[HN Gopher] Build your fanbase using the K-pop method
       Build your fanbase using the K-pop method
       Author : cjbest
       Score  : 40 points
       Date   : 2022-10-01 20:41 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (lulu.substack.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lulu.substack.com)
       | nicbou wrote:
       | If you ignore the whole K-Pop thing, this is a good article with
       | good advice.
       | carabiner wrote:
       | Real reason for K-pop success: hire the best Swedish pop
       | songwriters in the world and give them carte blanche to create
       | any crazy songs they want. Same with Korean car companies and
       | hiring the best German and Italian designers. Start with money,
       | import talent, then cut them loose.
         | thaumasiotes wrote:
         | You know, the best Swedish pop songwriters in the world could
         | probably do a really good job on the musical accompaniment to a
         | K-pop song, but they're likely to be among the worst possible
         | people to _write the song_. Any three-year-old Korean kid would
         | be a better choice.
         | andrekandre wrote:
         | wow, i never heard that!
         | any interesting articles/videos about that?
       | PuppyTailWags wrote:
       | Question about not getting involved with politics in your fandom:
       | how does this apply to pop stars like Lizzo, Lady Gaga, Lil Nas
       | X, Nicki Minaj? They all have huge, highly fervent fandoms too.
       | And they're pretty darn political all the time.
         | mikrl wrote:
         | I've liked Azealia Banks for ages even through her politically
         | incorrect meltdowns and her music just keeps getting better.
         | A zoomer I was at a party with recently said "yaaa she's good
         | but like sooo controversial" in a hushed and nervous way like
         | we were in high school and about to go smoke a cigarette.
         | zmgsabst wrote:
         | Question: are those fandoms larger or smaller than without the
         | politics?
         | I don't know that I've seen good numbers on that.
       | ziml77 wrote:
       | Is any of this much different from pop boy bands of the 00's? You
       | make generic, catchy songs that are hard to resist. Then have a
       | group of four or five attractive teens perform the song. And then
       | Highlight each individual so people form a parasocial
       | relationship with the band members. The fanaticism follows quite
       | easily from there.
         | Timpy wrote:
         | As I was reading the article I was thinking the same thing.
         | This is just the most recently evolved version, now including
         | things like social media and online communities. It was still
         | an interesting analysis to read. I wonder how the numbers
         | compare for the biggest boybands of 2002, 2012, and 2022.
         | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
         | The key with East Asian group bands is a revolving lineup of
         | members so you always have a fresh product to sell to each
         | years target demographic.
       | oarsinsync wrote:
       | > But activism on unrelated issues, even important ones, puts up
       | barriers for no good reason.
       | It's interesting framing. Some might view this as pure to your
       | values, some might view this as lacking in values, but it
       | certainly got my attention. Reducing this quote down, the claim
       | is "activism on unrelated important issues has no value [to your
       | business]."
         | thaumasiotes wrote:
         | > Reducing this quote down, the claim is "activism on unrelated
         | important issues has no value [to your business]."
         | Negative value, not no value.
         | badrabbit wrote:
         | I hate corporations being activists so much. That's
         | individuals' role, if you don't vote you don't get to be an
         | activist. In reality this means corporations have loud voices
         | and fat wallets drowning out the small guy's voice and
         | effectively changing democracy to corporocracy. Maybe companies
         | should run for office too then since they are now persons.
         | But that quote I think is just saying to pick and choose your
         | battles wisely.
         | You can't blame half of america feeling alienated in their own
         | country when bigcorpo uses their might in every avenue possible
         | to oppose their views (conservatives), despite what you may
         | think of them you still have to share a country with the people
         | you disagree with. People shouldn't have to fight or have
         | political discourse against companies, it should be individuals
         | that debate, discuss and influence political outcomes in a
         | democracy.
         | Perhaps we are now in a neo-feudalist society?
         | citizenkeen wrote:
         | And yet the post also suggests members of the company should
         | talk as individuals, not as the company. Which is... a tough
         | row to hoe.
         | 0cVlTeIATBs wrote:
         | In k-pop we've seen even minor references to the Japanese
         | emperor or Taiwan result in severe backlash. Mainland china
         | also banned the genre for a year in response to THAAD. [0]
         | https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/entertainment/article/3008531...
         | [1] https://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-
         | politics/article/19... [2] https://www.vox.com/latest-
         | news/2017/3/3/14795636/china-sout...
       | [deleted]
       | badrabbit wrote:
       | No doubt the post is correct but I wish "make good products and
       | show them off" was there. Quality of product should in an ideal
       | world be what attracte people who support a company. In tech at
       | least, that seems to be why people support products, you hear
       | about a myriad of products for any vertical but which one is good
       | and cheap?
       | mattigames wrote:
       | You missed use the most mentally ill teenagers you can find to
       | work 24/7 into creating tweets with your hashtag so it reaches
       | top 10 worldwide or at least in a few countries, K-pop bands do
       | that, a lot: https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/the-stans-who-
       | post-so-mu...
       | baybal2 wrote:
       | metadat wrote:
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20221002215004/https://lulu.subs...
       | https://archive.ph/dEKil
       | (For those not wishing to be smacked in the face with a wet fish
       | pop-over registration modal dialog upon scrolling down the page;
       | fku substk)
       (page generated 2022-10-02 23:00 UTC)