally told me that he
           | was having a hard time getting a hold of the third party. Was
           | I sure that their address was firstname@lastname.com?
           | Like... what the heck. We're all corresponding over email.
           | You could have literally clicked the email address in the
           | email that I sent you. But instead, somehow you've mangled it
           | and are confused that it doesn't work?
           | That was instructive for me. .com TLDs only going forward!
       | axiolite wrote:
       | It would be great if someone with an ultra-short URL could run
       | one of the "what's my IP address" sites on it, like:
       | ifconfig.co
       | ifconfig.pm
       | ifconfig.show
       | ipaddr.in
       | ipconfig.io
       | They return plain-text IP address to curl/wget, while serving up
       | a more detailed web page to other web browsers.
         | notpushkin wrote:
         | I like to use eth0.me for this purpose. Short and memorable.
       | snvzz wrote:
       | Interestingly, in my lan:
       | dig ai @ googledns works
       | dig ai @ unbound works (DoT cloudflare behind)
       | dig ai @ dnsmasq NXDOMAIN (openwrt, forwards to unbound)
       | Thus something's up with openwrt (22.03.0 release) dnsmasq, or
       | dnsmasq in general.
         | londons_explore wrote:
         | This explains why many home users can't connect - a lot of home
         | broadband routers use dnsmasq internally.
         | easrng wrote:
         | Try "ai."
       | hemmert wrote:
       | I love short URLs! I found quite a lot are available for .cx
       | (which is the Christmas Islands), so I got https://fh.cx for
       | myself a couple of years ago.
         | _def wrote:
         | I like them too. I used to own wu.gl but couldn't justify the
         | 50$/year just for fun
       | jonatron wrote:
       | Although it's nowhere near as short as ai , I like bl.uk
       | peanut_worm wrote:
       | pn was the only one that worked on my iPhone. Pretty cool, I am
       | surprised its not used for anything major
       | kypro wrote:
       | http://ai. resolves for me, but http://ai doesn't. Is http://ai
       | invalid or is that just my DNS?
         | proactivesvcs wrote:
         | Both resolve for me on my Android phone but neither on my Linux
         | desktops, unless I specify a DNS resolver. Curious!
       | epuixrk wrote:
       | omg i always wanted to know that, everyone i had asked in the
       | past either shrugged or said it was impossible
       | megous wrote:
       | Shortest address is http://1 Not on the internet, though. Just on
       | the network.
       | Kinda surprised Linux routes to my router, when used as a
       | destination address. Might be fun to use it as a local redirector
       | whitout having to do any DNS shenanigans.
       | Edit: yep, it works
         | Aachen wrote:
         | Shorter: ftp://1
         | Anyone knows a shorter protocol name that is widely
         | supported/known?
           | vesinisa wrote:
           | Both Chrome and Firefox have actually recently removed
           | support for ftp:// for security reasons.
             | zzo38computer wrote:
             | It may be, but that does not disqualify it being "shortest
             | URLs on the internet", I think. However, maybe it should
             | not count if there is not a FTP server at that address,
             | though.
           | megous wrote:
           | ws://1
           | Nextgrid wrote:
           | I think on Windows machines you can use `\\\\` to access a
           | machine via SMB, so `\\\1` would be the shortest if you're
           | happy with Windows-only.
             | easrng wrote:
             | //1 turns into file:///1 everywhere AFAIK
               | zzo38computer wrote:
               | But "//1" is not a full URL, and any URL with "file:" is
               | not "on the Internet".
       | amelius wrote:
       | None of these links work (Firefox 104 on Linux).
         | alana314 wrote:
         | they do for me on FF 104 on mac.
       | bdn_ wrote:
       | At one point of time, `http://to` resolved to a "It works!" page
       | [1]. I've always thought it would be cool to have a URL shortener
       | with links such as `https://to/library` or something similar. Oh,
       | how much fun running your own TLD would be...
       | [1] https://web.archive.org/web/20150319211308/http://to/
         | infinityio wrote:
         | unfortunately, it seems like ICANN rules prevent this for new
         | gTLDs
         | TakeBlaster16 wrote:
         | I bought the punycode domain {emoji_rabbit}.to (i.e. "hop to")
         | intending to build a url shortner. But I never did anything
         | with it and let it expire. And now it doesn't seem like .to
         | even lets you buy emoji domains anymore. I kind of wish I had
         | held on to it.
           | bdn_ wrote:
           | I can confirm that emoji domains for `.to` are still
           | supported, I believe most of them are taken by now, though.
           | You can use https://register.to to check.
