[HN Gopher] Software I'm thankful for (2021)
       Software I'm thankful for (2021)
       Author : yarapavan
       Score  : 496 points
       Date   : 2022-09-23 16:02 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (crawshaw.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (crawshaw.io)
       | scorxn wrote:
       | I'd have to add Pi-hole to this list. Anytime I browse the web on
       | another network, I'm reminded just how much crippling ad garbage
       | it's sparing me.
         | dont__panic wrote:
         | I use a VPN into my home network at all times for exactly this
         | reason.
         | Also useful to circumvent iOS's sorry state of ad blocking. I
         | use an ad blocker on my device, too, but the pi-hole takes care
         | of 90% of the stuff that annoys me.
         | I've donated a few times; consider buying the devs a cup of
         | coffee!
         | tobinfekkes wrote:
         | Pi-hole has been an absolutely life-saver to our household.
         | It's typically blocking ~50% of traffic.
         | Using someone else's device and off my network is entirely
         | scary.
           | Teknoman117 wrote:
           | I guess I really should just set one up shouldn't I...
             | tacker2000 wrote:
             | Haha yea, everytime i read about pihole i have these
             | thoughts, but then i think to myself: "ah, one more thing i
             | will have to admin...".
             | But anyway, i still have a spare rasbpi lying around
             | somewhere...
             | gorjusborg wrote:
             | I highly recommend it to anyone considering it.
             | But, pro-tip, use a machine that has an ssd (or other real)
             | drive. Having your network DNS go down because of a bad or
             | corrupted sd card will drive you bonkers.
             | Sincerely, Bonkers
               | alister wrote:
               | > _use a machine that has an ssd -- a bad or corrupted sd
               | card will drive you bonkers_
               | I've seen this said many times, and it matches my
               | experience as well. But why should an SSD be more
               | reliable than an SD card when the underlying technology
               | (flash memory) is identical? Or is it not identical? Or
               | it is due to the more sophisticated controller of an SSD?
               | valbaca wrote:
               | SD cards are the storage equivalent of writing on a one-
               | ply sheet of toilet paper. Nowhere near identical to SSDs
               | voidmain0001 wrote:
               | I believe the comment was referring to running Pi-Hole on
               | something other than a RaspberryPi since they are known
               | for SD file system corruption. It has happened to my Pi-
               | Hole and music server running on separate R-Pis.
               | https://hackaday.com/2022/03/09/raspberry-pi-and-the-
               | story-o... Use a throwaway PC that you have kicking
               | around, or run it virtualized...
               | foobarian wrote:
               | Do you have advice how to replace the default Internet
               | provider router? I have Xfinity's now and it terminates
               | the coax, does switching, wifi, and does various firewall
               | functions. I assume you have to buy a XXXX, disable
               | everything on the Xfinity box and turn it into a
               | passthrough switch. What is a good XXXX here?
               | BrandoElFollito wrote:
               | I live in France so obviously I won't help you directly.
               | I guess however that there is a whole community of people
               | in the US who documented "how to replace the box from
               | provider X by the device Y".
               | Depending on the details, it can go from plugging your
               | fibre directly into a small factor PC, to not being able
               | to do it because even bridging is not available on the
               | box and everything is proprietary.
               | I for instance replaced the shitty Livebox 3 from my
               | French provider Orange with a PC running Debian. Before
               | that it was a Ubiquity Edge Router 4.
               | Orange make it difficult to change the device, but not
               | impossible. I would love them to just provide my IP
               | though a standard authenticated DHCP request.
               | greyskull wrote:
               | I've never used Comcast's/Xfinity's own hardware. Always
               | bought my own modem and router, which has generally
               | worked out well, outside of when I'm (rarely) having
               | quirky service issues and can't easily prove that it's
               | not my hardware.
               | If you don't want to do that and keep their gateway, I'd
               | expect you can run pi-hole anyway, and if you're not
               | getting the behavior you want (e.g., the gateway seems to
               | be intercepting dns or something), you can try DNS-over-
               | HTTPS.
               | gorjusborg wrote:
               | I have spectrum, but same in principal here. Having
               | familiarity with hardware I like is why I opt to provide
               | my own modem and router. If anyone is considering going
               | that route, I've had really good luck with ubiquiti
               | networks unifi line. Really great quality for what you
               | pay.
               | Icathian wrote:
               | You don't, really. You can (usually) change the DNS
               | resolver your provided router uses to an internal IP,
               | then statically assign that IP to your pi-hole. It's
               | about 5 minutes in a GUI web panel, give or take the
               | googling to find and navigate that GUI for your specific
               | ISP-provided router.
               | That said a better router is usually worth it, I like my
               | Netgear Nighthawk because I'm a bit lazy, someone else
               | probably has a better suggestion.
               | gorjusborg wrote:
               | > You don't, really. You can (usually) change the DNS
               | resolver your provided router uses to an internal IP,
               | then statically assign that IP to your pi-hole.
               | This is totally right, and that is how I have my network
               | configured. I have a firewall behind a dumb cable modem,
               | and I set the DNS server for the network on that device.
               | When machines configure w/ DHCP, they get assigned the
               | router's address for dns resolution, which then delegates
               | to the pi-hole. That's all specific to my hardware
               | though.
               | hot_gril wrote:
               | You also have to ensure the Xfinity box's DHCP server
               | doesn't lease the Pihole's IP address to a random device.
               | Like set a 1-250 range for DHCP and give the Pi 251.
               | hot_gril wrote:
               | That's not the only thing that can go wrong. It takes a
               | properly babysat server in general. My end result with
               | Pihole was, my wife occasionally asked why her internet
               | wasn't working (for whatever reason of the day), and
               | eventually I took it out.
         | vanshg wrote:
         | If you want to avoid the rigamarole of self hosting, I
         | recommend NextDNS. It's a paid DNS service with tons of
         | customizability (i.e. Ad blocking) and visibility (i.e. logs)
       | benji_is_me wrote:
       | Off the top of my head: QEMU, Valgrind, GDB, Linux, Wireshark,
       | Nmap, GoogleTest, RenderDoc (still blows my mind), Fusion360, and
       | KiCad.
       | lemper wrote:
       | I don't know about you, but I can't buy bread with 'thanks.'
         | notatoad wrote:
         | are you the author of one of the pieces of software listed in
         | this article? and if so, how certain are you that the author
         | _hasn 't_ contributed to your project, either through direct
         | financial contribution or by paying developers to work on it?
         | as far as i'm aware, tailscale is a pretty upstanding member of
         | the open-source community.
         | somekyle wrote:
         | it's funny, because I believe the author has contributed to at
         | least 4 of these directly in his day job, and has published
         | code for a few more. But I guess you can't buy bread with
         | substantial contributions, if ability to buy bread is our
         | metric. But it's not a good metric.
       | weakfish wrote:
       | Helix. Most wonderful to use text editor I've found in my short
       | career.
         | jorgeavaldez wrote:
         | I can't help but second this. It's a total joy to use and lets
         | me focus on doing what I need to do without constant lag and
         | yak-shaving configuration files.
       | ekrebs wrote:
       | The responses so far say so much about the HN audience. As a
       | mobile app designer, developer, I'll throw in some higher level
       | tools that I love: - Figma - Slack - VS Code - DataGrip (most
       | JetBrains tools really) - Photoshop - 1Password - Lightroom
       | (Classic, of course) - UBlock Origin - Gusto (makes my life
       | easier as a startup founder)
       | dpweb wrote:
       | I'm endlessly dazzled by the elegance of the 'unix principles'.
       | There is no question anything developed today would be much more
       | complicated.
       | Still, leaving the linux shell largely for 15 years and coming
       | back to it, I can do basic things - without reading an
       | instruction manual.
       | greyhair wrote:
       | Almost a year old and still fresh
       | [deleted]
       | password4321 wrote:
       | I'll say Brave, the least-worst mainstream cross-platform web
       | browser.
       | A few clicks opposing the crypto b.s. and it is golden, with what
       | seems so far to be a sustainable not-search-ads-funded business
       | model, native code ad blocking/privacy enhancements, and minimal
       | new tab page tomfoolery.
       | It's been a while since a "better to ask forgiveness than
       | permission" fuck up, too. I know, I know, it's a pretty low
       | bar...
       | I need to throw in a shout-out to the Windows Pro edition Windows
       | Sandbox, a quick Hyper-V VM for a temporary barebones Windows-in-
       | Windows that has proven really useful to troubleshoot issues in
       | open source Windows software.
       | bravetraveler wrote:
       | I really appreciate the Docker registry software.
       | It's wonderfully simple, yet really flexible. You can make a
       | registry of registries, back it by object storage, and a whole
       | bunch of other things.
       | I've had to manage these at work and I love the relatively simple
       | yet useful reach of support.
       | There have been some strange bugs. Up until ~2.8.1 it was
       | ignoring TLS cipher settings.
       | I believe still... getting consistent HSTS headers for it [in
       | scanning] requires a real webserver.
       | Non-200-OK requests lack the header, leading to what I'd call
       | false positives
       | If I can gush for a moment: the whole Linux/OSS ecosystem,
       | really. So many giants depend on the work of not that many really
       | clever groups
       | umutcnkus wrote:
       | I'm also in for most of the stuff others mentioned(VS Code
       | specially), but two never mentioned I'm grateful are 'Flameshot'
       | and 'Gitkraken'.
       | swiley-gin wrote:
       | Software is just the smell of other computer users. Some smell
       | nice, most smell terrible, it's nothing special either way. You
       | can rewrite anything in an afternoon if you're in the right mood.
       | wan_ala wrote:
       | Suprised no one mentioned SHA256. I know there's not a official
       | SHA256 implementation but i guess any implementation (except
       | OpenSSL _) is good.
       | _ Left out OpenSSL because of poor docs and a small amount of
       | developers. Last I had seen it was like 2 or so.
       | ParetoOptimal wrote:
       | - Nix/NixOS
       | - GHC (Haskell compiler)
       | - Emacs
       | - consult/vertico/marginalia
       | - Org-mode
       | - Org-roam
       | - tramp.el
       | - magit
       | - docker.el
       | - gnus
         | eointierney wrote:
         | It really is back to the future, isn't it?
         | If emacs then emacs, else $(evil)
         | Org-mode is my favourite superpower, magit is a superb example
         | of nominative determinism, and the underlying trust of GNU is
         | childishly verifiable.
         | RMS for our collective win
       | knorker wrote:
       | > vim. I keep trying to quit vim
       | Haha, good one. I see what you did there.
       | reaperducer wrote:
       | ItsyCal (macOS). So simple, and so useful.
       | The best part is being able to replace the standard menu bar date
       | with my custom date, including time zone.
         | boc wrote:
         | This is awesome! Appreciate the recommendation.
         | isametry wrote:
         | Thank you for this!
         | The culture of small, useful and native-feeling utility apps is
         | honestly one of my favorite aspects of macOS.
         | dont__panic wrote:
         | Adding another thank you because this simple, cute, incredible
         | app is a new desktop staple for me.
       | zzzbra wrote:
       | "I keep trying to quit vim" -- this made me laugh.
       | urbandw311er wrote:
       | I am a little sad that nobody has said .NET or C# so I'm going
       | with those.
       | I pretty much cut my teeth on the first versions of them at
       | university more than 20 years ago and the framework is still
       | going strong to this day. Versatile, powerful, constantly
       | evolving, well supported, easy to understand, truly portable, and
       | effectively free. What more could you ask for.
       | rs_rs_rs_rs_rs wrote:
       | Software I'm Thankful For: the linux kernel and the gnu userland
       | that's the base for the linux distributions I'm using for the
       | last 20 years. I can't image a life without them.
       | Daegalus wrote:
       | * ZSH - powerful configurable terminal
       | * Steam/Proton/Wine/DXVK/VKD3D - to allow me to game on Linux and
       | not need windows ever again.
       | * Fedora - for giving me a distro that is updated/leading edge,
       | but not rolling and super stable.
