[HN Gopher] Cppfront, Herb Sutter's proposal for a new C++ syntax
       Cppfront, Herb Sutter's proposal for a new C++ syntax
       Author : pjmlp
       Score  : 369 points
       Date   : 2022-09-17 14:31 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | IYasha wrote:
       | >>
       | https://github.com/hsutter/cppfront/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUC...
       | That's why we can't have nice things. And also: no examples?
         | bigbillheck wrote:
         | It's Herb Sutter, you don't have to worry about it being
         | enforced except on critics.
         | (https://twitter.com/pati_gallardo/status/1561093468121956352)
         | einpoklum wrote:
         | Thanks for pointing out that terrible wart. Codes of Conduct
         | are typically warning signs in themselves, but many of them -
         | including this one - are markedly repressive and authoritarian:
         | Criticism is forbidden except to the extent and in the forms
         | which illustrious project leadership decrees (and is of course
         | determined ex-post-facto), and it is the duty of leadership to
         | excommunicate/cancel people who act in ways they don't like,
         | for the greater good of the community. Naturally, I've phrased
         | it in unforgiving terms, but it's all in the text.
           | aappleby wrote:
           | ... did you even read the code of conduct?
             | einpoklum wrote:
             | Oh, I did. And with a legal background including arguing
             | multiple cases in different courts in my country. That's
             | why it's scary.
       | net_ wrote:
       | Man, the negative sentiment on this site towards C++ is pretty
       | alien to me.
       | C++ is (I'm guessing) currently holding up an order of magnitude
       | more applications than whatever you think is better than it.
       | Clearly it has upsides, so it's baffling to me when people greet
       | attempts to reduce the downsides with either "This doesn't make
       | sense, just scrap it for something else" or endless nitpicks
       | about the approach chosen.
       | A smart guy has decided to put his time towards improving a
       | hugely influential language. That seems like an uncontroversial
       | positive to me, and I welcome any useful results.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | C++ is a great language, the sub culture that keeps unsafe C
         | patterns alive in the language, not so much.
         | Example, back in the heyday of C++ frameworks bundled with
         | compilers, bounds checking strings and collection arrays were
         | the default.
         | Nowadays you either call at(), have your own bounded checked
         | types, or enable the debug library, but naturally without
         | influence on 3rd party depedencies.
         | 0x457 wrote:
         | I think not many people ever got properly introduced to C++.
         | Some probably only saw it during their format education, and
         | it's most likely been taught like C with classes and/or they
         | had to use for stupid things.
         | There are also many forms of C++, there is your "old and
         | regular" C++, game dev C++, there is modern C++, then there is
         | "I only know C, but sure I can write C++" C++.
         | Pulling dependencies is not as simple as `npm i boost`.
         | Communities are small, segmented and not welcoming to newbies.
         | Absolute madness with build tools. I've never worked with CMake
         | myself until last year, and I haven't so frustrated.
         | As for how many applications using C++ that's not really an
         | argument -- C++ was literally the only choice for many of them
         | at that time.
         | mattgreenrocks wrote:
         | My theory is that the Internet generally hates multi-paradigm
         | languages (Scala!). Key phrase there is "the Internet," which
         | is a euphemism for "people who write in the comment section."
         | They aren't a representative sample, just a vocal one.
         | There are plenty of good reasons to hate on C++, but that's
         | conflated with a lot of "real hacker" signaling.
         | Most takes on C++ lament that it isn't C, or is too complex.
         | Rust is a quality replacement for C++, but it doesn't succeed
         | on either of those counts either.
         | All new code I write is in Rust or Haskell. If I need to do
         | something weird, like with DynamoRIO, C++ it is.
           | nine_k wrote:
           | My problem with C++ is that, with all its complexity, it's
           | still unsafe. Efforts to add safety to it as a,library
           | (unique_ptr, etc) are commendable and useful, but they cannot
           | be comprehensive, because the language's design, especially
           | the early decisions, resists them.
           | Lack of modularity and the fact that everything is treated
           | like a single source file (via #include) adds interesting
           | ways of unexpected interactions.
           | riffraff wrote:
           | Python and Ruby were considered multiparadigm languages once,
           | and the internet didn't hate them at all.
           | I think "the internet" tends to complain about languages
           | which have accrued complexity over time, and contain parts
           | that are now considered bad but still lurk in the shadows
           | tripping you up.
           | Scala, C++, perl and others seem to fall into this category.
         | ryukoposting wrote:
         | C++'s main upside is that it's the least common denominator.
         | Also its runtime is friendly to embedded systems (kind of).
         | I welcome good replacements for C++'s syntax, because it's
         | genuinely terrible.
         | zhxshen wrote:
         | The text-include compilation model is broken, larger projects
         | pay dearly for this, and thanks to C++'s very long history &
         | very long feature list, there is a veritable Babel of feature
         | subsets & compiler opts to choose from. Adding new dialects and
         | features is not an improvement here.
           | klodolph wrote:
           | This is what the "modules" feature in C++20 addresses. People
           | are complaining about modules a lot, I think because the spec
           | is a little complicated... but the spec is a little
           | complicated because the problem is a little complicated, and
           | you can't pretend that complexity doesn't exist when you're
           | writing the spec. (There are some other complaints about the
           | modules system. It wasn't going to please everyone.)
           | New dialects and features were getting added to JS all the
           | time, but what happens is people writing JS libraries or
           | tooling would watch how far these features spread in their
           | users' browser compile base, and many of these various
           | features would never even make it into popular JS runtimes,
           | while others are everywhere now.
           | I think it's a reasonable model for development--lots of
           | people trying to improve things, the community slowly sifts
           | it out, and the standards are the most conservative of all.
             | bsder wrote:
             | > This is what the "modules" feature in C++20 addresses.
             | This is the perennial "If you only used _modern_ C++, you
             | 'd be fine."
             | Sorry. People have been repeating this for 15 years, and it
             | hasn't gotten any more true.
             | For example, C++ _still_ doesn 't have a useful string type
             | --everybody rolls their own. How do you interoperate when 2
             | different _C++_ libraries can 't even agree on something as
             | basic as what a "string" is? The existence of "header-only"
             | libraries and the contortions they go through is a tacit
             | admission that compiling and linking C++ is _still_ a
             | disaster. C++ _still_ doesn 't have a stable, documented
             | ABI--so everybody defaults to C (thus throwing away any
             | theoretical usefulness C++ might have). Embedded shuts down
             | 90+% of C++ beyond "C with classes" because they can't use
             | exceptions and can't allocate memory dynamically. The
             | preprocessor is a brain parasite that has grown with C/C++
             | and can't be removed anymore without killing the host. etc.
             | In fact, I would argue the lack of stable ABI is the only
             | thing propping C++ up. Because the C++ ABI is so shitty,
             | you have to make the top-level code C++ which then calls
             | into the other libraries and subsystems which actually have
             | useful, stable and documented ABIs and interfaces.
             | If C++ had an ABI that didn't suck, you could invert that,
             | drive the C++ from the better language, and everybody would
             | relegate C++ to increasingly tinier libraries until they
             | could excise the remaining code and throw it into the
             | trash.
             | I feel for the people who put in their entire lifetime
             | trying to "improve" C++. However, it's time to admit that
             | C++ can't be fixed and move on.
             | How amazing would it be to have people like Stroustrup and
             | Sutter being paid to work on a language that doesn't start
             | with unfixable suckage?
             | forrestthewoods wrote:
             | People complain about modules because they only exist on
             | paper.
             | Not a single compiler supports the standard library as a
             | module. No compiler has full support for modules.
             | Modules are a C++20 feature that isn't usable in real
             | projects in 2022. And there's no signs that modules will be
             | ready anytime soon.
               | klodolph wrote:
               | Is there something I'm missing? People are complaining
               | because modules aren't supported yet? Isn't it reasonable
               | to address this complaint by adding module support to
               | compilers, and isn't this what's already happening?
               | nine_k wrote:
               | People are still feeling the pain, and are still
               | complaining.
               | I suppose when GCC and MSVC will both support modules in
               | an interoperable way, these same people will enjoy and
               | praise this development.
               | throwaway-blue2 wrote:
               | As I understand it modules support goes beyond just
               | compilers - yes you need support there, but also in
               | libraries (std library still is still not available as a
               | module yet but apparently in progress) as well as build
               | tools (CMake, Bazel, etc.).
               | People are complaining because it's 2022 and support for
               | modules is seemingly not there or incomplete in all these
               | places, and modules are talked about in some C++
               | communities as if they're a thing that is actually usable
               | (for example Bjarne's talk at Cppcon a few days ago).
               | humanrebar wrote:
               | > People are complaining because it's 2022 and support
               | for modules is seemingly not there or incomplete in all
               | these places...
               | So they're complaining on the internet about not getting
               | free stuff fast enough.
               | They could work with the maintainers of their toolchains
               | instead. If everyone that used xcode complained to apple,
               | C++ modules would be done there already. MS likewise
               | would probably put more resources on it. Open source is a
               | little more complicated, but Red Hat and Canonical do
               | have paid products.
             | zhxshen wrote:
             | > because the spec is a little complicated
             | Patching over the old work--hopefully without breaking
             | anything--always is. I'm just stating that much of the
             | hostility toward C++ comes from the fact that we have so
             | many superior options to choose from now--options which
             | profited from the lessons C++ learned the hard way, and
             | incorporated them into v1 instead of patching them in as
             | options at v23.
             | And this is not to strikeforce anyone with a " _Rewrite it
             | in Rust!_ ", but to suggest that C++ is maybe not the best
             | choice for new work in 2022.
         | otabdeveloper4 wrote:
         | > programming is hard, let's go (language) shopping instead
         | alar44 wrote:
         | I will probably get some flack for this but it's an effect of
         | the Python generation. When you can pull in some libraries and
         | build some bloated slow as hell code in minutes, no one cares
         | what's under the hood. The tradeoff from performance (easily
         | 1000s of times, I've seen it swapping out simple python libs
         | for c++, specifically changing dicts to linked lists) to ease
         | of slapping things together makes me sad daily.
           | lolinder wrote:
           | Why would a trade-off make you sad? For most code that gets
           | written, being able to quickly make something work is far
           | more important than a 1000x increase in performance. Some
           | projects do need performance, and for those no one should
           | choose Python. For all the others, I'm glad Python exists.
