[HN Gopher] Show HN: Depot - fast, remote Docker container builds
       Show HN: Depot - fast, remote Docker container builds
       Author : jacobwg
       Score  : 81 points
       Date   : 2022-09-28 18:01 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (depot.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (depot.dev)
       | dougdonohoe wrote:
       | This sounds cool. At my current job we do multi-arch builds in
       | GCP Cloud Build using `docker buildx`. The native `amd64` builds
       | take like 15 minutes and the `arm64` component takes well over an
       | hour with occasional time outs. We use the `--cache-to/--cache-
       | from` to speed up repeated builds. If we can't wait the hour+ for
       | the emulation build to run, we have a `seed-mac-arm64.sh` script
       | that a developer (i.e., me) can run on their M1 mac to do the
       | `arm64` half of the build, which is then picked up by GCP Cloud
       | Build. It's a small pain, but helps us in a pinch.
       | This solution sounds far easier!
         | jacobwg wrote:
         | Nice, yeah we had one customer using Cloud Build, and in their
         | case their native amd64 builds dropped from around 12 minutes
         | to 1-2 minutes on Depot builders. Surprisingly to us, it was
         | even faster to push from Depot to Artifact Registry than from
         | Cloud Build directly, definitely an odd networking quirk.
         | arm64 builds should even be a more dramatic change, they should
         | drop to at least as fast as your current amd64 builds.
       | ranger_danger wrote:
       | tluyben2 wrote:
       | I am curious if it will help our builds; they are pretty slow,
       | even to the point we have all kinds of tricks to speed them up.
       | Thanks for trying to fix this upfront anyway.
         | verdverm wrote:
         | In theory, any of the BuildKit frontends like Depot or Dagger,
         | should be able to pass through cross-build caching from
         | BuildKit.
         | This is how they all scale builds, and hopefully things become
         | more standardized with a reduction in vendor lock in. It is
         | surprising to me how much of the world relies on moby/buildkit,
         | and scary if you've ever looked at the code. Primarily a single
         | developer, not straightforward to understand, comments & docs
         | are basically non-existent. Looks like that might be starting
         | to change with so many companies now building and SaaS'n on top
         | of BuildKit.
         | kylegalbraith wrote:
         | Thank you for the comment! We have dealt with this problem
         | throughout our own careers at multiple companies. We should
         | support all of the tricks you may be doing to speed up your
         | builds, but we hope you have to do fewer of them using Depot.
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | Have you tried self-hosting the runners so that you can use a
         | beefier machine to run them on? I switched our iOS builds from
         | Azure Pipeline's hosted runner to a rented M1 Mac Mini (from
         | Scaleway), and our iOS build time went from 20-60 minutes
         | (depending on how Azure was feeling that day) to a consistent
         | 3.5 minutes.
           | GordonS wrote:
           | I did the same thing, but with Linux and Windows build agents
           | - it's so nice having a fast feedback cycle again!
       | jacobwg wrote:
       | Hey HN! We're Kyle and Jacob and we are excited to show you Depot
       | (https://depot.dev) and get your feedback! Depot is a hosted
       | Docker container build service, providing fully managed remote
       | builds from CI and from your terminal. We support both Intel and
       | Arm builds natively.
       | As application and platform engineers, we have experienced the
       | challenge of keeping Docker container build times fast. From
       | optimizing and reoptimizing Dockerfiles, to implementing layer
       | caching in CI, to running & maintaining custom runners for multi-
       | platform images.
       | Still today, there are limitations with the available tools. CI
       | runners are ephemeral, and saving and loading cache tarballs is
       | slow. CI providers are resource constrained, with limited CPUs
       | and disk space to dedicate to fast builds. And with the
       | increasing popularity of Arm devices like M1, Graviton, etc,
       | building multi-platform images requires slow emulation or self-
       | hosted infrastructure.
       | We created Depot to directly address those limitations. Depot
       | provides managed VMs running BuildKit, the backing build engine
       | for Docker. Each VM includes 4 CPUs, 8GB of memory, and a
       | persistent 50GB SSD cache disk. We launch both native Intel and
       | native Arm machines, on Fly.io for Intel builds and AWS for Arm.
       | We have built a depot CLI that embeds the Docker buildx build
       | library, implementing the same CLI flags, so developers can send
       | their builds to Depot VMs just by replacing `docker buildx build`
       | with `depot build`. We also have a depot/build-push-action GitHub
       | Action that can be swapped for docker/build-push-action in CI.
       | The combination of native CPUs, fast networks, and persistent
       | disks significantly lowers build time -- we've seen speedups of
       | 2-3x on optimized projects, and as much as a 12x speedup with
       | some of our customers.