       | * asdf - for letting me manage and get latest versions of my
       | tools with minimal effort adn keep them updated
       | * Modern messaging - Whatsapp, Discord, Element, Telegram, etc.
       | Lets me keep in touch with family, friends, communities near and
       | far.
       | * foot - a crazy good wayland terminal.
       | * VS Code - light editor that does everything i need. No longer
       | have to use heavy IDEs for anything.
       | * Go/Crystal/Nim - nice compiled languages that give me static
       | binaries an a fun development experience.
       | * Linux - its been pushing for decades, but its finally at a
       | place where it is starting to feel like a good everyday distro
       | and so many things just work. Part of that is Web tech and
       | Electron, others is Wine, the rest is the hard work of Linux devs
       | that improved DEs, tools, accessibility, compatibility, etc. Most
       | of my family has switched to it and most are not tech savvy much.
       | * Bitwarden - great, open source password manager that gets
       | better and better.
       | * Micro - for giving me a nicer updated Nano experience when I
       | don't need Vim or Emacs to edit some config files.
       | Im gonna get a lot of flack for this next one, but whatever:
       | * Google stuff - because it just works, and works really well.
       | Android, docs, drive, maps, photos, etc. (i have contingency
       | backup plans if this ever becomes not the case, even wrote a blog
       | post detailing a lot of alternatives.)
       | And finally:
       | * Software - for giving me a career that gives a good quality of
       | life to my family and myself. And its fun.
       | fullstop wrote:
       | In my world I'd add haproxy, Lua, libevent or libev, htop, and
       | nginx.
       | I'll be doing some playing around with Caddy, and maybe that will
       | replace nginx for me on my list.
       | [deleted]
       | ok_computer wrote:
       | Sublime text
       | Terminus
       | Zsh
       | Powershell (verbosity isn't terrible!)
       | SQLAlchemy (connection engine + docs)
       | Git
       | Ssh
       | IPython as a debugger shell
         | conkeisterdoor wrote:
         | Are you me?
         | In addition to everything above, I'm thankful for these:
         | Pass (passwordstore.org)
         | Newsblur
         | Multitail
       | dont__panic wrote:
       | - sublime text
       | - jellyfin
       | - finamp
       | - piOS
       | - wireguard
       | - narwhal iOS Reddit app
       | - osmand/openstreetmap in general
       | - netnewswire
       | - pocket casts
       | - librewolf
       | - sonixd
       | - obsidian
       | - signal
       | - iterm
         | DMell wrote:
         | I hadn't used Sublime for a long time until recently. The speed
         | is unreal.
           | andrei_says_ wrote:
           | Also the minimal interface. I'm easily distracted and while
           | vscode provides convenience I appreciate the ability to only
           | look at my code.
           | dont__panic wrote:
           | I never stopped using it. All of my coworkers moved to Atom,
           | then VS Code. But I'm still very very happy with ST.
       | onehair wrote:
       | ffmpeg is one software that comes to mind. At first it sounds and
       | looks complicated, but all the internet video is ran by it, and
       | now even for small stuff I use it with admiration
         | aqfamnzc wrote:
         | Can you elaborate on "all the internet video is ran by it"?
       | muttantt wrote:
       | One piece of OSS I will be forever grateful for is Freeswitch. I
       | built a massively successful business on top of it.
       | denvaar wrote:
       | Really thankful for https://github.com/dictation-
       | toolbox/dragonfly along with https://github.com/daanzu/kaldi-
       | active-grammar for voice to text coding
       | michaelwww wrote:
       | For Windows, I'm thankful for voidtools "Everything": Find any
       | file instantly across storage devices.
       | samsquire wrote:
       | I am appreciative of the following software.
       | Python, easy to build algorithms and web services in
       | flask/gunicorn
       | Java, for performance and multithreaded code
       | Jupyter notebook, easy to prototype algorithms and code
       | Postgresql
       | Firefox
       | Chrome, I use Microsoft Edge
       | Windows - I love Linux for servers but for my consumer hardware,
       | for ease and low maintenance I prefer Windows and run Ubuntu in
       | virtual machines
       | IntelliJ, such a great IDE
       | godshatter wrote:
       | For me the list is:                 - Linux            - gcc,
       | vim, git, make, et al            - KDE            - firefox
       | - yakuake (terminal that drops down like the old Quake console
       | used to)            - libre office            - mpv            -
       | Steam and Proton (which have made gaming work very well on Linux
       | and have contributed to the complete loss of all productivity
       | gained by any of the above programs).
       | neonSonOfXenon wrote:
       | In no particular order:
       | Vivaldi Browser, because I was a heavy Opera user back in the day
       | VS Code and all of its fantastic debug extensions
       | Maven, which has made my life as a Java dev so much easier
       | fish shell, which comes with a lot of convenience features
       | enabled out of the box
       | Krita, for providing me with a free yet fully-capable option for
       | digital painting
       | Kind of the entire KDE suite in general, including Plasma
       | OpenMPT, same reason as Krita but for music composition
       | F#, which I don't get many opportunities to use, but I love the
       | design philosophy behind it and think the syntax is gorgeous
       | Monospaced fonts with ligatures (Fira Code being my favorite)
       | Google Calendar, without which my life would be a completely
       | disorganized mess
       | MusicBee, which provides iTunes level of music organization
       | without being iTunes
       | Markdown + Typora, for letting me throw together quick but well
       | formatted documents without having to set up a TeX install or
       | deal with a full-blown word processor
       | Qt and QML, which taught me that UX design doesn't have to be
       | painful
       | legrande wrote:
       | This reminds me of Steve Jobs' email to himself. In 2010 he
       | wrote:
       | I grow little of the food I eat, and of the little I do grow I
       | did not breed or perfect the seeds.
       | I do not make any of my own clothing.
       | I speak a language I did not invent or refine.
       | I did not discover the mathematics I use.
       | I am protected by freedoms and laws I did not conceive of or
       | legislate, and do not enforce or adjudicate.
       | I am moved by music I did not create myself.
       | When I needed medical attention, I was helpless to help myself
       | survive.
       | I did not invent the transistor, the microprocessor, object
       | oriented programming, or most of the technology I work with.
       | I love and admire my species, living and dead, and am totally
       | dependent on them for my life and well being.
       | Sent from my iPad
       | Source: https://stevejobsarchive.com/
         | andrepd wrote:
         | A nice reminder of the absurdity of the narrative of the "self-
         | made man".
         | jbverschoor wrote:
         | Not "to himself", it was for a speech.
           | aaron695 wrote:
           | fredoliveira wrote:
           | No - to himself. Not a speech. As per the linked site where
           | it reads:                 > Email from Steve Jobs to himself
           | > 2010       >        > Steve often sent himself messages to
           | capture what was on his mind.
             | jbverschoor wrote:
             | Sure.. also as per that site,
             | https://stevejobsarchive.com/international-design-
             | conference... Basically the same stuff.
             | So either prepping a new speech, or recapping his own
             | quotes at the end of his life.
             | If it wasn't for the recording, the whole e-mail sounds
             | like affirmations or someone who who needs to keep his mind
             | straight and humble.
         | ajkjk wrote:
         | To this day, the 'sent from my iPhone | iPad' messages are a
         | great way to quickly filter out people who are missing, uh,
         | taste, that is, basic aesthetic sense.
           | mmsimanga wrote:
           | I can't speak for iPhone but I was always bemused by the
           | line. Until someone responded to one of my messages and I
           | realised my message also ended with sent from my ** phone. I
           | hadn't added the line. I realised on some Android phones the
           | phone adds the line to the bottom of your message. You can
           | turn it off but I suspect most people don't..
           | goodJobWalrus wrote:
           | I read "Sent from my iPhone" as "I apologize for brevity and
           | typos" and don't get offended.
             | atmosx wrote:
             | Someone with common sense in 2022. How uncommon :-)
             | jll29 wrote:
             | When I read "Sent from my iPhone" I feel sorry they don't
             | have a proper keyboard and that they have to touch cold,
             | hard glass instead; what an unpleasant tactile experience!
             | And then I remember I now have to do the same, because
             | someone switched off my fantastic BlackBerry (R.I.P. until
             | resurrection comes!)...
               | LukeShu wrote:
               | Between body heat from being in your pocket and heat from
               | the electronics, the unpleasant glass usually isn't
               | _cold_.
             | vineyardmike wrote:
             | I explicitly leave it in for this sort of interpretation. I
             | remove it from my iPad, but not phone.
             | ajkjk wrote:
             | Well I don't get _offended_ , I just roll my eyes that
             | someone is okay being a walking ad for a company that has
             | plenty of money.
               | cal85 wrote:
               | If you don't get offended, perhaps you get things out of
               | proportion?
               | Dalewyn wrote:
               | Do you roll your eyes at yourself whenever you, say,
               | drive a car?
               | We're surrounded by things that have their company's
               | branding prominently plastered on them. Hell, stuff like
               | luxury bags (eg: Louis Vuitton) exist specifically to
               | flaunt a company's branding.
               | Of course, it would be nice if we weren't surrounded by
               | marketing and advertising everywhere all the time, but
               | that's beside the point.
               | ajkjk wrote:
               | Uh, no, I don't; obviously aesthetic judgments are much
               | more subtle than that.
               | > but that's beside the point.
               | uh that is precisely the point. Hence if there is some
               | trivial way to avoid it, I like people who do it.
               | For instance yeah your car has branding you can't avoid.
               | But you know what you can avoid? Those stupid license
               | plate holders that dealers put on to advertise
               | themselves. Better than nothing.
               | lostlogin wrote:
               | > Those stupid license plate holders
               | In some jurisdictions you can avoid this problem by
               | having no licence plate at all and if you upgrade the car
               | frequently enough, you can avoid ever having a plate.
               | darkerside wrote:
               | You can remove decals
               | roughly wrote:
               | I mean, the line hits a bit different coming from Steve
               | Jobs, he built* the fucking thing.
               | * yeah yeah, I know
               | colechristensen wrote:
               | People who are so image conscious that they care about
               | that kind of thing in themselves or others really seem
               | like they have their priorities in the wrong place.
               | It ends up being a great filter, leaving things around to
               | bother the kinds of people you don't want to impress.
               | behnamoh wrote:
               | I understand that, but keeping the default email
               | signature might also mean that said person is so busy or
               | detached from technology that they don't even know/have-
               | time-to change their email signature.
           | xen2xen1 wrote:
           | Meaning if you see that they just don't have taste?
             | ajkjk wrote:
             | yep.
           | HNthrow22 wrote:
           | this take is so pretentious that it reads like tech bro
           | satire. Ah yes, customizing my email footer settings will
           | showcase my refined taste and advanced aesthetic sense.
             | ajkjk wrote:
             | Well it's a bit more complicated than that. No, it doesn't
             | showcase any kind of refined taste, it's just like a super
             | simple signal for the bare minimum. Kinda like... uh...
             | wearing clothes that fit, fashion choices aside.
           | neilv wrote:
           | I see it a lot from non-techies who I think either don't know
           | how to change it, or reasonably think that it's a
           | conventional way to convey that one is on mobile (to explain
           | why one is more terse, or heads up that they don't have
           | access to info normally on desktop right now, etc.).
           | When the iPhone first game out, and was expensive and hard to
           | get, the signature risked coming across as an affluence brag.
           | Macha wrote:
           | I think if you work on the iPhone/iPad, (or for that matter,
           | on other email clients or email sending devices), there's
           | probably an exemption from it being as tacky to advertise the
           | device you're using
           | echelon wrote:
           | It's not unlike wearing a giant designer label. Except that
           | everyone and their uncle, from trailer park to penthouse, has
           | an iPhone.
             | JohnFen wrote:
             | Not everyone. Very few of the people I know use iPhones.
               | ajkjk wrote:
               | Don't worry, nobody thought it was literally everyone.
               | JohnFen wrote:
               | The implication, though, is that iPhone is at least the
               | most common device used. At least in the US, this is not
               | true.
