[HN Gopher] The Rise of Fully Homomorphic Encryption
       The Rise of Fully Homomorphic Encryption
       Author : yarapavan
       Score  : 250 points
       Date   : 2022-09-29 11:41 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (queue.acm.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (queue.acm.org)
       | skywhopper wrote:
       | This is a really misleading article. It skims over lots of
       | practical issues with FHE, such as the cost of the extra work
       | which will severely limit its applicability, and more critically,
       | the necessity to use the same key(!!) to encrypt/decrypt every
       | input and output. It also conflates FHE with quantum-resistant
       | encryption, simply because most FHE algorithms currently use
       | lattice-based math, and a 2006 paper observed that no quantum
       | algorithms were known that could outperform traditional computing
       | for lattice math. Not a very strong claim, imo.
       | It goes on to grossly overstate the extent to which current IT
       | systems are at risk as well as the extent to which FHE would even
       | address actual IT threats. Plus, anytime anyone claims something
       | is "provably secure", they are leaving out crucial parts of the
       | system, like the interface with humans or key rotation.
       | And then there's the part where the author is a VP of business
       | development at a company that makes FHE hardware. Sigh.
       | bawolff wrote:
       | This feels more like a press release than an actually insightful
       | article.
       | Would practical FHE be interesting? Sure. Is it happening?
       | Doesn't seem like it is any time soon.
         | shishy wrote:
         | I don't think it was just a press release, the linked PDF had a
         | nice overview of how we got here and some advances in the last
         | decade. Decent little review type article with some hyperbole!
         | I think the title maybe a little too optimistic / vague by
         | saying it's "near" without indicating what else is needed to
         | get there / when it might happen ;).
           | bawolff wrote:
           | The byline is "Mache Creeger, Cornami Inc.". Cornami is a
           | company that sells FHE accelerator chips. Many of the talking
           | points seem to be very similar to the Cornami website, such
           | as the over-emphasis on post quantum crypto despite being
           | very irrelavent in context.
             | shishy wrote:
             | Somehow missed it, read before caffeine, good call
         | nomnoms wrote:
         | Our team has been working on making FHE practical. Performance
         | has come a long way in the past few years so FHE can indeed be
         | "practical" for certain applications.
         | If you'd like to check it out yourself, feel free to take a
         | look at our team's FHE compiler and playground [0].
         | [0]: https://playground.sunscreen.tech/
         | hinkley wrote:
         | Doesn't fully homomorphic encryption have the Tux Image problem
         | cited in block cypher discussions?
         | With a symmetric cipher, I could figure out the blood type of
         | every employee pretty easily. With an asymmetric cipher, I
         | could figure out everyone who has my blood type, and the blood
         | types of anyone who reveals that information.
         | If the point is to filter data when you aren't allowed to know
         | what the data is, then the act of being in the filter or not
         | reveals some of that information. It's just a game of twenty
         | questions.
           | bawolff wrote:
           | I think you are mixing it up with order-preserving encryption
           | and other stuff related to encrypted databases.
           | In the FHE model, the assumption usually is - you have some
           | data, someone else does some encrypted calculations, you get
           | the encrypted answer back, you decrypt the answer and read
           | it. The adversary cannot play 20 questions because they only
           | calculate the encrypted answers, they are not allowed to see
           | what the answers are.
             | hinkley wrote:
             | Ah, right, I'd forgotten that bit. Dumb server, smart
             | clients.
           | foobiekr wrote:
           | I think you are thinking of how ECB ends up with the
           | identical blocks having identical encrypted form due to key
           | and IV reuse. I don't think this is a requirement for all
           | forms of FHE.
             | ricksunscreen wrote:
             | In particular, most FHE schemes inherently add randomness
             | to encryptions as an artifact of using Ring Learning with
             | Errors (RLWE) for hardness. This means that Enc(pk, m) !=
             | Enc(pk, m) if you run the algorithm twice; each key and
             | message pair can produce many different ciphertexts.
               | hinkley wrote:
               | It's always nice to see when some new field has managed
               | not to experience every single classic blunder firsthand
               | to learn not to do that. So there is something akin to a
               | salt in the data that keeps identical records from being
               | searchable, that's good to know.
               | Do you by chance have a simple way to explain how the
               | search works then? Because superficially it seems like
               | you might assume that you're looking for Enc(pk, m') ==
               | Enc(pk, m) and apparently that does not work.
               | ricksunscreen wrote:
               | By search, I assume you mean how would you do a database
               | search with FHE referred to in the article. A simple
               | example of private information retrieval is as follows:
               | Suppose Bob has an array of data he arranges into an mxn
               | matrix, A. This data is not encrypted, but is encoded
               | appropriately. Note that many FHE schemes allow you to
               | compute ciphertext-plaintext operations.
               | Alice can send him 2 vectors x and y encrypted under her
               | key, where x and y are all zero except for single 1. Bob
               | homomorphically computes Ax = b. Since x is all zeros
               | except for element i, the operation Ax effectively
               | selects the ith column of A. Bob then computes dot(b, y).
               | Since y is all zeros except for a 1 at element j, the dot
               | product effectively selects the jth row of y. Bob sends
               | the dot product back to Alice, which due to FHE is still
               | encrypted under her key.
               | Alice decrypts the result and has looked up the j,ith
               | element in A without Bob learning Alice's query or which
               | data was involved in processing her search.
               | The default program on the Sunscreen[1] compiler
               | playground shows this exact algorithm.
               | Disclaimer: I am an employee of Sunscreen.
               | [1]: https://playground.sunscreen.tech/
       | kebman wrote:
       | Looks like some kind of ad that tries to discredit regular
       | encryption by claiming that it's already compromised (it isn't),
       | or that it will be very soon. But lo! Here is the knight in
       | shining armour coming to the rescue (FHE)! Soon. Maybe.
