[HN Gopher] Closing a 30 pixel gap between native and web
       Closing a 30 pixel gap between native and web
       Author : vyrotek
       Score  : 186 points
       Date   : 2022-09-27 18:25 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blogs.windows.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blogs.windows.com)
       | [deleted]
       | cebert wrote:
       | Hopefully Apple keeps moving in the direction of better embracing
       | PWAs. I am encouraged that iOS 16 includes support for web push
       | notifications. This suggests to me Apple may be more willing to
       | embrace PWA web standards.
       | asherah wrote:
       | this looks great! hopefully this can be better standardized soon
       | MaXtreeM wrote:
       | With all this Electron and PWA focused development a cannot shake
       | a feeling that we add an extra layer of a "runtime" on top of an
       | operating system, that could be avoided. An extra layer which
       | occupies RAM space and processor time which feels unnecessary but
       | it is where we are headed. I wonder if the reason is simple, that
       | we (myself included) have not provided anything better or the
       | reason is that big corporations who control most of the market
       | have pushed this technology forward. I hope we can learn from
       | this and bring back some of this lost performance while keeping
       | the productivity and security gains.
         | whywhywhywhy wrote:
         | It makes perfect sense for the user but developers will always
         | argue for Electron so that they only have to test one browser
         | engine.
         | I can't even gets web devs to test on anything but Chrome and
         | when something they code does break I have to listen to the
         | Safari whine even though they all use iPhones so are part of
         | the reason it's relevant. Dread to think how an argument for
         | supporting 3+ web engines for a "native" app would go.
           | kitsunesoba wrote:
           | What seems even crazier is not even wanting to test against
           | different builds of Chromium to help keep pace with Electron
           | updates. At that point isn't one's code just too brittle?
           | criddell wrote:
           | A lot of developers are not fans of Electron. Generally, it's
           | a quality vs quantity tradeoff. Are you willing to make a
           | crappier thing if it means more people can use it?
           | For companies like Microsoft making something like Teams, I
           | think it sucks. They have the resources to make native apps
           | and when you have tens of millions of users, adding support
           | for another platform would cost them pennies per user.
             | com2kid wrote:
             | > For companies like Microsoft making something like Teams,
             | I think it sucks. They have the resources to make native
             | apps and when you have tens of millions of users, adding
             | support for another platform would cost them pennies per
             | user.
             | Back when I worked at Microsoft, 2014 or so, we had serious
             | problems finding _Win32_ developers. We essentially had to
             | train people up. While I am sure the Windows org had lots
             | of them, put out a job req and even internally not very
             | many people are going to have native Windows development on
             | their resume.
             | Nearly had to draw straws to see who had to get "stuck"
             | learning Windows stuff.
             | I imagine native MacOS developers are similarly rare as a %
             | of the overall developer pool.
             | Android and iPhone developers, easy peasy.
             | Likewise, Web developers, not a problem.
             | The other thing is, Electron has tons of momentum behind
             | it, which means more and more people jump onboard to learn
             | it, which makes hiring easy. Tutorials and learning
             | resources get made, making developing for it even easier.
             | IIRC we ended up dropping the native C++ Windows app and
             | just used C# and one of the UI toolkits, I forget which
             | one.
         | gw99 wrote:
         | This.
         | I encountered hell the other day. I saw a corporate Citrix
         | deployment that had 45 users running three electron apps on an
         | underprovisioned server with the CPU, disk and memory rammed at
         | 100% lagging out. That's 135 separate browser stacks basically.
         | Microsoft are moving office to this stack as well. Ugh.
         | Of course I was there trying to work out why our simple old
         | fashioned web app was running slowly in a chrome tab...
         | RunSet wrote:
         | When you see decades of Windows version after Windows version,
         | each billing itself as "the fastest Windows ever!" and each
         | having higher minimum system requirements than its predecessor,
         | two conclusions are inescapable:
         | 1. The Redmond wizards have devised a method to make software
         | run faster and all it requires is faster hardware.
         | 2. Microsoft is in bed with hardware manufacturers.
         | loudmax wrote:
         | The bottom line is that Electron is portable. Unless native
         | apps become as portable as Electron there will be a need for
         | this layer.
         | The optimistic scenario is that WASM becomes the single target
         | that everyone settles on, and that the performance penalty is
         | minimized while the security sandbox is strengthened.
           | madeofpalk wrote:
           | This feature itself has nothing to do with Electron. Electron
           | has long had similar capabilities.