             | TakeBlaster16 wrote:
             | Huh, looks like you're right. I distinctly remember getting
             | an error for emoji domains but not normal ones. I might
             | have made an incorrect assumption from that. Either way
             | I've accepted I'm never getting that domain back.
         | blep_ wrote:
         | It _was_ a link shortener for a while! I used to use it.
         | It appears to have been archived in Japanese, but:
         | https://web.archive.org/web/20120103092225/http://to/
         | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
         | I have run custom TLDs at home for many years. Not sure I would
         | call it "fun" but it does put into perspective "ICANN" and the
         | "domain name business".
         | People who discuss the internet publicly generally assume that
         | a TLD implies renting out large numbers of domains to the
         | public. IMO, that is only one potential use.
         | Minor49er wrote:
         | Many years ago, there used to be http://www.tk/. They would let
         | you register free domains (which I think technically were
         | actually subdomains, but I'm really not sure). You could point
         | these to anywhere online and it would maintain your
         | [whatever].tk URL in the address bar. I remember hosting some
         | pages on Geocities and using .tk to make it look "authentic"
         | since it appeared to be self-hosted, which was 1337.
         | It seems that the service now redirects to a site called
         | Freenom where you can still get .tk names, but they appear to
         | be priced based on the length and whether or not the domain
         | contains known words or phrases (though some free ones are
         | apparently still available if you don't mind having a gibberish
         | name)
         | shpx wrote:
         | At Google and many other tech companies, internal machines are
         | configured to have go/<whatever> work just like you describe.
         | Looks like someone even made a whole company around it
         | https://www.golinks.com/blog/go-links-history/
           | Macha wrote:
           | A problem with this approach is browsers love to resolve it
           | to http://go.com, so Disney may be getting a feed of what
           | Googlers are interested in.
             | hn_go_brrrrr wrote:
             | I mean, have fun? You're gonna get most stuff like go/thor-
             | design or go/zanzibar. It's not as if go links are go/our-
             | disney+-competitor.
             | seedless-sensat wrote:
             | I have found Chrome more willing to resolve go/foo as a web
             | search. As a result, the Google autocomplete suggestions
             | for terms like "go/m" are pretty amusing
               | rnestler wrote:
               | Interestingly there are also several go/foo
               | autocompletions on Duckduckgo :)
             | rwiggins wrote:
             | I can't speak for anywhere else, but I'm pretty sure Google
             | uses a Proxy Auto Config script for go links, which should
             | prevent that from happening in most cases.
             | Disclosure: I work for Google.
           | dhosek wrote:
           | They had this at Chase when I worked there. As I recall
           | discoverability was a problem though.
           | isatty wrote:
           | Not just go, but lots of our internal stuff can be resolved
           | that way. m/ c/ etc. you can get this for yourself by setting
           | search domains.
           | RockRobotRock wrote:
           | Intel had that when I worked there
           | otagekki wrote:
           | I had worked at a bank as an IT professional and it works
           | wonders, until the browser tries to be smart and attempts a
           | Google search
         | johnasmith wrote:
         | I wrote myself a Chrome extension that does this, using
         | http://l/foo style links, and using Chrome's sync to share
         | across devices. Works well enough but limited to desktops.
         | Some large orgs maintain internal shorteners, like http://go
         | links at Google.
           | georgyo wrote:
           | Using DHCP to send a DNS search path can make this work
           | across a lan, which is how it works in most work
           | environments.
           | If you set your dns search path to example.com then http://go
           | would resolve to go.example.com which could be your link
           | shortner.
           | bdn_ wrote:
           | I recall seeing go link stickers around Google's Mountain
           | View campus in the early 2010s! That was the first time I had
           | seen something done like that, "overriding" an entire TLD
           | zone (not that `.go` is in use, anyway) to serve custom
           | content.
           | Do you happen to know how Google, or any other places, do
           | this? I assume a custom DNS resolver being forced on clients
           | through a network could do this, or maybe hosts files for
           | each machine.
             | knome wrote:
             | You don't need to override a top-level domain. If you have
             | the company DNS specify a search domain of the company
             | owned website, you can just have the "go.<company-website>"
             | available on the internal DNS. whenever someone enters
             | go/whatever into a webbrowser, it will then resolve "go"
             | into that internal "go.<whatever>" server.
           | jzelinskie wrote:
           | What's the name of your extension? I've been using
           | https://www.trot.to/go-links for this and it's nice to know I
           | could scale it out to my company if I wanted, but I'd prefer
           | something that didn't depend on a service for my personal
           | usage.
         | perryizgr8 wrote:
         | At a previous employer, we used an internal link shortener that
         | went like http://go/whatever. Very user friendly.
           | grishka wrote:
           | Say Google without saying Google. These URLs sometimes leak
           | into the public internet, and there's especially lots of them
           | in AOSP and Chromium code.