         | foolfoolz wrote:
         | fhe solves a ton of issues in sass products that don't look
         | great under audit. things where we sign off on audit today with
         | fancy contracts called "data privacy agreements." i think it
         | will take some time (20 years?) but i expect zero knowledge for
         | most of your data to be table stakes for saas offerings
           | autoexec wrote:
           | Saas is all about collecting, controlling, and exploiting
           | your data though. If they can still mine your data and
           | leverage or sell the information they get out of it that's
           | not really "zero knowledge". I don't expect companies will
           | stop being interested in making money at all costs in 20
           | years, especially where the costs are mostly to you and your
           | privacy.
             | solveit wrote:
             | Actually saas is about providing services for money.
               | autoexec wrote:
               | Money and control is what it's about. That usually means
               | making someone dependent on you in order to access/use
               | their own stuff, making it hard to migrate their data
               | away from your service, and taking every advantage of the
               | data being collecting.
               | I've never seen a saas product that isn't using and/or
               | "sharing" their customer's data for their own benefit
               | somehow. If they exist at all, they're the exception and
               | not the rule.
               | rowanG077 wrote:
               | This is completely wrong way to view SaaS. It's just
               | about making money, the control part is just so they can
               | try and squeeze more money out of you. Control is not the
               | goal. Money is.
               | dougk16 wrote:
               | Money is the goal of the individual Cogs in the machine.
               | Control is the goal of the machine itself, which uses
               | money to incentivize (power) its Cogs. If you're a Big
               | Tech company you essentially have endless free money to
               | leverage compared to your Cogs. The machine itself
               | doesn't care about money. That free money train is coming
               | to an end though over the next decade. Or at least that's
               | the reality I'm planning for. :)
               | autoexec wrote:
               | I guess that's fair... ultimately money is everything,
               | but I do think there are absolutely companies who highly
               | value the control aspect as well. It can give them the
               | ability to censor, act as a gatekeeper, and nickel and
               | dime.
               | Saas seems a lot more predatory and risky than most
               | products/services. You hand over money, you hand over
               | control, you hand over your data and all of it leaves you
               | varying degrees of vulnerable.
               | I guess I shouldn't expect a pragmatic view of saas to be
               | popular around here (some of you are likely working on
               | your own saas projects after all), but the reasons saas
               | is attractive for companies to offer are the same reasons
               | that make me hesitate to use them.
               | bawolff wrote:
               | Typically that "service" involves doing something with
               | the data server side (such as displaying it in a slick
               | website).
               | FHE does have potential applicability here, but i think
               | the potential is a bit overblown because there are a lot
               | of devil in the details issues.
         | not2b wrote:
         | No, the point of FHE isn't that regular encryption is already
         | compromised. It's that you can do processing on encrypted data
         | while it's encrypted, without decrypting it. This opens up many
         | more possibilities. For example, a cloud provider might store
         | your data only in encrypted form and you can still do queries
         | to pick out particular data or do some basic analysis, with the
         | algorithm running on cloud computers, the result delivered to
         | you in encrypted form, which you then decrypt with your private
         | key.
         | The only problem is that there's a large performance penalty
         | still, though there has been major progress in making it more
         | efficient.
       | Dunny97 wrote:
       | Currently building a self custodial and distributed cloud storage
       | solution using blockchain tech (don't hate me). There is no
       | doubt, FHE is what we need to get to for post-quantum but with
       | the current tech we find ourselves sacrificing speed and a good
       | user experience if we were to implement anything lattice-based.
       | For now we're rocking with an integrated encryption scheme based
       | on AES and the elliptic curve. Fingers crossed we can have some
       | breakthroughs in the next few years with FHE, but in the current
       | state of FHE, it cant be used commercially yet in our opinion.
       | If any encryption nerds have suggestions for us
       | https://docs.jackaldao.com/docs/protocol/encryption
       | https://jackaldao.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/JACKAL-PROT...
         | Ar-Curunir wrote:
         | This has nothing to do with FHE...
       | arunkant wrote:
       | Healthcare is stuck in pre 2000 IT technologies because of
       | privacy concerns. I hope that with FHE, Heathcare providers can
       | move to cloud technologies without fear of losing privacy
         | m1ghtym0 wrote:
         | They can today with other PETs like confidential computing. But
         | change takes time and a lot of education when it's based on new
         | types of technology.
         | adgjlsfhk1 wrote:
         | fhe doesn't solve this at all. if the problem takes little
         | enough power do be run with the, you can run it without cloud
         | compute or fhe easily.
           | m1ghtym0 wrote:
           | Well, it's not about compute power and whether you can run
           | things on-prem. It's about sharing, synchronizing, and
           | collaborating on data. That's where PETs open up new
           | opportunities.
       | bskan wrote:
       | I prefer fully homophobic encryption
       | avmich wrote:
       | > To achieve unrestricted homomorphic computation, or FHE, you
       | must choose F to be a set of functions that is complete for all
       | computation (e.g., Turing complete). The two functions required
       | to achieve this goal are bit Addition (equivalent to Boolean XOR)
       | and bit Multiplication (equivalent to Boolean AND), as the set
       | {XOR, AND} is Turing complete.
       | This - "set {XOR, AND} is Turing complete" - is incorrect. You
       | need to also have "true" constant.
       | jimkoen wrote:
       | Great write up on the state of the field, but when I checked
       | last, the current problem is performance. I didn't see much on
       | that in the article.
       | A few years ago there were papers on evaluating simple logic
       | circuits in an FHE context and it took 2h hours for what was
       | basicially 5-6 NOR gates.
         | johnbender wrote:
         | Fwiw we have at least some reason to hope in this general
         | context that between clever systems work and tightening
         | theoretical bounds via additional assumptions and clever
         | reasoning we might get to practical implementations for some
         | applications.
         | As (maybe weak) evidence the progress on practical
         | implementations of PCPs/SNARGs
         | https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/2641562
           | rhindi wrote:
           | It's much much faster now, and performance is improving 10x
           | every couple of year. With the current trend, FHE will be
           | applicable to 80% of usecases by 2025
         | nomnoms wrote:
         | Performance is still problematic for many applications
         | (particularly in ML).
         | Our team has been working on making FHE more accessible to
         | engineers via a compiler; we've found usability to be a much
         | bigger obstacle than performance.
