[HN Gopher] CS631 - Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment
       CS631 - Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment
       Author : AlexeyBrin
       Score  : 191 points
       Date   : 2022-10-09 13:32 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (stevens.netmeister.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (stevens.netmeister.org)
       | divbzero wrote:
       | The course is quite opinionated, in a good way:
       | It is essential to be able to efficiently use a text editor, and
       | doing       all your writing / coding / text processing in one of
       | the common editors       available on all Unix systems is good
       | practice.  vi(1)/vim(1) and emacs(1)       are popular choices.
       | My college instructor encouraged the use of _emacs_ in
       | particular. I eventually migrated to _vim_ but appreciated the
       | instructor's core message that text editor + CLI feels less
       | magical than a full fledged IDE.
         | nverno wrote:
         | Same, the professor used Emacs in only programming class I took
         | in college. Seeing what he could do with Emacs left as much of
         | an impression on me as the rest of the material, and I've never
         | considered another editor seriously since.
         | weatherlite wrote:
         | After 10 years of writing software for a living I still don't
         | get this. Why vim/emacs and not Intellij (for instance?). What
         | do you mean magical - I want a powerful tool to help me edit
         | code...
           | treeman79 wrote:
           | Vim mode in intelij rocks
           | waynesonfire wrote:
           | > I want a powerful tool to help me edit code...
           | Then why would you use Intellij and not vim/emacs?
             | emoII wrote:
             | Please educate me - since I feel like writing Java without
             | IntelliJ is like riding a bike without wheels, what does
             | emacs/vim do better?
               | HL33tibCe7 wrote:
               | Tbf I'm a heavy vim user but I'd still 100% use IntelliJ
               | to write Java. It's different to most other languages in
               | its verbosity, and the fact that (imo) it doesn't slot
               | nicely into Unix conventions in general.
               | [deleted]
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | One would think Sun understood what UNIX was about.
               | ninkendo wrote:
               | Sun never really integrated Java into its UNIX
               | environment very well, IMO. My memory of that time is
               | spotty but I don't recall any of their UNIX tools
               | actually being written in it. (Likely because the startup
               | time is awful, which is bad news for any CLI programs
               | which need to execute and finish quickly.) The Java way
               | of doing things and the UNIX way of doing things are
               | worlds apart. UNIX prefers small executables that do
               | simple tasks, mostly with text, tied together with
               | scripts, where Java (at least at the time) preferred
               | pure-Java libraries assembled into larger applications
               | with graphical interfaces. Sun never seemed to square
               | that circle, and Java felt like a second-class citizen on
               | Solaris.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Forte IDE was written in Java, the IDE used for Solaris
               | development.
               | There was a research implementation to write Solaris
               | drivers in Java.
               | https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1215995.1215998
               | The Sun network computing thin clients had plenty of Java
               | into them.
               | The classical UNIX does one thing well myth was hardly
               | followed by all major UNIX vendors.
               | ninkendo wrote:
               | I mean sure, IDE's are an obvious choice for Java. But
               | the rest of the usages of Java in SunOS I would consider
               | token at best.
               | One thing I never understood was why I couldn't just
               | write some Java, compile it [0], and hand the result to
               | someone else on a Solaris system, and have them run it.
               | Sure, they may know how to run "java -jar myapp.jar", but
               | why was that necessary? Why couldn't it be a standalone
               | executable, that didn't require the end user to know in
               | advance that it was written in Java and to invoke it
               | accordingly?
               | Every single bit of Java software I ever used on Solaris
               | always had some sort of shell script wrapping it. I never
               | understood why the operating system couldn't just
               | natively execute Java code... they literally wrote the
               | entire operating system, language, compiler, toolchain,
               | etc, and the end result wasn't usable without arcane
               | wrapper scripts and JAVA_HOME conventions and so forth.
               | Windows managed to make it work with .NET (they were just
               | .exe's like everything else), I always thought like Sun
               | could have done so much better with the end-user
               | experience with running Java software.
               | [0] for any loose, reasonable definition of "compile".
               | I'm not saying it can't be byte code, that's fine... I
               | just don't want to have to care. I should be able to copy
               | it to /usr/bin and just run it without having to invoke
               | "java -jar", or use some weird self-extracting shell
               | script trick. And I shouldn't have to care about whether
               | the person I'm distributing it to has Java installed,
               | because it should have _always_ been the case that a
               | given SunOS machine should have a working Java install...