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | > C++ is (I'm guessing) currently holding up an order of
         | magnitude more applications than whatever you think is better
         | than it.
         | So what. No one's going to rewrite all of those million lines
         | of code in New C++, or whatever they call this incompatible
         | syntax. It's just a distraction from more relevant efforts.
           | pavlov wrote:
           | New code can be written in the new syntax, with full access
           | to existing libraries.
           | I could easily see a company like Meta adopting this. They
           | have both a huge amount of C++ code as well as actively
           | developed guidelines and internal libraries that make use of
           | cutting-edge features.
           | the-smug-one wrote:
           | If you've got 10^6 LoC of a product that will be developed
           | and maintained for 10+ more years then you can slowly replace
           | it with this.
           | lallysingh wrote:
           | This isn't a language declaration, it's a tool declaration. A
           | tool useful for prototyping new language features and
           | compiling them into large existing source bases.
           | pelario wrote:
           | From the link:
           | "I'm sharing this work because I hope to start a conversation
           | about what could be possible within C++'s own evolution to
           | rejuvenate C++, now that we have C++20 and soon C++23 to
           | build upon."
           | Clearly this is relevant for c++ itself (coming from Sutter),
           | so I'd say it's quite unfair/misguided to call it "just a
           | distraction from more relevant efforts."
           | zbird wrote:
           | Of course they will. What they are less likely to do is to
           | rewrite it in a completely different language (e.g. Rust.)
           | C++ became popular in the first place because it could easily
           | go along with C. No need to rewrite in bulk.
             | Gibbon1 wrote:
             | If you had a better syntax and modules that fix C++'s
             | broken (as in slow) compilation model, why on earth would
             | you write anything in Rust?
             | stormbrew wrote:
             | The thing is that C is _still_ the lingua franca abi, so
             | there 's still no need to rewrite in bulk, you can still
             | just use the same C libraries in another language, and rust
             | is particularly well suited to doing that in roughly the
             | same ways C++ is.
             | What's getting harder and harder to see now is why, if you
             | need to write new or rewrite now, you'd choose C++ over
             | rust. In the long run that's a recipe for only the most
             | gnarly old codebases being written in c++ and no one
             | wanting to touch them.
               | fortran77 wrote:
               | We're starting new projects today, in 2022. (We do Signal
               | Processing code for the Position, Navigation, and Time
               | industry.)
               | It's all C and C++, and Python if we need a scripting
               | front-end. (Prototypes are done in matlab). "Rust"
               | doesn't even exist in our universe. I don't think the
               | people on HN are really in touch with how real people
               | program in the real world.
               | And on few the occasions when we have to do a complex
               | desktop GUI app, we'll use C# or F#. We can get cross-
               | platform Windows/Linux easily this way.
               | jolux wrote:
               | > I don't think the people on HN are really in touch with
               | how real people program in the real world.
               | I mean, I'm a real programmer in the real world. I think
               | most people on here are. Rust is already in heavy use at
               | Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, it's not some fringe thing
               | anymore.
               | lallysingh wrote:
               | A lot of companies started with Java or Go, and will
               | consider Rust without ever touching C++. The stigma alone
               | is enough to turn people off.
               | Hell it's going into the kernel in 6.1.
               | C++ runs a real risk of surviving only in the
               | embedded/realtime space in the next 10 years.
               | bsder wrote:
               | > C++ runs a real risk of surviving only in the
               | embedded/realtime space in the next 10 years.
               | Embedded/realtime? No way. The people I know in embedded
               | won't touch C++ with _your_ 10 foot pole.
               | Most of my embedded code is wrangling various "stacks"
               | into cooperation with one another, and C++ helps me not
               | one whit with that. At the other side, when I'm just
               | poking sensors, C is more than enough.
               | And, as much I would really like embedded communication
               | stacks to be in Rust, all that would happen would be the
               | vendors slapping "unsafe" on everything so they would
               | basically be writing C anyway.
               | sidlls wrote:
               | More or less this. "Unsafe" as a value proposition loses
               | its luster when it's ubiquitous in a code base.
               | mrkeen wrote:
               | 10 years? That feels too short.
               | C++ is all the operating systems and the browsers and the
               | games and the JVM.
               | SubjectToChange wrote:
               | > The stigma alone is enough to turn people off.
               | C++ has been hated for decades now. The reason it's used
               | is often because you _have to_.
               | > C++ runs a real risk of surviving only in the
               | embedded/realtime space in the next 10 years.
               | Ten years from now C++ will still be the language
               | underpinning LLVM, web browsers, geometric modeling,
               | machine learning, etc
               | sidlls wrote:
               | Rust is still fringe even at FAANG level companies. I
               | work at one such and we have a service or two written in
               | Rust. I like Rust as a C++ replacement in the right
               | context, but for 99.999% of applications it's not better
               | in any qualitative or quantitative way than C++. Or Java.
               | Or Go.
               | fortran77 wrote:
               | > Rust is still fringe even at FAANG level companies.
               | Yes, everyone knows that, except for HN users! While I'm
               | sure there are managers at large companies who let some
               | employees play with Rust, it's not used.
               | stormbrew wrote:
               | I mean, I'm a HN user who just left one FAANG for another
               | and I'm pretty confident this is changing a lot faster
               | than you think.
               | The thing that obscures this, I think, is that at most of
               | them the surface area that the intersection of C, C++,
               | and Rust that is high availability, security critical
               | software, makes up a relatively small portion of what
               | they do no matter what language it's in.
               | So while there's a lot of C++ at say, Google and Facebook
               | (but relatively little at Apple IME), very little of it
               | needs to be in c++ let alone Rust.
               | But where it matters? You better believe big companies
               | are shifting towards "if you're starting new you should
               | seriously consider Rust" (if not a mandate). And once you
               | let one other language into your mix, the question
               | becomes: why's all the high level stuff written in c++?
               | May as well start new projects in Go.
               | Some are farther along than others but it's a thing.
               | sidlls wrote:
               | The number of teams at these companies where "you should
               | seriously consider Rust" is a thing is _approximately_
               | (not exactly) zero. Its adoption is still a novelty, and
               | most of the impetus behind it is engineers looking to
               | scratch an itch without any legitimate analysis of the
               | benefits or trade-offs involved.
               | It may be changing, but certainly not faster than I've
               | observed (it's not a matter of speculation, for me).
               | fortran77 wrote:
               | But the world isn't FAANG. There are thouasands of other
               | companies doing interesting things.
               | stormbrew wrote:
               | I didn't say it was? We're talking about faang in this
               | sub thread.
               | [deleted]
               | carlhjerpe wrote:
               | How do you write GUI apps in C# with Win/Linux support?
               | Usually people don't go C# if they're doing GUI on other
               | things than Windows. CLI/Server software is a first class
               | citizen on Linux these days though.
               | fortran77 wrote:
               | There are many ways!
               | https://halfblood.pro/the-story-about-net-cross-platform-
               | ui-...
               | I like to use Xaml. For iOS/Android there are solutions,
               | too.
               | kllrnohj wrote:
               | > The thing is that C is still the lingua franca abi, so
               | there's still no need to rewrite in bulk, you can still
               | just use the same C libraries in another language
               | No. C is the lingua franca for _exported public stable
               | ABIs_ , which is an _extremely_ small subset of any given
               | program 's ABI usages.
               | C++ ABI is just as widely used as C's, just for internal
               | unstable linkage instead of stable exported linkage. So
               | yes you still need to rewrite in bulk to move off of C++,
               | unless your code happened to be tiny & only used C API
               | libraries.
         | CamperBob2 wrote:
         | That's true, but at the same time, modern C++ bears about the
         | same resemblance to the C++ that many (if not most) of us
         | learned years ago, as modern English bears to Middle English.
         | People have been trying to make the language safer and more
         | palatable for multiple decades now, so it seems reasonable to
         | allow Sutter to have a go at it.
         | guitarbill wrote:
         | It doesn't feel much different to any other language that
         | people have been burned by (e.g. Javascript). I have some bad
         | C++ experienced, and I know enough programmers I respect who
         | stick to C over C++.
         | Of course it's difficult to equate that kind of advice/feedback
         | to negative comments on HN. But often, there's some kernel of
         | truth there. So while there's some merit to C++, the criticism
         | can equally be valid. And keeping the underlying complexity of
         | C++ (similar to how Carbon will) might not meaningfully
         | simplify development).
           | einpoklum wrote:
           | > I have some bad C++ experienced, and I know enough
           | programmers I respect who stick to C over C++.
           | Do you know such people who work on large software systems,
           | as opposed to, say, micro-controller firmware, or kernel
           | drivers and such?
           | (Asking as a person who maintains an important(ish) C library
           | for embedded coders: https://github.com/eyalroz/printf)
             | Galanwe wrote:
             | On the top of my head, for large open source C codebases
             | that are not system/kernel/controller I guess Python, Ruby
             | and Redis would be good examples.
             | I do myself fall in the category of people sticking to C
             | over C++. I used to love C++ back until c++03, then
             | completely hated the whole "new generation c++" orientation
             | that started with c++11 and pretty much decided to not
             | touch c++ anymore.
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | I think that "large" really needs to be defined here.
               | CPython is 350kloc of C. I have seen C++ codebases with
               | more source files than there are lines of code in that.
               | Just the "base" module of Qt is ~4million loc
             | 1024core wrote:
             | > Do you know such people who work on large software
             | systems, as opposed to, say, micro-controller firmware, or
             | kernel drivers and such?
             | Redis is written entirely in C.
               | summerlight wrote:
               | I don't think that Redis qualifies as a large software
               | system in the modern standard. In fact, it's popular
               | because it's simple, small and understandable compared to
               | its competitors which comprises of many millions of lines
               | of code.
               | einpoklum wrote:
               | Redis is ~200K lines of C code, so it's relevant project-
               | size-wise, but - redis was started in C, right? It's not
               | like developers now have the option to "go C++" without a
               | company-wide decision.
               | Still, if could quote Redis developers making the GP's
               | claim, that would count.
               | jrockway wrote:
               | I really don't think Redis is a large software system.
               | Things like Firefox, Chrome, AAA games, etc. are what I'd
               | call large C++ systems.
             | mek6800d2 wrote:
             | I used to work for a company whose product was a fairly
             | large satellite control center software system (and we
             | could supply hardware if needed), written in C++. It's used
             | for a lot of commercial fleets. For example, back in the
             | 2000s, when I worked on it, it was used for
             | CDRADIO/Sirius's fleet. (I don't know if it's still used
             | for SiriusXM's Sirius satellites, if any.)
             | I liked C++ in some ways, but as a whole, I think, C++
             | didn't reduce -- and may have increased -- the complexity
             | of our software compared to the complexity of an equivalent
             | C implementation. (I'm talking about the complexity of the
             | software itself, not the complexities of the tasks it was
             | doing.) The distribution of the complexity in the code
             | would just have been different between the two
             | implementations. IMHO.
             | So I mostly stick with C or other non-C++ languages now. Of
             | course, C++ has expanded and changed greatly since then.
               | ncmncm wrote:
               | You would be very pleasantly surprised at how programming
               | in C+ is, today, vs. pre-C++11. With C++20, the language
               | has got even nicer to use.
         | benj111 wrote:
         | Familiarity breeds contempt?
         | I'm sure many would dislike rust if they were forced to use it.
         | Same with python, etc, etc, etc.
         | I'm not saying the criticisms are wrong per se, but the reason
         | we have so many languages is probably because there's no
         | 'right' language.
         | cplusplusfellow wrote:
         | I'm truly thankful in my life for Sutter doing the work he does
         | to make this language better. He is a giant.
         | asveikau wrote:
         | I came up with the following guess many years ago:
         | There are people who are totally unproductive at C++ and find
         | it scary, mainly because they are not very exposed to it. They
         | assume everybody is as uncomfortable and unproductive with it
         | as they are. Nay, it is _impossible_ for _anyone_ to be
         | productive with it, simply because they aren 't. They will
         | attack evidence that somebody has done well with it, because it
         | is some defense of ego for them.
         | There are other complaints about C++ beyond this of course,
         | with validity, and many of them from old timers and people who
         | bitterly complained about it for decades from a place of
         | knowledge and experience. People have been complaining about
         | ugliness of C++ for longer than my own career. However, as more
         | and more people come up in the post-C++-as-fashionable era, I
         | think this above theory is more and more the bulk of the
         | complaints.
         | bowsamic wrote:
         | I agree, and I don't think it's as hard or complex as people
         | make it out to be
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | > Clearly it has upsides,
         | All that you've indicated is that it's used a lot, which is
         | obviously because it has decades on every other option.
         | Anyway, I love Herb Sutter and I love this work he's doing.
         | Awesome stuff.