         | You might be surprised to see how far performance has come! For
         | (an admittedly small example of) matrix-vector multiplication,
         | we can do key generation, encryption, computation, decryption,
         | and compilation in less than 5 seconds on a MacBook [0].
         | [0]: https://playground.sunscreen.tech/
       | [deleted]
       | RadixDLT wrote:
       | here is a good project with HE
       | https://github.com/deroproject/derohe
       | bsaul wrote:
       | Wait, has any quantum computers performed a real computation
       | faster than a normal computer one yet ?
         | krastanov wrote:
         | No "useful" computation yet, but "yes", quantum hardware has
         | been able to sample from some programmable convoluted contrived
         | probability distributions from which classical computer can not
         | sample efficiently. But that is irrelevant here because:
         | More importantly, FHE and post-quantum crypto are two
         | completely orthogonal topics.
         | Homomorphic is the property that (classical or quantum)
         | computation can be performed on the encrypted (classical or
         | quantum) data without decrypting it. Homomorphic encryption
         | with classical data on classical computers is rather difficult
         | and fascinating. Homomorphic encryption on quantum computers is
         | trivially easy (if you already have a standard scalable quantum
         | computer, which do not exist yet).
         | "Post-quantum" is the property that a classical computer can
         | efficiently perform encryption that can not be broken even by a
         | quantum computer.
       | motohagiography wrote:
       | Non-technical comment to consider the conseqeunces of FHE. This
       | is not to diminish the amazing work that has gone into FHE, and
       | the theoretical use cases for FHE in a few fields I've worked in
       | are significant. The challenge I found in working with people who
       | want the data is that they really do just want the data.
       | Examples include government agencies who used made up in-house
       | encryption schemes to get their data sharing plan past their
       | legal privacy and security gates and then there was a secret key
       | a small cadre had who could unscramble it after it was
       | distributed in the sector, researchers rejecting synthesized data
       | for uncontrolled test environments because "it was too hard,"
       | when really they just wanted the data sets outside the legal
       | controls on it, rejecting differential privacy queries because
       | they didn't want to come up with or specify their queries first
       | based on metadata and again just wanted the data, rejecting
       | identifying the individuals with access to millions of peoples
       | health information data because as institutions they felt
       | entitled to it, banks and payment firms rejecting zero knowledge
       | proofs of user attributes because it violated KYC, and these are
       | just a few.
       | There has been a concerted effort to squeeze the data toothpaste
       | out of the tube when it comes to health information and other
       | types, and so I am ambivalent about FHE use cases because its
       | primary use case is side stepping rules that protect the privacy
       | of data subjects.
       | The question I would have is, if data synthesis, legal risk-based
       | de-identification, differential privacy, and cryptographic
       | tokenization protocols were insufficient, what technical
       | improvement in actual accountability does FHE offer to data
       | subjects, and given the size of the data sets this facilitates,
       | what are the consequences of its failure modes?
       | Given the entire history of cryptography is defined by one party
       | convincing their targets that a given scheme provides them
       | security, the way that FHE scales to giving data collectors
       | impunity "because it's encrypted!" seems like it is vulnerable to
       | every criticism leveled at blockchains, where just because it's
       | encrypted doesn't mean it isn't laundering.
         | RandomLensman wrote:
         | Setting aside issues about knowing where the data originates,
         | such encrypted data is really really difficult to use if no-one
         | is providing a way to link the possible calculations performed
         | to observables. If all you have are encrypted inputs and
         | outputs, it is unclear what is being modelled, for example.
         | I don't think FHE is primarily aimed at privacy use cases
         | anyway, more at ways of cooperating etc. where transparency
         | could be detrimental to some or all parties.
         | v4dok wrote:
         | "The question I would have is, if data synthesis, legal risk-
         | based de-identification, differential privacy, and
         | cryptographic tokenization protocols were insufficient, what
         | technical improvement in actual accountability does FHE offer
         | to data subjects, and given the size of the data sets this
         | facilitates, what are the consequences of its failure modes?"
         | It doesn't. Because its not aiming at solving these problems.
         | Encryption in-use is aiming to solve trusting hardware (and
         | maybe code) you don't own. Privacy is a different (IMO more
         | complex) problem.
         | bawolff wrote:
         | The whole cloud provider using FHE usecase always seemed a bit
         | utopian to me. As you say, most of the time they dont want to
         | provide user privacy, they want your data. Maybe i could
         | imagine some sort of B2B case where there are strong
         | requirements working out, but i struggle imagining it for
         | consumer use cases.
         | Not to mention, if you are outsourcing data computation,
         | presumably its a lot of computation or you would do it
         | yourself, so the overhead seems extra important in that case.
         | The most convincing case i've heard is blockchain stuff - where
         | everything is distributed to non trusted parties. (Normally i
         | hate bitcoin hype, but maybe FHE would let you do something
         | interesting with it)
           | vesinisa wrote:
           | Yeah, I don't think this will work on commercial scale
           | exactly for the same reasons as blockchain is useless for
           | anything outside the illegal niches where you need to avoid
           | the legal banking system.
           | You may let people store homomorphic data on your servers and
           | even run your algorithms on that data, but you have no way of
           | handling customer complaints or fine-tuning / debugging your
           | service because you can not understand ANY of the customer
           | data you are storing.
           | Similarly, blockchain sounds like a good idea until you need
           | to reverse a transaction:
           | https://www.pcmag.com/news/cryptocom-sues-woman-after-
           | accide...
           | Dunny97 wrote:
           | Currently building a self custodial and distributed cloud
           | storage solution using blockchain tech. Like you said, FHE is
           | what we need to get to for post-quantum but with the current
           | tech we find ourselves sacrificing speed and a good user
           | experience if we were to implement anything lattice-based.
           | For now we're rocking with an integrated encryption scheme
           | based on AES and the elliptic curve. Fingers crossed we can
           | have some breakthroughs in the next few years with FHE.
           | If any encryption nerds have suggestions
           | https://docs.jackaldao.com/docs/protocol/encryption
           | https://jackaldao.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/JACKAL-
           | PROT...
