[HN Gopher] Fork of the popular "I don't care about cookies" ext...
       Fork of the popular "I don't care about cookies" extension
       Author : bj-rn
       Score  : 96 points
       Date   : 2022-09-20 20:27 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | echelon wrote:
       | Stop using / enabling Chrome and its derivatives.
       | Any use of that codebase - Brave, etc. - empowers Google. They're
       | the ones pushing it forward, and developer mindshare empowers the
       | player holding the reins.
       | Firefox or broke.
         | ThunderSizzle wrote:
         | Firefox also wants to deplatform me and nearly half my country.
         | I'm forced to choose the least worst option between the two,
         | and they're both pretty crappy choices.
           | jraph wrote:
           | > Firefox also wants to deplatform me and nearly half my
           | country.
           | What does this mean?
             | geraldwhen wrote:
             | https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/we-need-more-than-
             | deplat...
             | Looks like Mozilla believes they can be the arbiters of
             | Truth and ensure people don't see double plus ungood
             | thinkings.
           | jackmott wrote:
           | skyyler wrote:
           | >Firefox also wants to deplatform me and nearly half my
           | country.
           | Really? I thought they were focusing on deplatforming white
           | supremacists and hatred. Does that cover half of your
           | country?
         | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
         | 'Just don't use it' isn't viable advice for some/many people.
           | dividedbyzero wrote:
           | For whatever reason, Firefox uses 30-40% CPU at all times on
           | my 2020 Intel Macbook, meaning battery life is quite short
           | and the slightest bit of load on top will trigger the fan,
           | which hardly ever happens when using Brave or Chrome instead.
           | FF worked well enough for a year or so once they got
           | acceleration to work properly on macOS, then this happened.
           | Besides, I need to run Chrome anyway for various webapps I
           | need to use that are broken in FF.
         | wartijn_ wrote:
         | The original version of this add-on is available on Firefox and
         | getting this fork on Firefox is on the to do list[0]
         | [0] https://github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Dont-Care-About-
         | Cookies/issues...
       | Liquix wrote:
       | Excellent extension with one glaring flaw: IDCAC _accepts_
       | cookies if there is no option to decline them. You don 't see
       | annoying popups anymore, but the cookies are still there tracking
       | you. This can be combated by combining it combined with Cookie
       | AutoDelete [0]. Cookie AutoDelete solves the problem by purging
       | all cookies automatically (except your whitelist) when the tab is
       | closed. They work great together
       | [0] https://github.com/Cookie-AutoDelete/Cookie-AutoDelete
         | ThunderSizzle wrote:
         | Isn't uMatrix just as good, since it blocks non-first party
         | cookies by default?
           | wartijn_ wrote:
           | You don't need uMatrix to block all third party cookies, in
           | both Firefox and Chromium that is a build in option.
           | And I don't think that option is as good as IDCAC (or
           | Consent-O-Matic [0]) + CookieAutoDelete. With those two add-
           | ons even first party cookies are deleted, while you don't
           | need to close banners all the time.
           | [0] https://github.com/cavi-au/Consent-O-Matic
           | pavon wrote:
           | uMatrix has been unmaintained for 2 years and has known
           | vulnerabilities[1]. Time to move to another extension.
           | [1] https://www.ghacks.net/2021/07/15/umatrix-has-an-unfixed-
           | vul...
           | karaterobot wrote:
           | I thought the goal of IDCAC was to get rid of those annoying
           | cookie consent popups. It tries to block or hide the popup,
           | but when cookies are required to use the site it
           | automatically accepts them, assuming you will handle erasing
           | unwanted cookies in some other way.
         | dnissley wrote:
         | > _IDCAC accepts cookies if there is no option to decline them.
         | You don 't see annoying popups anymore, but the cookies are
         | still there tracking you._
         | Yes. Because I don't care about cookies. This is not an anti-
         | tracking extension. I do not care about being tracked. I just
         | want to stop being bombarded with cookie consent dialogs.
       | stvnbn wrote:
       | FYI this extension recognizes pop-ups and automatically fills
       | them out based on your preferences. Currently open sourced
       | https://consentomatic.au.dk/
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _"I don't care about cookies" web extension acquired by Avast_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32850799 - Sept 2022 (215
       | comments)
       |  _I don 't care about cookies_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26519457 - March 2021 (187
       | comments)
       | leslielurker wrote:
       | I was never clear on this extension. Does it just suppress the
       | the cookie prompts, does it only accept essential cookies or does
       | it do the default action and accept everything?
         | fourmajor wrote:
         | From their Chrome web store page
         | (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/i-dont-care-
         | about-...)
         | > In most cases, it just blocks or hides cookie related pop-
         | ups. When it's needed for the website to work properly, it will
         | automatically accept the cookie policy for you (sometimes it
         | will accept all and sometimes only necessary cookie categories,
         | depending on what's easier to do). It doesn't delete cookies.
         | [deleted]
       | xuhu wrote:
       | It would be awesome if Avast moved the extension source code to
       | Github or somewhere else public. I hope existing users won't
       | settle blindly for whatever changes get added from now on.
       | anilshanbhag wrote:
       | This is a manifest V2 extension. Unless someone converts it to
       | V3, it will stop working end of this year.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | Does anyone know if Brave will still support v2?
           | yyyk2 wrote:
           | It's based on Chromium, so no.
             | NavinF wrote:
             | Come on, you could have googled it instead of just
             | guessing.
             | Eg https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/20059
             | > Yes - manifest v2 extensions will be supported by Brave
             | We'll be taking steps as V2 is sunset by Chromium team (htt
             | ps://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/mv2-sunset/)
             | >During the deprecation period, we can keep this
             | functionality via patch (since it's there for Enterprise).
             | After V2 is pulled from store, we'll need to stand up our
             | own extension store for manifest v2
             | gnicholas wrote:
             | Is it that simple? Brave has various proprietary bits, so
             | it's possible they could maintain v2 support. Perhaps
             | others know if this is feasible, from a technical
             | perspective.
               | ThunderSizzle wrote:
               | Until a chromium browser let's you use arbitrary
               | extension stores, I don't think there's any fork that's
               | divergent enough. And I haven't found one after months of
               | searching.
               | I'm almost to the point of trying to do it myself.
         | d110af5ccf wrote:
         | I don't believe Firefox has announced a discontinuation date
         | for V2. If your browser vendor breaks your stuff perhaps you
         | should consider switching browsers ...
         | klondike_ wrote:
         | Not a problem on Firefox and its derivatives
         | bj-rn wrote:
         | They are working on that: https://github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Dont-
         | Care-About-Cookies/pull/9
         | [deleted]
       | est31 wrote:
       | FTR, Firefox is working on supporting this natively:
       | https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1783015
       | According to this german article: https://www.soeren-
       | hentzschel.at/firefox/firefox-sagt-cookie... , you can already
       | set various values for the cookiebanners.service.mode
       | about:config setting on Firefox nightly. 1 denies all cookies, 2
       | also accepts if there is no option to deny or if denying didn't
       | work.
       | theobeers wrote:
       | I'm glad someone did this. I immediately uninstalled the
       | extension when I saw that it had been acquired by Avast.
       (page generated 2022-09-20 23:00 UTC)