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | "Holding up an order of magnitude more applications ... clearly
         | it has upsides".
         | It's holding up lots of applications because better languages
         | didn't exist at the time those projects were started, and it's
         | rarely feasible to switch languages. Specifically, a lot of
         | people look to Rust to unseat C++ for new applications, but it
         | will take a while for Rust to mature with respect to libraries
         | (e.g., game engines) and mindshare in those industries. But
         | even then, old languages have tons of staying power by virtue
         | of age.
           | YZF wrote:
           | I'm not super familiar with Rust, do you have SSE/AVX
           | intrinsics (others?)? Can you write assembly embedded in Rust
           | code? How does rust stack in terms of performance?
           | https://benchmarksgame-
           | team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/...
           | looks quite decent, but overall Rust is still behind? So if I
           | am in an area where performance (or cost/energy) is king then
           | I'd still pick C++.
             | tialaramex wrote:
             | Rust's std::simd is the portable abstraction but it is so
             | far only available in nightly Rust, in principle you would
             | be able to write code that does SIMD on whatever hardware
             | (ARM, x86-64, whatever) is targeted including AVX.
             | Yes, Rust has inline assembly in roughly the same way you'd
             | be used to with C or C++
             | https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/inline-assembly.html
             | The Benchmarks Game has a bunch of benchmarks, and while
             | it's probably significant that the Python programs are
             | routinely orders of magnitude slower than say C, we likely
             | shouldn't read too much into whether somebody scraped a few
             | more milliseconds off the best time for one of the
             | benchmarks listed.
             | the_jesus_villa wrote:
             | I don't know the answers to all of your questions, but
             | >Can you write assembly embedded in Rust code?
             | Yes, I've done this several times. It looks like this:
             | https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/unsafe/asm.html
             | agersant wrote:
             | > do you have SSE/AVX intrinsics (others?)?
             | Yes. https://docs.rs/simd/latest/simd/
             | > Can you write assembly embedded in Rust code?
             | Also yes. https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/inline-
             | assembly.html
             | dento wrote:
             | SIMD intrinsics exist, although currently require nightly
             | compiler on non-x86 targets: https://doc.rust-
             | lang.org/1.29.0/core/arch/x86/index.html
             | Inline assembly: https://rust-
             | lang.github.io/rfcs/2873-inline-asm.html
             | Performance is almost identical, even the linked benchmark
             | is quite even.
         | uoaei wrote:
         | I think your argument is analogous to saying "Why do so many
         | people hate Facebook? Clearly it has upsides, it connects so
         | many people together and promotes a lot of economic activity."
         | If "network effect" is the sole reason you like a thing, and
         | there are many valid criticisms of how that thing goes about
         | its business, maybe there's a reason people criticize it so
         | openly?
         | Volker_W wrote:
         | > C++ is (I'm guessing) currently holding up an order of
         | magnitude more applications than whatever you think is better
         | than it.
         | You could say the same thing about COBOL.
         | (Not that I think that C++ is as bad as COBOL.)
         | hvs wrote:
         | C++ is like the English language. Extraordinarily popular, hard
         | to learn, and full of weird cruft. You can write amazing things
         | in it as well as terribly unsafe garbage.
       | stefanos82 wrote:
       | I feel so sad for hours now...well, from the time I saw the
       | original post on reddit and then here.
       | For the past few days all I can see in HN is the announcement of
       | new languages and research projects that relate to C++:
       | * Carbon (https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang)       *
       | Val (https://www.val-lang.dev/)       * Jakt
       | (https://github.com/serenityos/jakt)       * now Cppfront...
       | Is everything alright within ANSI / ISO committee?
         | ncmncm wrote:
         | There is no voice of the committee.
         | A breakaway group, including Google and Microsoft, has sought
         | to break backward link-compatibilty, and has failed. So they
         | are pursuing other avenues.
         | Probably the single most valuable improvement possible while
         | retaining C++'s strengths would be to fix initialization syntax
         | and semantics. Second would be to simplify and limit implicit
         | conversion and promotion for base types.
       | protomyth wrote:
       | In The Design and Evolution of C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup there is
       | some interesting discussion on alternate declaration syntax that
       | was rejected because it wasn't compatible with C. The book also
       | explains a lot of design decisions that would be interesting to
       | revisit in light of what has gone on.
       | astrostl wrote:
       | Is that tiny, illegible-in-dark-mode hello world the only example
       | or am I missing something? For as much content as there is in the
       | README I would hope that a syntax change would, well, show some
       | more syntax comparisons.
         | alcover wrote:
         | Same with me.. are we both tired or is this whole thread about
         | just the idea of a new syntax ?
         | I scrolled the whole Readme. Are we supposed to parse the
         | parser in /source ?
           | mcluck wrote:
           | The readme points to regression tests as the best example of
           | the different syntax
         | onedognight wrote:
         | The README points here for a bunch of examples.
         | https://github.com/hsutter/cppfront/tree/main/regression-
         | tests/test-results
       | bumblebritches5 wrote:
       | Night_Thastus wrote:
       | EDIT: I am dumb, my brain automatically thought import std was
       | "using namespace std" for some reason.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | That default import doesn't pollute the namespace like you seem
         | to think it will, look at the hello world example in the
         | readme, note that the `std::` prefix is still present.
       | spayce wrote:
       | "main: () -> int = { hello("world\n"); }"
       | Kill it with fire.
         | Koshkin wrote:
         | The semicolon cancer is still there. Good.
           | tricky777 wrote:
           | semicolons help the parser. easier to point where erroneous
           | statement began.
         | neutrono wrote:
         | how is auto main() -> int { hello ("world\n"); } any better?
         | stjohnswarts wrote:
         | looks like they crossed rust and javascript and came up with
         | something worse lol
       | sorenjan wrote:
       | > import std; as default
       | Personally I think he should switch to _using namespace std;_ as
       | default as well. The compiler can warn if you alias the names,
       | and all the std:: in C++ code is just noise and annoying to read
       | and write.
         | Koshkin wrote:
         | But for backward compatibility you should be able to undo it,
         | then. (Problem is, I don't think you can.)
         | klyrs wrote:
         | I think you're in a minority here. Off the top of my head,
         | std::get should never be simply `get`. Here's a complete list
         | of symbols that may or may not be defined depending on what
         | you've included.
         | https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/symbol_index
           | sorenjan wrote:
           | Ok, maybe bringing everything into the global namespace is a
           | bit of a stretch, but you could at least do the most common
           | ones. Who's going to alias cout or string?
           | As for std::get, while it's a separate issue I think the
           | problem that solves should be solved in a more elegant way if
           | you're trying to reform the language anyway. This is not
           | elegant:                 std::get<0>(arr) = 1;
       | uwagar wrote:
       | teachers, leave our c++ alone!
       | gigel82 wrote:
       | I don't get it. The code sample is way uglier and more difficult
       | to read than modern C++. Just move your code base to modern C++,
       | it's a pleasure to work in (not joking, I'm loving it).
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | The point is that you also get the right defaults and the C++
         | Core Guidelines semantics without any additional tooling, which
         | even with static analysis in C++20 isn't 100% there.
       | 01100011 wrote:
       | Drive-by, low-quality comment:
       | Herb is great. Glad he's thinking about this. C++ syntax is
       | garbage and needs help, but why deviate so much from existing
       | syntax? Why drop curly braces? The decision to allow mixing
       | new/old C++ syntax in the same file seems like a gross mistake
       | that prevents a more incremental fix of the language. Why the
       | heck doesn't it support defining classes yet? Is it because of
       | the aforementioned requirement to intermix new/old syntax?
       | I hope efforts like this continue, as we all know something is
       | broken in C++ syntax. I think it can be fixed with tweaks and
       | some breaking of backwards compatibility in the same source
       | module.
         | tricky777 wrote:
         | why no classes? I assume that it's meant just as an initial
         | sketch/demo. Doing 100% is at least twice as hard as doing 80%.
       | [deleted]
       | marsven_422 wrote:
       | aappleby wrote:
       | Programming languages are serialization formats for source code.
       | cies wrote:
       | I found this language recently that also compiles to CPPv1:
       | https://github.com/SerenityOS/jakt
       | Really nice feature set.
       | stabbles wrote:
       | Seems like C++ is having an identity crisis lately
         | echelon wrote:
         | C++ is getting the Perl treatment.
         | Perl had Ruby, Python, and PHP attacking it. C++ has Rust, Go,
         | Nim, and Swift (albeit that only Rust is a direct challenge,
         | the others are taking market share for things that used to be
         | C++). I've even seen people using Vala in new places.
         | Perl was hard to use. The new languages addressed many of the
         | ergonomics, semantics, and design concerns. Rust addresses a
         | lot of C++'s dangerous baggage.
         | Perl had novel tooling at the time, but eventually wound up
         | behind. Newer languages brought more to the table. Rust has
         | Cargo.
         | Perl tried evolving for a long time. Eventually birthed a new
         | language altogether (Raku), albeit that the old language still
         | receives updates. (Python also saw this.) Google recently
         | unveiled Carbon. Now there's Cppfront. The C++ language
         | committee is doing different things...
         | It's a question of which ecosystem evolves faster and
         | ultimately which ecosystem attracts more fresh blood as old
         | timers age out. AFAICT, younger developers are flocking to Rust
         | instead of C++. There are a bunch of Rustlang streams on
         | Twitch.
           | mlinksva wrote:
           | That's an interesting analogy that I hadn't seen before,
           | simplified as Perl : Python :: C++ : Rust in terms of
           | conjectural market adoption.
           | As someone who did a lot of Perl in web 1.0 times, and
           | haven't really been a full time programmer in a long time but
           | occasionally have since written Ruby, Python, and PHP, but
           | never really felt those languages were that huge of
           | improvements over Perl (certainly now their ecosystems are,
           | but I'd love a much better entrant to successfully "attack"
           | Python), and would sometimes wonder what if Perl had just
           | managed to evolve significantly instead...makes me appreciate
           | and even root for efforts to "make C++ 10x simpler, safer,
           | and more toolable" like this one or perhaps Carbon, even
           | though Rust does seem like a huge improvement.
             | cageface wrote:
             | I wrote a lot of Perl in the first dotcom era and was very
             | happy to switch to Python and Ruby as soon as I had a
             | chance. There were some nice things about Perl but it was
             | just too hard to maintain a large, active perl codebase
             | with multiple engineers making commits. Perl coasted along
             | for a long time on the momentum of CPAN but it wasn't
             | enough.
             | I think the C++ analogy makes sense. How many programmers
             | entering the field today are choosing to learn C++ when
             | they have so many other choices without all of C++'s
             | baroque complexity and footguns?
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Actually I think the PL/I treatment is closer as example.
           | The language complexity was famous and eventually grew into
           | several subsets before UNIX adoption wiping out most systems
           | languages that sprung as PL/I alternatives.
         | api wrote:
         | Rust is eating it in systems and Go for applications.
         | IMHO nothing but Rust or Go has any merit as a replacement
         | unless it also bring the same safety. A fully unsafe language
         | in 2022 is dumb. (Fully unsafe, not optional unsafety which may
         | be needed in a systems language.)
           | 3a2d29 wrote:
           | "A fully unsafe language in 2022 is dumb."
           | I think this is a subtweet at Zig, and while I am not a zig
           | developer, I will point something out that everyone forgets
           | (to defend C++ and Zig and the like): Some apps don't need
           | memory safety.
           | For example a single player game or application that runs
           | just on your own machine, memory safety would just be another
           | type of bug.
           | If dealing with Rust's ownership rules is annoying and you
           | don't want a GC, then you can certainly use an unsafe
           | language. Not all apps are websites and browsers.
           | I would also add (I could be wrong here) but I think things
           | written in web assembly can also be unsafe, as the memory is
           | in a sandbox. I think I heard this once, but I could be
           | wrong.
             | charcircuit wrote:
             | >memory safety would just be another type of bug
             | A bug that can be costly to reproduce and fix and has the
             | affect of terrible UX and losing unsaved progress. If I had
             | to choose a category of bugs to tolerate memory safety bugs
             | would be near the bottom of the list.
               | jstimpfle wrote:
               | It seems like in terms of subjective productivity,
               | memory-unsafe languages have going for them a lot.
               | Otherwise how do you explain so many programmers still
               | willingly choosing them?
               | I know that in the domains that I'm interested in, I
               | would be way miserable programming in something like e.g.
               | Java, because I've figured out certain patterns that I
               | know will work in a memory-unsafe language with very
               | little friction, but that cannot be simply be translated
               | to Java because of e.g. reference semantics.