             | knome wrote:
             | Google is not the only company doing this, though ex-
             | googlers may have spread it around initially.
       | badrabbit wrote:
       | aka.ms is short but probably not thr shortest, but I would say it
       | is the shortest most popular url possibly. For those who don't
       | know, that is MS's link shortner for official URLs
         | inglor wrote:
         | It's also used quite extensively internally for company wide
         | resources. Any employee can create aka.ms urls, here is one for
         | your comment: https://aka.ms/AAhztyq
           | jonas-w wrote:
           | What a flex. Can you also specify a custom link?
           | Like aka.ms/mango or aka.ms/inglor?
       | remram wrote:
       | TLDR It's http://ai (or http://ai./) and a few other 2-letter
       | TLDs. Doesn't seem to work on my Android phone but works from
       | another machine.
         | rilut wrote:
         | Works on pixel 6 pro and pixel 4a
         | bbu wrote:
         | Also doesn't work on my iPhone.
           | frizlab wrote:
           | Works on iOS, but the final dot (after the ai) MUST be there.
           | So it must be exactly: " http://ai. "
           | EDIT: It will also depend on your DNS server apparently. I
           | use Cloudflare's.
         | theragra wrote:
         | Works on pixel6
           | remram wrote:
           | I see, it must be a problem with my DNS provider then not my
           | device.
       | progval wrote:
       | Close second: http://1.1
         | derefr wrote:
         | Why does 1.1 resolve to I don't recall this being in
         | any of the documents about CIDRs. Are browsers implicitly
         | mapping IPv4 addresses temporarily into IPv6 addresses during
         | parsing, such that "1.1" becomes "1::1", and then gets IPv6
         | abbreviated-form expansion applied to it?
           | eesmith wrote:
           | I'm also curious. Especially since curl 7.64.1 (Release-Date:
           | 2019-03-27, on macOS) says:                 % curl
           | 'http://1.1/'       error code: 1003
           | while curl 7.85.0 (Release-Date: 2022-08-31, on FreeBSD)
           | says:                 % curl 'http://1.1/'       <html>
           | <head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>
           | <body>       <center><h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1></center>
           | <hr><center>cloudflare</center>       </body>       </html>
             | cyral wrote:
             | That is because their http:// site redirects to https://
               | eesmith wrote:
               | Sure, but why do the two different versions of curl give
               | different results? With 7.64.1:                 % curl
               | --dump-header /dev/tty 'http://1.1/'       HTTP/1.1 403
               | Forbidden       Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2022 19:01:53 GMT
               | Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8       Content-
               | Length: 16       Connection: close       X-Frame-Options:
               | SAMEORIGIN       Referrer-Policy: same-origin
               | Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, no-store, no-cache,
               | must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0       Expires:
               | Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT       Server: cloudflare
               | CF-RAY: 7492a7924b2bd895-CPH            error code: 1003
               | (Note that curl '' works just fine, so
               | it's not like curl is blocked by the server on general
               | principle.)
               | With 7.85.0:                 % curl --dump-header
               | /dev/tty 'http://1.1/'       HTTP/1.1 301 Moved
               | Permanently       Server: cloudflare       Date: Sun, 11
               | Sep 2022 19:03:09 GMT       Content-Type: text/html
               | Content-Length: 167       Connection: keep-alive
               | Location:       CF-RAY:
               | 7492a96a181df18a-PIT            <html>
               | <head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>
               | <body>       <center><h1>301 Moved
               | Permanently</h1></center>
               | <hr><center>cloudflare</center>       </body>
               | </html>
               | A321321 wrote:
               | Curl wasn't able to normalise ip adresses till this
               | commit [0]
               | [0] https://github.com/curl/curl/commit/56a037cc0ad1b2a77
               | 0d0c08d...
               | judge2020 wrote:
               | Indeed - so while it's hitting Cloudflare, the
               | IPs are all technically vhosts for `cloudflare-dns.com`,
               | so a good `host` header in the request is required to
               | reach it.
               | For this reason, you could use a CNAME setup[0] and
               | instead of using CNAMEs for proxied subdomains, you input
               | A records in your authoritative dns, and
               | everything on Cloudflare's side will still see your
               | hostname in the host header / SNI, and your website will
               | load.
               | 0: https://developers.cloudflare.com/dns/zone-
               | setups/partial-se...
             | A321321 wrote:
             | Yeah, that was a bug in curl till 7.77.
             | If you want to full details, see [0]
             | [0] https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2021/04/19/curl-those-
             | funny-ipv4...
