[HN Gopher] Show HN: FrankenPHP, an app server for PHP written i...
       Show HN: FrankenPHP, an app server for PHP written in Go
       Author : kdunglas
       Score  : 240 points
       Date   : 2022-10-14 15:59 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (frankenphp.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (frankenphp.dev)
       | green-salt wrote:
       | I'll have to try this out!
       | abrztam wrote:
       | What is the difference between this and Roadrunner? It seems to
       | do the same stuff.
       | https://github.com/roadrunner-server/roadrunner
         | kdunglas wrote:
         | The approach isn't the same:
         | Roadrunner executes php-cli and connects it to its web server
         | through GRPC; FrankenPHP uses an ad-hoc SAPI, it is more like
         | Apache's mod_php, the Go code uses the PHP interpreter as a
         | library, it's all in the same process.
         | RoadRunner only has a worker mode, and can only work with
         | compatible apps; FrankenPHP has a "standard" mode compatible
         | with all existing applications, and a worker mode that requires
         | some code changes (like RR).
         | RoadRunner runner uses PSR-7 HTTP messages; FrankenPHP uses
         | plain old superglobals and streams (both in normal and in
         | worker modes), they are reset after each handled request.
         | RoadRunner is battle-tested and production ready; FrankenPHP is
         | experimental and not yet ready for production use.
         | FrankenPHP can also be used as a Go library to integrate PHP
         | into any Go program or server (theoretically, it should be
         | possible to integrate FrankenPHP into Traefik or the local
         | Symfony web server, which are written in Go).
           | bogdanu wrote:
           | Since it's not using PSR-7, does it mean that you could even
           | run WordPress?
             | kdunglas wrote:
             | I haven't tested it yet, but yes it's a stated goal.
         | floppydisc wrote:
         | no. 1 feature: goofier branding
       | nobleach wrote:
       | I've been watching how Go and Rust tooling has been finding its
       | way into the JavaScript ecosystem. I've been out of the PHP realm
       | for about 10 years but I did find RoadRunner for PHP at one
       | point. That's also an app server written in Go I believe. I
       | wonder how this compares.
         | fideloper wrote:
         | My understanding is RoadRunner is more like FrankenPHP's
         | "worker mode" (RoadRunner only makes sense in context of
         | Laravel Octane), where as FrankenPHP can run "normally" as
         | well.
         | jedisct1 wrote:
         | Don't forget Zig, with Bun.
       | jeffersonheard wrote:
       | If this isn't pronounced Frankenphip I will be disappointed.
       | tiffanyh wrote:
       | I might be missing the obvious but why would you add extra
       | complexity to your infrastrucutre setup when PHP can be run
       | natively from within caddy, apache, nginx via fastcgi.
         | mholt wrote:
         | With this you don't need FastCGI. FrankenPHP _is_ simpler and
         | less complex: just run it directly from your Caddy web server.
         | CoolCold wrote:
         | Short answer would be: sole solo developer experience (DX).
         | Longer answer: avoiding infrastructure setup - for those who
         | has infrastructure it makes no sense, for those who knows how
         | to run things in Docker and not need much beyond it -
         | eliminates the need of getting familiar with Docker Compose.
         | Having php stay in memory should make performance benefits [and
         | make sense for the project], but that's different story.
         | fideloper wrote:
         | Removing php-fpm + nginx from a container sounds AMAZING to me.
         | If I can just have one thing in a container (plus a code base),
         | that would be a LOT simpler than:
         | nginx, php-fpm, some init system, and the convoluted
         | configuration needed to get logs out via Docker's logging
         | mechanism.
           | PlutoIsAPlanet wrote:
           | I've recently changed our nginx/php-fpm containers to
           | caddy/php-fpm
           | Caddy has a supervisor plugin, so can start php-fpm itself
           | and the containers entrypoint can be Caddy, which achieves
           | similar objectives here that Caddy becomes a PHP application
           | server.
