[HN Gopher] Pitchfork: Rack HTTP server for shared-nothing archi...
       Pitchfork: Rack HTTP server for shared-nothing architecture
       Author : bkudria
       Score  : 88 points
       Date   : 2022-10-12 18:25 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | jbverschoor wrote:
       | How does it compare to puma?
         | aeontech wrote:
         | From the Reddit thread linked above (lots of context there,
         | worth reading), the author answers:
         | > what's the main benefit?
         | Drastically reduced memory usage by improving Copy-on-Write
         | performance. For mid-sized apps it can even use less memory
         | than puma depending on how you set it up. See this synthetic
         | benchmark.
         | > Why did you decide to build reforking into a fork of Unicorn
         | instead of contributing it to Puma?
         | Mostly for simplicity. You can build this in Puma, but there
         | are a few extra challenges. For instance you don't want to
         | refork when another thread is currently processing a request,
         | you'd risk leaving some global resource in a corrupted state.
         | So you'd first need to stop accepting traffic and wait for all
         | requests to complete. The problem is, Puma doesn't have a
         | request timeout, so if the request never complete, what do you
         | do? Lots of small challenges like that. But I think it would be
         | awesome if Puma was to take back that idea. Puma's fork_worker
         | feature was a big part of the inspiration after all, and I'd
         | even be happy to help Nate or someone else do it.
       | joshmn wrote:
       | From r/ruby (including discussion from author):
       | https://old.reddit.com/r/ruby/comments/xwcvty/a_new_web_serv...
       | tomcam wrote:
       | What is Rack? Hard to search for
         | gurchik wrote:
         | https://github.com/rack/rack
           | tomcam wrote:
           | Thank you!
         | [deleted]
       | a-dub wrote:
       | everything old is new again.
       | this was the concurrency model for pre 2.0 apache. (i think in
       | 2.0 you could pick)
         | pedrocr wrote:
         | That was only forking the apache process. This is forking the
         | whole ruby app that also happens to speak HTTP. The gain is in
         | the app side not in the best way to serve HTTP where this is
         | probably a loss over threading or event based solutions.
           | a-dub wrote:
           | many serious applications back then built by developers who
           | cared about performance and latency made use of mod_perl. it
           | put the entire perl interpreter (which then loaded perl
           | modules that defined the application) into the preforked
           | apache httpd processes.
           | often times you'd put a proxy in front, serving static assets
           | with a lighter weight http so that slow loads wouldn't tax
           | limited server capacity for big httpd processes that included
           | full perl interpreters and all application code loaded.
           | so it seems it's almost exactly the same?
             | pedrocr wrote:
             | It's very similar to that setup. I don't think that was
             | particularly common though and probably the reason prefork
             | went away. Particularly as apache and later nginx were used
             | as the user facing webservers proxying to something else
             | inside (first with fastcgi and latter just http). The
             | preforking advantage then moved to that server inside which
             | is what this is. Nginx or something similar will still be
             | running in front of this with a threading or event model
             | instead of forking. So this is not going back to an old
             | idea as it never really left, it just left apache because
             | no one ran it as an application server and there are better
             | ways to run an http frontend. Preforking is also not what's
             | new here, this is just an optimization over the preforking
             | model in unicorn which is over a decade old.
       | skrtskrt wrote:
       | I have now worked at several significantly-sized companies that
       | ripped Ruby out of everything as they scaled, usually replaced
       | with Go, though none as large as Shopify.
       | I wonder what that financial calculus looks like between these
       | options for a large organization:
       | 1. trying to basically reinvent the workings of an entire
       | programming language and migrate your Ruby apps to these new
       | tools/runtimes/typecheckers/whatever
       | 2. incrementally rewriting critical paths to something more
       | performant (Go/Rust) & just throwing more servers at the Ruby
       | stuff you haven't managed to replace yet.
         | tiffanyh wrote:
         | Probably not a financial decision.
         | Tobias (Founder/CEO) was an early Rails core contributor. So
         | Ruby on Rails is in Shopify DNA.
         | jaxrtech wrote:
         | A lot of the time, I ask myself, "why don't we seem to have a
         | tool with robust source-to-source transformation?" You could
         | call it "cross-language refactoring". I wouldn't be surprised
         | if someone with the code-base the size of Google has some
         | internal tool. Maybe this is just wishful thinking. The closest
         | thing I've seen is in academic research, e.g. [1].
         | [1]: Koppel, Solar-Lezama - Incremental parametric syntax for
         | multi-language transformation (2017) -
         | https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3135932.3135940
           | dgl wrote:
           | I mean Google did essentially do this:
           | https://opensource.googleblog.com/2017/01/grumpy-go-
           | running-...
           | Except without actually solving the problem of making the
           | translation nice and readable. But this kind of thing at
           | least gives you options for changing language.
           | pedrocr wrote:
           | There are some tools specific to some transformations at
           | least:
           | https://c2rust.com/
       | compumike wrote:
       | For those of you scaling Ruby on Rails: are you more constrained
       | by memory or CPU consumption?
       | If you could choose a 50% reduction in process memory footprint,
       | versus a 50% reduction in CPU cycles to serve your average
       | request, which would you pick?
         | treeman79 wrote:
         | Database locks is usual issue. Avoidable if planned better.
         | Memory is second. In 15 years CPU has never been a real
         | concern.