               | echelon wrote:
               | Every statistic I've found shows not only a 50+% share of
               | the existing market, it also shows new phones from Apple
               | are selling to over 50% of the market.
               | It makes the email signature even more bizarre.
               | https://gs.statcounter.com/vendor-market-
               | share/mobile/united...
               | https://hypebeast.com/2022/9/apple-iphone-overtakes-
               | androids...
               | JohnFen wrote:
               | Correct, which means that neither are "most common".
               | But the distribution is not even. In my part of the
               | country, you don't see iPhones very often at all. In
               | other parts of the country, you see them everywhere.
               | echelon wrote:
               | Common does not mean > 51%.                 Term
               | Numerical rate   Percentage       Common   1 in 10
               | 10%
               | iPhone is by definition _most common_.
               | pwinnski wrote:
               | I'm sorry, how is "greater than 50%" not the same as
               | "most common?"
               | Either it's two players with 51% and 49%, in which case
               | the 51% is "most common," or it's many players, with 51%
               | and a bunch of other percentages that collectively add up
               | to 49%, in which case the 51% is _still_ the most common,
               | perhaps even more so.
               | I'm not shilling for Apple here, as Android was clearly
               | most common From 2011-2021, and still is world-wide. If
               | anything, I'm shilling for the English language.
               | JohnFen wrote:
               | > Either it's two players with 51% and 49%, in which case
               | the 51% is "most common,"
               | In a market the size we're talking about, 51% and 49% are
               | effectively the same as 50-50. I think it's reasonable to
               | say neither is the "most common". They're used equally.
               | And I don't know the margin of error on the figures, but
               | I'm sure it exceeds 1% anyway.
               | tripa wrote:
               | The issue isn't the figure 50, it's the drawing pool.
               | Thread-initial description was 50% of the market, which
               | is ambiguous. It could refer to either the market in
               | sales, which indicates highest growth, or the market in
               | userbase, which could be the layman's "common".
             | GekkePrutser wrote:
             | In the US perhaps. Here in Spain it's definitely a luxury
             | item. Even the "5 year old design" iPhone SE is 600EUR here
             | which is a lot for Spain.
             | For the same price you can get a Samsung S21 FE with full-
             | screen bezelless AMOLED and 3-cam setup (wide, ultra wide,
             | 3x zoom) and in-screen fingerprint. And for half that an
             | A52s with similar except the tele. So those are much more
             | popular here.
             | The only people I know with iphones are die hard Apple fans
             | or really far above average earners :)
           | isametry wrote:
           | Ah yes, Steve Jobs, the CEO and entrepreneur widely known for
           | his lack of taste and aesthetic sense.
             | doodpants wrote:
             | I think it's more about the users lacking the taste and
             | aesthetic sense to change the default email signature to
             | something more personal?
             | smoldesu wrote:
             | He was also known for his ruthless business practices,
             | sociopathic tendencies, saying his daughter smelled like a
             | 'toilet' on his deathbed and then subsequently starving
             | himself of life-sustaining nutrients until he died.
             | Steve Jobs was not afraid to contradict the image he was
             | "widely known for".
               | isametry wrote:
               | The point of my comment wasn't to glorify Steve Jobs, but
               | to criticize the other commenter's unreasonable
               | prejudice.
               | alsetmusic wrote:
               | > saying his daughter smelled like a 'toilet' on his
               | deathbed
               | This requires a citation.
               | echelon wrote:
               | https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6134649/Steve-
               | Jobs-...
               | sbuk wrote:
               | You'll have to better than the British tabloid press as a
               | source.
               | tut-urut-utut wrote:
               | Do you really expect to find that kind of info in some
               | ,serious' press?
               | mmmpop wrote:
               | "Serious" press covered a Russian pee pee hoax, so if
               | you're insisting they have standards that exclude
               | irrelevant scatlogical references, then think again.
               | echelon wrote:
               | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/23/books/steve-jobs-lisa-
               | bre...
               | lostlogin wrote:
               | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/23/books/steve-jobs-lisa-
               | bre...
               | However the context matters and it's explained in this
               | thread.
               | WalterBright wrote:
               | It's from his daughter's book "Small Fry". It wasn't on
               | his deathbed, though he was very sick. She had put on
               | some cologne that didn't smell good.
               | behnamoh wrote:
               | Easy to say things behind someone who's already dead. How
               | can we trust the book?
               | permalac wrote:
               | Read it.
               | WalterBright wrote:
               | Since she's the only living witness, and it's her book,
               | you can decide for yourself.
               | p3rls wrote:
               | It's dishonest without the additional context that he was
               | criticizing an overpowering cheap poo-pourri type-scent
               | rather than saying his daughter smelled like shit at the
               | very least
               | mmmpop wrote:
               | Shhh you're ruining their argument with pesky context.
               | camgunz wrote:
               | She reported it. All you have to do is google.
               | ravenstine wrote:
               | I'm not defending Jobs, but people are more than one
               | thing. It's possible he was entirely sincere when he
               | wrote that email (allegedly), but was not that compelled
               | to reconcile that sort of ideal with his other thoughts
               | and actions. Thus I don't think everything Jobs said
               | should be dismissed. I also understand why many have a
               | hard time appreciating things that "bad" people say.
               | It is a shame that he said that to his daughter on his
               | deathbed. I'd not heard about that until you mentioned
               | it. People sometimes say crazy things or revert to
               | earlier memories during their final few minutes, but for
               | Lisa, that must have solidified the reality that they
               | would never have reconciled.
               | nescioquid wrote:
               | When the media was plastered with Jobs' obits, it was
               | chastening to see the short shrift Dennis Ritchie got,
               | especially with all the coverage around the valuable
               | legacy of Jobs' patents for computer cases.
               | > ...I don't think everything Jobs said should be
               | dismissed
               | I agree that whatever he said should be taken on its own
               | merits; I just don't see the value in privileging
               | anything the guy said over anyone else in the first
               | place.
               | benbenolson wrote:
               | As with all things, this definitely deserves some
               | context. His daughter later said that she used some rose
               | mist before visiting him, and admitted that she _did_
               | smell like a toilet (as in, a fragrance often used to
               | clean toilets).
               | ravenstine wrote:
               | I guess I assumed the context wasn't that literal.
               | hollerith wrote:
               | I've seen claims by people who knew him that he was
               | narcissistic (which I find easy to believe) but none that
               | he was sociopathic.
               | smoldesu wrote:
               | I wouldn't label him a by-and-large sociopath, but Steve
               | Jobs certainly exhibited sociopathic behavior. Especially
               | earlier in his career, Jobs was known for his lack of
               | empathy towards his coworkers and being difficult to work
               | with.
               | [deleted]
               | colechristensen wrote:
               | Let's not turn reports of being difficult to work with
               | into armchair diagnoses of serious mental health
               | conditions.
             | throwaway743 wrote:
             | If by aesthetic you mean _personal_ , then I wouldn't say
             | his "normcore" look was of any particular taste
             | amelius wrote:
             | The minimalist style of most of his products is essentially
             | a demonstration of lack of taste, probably with the purpose
             | of playing it safe and not clashing with any potential
             | customer's taste.
           | lostlogin wrote:
           | The lack-of-taste element has been trumped by the 'Get
           | Outlook for iOS' one that it's spawned.
           | Are more courteous take is that it indicates a message was
           | sent in haste.
           | desindol wrote:
           | I have a strong sentiment for users that use standards
           | without optimizing anything they are either just really
           | focused on their work or totally unorganized both have their
           | charms.
             | raverbashing wrote:
             | Not sure which ones are that but I usually consider (some
             | of) then plainer than vanilla
             | They're the complete opposite of the "here's to the crazy
             | ones", they have neither wish not curiosity in how to make
             | things better
               | shxdow wrote:
               | I personally wouldn't draw all these conclusions from the
               | email footer alone and I'd refrain from speculation as
               | well. It's a footer at the end of the day, but that's me
               | I guess.
               | inetknght wrote:
               | > _they have neither wish not curiosity in how to make
               | things better_
               | Nonsense. Plenty of people have curiousity in how to make
               | things better but don't do it in ways that you would see.
               | raverbashing wrote:
               | Could be. Not all defaults need to be changed
               | But they also usually ignore contexts and only look at
               | the small picture
               | mstipetic wrote:
               | I strongly dislike people like you
               | colechristensen wrote:
               | Quite the opposite, I make things better that strike me
               | as being important. Things that aren't don't get
               | attention.
               | Like the table manners of which of four forks are
               | "correct" to use, many things I just don't care to be
               | "good" at and folks who do strike me as odd.
         | dang wrote:
         | Discussed here:
         |  _Steve Jobs emails himself (2010)_ -
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32761060 - Sept 2022 (247
         | comments)
         | Arjuna wrote:
         | After reading this, I am reminded of the Buddhist concept of
         | Pratityasamutpada [1].
         | In essence, existence is interwoven in a complex tapestry of
         | interdependence.
         | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratityasamutpada
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | I'm surprised how the asian continent had a pervasive notion
           | of holism. They always look very wide.
             | jmfldn wrote:
             | "Interbeing" is how Thich Nhat Hanh would put it.
             | Everything exists only in relation to everything else. It's
             | relations all the way down.
               | agumonkey wrote:
               | Even confusianism is said to put the emphasis on the
               | group rather than the individual. So contrasting with
               | many occidental cultures.
           | runnerup wrote:
           | Steve Jobs was buddhist.
           | pdpi wrote:
           | The concept of Ubuntu also occupies the same sort of space.
           | Which makes sense when you consider Mark Shuttleworth is
           | South African.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_philosophy
             | ThePowerOfFuet wrote:
             | And here I thought Ubuntu was a Swahili word meaning "I
             | don't know how to install Debian".
         | vivekv wrote:
         | The last line "Sent from my iPad" was quite fitting as a device
         | that he conceptualized :-)
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | could have edited it for that particular message with a
           | sent from a derivative of alan kay prototype
           | karmakaze wrote:
           | No mention of the shoulders that Apple products stand upon.
             | kergonath wrote:
             | Apart from all of the message, yes, no mention of it at
             | all.
               | karmakaze wrote:
               | I was thinking more of things like the "windows, icons,
               | menus, pointer" that Apple tried to sue Microsoft for.
               | vineyardmike wrote:
               | > or most of the technology I work with.
               | No mention of it at all.
             | [deleted]
             | lcnPylGDnU4H9OF wrote:
             | That was actually just the entire message. To cherry-pick a
             | few:
             | > I speak a language I did not invent or refine.
             | > I did not discover the mathematics I use.
             | > I did not invent the transistor, the microprocessor,
             | object oriented programming, or most of the technology I
             | work with.
             | > I love and admire my species, living and dead, and am
             | totally dependent on them for my life and well being.
           | uwagar wrote:
           | kinda spoils it imho. why is it included? he surely didnt
           | intend it.
             | vineyardmike wrote:
             | i don't know, after a list of things he didn't do that he's
             | thankful for, containing something _he was responsible for_
             | in this way is a subtle nod to what he did create.
             | Its powerful because (a) he probably didn't explicitly add
             | it, and (b) it references his impact on the world and (c)
             | the iPad is obviously important but no where near as
             | important as mathematics or medicine, and its not included
             | on the list, just a helpful nod to its ability to help him
             | reflect on this list.
               | kilolima wrote:
               | The auto-marketing footer sullies the rest of his letter.
               | The content recognizes all of the great achievements of
               | human civilization and then at the end there is an
               | advertisement. Which relies on it's continued inclusion
               | in emails by stroking the human ego, so not very
               | Buddhist, either.
           | iamacyborg wrote:
           | Did Jobs conceptualise it or did someone at Apple?
             | kergonath wrote:
             | It's fairly well documented that the iPad was what he'd
             | wanted to have for a while, well before the iPhone existed.
             | IIRC biographies put his first concept of what became the
             | iPad around when the iPod was released.
             | The iPhone was just a happy accident, something they
             | decided to do with the cool tech they were playing with
             | when working on the iPad, before it was ready.
