[HN Gopher] Q - Run SQL Directly on CSV or TSV Files
       Q - Run SQL Directly on CSV or TSV Files
       Author : gjvc
       Score  : 132 points
       Date   : 2022-09-21 15:31 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (harelba.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (harelba.github.io)
       | Merad wrote:
       | If you like the idea of this but aren't on Linux or want
       | something with a little ui involved, check out the Rainbow CSV
       | extension for VS Code, vim, Sublime, and Atom. It includes RBQL
       | [0] which lets you query CSVs with a sql-like syntax.
       | (Not affiliated with Rainbow CSV or RBQL at all, just a happy
       | user)
       | [0]: https://rbql.org/
       | cm2187 wrote:
       | Another solution would be to leverage the existing SQL engines.
       | Someone mentioned sqlite virtual table.
       | My home made solution to the very same problem is creating a
       | simple winform that you can drag and drop spreadsheets and csv
       | files onto, analyses them, creates an instance of localdb if
       | there isn't one running, creates the table and uploads the data
       | (so it reads the csv file twice). Then I can use my loved and
       | trusted SQL Server Management studio with the MS SQL engine. The
       | same UI allows to quickly delete tables and databases and create
       | new database in two clicks. (future development: auto-normalise
       | the table to reduce disk space and improve performance).
       | What lacks is good import tools. Most csv import tools are super
       | picky in term of the format of the data (dates in particular) and
       | have too many steps.
         | eatonphil wrote:
         | Q is built on top of sqlite. :)
       | redavni wrote:
       | For Windows users who click here, this functionality is built in.
       | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/data/odbc/data-source-...
       | joshe wrote:
       | Temp DB's feel like a slightly underused technique too. (Not
       | saying it's always better.)
       | Ie, just a quick script that adds a serial id as the first
       | column. Then imports to postgres/mysql based on header names
       | (column names) and file name (becomes table name) to a brand new
       | db.
       | Usually DBs are so long lived and carefully designed that there's
       | a bit of mental block to just importing trash data and dropping
       | the whole database later. I'm always 15 mins into awk before i
       | remember.
       | Also in postgres you can do it as a new schema in an existing
       | database, and join with the existing data. Probably safest to not
       | do that in production :-).
       | Like so: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5712387/can-we-join-
       | two-...
       | Then just drop the whole schema when you are done screwing
       | around.
       | SoftTalker wrote:
       | Previous discussion:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18453133 (284 points|devy|4
       | years ago|96 comments)
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27423276 (121
       | points|thunderbong|1 year ago|63 comments)
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24694892 (11
       | points|pcr910303|2 years ago|2 comments)
       | gizmodo59 wrote:
       | I have been using Dremio to query large volume of CSV files:
       | https://docs.dremio.com/software/data-sources/files-and-dire...
       | Although having them in some columnar format is much better for
       | fast responses.
       | GitHub: https://github.com/dremio/dremio-oss
         | eatonphil wrote:
         | They're sort of different categories.
         | Tools like Q are for command line use.
         | Dremio is a server/web application, right?
         | They accomplish the same thing but you might deploy a tool like
         | Q on production servers for adhoc log analysis or install it in
         | a docker container. (Not saying you should, just explaining the
         | difference.)
       | luzifer42 wrote:
       | clickhouse-local is a powerful alternative.
       | https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/operations/utilities/clickhou...
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31561780
         | eatonphil wrote:
         | It's fast. But it's also a 1-2gb binary. And its SQL
         | implementation is work in progress and often makes up its own
         | names for common functions.
         | If you can put up with both for an adhoc cli exploration tool
         | then yeah it's incredible.
         | For analytics queries in general though (not talking about
         | clickhouse-local) I don't think there's any OSS competition.
       | tanin wrote:
       | I've made a similar app, but I aim it to be more convenient,
       | especially for people who don't want to handle installation and
       | command line.
       | Check it out: https://superintendent.app -- it is a paid app
       | though.
       | daniel-s wrote:
       | Is this similar to CSV virtual tables in sqlite?
       | https://www.sqlite.org/csv.html
         | eatonphil wrote:
         | It's easier to use than that. With virtual tables you must
         | CREATE TABLE for every schema you have which is very tedious if
         | you are querying CSV files with differing columns.
       | cma wrote:
       | Might mix people up with:
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(programming_language_from...
         | WASDx wrote:
         | When will people stop giving things one character names, it's
         | impossible to search for.
       | LtWorf wrote:
       | Maybe relevant.
       | A while ago I wrote relational
       | (https://ltworf.github.io/relational/) to do relational algebra
       | queries... It can load csv files, has a gui and a cli.
       | blacksqr wrote:
       | "Sqawk is an Awk-like program that uses SQL and can combine data
       | from multiple files. It is powered by SQLite."
       | https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk
       | bachmeier wrote:
       | These tools, useful as they are, appear to be only for querying
       | files. AFAICT, insert and update are typically not supported as a
       | way to modify the data.
       | MilStdJunkie wrote:
       | Reminds me of the textQL extension that's available in Asciidoc.
       | Point it to an external CSV file, enable TextQL, and bam, there's
       | your query returned as a table. Handy for parts lists, inventory,
       | that kind of crap.
       | https://github.com/dinedal/textql
       | https://gist.github.com/mojavelinux/8856117
       | redsaz wrote:
       | A satisfied user here. Found it very useful when tools like cut
       | and sort weren't enough, usually when I need to do a join on two
       | different tables (err, files). Left joins work, but I don't think
       | right joins are supported.