       | We believe that today we are the only hosted CI or build service
       | offering the ability to natively build multi-platform Docker
       | images (--platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64) without emulation.
       | We are still early though, and would love your feedback.
       | You can sign up without a credit card at https://depot.dev/sign-
       | up to access a free project with thirty days of unlimited build
       | minutes to try it out.
         | swyx wrote:
         | congrats on launching Kyle and Jacob (hi Kyle!)
         | wondering what kinds of projects are/are not suitable for this.
         | the only context i have is from working at open source devtool
         | companies that provide docker builds for people to pull down.
         | might speed up the release process slightly. i suspect my
         | company https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/ could benefit.
         | but is it also useful for internal usage?
           | kylegalbraith wrote:
           | Our biggest strength is building images, internal or not, in
           | generic CI providers like GitHub Actions, CircleCI, etc.
           | Depot excels at building images in these environments because
           | it provides solutions to limitations like persistent SSD
           | caching, multi-architecture support, and faster compute
           | resources.
           | Things where Depot may not be a good fit are when you only
           | ever need Docker images for local development. In those
           | situations, the network becomes the bottleneck because you
           | have to pull down the built image each time. That said, if
           | you need to build multi-architecture images locally, Depot
           | becomes useful again as it can build native images for each
           | architecture, no emulation needed.
           | If you're entirely on-prem, we don't currently support that
           | so Depot isn't a fit there.
         | verdverm wrote:
         | > We believe that today we are the only hosted CI or build
         | service offering the ability to natively build multi-platform
         | Docker images
         | Dagger.io, by the originators of docker, can do this too,
         | though it is not well documented. They have not yet enable
         | public signups either by the looks of it.
         | Pretty sure I've seen some other BuildKit frontends that do as
         | well, the space blew up this year with several startups
           | jacobwg wrote:
           | I haven't had a chance to experiment with it yet, but it
           | should be possible to run Dagger pipelines on Depot builders.
           | Depot is effectively a BuildKit-API-as-a-service currently,
           | and Dagger can connect to an external BuildKit host
           | (https://docs.dagger.io/1223/custom-buildkit/).
           | It would be cool to add an integration between Depot's CLI
           | and Dagger's CLI such that Dagger could communicate with the
           | remote builder machine. You could use Dagger with remote
           | compute without needing to manage that compute, effectively.
           | Depot even supports launching builders within your own AWS
           | account, so you'd have that same ability with Dagger as well.
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | Dagger is Apache 2, no signup required:
           | https://github.com/dagger/dagger#readme
           | I struggle to think of what I would need a SaaS service to
           | run BuildKit for me unless they're trying to take on GitHub
           | Actions's compute side or whatever
             | jacobwg wrote:
             | I think we are trying to take on GitHub Actions' compute
             | side yeah -- you'd want to either self-host your own
             | BuildKit or use something like Depot for two major reasons:
             | 1. Several of BuildKit's caching features either require or
             | work best with a local disk. For instance things like `RUN
             | --mount=type=cache` need a persistent disk, which Actions
             | doesn't provide. You can also hit bottlenecks with saving
             | and loading tarball cache from Actions (e.g. cache-from /
             | cache-to) where it takes longer to download and unpack the
             | tarballs compared to omitting the cache. Having a
             | persistent disk makes all this "instant".
             | 2. If you need to build images for ARM CPUs, QEMU in GitHub
             | Actions is _really slow_. And if you want to build multi-
             | platform images natively (e.g. --platform linux
             | /amd64,linux/arm64), BuildKit needs a simultaneous
             | connection to two native builders. Depot automates all that
             | (it will launch two VMs at once and connect them to the
             | build).
             | GitHub Actions today also only offers 2 CPUs for the build
             | - they're launching a beta of larger machine sizes
             | currently.
             | verdverm wrote:
             | Dagger is helping companies scale BuildKit in a self-hosted
             | setup (that I am aware of). Not sure about the Dagger + GHA
             | self-hosted runner story, one would assume it would be a
             | natural extension of their general self-hosted BuildKit,
             | just point Dagger at whatever BuildKit domain/ip you are
             | using.
             | Dagger is open-source, but also has paid things if you talk
             | to them. They are very focused on a few key users in their
             | paid plans, rather than opening the floodgates, as I
             | understand it.
         | paulgb wrote:
         | Congrats on the launch. Apple Silicon really threw a wrench in
         | Docker local development workflows, and this feels like a
         | natural solution.
         | Does docker compose work with this?