             | bawolff wrote:
             | I dont know what you are doing, but if you are using FHE
             | explicitly for its post quantumness, you are doing
             | something wrong as there are much much better choices if
             | you need post-quantum versions of traditional primitives.
       | aliswe wrote:
       | I know its low effort, but would an anti-homomorphic
       | encryptionist be regarded homophobic?
       | rogers18445 wrote:
       | What is the actual value proposition of HE? The purpose of
       | encryption is to hide information, if you are able to to do any
       | meaningful comparison between two encrypted records, you have an
       | information leak, and encryption has failed.
         | sillysaurusx wrote:
         | Imagine running an inference on a model in the cloud.
         | Usually the cloud will have access to your model. That poses a
         | problem if your model is highly sensitive. (Imagine the NSA
         | wanting to run a model on North Korean servers. NK would
         | immediately snatch up that model.)
         | With FHE, you can theoretically avoid that. Someone can upload
         | an encrypted model to the cloud. The cloud can do some
         | computation on it (inference) and deliver an encrypted result.
         | Then you can decrypt the result in the comfort of your own
         | government^Whome.
         | Obviously this is a bit of a stupid example, but just think of
         | all the scenarios right now where you'd want to offload your
         | computation on someone else, but you don't want to let them see
         | the computation.
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | There is no information leak, because the information is never
         | decrypted. The encrypted operations are performed directly on
         | the encrypted data and the still-encrypted result is returned
         | to the client, to be decrypted at their convenience to view the
         | result. That is the magic of FHE.
         | Two identical cleartext values would likely not encrypt to the
         | same ciphertext value (for example, you could get around that
         | easily on the client end by simply incrementing any duplicate
         | value by 1 before sending and then decrementing it by 1 again
         | on return, assuming that is done undoably given the other
         | operations happening); any comparison operation would also
         | likely be encrypted and thus unknown to the server; so the
         | server couldn't just linearly compare any two encrypted values
         | to make deductions.
         | AaronFriel wrote:
         | The value proposition is that the hosting provider running your
         | computation does not know what was computed.
       | anonporridge wrote:
       | Spiral is an interesting use case of FME for database fetching
       | that just popped up, https://usespiral.com/
       | General FME computation is obviously not likely to be practical
       | or cost effective any time soon, but there may be some specific
       | use cases, like querying a database, where hiding the information
       | you want to know from the server is advantageous. There are
       | adversarial environments where knowing the information your
       | adversary is interested in provides a competitive edge.
       | I'm curious to dig more into their implementation.
         | blintz wrote:
         | Happy to answer any questions! Yeah, we're taking a narrow
         | application (fetching from a database) and making it really
         | practical. You can privately check a Bitcoin balance at
         | https://btc.usespiral.com or privately read Wikipedia at
         | https://spiralwiki.com. Our code for the Bitcoin site is at
         | https://github.com/spiralprivacy/clients.
       | gumby wrote:
       | This article skips over the elephant in the room, via a couple of
       | casual references to "performance".
       | You did some experiments with HE in 2019 and it involves _orders
       | of magnitude_ slowdown -- thousands of times slower than regular
       | computation. I don't see this speeding up either.
         | api wrote:
         | To make it fast I think we'll need custom silicon. I wonder how
         | many stealth startups exist working on FHE chips?
           | skywhopper wrote:
           | At least the one that employs the author of this article.
           | v4dok wrote:
           | I wouldn't hold my breath on this. Reducing it by x40 AND
           | making sure that hardware is not leaky.
             | Ar-Curunir wrote:
             | The hardware is not relevant if it's simply being used as
             | an accelerator. FHE reveals no information about the
             | underlying data, so the privacy leakage is the same, no
             | matter if you're running the FHE code on ENIAC or on a
             | modern supercomputer.
             | MauranKilom wrote:
             | Wait, how would hardware be possibly leaky? The
             | encryption/decryption can leak data, sure, but that's
             | unrelated to FHE. If your _hardware_ can leak info about
             | the plaintext on the side processing the encrypted data,
             | then you could do the same in software anyway, and the FHE
             | scheme itself is clearly broken...
               | carrotcypher wrote:
               | Basically. FHE would not "leak" anything that anyone
               | could decipher except the owner of the key for the
               | submitted calculation.
           | simiones wrote:
           | This isn't a problem that silicon can fix. FHE requires
           | orders of magnitude more operations to be done, and/or more
           | complex operations, to achieve the same results. GP silicon
           | already runs these operations as fast as possible, it's just
           | that there are too many of them, and they are not even
           | parallelizable.
             | stjohnswarts wrote:
             | I was gonna say, but yeah if you can't make it more
             | parallel, then yeah custom silicon definitely would
             | bottleneck on that. TBF I know nothing about this, but I
             | have done a lot of parallelization and speeds up of algos
             | on FPGA that are relatively easy to parallelize and seen
             | tremendous speed ups over general purpose CPUs.
           | detaro wrote:
           | Are the used operations that exotic that special hardware can
           | achieve massive speedups?
             | pfortuny wrote:
             | Not at all, but imagine having to perform 10.000
             | multiplications on numbers of 10.000 digits just to encrypt
             | "This is my password".
             | And that, differently, for each access (write and read) to
             | each cell in the table.
             | Not what you would say feasible right now.
         | spiralprivacy wrote:
         | General purpose FHE is indeed quite slow. But by focusing on
         | specific subproblems, like private information retrieval (get
         | rows from a database without revealing anything about your
         | queries), it is possible to achieve acceptable performance.
         | There's been lots of recent improvement here: see papers [0]
         | and [1] from this year, which both achieve GB/s throughput for
         | private database lookups.
         | And for a more tangible demo of FHE, we built open-source
         | webapps that let you privately browse Wikipedia [2] or look up
         | live Bitcoin address balances [3]. This is FHE running in the
         | browser today, returning results in seconds.
         | [0] https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/368 (disclaimer: this is our
         | paper)
         | [1] https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/949
         | [2] https://spiralwiki.com
         | [3] https://btc.usespiral.com
       | zacchj wrote:
       | If you want to see a practical use case of Fully Homomorphic
       | Encryption (FHE) with Machine Learning.