               | gardenhedge wrote:
               | Not being snarky but isn't a tablet what everyone wanted
               | and just needed technology to catch up?
               | nashashmi wrote:
               | Had to comment on this!
               | The IPad was described as a glass keyboard when it was
               | still a secret. It was inspired by an argument with a
               | Microsoft employee who argued apple should license the
               | windows tablet OS and make tablets.
               | The whole company was more focused on making a phone
               | however. And three secret internal movements converged
               | into what is the IPhone today. Best thing is it was kept
               | secret from Steve Jobs. But once he saw it, he shelved
               | the iPad and worked on the iPhone.
               | The iPhone's predecessor was the Motorola iTunes phone.
               | Which was a combo of the ipod and phone.
               | A bit of compiled history.
               | Edit: iPad was a development concept because he believed
               | tablets should not have a stylus. And got angry at
               | Microsoft employee for suggesting it should.
           | legrande wrote:
           | Yeah it _hits differently_ after what he said. My first
           | impression after reading the  "Sent from my iPad" was it was
           | some sort of tongue-in-cheek joke, but it's the default
           | signature so it was added automatically! It's a good growth
           | hack.
         | falcor84 wrote:
         | This is probably the most elaborate humblebrag I've ever seen.
           | [deleted]
           | lcnPylGDnU4H9OF wrote:
           | I guess because it ends with "Sent from my iPad"? Still seems
           | like an uncharitable interpretation considering that a
           | "humblebrag" is a pretty deliberate thing.
           | Maybe he just wanted to remind himself of these things.
       | smm11 wrote:
       | I saw software I later found out was called Circus Ponies
       | Notebook in the mid-90s, in use by a guy who was too cool for me
       | to understand.
       | Years and years later I got Notebook running on NeXT, then on OS
       | X, and couldn't see the point, by then I had sites online that
       | were saving my notes, links, and images. Everything grows to
       | eventually send email, and anything that is software is already
       | online somewhere already.
       | busymom0 wrote:
       | uBlock origin and AdBlock Pro or other ad block alternatives are
       | what I am grateful for! Has saved me a lot of time being wasted
       | on ads. Also archive.is and archive.org for helping me find
       | historical copies of webpages and also bypassing paywalls.
       | par wrote:
       | This post makes me so happy to be working in software. It's easy
       | to get jaded over the years, but this really brings me so much of
       | the joy and love of working with software.
       | theatomheart wrote:
       | dwm st dmenu vim hugo ranger tmux newsboat
       | [deleted]
       | dividedbyzero wrote:
       | The fish shell, makes using the shell feel almost painless.
       | Hammerspoon, I use it to automatically switch audio devices based
       | on context, so every call uses the best microphone currently
       | available, window management via keystrokes, limiting media keys
       | to Spotify, tons of other things. Indispensable.
       | Arduino, I don't think I would be able to tinker with
       | microcontrollers as much if I had to write C and use obscure
       | toolchains directly.
       | Solvespace, a limited but usable free CAD for simple parts to be
       | 3d printed. Wish there was a real contender to the commercial
       | ones though, or a free tier that doesn't smell like it's going
       | away any time. Still very thankful that SolveSpace exists.
       | The Scala 3 compiler and the VSCode plugin for v3. Absolutely
       | love the language and the experience is so much better than with
       | IntelliJ, haven't had as much fun writing code in ages.
       | This will be a bit controversial, but Kubernetes, because if
       | people use it via GKE, EKS etc. then I won't have to learn their
       | organically grown solution to the same dozen-or-so operations
       | problems, and I have yet to see one that isn't a hot mess in some
       | way or other. Also anything running on top of Kubernetes won't be
       | built the very old-fashioned vi-edits-on-server way, great for
       | sanity.
       | Various modern messenger apps (Telegram, Whatsapp, Instagram's
       | direct messages, ...) because I would hear a lot less from some
       | highly cherished and very non-technical people in my life without
       | these incredibly slick and fun and convenient apps. As one who's
       | old enough to remember being dependent on landlines and payphones
       | and letters, this still feels like a miracle.
         | jstanley wrote:
         | If you like SolveSpace but want something more powerful, you
         | should try FreeCAD.
         | Yes, it's harder to get started, and it's less fun to use, but
         | it is more powerful. I wrote a comparison of the two earlier
         | this year[0].
         | [0] https://incoherency.co.uk/blog/stories/freecad-vs-
         | solvespace...
         | alanbernstein wrote:
         | Got any Hammerspoon config to share? I've used it for simple
         | stuff for years, but recently noticed that people use it for
         | window management, and macos' handling of windows on my second
         | monitor is driving me nuts...
         | wan_ala wrote:
         | I use fish as my main shell and haven't seen anyone else that
         | has. Honestly its really good, the autocomplete feature is my
         | favorite.
           | quyleanh wrote:
           | Actually you can use fish-like autocomplete feature in zsh
           | with this plugin [1]. It works well for years in my machine.
           | [1] https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete
         | preseinger wrote:
         | > This will be a bit controversial, but Kubernetes, because if
         | people use it via GKE, EKS etc. then I won't have to learn
         | their organically grown solution to the same dozen-or-so
         | operations problems, and I have yet to see one that isn't a hot
         | mess in some way or other. Also anything running on top of
         | Kubernetes won't be built the very old-fashioned vi-edits-on-
         | server way, great for sanity.
         | I appreciate this perspective. It's sane. But my consistent
         | experience has been that the complexity permitted by the
         | Kubernetes _configuration_ surface area tends to be larger,
         | more complex, and ultimately more difficult to wrangle than the
         | complexity introduced by (reasonably coherent) home-grown
         | systems.
         | I would generally prefer to be responsible for a bespoke
         | solution, with all of its warts and pathologies, than for a
         | Kubernetes deployment. The problems of the former tend to be at
         | least tractable; wrangling Kubernetes to a reasonable level of
         | availability is in my experience only possible if you dedicate
         | your career to it.
       | bloopernova wrote:
       | Stuff I'm thankful for, in no particular order. None of these are
       | particularly unique to me, nor are they obscure and hipster,
       | they're just stuff I have found myself really thankful for.
       | powerlevel10k because it makes adding custom sections to my shell
       | prompt really straightforward.
       | https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k
       | terraform because I have a job wrangling it lol
       | asdf because it manages versions of software for me really well
       | and it has thus far been rock solid reliable. https://asdf-
       | vm.com/
       | Emacs because it's about as configurable and customizable as my
       | most insane requirements. And emacs lisp is very cool. Similarly,
       | vim and vscode are also dear to me.
       | Factorio! because of course Factorio, it's amazing. Similarly
       | Kerbal Space Program.
       | Firefox for standing up against the chrome hegemony nowadays, and
       | for being so exciting back in 1998 with its initial open source
       | decision.
       | And Tree Style Tabs, because every time I have to use a browser
       | without it, my skin crawls at the lack of organization.
       | https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab
       | And the big ones: grep, sed, awk, cut, sort, uniq, jq for all the
       | times they've turned something incomprehensible into something
       | useful to this tiny mind.
       | EDIT: oh and zsh because zmodload zsh/datetime gives me
       | $EPOCHSECONDS which makes life so much easier to make cool prompt
       | segments like "days and hours since last commit" and "remaining
       | auth session time in minutes and seconds"                   #
       | display time since last commit in days and hours         gdate -d
       | @$(($EPOCHSECONDS-$(git log -1 --format=%ct))) -u +"(%-dd %-Hh
       | ago)"
       | thakoppno wrote:
       | nobody said nodejs yet?
         | ExtremisAndy wrote:
         | Not sure if anyone else has said it, but I sure will. I am the
         | lone developer of my website, and it has been so wonderful to
         | be able to remain in JavaScript for both front and back end
         | development. Node also makes a fine scripting language, and the
         | repl is where I normally go by default to practice/drill JS
         | concepts so I won't forget them. I'm incredibly grateful for
         | NodeJS!
       | jll29 wrote:
       | -- _I 'm grateful that the following sofrware exists_ --
       | Linux
       | Emacs (+VM +gnus +org-mode +scheme-mode)
       | Sublime
       | clang++
       | cargo + rustc
       | SQLite
       | Apache
       | Google
       | Lucene
       | Tensorflow
       | SVMLIB
       | TeX/LaTeX/Overleaf.com
       | OmniPlan
       | xfst/foma
       | -- _Historic:_ --
       | HPUX
       | the C language and the various ANSI c89 compilers
       | Turbo-Pascal
       | Application Systems Heidelberg Modula-2 compiler
       | rmatt2000 wrote:
       | <ctrl>f office
       | 0/0
       | vincent-manis wrote:
       | Emacs. TeX/LaTeX. Classic Unix. i3. A bunch of Scheme
       | implementations. Tcl/Tk.
         | legohead wrote:
         | I was going to mention nano
         | when you just wanna edit things quick and only need to remember
         | a few commands. just wish it came standard with most distros.
           | dividedbyzero wrote:
           | nano is such a lifesaver. It's pure Unix - does one job
           | really well, doesn't try to be half an IDE like vi and
           | friends, just a friendly little text editor that pretty much
           | everyone can use within minutes. Nothing better for quick
           | edits on remote systems beside never having to do quick edits
           | on remote systems.
             | BrandoElFollito wrote:
             | I used joe, pico, nano since 1994 and someday I will
             | finally change the key bindings so that I have this in
             | mline with my vscode.
             | This is by far the biggest drawback of switching editors
             | and being lazy at the same time.
         | onehair wrote:
         | i3 is so simple and intuitive!
         | tmtvl wrote:
         | Emacs may not be the best Lisp interpreter around, but I still
         | love it for how open it is and for the great community around
         | it.
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | emacs, magit, i3, arch, lisps and descendants, firefox, mpv
         | magit especially
       | dekhn wrote:
       | Mostly agree but I don't see goroutines (or go itself) as
       | anything truly great for concurrent (many blocking operations
       | waiting for external events) or parallel (using multiple cores to
       | solve a problem faster than a single core could). It seems like
       | just about everything with goroutines existed in some form or
       | fashion in other widely used systems, but I'm always curious if
       | I'm missing some magic.
       | Ultimately the software I'm thankful for is linux/GNU/python as
       | that combination has not only ensure my continued employment, but
       | the productivity of thousands of next-generation scientists.
       | 7373737373 wrote:
       | - Blender - GIMP - fldigi - ffmpeg
       | insane_dreamer wrote:
       | git - can't imagine working without it
       | also:
       | unit test frameworks - what a godsend
       | ruby - brought joy to writing code, even if I don't get to use it
       | much anymore
       | Joel_Mckay wrote:
       | I donate to a few projects when possible, as my "thanks" can't
       | directly help those that improve my computing experience. ;)
       | The GNU/gcc tool-set was a paradigm shift in access to
       | standardized cross-platform software development. It allowed
       | enthusiasts to escape the world of Basic, MASM, and
       | proprietary/expensive IDEs.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EI7p2p1QJI
       | lleb97a wrote:
       | Ad Blockers.
       | glintik wrote:
       | vim? Really you said this? OMG.
         | seanw444 wrote:
         | Vim's great. So great that I essentially use Vim on Emacs.
           | glintik wrote:
           | If vim is great why most popular question about vim is "How
           | do I exit Vim?" -
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11828270/how-do-i-
           | exit-v...
             | aaws11 wrote:
             | steep learning curve doesn't imply bad UX, or useless, or
             | not great.
               | glintik wrote:
               | The same I heard about sendmail and its configs :).
             | eimrine wrote:
             | Because vim is useless for those who do not touchtype.
         | reaperducer wrote:
         | You don't have anything more to contribute than "Stop liking
         | things I don't like?"
           | glintik wrote:
           | FYI, I'm using vim every day. If you have run vim before -
           | you should know what I mean. About others I don't care.
             | xbar wrote:
             | I have no idea what you mean. I cannot get enough
             | information from the context of "OMG." There are many
             | possible interpretations.