               | The same probably holds for other approaches to safety,
               | like Rust. I'm not interested anymore in tight
               | opinionated approaches to problem solving. I _love_ void-
               | pointers and memcpy'ing stuff because these let me do
               | abstraction with very low friction. Getting the job done
               | very quickly, with very very low rate of bugs, and those
               | get quickly fixed. (I'm not making a statement about
               | multi-million line projects in corporate environments.
               | This is about the situations that I run into,
               | personally).
               | charcircuit wrote:
               | >how do you explain so many programmers still willingly
               | choosing them?
               | Lack of education + Legacy software / programmers /
               | education material.
               | kouteiheika wrote:
               | > It seems like in terms of subjective productivity,
               | memory-unsafe languages have going for them a lot.
               | Otherwise how do you explain so many programmers still
               | willingly choosing them?
               | Honestly? And this might be a hot take - exactly the same
               | way as I'd explain people rejecting structured
               | programming way back in the day. It was the new thing on
               | the block and people were not used to it, and preferred
               | to just sprinkle GOTOs in their program just like they
               | always used to do rather than learning a new paradigm.
               | As someone who used to professionally program in C++ on
               | an expert level in the past and now has completely
               | switched to Rust I can tell you that (at least
               | subjectively for me) Rust is way more productive than C++
               | ever was. Once you internalize how the language works the
               | limitations of Rust just disappear. You learn how to
               | instinctively write code that's idiomatic, and it just
               | stops slowing you down. But it also gives you _a ton_ of
               | new features that end up speeding you up compared to C++,
               | e.g. sum types, pattern matching, cargo, great standard
               | library, destructive moves, proper modules, #[derive],
               | good error messages, etc. Memory safety can also be
               | significant productivity boost because you can (or at
               | least I do) just churn out code without thinking about it
               | too much and just rely on the compiler to make sure that
               | it 's memory safe. Can this code trigger use-after-free?
               | Is this iterator valid? What's the lifetime of this
               | pointer? Instead of thinking about all of these you can
               | use those brain cells for something else.
             | api wrote:
             | > Some apps don't need memory safety.
             | Even apps that run locally and don't talk to the net can be
             | vulnerable. How many break ins happen via bugs in PDF
             | viewers, office packages, and media players? Look it up.
             | PDF and spreadsheet vulnerabilities are very common.
             | Then there's the productivity gain you get by not having to
             | spend hours debugging obscure memory and threading bugs.
             | The latter are not ruled out in Go or Rust but they are
             | profoundly less likely to occur, making code that actually
             | takes advantage of modern hardware much easier to write.
             | After learning Rust and after having used C++ very heavily
             | for years I can say that Rust is far more productive.
               | azakai wrote:
               | > PDF and spreadsheet vulnerabilities are very common.
               | True. The issue is that they operate on complex input
               | that can arrive from anywhere. So if you download a
               | malicious PDF file it can exploit you.
               | But GP's other example is valid: A singleplayer game
               | running locally will only run the game assets from the
               | developer. The user input (in almost all games) is very
               | limited. Exploits are not a major issue in such a
               | program.
               | There is room for languages like Zig. There is also the
               | potential for it to be used in improper places, but so
               | far the majority of applications I've heard of seem
               | reasonable to me.
               | > Then there's the productivity gain you get by not
               | having to spend hours debugging obscure memory and
               | threading bugs.
               | Also true. But there are the other usual tradeoffs, such
               | as that a language focused on simplicity and correctness,
               | like Zig, might reduce other sources of bugs.
               | Some developers might be more productive with Rust,
               | others with Go, others with Zig. I don't think there's a
               | single answer here. As an example of another related
               | tradeoff, fast compile times often help debugging, which
               | is an advantage of Go and Zig.
               | KerrAvon wrote:
               | > A singleplayer game running locally will only run the
               | game assets from the developer. The user input (in almost
               | all games) is very limited. Exploits are not a major
               | issue in such a program.
               | Nothing is that isolated anymore. Can you find a modern
               | single-player game on Steam that doesn't talk to the
               | network for analytics or DLC or sending crash reports to
               | the developer? I'm sure they exist, but they're likely
               | exceptionally rare.
               | For Zig to be helpful in the modern world, it will need
               | memory safety guarantees and it will need them on by
               | default. It's totally OK if those are easier to switch
               | off than in Rust so that you can do the low-level things
               | performantly and easily. But you have to start from a
               | default position of safety.
               | azakai wrote:
               | Even if a game sends crash reports etc., it could be safe
               | enough. Making a secure connection to a known remote
               | server isn't a major source of exploits. (Look for
               | example at the list of exploits against Firefox and
               | Chrome - stuff like that isn't even noticeable.)
               | I disagree every language needs to start with the same
               | defaults as Rust. Rust proved its approach is a useful
               | one, and Rust is a huge asset to our industry, but we
               | also benefit from exploring other approaches.
             | littlestymaar wrote:
             | > Some apps don't need memory safety.
             | Even setting security considerations aside, as soon as you
             | have users, using a non-memory-safe language means having
             | users reporting very unhelpful "bun crashes at startup with
             | "segmentation fault""and good luck to figure out what's
             | going on.
             | > I think this is a subtweet at Zig
             | Why do you think it's especially aimed at Zig? Zig is only
             | one among others, like Carbon, or Cppfront discussed here.
               | 3a2d29 wrote:
               | I would agree that seg faults are not fun to debug, but
               | if you think you can be speed up production and get the
               | product done several orders of magnitude faster without
               | ownership rules AND you can't use a GC, I do think it
               | could be worth the trade-off.
               | > Why do you think it's especially aimed at Zig?
               | I honestly don't use zig so I really don't have a horse
               | in the race, but when I read: "nothing but Rust or Go has
               | any merit as a replacement unless it also bring the same
               | safety. A fully unsafe language in 2022 is dumb"
               | That seems to be targeted at replacing C++, which both
               | Carbon and CppFront are not doing per se. Zig is the next
               | big "low level replacement language" (that isn't Rust or
               | Go) that HN seems to chat about so I took a guess.
               | Again, I don't think that's too relevant to my point
               | (although I am curious if OP wants to weigh in on what
               | they meant).
               | littlestymaar wrote:
               | > but if you think you can be speed up production and get
               | the product done several orders of magnitude faster
               | without ownership rules
               | If you genuinely believe that Rusts rules slow developers
               | down by "several ordrers of magnitude" (which litterally
               | means: "makes you 100 times slower or more") then you've
               | probably listened/read way to much anti-rust discourse
               | for your own good...
               | Rust has a learning curve and in the beginning you're
               | obviously going to be slowed down by the learning
               | process, but for 99% of the tasks[1] once you've gone
               | past the initial learning period, the rules aren't
               | slowing you down since you've internalized them, and
               | compiler errors end up being mostly about things that
               | would have caused a memory bug in other low-level
               | languages.
               | [1]: that is, everything but custom graph data
               | structures, which are really hard to get right without a
               | GC anyway.
               | 3a2d29 wrote:
               | I actually have started learning rust and I do like it. I
               | am hoping to get to a point where the ownership structure
               | becomes obvious in my mind.
               | If I had to make a game right now though, I would be way
               | faster in C++.
               | That said though, I do hope as I learn rust everything
               | becomes obvious. I would be very happy if I get equally
               | as productive (since that means I can use rust for
               | everything).
               | I guess I just worry that certain things are like custom
               | graph data structures, where suddenly ownership is a huge
               | issue.
               | littlestymaar wrote:
               | > If I had to make a game right now though, I would be
               | way faster in C++.
               | I've no doubt about that, _learning_ Rust sometimes feels
               | like having to swim with your hands tied in the back.
               | > That said though, I do hope as I learn rust everything
               | becomes obvious. I would be very happy if I get equally
               | as productive (since that means I can use rust for
               | everything).
               | Good luck:), don't be afraid to stop and try again a few
               | weeks later if you get too frustrated: I struggled a bit
               | to learn rust early 2016 and after a few weeks of night
               | hacking, I had no more free time to carry on and I was
               | still very confused about all of that. Then, I stopped
               | for almost 6 months, having read of few blog posts in
               | Reddit in the meantime but nothing especially eye opening
               | or anything, and when I got back to Rust for some reason
               | everything sounded clear and I completed my first project
               | in Rust very smoothly, as if my brain had been slowly
               | digesting the concepts in a background thread during that
               | time.
               | > I guess I just worry that certain things are like
               | custom graph data structures, where suddenly ownership is
               | a huge issue.
               | Advice: avoid them as much as possible (most of my former
               | use of graph-like structures where in fact related to
               | programming patterns and not strictly necessary for what
               | I wanted to do) and if you're really manipulating graphs,
               | you should probably use a dedicated library (I think
               | petgraph is the most popular but these kind of things can
               | be workload dependent so you might need to go for another
               | one).
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Only because liability is still not a thing in software as
             | in other regulated domains.
             | > Many years later we asked our customers whether they
             | wished us to provide an option to switch off these checks
             | in the interests of efficiency on production runs.
             | Unanimously, they urged us not to--they already knew how
             | frequently subscript errors occur on production runs where
             | failure to detect them could be disastrous. I note with
             | fear and horror that even in 1980, language designers and
             | users have not learned this lesson. In any respectable
             | branch of engineering, failure to observe such elementary
             | precautions would have long been against the law.
             | -- C.A.R Hoare on his Turing award speech in 1981.
               | 3a2d29 wrote:
               | Against the law cause if you do this on a bridge, people
               | die.
               | If a play Civ V and it crashes, I just a bit mad.
               | I will acknowledge though good engineering practices are
               | important, maybe my perspective of "tolerance" of these
               | bugs when they are isolated is missing the point.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | If I play Civ V and it crashes, I want my money back,
               | just like I won't stand a broken appliance.
               | Thankfully App stores are already making this point clear
               | to the industry.
               | 3a2d29 wrote:
               | Doesn't this counter your first point? A broken appliance
               | isn't against the law.
               | Second, I think data shows most people don't return games
               | after 1 crash. In fact, I think getting to market fast is
               | a bigger factor for profit.
               | mrkeen wrote:
               | Similar quote in a more recent video:
               | Removing type checking from your running programs is like
               | wearing a life jacket for your practice emergency drills
               | and then taking it off as soon as your ship was really
               | sinking
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYkOWzrO3xg
               | Maybe that was right in the 70-80s, but I feel like he's
               | not giving enough credit to modern static verification /
               | type-checking.
             | strictfp wrote:
             | > Some apps don't need memory safety.
             | Maybe not, but it's still a big pain in the butt to avoid
             | bugs in that area. I imagine that static analysis for
             | memory safety would be something that most developers would
             | use in existing unsafe languages if they could.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Lint was created for C in 1979... to this day most devs
               | ignore static analysis tooling for C and C++.
               | KerrAvon wrote:
               | Static analysis can be excellent, but it doesn't solve
               | the whole problem.
               | patrick451 wrote:
               | For a lot of applications, that doesn't matter. It solves
               | enough of the problem.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Indeed, still using it is better than nothing.
         | rramadass wrote:
         | Nah... It is just the ISO committee and its members mucking
         | about.
         | Many of us don't agree with the way the committee has been
         | "evolving" the language and then mandating "the one true way to
         | do _Modern C++_ ". At least with this "syntax 2" thing they
         | will leave the language alone.
       | dilawar wrote:
       | Why can't they just improve tooling and dependency management
       | first? After using Cargo, I now find Python's tooling unbearable.
       | Once you have seen the other side, there no coming back.
       | teo_zero wrote:
       | I find it disappointing that the enhancements aren't explained
       | one by one, or even listed. How am I supposed to decide if it's
       | worth a deep dive?
       | drummer wrote:
         | [deleted]
         | timsneath wrote:
         | This is work that is 5+ years old. Before casually dismissing
         | work that is long in the making, it's worth taking a moment to
         | evaluate it. There are some amazing talks in the README that
         | Herb has given. I particularly enjoyed his "Thoughts on
         | Metaclasses" talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nsyX37nsRs)
         | which starts with a live on-stage user study.
         | Herb's thoughtfulness and care for tasteful evolution is
         | manifest in the way he describes his work, and it's a shame to
         | see it disparaged so easily.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | > ... This is work that is 5+ years old.
           | And yet it was released today, in a way that clearly a
           | reaction to Carbon (which is, itself, a reaction to Rust and
           | perhaps Swift to a lesser extent). The comparison is highly
           | relevant.
