[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Does Hacker News still do in person meet ups?
       Ask HN: Does Hacker News still do in person meet ups?
       I found some old and inactive meetup and eventbrite groups but are
       there any in person? I went to a hackathon event before covid that
       was incredible and I was hoping similar "energy" still existed.
       Author : people_not_bots
       Score  : 58 points
       Date   : 2022-09-19 18:49 UTC (4 hours ago)
       | knuckleheads wrote:
       | Let me know if anybody wants to meet up in Washington DC!
         | uneekname wrote:
         | I'd be down!
       | temptemptemp111 wrote:
       | Someone should make a global map with a web app that you can
       | place a search engine protected email address on + GPS location -
       | to contact in case of desire to grab a coffee over locale-focused
       | startup & tech convos. Boom.
         | qorrect wrote:
         | Can you say that again with more words ?
       | ghgdynb1 wrote:
       | Yes! Applications are open for YC Winter 2023!
       | Started out /s, but upon consideration I imagine YC really is the
       | closest you could get to the spirit of HN in an in-person meetup.
       | Melatonic wrote:
       | Wait - people still do IRL?!
         | ajkjk wrote:
         | Yes? the world is full of people who want to do things in
         | person.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | I know, right? Meetup.com pretty much turned into
         | _OnlineOnly.com_. After going online during the pandemic, my
         | meetup members showed no interest in IRL meetups again after
         | things calmed down, so I basically gave up figuring it 's a
         | sign of the times.
           | bilsbie wrote:
           | Someone should do a startup to disrupt meetup.com.
           | Meet up is the experts exchange of social planning.
       | eimrine wrote:
       | I have not visited any hackathon since late 2019, I so miss that
       | events. I would like to visit some offline event for HN crowd.
       | searchableguy wrote:
       | I have seen a post about meetup in India a few days ago but
       | sadly, they used whatsapp for coordination so I didn't join.
       | Wonder what happened to that?
         | ajkjk wrote:
         | They're probably communicating on whatsapp.
         | londons_explore wrote:
         | > they used whatsapp for coordination so I didn't join
         | How much personal opportunity cost is acceptable before it
         | becomes worth using a platform you don't like...?
         | Remember that even if it your life's sole goal to eliminate the
         | use of that platform worldwide, you will probably achieve more
         | if you take every opportunity possible, including those
         | gatekept by the platform you don't like...
       | anigbrowl wrote:
       | There used to be bimonthly socials in SF that didn't have any
       | particular focus, they were just an excuse for to hang out (and
       | sometimes acquire a hangover).
       | thimkerbell wrote:
       | Just try to get your bivalent covid booster first.
       | mtmail wrote:
       | A new London one was planned for September 8th but cancelled due
       | to the venue becoming unavailabel (day of Queen's death).
       | https://www.meetup.com/london-hacker-news-meetup/events/2881...
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32660447 . If I recall 180
       | people signed up.
       | torotonnato wrote:
       | Anyone in Italy, possibly Milan tth_tth
       | robcohen wrote:
       | I'm not aware of any events that successfully capture what HN is.
       | If you want to make contacts, go to YC startup events and meet
       | people. The smartest and most talented people aren't usually
       | wasting their time with general catch-all tech events. They're on
       | a mission and aim to meet people who can genuinely help them
       | accomplish it.
       | I'm not spitting at hackathon type events, but let's be real --
       | they target recent grads.
       | I'd love to be proven wrong on this, because I'd promptly attend
       | the events that I don't believe exist.
         | roflc0ptic wrote:
         | I'd suggest looking into rationalist/effective altruism
         | meetups. As far as professional interests and demographics, its
         | hard to imagine another niche group with more overlap -
         | naturally both seem born out of SF
           | reducesuffering wrote:
           | Agree, but unfortunately the big ones just happened. Probably
           | another 6 months.
         | ramesh31 wrote:
         | The "work at a startup" meetups were fun, even if only to hear
         | the pitches and see what Sam had to say.
         | Is that still a thing?
         | people_not_bots wrote:
         | I wish I could attend an event like the YC event but I dont
         | live in NorCal.
           | lisper wrote:
           | Why don't you organize one in your area then?
       | atak1 wrote:
       | Anyone here in NYC? Would love to do an IRL meetup
       | aaron695 wrote:
       | nyellin wrote:
       | If anyone in the Tel Aviv area is interested, we (robusta.dev)
       | would love to meetup!
       | Klonoar wrote:
       | It'd depend on where you are, for one - would be helpful to know.
       | e.g, the Tokyo meetup is still a thing, met back in July:
       | https://hntokyo.doorkeeper.jp/events/138928
       | shabbatt wrote:
       | I would NOT want to meet anyone from here tbh. I fear what people
       | write here are how they are in real life.
       | Not saying they are bad people just from the bad takes and
       | endless pedantic arguments are something I would quickly grow
       | tired in a spoken conversation.
       | You can skip over paragraphs but in real life you can't.
         | blowski wrote:
         | I went to quite a few of the HN meetups in London, and they
         | were great. People often behave differently in meatspace.
         | kickaha wrote:
         | But the beauty of it is that crap evaporates in real life. I
         | don't want to overstate it, of course, but the effect is always
         | huge.
           | quickthrower2 wrote:
           | It would be a comedy sketch if you had a real meetup, but
           | people using their "Hacker News" tone. Lot's of hot takes,
           | fights. Maybe each person has a up and down vote button on
           | their t shirt? Some boring conversation in the corner 2
           | people listen to. In 10 years time turns out it was the
           | launch of Bitcoin, Figma or Dropbox or something.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | Bad takes can be hilarious, though. It's only a problem when
         | the participants and audience aren't chill. Discussions where
         | everyone thinks everyone else is wrong are fun when everyone's
         | chill. I'd wager Redditors might not be the best group of
         | people to have chill conversations with, but it's kind of
         | surprising to me that someone would dismiss HN'ers that easily.
         | But I guess some people just don't appreciate bad takes.
         | Also, I doubt that most people are going to focus on the
         | pandemic at this point. It depends on where one lives, but even
         | in LA most people have long since moved on from it, and no one
         | wants to hear it at an IRL meetup revival.
       | tptacek wrote:
       | It does if you want it to. These have always been privately
       | organized. If you set one up in Chicagoland, let me know.
         | d_philla wrote:
         | +1 for a Chicago area IRL event. Would also love to be in the
         | know.
       | wessorh wrote:
       | Anyone in the Bay Area interested in a HN Meetup?
       | bilsbie wrote:
       | Anyone in Florida?
       | jlbbellefeuille wrote:
       | Anyone want to do a Sacramento / Davis / Folsom meet up?
       | I can host!
         | MiguelX413 wrote:
         | I would love to!
         | onemoresoop wrote:
         | Ready to host like 4000 folks?
           | jrnichols wrote:
           | there's that many HN folks in the Sacramento area?
           | Sounds like we could take over Discovery Park and call it
           | good. :)
       | splch wrote:
       | An LA event would be a lot of fun!
       | devteambravo wrote:
       | I'm in a hackathon group with a few people locally and a few
       | people from HN. We hang out on Discord and at my house. Though
       | some of us have never met in person. Does that count?
       (page generated 2022-09-19 23:01 UTC)