       | > https://www.zama.ai/post/titanic-competition-with-privacy-pr...
       | Its main ambition is to show that FHE can be used for protecting
       | data when using a Machine Learning model to predict outcomes
       | without degrading its performance.
       | Disclaimer: I'm working at Zama (cited in the article posted).
         | limbicsystem wrote:
         | Or this! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30641309/
           | zacchj wrote:
           | There is also use cases listed here:
           | > https://fhe.org/fhe-use-cases
           | Also anyone can contribute and add resources as it lives on
           | an open source github repo.
       | wazoox wrote:
       | I've just watched a presentation about Cosmian
       | (https://cosmian.com/) and their solution boasts using FHE, at a
       | significant price though: computations and queries are about 1000
       | slower than on unencrypted data according to their CTO. I was
       | quite impressed that it even works at all, though :)
         | hinkley wrote:
         | Don't those sorts of differences suggest that perhaps enclave
         | decryption would be as fast and support more functionality?
           | wazoox wrote:
           | Probably but the main objective is to keep data safe in the
           | cloud while keeping everything encrypted (traffic and data),
           | all the time.
             | hinkley wrote:
             | That's certainly fair. One of the oldest classic physical
             | security failures I know of, which really stuck with me, is
             | "who did background checks on the janitors?" It doesn't
             | literally have to be janitors, but there are a lot of
             | people in your space that we assume are not threats, even
             | though there is a lot of overlap between "hacker" and
             | "people who work for vendors".
             | I knew someone who was responsible for delivering backups
             | from a secure data center to a lockbox every couple of
             | days. Unfortunately the bank was only a few blocks from the
             | data center so I'm not sure how much physical separation
             | that really provided. Also this particular person would
             | have been able to do absolutely nothing about being mugged
             | for the disks if someone actually cared. But maybe I'm a
             | little too paranoid.
             | I recall once having to drop the night's deposit off from
             | the restaurant I worked at. They were down a manager due to
             | illness, it was on the way home, I was a figurative if no
             | longer a literal boyscout, so the math on "shenanigans if
             | hinkley leaves with the money" versus "shenanigans if there
             | is no night manager in the store" apparently leaned toward
             | me. I'm glad they trusted me but I was a nervous wreck for
             | four blocks until that bag went into the night deposit box.
             | Anything that can move "precious cargo" without a human
             | failure mode is alright in my book.
               | wazoox wrote:
               | "Only the paranoid survive" is my motto :)
         | zcw100 wrote:
         | There are a few companies in this space. Duality is one of the
         | bigger ones. https://dualitytech.com/
       | m1ghtym0 wrote:
       | > Today, conventional wisdom suggests that an additional
       | performance acceleration of at least another 1 million times
       | would be required to make FHE operate at commercially viable
       | speeds. At the moment, Cornami is the only commercial chip
       | company to announce a forthcoming product that can meet and
       | exceed that performance level.
       | Is there any comparison performance benchmark for these Cornami
       | chips on real world algorithms? The data given by
       | https://cornami.com/fully-homomorphic-encryption-fhe/ doesn't
       | really help me.
         | carrotcypher wrote:
         | If no one answers here, might try on the FHE.org discord, loads
         | of researchers there who probably wrote a paper on exactly
         | that.
           | gnramires wrote:
           | The subreddit /r/crypto is good quality as well (some
           | researchers there).
           | nominusllc wrote:
           | Any chance of an IRC or Matrix bridge?
           | m1ghtym0 wrote:
           | thanks! will try there
         | bawolff wrote:
         | Keep in mind that this article was written by Cornami, so i
         | would take any assertions about cornami solving all the
         | problems with a huge heaping of salt.
           | SV_BubbleTime wrote:
           | What an amazing coincidence.
         | ricksunscreen wrote:
         | I don't know anything about Cornami's products or where they
         | are in the manufacturing stage. However, I do work in FHE.
         | To give you sense of performance, today you can multiply 2
         | encrypted 8192-bit values in BFV with typical (not optimal)
         | scheme parameters in 17ms on a single core of an M1 Macbook
         | Air. This is the most expensive operation by a wide margin. The
         | ciphertexts for these parameters is about 0.5MB and the keys
         | are maybe a meg or two.
         | The algorithm you want make fast for most schemes is the Number
         | Theory Transform (NTT), which is basically a Fast Fourier
         | Transform (FFT) for finite fields. This algorithm has only
         | O(nlog(n)) operations, so the computational intensity relative
         | to memory accesses is fairly low. This stands in contrast to
         | something nice like matrix multiplication where matrices are
         | O(n^2) but require O(n^3)[1] computation. Unfortunately due to
         | Amdahl's law, you have to make not just NTT fast, but all the
         | other boring O(n) operations schemes need to do.
         | If you want to make FHE fast enough to justify an ASIC, you'll
         | have to avoid data movement and basically keep everything in
         | on-chip SRAM. Waiting 400 clock cycles for data is a non-
         | starter. For algorithms with bootstrapping, your bootstrapping
         | key might be 100MB, so you'll probably want a chip with like
         | 512MB of on-chip memory to hold various keys, ciphertexts, etc.
         | You then need to route and fan-out that data as appropriate.
         | You then need to also pack a ton of compute units that can
         | quickly do NTTs on-chip, but are also versatile to do all the
         | other "stuff" you need to do in FHE, which might include
         | multiplication and addition modulo some value, bit
         | decomposition, etc. And you'll probably doing operations on
         | multiple ciphertexts concurrently as you traverse down an
         | arithmetic or binary circuit (FHE's computational model).
         | Figuring out the right mix of what an ALU is and how
         | programmable it needs to be is tricky business.
         | For larger computations, maybe you stream ciphertexts in and
         | out of DRAM in the background while you're computing other
         | parts of the graph.
         | Making an FHE accelerator is neither easy nor cheap (easily a
         | 50-100M+ investment), but I think it is possible. My SWAG is
         | that you might be able to turn the 17ms latency into like
         | 50-100us but with way more throughput to execute a large
         | circuit graph(s).