           | alphabettsy wrote:
           | Apple Silicon can still build amd64 though right? Using
           | BuildX and arch flags?
           | I used it, didn't have any issues but i realize there's lots
           | of reasons that might not work.
             | paulgb wrote:
             | You're right, you can, it's just one more thing to think
             | about.
             | I also had in mind Docker Desktop's licensing (paid-only
             | for certain companies), but I now realize I was conflating
             | that with Apple Silicon when it applies to Intel Macs too
             | IIRC.
           | jacobwg wrote:
           | Thanks! We have a few users using docker-compose with a
           | Makefile, where they run `depot build -t name:tag --load` to
           | tag and pull the image locally, and then they reference the
           | tag in their docker-compose.yml.
           | That works, but we've considered adding a `depot bake`
           | command that does the same thing as `docker buildx bake`, to
           | make the integration nicer. Ideally docker-compose would have
           | the ability to communicate with buildx drivers (that's what
           | Depot registers as), but to my knowledge it doesn't currently
           | have that option.
             | dboreham wrote:
             | imho having docker compose _build_ container images is an
             | anti-pattern. Always do what the parent says -- build/pull
             | separately (not using compose), then arrange to fix up the
             | tag/version specified in the compose file to match.
       | maxmcd wrote:
       | When people use a service like this do they bake test runs into
       | the build? Typically in CI I might build and then run tests, but
       | with this service my resulting docker image is in the depot
       | environment.
       | Do I build and then download the image to run it? Or do I have
       | this a bit backwards and this is for build-only use-cases?
         | jacobwg wrote:
         | Yep, so Depot runs BuildKit, so the same workflows work there,
         | just with a remote builder. You can do one of three things:
         | 1. Just build the image -- in CI that would test that the image
         | built successfully, and the build cache would be ready for
         | future builds. So for instance if you ran a build on a branch,
         | but only pushed the image on the main branch workflow, the
         | second run could just re-use the cache.
         | 2. Build and push the image to a registry -- from there you
         | could do anything with the image in the registry (pull it from
         | any workflow, deploy it, etc)
         | 3. Build and pull the image to the local Docker daemon. In CI,
         | that might be ideal for integration testing the container, like
         | you mention.
         | You can also use option (2) for integration testing the
         | container, which is especially useful with multi-platform
         | images. Docker doesn't (yet) support storing multi-platform
         | images locally, but it will pull the correct platform from the
         | registry.
         | tl;dr -- Depot supports the same options as `docker buildx
         | build`, where you can push, pull, or just build the image
         | depending on your needs
           | charliermarsh wrote:
           | Another unusual alternative is to model your test running
           | _as_ a Docker build. It's what I ended up doing in Trellis,
           | which supports Depot as a runner
           | (https://github.com/charliermarsh/trellis): running the
           | linter check is modeled as "build the image, then add a
           | `cargo clippy` RUN command as the last layer".
       | moltar wrote:
       | How's is this different than running a Docker daemon on remote
       | with build kit support?
         | jacobwg wrote:
         | It's basically the same, just without you having to do any of
         | the work to set up or maintain the remote machines.
         | When you start a container build with Depot, it will launch an
         | Intel or an Arm VM running BuildKit (or both for a multi-
         | platform image). It creates persistent SSD cache volumes for
         | each project and attaches those to the build machines at
         | launch. And it automates connecting your CLI to those machines
         | over TLS. Then when the build is done, it shuts down those
         | machines to save cost.
         | Depot does all that either in our cloud account, or you also
         | have the option of connecting your own AWS account and Depot
         | will act just as the orchestration layer.
         | So basically you get the remote build machines, but without
         | needing to set them up, manage costs, configure access control,
         | etc. But at its core, it's running the open-source version of
         | BuildKit (the Depot CLI embeds the same Go library as `docker
         | buildx build`).
       | kmcquade wrote:
       | Love using Depot. The speed improvements are insane
       | trevoristall wrote:
       | How does this compare to nixpacks? I've heard good things but
       | admittedly haven't dug in too far yet.
       | https://nixpacks.com/docs/how-it-works
         | jacobwg wrote:
         | Yeah Nixpacks is super cool! It uses nix and BuildKit to
         | produce images for various different languages, and since it
         | uses BuildKit under the hood, it might be able to use Depot's
         | BuildKit to perform the actual build. I'd love to see what that
         | integration would look like, Depot would provide the compute
         | and persistent caching, and nixpacks would simplify the build
         | process itself.
       | intelVISA wrote:
       | Nice looking site, grats on the launch!
       (page generated 2022-09-28 23:00 UTC)