[HN Gopher] Carmack Unscripted
       Carmack Unscripted
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 73 points
       Date   : 2022-10-11 21:30 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.facebook.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.facebook.com)
       | stusmall wrote:
       | I'm sure some PM somewhere in Meta is proud it's using that
       | horrid avatar instead of an actual video. But ooft, it looks so
       | goofy on what seems to be a serious conversation.
       | Their whole metaverse bet seems weirder and weirder by the day.
         | Keyframe wrote:
         | It does look goofy, doesn't it? Like an elaborate joke. I'm not
         | trying to shit on people's hard work, but it all looks so, I
         | don't know.. bland and not interesting AT ALL. Like Second life
         | meets that playstation thing, but even worse somehow.
           | tomrod wrote:
           | Sometimes good work needs to be shit on in a constructive
           | way.
           | This is bloody awful quality in visual quality and marketing.
           | You want to show something that works well. This... this does
           | not "work", let alone well.
           | jabroni_salad wrote:
           | I'll happily spend an evening watching vrchat shenanigans or
           | 2.5D vtubers but this thing just goes so far beyond
           | 'corporate inoffensiveness squeezed the soul out of it'. It's
           | like the developers actively disdain their own work.
         | SXX wrote:
         | Meta just need to partner with Microsoft to integrate it with
         | Linkedin.
         | Then it's will turn into the one true cringe generator.
           | kwertyoowiyop wrote:
           | "I am so proud and honored and humbled to announce that my
           | avatar now has three glowing rings over its head!"
           | "Please help me celebrate my Metaversary..."
           | "Nobody truly appreciates how hard us weebles work to get our
           | Zuckabadges. Next time you see a weeble, give it a '/clap'!"
           | Oh sweet lord this will be horrific.
         | apineda wrote:
         | It's very distracting. Plus I appreciate being able to see
         | peoples faces as they express themselves and ideas.
         | tekni5 wrote:
         | I completely agree, this absolutely horrendous for a visual
         | presentation. A wii like character, no proper lighting,
         | floating with no legs and the subtle fidget moving of the
         | limbs, lack of facial expression and flapping mouth that hardly
         | mimics the sound. What did facebook spend all their money on?
         | I'd rather see video or even a still picture of Carmack than
         | this monstrosity.
           | 2muchcoffeeman wrote:
           | A proper Mii would have been better. They are purposely
           | cartoonish and can't move in human ways.
           | This is trying to be vaguely human in hand and lip movement
           | and it looks like bad marionette.
           | Hopefully it gets better but right now I'd rather just listen
           | to the audio.
           | crooked-v wrote:
           | The immediate comparison I think of is VRChat, which does
           | literally everything on that list better and has by
           | comparison a shoestring budget.
           | kwertyoowiyop wrote:
           | Wouldn't it be great to read an honest postmortem report, a
           | few years from now?
         | Waterluvian wrote:
         | It's actually unsettling to me how committed they are to such
         | garbage.
         | I'm hoping this is just an expensive example of the Sunk Cost
         | Fallacy because otherwise it's perplexing and eerie.
           | vkou wrote:
           | > It's actually unsettling to me how committed they are to
           | such garbage.
           | Facebook missed the boat on owning an OS or phone, so their
           | only hope in protecting access to their apps is by owning a
           | brand-new platform.
           | Which means that the company is all-in on VR, regardless of
           | whether or not the result will be any good.
         | [deleted]
         | scifibestfi wrote:
         | It's whiplash how Meta VR is putting out demos that look 20
         | years old, while Meta AI is putting out demos that look like
         | they're from the future.
         | https://makeavideo.studio
       | coding123 wrote:
       | I don't know what metaverse is, but I feel a lot more comfortable
       | just playing a game like ESO and hanging out with people dancing
       | and sitting in chairs near me. /sitchair
       | barelysapient wrote:
       | Why even have the video? The lips aren't in sync, the movement
       | stutters. Its horrible to watch.
