[HN Gopher] Learn TLA+
       Learn TLA+
       Author : yarapavan
       Score  : 161 points
       Date   : 2022-09-28 17:28 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (learntla.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (learntla.com)
       | fire wrote:
       | perhaps I'm missing the intent, but would it be feasible to have
       | formal verification specifications like with TLA+ act as a
       | blueprint for generating machine code?
       | It would be fairly cool to be able to design a system using tools
       | like this and have a way to translate it without the possibility
       | of introducing errors during translation to code.
       | Perhaps what I'm thinking is more automatic generation of test
       | cases? But I'm not quite sure what my brain is trying to watch
       | onto here.
         | hwayne wrote:
         | The universal problem is "generating code from a formal spec"
         | is extremely, maddeningly, pull-your-hair-outingly hard. A
         | slightly easier thing, as you said, generating test cases,
         | which is what the Mongo people have been advancing:
         | https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.00915
         | (Another interesting approach in this space is P, which is
         | lower-level than TLA+ but also can compile to C#:
         | https://github.com/p-org/P)
           | zokier wrote:
           | Aren't F* and Dafny kinda also solving this problem of
           | bridging the gap between formal spec and executable code?
           | Another interesting question is if there are gaps between the
           | abstract systems-level specs of TLA and the relatively low-
           | level specs of F* that might need bridging?
           | inaseer wrote:
           | Check out Coyote (which is an evolution of P) and allows you
           | to "model check" .NET code to find hard to find race
           | condition-y bugs in your implementation. We have used it very
           | successfully on a number of projects at Microsoft. I should
           | probably do more public talks on it to get the word out.
           | Finding subtle bugs in your implementation using tools like
           | Coyote is easier than most people realize.
             | inaseer wrote:
             | TLA+ and Coyote pair quite well actually. Verifying the
             | high level design in TLA+ while checking subtle bugs as you
             | translate that design to an implemention.
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | TLA+ is not an end-to-end system. You're not necessarily
         | verifying your final code, most of the time you're only
         | building a "toy" model of your high-level design and verifying
         | that. So generating code from the model would not be helpful.
       | Yuioup wrote:
       | Can anybody explain to me what this is? I've never heard of this.
       | b_fiive wrote:
       | I've invested a fair amount of time into learning TLA+, have
       | bought Hillel Wayne's book (Practical TLA+), and found his stuff
       | super valuable. However, if I could do it again, I would have
       | started in the following order:
       | - 1. Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4Yp3j_jk8Q
       | - 2. Watch _all_ of
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p54W-XOIEF8&list=PLWAv2Etpa7...
       | - 3. Work through examples on https://learntla.com
       | I'm normally not a huge fan of YouTube over books / web sites,
       | but in this case the best content comes from Lamport himself, and
       | he's presented it as a YouTube Course. Also, the costume changes
       | are hilarious.
         | tunesmith wrote:
         | I watched Lamport's entire video series once and only just felt
         | I was starting to get it. I will have to watch the entire thing
         | again.
         | I also found a (very minor, inconsequential) bug in the
         | materials and emailed him, and he wrote me back and said
         | thanks, so that felt like a career highlight to me ;)
       | owenpalmer wrote:
       | Programmers will be even more productive when someone comes up
       | with TLA++, which will help you check if your TLA+ code has
       | design flaws.
         | ryanklee wrote:
         | This is so snarky.
         | People are putting work into solving classes of bugs that cost
         | us billions and billions in GDP per year.
         | This is one solution, and sure, like TDD, has tradeoffs and
         | problems. The details, circumstances, and implementation all
         | play a role.
         | But it's a potential way to go. Snark is not.
         | What's your solution?
           | the-smug-one wrote:
           | It's HN, have some fun.
         | hwayne wrote:
         | I know you're being tongue-in-cheek... but this is actually
         | something we care about a lot! There's a technique in formal
         | specification called "Refinement", where you show a detailed
         | spec successfully implements a more abstract one.
         | On the tooling side, Informal Systems has been doing some good
         | work on static-typechecking TLA+ specifications:
         | https://apalache.informal.systems/docs/tutorials/snowcat-tut...
         | (Disclosure, I've done consulting work for IS.)