           | _gabe_ wrote:
           | I see this all the time, and I honestly do not get it. As
           | someone that has ported a game written in C++ for Windows to
           | Linux... its not that hard. It took me 2 days, about 4 hours
           | of work total, and most of the ports I had to make were
           | because I'm an obstinate developer and didn't use the std lib
           | functions that would handle the OS wrapping for me.
           | Now, I've never ported an app to mobile, and that may be
           | entirely different. However, and this may be an unpopular
           | opinion, I don't want developers building an app that's meant
           | to be used on a mobile device and a desktop. They're 2
           | separate ways of using a computer and they should be treated
           | as such.
           | When I think of desktop apps like Photoshop, Outlook, Word,
           | Chrome, and Da Vinci Resolve, they all look and behave _very_
           | differently than their mobile counterparts (if they have
           | one). If you want to develop for mobile and desktop, then you
           | need to invest the time to make it a good experience on both.
           | I _hate_ desktop apps that have been mobile-ified to support
           | mobile-first design. Design a proper UI and UX for the
           | platform you 're targeting. Otherwise don't bother
           | "supporting" a platform you never test, intend to test, or
           | design specifically for.
             | mkoubaa wrote:
             | Porting a large-scale windows desktop app to linux takes
             | engineer years.
         | trap_goes_hot wrote:
         | That ship seems to have sailed with the (over?)use of VMs a
         | long time ago.
         | amadeuspagel wrote:
         | The obvious solution to this is to remove the bottom layer so
         | that the browser is not a layer on top of the OS, but is the
         | OS.
           | kllrnohj wrote:
           | That won't meaningfully change performance at all. Browsers
           | aren't slow because they have to make slow syscalls - they
           | mostly don't. They are slow because web technologies
           | themselves are slow, sometimes by design, sometimes because
           | of security/abuse concerns, but often just because HTML & CSS
           | are absolutely crap platform for interactive UIs, something
           | they were never intended to be and retrofitting that doesn't
           | result in a very efficiency stack.
             | robocat wrote:
             | > HTML & CSS are absolutely crap platform for interactive
             | UIs
             | I mostly disagree. HTML is great for plain forms, that
             | seamlessly work at different form-factors (from mobile to
             | desktop) with very little work. Browsers are also good at
             | graphical outputs.
             | Browsers can fall down when you need rich, complex, or
             | custom inputs: because virtual keyboards are very different
             | from real keyboards (iOS especially poor), and touch is
             | very different from mouse, and game consoles are something
             | else again!
             | But we go where the users are, which is usually a wide
             | variety of devices which makes browser based deployment the
             | default choice, so you work within the limitations of
             | browsers.
           | sanroot99 wrote:
           | Hypervisor based os is future ,for eg qubes os
         | 323 wrote:
         | Do you think Microsoft loves it that people are building
         | Windows apps with Google tech?
         | But this ship has sailed a long time ago.
           | criddell wrote:
           | I think they do love it! I'm pretty sure they chose Chromium
           | for Edge because they see Electron or something like it as
           | the future.
       | armchairhacker wrote:
       | I want the opposite of a PWA.
       | I want an app which can be compiled into Desktop/mobile builds
       | and also interpreted in browsers. An alternate HTML/CSS/JS with
       | no JavaScript.
         | danans wrote:
         | So ... Flutter? https://flutter.dev/
           | armchairhacker wrote:
           | Sure. As well as certain other platforms like Kotlin
           | multiplatform
           | The only issue is that these still have to compile to
           | JavaScript, which in practice leads to slower performance and
           | potential for improper semantics on the JS side. It would be
           | better to have them executed in WASM and then have better
           | WASM-browser integration
             | postalrat wrote:
             | A better WASM-browser integration would mean more security
             | risks running WASM.
         | LtWorf wrote:
         | qt can do that with WASM
         | https://www.qt.io/qt-examples-for-webassembly
       | tiarafawn wrote:
       | Seems exploitable for phishing
       | sirjaz wrote:
       | If anyone is wondering why Microsoft is pushing pwa, thank the
       | likes of Google, Salesforce, etc.. that will make a mobile app,
       | MacOS app, or a web app. They all send a big FU to Microsoft. In
       | addition, their CEO doesn't care about the platform anymore as
       | long as you use Azure.
       | jwcacces wrote:
       | Looks like the perfect place to fake some browser chrome and
       | trick people...
       | https://www.theregister.com/2017/01/19/browser_line_of_death...
