[HN Gopher] Overzealous Destructuring
       Overzealous Destructuring
       Author : bentobean
       Score  : 45 points
       Date   : 2022-10-07 18:48 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.aleksandrhovhannisyan.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.aleksandrhovhannisyan.com)
       | [deleted]
       | ramesh31 wrote:
       | Nah. Destructure all the things. The alternative is writing
       | unsafe code or using a library in place of standard language
       | features.
         | klyrs wrote:
         | That's funny, a good portion of the article is about the
         | unsafety of destructuring...
       | fredrikholm wrote:
       | Jesus that loaded quickly. Hats off to the author for creating
       | such a snappy site.
         | [deleted]
         | danielvaughn wrote:
         | I probably wouldn't have even noticed had you not said
         | anything. But yeah you're right, that was instant. Very nice
         | work.
         | Arrath wrote:
         | I'm almost taken aback at how quick that loaded. It reminds me
         | of finally upgrading from dialup.
         | The modern web experience really is subpar.
         | RedShift1 wrote:
         | A quick look at the network tab in the dev tools: the page is
         | less than 10 KB (fits in TCP fast start window), little
         | external resources (10 in total: 1 HTML, 1 CSS, 4 fonts, 2
         | images and 2 JS files), tiny amount of JS code which doesn't
         | add extra requests, all served by Google's CDN which probably
         | has a mirror geographically close to you.
       | username_exists wrote:
       | I definitely get the point. I often have the urge to use
       | destructuring for saving space, but want to kick myself when
       | revisiting the code a month or two later. I like your rules,
       | thanks for sharing.
         | moogly wrote:
         | I definitely agree with the spirit of the article: you can take
         | this too far.
         | The real benefit of destructuring isn't really brevity, per se,
         | IMO, but easy extensibility. You all of a sudden need two or
         | three properties from the same object at the same level? You
         | just reference the additional properties on the left side
         | without any fuss.
       | myhf wrote:
       | the curly braces in that font are TOO CURLY
       | bluepnume wrote:
       | > it's important to remember that TypeScript does not provide any
       | assurances about a variable's runtime type, especially if the
       | data is coming from an external source (like an API). In those
       | cases, you often need to use type assertions or guards anyway to
       | assert the returned type because TypeScript can't infer the type
       | of dynamically fetched data. So destructuring the data is more
       | dangerous than defensive coding (like using the optional chaining
       | operator or good-old if statements).
       | Optional chaining or null checks should not be used
       | "defensively". They should just be used whenever TypeScript tells
       | you to. Otherwise you just exacerbate the problem and end up with
       | more unanticipated null values.
       | If you're dealing with an API with untrustworthy types or lots of
       | null values, the solution is to:
       | a) Write mostly optional type definitions for that API, and/or
       | b) Use zod to verify the API data before you use it, to make sure
       | it matches your expectations.
       | https://github.com/colinhacks/zod
       | capableweb wrote:
       | If you're like me (and many others) and can't get enough of
       | destructuring, Clojure has it on steroids compared to JS and is
       | everywhere in a normal/average Clojure codebase:
       | https://clojure.org/guides/destructuring
       | Destructuring in Clojure doesn't suffer from the same problems as
       | JavaScript, so lot of the things in the article doesn't apply. I
       | was always slightly disappointed when destructuring finally came
       | to JavaScript but it was so neutered compared to what it could
       | have been.
       | But on the other hand, I'm happy JavaScript is not becoming more
       | complicated just for the sake of new features. But on the other
       | foot, we already got `class` and a bunch of other complicated,
       | syntactic sugar, so why not another?
         | __ryan__ wrote:
         | I'm not super familiar with Clojure, but I tried to read
         | through the link you shared. I certainly could be missing
         | something, what can Clojure's destructuring do that JavaScript
         | cannot?
           | joshlemer wrote:
           | I'm not sure what are all the differences but one I have come
           | across that you can't do in JS is to simultaneously
           | destructure an object/array, and at the same time bind a name
           | to the entire object/array. For instance here in Clojure we
           | can extract the a,b,c keys from the passed map, and at the
           | same time bind the whole map to the variable bar.
           | (defn foo [{:keys [a b c] :as bar}]           [bar a b c])
           | (foo {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}) ;; => [{:a 1, :b 2, :c 3} 1 2 3]
           | in JS you can do                   const f = ({a,b,c}) =>
           | [???, a, b, c]
           | but how do you bind to the whole object as well?
             | joshlemer wrote:
             | Oh I thought of an other one. In Clojure "objects" are
             | actually maps, which can have non-string keys as well. That
             | means you can destructure maps which have non-string (or,
             | technically, keyword) keys as well:                   (defn
             | foo [{a 1                      b 2 :as bar}]           [bar
             | a b])              (foo {1 "hi" 2 "world" 3 "!"}) ;; => [{1
             | "hi", 2 "world", 3 "!"} "hi" "world"]
             | In JS of course you can have Maps with non-string keys, but
             | destructuring doesn't work on them. Plus you have other
             | issues like arrays in JS having equality defined by
             | reference rather than value, making maps less useful
             | overall.
           | [deleted]
       | jakub_g wrote:
       | Semi-related: "there-must-be-an-eslint-rule"-fetishism.
       | Some developers seemingly can't live in a world where certain
       | constructs can be used sometimes in the code, and others at other
       | times, depending what is more appropriate in a given context. If
       | they think construct B is superior over A, they will put in place
       | an eslint rule that forbids A and always forces you to use B.
       | In some cases it happens that B is clearly superior because A is
       | known to be broken for reasons x,y,z, then I'm okay with this.
       | But sometimes those kind of rules are taken out of nowhere for no
       | good reason, just a personal preference, or with a fake reason
       | like this blog shows (certain construct is only better at certain
       | times, but not always).
         | dexwiz wrote:
         | Ugh tell me about it. My large enterprise company has been
         | piling these on lately. You also get blocked from checking in
         | any ignore eslint statements unless you ask some review board
         | that meets once a week with a month long waiting list. I know
         | all jobs are balance of productivity and bookkeeping, but all
         | these CI checks are really starting to make me consider
         | switching jobs.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | I got a lot more relaxed about hard and fast rules around the
         | same time I really started having some success growing plants.
         | I couldn't tell you which order it happened in. Organic systems
         | can't be controlled, they can only be guided. And at the end of
         | the day, while the software itself is inorganic, it is and
         | continues to be created by a bunch of meat sacks, flapping
         | their meat at each other to communicate. If you have an
         | evolving system created by organic creatures, it is going to
         | behave organically itself.
         | I will say it's a little weird the ways in which some people
         | think they've found a 'gotcha' and instead what's happened is
         | that they're thinking 3 moves ahead and you're thinking 6.
         | deckard1 wrote:
         | been there. Worst offender I've seen is an eslint rule that
         | forces you to not mutate the object you're creating with
         | reduce() because mutation is bad. So now you're doing object
         | spreading and went from an O(n) algorithm to an O(n^2)
         | algorithm. Wonderful.
         | There is a lot of unquestioned dogma going around in this
         | industry.
           | cercatrova wrote:
           | Why not just use a for loop?
           | LAC-Tech wrote:
           | is that an airbnb eslint rule?
           | no wonder their website is so slow!
           | jvalencia wrote:
           | lol, and then you add an exception for spreading: /* eslint-
           | disable react/jsx-props-no-spreading */
       (page generated 2022-10-07 23:00 UTC)