         | pron wrote:
         | TLA+ is not code but mathematics because that's what allows it
         | to be arbitrarily expressive [1] so that (we hope) you can
         | write a short and clear high-level description that is easy
         | enough (with some study) to fully grasp and see if it is what
         | you intended.
         | [1]: To the point where it can easily describe systems that
         | can't be implemented in reality.
       | mhh__ wrote:
       | I've only ever used TLA+ in anger once but by god it was a good
       | once.
       | brrrrrm wrote:
       | does anyone have recommended video-based ways of learning about
       | TLA+?
         | limmeau wrote:
         | You can watch Leslie Lamport himself explaining it at
         | https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/video/videos.html . It
         | doesn't cover Pluscal, but goes deep into TLA+.
         | (BTW count the different shirts).
         | gnarula wrote:
         | There's a video series by Leslie Lamport himself:
         | https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/video/videos.html
         | There's also Dr. TLA+ series by Microsoft Research at
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao58xine3jM&list=PLD7HFcN7LX...
         | [deleted]
       | commandlinefan wrote:
       | I'm a bit skeptical of TLA - while I'm not so full of myself that
       | I believe there's nothing I could learn that would make me a
       | better programmer, TLA has always seemed... awfully dubious. In
       | fairness, I haven't devoted more than a few minutes scanning over
       | it, but I've also never seen or heard of anybody else using it
       | (but maybe I don't travel in the right circles?), much less
       | getting any benefit from it. The examples always seem awfully
       | contrived and prone to exactly the same sorts of problems that
       | code itself has. The promise, if I understand it correctly, is to
       | have a way to nail down the design before you start coding so
       | that you don't have a whole class of surprises (bugs), but this
       | extra non-debuggable step actually seems like it would be worse.
         | lukeasrodgers wrote:
         | I have used it in production at small companies (i.e. not
         | Amazon, as some other commenters mention) for things that
         | needed very high reliability. It helped us find a few race
         | conditions that took > 20 steps to reproduce, that I would
         | probably never have found otherwise, and also helped us be very
         | confident in our fixes. I strongly recommend it if you work in
         | scenarios where race conditions can have very bad consequences.
         | OTOH, I also had 2-3 failed efforts to learn the language and
         | tooling before it really stuck, and I still mostly just use the
         | pluscal syntax.
         | EddySchauHai wrote:
         | I've heard it is used at AWS. I've seen it personally used in
         | crypto on the Cardano blockchain. Leslie Lamport gave a talk at
         | my old workplace and mentioned several big companies in tech
         | and finance that use it but I'm not sure if that is public
         | info.
         | jwolfe wrote:
         | Maybe give this a scan, to understand the impact it had had on
         | AWS as of 2015: https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/amazon-
         | excerpt.html
         | hintymad wrote:
         | Formal verification is not new. It's been around for at least
         | 40 years. The founders of model checking even got Turing award
         | back in 2017. All major chip makers use formal verification to
         | verify their circuit designs. Microsoft published papers more
         | than 10 years ago on how they use model checking to verify
         | Windows kernel. It was a pretty big thing when people formally
         | verified the IEEE cache coherence protocol. Universities have
         | been teaching formal verification and model checking for over
         | 20 years. The list goes on. What TLA+ offers, though, is
         | amazing usability to engineers who had no interesting studying
         | temporal logic in depth or all kinds of mathematical logic in
         | general. Previous generation of engineers who want to use model
         | checking had to deal with atrocities like this: https://matthew
         | bdwyer.github.io/psp/patterns/ctl.html#Univer.... Yeah, I'm not
         | kidding, the simplest spec would take days if not weeks for
         | engineers to master, if they can master them at all.
         | > but this extra non-debuggable step actually seems like it
         | would be worse. Not really. Some types of bugs are just too
         | hard to be spotted by mere mortal, or too expensive to catch in
         | production. Case in point, do you know there's a subtle bug or
         | at least ambiguity in the description of Paxos Made Simple? I
         | don't know how many hundreds of people have read the paper, but
         | I doubt if more than 100 of them spotted the bug. Similarly,
         | Amazon hired about 20 experts in formal verification to help
         | them catch elusive flaws in specifications. After, if S3
         | corrupts customer data, the consequence to the S3 team can be
         | devastating, no?