               | the same company made the OS and the language for
               | chrissakes, every SunOS installation should have had it
               | as a mandatory component.
             | willbw wrote:
             | I honestly mean this with no disrespect but having written
             | code exclusively in vim in the terminal for several years
             | and the same in IntelliJ, I am confident that either: - you
             | don't have to write Java full time, and/or - you don't have
             | to work in a large Java code base, and/or - you haven't
             | been exposed to IntelliJ's features and how they can save
             | you time
             | I love vim, I really do, but IntelliJ is a Java-specific
             | IDE and there is absolutely no way that vim or emacs or
             | vscode can compete on features. You can refactor code in a
             | split second in ways that are just not possible in
             | vim/emacs. IntelliJ has an understand of the structure of
             | your Java code that vim simply doesn't have and will never
             | catch up to having as its a general purpose tool and
             | IntelliJ is a specific tool. Its vim mode is also pretty
             | good. The only downside of Jetbrains IDEs is that they can
             | be slow when indexing large projects and they can be slow
             | in general. But I would still 10 times out of 10 choose to
             | make a commit in IntelliJ over vim for a Java project that
             | is non-trivial.
             | If you write Java I would (as strongly as possible)
             | recommend giving IntelliJ another go and looking into its
             | refactoring and other features.
               | hoistbypetard wrote:
               | This thread is about a course on Advanced Programming in
               | the Unix Environment. After looking at the content of the
               | course, I'd argue that there's an implied "Systems"
               | between "Advanced" and "Programming". (Indeed, this
               | course is taught using the famous book whose title it
               | borrows, and is heavily C oriented.)
               | Java is neither common nor especially well suited for the
               | topic of this course.
               | So while I share your opinion on IntelliJ as a Java IDE,
               | I would not recommend it for UNIX systems programming.
               | And even the IntelliJ-derived Clion, which is (IMO)
               | decent for that, leaves something to be desired when it
               | comes to learning the topic.
           | nuclearnice1 wrote:
           | One difference might be the pedagogical vs the productive
           | perspective.
           | Perhaps the magic of a full fledged IDE is thought to obscure
           | some of what is essential to the subject.
             | weatherlite wrote:
             | I vaguely remember hearing something like that when I just
             | started uni and they had us all working on Emacs. I can
             | attest it added zero value to me...but that's just me.
           | alpark3 wrote:
           | I'm assuming the rationale is that for someone who's doing
           | complex system-level stuff on unix/linux they should be able
           | to change things deep in the weeds instead of pulling the
           | entire code out to IntelliJ or an IDE.
           | chrismarlow9 wrote:
           | For coding in your normal day to day? Sure use intellij. For
           | trying to debug some deep level production only issue where
           | every second of downtime means big money lost? You'll want to
           | know vim/emacs..
           | Edit: I'll also add that once you learn vim or emacs you'll
           | be far more efficient manipulating text. Sure you could add
           | the bindings to intellij, but I think that's admitting the
           | point is valid. At a point it becomes like a real time meta
           | language where you edit lines the way you would
           | algorithmically.
             | weatherlite wrote:
             | Yeah I can see that's possible sure. Though if I have
             | access to the code I just use Github but sometimes I guess
             | that's not possible. Still quite rare though no?
               | chrismarlow9 wrote:
               | In some places it's rare, in some places it's a daily
               | occurrence, and sure you should work towards stability,
               | but the reality is you have to fix this thing now with
               | what you have. There's also the fact that even if it's
               | rare I still have to know it. And if you don't use it
               | often you will forget it. And then why learn two tools if
               | I can do everything with 1? With intellij I can only do
               | day to day, with vim I can do mission critical and day to
               | day. I'd also argue that a seasoned vim user can get
               | things done incredibly faster than a seasoned intellij
               | user.
           | 533474 wrote:
           | Experienced emacs users will beg to differ. It is as capable
           | and arguably, more easily extensible. I must admit, it is not
           | for everyone. As your anecdotal 10 years experience, I have
           | the opposite opinion but I think it is fair to say that both,
           | Graphical IDEs and emacs/vim, have their merits. Having
           | transitioned from Graphical IDEs -> vim + plugins -> emacs +
           | evil + configs + org-mode. I will never go back to my old
           | self, I've never been as productive and free.