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | I don't know when he made the repo public, but the first
             | commit was 2021. If this were published, say, the week or
             | so _after_ Carbon were announced, maybe you could argue it
             | was a reaction to it (though still, it started _before_
             | Carbon was announced, in what direction does time flow
             | again?). But a more likely reason for it coming out now is
             | that Sutter gave a talk at CppCon last week on this
             | material.
         | WCSTombs wrote:
         | It appears that the CppFront work has been in progress since
         | 2015-2016, which would make it predate Carbon by a few years.
       | michaelwww wrote:
       | I've written C++ and understand it's appeal: high level
       | abstractions with very little runtime penalty, but I also
       | understand it's legacy issues that make it complicated. Instead
       | of adding to C++ maybe we should subtracting from it like perhaps
       | C-- : The good parts of C++
       | blinkingled wrote:
       | > Can we make C++ 10x safer, simpler, and more toolable if C++
       | had an alternative "syntax #2," within which we could be
       | completely free to improve semantics by applying 30 years' worth
       | of C++ language experience without any backward source
       | compatibility constraints?
       | Yes please - I really like this approach. C++ as a bare bones on-
       | its-own language is not going to find adoption in the new world -
       | it is way too much baggage & legacy, syntax and functional
       | complications and adding more complexity every 3 years is just
       | counter productive. If this can become something like what Scala
       | or Kotlin are to Java it would be good for C++.
       | simias wrote:
       | As someone who dropped C++ almost entirely a decade ago because I
       | couldn't deal with both the immense complexity and the legacy
       | baggage of C++, this is pretty exciting honestly.
       | What I find a bit strange is that he explains that he's been
       | working on this since 2015 (with "most of the 'syntax 2' design
       | work in 2015-16") and he doesn't want to give documentation
       | because "that would imply this project is intended for others to
       | use -- if it someday becomes ready for that, I'll post more
       | docs."
       | Why this reticence to opening the project and have others play
       | with it and, potentially, contribute to it? I can't imagine a new
       | language becoming successful with this mindset.
         | ablob wrote:
         | I think it's more about losing control. As soon as the
         | documentation is open, there is a lot more pressure to explain
         | the decisions made in an accurate or accepted fashion. Add some
         | good old bike-shedding or contributions that miss the point and
         | a project that was once fun becomes tedious to work for.
           | samatman wrote:
           | It also adds a lot of drag to iteration to have to go back
           | and rework documentation.
           | On this kind of project, it's more than syntax-deep.
           | Documentation would have a lot of reasoning and justification
           | in it, which can take deep work to keep up to date.
           | gumby wrote:
           | A lot of decisions made, BTW, have been explained in
           | proposals for the C++ committee that came out of this work.
           | summerlight wrote:
           | Yeah, I couldn't agree more. this is exactly what's happening
           | in ISO C++ and Herb should be well aware of its problems
           | since lots of his good proposals failed to proceed many times
           | thanks to WG21 rife with all the bureaucracies and
           | nitpicking. This kind of skunk works needs to be fully driven
           | by a competent individual or small group until it's finally
           | able to demonstrate a good value proposition and build trusts
           | by the project itself.
         | zulban wrote:
         | > Why this reticence to opening the project and have others
         | play with it
         | I heard this recently: open projects are like Good Will Hunting
         | but in reverse. You start as a respected genius, and end up as
         | a janitor getting into fights.
         | nsajko wrote:
         | > As someone who dropped C++ almost entirely a decade ago
         | because I couldn't deal with both the immense complexity and
         | the legacy baggage of C++, this is pretty exciting honestly.
         | This seems to be just a syntax frontend for C++. The underlying
         | semantics stay the same.
         | BTW, if you dropped C++ a decade ago, you should now look into
         | the modern improvements (C++20).
           | badtension wrote:
           | What does the C++20 change in a day-to-day work? I know they
           | added "stuff" (as always) but is there anything that really
           | benefits >80% of all cpp programmers?
             | jcelerier wrote:
             | to me concepts and coroutines really reduce the amount of
             | boilerplate needed.
             | - just the ability of doing                    if
             | constexpr(requires { T::some_member; }) { ... }
             | to check if a type has a member variable / function /
             | whatever makes code infinitely clearer than the previous
             | mess requiring overloads.
             | - coroutines finally enable to properly abstract the data
             | structures used by a type's implementation, e.g. you don't
             | need to spill out anymore that your type stores stuff in
             | std::vector or std::array or boost::small_vector or
             | std::list etc etc to client code, and they simplify async
             | code very well. for instance with Qt:
             | https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/reference/core/qprocess/#examples
             | - three-way comparison and automtic generation of
             | comparison / equality function is really great for removing
             | needless boilerplate
             | - void f(auto arg) { ... } instead of template<typename T>
             | void f(T arg) { ... }
             | - foo{.designated = 123, .init = "456" }; (although it was
             | already more or less supported on every relevant compiler
             | for years
               | 8n4vidtmkvmk wrote:
               | designated initializers are a trap. you can't require
               | certain fields are set... this has been a big pain point
               | for my team. guess we should have used builder pattern or
               | something
               | leni536 wrote:
               | > you can't require certain fields are set
               | There is a way, but it's cursed:
               | https://godbolt.org/z/fzc6WEz5e
               | ncmncm wrote:
               | Clever. Wrap it in a concept, and it might have legs.
             | tialaramex wrote:
             | In principle Modules would be huge, but in practice you
             | can't use them as the compiler you have doesn't implement
             | them yet.
             | C++ 20 gets a format feature that's basically a weaker
             | {fmt} library but as part of the standard library. A string
             | formatting feature with reasonable performance and safety
             | as you might be used to from other modern languages.
             | Concepts is nice, that's basically way to express duck
             | typing, it is often described like you're getting more than
             | duck typing but that's all you actually get - but hey, duck
             | typing is useful, and Concepts should have decent error
             | messages whereas doing the equivalent with SFINAE is a
             | recipe for awful diagnostic output.
               | ncmncm wrote:
               | _Please do not post falsehoods seeking to mislead
               | readers._ You have been corrected on this point several
               | times before.
               | In fact, C++ Concepts _can be_ used for early enforcement
               | of compile-time duck typing, just for better error
               | messages. In the Standard library they are commonly used
               | that way, for backward compatibility.
               | But Concepts can also implement named-property matching.
               | It is entirely up to the designer of a library how much
               | of each to present.
               | tialaramex wrote:
               | > You have been corrected on this point several times
               | before.
               | You have repeatedly (across numerous HN threads) insisted
               | that Concepts aren't just duck typing but that doesn't
               | make it so.
               | > But Concepts can also implement named-property
               | matching.
               | That's still just duck typing (and it's awkward to do
               | properly). Contrast with the (eventually abandoned) C++
               | 0x Concepts, which actually has semantic weight to it.
               | Concept Maps allow C++ 0x Concepts to have some sort of
               | chance in a language that's already in widespread use,
               | because you can adapt an existing type to the Concept
               | using a Map.
               | But C++ 20 Concepts doesn't offer any of that, after
               | about a decade it's just duck typing.
             | ascar wrote:
             | Not really a C++ expert, but two things I saw in the
             | documentation and that came in useful were the "contains"
             | method of maps and the std::span class for passing around
             | contiguous sequences of objects without worrying about
             | creating copies of vectors.
             | kllrnohj wrote:
             | Compared to a decade ago a bunch of stuff in no particular
             | order:
             | 1) malloc/new & free/delete are now solidly legacy
             | territory of the "unless it's a placement `new`, you're
             | likely doing it wrong". make_unique && make_shared all day
             | long.
             | 2) templates that are understandable by mortals thanks to
             | `if constexpr` instead of SFINAE nightmares.
             | 3) static_asserts
             | 4) lambdas (which is going to get way more useful with http
             | s://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/functional/move_on...
             | )
             | 5) std::format
             | 6) attributes like [[nodiscard]] being standard
             | 7) std::move making passing std:vector & similar containers
             | around not being terrifying (this is what also really helps
             | #1 be possible)
             | I'm sure I missed some stuff, but I reach for all of those
             | regularly.
           | rrss wrote:
           | > Important disclaimer: This isn't about 'just a pretty
           | syntax,' it's about fixing semantics
           | gumby wrote:
           | > This seems to be just a syntax frontend for C++. The
           | underlying semantics stay the same.
           | That is very much _not_ true. In fact the syntax
           | simplification is of less interest to me than the
           | clarification /simplification of semantics. Most of the
           | dangerous / confusing parts of c++ come from the necessary c
           | compatibility.
           | So for example, you don't have to worry about the bug-
           | inducing C integer promotion rules.
           | xpe wrote:
           | > if you dropped C++ a decade ago ...
           | Fair. Still, the more recent C++ improvements tend to roll
           | out slowly across the ecosystem and work environments.
         | nicky0 wrote:
         | Becoming a successful lamnguage does not seem to be a goal of
         | the project:
         | "Cppfront is a personal experimental compiler from an
         | experimental C++ 'syntax 2' to today's 'syntax 1,' to learn
         | some things, prove out some concepts, and share some ideas."
           | gumby wrote:
           | And this work has resulted in things that were discussed or
           | even got into subsequent C++ standards.
         | mort96 wrote:
         | Because this isn't a new language which is attempting to become
         | successful. This is a playground to experiment with ways to
         | evolve C++ into a better language.
           | simias wrote:
           | All the more reason to have people play with it, no?
             | bangonkeyboard wrote:
             | Other people playing with and using it decrease his ability
             | to make breaking changes freely.
             | jlarocco wrote:
             | It seems like other people should come up with their own
             | "playground" for experimenting?
       | wheelerof4te wrote:
       | Looks like an unholy love child of Python, Javascript and Hare.
       | OliverM wrote:
       | C++ was one of the first languages I learnt as an undergrad,
       | maybe 20 years ago. I used it for a few hobby projects but not
       | much else (professionally these days I mainly use Typescript &
       | Go). I'd love to pick up C++ again but I've found it really
       | challenging to discover what I should read up on to know what
       | modern C++ should look like. What's a great resource for someone
       | who's been out of C++ for a couple of decades to pick up and
       | learn today's idiomatic C++? I don't want Rust btw - it's a great
       | language but I want to revitalise my C++ knowledge, not jump ship
       | entirely.
         | raegis wrote:
         | I think Jonathan Boccara's talk, "105 STL Algorithms in Less
         | Than an Hour" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2olsGf6JIkU ),
         | gives a nice overview of the <algorithm> library. Also, the
         | examples on the reference pages (usually near the bottom) at
         | cppreference.com are usually pretty good. For example: Here's
         | how to create a pseudo random number generator using the
         | Mersenne Twister engine.                 std::mt19937 e; //
         | Mersenne Twister engine
         | std::uniform_int_distribution<int> u(0,99999); // uniform ints
         | 0 to 99999, inclusive       auto rng = std::bind(u,e); // so
         | rng() retuns the next random number
         | And filling a vector with random numbers could look like this:
         | std::vector<int> nums(1000);       std::generate(nums.begin(),
         | nums.end(), rng);
         | This last line can be written in C++20 more simply like this:
         | std::ranges::generate(nums,rng);
         | ncmncm wrote:
         | Generally Cppreference.com has the most authoritative
         | information on what C++ is now. It is _somewhat_ opinionated
         | about modernity, but not enough so to be intrusive.
         | Usage examples have often been updated to current best
         | practice.