           | Puts wrote:
           | Second this. After spending several years of full time just
           | troubleshooting others web apps I can say that not only are
           | database locks in 99.99% of the cases the real bottleneck but
           | also that developers in general are quite bad at managing
           | databases and will try to micro optimizing just about
           | anything before looking at their DB queries.
       | aeontech wrote:
       | Looks very promising!
       | tiffanyh wrote:
       | I'm still surprised that we haven't seen much larger improvements
       | in Ruby performance over the last decade given the large number
       | of major tech companies using Rails.
       | Yes, I'm aware of 3x3 but for the most common usage of Ruby which
       | if for Rails apps - there hasn't been anything like the gains PHP
       | saw from 5.x to 7.x.
       | Especially from Microsoft, who has deep compiler/language
       | expertise, and who owns GitHub (large Rails app).
         | sosodev wrote:
         | There have been plenty of major performance improvements for
         | Ruby but most of them require changes that just aren't feasible
         | for a large codebase. For example, there are alternative Ruby
         | interpreters that are far faster than the MRI but they're not
         | usually a drop in replacement because they don't have full Gem
         | or really general ecosystem compatibility.
         | Also, some performance improvements like JIT just don't matter
         | that much for Rails because the primary problem isn't single
         | thread performance it's the lack of cheap parallelism.
         | flavorjones wrote:
         | Howdy, I'm on the Shopify team that is working on both
         | pitchfork and a few different performance-improvement projects
         | for Ruby. There's a ton of activity around Ruby performance
         | right now!
         | I think we're entering a period of increased experimentation
         | and rapid evolution as demonstrated by projects like
         | YJIT[1][2], improved inline caching[3][4] and Object Shapes[5]
         | (also used by V8), and variable-width allocation[6][7], and
         | smaller improvements like better constant invalidation[8].
         | Significant investments in TruffleRuby[9] are still going on by
         | Oracle, Shopify, and other companies.
         | And recently, Takashi Kokubun gave a talk at Ruby Kaigi about
         | the future of JIT compilers in Ruby that gives a peek at a
         | whole new set of optimizations Ruby can work on (as well as
         | some performance comparisons against other interpreted
         | languages)[10]. You may be surprised to see how well Ruby (with
         | the JIT enabled) performs compared to Python 3.
         | All of which is to say, I think there's quite a bit of
         | performance improvement being made in recent Rubies, and that
         | trend will likely continue for quite some time.
         |  _update_ And I forgot to mention that some very notable
         | computer science researchers and their teams are working in the
         | Ruby community now![11]
         | [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28938446) [2]:
         | https://speed.yjit.org/ [3]: https://bugs.ruby-
         | lang.org/issues/18943 [4]: https://bugs.ruby-
         | lang.org/issues/18875 [5]: https://bugs.ruby-
         | lang.org/issues/18776 [6]: https://bugs.ruby-
         | lang.org/issues/18045 [7]: https://bugs.ruby-
         | lang.org/issues/18634 [8]: https://bugs.ruby-
         | lang.org/issues/18589 [9]:
         | https://eregon.me/blog/2022/01/06/benchmarking-cruby-mjit-yj...
         | [10]: https://speakerdeck.com/k0kubun/rubykaigi-2022 [11]:
         | https://shopify.engineering/shopify-ruby-at-scale-research-i...
           | bradgessler wrote:
           | Could you comment on any projects within Shopify that are
           | helping Ruby's concurrency story? I'm aware of Ractors
           | (https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/ractor_md.html) and
           | Fibers, but it's unclear to how feasible these primitives
           | currently are to build the necessary abstractions on top of
           | them that would make Rails more concurrent.
           | https://github.com/socketry/falcon is an interesting project,
           | but again, it's not clear how difficult it would be deploying
           | a Rails app on top of this. My experience with these
           | concurrency models in Rails apps is that one single gem could
           | make a blocking IO call (for example) and negate all of the
           | concurrency/performance gains. It would be cool if Ruby could
           | be configured to throw errors for these types of calls to
           | make finding and fixing offending gems easier.
           | There's a lot of really great projects happening and plenty
           | to be hopeful about, but when that stuff will land or the
           | changes the rest of the community and ecosystem should think
           | about making still isn't clear.
           | tiffanyh wrote:
           | Do you think Ruby will ever be able to catch up to PHP in raw
           | web performance? If so, when (months/years)?
           | https://benchmarksgame-
           | team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/...
           | Please don't take my comments as unappreciation for the hard
           | work going into Ruby.
             | tenderlove wrote:
             | Which part of raw web performance? These don't seem like
             | web performance benchmarks. IOW I'm not sure how
             | calculating digits of PI impacts serving HTML.
             | Seems like we need benchmarks for actual web workloads. :)
               | tiffanyh wrote:
               | PHP vs Ruby in web benchmark across multiple frameworks
               | (and even no use of a framework) linked below.
               | There's nearly an entire order of magnitude difference in
               | performance between the best of PHP vs best of Ruby
               | (~400k vs ~50k rps)
               | https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r21&
               | l=z...
         | dan_quixote wrote:
         | > I'm still surprised that we haven't seen much larger
         | improvements in Ruby performance over the last decade given the
         | large number of major tech companies using Rails.
         | Every place I've worked in the last ~5 years has treated Ruby
         | as "legacy" code for better or worse.
         | chucke wrote:
         | Not following what you mean. This server is from a shopify
         | employer (major enough?). This server makes quite impressive
         | improvements in terms of memory usage. Moreover, shopify is
         | contributing a production grade JIT to the CRuby runtime.
       (page generated 2022-10-12 23:00 UTC)