         | drewzero1 wrote:
         | That was my first thought as well, but I couldn't remember the
         | name for that boundary. I hope there is a well-designed per-
         | site control/setting/user consent system to keep tech support
         | scam sites (or worse!) from adding one more tool to their
         | arsenal.
           | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
           | I've seen it called "The Line of Death"
           | https://textslashplain.com/2017/01/14/the-line-of-death/
           | [deleted]
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | I think you'll only get access to this API if the user has
         | explicitly installed your app as a PWA, not just when visiting
         | it as a webpage.
           | gildas wrote:
           | And then a shady company offers to buy the owner's website...
             | tshaddox wrote:
             | That's a real problem, of course, but it seems fairly
             | equivalent to any native app you install that can update
             | itself or otherwise make a network request to obtain
             | instructions.
               | gildas wrote:
               | I agree with you. On the other hand, in the case of a
               | native application, we can hope that the antivirus
               | removes it. I hope that Microsoft has planned to update
               | Defender accordingly.
               | int_19h wrote:
               | JavaScript malware has been a thing for a while now, and
               | antiviruses have been targeting it accordingly.
               | gildas wrote:
               | It's not necessarily a JavaScript malware. A pure HTML
               | page with a <form> tag could suffice to steal
               | credentials.
               | postalrat wrote:
               | Unlike the native app you probably won't have to worry
               | about web page encrypted your files and asking a ransom.
           | jb_s wrote:
           | XSS will mean that attackers control browser UI, that's kind
           | of bad
       | coldtea wrote:
       | > _We talk a lot about Progressive Web Apps (PWA) in the context
       | of mobile devices, but they have an enormous potential on desktop
       | operating systems that's only beginning to materialize._
       | Do we? I think we talk about PWA's on mobile and desktop equally,
       | if not more so in the Desktop (e.g. with Electron and regular
       | browser-viewed PWAs).
       | nullcaution wrote:
       | This seems widly exploitable. Even on the OS level, I would argue
       | an application should not have access to thoes 30 pixels.
       | Beyond rhe security concerns, this seems like a proprietarization
       | of the web for Win11, a la Internet Explorer.
         | cush wrote:
         | You have to install PWAs, and any platform can implement this.
         | It's a pretty good spec that can help a lot with the adoption
         | of PWAs
         | adamesque wrote:
         | They do explicitly discuss how the feature might work on other
         | platforms (aka Mac OS and Linux), and have published a spec,
         | which is also an interesting read:
         | https://wicg.github.io/window-controls-overlay/
       | intrasight wrote:
       | > ability to create their own title bar experiences
       | It was a sad day, IMHO, in UX-world when this became possible in
       | desktop apps. The window system should own the chrome and the
       | apps should not be able to touch it.
         | postalrat wrote:
         | They still do.
         | https://blogs.windows.com/wp-content/uploads/prod/sites/33/2...
         | Didn't that picture make it obvious?
         | jonathankoren wrote:
         | Looking forward to the day when Winamp style apps are back.
         | Remember round windows? They're back, in Electron form.
       | MartinMond wrote:
       | Love how we're realizing that .hta was actually incredible. I
       | have fond memories of building my own
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
         | mmastrac wrote:
         | .hta really had to go through the standardization process to
         | tighten up security. Those things were awesome, but you'd
         | basically be owned immediately.
         | jimmygrapes wrote:
         | Quick shout out to the Compiled HTML[0] (.chm) format for
         | similar but unrelated reasons. The Help viewer application was
         | one of the pinnacles of good UX, in my opinion.
         | [0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Compiled_HTML_Help
         | rnestler wrote:
         | It's kind of impressive that one can still run the same .hta
         | app even on Windows 11 according to the wikipedia article:
         | > HTAs are dependent on the Trident (MSHTML) browser engine,
         | used by Internet Explorer, but are not dependent on the
         | Internet Explorer application itself. If a user removes
         | Internet Explorer from Windows, via the Control Panel, the
         | MSHTML engine remains and HTAs continue to work. HTAs continue
         | to work in Windows 11 as well.
       | chrismsimpson wrote:
       | Is this not introducing a massive UI threat vector considering
       | we're talking about HTML/JavaScript downloaded from the web?
       | mwcampbell wrote:
       | Counterpoint: Seams (2014): https://adactio.com/journal/6786
       | Edit: related, from the same author: Regressive Web Apps (2016):
       | https://adactio.com/journal/10708
       | dmayle wrote:
       | I think this is a sign that Microsoft sees the writing on the
       | wall. There will be a day when Windows is left behind, and they
       | want to make sure that they can continue to deliver the Microsoft
       | experience, even on other platforms.
