[HN Gopher] GTK4 Bindings for Common Lisp
       GTK4 Bindings for Common Lisp
       Author : oumua_don17
       Score  : 90 points
       Date   : 2022-09-20 15:42 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | kazinator wrote:
       | I'm guessing this is small because it relies on GObject
       | Inspection.
       | This is a Gnome feature whereby C libraries are accompanied by an
       | XML description of functions and types. The XML description
       | annotates semantics, not only syntax. Like if a function has a
       | pointer parameter, does it have to be malloced, and does the
       | caller free it or the callee? This information is not possible to
       | determine from parsing C header files.
       | If you can parse the GObject XML, you can then generate FFI
       | bindings (which can be done in Lisp easily without any textual
       | code generation hacks).
         | audidude wrote:
         | Before people get too up-in-arms about that being XML, that is
         | just the first step in the GObject Introspection compilation.
         | The second step builds a .typelib file which is a mmap()'able
         | data-structure used at runtime by dynamic languages. It's
         | smaller as it doesn't contain things like function/class
         | documentation.
         | Additionally, the language bindings tend to use the
         | GIRepository base structure which handles loading those
         | mmap()'able data structures with an C API on-top of it.
           | [deleted]
           | [deleted]
       | tabtab wrote:
       | It's not good D.R.Y. to reinvent a binding library for each and
       | every application language. What's needed is a state-ful GUI
       | markup standard. Then any language that can emit and read XML can
       | use the GUI kit/browser/component, no binders needed.
         | JasonFruit wrote:
         | That way, your language can use any toolkit, such as WebKit or
         | Gecko.
         | spicybright wrote:
         | If you did that, you limit what the API of a framework can do,
         | you either can't use ones that fall outside that spec, or you
         | have to jump through hacky hoops to get it working.
         | Experienced engineers know D.R.Y. has it's uses, but isn't a
         | good hill to die on.
         | 13415 wrote:
         | What's the advantage? This merely seems to add another layer of
         | abstraction.
         | Spivak wrote:
         | What you're describing is GObject inspection. It's literally a
         | series of XML documents that can be used to autogenerate ffi
         | bindings in any language. The future is now.
         | pavon wrote:
         | No one will want to write GUI code that directly parses and
         | generates XML, so every language will end up putting wrappers
         | around that, and you are back to where you started with an
         | expensive translation layer in-between.
         | Having a machine format that describes the interface and
         | facilitates auto-generating the bindings, like GObject
         | introspection is a better option and exists today. Even then
         | the auto-generator will need to be custom for each language, to
         | handle integration with the language's standard library data
         | structures, memory management and the like.
       | sylware wrote:
       | Does GTK4 finally implement its own C coded unicode text shaper
       | (or at least, a roman script text shaper)? No I don't want that
       | horrible c++ diareha which is harfbuzz.
         | chris_wot wrote:
         | What is the problem with harfbuzz? we use it extensively in
         | LibreOffice, works great!
           | nerdponx wrote:
           | I love that LibreOffice lets me use the full range of
           | OpenType features in fonts. Do I have Harfbuzz to thank for
           | that?
           | But please let me edit the sample text in the OpenType
           | features modal, so I can actually see the effects of my
           | changes without leaving the entire Font window :)
             | audidude wrote:
             | Perhaps GTK 4.8 is the GTK for you.
             | https://blog.gtk.org/2022/09/19/inside-the-gtk-font-
             | chooser/
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | Based on the font chooser, absolutely. Thanks for this
               | link.
               | ...but did they fix the file picker yet?
         | colejohnson66 wrote:
         | What's wrong with Harfbuzz?
         | audidude wrote:
         | Harfbuzz exposes a C API, why would you need to use C++?
         | Additionally, it works extremely well with GTK 4 via Pango and
         | you can often interoperate between the two layers if you even
         | _need_ to touch a hb_face_t /etc. In fact, the only time I had
         | to mess with Harfbuzz was when integrating GPU-rendered glyphs
         | via Behdad's GLyphy shaders.
           | sylware wrote:
           | It has a C API, but it is written using c++. A long time ago,
           | I did a build of GTK3, to remove the c++ dependency, I did an
           | implemention of this C API in C, only for roman scripts
           | though. I bet this C API was "obsolescence planned" and if I
           | ever need GTK again (unlikely), I will code again a C
           | implementation for roman scripts.
           | There is an alternative from IBM, ICU, it was properly coded
           | in C, but it was switched to toxic c++.
             | audidude wrote:
             | Sounds like C++ has hurt you quite a bit.
             | I mean, I don't use it, and I've been writing C for a solid
             | 25 years, but Behdad is one of the best engineers I've ever
             | met in my life. So I definitely don't share your opinion of
             | the code or the quality.
               | sylware wrote:
               | c++ is toxic for humanity because of its grotestquely and
               | absurdely complex and massive syntax and its compilers.
               | This is not a matter of opinion, this is an absolute
               | unquestionable truth.
               | Carefull, I am not saying plain and simple C is better:
               | it is only orders of magnitude less worse as there is
               | already way too much in its syntax. Some would call that,
               | the "most reasonable compromise".
               | audidude wrote:
               | Cool story.
               | sylware wrote:
               | The beyond sanity complexity of c++ is not a story
               | unfortunately. The real sad story is that some ppl think
               | they are smart because they code c++.
       | ducktective wrote:
       | Also see: https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/gui.html
       | These may be of special interest:
       | A lightweight QML-only ECL binding to Qt5/Qt6 :
       | https://gitlab.com/eql/lqml
       | CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI :
       | https://github.com/rabbibotton/clog
       | mikessoft_gmail wrote:
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-09-20 23:01 UTC)