             | scruple wrote:
             | Same trajectory here. I started with vi(m), used a handful
             | of IDEs along the way, but vi(m) was (is*, if I'm in my
             | terminal and just need to edit a config file or look at
             | some data file, and sometimes even just for reading source,
             | I default to using neovim) a mainstay, and I also
             | eventually landed on Emacs with evil-mode. I still use an
             | IDE frequently for graphical debugging. I find it's the
             | best way to approach thorny problems, but I jump in and out
             | of the IDE quickly. I don't hang around in it and write
             | code, almost as a rule.
           | misnome wrote:
           | Sooner or later, in many lines of programming, you are going
           | to find yourself remoted in to a server somewhere that only
           | has the basic tools. That's probably not the best time to try
           | to learn an editor.
           | anta40 wrote:
           | Perhaps "magical" = increased complexity, like you can't just
           | build a standalone source file. You have to setup a project
           | first, configure the required build XML, add your code files
           | to that project, etc etc then finally compile it.
           | with editors like vim/emacs, it's much simpler, like typing
           | `vim test.c` and `gcc test.c -o test`. OK it's simpler,
           | assuming you already have the toolchain installed properly.
           | In general it's true, a few lines of apt-get/homebrew/etc get
           | the job done.
           | BTW, I have nothing against IDE. As a Android developer, I
           | won't ditch Android Studio for any editor. But for quickly
           | navigating or building non Java codes, I'm happy with vim +
           | Makefile/scons/etc. Or VSCode, if I'm not in the mood of
           | running full featured IDE.
       | NoraCodes wrote:
       | > learn to develop complex system-level software in the C
       | programming language while gaining an intimate understanding of
       | the Unix operating system
       | I would have loved to take a course like this in college, though
       | I didn't have the chance. I do think [Rust In
       | Action](https://www.manning.com/books/rust-in-action) is a good
       | introduction to some of the same concepts, if anyone is, like me,
       | yearning for grad school while having to hold down a job. While
       | it doesn't use C, I think it teaches systems programming in a way
       | that's easily applicable to any language.
         | BaculumMeumEst wrote:
         | > While it doesn't use C, I think it teaches systems
         | programming in a way that's easily applicable to any language.
         | If it's teaching systems programming in a way that's applicable
         | to any language, it's probably not teaching systems
         | programming.
           | NoraCodes wrote:
           | I'm not sure what you mean. There are many systems languages
           | out there these days: C/C++, Rust, Zig, and even Go and Nim
           | for things like file systems and networking!
         | Icathian wrote:
         | If you haven't heard of Georgia Tech's OMSCS, give it a look.
         | There are some excellent systems courses available.
         | https://omscs.gatech.edu/specialization-computing-systems
           | ambrose2 wrote:
           | Can you take any of them through a MOOC platform such as
           | Coursera, edx?
             | Icathian wrote:
             | The lecture videos and syllabi are up on the gatech
             | websites for each class, but the project materials and such
             | are not publicly available as far as I'm aware.
           | NoraCodes wrote:
           | Neat, thank you so much!
       | 0x445442 wrote:
       | > Students are expected to have a good working knowledge of the C
       | programming language, have written non-trivial programs before,
       | and to be able to competently use a Unix system with a command-
       | line shell interface. All coursework will be done exclusively on
       | a Unix system from the command-line. This is not an introduction
       | to using Unix!
       | My son just finished an undergrad CS degree at a major university
       | and I don't think he'd meet this pre req.
         | throw827474737 wrote:
         | > My son just finished an undergrad CS degree at a major
         | university and I don't think he'd meet this pre req.
         | Wow, that's somehow sad : - |
           | gavinray wrote:
           | Anecdotal experience:
           | I used to work out of a space provided to my employer by a
           | university, as part of their startup accelerator program
           | It was on-campus and there were students also in that space,
           | so during lunch and breaks I got to know many of them
           | In my experience, students about to graduate from the CS
           | program had near-zero tangible skills and lacked the ability
           | to build basic applications, in any language.
           | This was in the USA, FWIW. I think our CS programs are pretty
           | trash at most universities.
           | One of my current coworkers applied after graduating and
           | failed the interview and was only able to pass after paying
           | thousands to attend a coding bootcamp.
           | 0x445442 wrote:
           | Well it wasn't MIT but it wasn't DeVry either. My guess is
           | his curriculum is pretty representative of the current state
           | of things.
         | dingosity wrote:
         | There's some debate about the role of practical instruction at
         | engineering colleges. One one hand, you have people who say
         | "no. we shouldn't be teaching basic skills like C programming."