         | echelon wrote:
         | I think this is the wrong take.
         | Microsoft is trying to land on the PWA beachhead in an attempt
         | to make mobile devices irrelevant and app agnostic.
         | Furthermore, they want to provide the tooling to develop and
         | deploy into this ecosystem. Github, Github CI, VSCode, Azure,
         | ...
         | guhidalg wrote:
         | I don't think Windows is ever going to be left behind, you
         | still need a kernel to make use of all your hardware and an OS
         | to give users something to do. I view this move as Microsoft
         | recognizing that the future of most development is cross-
         | platform web technologies and they need to give Windows users
         | reasons not to migrate to macOS and ChromeOS (though it's ok if
         | they do as long as they're paying for O365 and Azure).
           | ieegdiuf wrote:
           | smoldesu wrote:
           | I think you're right, but that also poses the possibility
           | that Windows _will_ get left behind, as a kernel. If the
           | future of development happens on the web, the significance of
           | Windows as a kernel is going to greatly diminish. We 've
           | already reverse-engineered a huge amount of Windows API
           | calls, and you can run vast amounts of fairly complex Windows
           | software without the NT kernel at all.
           | If our future does shift towards thin-clients and web-
           | browsers, MacOS and Windows will make increasingly less
           | sense. Both OSes have a pretty significant amount of cruft
           | and unjustified overhead which already seems unnecessary to a
           | generation of Google Docs and Soundcloud users.
             | FpUser wrote:
             | >"If our future does shift towards thin-clients and web-
             | browsers"
             | Please no. I like to control what I have. No way for me to
             | be fed by thin client. Sure I do not mind web apps /
             | services where it makes sense (banking for example). But
             | the possibility to be suddenly cut off for whatever reason
             | (maybe my app provider does not like my political views) -
             | fuck that. Or when everything goes through some portal what
             | will prohibit from them jacking up subscription fees sky
             | high? I understand by many developers wanting to use webapp
             | hummer for everything but I think they're digging their own
             | grave
               | amadeuspagel wrote:
               | I don't see how an offline-first browser app is worse
               | then a native app in terms of control.
               | FpUser wrote:
               | My answer was in particular to: "If our future does shift
               | towards thin-clients and web-browsers".
               | Thin client leaves processing to a server. It does not
               | matter in this case if your "offline-first" UI is
               | resident / cached on a client side. These are just
               | glorified web bookmarks
               | smoldesu wrote:
               | Those problems are also realistically an issue for native
               | apps. The internet is your distribution platform
               | regardless of if the web is your target.
               | I would _hope_ that the industry could work together to
               | provide a comfortable cross-platform app development
               | experience, but none of the big players bought-in. So now
               | the web is our only option, and they 're the ones to
               | blame.
               | FpUser wrote:
               | For what it is worth I distribute my products from my
               | company's website. However little reputation I have is
               | all mine. It does not depend on some portal. The revenue
               | is all mine as well. Besides those products are heavy
               | apps that use features not accessible from non native
               | apps.
           | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
           | > I don't think Windows is ever going to be left behind
           | I do, but not for reasons most people think about.
           | The Windows 11 UI/UX is trying to emulate MacOS. Clearly,
           | Microsoft is giving the finger to people that use Windows
           | _because_ it 's not MacOS.
           | I can't wait for Windows 12 to happen and all the UX things I
           | hate about MacOS get implemented in Windows. Might as well
           | start training my muscle memory to hit the Windows key
           | instead of CTRL now, so that when Microsoft decides that
           | CTRL-X/C/V should be WIN-X/C/V, I'll be ready.
           | Or maybe I'll just switch to Linux.
           | In either case, I'll leave Windows behind.
             | com2kid wrote:
             | Few years back everyone was complaining Apple was copying
             | Microsoft by going all in on flat UIs.
             | While at MS I did run into the ever present problem of many
             | designers only using MacOS so their designs would basically
             | say "do what MacOS does!"[1] which entailed a lot of work
             | by developers to change the default Windows UI widget
             | behaviors to look like MacOS. Thankfully when I got one of
             | those requests across my desk I was able to point and shout
             | at MS's design language rules and say no. :/
             | [1] I don't think it was on purpose, I just think many
             | designers have never used anything else and they didn't
             | even realize other UIs exist outside of MacOS and iPhones.