         | [1]: Strassen algorithm git out of here
       | v4dok wrote:
       | I am still amazed by the amount of people that still mix security
       | and encryption in-use with privacy. And truth is the whole
       | privacy/security industry is doing nothing to change that.
       | Take this for example
       | "Valuable insights through AI (artificial intelligence), big
       | data, and analytics can be extracted from data--even from
       | multiple and different sources--all without exposing the data,
       | secret decryption keys, or, if need be, the underlying evaluation
       | code."
       | FHE gives you NO guarantee about the code that is running on the
       | encrypted data. I can run a leaky AI model or a SELECT * on
       | encrypted data and still get the output. What I can do (and
       | that's assuming there is open-sourced, auditable code) is to make
       | sure that anyone with hypervisor access on that machine cannot
       | dump my data out during processing.
       | A very powerful concept for remote processing, supply chain
       | security, and overall reducing trust; but completely unrelated to
       | privacy.
         | hansvm wrote:
         | > run a leaky AI model or SELECT *
         | That's the point though isn't it? Only the person who wants the
         | results can get them or even see the inputs. That restricts the
         | data available for shitty AI and precludes any Joe Schmo from
         | scanning the whole database.
         | If your threat model is instead that you don't trust the FHE
         | endpoint, then much how you want HTTPS termination to happen in
         | a place you control you also in this case just encrypt the
         | stuff you care about on your own devices.
         | carrotcypher wrote:
         | Cryptographic is all about privacy of data-in-transit and data-
         | at-rest. What you're discussing is peoples lack of
         | understanding of (or appreciation for) threat models, or taking
         | a "countermeasure-first" approach to security/privacy.
         | To my understanding, FHE is designed for the threat model where
         | you don't trust the machine you're calculating on to know the
         | data you're calculating.
         | As for the argument that it can spew out garbage results or
         | false data and no one would be the wiser, when the encrypted
         | data is provided by you, it's pretty easy to validate when
         | something isn't correct. 100,000 passes on predictable data
         | outcomes for example.
         | bawolff wrote:
         | > FHE gives you NO guarantee about the code that is running on
         | the encrypted data. I can run a leaky AI model or a SELECT * on
         | encrypted data and still get the output. What I can do (and
         | that's assuming there is open-sourced, auditable code) is to
         | make sure that anyone with hypervisor access on that machine
         | cannot dump my data out during processing.
         | I might be misunderstanding but i think this is misleading. Any
         | code can be run, but the person running the code cannot see the
         | results (or any side effects), so they cannot leak data.
           | v4dok wrote:
           | Depends on what do you mean by "person running the code"
           | If by person you mean the admin of the machine, then yes. If
           | by person you mean the developer of the FHE-based
           | application, then "maybe" If by person you mean the analyst
           | who would in the end order an AI python model to be executed
           | through the FHE-based software on a machine. Then no, that
           | person will in the end get back human-readable results. Be
           | that a model, or a table from an SQL DB running in FHE
             | bawolff wrote:
             | What i mean, is the only person who can learn anything
             | about the data, is the entity who posesses the decryption
             | key.
             | In any sane deployment of FHE the key holder is the person
             | who owns the data, not the app developer and not the person
             | "running" the program.
             | vesinisa wrote:
             | The way I have understood FHE is that any algorithm that
             | would operate on the data would, by definition, be unable
             | to produce any result that was intelligible to anyone
             | except the person holding the original key. At no point
             | during the execution of an FHE algorithm is the data
             | decrypted. The amazing thing is exactly that the code
             | running on the data does not understand the data it is
             | consuming nor the data that it is producing.
             | Maybe someone who has actually studied homomorphic
             | encryption can chime in.
               | v4dok wrote:
               | Thats true. But it will still produce some data, and that
               | data will be viewed by someone eventually who owns the
               | key to decrypt it. FHE tells you nothing about what this
               | product should be. It could as well be a full copy of the
               | original data.
               | For example: I run an ML model using FHE on some data I
               | shouldn't have access to in plaintext. The expected
               | outcome of this workflow is a trained ML model on that
               | data. FHE tells me nothing about the quality of this
               | model. It could as well be an overfit model that spits
               | out all the sensitive data.
               | jxf wrote:
               | Wouldn't doing the same thing without FHE also result in
               | the same problem?
               | v4dok wrote:
               | Yeah, and many more. But I've seen multiple people argue
               | that using FHE will magically solve all their privacy
               | problems and its far from true. FHE (and similar
               | technologies) solve a piece of that "puzzle" and most
               | providers somehow gloss it over.
               | carrotcypher wrote:
               | Yes, OP is apparently under the assumption that FHE was
               | designed to solve all problems, instead of the problems
               | it was designed to solve.
               | Ar-Curunir wrote:
               | FHE only reveals information to the person who has the
               | keys for it, not to arbitrary people in the middle. So if
               | you had access to the keys for the input data, then you
               | have access to the keys for the output data.
               | vesinisa wrote:
               | Sorry but I still fail to see how that would be a
               | problem, since the output of the program (e.g. the ML
               | model parameters) would themselves not be intelligible to
               | you. To make _any_ (non-cryptanalytical) inference on the
               | plaintext of the homomorphically encrypted data
               | _necessarily_ requires that the attacker at some points
               | can access or execute some classical code on the
               | plaintext. This would obviously violate the "fully" part
               | of FHE.
               | Edit: Okay so I might now understand you refer to a
               | scenario where the user submits their data in homomorphic
               | form to the cloud, where an AI model is trained on it.
               | The AI model parameters are later returned to the user's
               | device, which then decrypts them with the user's key and
               | executes a classical model with those parameters, and
               | then resubmits the user's data after processing with the
               | said ML model (unencrypted) back to the cloud. It's true
               | the user usually has no way of auditing the code / model
               | that runs on their device, but isn't that rather easily
               | alleviated by opening up the APIs for communicating with
               | the cloud part of the service?