         | dang wrote:
         | Could you please stop posting unsubstantive comments to Hacker
         | News? You've been doing it repeatedly, unfortunately, and we're
         | trying for a different sort of forum here.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | glintik wrote:
             | dang wrote:
             | Please stop. We want interesting new discussions, not
             | boring old flamewars.
               | glintik wrote:
               | You can just stop reading me, you are not interested.
         | theatomheart wrote:
         | yes but i wont judge you for not understanding or appreciating
         | the power and usefulness of vim. and dont bother, either. i
         | encourage you to stick with the peasants' notepad++
           | glintik wrote:
           | Notepad++ requires GUI, buddy. Vim is console app.
       | pipeline_peak wrote:
       | > JSON is the worst form of encoding -- except for all the others
       | that have been tried.
       | Edgy pessimism is tiring, we get it everything sucks but this is
       | the best we got, even though you still hate it.
       | > It's not easily read by humans, but it can be read by humans.
       | What does this even mean, why, how? It's so easy to complain
       | about something without admitting you don't have a better
       | solution.
       | Maybe I'm bitter from my ERP dev ops role where I'm constantly
       | enduring little thorns throughout the pipeline and overall
       | codebase. But this way of thinking isn't practical, you won't get
       | far if they're what you deal with day to day.
         | preseinger wrote:
         | I don't see this as edgy pessimism, I see it as pragmatic
         | optimism. The author isn't complaining about JSON, they're
         | acknowledging JSON as the best choice despite its warts.
           | pipeline_peak wrote:
           | I understand his intention, but "the worst form of encoding"
           | is pretty ridiculous.
             | hot_gril wrote:
             | Yeah, I'd just say "good form of general-purpose encoding."
             | preseinger wrote:
             | It's a reference to the old adage about government
             | > Democracy is the worst form of government - except for
             | all the others that have been tried
             | https://blogs.fcdo.gov.uk/petermillett/2014/03/05/the-
             | worst-...
               | pipeline_peak wrote:
               | Oh my mistake
       | hidelooktropic wrote:
       | > I keep trying to quit vim
       | It's esc + :q
       | BrandoElFollito wrote:
       | I would add Bitwarden, and its self-hosted rust version -
       | Vaultwarden.
       | Also Caddy - a web engine which is actually useable (and great)
       | SV_BubbleTime wrote:
       | VS Code
       | It took me awhile to switch over. But really, I can't go back to
       | anything else. The customization and UX is unbeatable.
         | BrandoElFollito wrote:
         | Same here. I use to use Jetbrain editors that are nice but slow
         | and extremely specific to languages.
         | I forced myself to use vscode for two weeks and it is mostly
         | fine. I do miss a lot of well-done things from Jetbrain (today
         | for instance I had to build and run a Dockerfile and it was
         | painful. Not impossible, had to look up all the commands but it
         | was still painful).
       | sleepycatgirl wrote:
       | Let's see.. Software I am thankful for.. there is a fair amount
       | of such.
       | Anki - Software, that helped me build up habit, and made learning
       | language an easier task
       | Emacs - Wonderful text editor, made interacting with system a
       | bliss.
       | Nix/NixOS - Distro, that made updates a painless, and fearless
       | task. I love it.
       | ZFS - Filesystem that I love, for it has many wonderful features,
       | and they all just work. (Also cute compression)
       | Wine + DXVK/VKD3D - Thanks to this, I was able to completely drop
       | windows partition, and go full Linux.
       | LaTeX - Thanks to it, I could have cute workflow for writing
       | documents (And yesterday, wrote CV with its' help :D)
       | Calibre - Man.. what a behemot of book software. Makes anything
       | ebook related painless
       | Common Lisp(SBCL) and Haskell(GHC) - Very interesting languages,
       | with very wonderful features. I love them both.
       | Cool retro term - For playing roguelikes, lets me experience them
       | in very retro, retro way.
       | Obviously, ublock origin, makes browsing web not a nightmare.
       | Aseprite - wonderful pixelart software.
       | There is more, but... I will stop there, to make the comment..
       | not too long.
         | barumrho wrote:
         | Curious to learn, what are the differentiators of ZFS? File
         | system seems like an invisible layer to me personally which
         | makes me ask this question.
           | nextos wrote:
           | Snapshots and device pools are my favorites. See
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZFS#Features
           | I use snapshots for personal backups, but on BTFS, and it's
           | amazingly simple. 2 LOC: Rsync home to drive and make
           | snapshot.
           | sleepycatgirl wrote:
           | Well, ZFS way of managing disks is really comfy to me, and,
           | The way datasets and snapshots work, let me have really space
           | efficient game modding.
           | I wrote a bit more about this on my extremely simple blog
           | https://sleepycatgirl.github.io/html/zfs.html
       | scop wrote:
       | Outside of OS & text editor (vim), there is one tool that I use
       | countless times every, single, day:
       | fzf (https://github.com/junegunn/fzf)
       | I can only wonder how much time fzf has saved me in the long
       | term.
       | In terms of "software that I don't use for writing software", iA
       | Writer is probably what I am most grateful for.
         | graton wrote:
         | fzf is awesome :)
         | My favorite fzf usage (but not the most often used) is this
         | alias I put in my ~/.gitconfig file                   frbi =
         | "!f() { git rebase -i $(git log --pretty=oneline --color=always
         | | fzf --ansi | cut -d ' ' -f1)^ ; }; f"
         | So I do: git frbi (which to me means Fzf ReBase Interactive)
         | And then can easily pick what commit I will use as my starting
         | point for doing some rebase work.
           | xwowsersx wrote:
           | Going to use this, thanks! How do I limit it to N number of
           | commits?
             | graton wrote:
             | Not sure. But I can use it on the Linux kernel without
             | issue, which is 1,107,114 commits at the time I just tested
             | it. So I have never felt a need to limit it.
             | EDIT: Probably could use the "--max-count=<number>" option
             | to `git log` which is documented in the man page.
         | idealmedtech wrote:
         | On a similar note for Windows: Everything Search. Blazing fast,
         | super easy syntax, powerful search tools. Almost don't remember
         | where most things are stored on my hard drive these days, since
         | they're all just a shortcut and a few characters away
       | havkom wrote:
       | Really enjoyed this piece.
       | Now I better understand:
       | make clean && make
       | (Regarding the mtimes link in the first paragraph)
       | mhb wrote:
       | Davinci Resolve
       | PyCharm
       | Clion
       | Audacity
         | andrei_says_ wrote:
         | Davinci Resolve is incredible. Using its fully functional
         | version for free feels like cheating.
         | One of the side effects being that it presents the tools and
         | context for doing things properly - from editing to color
         | correction.
         | isametry wrote:
         | I was so delighted to discover DaVinci for a multitude reasons,
         | but one of the biggest ones was that it doubles as a full-blown
         | audio editor (for my use-cases, anyway). This allowed me to
         | finally ditch Audacity, after its development took some very
         | questionable turns last year.
       | _ink_ wrote:
       | JetBrains IDEs. I need to work with three different languages and
       | it is just a blessing that every IDE works exactly the same.
         | bonestamp2 wrote:
         | Not to mention, there are so many helpers built in and it's one
         | of the few pieces of software that I don't have any major
         | complaints about.
       | loudmax wrote:
       | > WireGuard is a great demonstration of why the total complexity
       | of the implementation ends up affecting the UX of the product.
       | This is absolutely true! Probably everything you could do with
       | WireGuard you could accomplish with OpenSSL/OpenVPN, but the
       | complexity is staggering. This makes it much more difficult to
       | troubleshoot and far more likely that there will be an error in
       | the configuration that could lead to compromise.
         | onehair wrote:
         | For my simple road warrior setup, 8 lines that are clearly
         | understandable were all it took in wireguard.
         | OpenVPN was always a nightmare
         | RedShift1 wrote:
         | I wish more developers would work on this, making sure their
         | product works straight out of the box. Lots of software
         | requires setting up additional things like Redis, an SQL
         | server, Docker, a proxy server, etc... All those things are in
         | most cases unnecessary. I understand that for high load
         | scenarios they are needed but for small time setups it's just
         | overkill. Make it run with sane defaults and when the time
         | comes to scale up, then those other things can be added.
       | avl999 wrote:
       | Shellcheck https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck : Shell scripts
       | are unavoidable, you have to write one every now and then but
       | shell is a terrible language with massive footguns around every
       | corner. I don't write shell scripts extensively enough to
       | remember all those footguns and even if I did, not sure I'd want
       | to waste brainpower remembering all that archaic trivia.
       | Shellcheck makes writing shell scripts bearable and dare I say
       | somewhat enjoyable. They have managed to collate all the shell
       | scripting potholes and tribal knowledge into one static analysis
       | tool. No shell script now gets checked in at work or on my
       | personal machine without being pumped through shellcheck.
       | Dalewyn wrote:
       | Strangely enough: Windows.
       | Yes, I fucking hate Windows 10/11 for several laundry lists'
       | worth of reasons, but you know what? At the end of the day,
       | Windows is the only desktop OS that enables me to use my computer
       | to do the shit I need or want to do.
       | So long as that fundamental principle as a tool is not violated,
       | I will forever be thankful for Windows regardless what criticism
       | I might have for it.
         | jgillich wrote:
         | Software development is a much better experience on Linux
         | compared to Windows (unless you stay within Visual Studio).
         | If you do tasks that are well supported by your OS, your
         | experience will be mostly good. Don't run servers on MacOS,
         | don't develop on Windows and don't game on Linux. Or do it
         | anyway and deal with the unpolished aspects of it.
           | ivank wrote:
           | You can have the best of both worlds with `Visual Studio Code
           | Remote - SSH` and a lot of mintty -> ssh user@host (to a VM,
           | if needed).
           | yakubin wrote:
           | As long as you don't use debuggers.
           | gregmac wrote:
           | I've done lots of dev on both linux and Windows. Neither is
           | "better" IMHO. I started on Linux, but today my main work and
           | personal systems are both Win10. I also have a persoanl Linux
           | laptop I use sometimes (currently Pop_OS, because I felt like
           | trying that).
           | There's certain things easier on one or the other, usually
           | caused by silly hardcoding of paths (or other OS-specific
           | assumptions). I've run into this with python packages on
           | Windows for sure.
           | My Windows dev is mostly limited to .net, and I've been
           | writing cross-platform for years (first via Mono, now .net
           | core / .net 6). Most challenges with cross-platform .net are
           | caused by hardcoding Windows-specific paths and backslash (vs
           | using Environment.* and Path.Combine()), and secondarily by
           | using win32-specific things (eg: registry).
           | Tip for Windows dev use: install Windows Terminal [1], scoop
           | [2], oh-my-posh [3], and busybox [4]. Makes the cli so much
           | more usable, at least for someone like me with linux CLI
           | muscle memory (ls, grep, etc).
           | I've found the combo of busybox utils and PowerShell is very
           | productive. I nearly always have at least a couple terminal
           | tabs open, and I'm nearly 50/50 of whether I use cli or
           | explorer to browse or operate on files.
           | [1] https://github.com/microsoft/terminal
           | [2] https://scoop.sh/
           | [3] https://ohmyposh.dev/
           | [4] https://scoop.sh/#/apps?q=busybox&s=0&d=1&o=true
             | zeppelin101 wrote:
             | Are you able to compare scoop to Chocolatey? I've stuck
             | with choco for years now, because it has so many packages
             | that I haven't wanted to try out scoop or WinGet.
             | Regarding PowerShell, I've found that it has become
             | incredibly customizable these days. For example, I just
             | enabled Emacs keybindings for it a couple days ago. So it
             | feels almost like a bash terminal.
           | guhidalg wrote:
           | Totally agree that development outside of Windows is better.
           | However if a majority of your users are using Windows,
           | shouldn't you, the developer, also use Windows?
           | I think HN has a tired circle-jerk around hating Windows but
           | ultimately most people use Windows for a reason, and it's not
           | because it's a good development environment: it's because it
           | just works and if you're a normal user you never have to open
           | a command line.
             | notatoad wrote:
             | if you're building desktop software for windows then yeah,
             | you should use windows. but these days, most development
             | isn't for windows.