             | These problems started popping up when MS loosened up on
             | their rules about only using MS products for development,
             | it was a needed change but ugh, UX designers and their
             | MacBooks...
             | [deleted]
       | ElijahLynn wrote:
       | Love that MS is going all-in on PWAs!
       | The PWA future is looking bright!
       | wolpoli wrote:
       | I actually wish programs do not put content in the Title bar
       | area. The title bar area is meant for users to move the Window
       | around.
       | Try opening Microsoft Word, make the window narrow and drag the
       | window. You have to hunt for a small bit of empty space in the
       | title bar or you have to understand you could drag on the Title
       | text, Search box and the Sign in Username, but not the Auto Save
       | text, Upcoming Features icon, or the Ribbon Display Options icon.
         | marcosdumay wrote:
         | The Windows style for bars (both title and status) is way too
         | large. Ditto for the task bar.
         | It's no wonder people are tempted to not use status bars, and
         | shove as much as possible at the title. If applications could
         | exploit the task bar, they would too.
         | (Anyway, you don't need an entire bar for system interaction.
         | But applications aren't designed in a way that allows this.)
         | airstrike wrote:
         | Well, here's an AHK script for those that want to move away
         | from depending on the titlebar drag. Use Alt+Shift+Mouse drag
         | anywhere on ANY window to move it on Windows (puns unintended):
         | https://dpaste.org/pV1aQ
         | I would paste to gist.github.com but the corporate overlords
         | won't let me
         | If you already have a script running at startup and all that,
         | you can save this as a standalone file called e.g. winmove.ahk
         | and add the following to your existing script:
         | #include C:\path\to\winmove.ahk
           | danuker wrote:
           | Thanks. I was using AltDrag, but I found it a bit sluggish.
           | kroltan wrote:
           | I have something similar in my Linux setup, Win+LMB anywhere
           | on a window drags it, Win+RMB resizes. Never used a title bar
           | again, highly recommend if you can get a similar setup.
         | Analemma_ wrote:
         | Hard disagree. Vertical space is a scarce resource and I hate
         | when it's used for dead space I can't get rid of or use
         | productively. Alt-drag is the way to go.
         | smegsicle wrote:
         | > The title bar area is meant for users to move the Window
         | around
         | i thought that's what alt-drag was for? maybe microsoft didn't
         | get that memo either...
           | com2kid wrote:
           | The most basic of window operations shouldn't require a
           | hotkey.
           | Rearranging windows on MacOS and Windows now requires video
           | game precision aiming. It is absurd.
           | What's more, every app places things in different parts of
           | the title bar, so I have to search for "where to click" based
           | on which app window is up. Absurd.
           | The move to controls in the title bar is absurd. It used to
           | be Windows had standard chrome, title bar, then menu,
           | toolbar, then content area. Now days it is the wild west what
           | UI elements are where.
         | banana_giraffe wrote:
         | I don't disagree.
         | It's for this kind of nonsense that I have "alt-space -> s ->
         | down -> right" burned into my fingertips followed by moving the
         | mouse cursor to resize a window deterministically (along with
         | "alt-space -> m -> any arrow" for move, doubly useful to
         | "rescue" an off screen window)
           | [deleted]
           | jolmg wrote:
           | > alt-space -> s -> down -> right
           | > alt-space -> m -> any arrow
           | Are those keybindings default on a particular OS/DE/WM/WC or
           | are they just your personal config?
             | banana_giraffe wrote:
             | Default behavior for Windows applications (since 3.x, I
             | think). Alt-Space brings up the Window menu.
             | Some odd-ball apps will replace it with their own menu, but
             | few apps go to the effort to override the default shortcut
             | it, even if they otherwise hide it.
             | sedatk wrote:
             | Alt-space menu is Windows specific IIRC.
               | drekipus wrote:
               | Gnome does the same, I use it all the time for "pin
               | window always on top"
               | Which windows still doesn't have, for some reason.
             | bm-rf wrote:
             | Works on windows for me. Also never really thought about
             | this for rescuing a stuck window, I've always used winkey +
             | arrow keys and kept mashing buttons until it appears on one
             | of my monitors :P
         | david2ndaccount wrote:
         | I also dislike how apps are now disabling the classic win32 app
         | icon in the top left corner. If you click on it, you get a menu
         | with window management options and double clicking it closes
         | the window. It's so burned into my muscle memory as the way to
         | close a window I get frustrated when apps hide it.