               | v4dok wrote:
               | Close. The first part is fair.
               | A more real-life example.
               | I am a pharma company and I want to execute a query on
               | some hospital data. The hospital doesn't want to give me
               | the data in plaintext but they are fine with me getting
               | some aggregate insights from their data that are not PII.
               | Now lets assume I decide to do that using FHE. I can now
               | compute my query on the encrypted hospital data and I
               | never see the plaintext data.
               | What do we "win" in this scenario? We can do this
               | computation wherever we want because no matter where the
               | computation is done, the data will be encrypted, so no
               | risk for the infra provider to see that data.
               | What we don't "automatically win" in this scenario? 1.
               | Guarantees that indeed I am running an SQL query on that
               | data and not something else along with it -> That is only
               | possible to guarantee if the FHE software is properly
               | audited (same with any software tbh, but easier with FHE
               | and similar techs because of the integrity guarantees due
               | to encryption). 2. Guarantees that the SQL query I made
               | will not leak patient data in the end (through linking
               | additional data, or diff attacks) (same with any other
               | SQL query)
               | People who are deep into these technologies will say "yes
               | of course" thats not an FHE problem. And that is true.
               | But every FHE vendor I've seen blur that difference by
               | not specifying what kind of attacks they protect against
               | when they talk about "protecting privacy".
               | Heck, most of them they don't even talk about the
               | attestation process and how their clients can make sure
               | that they can trust the software running in encrypted
               | form. Yes, these hold true for all software, but the
               | point (for me) of encryption in-use is to make sure we
               | hold software to a higher trust standard than today, not
               | just replace a trusted party with another one.
               | vesinisa wrote:
               | For clarity, let's assume the hospital stores its records
               | in plaintext. For the pharma company, the hospital
               | encrypts the patient records with a secret key. Now they
               | let the pharma company run their homomorphic algorithm
               | and send the values back. Only problem is the pharma
               | company can not read those results without having access
               | to the key. FHE is completely redundant in this use case
               | - the hospital could have simply run the pharma company's
               | SQL and audited the code and outputs.
               | What is FHE actually good for then? Let's imagine you are
               | a top secret agent and you get instructions to fly to
               | Bulgaria as a part of your mission. You have other
               | hostile agents constantly monitoring you, trying to
               | understand your next move. But there's a problem - to buy
               | a plane ticket to Bulgaria you need to know the name of
               | its capital city. You can't just type it to Google,
               | because these other agents have actually infiltrated the
               | Google servers and can see everything you search (assume
               | once you actually know the name of the capital, you can
               | somehow buy the actual ticket without "them" knowing..)
               | Lukcily though, CloudCorp offers a public homomorphic
               | query service for all world capitals. This service allows
               | you to send a query for the capital of any country over
               | an intercepted connection, and get back the result. Even
               | if the hostile agents had infiltrated CloudCorp and were
               | monitoring all your comms, they would not be able know
               | which country's capital you just queried. Not even
               | CloudCorp could do that, you are the only person who
               | knows what you asked and what was the result.
               | How such service would be implemented is explained in
               | good detail in this tutorial, completele with working
               | code: https://github.com/homenc/HElib/tree/master/example
               | s/BGV_cou...
               | P.S. The capital of Bulgaria is Sofia.
               | bawolff wrote:
               | This example is confusing because its unclear who the
               | trusted parties are and who you are trying to protect the
               | data from. Quite frankly this feels like you are mostly
               | pointing out that FHE wont work if you use it incorrectly
               | . Normal encryption won't work either if you give the bad
               | guy your key.
               | > But every FHE vendor I've seen blur that difference by
               | not specifying what kind of attacks they protect against
               | when they talk about "protecting privacy".
               | Agree with you here. FHE is an impractical technology at
               | this stage. I'm pretty sure all commercial FHE vendors
               | are borderline scammers, and have a loose relationship
               | with the truth.
               | fnordpiglet wrote:
               | But the model itself is encrypted. You should assume a
               | model trained on sensitive data at least partially
               | includes the sensitive data and treat it as sensitive, as
               | FHE intrinsically does. If you're saying once you decrypt
               | them model you need to keep treating it with sensitivity
               | and not give it to untrusted compute in the plain, then
               | yes you're right. But that's nothing to do with FHE
               | because you stopped using FHE the moment you decrypted
               | it. What stupidity you do after generations of PhD
               | protected your data in untrusted compute using FHE is
               | your stupidity alone and says nothing about FHE.
               | The other way I read what you're saying you're saying the
               | holder of the model after they decrypt it may not be
               | trusted with the model or the original data. But they
               | hold the decryption key to both. So, why did you share
               | the key to someone you don't trust? That breaks the model
               | too.
         | segfaultbuserr wrote:
         | > _FHE gives you NO guarantee about the code that is running on
         | the encrypted data._
         | I'm open to correction, but it's my understanding that the
         | strongest form of FHE allow users to submit an encrypted
         | executable with embedded data as input, which is then processed
         | by an untrusted server. I'd definitely call it an ultimate form
         | of privacy. The computational cost is prohibitively expensive,
         | and conditional branch is impossible in the standard
         | implementation, so it's largely an academic exercise. But last
         | time someone on HN told me currently the achievable performance
         | on a modern computer is roughly equivalent to a 1970s
         | mainframe, so I guess some niche applications are still
         | possible.
         | Weaker forms of FHE don't have this level of privacy, and they
         | do not claim so. Nevertheless, relevant development still
         | represents progress on cryptography and privacy researches as a
         | whole.
         | matthewdgreen wrote:
         | In the context of cryptographic protocols we sometimes use
         | "privacy" to refer to the notion of "confidentiality". The
         | latter is, I think, a cleaner word that avoids the collision
         | with human notions of privacy.
         | In this case the real danger is that the availability of
         | "privacy-preserving technologies" like FHE, MPC and
         | Differential Privacy will actually _do more to undermine human
         | privacy_ than all the non-confidential tech that come before.
         | This will mostly occur by allowing corporations to build
         | sophisticated statistical /ML models using data that would
         | previously never have been allowed out of its confidential
         | silo.