             | godshatter wrote:
           | dan_mctree wrote:
           | As a lifelong windows dev, what exactly makes linux worth
           | moving to? I understand that coming from a linux world, doing
           | what you like doing in linux isn't always possible on
           | windows. But I've never really found a use for any of that
           | console magic linux devs seem to love. Pipe this into that
           | and through seven pieces of software that sound like glibgcd,
           | add 8 arcane flags and in the end you have some kind of
           | textfile that would've just as easily been made in some
           | handmade program? What exactly is the selling point for devs?
             | pksebben wrote:
             | I'm not sure what a handmade program on windows looks like,
             | so I could be wrong here, but writing shell scripts to do
             | work takes a matter of minutes and creates composable,
             | reliable stuff that vastly reduces the time to do other
             | work. This means that as time goes on, more of my workflow
             | becomes scripted and I very, very rarely work on the same
             | problem twice.
             | Then there's the filesystem. It just works. Permissions are
             | easy to grok and (most) error messages are clear about
             | what's wrong. Everything being a file also means I use the
             | same tools to: - investigate bugs in source code - check
             | what processes are using what ports, files, sockets, etc -
             | find files - find things in files
             | there's very little that can't be done easily with [grep,
             | cat, ls, mv, cd, echo, curl].
             | Also, manpages are incredible. All my important
             | documentation, right there where I'm doing my work.
             | It's really less about what's possible on windows / Linux,
             | and more about how Linux lets me do things my way, which
             | means I can consistently improve my methods.
             | Also, all the good Linux stuff is free. Both kinds, so not
             | only can I use most of it without worrying about the cost,
             | I can fix it when it goes wrong or modify it to be more
             | like what I want.
             | I could go on and bore you more, but those are the key
             | points.
               | zeppelin101 wrote:
               | I'd also add the "Googlability" factor to this. If you
               | want to check how to do anything in bash, you will have
               | your answer within seconds. Not so with PowerShell. It's
               | a much newer system that doesn't have decades of history.
             | jimbokun wrote:
             | > Pipe this into that and through seven pieces of software
             | that sound like glibgcd, add 8 arcane flags and in the end
             | you have some kind of textfile that would've just as easily
             | been made in some handmade program? What exactly is the
             | selling point for devs?
             | No, that's exactly the selling point.
             | Yes, you could write some hand made program. And piping
             | software together _IS_ a kind of hand made program. It 's
             | just going to be far faster to write that pipeline, than to
             | write a custom program, deploy, and run it.
             | And the pipeline might be much much faster. A classic
             | example:
             | https://adamdrake.com/command-line-tools-can-
             | be-235x-faster-...
             | charlie0 wrote:
             | I agree with you on that Windows -> Linux doesn't have much
             | appeal. I tried it 2-3 times and gave up because Linux was
             | not user friendly enough.
             | However, I will say that Windows -> Mac is pretty awesome.
             | IMO, the main benefits were the commmand line experience.
             | Installing Homebrew on Mac was so much nicer than pointing
             | and clicking everywhere in Windows to do things.
             | I see that Windows is getting better with their Terminal
             | app, but the MacOS functionalities beat it.
             | If you value doing things from the keyboard rather than a
             | mouse, then you'll see value in switching to MacOs.
             | Otherwise, the appeal is rather muted.
             | asciimov wrote:
             | Everybody has their pain points with every operating
             | system.
             | For me and windows it was when it updated a hibernating
             | unplugged laptop overnight causing me to loose several
             | hours of genealogy work. I had been using a new to me
             | application that hadn't been doing any sort of background
             | saving while I put in information. My had some niblings
             | come over so I shut my unplugged laptop thinking id get
             | back at it tomorrow. The next day when I opened the laptop
             | I was greeted with the dreaded "Hi" screen, and my previous
             | days work was gone.
             | Windows also likes running the fans on my laptop way more
             | than it should. Where linux keeps them off for most my
             | typical work.
             | Neither Windows or Mac have a Tiling Window Manager, for me
             | not having to manage windows is a dream.
             | Running docker as a first class application is nice.
             | But linux has its issues too. Occasionally an update really
             | borks my system and yes it is a pain to find what went
             | wrong.
             | I also love vim and emacs. They work better on linux.
               | Dalewyn wrote:
               | >For me and windows it was when it updated a hibernating
               | unplugged laptop overnight causing me to loose several
               | hours of genealogy work. I had been using a new to me
               | application that hadn't been doing any sort of background
               | saving while I put in information. My had some niblings
               | come over so I shut my unplugged laptop thinking id get
               | back at it tomorrow. The next day when I opened the
               | laptop I was greeted with the dreaded "Hi" screen, and my
               | previous days work was gone.
               | To be fair and with no personal offense intended, this
               | sounds more like a case of PEBKAC rather than
               | specifically a Windows deficiency.
               | To be clear, I agree Windows's forced, silent autoupdates
               | and reboots are crimes against humanity, but "losing work
               | I did not save" is hardly something that only applies to
               | Windows and is a lesson we all learn the hard way
               | eventually.
               | Always save, and if you think you saved, save again.
               | Probably hit CTRL+S several times too for good measure.
               | And keep backups; multiple, good, working backups.
               | asciimov wrote:
               | If it happens to me, an active computer user for 25
               | years, think of how often this has happened to others.
               | How much work has frustratingly been lost because Windows
               | knows better about when to update.
               | Worse is technologically speaking this shouldn't even
               | happen. Windows should be able to take a running
               | application, save its state, do its update, reboot, then
               | restore the application, without loosing a single byte of
               | application state. Microsoft's lack of compassion for end
               | users in this regard comes directly from it not effecting
               | their bottom line.
           | richardlblair wrote:
           | I kind of agree. Linux is still bit of a shit show.. my audio
           | stack got completely fubar'd on my last linux box so back to
           | Windows I went.
           | WSL2 + Docker gets you really close to the development
           | experience of Linux while maintaining your sanity.
           | deltasevennine wrote:
           | True, however user experience in windows is still superior.
             | inetknght wrote:
             | Try Linux Mint. It uses Cinnamon and Cinnamon is very
             | similar to Windows and without all of the baggage
               | deltasevennine wrote:
               | I'm a linux user. I use nixOS and Arch. I've also tried
               | mint many times.
               | I'm trying to be as unbiased as possible. As good as
               | linux is and as much improvements that have been made
               | over the past decade or so, Windows and OSX still have
               | the superior GUI. Just being honest about it.
               | throwaway743 wrote:
               | Ubuntu gui > windows by a large margin
               | zelphirkalt wrote:
               | Windows GUI still has the same bugs that it had in
               | Windows XP.
               | The whole system control panel has been dumbed down so
               | much, that it actively tries to prevent the user from
               | finding certain settings. The system still suffers from
               | simply doing everything slower than GNU/Linux. After
               | logging in, it acts as if all is loaded and ready, but
               | when one wants to do something, things still get loaded
               | and icons added "next to the clock". Right click in file
               | browser still feels slugish. Windows stops me from doing
               | the simplest things by asking me silly questions, of
               | whether I want to do, what I just told the system to do.
               | Very specific to my systems: The closed source graphics
               | card driver crashes often, while the open source drivers
               | have not a single time crashed noticably on GNU/Linux. On
               | Windows this is noticable, because the whole screen
               | freezes, until the driver has restarted. Never happened
               | on any of my GNU/Linux systems.
               | It is simply not funny or justifyable any more.
             | throwaway743 wrote:
             | Ehh that's a big claim. As mainly a windows user (adobe
             | software) both gui and env wise I way prefer Ubuntu over
             | windows. It's so much clearer
             | Andrex wrote:
             | Comparing Gnome to Windows 10/11? No way.
               | onehair wrote:
               | Yes. The UX is much better. Linux customization
               | capabilites are phenomenal I give you that, but it takes
               | a very big amount of time if you want something specific
               | for you, and when an update hits and things just break
               | :-(
               | zelphirkalt wrote:
               | Use XFCE, put your panels however you want them, done.
               | Haven't ever had any update break my arrangement.
               | onehair wrote:
               | I use Linux for my homeserver, and used to have it on my
               | HTPC too. On the HTPC I only used openbox, so in a sense
               | it's even less complicated than xfce. The trouble is with
               | the software for the htpc stuff, like remote gaming,
               | audio, videoplaying retrogames software and so on. The
               | part that ruined my experience is the amount of
               | configuration needed to get there, and updates that
               | constantly broke either my video player, the audio or the
               | remote gaming. Either a driver update with a breaking
               | change, or the audio config that needed repair and stuff
               | like this. Everytime I'd spend obscene amount of time to
               | try to find what's the culprit, and it usually came down
               | to updates breaking one thing or another. On windows it's
               | seemless and in some ways with better performance and
               | ease of installation. Up and running in 15 minutes and
               | with total control to boot...
               | Andrex wrote:
               | Gnome actually has a different philosophy. There wasn't
               | much customization offered at first, as the focus was on
               | nailing a single set of UX and aesthetics. And I think
               | the Gnome team succeeded, but the lack of customization
               | is/was divisive.
               | Dalewyn wrote:
               | I would pick the unholy abomination that is
               | ExplorerMetroUWP in Windows 10/11 over GNOME any day of
               | the week. GNOME is nigh unusable other than as an
               | expensive piece of wall decor.
               | wing-_-nuts wrote:
               | >GNOME is nigh unusable other than as an expensive piece
               | of wall decor.
               | Examples you can expand on?
               | Andrex wrote:
               | Not the user you're replying to, but some workflows just
               | don't work well in Gnome (yet).
               | But the combination of key shortcuts and mouse gestures
               | makes it feel really nice to use in practice. Workspaces
               | work like I'd expect, as do Alt+Tab and Alt+`. The built-
               | in apps and settings have a level of consistency the
               | Windows team could only dream of right now. Notifications
               | in Gnome are fantastic. I could go on.
               | Dalewyn wrote:
               | Lack of customization for one, either I do things the
               | GNOME way or the highway. Screw that, if I wanted that I
               | would be using MacOS and/or iOS instead since Apple does
               | that far better.
               | Form factor dissonance for another. GNOME clearly targets
               | the mobile form factor, and it fails me for all the
               | reasons Metro in Windows 8 failed me because guess what:
               | I'm using a desktop/laptop, not a tablet/phone.
               | Andrex wrote:
               | > GNOME clearly targets the mobile form factor
               | I think it's more fair to say all form factors are
               | treated equally, to the possible detriment of focusing
               | exclusively on desktop. I think Gnome does well and is
               | really versatile no matter which form factor you use, and
               | I didn't have much issue moving from Gnome 2 to 3, or
               | Windows to Gnome, or OSX (at the time) to Gnome (I've
               | gone back and forth a lot over the years).
               | For me, workspaces (which Windows lacked natively until
               | very recently) and Alt+Tab/` are how I get around.
               | The customizability argument is a solid reason to dislike
               | Gnome, but not for all time. Things do get better each
               | release. Well, except for extensions, which always break.
               | pmontra wrote:
               | About configurability, I installed more than a dozen
               | shell extensions and my Gnome desktop looks like and
               | behaves like what a desktop should be for me, quite
               | distant from the ideas of Gnome's developers.
               | wing-_-nuts wrote:
               | Yeah if you value customizability at all, you should
               | probably be using kde. I value simplicity and
               | consistency.
               | I had issues with ubuntu's unity back in the day and I
               | switched over to i3wm, but I didn't find I used tiling
               | enough to make it worth losing the usability of a desktop
               | environment
           | beached_whale wrote:
           | docker and clion is an amazing experience. One can change
           | their toolchain very easily without worrying about
           | interference from all the crap on my dev machine I have
           | installed over time, or that one needs a different config all
           | togethor. It's similar to clion with windows/mac but the
           | experience deteriorates, but the VM for WSL is much better on
           | windows(no need to allocate a huge chunk of ram) than macos
           | for docker
         | lcnPylGDnU4H9OF wrote:
         | I can't disagree, even if I would prefer something else. Easily
         | the most compelling argument I've heard for Windows is Tom
         | Scott's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIFE7h3m40U.