           | airstrike wrote:
           | Alt+Space to the rescue ;-)
         | p1necone wrote:
         | I much prefer what a lot of linux desktop environments support,
         | which is holding down alt and clicking anywhere on a window to
         | move it. With that + a keyboard shortcut for closing a window
         | you can get rid of title bars on apps entirely if you want.
         | Sadly Windows doesn't support it natively, although there's
         | another comment on this thread talking about ways to make it
         | work.
         | sedatk wrote:
         | Yeah Microsoft Word is terrible in that aspect. You don't even
         | need to make the window too narrow.
         | https://twitter.com/esesci/status/1414631138379792384
       | kanonieer wrote:
       | > We're excited to announce the availability of a new PWA feature
       | that closes this gap and helps blur the line between apps and
       | websites even more.
       | I don't see how they can use "blurred line" as a positive trait
       | here. There are important differences between native apps and web
       | apps, why hide this information from a regular user, especially
       | when this information can be conveyed by 30 pixels.
         | chpmrc wrote:
         | What difference does the runtime make to the (average) end
         | user? I love that I can create shortcuts of some web apps that
         | have their own window, menu bar etc. (this is already possible
         | in Chrome) and I don't really care they are "web" apps.
           | LtWorf wrote:
           | > What difference does the runtime make to the (average) end
           | user?
           | "Incredibly slow and draining the battery 3x as fast" vs
           | "regular"
         | make3 wrote:
         | because actual regular answers don't understand what any of
         | this means, and this just means that the devs have more control
         | over what experience they give them
         | int_19h wrote:
         | We're talking about web apps that are specifically intended to
         | be installed locally and look like native apps. What are those
         | "important differences" in this context?
         | (and note that you can still use PWA in the browser if you want
         | to, and thus deny it this ability)
         | drewtato wrote:
         | Well right now, the alternative isn't "keep it in the browser",
         | it's "ship it in electron".
       | uptown wrote:
       | Does this apply to Edge Mobile on iOS? To my knowledge, there's
       | no way to hide the browser chrome on that app, which is ironic
       | considering they open the article talking about PWAs on mobile
       | devices.
       | Last time they weighed in on the topic, this was their response:
       | https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftedge/forum/all/...
       | gernb wrote:
       | Is it part of "Project Fugu" because like blowfish, if you
       | prepare it wrong you kill your customers? /s
       | GuB-42 wrote:
       | > installed desktop web apps are really starting to look and feel
       | like native apps
       | I think we are having the opposite problem: native apps are
       | really starting to look and feel like web apps, and in many
       | cases, they are.
       | The problem: the web has a terrible UI toolkit for desktop apps.
       | It has clickable links and basic forms, that's all. It was made
       | for documents, not apps. If you want better than that, you have
       | to rewrite it all by yourself, or more likely, import a framework
       | that does it for you. Traditional Windows apps all use system
       | provided common controls, because they are good, and therefore
       | they have a consistent look and feel, even through OS updates. It
       | is even user customizable. Now it is not uncommon to see 10
       | different styles in a single screen, Windows since 8 is not even
       | consistent with itself, and it is becoming worse every version.
       | And it is not just aesthetics, there are serious usability
       | concerns here, and system-wide customization is gone.
         | n8cpdx wrote:
         | > Traditional Windows apps all use system provided common
         | controls, because they are good, and therefore they have a
         | consistent look and feel, even through OS updates.
         | This hasn't been consistent since at least Vista and the
         | release of WPF, which does totally custom control rendering.
         | Circa 2006.
         | I think web is taking over on Windows because any of 10 or 15
         | different design systems can get you to a better app than the
         | native (whatever that means) toolkits in much less time. It is
         | easier to get a decent color picker in a web app than a WPF,
         | WinForms, UWP, WinUI, or Win32 app (assuming you have a
         | reasonably high expectation for UI/UX, as I do).
         | Even Office and Visual Studio (not Code) are using web
         | technologies to render substantial parts of the UI.
       | 323 wrote:
       | I for one welcome our Electron future.
       | gw99 wrote:
       | Oh look they turned Chromium into IE6. Forced ads, difficult to
       | eviscerate search engines, proprietary extensions, dubious
       | security posture! Oh goody!
       | lvass wrote:
       | Why are the window decoration buttons considered critical on
       | Windows? People using Windows without a keyboard maybe? I always
       | disabled those (or the whole bar) on any system I've used since I
       | can remember.
       (page generated 2022-09-27 23:00 UTC)