         | msa_ds wrote:
         | I can't even see how long the video in my firefox, and no
         | jumping around. I would personally fire the people responsible
         | for this right now, bad idea and bad implementation. But seems
         | Zuckerberg is obsessed over this failure...
           | actionfromafar wrote:
           | I think it was because it was a live transmission.
       | [deleted]
       | karmasimida wrote:
       | I mean I really don't want to shit on Meta but ...
       | is this parody? The quality of this is really really bad, almost
       | ps2 level bad
       | Using this for presentation is really unwise.
         | kwertyoowiyop wrote:
         | Holy cow and he said this was a CUSTOM BUILD to maintain frame
         | rate! So it can't even push this level of graphics normally.
         | For what it showed I'd expect about 600 FPS. And the arms are
         | jittering..Wtf?
       | mensetmanusman wrote:
       | They are working with low bandwidth graphics, I wonder if that is
       | part of their global strategy...
       | LoveMortuus wrote:
       | I hope a video of the event will be uploaded to YouTube, for some
       | reason it didn't want to play on my MS Edge Android... Only works
       | on Chrome when on Desktop mode, but that's really not usable...
       | [deleted]
       | lwneal wrote:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouq5yyzSiAw
       | TheAceOfHearts wrote:
       | Is it just me or is the audio balance set a bit too far to the
       | right? It makes it uncomfortable to listen to this with
       | headphones.
         | wskinner wrote:
         | I noticed this as well.
       | tomcam wrote:
       | Why... why is he bottomless? (He's represented by a Wii-like
       | avatar. When camera angles change from close up to medium shot
       | he's just a floating torso in a living room set)
         | iandanforth wrote:
         | One of the big announcements in the Keynote was "legs" so
         | apparently all avatars have been legless.
         | roughly wrote:
         | Because if he had legs, he might also have genitals, and you're
         | not allowed to do that on Facebook's Metaverse.
         | zeroonetwothree wrote:
         | There were some "harassment" issues with legs.
         | paulryanrogers wrote:
         | My guess is because of height variance, crouching, misaligned
         | floors, difficulty doing IK in a lifelike way given all those.
           | kwertyoowiyop wrote:
           | They could maybe hire some engineers and, I don't know, have
           | them work on that? Every other game in the world seems to
           | have figured out a solution.
         | taejavu wrote:
         | Maybe they couldn't figure out how to stop the legs from
         | flailing around and obscuring his face.
       | abledon wrote:
       | I wonder if the majority of people designing/pushing these huge
       | systems of weird cartoon avatar interaction systems... are a tad
       | bit on the spectrum (Which gives them superpowers in
       | understanding tech/algorithms....) but a side effect is the
       | uncanny valley of these weird avatars being pushed by these teams
       | at Meta/FB. It feels more 'creepy' to me talking to a cartoon
       | 'uncanny-valley' representation of a person rather than just
       | seeing their actual photo/video feed.
       | reading this post on "Avatars, Anthropomorphism, and Autism
       | Spectrum Disorder"...
       | > A 2016 study looked measured the neural responses of children
       | with ASD and neurotypical children when shown unfamiliar human
       | and robot faces. The test showed that the targeted responses were
       | present for both for neurotypical children, but only for the
       | robot faces for the kids with ASD. "Together, these studies
       | provide some evidence that individuals with ASD may typically
       | process anthropomorphic rather than human faces
       | https://codebaby.com/avatars-anthropomorphism-and-autism-spe...
         | beezlebroxxxxxx wrote:
         | It looks like they're trying make corporate Memphis art meets
         | DreamWorks movie character design into just the standard
         | avatar. Insanely goofy.
         | benreesman wrote:
         | I'm more than a touch aspy myself which makes this faux-biting
         | rebuke that sounds cool in only my head a bit meta: but nerds
         | figured out how to sell tech stuff to normies quite some time
         | ago.
           | KerrAvon wrote:
           | Zuck hasn't.