       | I've used this in combination with jq as well. I'll use jq to
       | convert json to CSV, and then use SQL to do whatever else.
         | bobivl wrote:
         | Cut, sort, join and awk can be pretty powerful and fast. If it
         | becomes too tedious to manually write them, you can also use
         | BigBash [1] to convert a SQL query automatically to a one-liner
         | that only use these tools to execute the query.
         | [1] http://bigbash.it
           | aasasd wrote:
           | Any experienced programmer learns to not use string
           | processing on structured data, because that _will_ bite them
           | in the ass.
           | Meanwhile HN luddites: let me use awk, cut and whatnot
           | despite the existence of an util that explicitly sidesteps
           | this issue.
         | jfoutz wrote:
         | Have you looked at the Unix command 'join'? This is a cool
         | tool, but I think join is pretty much everywhere.
           | redsaz wrote:
           | Hmm, I'll have to check it out!
         | WASDx wrote:
         | You also probably have GNU join installed:
         | https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/join...
         | smartmic wrote:
         | Depending on how complex the task is, I also jump from
         | sort/join/awk/sed to the SQL train more often. But if I have
         | already gone this step, then I would also like to have the
         | whole SQL(ite) power and that would then but really blow up the
         | command line. In such cases I usually write a TCL script, the
         | integration of SQLite3 [0] is quasi native and besides the full
         | SQLite3 functionality I also have flexible extensions (e.g.
         | directly usable TCL procedures of any complexity) at my
         | disposal. Tools like Q represent a middle ground, although they
         | build on SQLite they remain behind in functionality [1]. But as
         | long as I want to keep it simple on the command line while
         | adhering to the UNIX philosophy, coreutils, sed, awk and
         | possibly perl remain my best friends.
         | [0]: https://www.sqlite.org/tclsqlite.html [1]:
         | http://harelba.github.io/q/#limitations
         | SoftTalker wrote:
         | Same. You can go a long way with cut, sort, etc. and also awk
         | with its pattern matching. But if you're handy with SQL, that
         | can often feel more natural and certainly things like joins
         | among separate CSV files, as well as sums and other aggregates,
         | are easier.
         | If you have "unclean" CSV data, e.g. where the data contains
         | delimiters and/or newlines in quoted fields, you might want to
         | pipe it through csvquote.
         | https://github.com/dbro/csvquote
         | dublin wrote:
         | In addition to the usual cut/paste/sort/awk stuff, we've had
         | really powerful "stream-operator" databases based on flat text
         | data files for decades. They used to be somewhat slow. Not
         | anymore, esp when running from RAMdisks.
         | One good one is Strozzi NoSQL (his use of the term NoSQL
         | predates the current use of the term by many years...):
         | http://www.strozzi.it/cgi-bin/CSA/tw7/I/en_US/NoSQL/Home%20P...
         | Starbase is another, with interesting extensions for
         | astronomical work.
         | Linux Review article on the concept here:
         | https://www.linuxjournal.com/article/3294
         | The article that started it all:
         | http://www.linux.it/~carlos/nosql/4gl.ps
         | And there's even a book on the subject, centered on the /rdb
         | implementation by the late RSW software. But I warn you,
         | reading this WILL permanently change the way you think about
         | databases: https://www.amazon.com/Relational-Database-
         | Management-Prenti...
       | dlkmp wrote:
       | When I want to quickly query a csv file (usually log files), I
       | like to use lnav which also supports running SQL queries and
       | supports pretty much any log file format I happened to deal with.
       | https://lnav.org/
       | gorkish wrote:
       | Don't know if it's the first such implementation, but perl's
       | DBD::CSV is 25 years old this year.
       | jmt_ wrote:
       | You can do the same thing with csvsql from csvkit:
       | https://towardsdatascience.com/analyze-csvs-with-sql-in-comm...
       | Since csvkit comes with so many other tools, I'm not sure I see a
       | reason to use q over csvsql
         | gourabmi wrote:
         | Big fan of csvsql here. I use it often to look at log files.
       | eatonphil wrote:
       | Q is a great project! Here's a comparison of Q against some of
       | the other tools out there [0] (including dsq, which I wrote). And
       | there's a benchmark in there too [1].
       | Whichever tool you end up using, I'm sure it will help out with
       | your CLI data exploration!
       | [0] https://github.com/multiprocessio/dsq#comparisons
       | [1] https://github.com/multiprocessio/dsq#benchmark
         | margarina72 wrote:
         | dsq is a great tool, using it regularly to work against csv
         | files, and really nice to use.
           | eatonphil wrote:
           | Awesome to hear!
       | josebrwn wrote:
       | http://harelba.github.io/q/#requirements
       | "q is packaged as a compiled standalone-executable that has no
       | dependencies, not even python itself."
       | This is not quite true, on MacOS:
       | "q: A full installation of Xcode.app 12.4 is required to compile
       | this software. Installing just the Command Line Tools is not
       | sufficient.
       | Xcode can be installed from the App Store. Error: q: An
       | unsatisfied requirement failed this build."
         | pessimizer wrote:
         | I don't understand this objection. Being able to compile
         | something with no dependencies is different from being able to
         | run something with no dependencies.
         | DandyDev wrote:
         | I think you're confusing installing the compiled package and
         | using it (which doesn't require anything else) with _compiling_
         | the package, which requires XCode on MacOS
       | hexo wrote:
       | yet another Q among:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(programming_language_from_K...
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_(programming_language)
       (page generated 2022-09-21 23:00 UTC)