           | Dalewyn wrote:
           | It seems I never got around to watching this particular
           | video, thanks for linking it!
           | I absolutely agree with Tom Scott's conclusion, Windows will
           | absolutely enable you to do whatever it is you want,
           | regardless how stupid, and most likely without too much low-
           | level jank that most people can't/won't deal with.
         | zac23or wrote:
         | Windows is a very good operating system. Windows haters don't
         | hate for technical reasons, but for religious or political
         | reasons.
         | And I like Microsoft. Microsoft makes some products, that's it.
         | Not experiences, or promises of freedom. They are software
         | products, with problems, qualities, end.
           | akho wrote:
           | My previous laptop (until yesterday!) was a Thinkpad T460s.
           | Not exactly an exotic model. It came with Windows, which I
           | tried to use (with WSL) for more than two years before giving
           | up.
           | The fan turned on at random times in a way that was
           | completely unrelated to what I was doing. WSL GUI apps (via
           | VcXsrv) terminated on suspend, because the network stack is
           | broken in Windows. At some point it started refusing to see
           | wifi after resume. Ethernet got flakey. I thought those were
           | hardware problems.
           | On the software side, lack of package management made things
           | outright medieval. Nothing uninstalls cleanly. System tools
           | are a UI mess where you can't find anything. It also required
           | reboots _all the time_.
           | Then I had a bottle of wine, wiped it, and installed NixOs.
           | As it turns out, there were no hardware problems. Both wifi
           | and Ethernet worked perfectly. No random fan noises or
           | overheating except when I did something actually heavy.
           | Software worked, did what I needed, and did not get in my
           | way.
           | Had to switch from Capture One to Darktable for photos. It's
           | not as good, but serviceable.
           | I'm pretty sure all of the points above are technical. Your
           | comment assumes that political reasons are somehow less
           | important than technical ones. That is not true.
             | zac23or wrote:
             | Of course, there are technical reasons not to use Windows.
             | But it's not the norm.
             | > Your comment assumes that political reasons are somehow
             | less important than technical ones. This is not true.
             | If politics is important to you, good for you, but I don't
             | discuss politics.
           | captainbland wrote:
           | I think this is sometimes true but that for developers there
           | are very good reasons to not prefer Windows. Mostly that
           | local software management sucks on it unless you go with WSL,
           | which is really good but does still have some limitations
           | (speed, GPU compatibility, etc. - in general having to manage
           | effectively two parallel filesystems gets in the way), and is
           | at the end of the day essentially still Linux.
           | Sure you can use e.g. chocolatey or even cygwin but these are
           | a bit hit and miss at the best of times.
           | Powershell is fine but a bit verbose for day to day terminal
           | use compared to bash or nicer variants like zsh.
           | Also apparently I set up my last dual boot configuration in
           | such a way that Windows 10 decided that it owned my Ubuntu
           | partition, but only during an upgrade which happened several
           | months after the initial installation. This ruined an
           | actively used install. Not exactly an ideal user experience.
           | Ok, at a stretch maybe it was a bit my fault for not learning
           | that the Windows 10 update system was a bit more... Ambitious
           | than previous versions of Windows, but an explicit warning
           | prompt before it happened wouldn't have gone amiss.
             | zac23or wrote:
             | I'm a developer. I use Windows to program in Java, Delphi
             | with SQLServer or SQLite. Git works great on Windows.
             | I use WSL for Ruby, Python, Go with Postgres/Mysql. I don't
             | dual boot Linux because 100% of the time linux
             | automatically destroys the installation. The last time this
             | happened was because I tried a Bluetooth joystick in
             | Kubuntu. Kubuntu freezes and won't boot again. Because this
             | last experience, I will never use Linux again in the metal
             | again.
             | To develop Games, Windows.
             | I've never used SqlServer on Linux, and when I tried to use
             | Postgres on Windows, Postgres start using using 100% of
             | processor, it was a total mess.
             | Resume: My development experience is compartemized, If is
             | possible to use Windows, Ok, if not, I use Linux(WSL or
             | emulated).
             | I have already programmed on Mac OS, using XCode. XCode is
             | an aberration. One of worst software development experience
             | in my life.
             | Ruby or Python development experience(in terminal with vim
             | and a package manager like HomeBrew) is good on Mac OS,
             | after installing a good terminal.
           | notfed wrote:
           | I'll give you a technical reason: the Windows API isn't
           | POSIX. Furthermore, it's a monstrosity compared to POSIX.
           | If you've never felt this pain then be glad you've missed out
           | on the multi-decade cross-platform low level programming
           | nightmare. Modern stacks abstract all this away, and the
           | youngins don't know what all the fuss was about.
             | zac23or wrote:
             | >I'll give you a technical reason: the Windows API isn't
             | POSIX
             | Is not POSIX is a technical reason? I have more problems
             | between Linux distributions than between Linux/Windows when
             | it comes to programming.
             | > If you've never felt this pain, be glad you missed the
             | multi-decade low-level cross-platform programming
             | nightmare.
             | I started my professional career in 1999. I understand and
             | worked at the time of cross-platform hell.
         | Arisaka1 wrote:
         | >At the end of the day, Windows is the only desktop OS that
         | enables me to use my computer to do the shit I need or want to
         | do.
         | I feel like this is the kind of dystopian thing everyone just
         | accepted that it's normal.
         | And by that I mean, I expected competition, options, etc.
         | Instead I'm still forced to use Windows for my gaming, GPU's
         | for Linux desktop is still hit or miss, and Apple decided to
         | break up with Intel so on top of everything else I get to
         | "enjoy" package incompatibilities for my work.
         | And now I have to pretend that I'm enjoying that Microsoft
         | keeps deciding to grab "a little bit more" every now and then
         | because I really don't have any other options, besides the
         | "stop playing video games that aren't a pain to setup or even
         | work on Linux".
         | onehair wrote:
         | This! I like Linux a lot, but whenever I try to build an
         | ecosystem in it for more than few workflows I end up in deep
         | time consuming tasks to figure out how to make things cohabit
         | without having my services fight each other.
         | The same open-source apps for some of the same workflows work
         | flawlessly in few minutes without all the struggles.
         | inetknght wrote:
         | > _At the end of the day, Windows is the only desktop OS that
         | enables me to use my computer to do the shit I need or want to
         | do._
         | I disagree on two fronts.
         | First that Windows is the "only" desktop OS that enables you to
         | use your computer to do the shit you need or want to do. macOS
         | and Linux both do as well.
         | Secondly that Windows is actually a very _terrible_ OS to use
         | your computer to do the shit you need to do unless you have
         | zero care whatsoever for privacy.
           | onehair wrote:
           | Install SimpleWall, let it disable windows firewall, block
           | all the things that reach to external IP addresses that you
           | know you haven't installed yourself.
           | akho wrote:
           | If 'shit you need to do' includes office use (Excel has no
           | competition), graphics (Adobe, others), or quite a few other
           | equally important things, Linux will not be a good fit.
           | I use Linux on my computers because it's much easier to use
           | -- setup is easier and more reliable; hardware support is
           | either available or not, without weird driver issues or
           | clunky bespoke vendor applications; scripting is easily
           | available; basic programming tools are much easier to set up;
           | DEs are better than the competition and window managers
           | exist; package management exists, ...
           | The application landscape, however, is obviously incomplete,
           | with limited progress.
           | Dalewyn wrote:
           | Keep in mind I'm not throwing a blind eye to Windows 10/11's
           | many problems, they are very real and I will absolutely
           | criticize and even hate on Windows for them.
           | But when time comes for me to do things, the only thing that
           | matters is: Can I? At least for me (remember: everyone's
           | needs and desires are different), Windows almost always
           | answers with a resounding "Yes!", and for that practical fact
           | I will always be thankful for Windows.
           | Give credit where credit is due, as the saying goes.
         | aljgz wrote:
         | I use Linux as my main OS for some years now, but use Mac and
         | Windows, mostly because I need to test my software on them, but
         | I have to say:
         | I totally agree. Windows is the only practical desktop OS for
         | most people.
         | Mac is not an OS you can use unless you buy the entire package,
         | and then you have to live with many of its limitations. It
         | absolutely sucks at multitasking (not that most average users
         | care about this one, but anyone coming from windows will
         | struggle).
         | Linux is absolute freedom, but that comes with the cost of
         | having to do much more than install, plug and play. You need to
         | be a computer geek, or you need someone else to fix things for
         | you.
         | So as much as we are mad at Microsoft for deliberately damaging
         | the experience of using what could be a joy to use, it's still
         | the best at what it is.
           | andrei_says_ wrote:
           | Could you elaborate on the difference between Windows and
           | MacOS in the context of multitasking?
             | aljgz wrote:
             | I should say a lot of that is because of the fundamental
             | assumption that multiple instances of an app are related to
             | each other in multitasking.
             | If I have vscode in my external monitor, plus two Firefox
             | instances one in internal and one in the external, than in
             | many ways of switching to the browser, both windows come
             | up. That covers my IDE, and I need an extra click/keystroke
             | to bring it back. One example of many.
             | I've observed many mac users. Most of them are much slower
             | than a windows/Linux user with same level of geekiness. In
             | windows/KDE linux, the window switching is conceptually
             | simple and everyone can learn it fast.
               | hollandheese wrote:
               | Use Expose or Cmd-` rather than Cmd-Tab or the Dock if
               | you want the Windows behavior.
               | [deleted]
             | smoldesu wrote:
             | MacOS uses a considerably different window metaphor than
             | Windows does. This isn't _bad_ , but I think it's fair to
             | call it inherently more complicated than the stacking-
             | windows model that Windows uses or the dead-simple "one app
             | fills your screen" model of iOS/iPadOS. At least, that's
             | the immediate problem I've seen family members point out
             | with MacOS.
             | selfhoster69 wrote:
             | One thing that has stood out to me is that when I have two
             | Edge windows open, for example and I switch to the last
             | used window from Safari, both windows overlap instead of
             | just the one window I was working with.
               | hollandheese wrote:
               | If you want to just have the one window come forward use
               | Expose to do it, rather than Cmd-Tab or the Dock.
           | RedShift1 wrote:
           | For multitasking, this tool has helped me a lot: https://alt-
           | tab-macos.netlify.app/. Though I still can't figure out why
           | some apps don't work in split view, the window manager just
           | says "Not available in this split view". Split view has
           | always worked in Windows no matter what the app.
             | charlie0 wrote:
             | Switching windows is just one thing regarding multitasking
             | though. Are there others regarding multitasking?
             | One thing I have found for myself is that the keyboard
             | shortcuts on Mac tend to be more uniform among all the
             | different programs. I've also found Command much easier to
             | use than Ctrl on Windows. I say that as a Windows user, who
             | went to Mac as primary device, and now splitting
             | Windows/Mac roughly 50/50.
             | The shortcut schemes on Mac makes me a far better
             | multitasker than on Windows (with that one caveat being
             | switching between multiple windows of the same app, which I
             | agree, is counter-productive).
           | bachmeier wrote:
           | > Linux is absolute freedom, but that comes with the cost of
           | having to do much more than install, plug and play. You need
           | to be a computer geek, or you need someone else to fix things
           | for you.
           | Hard disagree. Linux works extremely well for the person that
           | only does basic computing. My mother, for instance, used
           | Linux for years. Folks that need to do things like recompile
           | a kernel in 2022 are way in the tail end of the technical
           | distribution.
             | Dalewyn wrote:
             | My own experience with Linux is that it breaks from the
             | most mundane of things, such that I wouldn't even dare
             | suggest Linux to the average person because the tech
             | support baggage that will ensue would be far more expensive
             | to me than if they just used Windows.
               | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
               | Switch to Debian. They don't casually break things.