         | Karrot_Kream wrote:
         | I think it's much more a facet of limited performance on these
         | platforms rather than anything else. Performance on headsets is
         | a challenge on pretty much all of these apps, from VRChat to
         | Rec Room. I also think a lot of people that look just at the
         | pictures don't realize that presence in VR adds a lot and can
         | compensate for some loss of graphical fidelity. It's like how
         | the first 3D games were quite blocky and a lot less refined
         | than the best 2D games of the era but just the ability to move
         | your character and the camera in 3D compensated for the bad
         | graphics, to an extent.
         | xnx wrote:
         | As best I can tell the push for this comes from the top and no
         | one who knows better is stopping him.
       | sneak wrote:
       | Loginwall - anyone have a summary?
         | radiojasper wrote:
         | Tune in to Carmack Unscripted at Meta Connect to hear John
         | Carmack's unscripted take on the future of technology.
         | mmastrac wrote:
         | I clicked through and it's a livestream of Carmack's VR avatar
         | somewhat out-of-sync with his voice.
         | I think it's live now and hopefully there'll be a transcript
         | later.
         | drexlspivey wrote:
         | Also streaming in youtube
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouq5yyzSiAw
         | jandrese wrote:
         | Seems to be about VR tech so far. It's mostly about social
         | media stuff thus far, with complaints about slow login times
         | and how the Horizon Worlds doesn't integrate with the rest of
         | the system and has interface issues. John wants more screen
         | sharing for people in VR chat like environments.
         | John is obsessive about eliminating lag everywhere. Ironic that
         | his facial animations are slightly lagging the audio track.
           | mtlmtlmtlmtl wrote:
           | Also, the facial animations are so limited in expressiveness
           | it makes it look like he's suffering from blunted affect.
       | nharada wrote:
       | Is there any good way for me to try this out without buying a
       | $1500 piece of hardware? My instinct is that Oculus' VR vision
       | doesn't make any sense, but I want to try it out before being
       | confident that my instinct is correct.
         | SXX wrote:
         | Thanks to FB you can buy $400 "Meta Quest 2" and experience
         | like 95% of good VR content. Yeah it somewhat worse than Valve
         | Index for VR enthusiasts, but it also much cheaper.
       | Ninjinka wrote:
       | My company's Slack was dying laughing at how negative his event
       | was within the first 10 minutes. And then towards the end he says
       | "and now I'm gonna be grumpy" and we were sent reeling.
       | Favorite quote was "one of my internal posts was reported and
       | taken down for not being sensitive enough."
       | dzdt wrote:
       | I'm convinced that as long as "metaverse" is a thing that
       | involves putting on a nerdy pair of goggles to participate the
       | whole concept is going precisely nowhere with the general
       | population. Its like 3d TV: no one has any interest in putting
       | special hardware on their face to participate in things like
       | that.
         | p1necone wrote:
         | The thing that bewilders me is that this has _already_ been
         | done with stuff like VRChat, but FB seems to think they can
         | come along with a weird sanitized corporate version of the same
         | thing that doesn 't do anything at all new and actually attract
         | users?
           | colinmhayes wrote:
           | They're probably right. No one else is providing a headset as
           | good as the quest 2 at the same price point, because no one
           | else has $10 billion a year to burn,
       | tristor wrote:
       | Wow... thanks to the person that posted the YouTube link, because
       | I have Facebook blocked. Carmack was good to listen to, but the
       | pan in when they turned it over to him /felt/ laggy, like you
       | could see frame rate jitter, and the entire thing was out of
       | sync. I'm generally pretty bullish on VR for entertainment and
       | collaboration long-term, but this honestly felt like going back
       | 20 years ago. I've had more realistic and smoother experiences in
       | MMOs with voice chat.
       | runjake wrote:
       | This is embarrassing for Carmack and I'm surprised he agreed to
       | this.
         | kwertyoowiyop wrote:
         | He's Audi 5000 to work on AGI, right?
           | dbish wrote:
           | Not 100% true. He stated on Lex's podcast that he is part
           | time (1 day/week AR/VR) with the rest of his time on his new
           | AI startup
         | ffhhj wrote:
         | He just entered the Desert of the Real. Leave all that has a
         | meaning behind.