         | csb6 wrote:
         | The FAQ [0] clarifies some of what TLA+ is good for
         | [0] https://learntla.com/intro/faq.html
         | hwayne wrote:
         | There was a great talk at TLAConf this year by a PE at Nike,
         | where they used it to find bugs in their in-store payment apps.
         | He said it's a 40/60 chance legal will give us permission to
         | share the recording, though.
         | michaelt wrote:
         | I used it to debug the design of a bidirectional message-
         | passing system with checksums, acknowledgements,
         | retransmissions and message-order-maintenance guarantees.
         | Here is the good:
         | * A high level of confidence in the design - useful for systems
         | you need to be reliable, or where a bug could create hard-to-
         | diagnose problems.
         | * The satisfaction of having done a really good job for once,
         | like the great programmers of yore who couldn't patch after
         | release and had to get it right the first time.
         | * Interesting in an academic sense.
         | Here is the bad:
         | * You can still make a mistake when translating the design into
         | code.
         | * The tools are sometimes baffling, both in their design
         | decisions and their performance. Be prepared for some
         | frustrations.
         | * With the tools complex and the design proven, your colleagues
         | might not take over the TLA portion of your work and carry it
         | forward.
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _Learn TLA+_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31952643 -
       | July 2022 (74 comments)
       |  _Learn TLA+ (2018)_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22393653 - Feb 2020 (58
       | comments)
       |  _Learn TLA+ (2018)_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19661329 - April 2019 (92
       | comments)
       | Also related:
       |  _Ask HN: Do you use TLA+?_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30193431 - Feb 2022 (24
       | comments)
       |  _TLA+ is hard to learn (2018)_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28256643 - Aug 2021 (44
       | comments)
       |  _TLA+ Action Properties_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26649273 - March 2021 (36
       | comments)
       |  _TLA+_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26385075 - March
       | 2021 (69 comments)
       |  _Applying TLA+ in cloud systems [video]_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25426030 - Dec 2020 (14
       | comments)
       |  _Using TLA+ in the Real World to Understand a Glibc Bug_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24958504 - Nov 2020 (76
       | comments)
       |  _Finding Goroutine Bugs with TLA+_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24591131 - Sept 2020 (40
       | comments)
       |  _A walkthrough tutorial of TLA+ and its tools: analyzing a
       | blocking queue_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22496287 -
       | March 2020 (6 comments)
       |  _TLA+ model checking made symbolic_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21662484 - Nov 2019 (51
       | comments)
       |  _Using TLA+ for fun and profit in the development of
       | ElasticSearch [video]_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21003470 - Sept 2019 (15
       | comments)
       |  _Modeling Adversaries with TLA+_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19839388 - May 2019 (13
       | comments)
       |  _TLA+: design, model, document, and verify concurrent systems_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19821272 - May 2019 (32
       | comments)
       |  _Using TLA+ to Model Cascading Failures_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19623634 - April 2019 (24
       | comments)
       |  _Using TLA+ to Understand Xen Vchan_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18814350 - Jan 2019 (12
       | comments)
       |  _Modeling Message Queues in TLA+_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18357550 - Nov 2018 (46
       | comments)
       |  _Practical TLA+_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18249841
       | - Oct 2018 (6 comments)
       |  _The TLA+ Video Course by Leslie Lamport_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16956778 - April 2018 (17
       | comments)
       |  _Modeling Redux with TLA+_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16569653 - March 2018 (33
       | comments)
       |  _TLA+ in Practice and Theory, Part 3: The Temporal Logic of
       | Actions_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14528072 - June
       | 2017 (7 comments)
       |  _TLA+ in Practice and Theory, Part 2: The + in TLA+_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14475791 - June 2017 (8
       | comments)
       |  _Principles of TLA+_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14432754 - May 2017 (23
       | comments)
       |  _Formal Methods in Practice: Using TLA+ at ESpark_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14221848 - April 2017 (19
       | comments)
       |  _Leslie Lamport: Video course on TLA+_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13918648 - March 2017 (74
       | comments)
       |  _My experience with using TLA+ in distributed systems class_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10220264 - Sept 2015 (12
       | comments)
       |  _TLA+_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9601770 - May 2015
       | andrewcl wrote:
       | Is there any way to do performance testing with TLA+? I always
       | had the impression that TLA+ could help you validate the design
       | of what you intend to build, but was less helpful if you wanted
       | to see the performance implications of the design.