         | detaro wrote:
         | The standard recommendations to come to up speed up to ~C++14
         | are Scott Meyers books, _Effective C++_ and _Effective Modern
         | C++_ , but I'm not sure if they work well alone when you've not
         | used C++ in a long time. And don't have a good recommendation
         | for something covering the stuff newer than that.
       | jpeter wrote:
       | What is this obesession with the funcname() -> type syntax? I
       | just hate it
       | malkia wrote:
       | Carbonfront....
         | wrd83 wrote:
         | Yeah. I think this is a response to carbon. See what google did
         | with golang. It affects python and Java heavily. If carbon gets
         | successful, this means less influence for cpp
           | djur wrote:
           | The project dates back to 2015, and the compiler work started
           | in 2021, well before Carbon was announced.
         | 3a2d29 wrote:
         | While I would like to see C++ improve, I would argue that this
         | really is reinventing the wheel when Carbon is being worked on.
         | I guess the only thing cppfront would offer is mixed syntax
         | within one file, but I could even see Carbon implementing
         | something like that.
       | lbhdc wrote:
       | Compiler explorer supports cppfront
       | https://godbolt.org/z/shYes883a
       | mbotner wrote:
       | I remain convinced that Herb is an amazing force of nature!
       | Simply incredible from my mortal programer point of view.
       | Wow!
       | Mark
       | zozbot234 wrote:
       | "Fixing semantics" while keeping 100% ABI compatibility with old
       | C++ seems really hard. It looks like this will have to allow for
       | some kind of opt-in ABI breakage, at which point you're not far
       | away from what you could achieve more easily by using e.g.
       | Carbon, or just better Rust/C++ interop (see autocxx, crubit,
       | creusot).
         | [deleted]
         | nsajko wrote:
         | > far away from what you could achieve more easily by using
         | e.g. Carbon, or just better Rust/C++ interop (see creusot).
         | At that point, why not just upgrade to C++20? Carbon, in
         | particular, is left behind in the C++17 world, so it's outdated
         | by C++20 (not to mention future developments).
           | TillE wrote:
           | No one has ever said that Carbon will forever be frozen at
           | C++17 compatibility. That's just the initial goal.
             | mgraczyk wrote:
             | Google is basically stuck in the C++17 world, so I wouldn't
             | expect Carbon to move forward if they end up investing
             | heavily in it.
             | In particular Google hasn't even started to adopt C++
             | coroutines, threading, ranges, or modules (they have their
             | own module implementation which is actually better in most
             | ways, but different)
       | humanrebar wrote:
       | Pros:
       | - Transpiling to C++ means it will work wherever C++ works. On
       | any toolchain. With relatively little effort. It shouldn't be
       | hard to add CMake and bazel support, for instance. Even mostly
       | dumb makefiles should be workable.
       | - Approaching the community this way could avoid fracturing the
       | community more than it already is.
       | - Targeting specific success metrics (like CVE causes) could
       | provide focus around design and requirements
       | - Seems simpler and easier to learn and teach.
       | Cons:
       | - The pitch assumes C++ modules are implemented, ready to use,
       | and reasonable accessible.
       | - There will be a _lot_ of tooling to reinvent: static analyzers,
       | syntax highlighters, etc.
       | - At least for a while, debugging cpp2 problems will involve
       | juggling multiple parallel realities: cpp2 code, C++ code, and
       | actual program behavior (i.e. compiled binaries).
       | - Doesn't address other major C++ ecosystem problems like build
       | times, packaging, build systems, etc. cpp2 _could_ make them
       | slightly worse.
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | > Transpiling to C++ means it will work wherever C++ works.
         | It also means you don't really benefit from any of the new
         | semantics. Why do all of that static analysis work to establish
         | safety, and then throw the results away by writing out clunky
         | old C++? It all makes very little sense.
           | zdragnar wrote:
           | Transpiling and compiling are turtles all the way down.
           | It's a bit more complicated than, say, typescript to
           | JavaScript, but in spirit is not so very different, right?
           | wasyl wrote:
           | Because you don't actually work with the C++ output I guess?
           | Same with Kotlin/Java -- there's no difference in nullable vs
           | non-nullable types for example. But as long as your codebase
           | is 100% Kotlin, you get proper null safety, and there's no
           | need to fall back to what Java has
           | ablob wrote:
           | How are any of the guarantees lost as long as the resulting
           | C++ code isn't touched?
           | jcelerier wrote:
           | .. this doesn't make sense at all. If you prove that a
           | program is safe in language A, it doesn't magically become
           | unsafe when transpiled to language B. Every language works by
           | clunking out instruction sets mostly devised in the 1970/80s,
           | this doesn't remove the safety properties of the higher level
           | language.
             | zozbot234 wrote:
             | A whole program, yes. A library that's written for language
             | A may well rely on arbitrarily complex preconditions for
             | safety that you may have no hope of establishing within
             | language B. Rust devs get bitten by this all the time when
             | trying to reuse "safe" library code within an unsafe
             | context. (That's one key reason for wanting e.g. Carbon as
             | something that isn't just plain Rust.)
               | neongreen wrote:
               | Off the top of your head, do you have simple examples of
               | this? I know a bit of Rust but I assumed (apparently
               | wrongly!) that safe-within-unsafe should just work.
               | zozbot234 wrote:
               | It will work if your unsafe code does not actually opt-in
               | to any unsafe features-- in which case you would not
               | actually need an unsafe block. If it does use any of
               | those however, it's very easy to break the expected
               | preconditions of safe code and create unsoundness, e.g.
               | around references (since code written in safe Rust has
               | little use for raw pointers) or properly initialized data
               | (Rust expects you to use MaybeUninit<> whenever data may
               | not be properly initialized but that's a mere wrapper,
               | which can only be removed by unsafe code).
               | littlestymaar wrote:
               | So if your unsafe code hits an UB then your safe code can
               | be broken...
               | kibwen wrote:
               | Of course, undefined behavior anywhere in the program
               | automatically makes the entire program invalid (this is
               | how undefined behavior works in C and C++ compilers as
               | well). But that's not what the parent commenters are
               | talking about. An `unsafe` block in Rust represents a
               | place where the ordinary invariants of the language may
               | be violated. This is immensely useful for auditing,
               | documentation, and manually verifying that the program
               | acts as you expect. But it's a common mistake to assume
               | that this also means that _future_ changes to non-unsafe-
               | blocks cannot invalidate existing unsafe blocks. While it
               | is always _necessary_ for an unsafe block to exist as a
               | sort of  "root cause" of unsafety, safety invariants can
               | rely on things that are merely _reachable_ from unsafe
               | blocks. In practice, this means that the boundary for
               | safety in Rust is not the unsafe block itself, but rather
               | the boundary of the module that contains the unsafe
               | block. This also means that, if you 're writing unsafe
               | blocks in Rust, it behooves you to make their containing
               | modules as small as possible in order to reduce the
               | amount of things the unsafe block can reach, and
               | therefore reduce the number of changes that might
               | accidentally change an assumption that an unsafe block is
               | relying upon.
               | littlestymaar wrote:
               | I know about that (even though it's a worthwhile addition
               | to this thread for other readers), but I don't think it's
               | what they had in mind, since they were talking about
               | "Rust devs get bitten by this all the time when trying to
               | reuse "safe" library code within an unsafe context" in
               | their original comment[1], and I really can't see what
               | they are talking about except some variation around "from
               | C++ I passed some uninitialized memory to a Rust library
               | and Rust went boom" but maybe I'm just misunderstanding.
               | [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32878775
               | ekidd wrote:
               | I'm not sure what the grandparent post if referring to,
               | but:
               | - In general, "unsafe" code inside a module may depend on
               | invariants maintained by "safe" code in the same module.
               | For example, the "length" field in a Vec can be changed
               | by the safe internals of Vec. But if the safe code in Vec
               | sets an invalid "length" value, then unsafe code relying
               | on "length" might fail. So once you find an unsafe block,
               | you may need to audit some of the surrounding safe code
               | in the same module.
               | - Unsafe Rust is actually slightly _less_ forgiving than
               | C or C++, partly because Rust is allowed to set
               | "noalias" on lots of immutable references, IIRC. The
               | Rustonomicon talks a lot about issues like this.
           | wizofaus wrote:
           | That's exactly how Typescript works. The point is that the
           | type-safety checks are done at transpilation time, and that
           | step fails if you've violated them. So I'm assuming something
           | similar for cppfront - it will fail to transpile if your code
           | doesn't pass the additional safety checks.
         | einpoklum wrote:
         | > Transpiling to C++ means it will work wherever C++ works.
         | Only if you only use this Cpp2 thing. Because the C++ you write
         | may not play nice with the C++ this transpiles into.
           | gumby wrote:
           | It support the big 3 (gcc, clang, ms)
         | projektfu wrote:
         | The static analysis should be able to remain because a lot of
         | the concepts he has implemented here are proposed/implemented
         | for "syntax 1" as well, but they require attributes or specific
         | styles. Therefore, the static analyzer should be written for
         | regular C++23 and will support the defaults of "syntax 2".
         | As far as support in compiled libraries is concerned, that
         | would depend on how those features are implemented in C++23
         | anyway.
           | humanrebar wrote:
           | Well, existing static analysis would break or need to add
           | support for cpp2. In the case of pure cpp2, simpler tools
           | could be written, but they would be new code.
         | nikki93 wrote:
         | I've been using my own little Go (subset / my own extensions)
         | -> C++ compiler -- https://github.com/nikki93/gx -- and found
         | it to be a fun way to add some guardrails and nicer syntax over
         | C++ usage. You get Go's package system and the syntax analyzers
         | / syntax highlighters etc. just work.
         | lostdog wrote:
         | > Doesn't address other major C++ ecosystem problems like build
         | times, packaging, build systems, etc. cpp2 could make them
         | slightly worse.
         | I assume that as long as the cpp2 syntax is clean, you could
         | improve on compile times. In theory, cpp2 files could compile
         | much more quickly that C++, so as you migrate code to cpp2 your
         | builds speed up?
         | It all depends on how well Sutter has thought through the cpp2
         | language design I suppose.
           | humanrebar wrote:
           | I said that because the user surveys conducted by ISO clearly
           | identify dependency management and build times as the biggest
           | pain points for C++ engineers. Every proposal doesn't have to
           | work on those problems, but other than parsing (i.e.,
           | language designer tech) tooling seems like an afterthought in
           | this case. Just like all of the big ideas coming from ISO
           | leadership.
           | Big reasons people look for non-C++ solutions include better
           | build times, dependency management, etc.
           | wizofaus wrote:
           | But it's adding an extra compilation step. The only way to
           | will improve compile times is if it avoids the need to
           | recompile all source files referring to header that's only
           | been modified to add/remove/modify private methods/data in a
           | class (even data is an issue if objects of that class are
           | instantiated on the stack). In principle it might be possible
           | for an extra transpilation step to help there if you also
           | take over the "make"-style dependency management. I'm
           | guessing c++ modules is supposed to help address this too?
             | 3836293648 wrote:
             | The idea is not adding a compilation step. This is a proof
             | of concept and playground. If it works out it's not going
             | to stay as a transpiler to Cpp1 forever
         | lbhdc wrote:
         | In his talk he demos mixing syntax 1 and 2 (his terms) in the
         | same file. Preprocessor macros work fine unless you enable
         | "pure" mode.
         | He also demos error messages, and was able to get errors from a
         | cpp compiler (msvc) that point to his cpp2 file with a line
         | number and readable error.
         | mort96 wrote:
         | This is all true, but I feel it sort of misses the point a bit.
         | The goal seems to be mainly to use cppfront as a test bed for
         | new language syntax and semantics, where most of the ideas will
         | eventually make its way into the C++ standard or into existing
         | compilers.