         | Their point is a university level education is supposed to
         | teach people how to think about the concept of computability
         | and algorithm analysis. They will frequently say things like
         | "we are not a trade school!" The other side of this debate are
         | people who are like "Meh. It's embarrassing our grads can't
         | write a C program." So they teach them Python.
         | Either way, the only way you're going to graduate knowing C
         | programming is to realize it's something you want to do and
         | spend a bit of your own time learning it.
         | And then they completely fail to teach concepts usable as a
         | gigging coder.
         | I think if you ask the academy "what are you teaching young
         | software engineering students?" the response would be something
         | along the line of "We're teaching them knowledge and skills
         | that will be useful for being a grad student."
         | It would be cool if there was an organized course teaching kids
         | the basics of version control, what continuous integration and
         | continuous deployment are, what agile methodologies are
         | supposed to do (as opposed to "agile is whatever is in the JIRA
         | manual"), the basics of logic programming -- you'll never use
         | prolog but you'll be rewriting it in C++ or C# a couple of
         | times, the basics of functional programming -- you'll never use
         | lisp, but you'll be pretending function pointers are the same
         | thing when you're writing that big C++ program, software
         | project estimation, how to invert a binary tree -- you'll need
         | to know this for a google interview and how to actually design
         | data structures.
           | _dain_ wrote:
           | in a scientific degree you still get taught how to use lab
           | equipment and how to do physical experiments. that doesn't
           | make it a trade school. i don't see why CS has this aloof
           | attitude to actually teaching students how to do stuff.
           | closeparen wrote:
           | _Systems_ is legitimate academic CS. It is different from
           | modern business or web application development in important
           | ways, but it is at least hands-on-keyboard edit-compile-test
           | cycle work, not math. You should should understand how an
           | operating system, network stack, database, etc. works by
           | having implemented significant parts of them in homework.
           | That is part of the virtue of having a CS education, as
           | opposed to a trade education. A CS education with only math
           | is at best incomplete.
           | And to bang on my usual academic CS bugbear on HN: algorithms
           | is _one class_. It might be the most important class, or the
           | only class in the intersection of _all_ CS experiences, but
           | each person 's experience includes like 15 other courses.
           | Some, perhaps even most of those should be systems. And
           | systems classes should include substantial C programming.
         | black3r wrote:
         | That's kind of the point of splitting CS degrees into general
         | undergraduate basis and specialized graduate level. In
         | undergraduate you have to learn the basics of everything and
         | can start to specialize on projects or bachelor's thesis if
         | your uni has one, then you finish your specialization during
         | graduate studies. You can be a very good software developer
         | without ever touching a command-line interface or having a
         | working knowledge of C these days. On the other hand if you
         | want to become a C/Unix developer, there are enough courses and
         | projects available for you to learn.
         | Also I'm fairly sure you can start a course like this even
         | without matching the prereqs, it's just gonna be a bit harder,
         | but university is all about challenging yourself...
           | 2devnull wrote:
           | "You can be a very good software developer without ever
           | touching a command-line interface or having a working
           | knowledge of C"
           | No disrespect but that isn't true. Touching the command line
           | is required for sure.
         | verisimilitudes wrote:
         | UNIX sucks. Of course, enough time has passed that people
         | expect a mathematics degree to come with diarrhea from the
         | 1970s for stupid reasons.
           | icedchai wrote:
           | What would you prefer?
             | verisimilitudes wrote:
             | Lisp and Smalltalk existed before the C language, and don't
             | have its damning flaws. Ada's also much nicer. As for the
             | operating system, there are currently no good such systems
             | that aren't very old. I use Emacs to largely avoid the UNIX
             | sh. Ideally, a university would have its own operating
             | system, but I suppose that would be too hard, in comparison
             | to accreting another layer of shit over UNIX. Something
             | such as Alan Kay's VPRI would be best: http://vpri.org
             | I didn't go to a university to learn anything about
             | computers, fortunately.
               | anthk wrote:
               | Today one of the best "Not really Unix, but close" it's
               | called Guix(SD) and it's bound to Scheme. And without C,
               | forget about having a kernel and a Scheme compiler.
               | The best env to complete SICP it's, paradoxically, a Unix
               | like system written in C with an Scheme DSL to set up the
               | system declarativelly.
