[HN Gopher] RCE via GitHub import
       RCE via GitHub import
       Author : louislang
       Score  : 95 points
       Date   : 2022-10-10 19:33 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (gitlab.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (gitlab.com)
       | staticassertion wrote:
       | > Sawyer is a crazy class that converts a hash to an object whose
       | methods are based on the hash's key:
       | People keep adding hidden interpreters and 'exec' commands in
       | their projects where no one expects them to be. As far as I can
       | tell the library is just supposed to make HTTP requests, it's
       | just a fancy client library?
       | This needs to be the kind of thing that developers are trained
       | on, like "don't hash passwords" and "don't build up SQL strings
       | from untrusted input". "Don't build your own 'exec' and hide it
       | in your library, don't reinvent object serialization".
       | There is almost always a better way to solve a problem than by
       | transmitting arbitrary code. _Sometimes there isn 't_ but it's
       | rare, and in those cases it's very explicit ie: "I'm sending this
       | database a query, I expect it to execute it".
         | rtev wrote:
         | What's wrong with hashing passwords? Hash with a slow algorithm
         | is the best method, as far as I know
           | tialaramex wrote:
           | Avoid passwords. "A secret is something you tell one other
           | person, so I'm telling you". If possible adjust APIs to not
           | rely on knowledge of secrets for their functioning, and then
           | this entire problem evaporates. e.g. WebAuthn.
           | If it's crucial that a human memorable secret (a password) is
           | used, choose an asymmetrical Password Authenticated Key
           | Exchange in which it's possible for the relying party to
           | learn a value with which they can _confirm_ that the other
           | party knows the password, but never learn what that password
           | is. This is really difficult to do properly, OPAQUE is the
           | current recommendation of the IETF for this purpose.
           | Only fall back to hashing passwords because you're obliged to
           | for legacy reasons.
             | FreakLegion wrote:
             | PAKEs bring little to the table when looked at in context
             | of an actual threat model[1], meanwhile they add a fair
             | degree of complexity and their implementations are much
             | less battle-tested. Using them correctly won't really make
             | anything more secure, but using them incorrectly might blow
             | everything up.
             | Don't avoid passwords with WebAuthn, either. "Fingerprints
             | are usernames, not passwords".
             | 1. https://palant.info/2018/10/25/should-your-next-web-
             | based-lo...
           | roblabla wrote:
           | As one random point: If you just hash the password, you're
           | vulnerable to rainbow table attacks. So you want to salt the
           | password, at the very least.
           | But really, what you want to do is use a framework developed
           | by domain experts that deals with all that mess for you.
           | Because there's a lot of surprising complexity to storing
           | password hashes securely. So it's better to use a well-vetted
           | library that has eyeballs and mindshare checking that it is
           | correct.
             | junon wrote:
             | Rainbow table attacks are significantly harder with
             | properly hashed passwords, e.g. with bcrypt.
               | SahAssar wrote:
               | I think all bcrypt implementations implement salting per
               | default. Same for any modern password hashing
               | implementation.
               | lyu07282 wrote:
               | I think that's what they are saying, bcrypt is secure
               | because it uses a salt and multiple rounds of hashing.
         | nine_k wrote:
         | It's an easy slippery slope.
         | We need flexibility because we can't predict all future needs,
         | hence an interpreter.
         | An interpreter can at worst produce a denial of service. But we
         | also want it to access our data to be useful. Giving access to
         | exact data items it may require is hard or impossible (see
         | flexibility), so we give it a lump of access. Hello
         | exfiltration.
         | But crafting and supporting a limited interpreter is a chore.
         | Why can't we use the perfectly good interpreter which runs our
         | software? It's almost an RCE!
         | For the win, we should note that input sanitation is hard and
         | costs us CPU, and skip it. Now finally we made enough to have
         | our system pwned.
         | anamexis wrote:
         | The RCE here doesn't come from Sawyer `exec`ing anything.
         | Sawyer builds objects from a hashmap, where the hashmap's
         | properties can be accessed as method calls, recursively.