       | captainthrow wrote:
       | lofaszvanitt wrote:
       | World is bonkers... can someone elaborate what is happening @ FB
       | and other Silicon Valley companies where people seemingly went
       | crazy? There are a handful of contenders in the video game
       | entertainment industry who are really capable of creating a
       | metaverse like thing with stunning detail, but this?
       | JieJie wrote:
       | The developer of Doom is building the corporate Metaverse.
       | You guys are pulling my leg, right?
         | Karsteski wrote:
         | Yes, it's very unfortunate that he is associated with Facebook
         | now :| Such great technology, that I'll never use until other
         | companies are able to catch up.
         | The idea of using any sort of VR tech that Facebook controls
         | literally disgusts me. Can't even imagine the amount of
         | information they will control on people with such things...
         | msa_ds wrote:
         | Every single one of my childhood heroes has committed suicide
         | before my eyes by doing stuff like this. I always considered
         | them having some solid morals and being wealthy enough would
         | make this improbable but boy I was wrong. Oh well, they can't
         | kill the old memories, yet.
           | SXX wrote:
           | To be honest Carmack have a good reasons to work on it even
           | if it means work for TheEvilCorp: first of all if you listen
           | to him he is truly interested in advancing VR tech. So he
           | doesn't do it just for the money.
           | Also I guess he run out of money when Armadillo Aerospace has
           | failed and at least before he talked like he want to make
           | second attempt in space industry and this will require a lot
           | of money.
         | Bluecobra wrote:
         | In the Metaverse, no one can pull your leg because they forgot
         | to code it. :D
       | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | barbazoo wrote:
       | I'm wondering how this is any better than video. Sure, if you
       | have a hammer, everything looks like a nail but still.
       | yrgulation wrote:
       | As someone who's looked up to carmack, unless he's forced to do
       | this against his will, i find it disappointing he would promote
       | this failing meta product.
       | rvz wrote:
       | So we have the Carmack fans rushing in to hear his masters voice
       | as a floating virtual avatar in the metaverse. But I thought they
       | weren't interested in the whole thing because of the _' Meta is
       | dying'_ narrative? [0]
       | So far it looks like despite the so-called 'chaos' reported by
       | the media about Meta, he is still _bullish_ on both AR and VR at
       | the company.
       | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33087535
         | dbish wrote:
         | Fwiw, Carmack spends the vast majority of his week working on
         | AI as he is a VR/AR consultant now, and has stated it's around
         | one day a week (he announced a new AI startup recently), so it
         | seems he's more bullish on AI.
         | parker_mountain wrote:
         | AR is where the future is. VR is a major stepping stone. He is
         | being paid obscene amounts of money to work on things he finds
         | is cool.
         | So of course he's not going to trash talk it.
         | > But I thought they weren't interested in the whole thing
         | because of the 'Meta is dying' narrative? [0]
         | I am happy to listen to a smart person who is very clever talk
         | about things I'm interested in, even if I disagree with them on
         | key points.
         | xsmasher wrote:
         | HN is not a monolith. Some people might like Meta and other
         | people don't like Meta. You can also like Carmack and dislike
         | Meta.
         | I don't see the narrative you're talking about in that link.
           | actionfromafar wrote:
           | If you like Meta but don't want to admit it, downvote this
           | comment!
       | nsxwolf wrote:
       | Carmack never stops talking for even a moment. Never repeats
       | himself and clearly expresses his thoughts in real time. It's
       | some sort of autism I presume.
         | Version467 wrote:
         | I find it very inspiring to be able to express your thoughts in
         | such a clear and concise manner. Most people are usually either
         | very charismatic/good presenters, or highly technical. But
         | Carmack does both while still sounding friendly and just in
         | general excited about tech.
       | [deleted]
       | SXX wrote:
       | While this "metaverse" thing is worse than some "crypto NFT AR"
       | scams I do appreciate that Facebook invest into VR R&D heavily
       | and hopefully at some point in future some other company will
       | benefit off their investment. I guess it's great they give
       | funding to people like John Carmack instead of spending these
       | money on lobbying another anti-consumer garbage.