               | als0 wrote:
               | Have to say that Ubuntu LTS with the Firefox web browser
               | drastically reduced the number of support calls I'd get
               | from my parents, who used Windows 7 before. Of course, as
               | soon as you start messing with packages or doing more
               | advanced things, then more can go wrong. But it's really
               | good for the web.
               | jakswa wrote:
               | I have this same experience. I put ubuntu LTS on a family
               | member's computer back in 2011, made sure the browser
               | icons were big and front/center, and the support nags
               | stopped. They said they loved whatever I did. I think
               | there is some security-by-obscurity in there too, where
               | all the insane spam/fraud/virus stuff couldn't even work
               | on ubuntu if she ended up clicking on one. Nowadays I
               | take it with a grain of salt: The support nags might have
               | also stopped because other family got scared I would wipe
               | their computer and put this new thing on there they were
               | scared of having to learn.
             | CodeSgt wrote:
             | I feel like linux only works for 2 categories of people:
             | 1. The extreme laymen that do essentially nothing outside
             | of the web browser
             | 2. The tech savant that has the time, energy, and
             | motivation to spend the countless hours required to get
             | Linux to run anything sufficiently complex.
             | Those in-between typically have the desire to do more than
             | they are able to easily do OOTB with Linux, but also lack
             | the technical ability to actually do it.
               | p4bl0 wrote:
               | I would have agreed with that 15 and maybe 10 years ago.
               | Nowadays, do you really think this is still true? At the
               | university I work at some of the administrative staff
               | with little to no technical knowledge are using Ubuntu
               | and doing essentially the same thing they would on
               | Windows or Mac, and that really not only web browsing,
               | nor LibreOffice usage. For example they have to use
               | custom horrible tools developed years ago that look just
               | as familiarly awefull on Linux as they do on Windows or
               | Mac (I'm talking of Apogee if any French academics pass
               | by).
               | rocket_surgeron wrote:
               | >I would have agreed with that 15 and maybe 10 years ago.
               | Nowadays, do you really think this is still true?
               | Last month we had six linux desktops at work fail to boot
               | after an upgrade using the disto's built-in update
               | manager because of video card driver issues.
               | These were all workstations manned by data scientists
               | with brains the size of planets who foolishly thought
               | that keeping their systems up-to-date for security
               | reasons was a good idea.
               | "Oh but that's Nvidia's faul.."
               | Doesn't matter. Has never mattered. Will never matter.
               | Upwards of 80% of all blue-screens that trashed Me's
               | reputation were crappy S3 and ATI driver problems.
               | I'm used to it because (to ward off distro bigots) at
               | home I use a Linux distro so cool and advanced that
               | you've never heard of it so I fixed the issues even
               | though that's about six levels below my pay grade.
               | That being said I only use Linux at home for work. And I
               | hardly ever touch it once I get it working in case an
               | update screws up OFED, or CUDA, or some other
               | unresolvable package dependency hell conflict nightmare.
               | "Oh the most current release changed the path to 'foo'
               | even though that had been the standard for 40 years
               | because some maintainer got a wild hair up their ass and
               | wanted things to be 'elegant' and we didn't even bother
               | to create a symlink" or "you can't have that version of a
               | package because sixteen layers down is a dependency we
               | don't want to have to deal with upgrading just do it
               | yourself lol" every couple of months? Yuck.
               | For everything else: macOS, "Because I ain't got time for
               | that shit."
               | dblohm7 wrote:
               | You're precisely correct, IMHO. I use Windows on my
               | desktop primarily because I don't have the patience to
               | deal with (2).
           | [deleted]
         | Bubble_Pop_22 wrote:
         | All Microsoft products are free of charge if you know where to
         | look for them.
         | Basically you have the big Fortune 500 companies subsidizing
         | pirates who download from TPBay...and of course the pirate CD
         | copies being sold in street markets all over Sub-Saharan
         | Africa.
         | Microsoft with Windows, Azure, Office, Outlook and PowerPoint
         | is the backbone of the economy. Come noon you have already used
         | half a dozen of different flavors of Microsoft and again if you
         | know where to look you tasted them all for free.
         | Analyzing things post-facto the bad reputation that Microsoft
         | had was unwarrented given that we ended up under a much tighter
         | stranghold of Apple in the mobile environment. At least the
         | developing world is saving themselves using Android.
           | wing-_-nuts wrote:
           | >All Microsoft products are free of charge if you know where
           | to look for them.
           | God no. I draw a hard line at pirating executable code. I
           | forget where I read it but a not insignificant percentage of
           | pirated software contains malware, and I don't know about
           | you, but having my bank or brokerage account compromised
           | would cost exponential orders of magnitude more than any
           | software licence.
           | Hell, I'm concerned enough about malware that even window's
           | larger attack surface gives me pause even though I know
           | things have gotten better since I left it. I still feel
           | _much_ more secure on linux.
             | userbinator wrote:
             | _I forget where I read it but a not insignificant
             | percentage of pirated software contains malware_
             | Probably one of the strong antipiracy groups' propaganda.
             | They conspired with AV vendors to make cracks detected as
             | malware (with a vague name/description) despite there being
             | no actual "malice" against the user.
             | The truth is, they might be the ones trying to seed malware
             | in warez releases to further their narrative.
             | ...and of course Windows is basically ad-supported at this
             | point.
               | wing-_-nuts wrote:
               | You're not getting my point. At $200 or even $2000 it's a
               | steal compared to the 'expected value' (really, loss) of
               | having my computer compromised. Yes, I'm more paranoid
               | than most, but I have more to lose than most, and unlike
               | others, I can't claim I don't understand the risks.
             | Dalewyn wrote:
             | >I forget where I read it but a not insignificant
             | percentage of pirated software contains malware,
             | That just means you don't know where to look.
             | >having my bank or brokerage account compromised would cost
             | exponential orders of magnitude more than any software
             | licence.
             | I agree. For anything that's important, especially if it's
             | mission-critical or commercial in nature, go the legit way.
             | Handing Microsoft some cash means you're buying legal
             | assurance that something will work safely (FSVO safely) in
             | a way where the chain of liability hopefully doesn't stop
             | at you.
           | jimbokun wrote:
           | The stuff in other people's houses is free if you're good at
           | picking locks.
       | giuliomagnifico wrote:
       | I share/approve many of them! I think that is incredible how a
       | computer/software can change your life. If you're born for the
       | '80/'90 and you remember how it was the life "without software".
       | gitfan86 wrote:
       | Goodlist, I would add Stable Diffusion
       | onemoresoop wrote:
       | Two small contenders nobody mentions here are Winmerge and
       | Notepad++, my daily drivers that are quietly just working.
       | danpalmer wrote:
       | I have to add Django and Postgres to this. Both rock solid,
       | stable, but still staying up to date and improving without being
       | trend-driven.
       | lolive wrote:
       | The usual suspects:
       | - i3
       | - tmux
       | - SQLite
       | - Intellij
       | - Java
       | On Windows:
       | - Git-bash
       | - Autohotkey
       | - Virtual desktops in win10+
       | And my MVP for 2022:
       | Obsidian.
       | 4 months after discovering it, I have 700+ (work) notes, that are
       | the core of my knowledge and skills.
       | I absolutely LOVE this tool !!!
       | unfinish_d wrote:
       | The Linux kernel, Firefox, Joplin, Signal, NewPipe and F-Droid,
       | all of which I use every day and couldn't live without.
       | unity1001 wrote:
       | Im thankful of everything that was accomplished in software & the
       | Internet in the last 20 years. And Im thankful for everybody that
       | have made those happen.
       | Thank you all.
       | mindcrime wrote:
       | Turbo Pascal, Turbo C++, Borland C++ - not for anything I do
       | today, but for being a big part of my gateway into programming
       | back in the early 90's.
       | OS/2 - was my OS of choice until I switched to Linux full-time
       | around 2000 or so.
       | Linux
       | Emacs
       | Java
       | Eclipse
       | KDE
       | Python
       | R
       | Postgresql
       | Groovy
       | Grails
       | Spring
       | Pidgin
       | ejabberd
       | RSSOwl
       | Git
       | OpenOffice
       | All things that have made my life much easier and more productive
       | in more ways that I could probably count.
       | Oh, and can't forget Firefox, VLC, and XMMS. Those are essential
       | as well.
       | Might as well add AWS too. For all the (fair) criticisms one
       | could level at Amazon, AWS is an incredibly valuable resource and
       | has been a big part of my world for the last 10 years or so.
       | tucif wrote:
       | Recently switched to macos for development and I'm really
       | thankful to have found out about Shortcat and Raycast.
       | Combined with Tridactyl plugin on firefox, I can keep my hands on
       | the keyboard for almost every task across the OS.
         | xwowsersx wrote:
         | Yes, love Raycast. ctrl + opt + space and I can immediately
         | jump to my Zoom and Google meetings.
       | jrib wrote:
       | vim and all the low level libraries and tools that I don't even
       | notice I rely on every day
       | hot_gril wrote:
       | - Postgresql. I still can't believe it's free.
       | - NodeJS. Despite its popularity, it's still underrated.
       | tezza wrote:
       | cygwin       mintty       stream deck       firefox / thunderbird
       | eclipse       linux       socat / netcat       postgres / mysql
       | ms windows (ducks)       emacs       ms excel
         | unnouinceput wrote:
         | Fucking finally somebody that says cygwin. Everybody nowadays
         | is "wsl2 this, wsl2 that" but they forget that the OG, which
         | still blows wsl2, it's CygWin. I use it for 2 decades, one of
         | the 2 programs I install whenever I need to use somebody else
         | (usually client) PC; the other one is uBlock Origin.
           | anta40 wrote:
           | Why? Because WSL = running Linux on top for Windows, so
           | expect a performance hit?
           | Many many years ago during undergraduate days, I used Cygwin
           | (before being introduced to VirtualBox) to provide a UNIX-y
           | coding environment on my Windows PC.
           | And on these days I prefer docker :D
       | rlam2x51 wrote:
       | Fork - a fast and friendly git client https://fork.dev/
       | Beyond Compare 4 - compare files and folders
       | https://www.scootersoftware.com/
       | uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker add-on for various browsers.
       | Fast, potent, and lean. https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
       | Those tools made my life so much easier. Can't recommend them
       | enough.
       | Just a happy user and not affiliated
       | mig39 wrote:
       | Honestly, the big one for me, this year, is tailscale.
       | No matter where I am, what device I'm using, all my stuff is
       | always accessible and with me.
       | I love it.
         | aidos wrote:
         | So good that it took this article to remind me that it's there
         | for me everyday, doing it's thing perfectly, staying out of my
         | way.
         | euroderf wrote:
         | Agreed. It replaces horrible multi-hop ssh hackery. Highly
         | recommended.
       | linsomniac wrote:
       | Python - It (still) makes writing software enjoyable for me.
       | Type annotations: Started using them this year and it allows my
       | editor to give me all sorts of hints about things I'm doing
       | wrong.
       | Typer / Click: I've been writing a bunch of CLIs this year and
       | Typer and Click make this really fun.
       | Wezterm: Went all in on this terminal 3-4 months ago and it's
       | really great! In particular I like the "copy mode" features and
       | it's "tmux+mosh" abilities.
       | LunarVim: Been using it for ~9 months, and it gives me all the
       | advanced developer features I felt like I was missing in my
       | various attempts at a custom vim setup, without the pain.
       | sway / i3wm: On my 4th year using it and it just fits my workflow
       | so well.
       | eminence32 wrote:
       | Rarely a day goes by that I don't interact with tmux or vim or
       | mosh. It's hard to imagine life without them
         | fullstop wrote:
         | I added my own list but somehow omitted those. I use all of
         | them on a daily basis.
       | pmontra wrote:
       | Emacs, Firefox, ssh, Linux in general, Ruby and Ruby on Rails,
       | Thunderbird, email, OSMAnd+.
       | gulabjamuns wrote:
       | Vim Ffmpeg Zsh, fish, iTerm, Awk, perl, Ruby...
         | behnamoh wrote:
         | yt-dlp
       | gorjusborg wrote:
       | httpie neovim redis asdf-vm keepassxc
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