       | cloogshicer wrote:
       | What I don't get about TLA+, as far as I understand, it'll "only"
       | tell you whether or not some invariants can be violated, given
       | the current design of your program.
       | While this does sound useful, it also sounds like now the problem
       | is just shifted to coming up with proper invariants, isn't it?
         | the-smug-one wrote:
         | If you're working on problems where TLA+ can help you, then you
         | damn make sure you know your state invariants.
         | michaelt wrote:
         | Sometimes the invariants are obvious.
         | For example, some sorting algorithms are very complex in the
         | details of their implementation - but they all have the quality
         | that given an input, the output should be the same set of
         | elements, in order.
           | im3w1l wrote:
           | That's a post-condition not an invariant.
             | Bjartr wrote:
             | The invariant form would be something like: for any program
             | state, there is eventually a state that will be reached
             | that contains the ordered set containing input elements.
             | My phrasing is rough, but it is an invariant that can be
             | expressed by TLA+
         | xboxnolifes wrote:
         | Aren't invariants essentially just a very specific "what do you
         | want"? TLA+ doesn't know what you want the code to do. It can
         | only tell you if it's doing it properly.
       | seriocomic wrote:
       | I'm surprised I had to navigate to the glossary to actually
       | "learn" what the acronym 'TLA' actually meant, I'd recommend at
       | least having that promoted to the home-page.
         | soledades wrote:
         | yes, i noticed that when i looked up the term and saw what it
         | meant, it helped my understanding of the topic.
         | Infernal wrote:
         | Temporal Logic of Actions, for other curious readers.
       | hwayne wrote:
       | I haven't done any work on this since July due to needing to
       | prepare a new TLA+ workshop from scratch, but now that that's
       | over I plan to spend a day each week doing updates. On the
       | docket:
       | - Moving some of the examples from _Practical TLA+_ over to the
       | site
       | - Adding more exercises to the core
       | - Adding the new modules and TLC options showcased at this years
       | TLAConf
       | - Way, way more examples and advanced topics. I have half a dozen
       | pure TLA+ specifications on my computer I need to write up.
         | munificent wrote:
         | _> needing to prepare a new TLA+ workshop from scratch,_
         | I didn't attend your workshop at Strange Loop but I talked to a
         | few people that did and all of them had good things to say
         | about it.
         | tonyhb wrote:
         | This is incredible. You have been a big help in both TLA+ and
         | Alloy 6 -- thanks so much for everything you do :)
           | hwayne wrote:
           | I just really really really like teaching stuff :)
             | LanternLight83 wrote:
             | Love "Computer Things", and, tbh, forget sometimes that you
             | and the "LearnTLA+ guy" are the same person; great work on
             | both fronts, and thank you so much for putting
             | posts/resources out there and contributing to these corners
             | of the web; I'll be sure to check out LTLA+ when it & I are
             | ready c:
         | tombert wrote:
         | Just wanted to say that I think you single-handedly have made
         | formal methods approachable to an order of magnitude more
         | people (at least) than it was before.
         | TLA+ is much easier to get into than, say, Coq or Isabelle or
         | something, but a lot of the "pre-learntla" content out there is
         | still really mathey and scary for engineers to jump into. I
         | think you did a really good job making TLA+ and PlusCal a
         | useful tool for non-scientists. Thank you.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | It would be quite easy for Coq or Isabelle to express the
           | logic in a TLA spec, you're basically just adding a few
           | modalities (time, state, non-determinism) over plain old
           | boolean logic. Then you're free to use any of a number of
           | tools (usually SAT/SMT solvers) to try and find a refutation
           | of your spec. There really isn't a lot of complex math
           | involved.
         | coldpie wrote:
         | I used your guide earlier this very week to get a handle on the
         | basics of pcal/tla for some stuff at work. Thanks!
         | andrewcl wrote:
         | One thing I really appreciate about your site is that you have
         | a setup guide, with photos! This is really helpful for folks
         | unfamiliar with how to run a spec.
         | https://learntla.com/core/setup.html
       | eikenberry wrote:
       | Anyone know of some good free software TLA+ model checkers? The
       | "Other Tooling" mentions one alternative checker,
       | https://apalache.informal.systems/, but that's all I could find.
       | Thanks.
       (page generated 2022-09-28 23:00 UTC)