             | gdavisson wrote:
             | Interesting. If you use curl -v, you can see that the
             | difference is that the newer version of curl
             | canonicalizes(?) the Host: header to "", which the
             | server recognizes and responds to with a redirect. The
             | older version sends "1.1" as the Host: header, which the
             | server doesn't recognize, so you get a "403 Forbidden"
             | response with the cryptic "error code: 1003" in the body.
             | I get the same behavior from other nonstandard ways of
             | specifying, like "curl"
           | duskwuff wrote:
           | There's some weird legacy parsing for IPv4 addresses with
           | less than four components. can be represented
           | equivalently as 1.2.772, 1.131844, or 16909060. (Note that
           | 772 = 0x0304, 131844 = 0x020304, and 16909060 = 0x01020304.)
           | TL;DR: the second "1" in "1.1" is treated as a 24-bit
           | integer.
           | Longer explanation: https://blog.dave.tf/post/ip-addr-
           | parsing/
             | derefr wrote:
             | Aha. I had thought I recalled the two-dot case being 16+16,
             | rather than 8+24.
               | duskwuff wrote:
               | It was for compatibility with classful networks. If you
               | have a class A (/8) network, you could (in principle)
               | treat it as a single network and number all the machines
               | on it sequentially from 12.1 to 12.16777215.
               | Of course, nobody actually does that anymore. But the
               | parser behavior is still out there because there's the
               | _possibility_ that someone is still using it...
           | oarmstrong wrote:
           | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4#Addressing
           | > IPv4 addresses may be represented in any notation
           | expressing a 32-bit integer value.
           | I remember reading a man page that explained this really
           | succinctly but I cannot remember which one it was. A tool
           | like ping I believe.
             | geraldcombs wrote:
             | Was it inet_aton?
             | https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=inet_aton&sektion
             | =...
               | oarmstrong wrote:
               | Bingo!
           | profile53 wrote:
           | I suspect it gets mapped to because no other
           | resolution is possible. Any other locations for the two zeros
           | results in an invalid IP (either starting or ending in 0).
             | jodrellblank wrote:
             | Ending in 0 is valid; you can have as an IP.
             | https://stackoverflow.com/a/14915309/
             | https://jodies.de/ipcalc?host=
             | simonjgreen wrote:
             | Absolutely nothing wrong with ending with a .0.
             | I suspect you are confused by n.n.n.0/24 being a network
             | address in a /24 network which is obviously very common.
             | However there are way more networks of other sizes that
             | have .0 addresses in them.
               | profile53 wrote:
               | Huh, and today I learned something new. Thanks!
               | WarOnPrivacy wrote:
               | I once had my ISP (BHN) assign me a public IP that ended
               | in .0 That turned out to be a neat experiment. I
               | regularly hit webpages and other services that would deny
               | my connection. I guess they considered me multicast
               | traffic or some sort of bogon.
               | [deleted]
               | schoen wrote:
               | We're also arguing that it ought to become usable even in
               | a /24: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-schoen-
               | intarea-unicas...
               | It only requires changes within the LAN to accomplish
               | this, since distant hosts are already not supposed to
               | assume anything about how networks are or are not
               | subnetted. (For instance, they don't know whether you're
               | on a /24 or not.)
               | You can find some addresses ending a lot of zeroes that
               | already work within
               | http://ec2-reachability.amazonaws.com/
       | matttpt wrote:
       | > Some have A records pointing to the root servers. I'm not sure
       | why this is - I think it might be because no DNS has been
       | configured in the TLD zone for these TLDs.
       | I was also curious about this. It turns out that it's because dig
       | interprets some TLDs as DNS record types (MD, MG, MR, MX) or DNS
       | classes (IN and CH) of the same name! Not sure why, but when
       | given only a type or class (without a domain name), dig actually
       | queries for a list of the root servers, which explains the
       | strange results. Looks like using the -q option to specify the
       | domain name works around this.
         | N6VjeuHbGSwMN9e wrote:
         | Or you could just make it a FQDN: `dig @ MX.`
         | jamespwilliams wrote:
         | Oh interesting, thanks! I fixed the script and ran the TLD list
         | through again, in case this meant I missed some, but none of
         | the affected TLDs have A records. I'll update my post to
         | mention your comment.
       | theomega wrote:
       | Just to check: Could it be that pihole (dnsmasq) has an issue
       | with these dotless domains?
       | I'm getting a NXDOMAIN for `dig ai.`, but when directly doing
       | with an upstream server (i.e. or it perfectly
       | works.
       | I assume this is the result of the `Never forward non-FQDN A and
       | AAAA queries` setting being checked in pi-hole (which is AFAIK
       | the default).
       (page generated 2022-09-11 23:00 UTC)