         | The vulnerability here arises from the fact that you can
         | override built-in methods like `to_s`, which in combination
         | with the way that the Redis gem builds raw commands, can be
         | used to send arbitrary commands to Redis.
           | mananaysiempre wrote:
           | ... And the fact that Ruby doesn't really have fields, only
           | methods. For example, the Python equivalent to this (morally,
           | (obj := object()).__dict__.update(untrusted data)) would not
           | be vulnerable. Which is not a point against Ruby, only
           | against using this specific technique in Ruby.
           | dwohnitmok wrote:
           | Yeah... although monkey-patching, as this bug demonstrates,
           | can get uncomfortably close to `exec`. I have a strong
           | distaste for monkey-patching as a result since I'm only
           | confident in its security when it's used purely statically
           | (i.e. no user input can change how the monkey patching
           | happens), but then that kind of robs the entire point of
           | monkey-patching if you remove its dynamism.
       | lolinder wrote:
       | > Normally, id should be a number. However when id is {"to_s":
       | {"bytesize": 2, "to_s": "1234REDIS_COMMANDS" }}, we can inject
       | additional redis commands by using bytesize to limit the previous
       | command when it is constructed....
       | This class of bug cannot happen in a statically-typed language.
       | When I deserialize something in Java, I _know_ what it turned
       | into. If it wasn 't what I expected, I get a stacktrace, not an
       | RCE vulnerability.
       | I could write an interpreter to do weird stuff with my custom
       | class and that could lead to an RCE, or I might have a library
       | that does so. But barring severe malfeasance in a trusted library
       | (like log4j) I'll never _think_ I have a plain number and
       | actually have untrusted code.
         | danielheath wrote:
         | Java had a long list of this class of vulnerability, because it
         | lets you build frameworks that lookup class by name.
         | It's no longer common to do that in Java, because after the
         | CVEs were reported, framework authors changed the API. This
         | process also happened in ruby. Not familiar enough with other
         | ecosystems to be sure but I'd bet money it's hit a fair few of
         | them.
           | lolinder wrote:
           | I'd file that under "weird stuff you can do with the
           | deserialized object", and static types certainly don't
           | protect you from that.
           | This bug isn't in that category, though: this happened
           | because GitLab assumed they had a specific data type but
           | didn't guarantee that this was always true. The build_command
           | method, in turn, does something different depending on the
           | type of data passed into it.
           | This line in the Ruby code:                   id =
           | id_for_already_imported_cache(object)
           | Would translate to this in the Java code:
           | Object id = idForAlreadyImportedCache(object)
           | Which would immediately set off alarm bells in the mind of
           | the author that they should probably double-check they've got
           | the right type.
           | paranoidrobot wrote:
           | There's a similar set of problems with .NET and
           | BinaryFormatter and a few other things.
           | MS now have a security guide on using them:
           | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-
           | us/dotnet/standard/serializat...
       | paulgb wrote:
       | > Sawyer is a crazy class that converts a hash to an object whose
       | methods are based on the hash's key:
       | For those not familiar with Ruby terminology, "hash" in this
       | context means what other languages would call a hash map,
       | associative array, or dictionary. At first I thought it was
       | referring to the hash of a value, and couldn't grok it.
         | btown wrote:
         | For those on the Python side of things,
         | https://box.readthedocs.io/en/development/ does something
         | similar and is a great utility to reach for when you're
         | handling trusted JSON-like data and need an API-like interface.
         | (The Django templating language does this too, albeit in a more
         | magical way: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/ref/template
         | s/language...)
         | Just... make sure you're aware of the issue that the OP's RCE
         | brings up!
       | dwohnitmok wrote:
       | Kudos on the comment log in demonstrating the transparency of how
       | this was dealt with in the intervening month.
       | whimsicalism wrote:
       | It is interesting how far this discloser chose to go when
       | investigating this vulnerability. They reproduced on their local
       | Gitlab install, then proceeded to exploit the gitlab.com install
       | itself and break one of their own gitlab repos.
       | I am curious what the norms are here.
       (page generated 2022-10-10 23:00 UTC)