               | 0x445442 wrote:
               | > Ideally, a university would have its own operating
               | system, but I suppose that would be too hard
               | Actually that's exactly what Nicklaus Wirt did with
               | Oberon.
         | hdjjhhvvhga wrote:
         | So? This is a specific course with specific requirements. Many
         | unis today don't teach C nor require students to be familiar
         | with Unix, but if you think about writing server-side software
         | it's an excellent introductory course.
         | turndown wrote:
         | I'm not sure - I took an operating systems course in C that
         | used command line only for submissions, and of course if you
         | didn't run a *nix locally you had to SSH in and work in a
         | terminal environment for the entire course. This was three
         | years ago. You could nitpick about what "non-trivial" means,
         | but I'd say most CS degrees require some non-trivial work(to
         | them).
           | ghostpepper wrote:
           | Just because they have experience in C and (hopefully) some
           | non trivial work over the course of the entire degree doesn't
           | mean they have non trivial experience in C.
           | I'd love to hear what the author considers nontrivial but I'm
           | going to guess it has something to do with pointers, and
           | familiarity more generally with the memory model of C.
             | 0x445442 wrote:
             | Yeah I guess it's the non-trivial bit that needs
             | clarification. My son shelled into nix systems and wrote
             | some c++ code that made system calls. It's just the way the
             | prereq was written leads me to believe a good portion of
             | his time in this class would be spent on learning things
             | ancillary to the main content.
             | chucksmash wrote:
             | Honing in on what is meant by "non-trivial" is a good
             | point, because it will really mean different things when
             | talking about different audiences.
             | I took a few undergrad CS courses during some downtime
             | recently and found them blindingly, disappointingly easy to
             | the point where I found myself fading the (prestigious)
             | school that created the material. They felt completely
             | trivial, as did the assignments.
             | On the other hand, I'd be willing to entertain the argument
             | that I've not yet written a non-trivial program in my ~10
             | years working.
       | kwant_kiddo wrote:
       | looks cool but this sentence "and all OS that belong to this
       | family, such as Linux, the BSDs, and even Mac OS X" triggers me a
       | bit because MacOS is the only one of those OS' listed that are
       | certified UNIX.
       | Technically Unix is trademark, you have to pay to be Unix.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Which also implies meeting certain certification tests
         | criteria, it isn't only just money.
         | [deleted]
         | gauddasa wrote:
         | I recommend to use UNIX(r) in the course name as the text book
         | consistently uses.
       | lapser wrote:
       | I believe this course (or something close to it) was taught in
       | the University of Kent when I was there between 2009 and 2013.
       | Really got my Linux game up to the point where I could switch to
       | it fulltime.
       | neilv wrote:
       | The course home page almost looks like it could've been for a
       | Unix programming course 30 years ago.
         | waynesonfire wrote:
         | excellent, wouldn't expect anything less.
         | hulitu wrote:
         | Because a modern programming course page must have 30 MB link
         | to 3 analitycs pages and have Facebook and Tiktok tracking and
         | buttons. Nevermind that the main info is 1kB. /s
           | neilv wrote:
           | I was unclear; I meant the content of the course.
         | tester756 wrote:
         | I think it's good - loads quickly, straight to the point,
         | materials are available easily (links to yt)
       | gauddasa wrote:
       | The moment I read APUE, the website apuebook.com flashed into my
       | mind. I've been following Stevens and Rago book since their first
       | edition which was late 1990s.
       | stefanos82 wrote:
       | > Letter grades will be given as follows: > > * 90% - 100% of
       | total available points => A > * 80% - 90% of total available
       | points => B > * 70% - 80% of total available points => C > * 0 -
       | 70% of total available points => F > > Within each letter grade,
       | there are +/- grades given at the discretion of the instructor.
       | (Exception: there is no A+)
       | ...what? O.o
       | They don't offer a grade 'D' anymore?
         | mb7733 wrote:
         | Common in grad level courses that 70% is required to pass
           | bink wrote:
           | In my experience in undergrad "D" meant "you can get credit
           | for this class but cannot use it as a pre-requisite for other
           | courses". So that makes sense for graduate level courses.
       | atsushin wrote:
       | I took this class while I was in grad school! Ended up dropping
       | due to reasons but the instructor was great. I'm pretty sure the
       | course materials are up on YT as well.
       | prezjordan wrote:
       | I took this class during undergrad! It was really enlightening as
       | a web developer to actually...write the server
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