         | hwers wrote:
         | I'm seeing a lot of R&D solely focused on giving them the
         | chance to extract rent through future silly things like buying
         | artificially scarce houses in fbs metaverse. I'm barely seeing
         | any "giving back" type research like AT&T created with their
         | research in the internet.
           | SXX wrote:
           | Their end-game is very much obvious, but honestly they are so
           | bad at it... I doubt they will manage to actually build
           | anything successful to extract any value out of it. The
           | reason why Facebook Metaverse is so cringey is because they
           | have no clue how to make games or anything like it. The "real
           | metaverse" already exist in Roblox, Fortnite and few other
           | popular games that every teenager socialize in.
           | At the same time thanks to Facebook any average Joe can
           | easily get consumer-ready VR hardware for around $400. We
           | just really dont have many companies behind VR except for
           | Valve and they're simply dont have enough manpower to create
           | mass-market hardware.
           | My point is that we must appreciate those engineers who
           | persuaded Zuck to spend money on VR hardware and research.
           | Yeah their attempt at "metaverse" is laughtable, but
           | investment into hardware is priceless.
           | camdat wrote:
           | > I'm seeing a lot of R&D solely focused on giving them the
           | chance to extract rent through future silly things like
           | buying artificially scarce houses in fbs metaverse
           | An example from FB please?
       | cm2187 wrote:
       | Am I the only one being put off by the talking avatar thing? It's
       | in the way. I don't think it works.
         | p1necone wrote:
         | It looks like a wii avatar from 15 years ago and the motion
         | tracking is all jittery, FB is trying to win the VR market with
         | this garbage?
         | tomcam wrote:
         | Highly distracted. First time I've listened to John Carmack
         | without being able to concentrate easily.
         | savanaly wrote:
         | It's sort of pointless if you have to just watch it in a video
         | like I assume we all are. I think it would be better if you
         | were in there in the room with John (using a VR headset).
         | Personally I'm listening to it in the background from another
         | tab.
           | ncallaway wrote:
           | Yea, I actually found the avatar in the video was _worse_
           | than just audio. It was just enough motion to distract my
           | eye, while being pretty valueless in terms of communicating
           | anything.
           | I ended up listening in the background, but opened up a new
           | blank tab to hide the motion.
       | [deleted]
       | goertzen wrote:
       | Seems like they could of made this a lot better with a basic
       | lighting setup ... but nothing was as a bad as the comments
       | suggest.
       | sebringj wrote:
       | The bit about the logs was funny. I have noticed my oculus 2 be
       | pretty responsive and zippy to now being frustrating to the point
       | I put it down. I would guess its getting bloated.
         | sebringj wrote:
         | Oh yah and he said there is a part of me that wants to "burn it
         | down". omg I was laughing so hard.
       | cheschire wrote:
       | Probably a condensed version of his 5 hour Lex Fridman interview.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I845O57ZSy4
         | dagmx wrote:
         | Not at all. Carmack does these each year at Connect, and
         | they're always fairly bespoke to the things that Meta are
         | working on and just announced
           | waffle_ss wrote:
           | He seems to do an annual "update" video from wherever he's
           | at, about minutiae of whatever he's working on at the time.
           | It used to be QuakeCon keynotes[1] when he was at id.
           | [1]: https://archive.org/details/john-carmack-quakecon-
           | keynotes
         | savanaly wrote:
         | That interview is great but I don't think there's any overlap.
         | This is focused on VR, something that was only touched on in
         | the Lex interview.
       | swellguy wrote:
       | Has John Carmack ever been scripted? Kind of a weird catchphrase.
       | "Gun that shoots bullets."
         | actionfromafar wrote:
         | True. Why point that out? I get paranoid. :) Was he scripted
         | this time? The avatar video was to hide reading from the
         | prompt?
       (page generated 2022-10-11 23:00 UTC)