         | m1ghtym0 wrote:
         | I agree! That's why remote attestation or simply verifiability
         | is such an important feature of these schemes. Semantic
         | attestation ofc means having access to the source code and that
         | IMO makes open source the natural choice. Audits might be an
         | option where OSS is not desired for other reasons (likely
         | business related). Not an expert on FHE, but confidential
         | computing provides that attestation feature and it's just a
         | matter of the software to make use of it.
         | y7 wrote:
         | Secure multiparty computation (MPC) does help here.
         | Suppose you have multiple organizations that want to run some
         | computation on their joint data, without revealing their data
         | to each other. Each organization has their own machine that
         | runs the MPC protocol. They have full control over their
         | machine, and can inspect that the code correctly executes the
         | protocol. Only once all organizations agree, will the
         | computation take place, and within the security model of the
         | protocol, it is guaranteed that only the correct computation
         | output is revealed to the designated parties.
         | ketzu wrote:
         | > A very powerful concept for remote processing, supply chain
         | security, and overall reducing trust; but completely unrelated
         | to privacy.
         | It is still related to privacy, but the privacy "attacker" is
         | the execution place, allowing for outsourcing of computations
         | and storage without running into data leaks or violations of
         | data protection laws.
         | Maybe you use a different definition of privacy?
           | v4dok wrote:
           | You are right. It is related to privacy, but its not the
           | whole story. Thats what I am trying to say. Running FHE will
           | not magically solve the "data leakage" problem of your AI
           | models, and I believe that the people/companies who don't
           | make that distinction are misleading.
             | swores wrote:
             | This isn't an area I know much about so I'll stay out of
             | the main conversation, but would like to point out that
             | considering you wrote "completely unrelated to privacy" in
             | your first comment, following it with "It is related to
             | privacy, but its not the whole story. Thats what I am
             | trying to say." makes me unsure what your point is or if
             | you actually mean or understand it. Sorry for being blunt.
               | v4dok wrote:
               | You are right to be blunt. I didn't want to define the
               | separation of input and output privacy in a comment. In
               | retrospect maybe I should have but I can't edit anymore.
               | It is however common HN practice to pick out the words
               | that suit someone and construct an very specific argument
               | based on these words, often missing the spirit of the
               | comment.
               | Yes, when I wrote the comment I had in mind "output"
               | privacy while FHE is dealing with "input" privacy. It is
               | related to privacy, but not in the way most people think
               | about it.
               | If you go to a random person and ask them about privacy
               | they will not think about the threat model of a cloud
               | provider leaking their data, but they will think of the
               | thread model of a pharma company knowing exactly what
               | drug they bought and when. That notion of privacy is not
               | covered by FHE(alone). And even the first notion of
               | privacy is covered only if the FHE program has a way to
               | attest itself so you know that what you expect to run is
               | indeed what is running.
         | carrotcypher wrote:
         | > FHE gives you NO guarantee about the code that is running on
         | the encrypted data.
         | You mean in order to validate the data is authentic? Otherwise
         | the code running on the data is irrelevant, as it can't access
         | the data itself (and thus preserves the before-mentioned
         | privacy).
           | coldtea wrote:
           | The code decrypts the data at some point (for use,
           | presentation, etc). If the code is crappy, insecure, etc.
           | then the data will be exposed, and the data being encrypted
           | wont help at all...
             | carrotcypher wrote:
             | Decrypted on the local computer, not the untrusted remote
             | computer as it were.
               | coldtea wrote:
               | If the same company makes the software at the local end,
               | there's still code there than can expose the data or the
               | encryption key...
               | rowanG077 wrote:
               | Big assumption there.
       | fudgefactorfive wrote:
       | I think the killer app for FHE is an Ethereum-esque Globally
       | distributed VM (yes eye-roll I hate Crypto/Blockchain nonsense as
       | well). To me that was always the big interesting concept behind
       | Ethereum, running some sort of code with persistent state.
       | Obviously no free lunches so we gotta pay for that somehow to
       | incentivize people to pay for power on computing equipment they
       | aren't personally utilizing. But somehow "crypto" got caught on
       | the literally first example of a distributed systems correctness:
       | debit/credit of synchronized accounts.
       | I feel FHE combined with slightly cheaper cost might enable
       | things like community run server-less apps that have user state
       | stored and processed by untrusted nodes with persistent state
       | stored and accessible only by the data-owner. E.g. a simple
       | excel-esque web app which only serves the UI while State and
       | calculations are running on this hypothetical system at no cost
       | to the apps creator with me paying only for exclusively my usage.
       | They provide the code but no one but me can extract my data and
       | the results of any computations, and for the privilege I pay the
       | system.
       | I miss the days of upload and forget software that just relies on
       | client resources and so require little upfront investment from
       | developers, I feel FHE plus distributed computing could enable
       | this.
       | I am aware "Web3" claims to want this future as a concept but the
       | cost and utter lack of confidentiality (I can observe all data to
       | and from a contract as well as the sender/receivers identity)
       | makes it a super-niche borderline useless VM. For distributed
       | governance sure, it's a public ballot box (the preface to the
       | first distributed systems example, a single account with
       | credits), but for any application/user data absolutely
       | unacceptable.
         | rhindi wrote:
         | Multiple teams are working on FHE smart contracts, including
         | us, so it's definitely happening. Adding ZK to the mix would be
         | awesome for scalability and indeed to avoid replicating the FHE
         | computation
         | k__ wrote:
         | I don't know if FHE and ZKP are related, but it seems to me
         | that privacy is a huge topic in web3 right now.
       | jgaa wrote:
       | > FHE (fully homomorphic encryption) provides quantum-secure
       | computing on encrypted data
       | Today, if I understand it correctly, that means the encryption
       | can't be broken on a computer with resources < whatever is
       | required to calculate the square root of 16 ;)
         | Ar-Curunir wrote:
         | Something is obviously not quantum-secure if it's broken on a
         | classical computer. FHE schemes in particular are instantiated
         | with schemes that are believed to offer both classical security
         | and post-quantum security.
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