         | The main reason to use it in production is that it's not meant
         | to be used in production and makes no attempt to be suitable
         | for production use or avoid breaking changes, so the stuff in
         | your cons list doesn't really apply. It's kind of like looking
         | at someone's scale model of a proposed city layout and say that
         | a pro is that tiny plastic houses are cheap to manufacture at
         | scale but a con is that the houses may be too small to live in.
         | But all of your points will become relevant if cppfront
         | eventually gets to a state where it's a serious transpiler
         | meant to be used in production.
           | kvathupo wrote:
           | I agree, and would like to note that there isn't a need to
           | simplify C++ imo. It's folly from a business and productivity
           | standpoint to use one language, especially C++, to do
           | everything from writing web apps to doing exploratory data
           | analysis.
           | Besides, the C++ community seems to overlap with academia by
           | way of its feature updates, reveling in complexity (e.g.
           | "C++20 ranges are totally awesome: memory-safe and performant
           | iterators!").
         | cpeterso wrote:
         | > Transpiling to C++ means it will work wherever C++ works.
         | This approach is similar to Rust's editions. IIUC, nearly all
         | of the differences been editions are compartmentalized in the
         | frontend, deprecating syntax and rewriting old edition code to
         | rustc's current IR.
           | tialaramex wrote:
           | Rust's Editions specifically only change the concrete syntax,
           | although there have been hacks to make some stuff that would
           | otherwise be impossible become possible by retrospectively
           | making how things used to work a special case, and of course
           | if some feature _needs_ syntax then you can 't use it from an
           | Edition which doesn't have that syntax (e.g. async doesn't
           | exist in Rust 2015 edition)
           | Here's the guide explaining the most significant hack:
           | https://doc.rust-lang.org/edition-
           | guide/rust-2021/IntoIterat...
           | There was a proposal to do Editions for C++, Epochs,
           | https://www.open-
           | std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2019/p18... but it was not
           | accepted.
             | kibwen wrote:
             | Rust editions can technically change some aspects of the
             | language semantics, but this ability is used sparingly. An
             | example is how the `iter` method on fixed-size arrays
             | changed in the most recent edition. As long as code from
             | all editions can still be used together, a semantic change
             | is possible.
               | tialaramex wrote:
               | > An example is how the `iter` method on fixed-size
               | arrays changed in the most recent edition.
               | Can you explain?
               | The array type doesn't have an iter() method. It will
               | coerce into a slice, which does have an iter() method,
               | but doesn't care whether it's an array we're slicing.
               | kibwen wrote:
               | I was misremembering, it was `into_iter` rather than
               | `iter` that was changed. The documentation for the change
               | can be found here: https://doc.rust-lang.org/edition-
               | guide/rust-2021/IntoIterat...
               | [deleted]
           | ehzy wrote:
           | That's not what they're talking about here. They're saying
           | that any system with a C++ compiler is a target for this new
           | language, as opposed to Rust, which only runs on systems with
           | a LLVM backend.
             | humanrebar wrote:
             | Yes. This. Assuming some niche embedded cross compilation
             | toolchain uses C++23, it would support cpp2.
       | googlryas wrote:
       | I'm sorry, but Herb Sutter is too smart for his own good. He
       | should not be involved in language design meant for mortals. I
       | mean, who can honestly say both "For me, ISO C++ is the best tool
       | in the world today to write the programs I want and need", but
       | then also "I want to make C++ 10x simpler/safer/more toolable"?
         | kubb wrote:
         | My impression is that many people use C++ because they need to,
         | but not because they want to.
           | ReptileMan wrote:
           | Java and C# fucked up in that they thought that people really
           | loved the objects, but missed that actually people really
           | hated the pointers and the oo part was mostly a crutch to
           | lessen thr memory safety burden.
           | And their development in the last 15 years is just trying to
           | escape the oo cage they were put in.
           | Something that fixed C++ would have been a godsend in 2004.
           | Nowadays... just a nice thing to have.
             | einpoklum wrote:
             | Well, you did get a whole bunch of fix for C++ in 2011...
         | jcelerier wrote:
         | What makes you think that these two statements are exclusive?
           | googlryas wrote:
           | I don't mean to say they are mutually exclusive, merely that
           | it takes a very smart person to be able to say both. For most
           | people, a language that is 10x more complex than a language
           | with ideal simplicity and safety, is too difficult for them
           | to understand - or at least too difficult for them to
           | understand without putting in years of study and practice,
           | something which is not reasonable for most programmers.
         | jonex wrote:
         | For a class of problems, there's basically two options of
         | language to use that would fit the requirements, C++ and Rust.
         | While Rust is promising and getting some traction, saying that
         | it's the clear winner in all aspects would be a stretch. So
         | therefore there's a lot of people who end up with your first
         | statement. And given the kinds of problem where it's the best
         | tool, a lot of those would end up actually interested in the
         | second statement. However, of course most people wouldn't have
         | the opportunity to do so. We're lucky that there are people
         | that end up with all three like Herb Sutter, IMO, or we'd be
         | stuck with 98 semantics... (I guess it would have helped Rust
         | getting popular faster though...)
       | metadat wrote:
       | Looking forward to finding out what kind of feedback and
       | discussion this generates. Some of the changes seem to make the
       | syntax pointlessly different.                   /* Proposed "new"
       | c++ syntax */         main: () -> int = {           cout <<
       | "hello world\n";          }              // vs.              /*
       | Classix c++ syntax */         int main() {             cout <<
       | "hello world\n";         }
       | The "new" way looks a lot like a copy of the newer Java syntax
       | for closures.
         | nickhalfasleep wrote:
         | The idea is to have a consistent way across many items,
         | functions, lambdas, etc...
         | Sharlin wrote:
         | The "type first" declaration syntax is a source of much wailing
         | and gnashing of teeth when it comes to trying to parse C++. See
         | the "most vexing parse" [1].
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_vexing_parse
         | criddell wrote:
         | Both versions are supposed to return an int but neither has a
         | return statement. Is that not an error?
           | e4m2 wrote:
           | The main function returns zero implicitly if control flow
           | reaches the end without encountering a return statement.
           | LeSaucy wrote:
           | It wouldn't be C++ without undefined behaviour.
         | humanrebar wrote:
         | Some of the syntax changes are to support simple LR parsing.
         | Ideally cpp2 would have boring grammar descriptions available
         | for popular off-the-shelf parser generators. No need to link
         | libclang into everything.
         | hackingthenews wrote:
         | This is explained in the talk he gave. One of the benefits is
         | that with new syntax the semantics can change without breaking
         | backward compatibility, e.g. [[nodiscard]] can become default
         | for all functions written in the new style.
         | williamvds wrote:
         | From a C/C++ programmer's POV those may look like GOTO labels,
         | I agree. The proposed syntax is probably a consequence of a
         | modern trend in using := for declaration and assignment.
         | x := 5
         | Where you can optionally insert the type between the colon and
         | equals, otherwise it is deduced                   x : int = 5
           | noobermin wrote:
           | All the replies are missing something, does cpp2 have goto
           | labels? What happened to them.
           | Unless you now have named loops in modern C++ now this
           | removing goto is problematic.
           | teo_zero wrote:
           | In English, the colon is used to separate a term to its
           | definition, so it looks perfectly apt to mark declarations.
           | Besides, it makes it trivial for text editors to implement
           | "go to definition", and many other niceties without a real
           | semantic parser.
           | thechao wrote:
           | I used to code for a language called "Spad" -- originally
           | shipped in 1972(?). The syntax:                   x : t = e
           | Was called "headform" and was the _only_ syntactic form for
           | the whole language. (Expressions used a shunting yard
           | algorithm to desugar into a sequence of headform.)
           | The language included modules, classes, parameterics,
           | functions, constraints, ..., whatever.
           | SaddledBounding wrote:
           | > The proposed syntax is probably a consequence of a modern
           | trend...
           | ML uses `name: type = value`. It came out over a decade
           | before C++ and just one year after C.
           | cvoss wrote:
           | It's not modern at all. Type system notation has been using x
           | : T to say "x has type T" for at least 50 years. It's the
           | standard in academia, and has existed in real-world
           | programming languages since 1971. [0]
           | [0] https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/43971/why-
           | colon...
             | forrestthewoods wrote:
             | It is an old idea and also a modern trend. Trends come and
             | go. It is currently trendy.
             | 90s fashion is also trendy right now. Which is great
             | because a few years ago it was 80. The cycle continues!
           | dvratil wrote:
           | I don't think this has anything to do with modern trends - :=
           | is a formal way of writing assignment (the widely used = is
           | actually an equality sign), and has already been present in
           | Pascal for decades (and other languages as well).
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALGOL_58
             | ALGOL, the := in programming languages used for assignment
             | comes from IAL which became ALGOL 58. It's definitely not a
             | modern development. Go reintroduced it to popular
             | mainstream languages, sort of. Except they still use = for
             | assignment and := is used when it's also declaring a new
             | variable.
           | rafram wrote:
           | I'm not sure I'd := is a "modern trend." Smalltalk had it
           | circa 1972, but none of the modern-day hip languages I can
           | think of do. Your latter example is a common syntax, but the
           | colon is omitted with the type in most languages (TypeScript,
           | Rust, etc.).
             | charcircuit wrote:
             | X being a modern trend does not mean it was not done in the
             | past. It doesn't mean that it hasn't trended in the past
             | either.
         | hota_mazi wrote:
         | It's disappointing they would keep that odd << syntax, which
         | has always looked weird to me.
         | Why not take this opportunity to streamline the calling syntax?
         | Streams are no different than regular function calls, e.g.
         | cout.output("hello").output("world\n")
           | layer8 wrote:
           | You are talking about library API design, not language
           | design. A new C++ syntax will not change how functions in the
           | standard library are named (e.g. operator<<).
           | CyberDildonics wrote:
           | That is an operator overload of a library and not built in
           | language syntax.
           | Even so there is now std::format
           | https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/format/format
             | hota_mazi wrote:
             | Doh, you're absolutely correct.
         | oblio wrote:
         | The "new" way is basically updated Pascal, which was the right
         | way to do it, from back in the 80's.
         | Similar story with C strings vs Pascal strings, another can of
         | worms.
         | onedognight wrote:
         | It's actually close to the new C++ syntax for functions. Take a
         | look at the output C++ in the regression-tests/test-results
         | folder:                   auto main() -> int {             cout
         | << "hello world\n";         }
         | The difference between the two is mostly the : and the =. The
         | colon is for declarations being written:                   i :
         | int = 0;
         | Instead of                   int i = 0;
         | main is the variable/function above and its type is ()->int and
         | it's being assigned, i.e. defined, hence the =. This syntax
         | removes a ton of parsing complexity and makes the language more
         | regular. Functions are defined and assigned similarly to
         | variables.
           | dataflow wrote:
           | That colon is going to be quite burdensome to type, due to
           | the need to hold the Shift key on a line where you otherwise
           | might not need to. It might sound silly but I do think little
           | things like this can really hinder adoption without people
           | necessarily realizing it.
             | Merad wrote:
             | Meaning no offense but if you aren't exaggerating you might
             | want to invest some time in typing lessons. I'm not even
             | remotely close to being an expert typist and I spend most
             | of the day going back and forth between a C style language
             | (C#) and modern style that uses the colon (Typescript). The
             | difference needed to type a colon doesn't even register.
               | dataflow wrote:
               | I write both C++ and Python all the time and I type
               | enough underscores and caps all day just fine, thank you.
               | The colon doesn't register for me when I'm writing those
               | either. When it _did_ register for me was precisely when
               | I started designing my own language, attempted to design
               | declarations with this exact syntax, played around with
               | it, and realized this is a burden I 'd never noticed
               | before, and that this was one thing that made languages
               | more pleasant to write in.
               | Think of it like font kerning. Some people notice it,
               | some don't, but most people prefer good kerning even if
               | they never think about it.
             | wyan wrote:
             | In many non-US keyboard layouts typing the ";" requires
             | holding shift as well, so not sure how bad this issue is in
             | actuality.
             | hiccuphippo wrote:
             | You could just change your keymap if you really need to. I
             | used to remap / in my Spanish keyboards because normally it
             | is shift+7.
             | coliveira wrote:
             | Tell this to people using Python. Every function, if, and
             | loop has a colon at the end.
               | dataflow wrote:
               | You misread my comment. I'm not saying "colons are bad",
               | I'm saying "excessive holding of keys is bad".
               | if (cond) { } requires 4 presses of Shift (or 2, if you
               | combine them).
               | if cond: foo requires 1 press of Shift.
               | I'm not sure what part of my comment makes you believe
               | that I think the latter comes out worse than the former.
               | If anything, the fewer keypresses probably strongly
               | helped Python's success without people necessarily
               | realizing it. Moreover, this might very well be one thing
               | hindering more widespread adoption of Python's type
               | annotations.
               | You also need to consider how common each construct is. A
               | class declaration requiring 20 excessive keystrokes is
               | not necessarily worse than a variable declaration
               | requiring 1 excessive keystroke.
             | [deleted]
             | gumby wrote:
             | No emacs user would even notice.
               | metadat wrote:
               | Or Vim and Python users. They type ":" a lot.
             | KerrAvon wrote:
             | You must not have used Python or classes in C++, where the
             | colon is ubiquitous?
             | Does `{` not require shift on your keyboard?
               | dataflow wrote:
               | > You must not have used Python or classes in C++, where
               | the colon is ubiquitous?
               | You misread my comment. I'm talking about cases where
               | existing prevalent syntax for that construct does NOT
               | already require holding Shift. Python is _better_ in this
               | respect since  ":" requires fewer presses of Shift than
               | "{" or "}". This is not the case when you go from "int x
               | = 1;" to "x: int = 1;".
               | Moreover, the inconvenience of going from 1 Shift to 2 is
               | not the same as the burden of going from 0 to 1.
               | Especially because you can often combine the 2 into 1
               | without releasing the modifier key in between.
               | And furthermore, variable declarations are _far_ more
               | common than class or function declarations, so you can 't
               | weight them equally.
             | kagakuninja wrote:
             | No more burdensome than using capitol letters (camel case),
             | underscore (snake case), curly braces or quote marks.
             | Been using Scala for 7 years, and it has never even
             | occurred to me this was a "burden".
           | uwagar wrote:
           | ouch is it just me that feels
           | int i = 0; // pretty
           | i : int = 0; // ugly
           | i will stick to c++03 thank u very much.
             | tricky777 wrote:
             | the ugly way is easier for the parser on some edge cases.
             | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_vexing_parse
             | syntax "beauty" is just a matter of how used to it you are
             | (excl brainfuck ofcourse). Admitting this, is quite a big
             | present one can give to him/her self.
             | mgraczyk wrote:
             | Most new languages use postfix types. I grew up using C and
             | C++, but now that I've learned and use Python with types
             | and Typescript, I'm used to and prefer postfix syntax
               | uwagar wrote:
               | shouldnt it then be?
               | i: int 0 = ;
               | mgraczyk wrote:
               | No, it should read grammatically as English.
               | int x = 0 "There is an integer x with value 0"
               | x: int = 0 "x is an integer with value 0"
               | x: int 0 = "x is an integer that is zero valued"
               | The last one is awkward, the first one is harder to read.
             | kagakuninja wrote:
             | I have been using C and related languages since 1980.
             | Switched to C++, later Java. Then about 7 years ago, I went
             | all in on Scala, and have never looked back.
             | Something like "i: int" is superior (at least in Scala),
             | because the type annotation is optional. You can drop it,
             | and just say "val i = 42". I believe it simplifies the
             | parser as well.
             | There is a reason many modern languages are adopting the
             | style.
           | philippejara wrote:
           | been a bit since I've touched c++, but is there any reason to
           | use trailing return types in that manner aside from solving
           | scope issue with decltype on templates? I assumed this was a
           | way to write functions to deal with that case and not for
           | "regular" functions.
           | On another note, anything with "->" is just painful to write,
           | same thing with the (in his proposal) ":_" instead of "=" for
           | function arguments. Just annoying.
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | :_ appears to mark it as a generic type parameter, the
             | `hello` function in the example ought to be equivalent to
             | this straight C++:                 template<typename T>
             | void hello(T msg) {         std::cout << "Hello " << msg <<
             | "\n";       }            hello: (msg: _) = {
             | std::cout << "Hello " << msg << "\n";       }
             | I kind of like this, actually, because so many people I've
             | worked with are afraid of templates in C++, but they seem
             | to have no trouble with essentially equivalent code using
             | generics (in other statically typed languages) or
             | dynamically typed languages where it "just works" (until it
             | doesn't). Not that we'll be adopting this any time soon,
             | but I suspect they'd be more amenable to this form when
             | `template` seems to make them quake in their boots.
               | gpderetta wrote:
               | The syntax:                  void hello(auto msg){
               | ...        }
               | Is legal today (since C++20 IIRC) and it is equivalent to
               | your first example.
               | philippejara wrote:
               | Ah actually missed that, good catch, it does seem to be a
               | step forward in regards to dealing with the syntactical
               | clunkyness of templates. Now if we could have keyword
               | arguments in functions calls without having to deal with
               | some kludge...
             | mgraczyk wrote:
             | You have to use it for lambdas, so using it everywhere
             | makes some code more consistent and readable
           | alcover wrote:
           | Allow me to hijack a little. I'm working on a new language.
           | Would you people object to ':' for assign and single '=' for
           | equality ?                 int i:42       if i=42 print "ok"
             | mkl wrote:
             | Maxima does something like this. It's weird to use. I think
             | := for assignment makes more sense if you want = for
             | equality.
             | bhawks wrote:
             | Golang uses : to assign in struct initialization and := for
             | new variable assignments so there is some prior art.
             | Practically speaking I find : to be challenging to quickly
             | scan out of source visually. In golang this objection is
             | muted slightly because struct initialization usually ends
             | up being clearly indented by the formatter.
           | metadat wrote:
           | Why does it need both the keywords "auto" and "int" when
           | declaring main()? Just seems extra confusing..
             | mgraczyk wrote:
             | This is cruft. Without auto it wouldn't be parsed as a
             | function declaration
         | hardlianotion wrote:
         | In that particular case, it looks like he declared and assigned
         | a thunk called main. It looks different to me than the
         | original-style main.
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | > main: () -> int = {
         | Y U NO fn??!? So close, and yet so obviously wrong.
           | duped wrote:
           | Why add a keyword when you don't need it?
             | [deleted]
             | bogdanoff_2 wrote:
             | For easier grepping
               | duped wrote:
               | Use an IDE
           | Koshkin wrote:
           | fn is no fun
       | ivraatiems wrote:
       | This is a minor thing, but why is the file extension .cpp2 and
       | not .cpf or .cp2 similar? Why make it longer/uglier?
       | mhd wrote:
       | Sutter might be a bigger name, but I think this has about the
       | same chances as Damian Conway's SPECS[1].
       | [1]:https://users.monash.edu/~damian/papers/HTML/ModestProposal..
       | ..
         | projektfu wrote:
         | Perhaps. But Sutter sits on the committee, and therefore has
         | more ability to get these things into the standard.
         | WCSTombs wrote:
         | From what I gather, the projects have quite different goals.
         | CppFront:
         | > My specific goal is to explore the question: Can we make C++
         | 10x safer, simpler, and more toolable if C++ had an alternative
         | "syntax #2," within which we could be completely free to
         | improve semantics by applying 30 years' worth of C++ language
         | experience without any backward source compatibility
         | constraints?
         | SPECS:
         | > We propose an alternative text-based syntactic binding
         | (called SPECS) for the existing semantics of the C++ language.
         | So while SPECS is semantically equivalent to C++ as it is
         | today, CppFront isn't bound by that constraint.
         | Sutter makes this very clear later in the README:
         | > Important disclaimer: This isn't about 'just a pretty
         | syntax,' it's about fixing semantics.
         | Just to be clear, my intent isn't to diminish Conway's work in
         | any way. Both are interesting projects, just with different
         | goals.
           | lifthrasiir wrote:
           | > So while SPECS is semantically equivalent to C++ as it is
           | today, CppFront isn't bound by that constraint.
           | This can be actually seen as cppfront having _less_ chance
           | than SPECS.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | CppFront is supposed to be 100% link-compatible with the
           | existing C++ ABI. Even if that isn't "semantically
           | equivalent" in a strict sense, it's so close that it makes no
           | real difference.
       | strictfp wrote:
       | This sounds very similar to how Jetbrains tried to improve on
       | Java but in the end deciding to invent Kotlin; a new language
       | with more consise syntax, better defaults, some new features, and
       | great interop back and forth with Java.
         | rootlocus wrote:
         | > great interop back and forth with Java.
         | That's something all JVM languages share. Not that easy with
         | compiled languages unfortunately.
           | [deleted]
         | jpeter wrote:
         | C++ needs a new frontend. Something close to C# / Kotlin
       | jiripospisil wrote:
       | > We've already been improving C++'s safety and ergonomics with
       | every ISO C++ release, but they have been "10%" improvements. We
       | haven't been able to do a "10x" improvement primarily _because we
       | have to keep 100% syntax backward compatibility_.
       | You really don't. The vast majority of projects will never change
       | the language version they use. Simple projects are simple to fix.
       | Remaining large projects have enough resources and expertise to
       | do changes across their entire code base - Chromium has recently
       | changed more than 15000 instances (in over 8000 files) of using
       | raw pointers to using raw_ptr instead in a single pull request
       | [0]. How? They wrote a Clang based tool which did it
       | automatically [1].
       | [0] https://chromium-
       | review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/33...
       | [1]
       | https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:too...
         | tusharsadhwani wrote:
         | Projects can't keep using an old compilers because of security
         | patches though. At some point, the old versions are too old to
         | keep the security up to date.
         | A more common example, what if a library that you use stops
         | supporting the old version, and the latest compatible release
         | of the library has a security vulnerability.
           | jiripospisil wrote:
           | > Projects can't keep using an old compilers because of
           | security patches though. At some point, the old versions are
           | too old to keep the security up to date.
           | I'm talking about using the same language version (standard),
           | not compiler version - e.g. the latest Clang still supports
           | the C++98 ISO version.
           | > A more common example, what if a library that you use stops
           | supporting the old version, and the latest compatible release
           | of the library has a security vulnerability.
           | You backport the fix or the change library. Nobody said it's
           | easy but your project should not hold the entire language
           | hostage.
         | detaro wrote:
         | That doesn't match my professional experience: Many code bases
         | iteratively move forward through language versions. They do
         | vary in how intensely they drive this, which can lead to vast
         | differences across different areas of the code, but that is not
         | necessarily bad, but would be an issue with hard breaks.
         | lostdog wrote:
         | There was a years-long conniption over the Python 2 to 3
         | migration. I also believe that it's ok for a language to break
         | backwards compatibility once every 40 years, but I completely
         | understand why so many language designers are afraid to.
       | choeger wrote:
       | I seriously wonder why no one did that before (put a context-free
       | language in front of C++). Presumably, because of the need for
       | modules to get anything beyond trivial code (without modules, one
       | would have to use the preprocessor which would intermix old and
       | new syntax).
       | Now, please do it. Context-free syntax is so obviously better
       | that it's really an embarrassment, people are _still_ defending
       | hacks from decades ago.
       | And please, for the love of Knuth, someone do it with LaTeX, too.
         | dehrmann wrote:
         | > I seriously wonder why no one did that before (put a context-
         | free language in front of C++)
         | My guess is either yes, macros, or if you're going to write a
         | new language, you can skip C++, output object files, and make
         | them compatible at link time.
         | saurik wrote:
         | https://users.monash.edu/~damian/papers/
         | Scroll down to "A Modest Proposal: C++ Resyntaxed".
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