             | francislavoie wrote:
             | FrankenPHP will perform better than php-fpm though, in
             | worker mode, because it doesn't need to bootstrap fully on
             | every request. In the conference slides, Kevin showed php-
             | fpm had a 12ms request latency, whereas FrankenPHP had 3ms.
             | But yes, the supervisor plugin is definitely nice to be
             | able to wrap up Caddy + php-fpm in a single container.
             | Makes shipping it easier, especially with the PHP code
             | (because both Caddy and php-fpm need access to the code;
             | Caddy so it can serve static files and check for the
             | existence of PHP files, and php-fpm to actually run your
             | code).
       | waynesonfire wrote:
         | [deleted]
       | treahauet wrote:
       | Congratulations! This looks neat!
       | seabrookmx wrote:
       | So.. it's like gunicorn (pre-fork web server) but for PHP and
       | built on top of Caddy?
       | Looks neat!
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | So it's mod_php for Caddy, in reverse?
       | The traditional idea is to build a plug-in for the parent
       | webserver. By essentially "making a fork" of Caddy, if you want
       | to add other plugins to Caddy and then incorporate them into
       | FrankenPHP, it's a lot more work. If instead you ship a PHP
       | plugin to Caddy, you can manage Caddy instead and mix and match
       | different functionality in one place.
       | But I guess it's heretical to suggest somebody use plugins in Go,
       | if the whole idea is everything is a static binary.
         | mike_d wrote:
         | Early Hints breaks a lot of the common APIs (like FastCGI/FPM)
         | where you are expected to have one request and one response. I
         | don't know how Caddy specifically works, but I suspect that may
         | be the reason for the fork.
           | mholt wrote:
           | Early Hints support was added to Caddy's proxy by Kevin
           | Dunglas, the author of FrankenPHP. No fork required for Early
           | Hints!
         | mholt wrote:
         | I don't think this forks Caddy. Rather, it is a Caddy plugin:
         | https://github.com/dunglas/frankenphp/blob/main/caddy/caddy....
         | It uses mainline Caddy:
         | https://github.com/dunglas/frankenphp/blob/main/caddy/go.mod
           | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
           | Can I use an officially released build of Caddy and have that
           | official Caddy executable load FrankenPHP?
             | kdunglas wrote:
             | Definitely! (using xcaddy and compiling PHP yourself, for
             | now)
           | [deleted]
         | chrsig wrote:
         | go does have some support for dynamically loaded shared
         | libraries. I haven't used it, so I can't speak to how good it
         | is, or any pitfalls.
         | https://pkg.go.dev/plugin
         | tomcam wrote:
         | I love the idea but as far as I can tell there isn't a portable
         | way to do plug-ins in go that works with windows, is there?
           | francislavoie wrote:
           | If you're talking about Caddy, its plugins are cross-
           | platform, because Go (as long as you don't use CGO, or at
           | least that your plugin that needs CGO also works on Windows).
           | Read about Caddy's architecture here:
           | https://caddyserver.com/docs/architecture
       | password4321 wrote:
       | PHP in .NET: https://www.peachpie.io
         | [deleted]
       | pbowyer wrote:
       | Good. PHP-FPM needs a challenger as anyone who has tried to debug
       | it or its pools knows. Or to tune it (so many modes, so many
       | configuration options).
       | Litespeed's PHP LSAPI [1] shows how good performance can be with
       | other setups. It'll be great if FrankenPHP gets to the same
       | state.
       | 1. https://www.litespeedtech.com/open-source/litespeed-sapi/php
         | apocalyptic0n3 wrote:
         | PHP-FPM can be so unreliable too. It'll just go down randomly
         | without any warning or logs at all. As you said, it's
         | impossible to debug what happens there and all you can really
         | do is setup monitoring to detect it went down and automatically
         | restart it.
           | xorcist wrote:
           | That's interesting, in my experience php-fpm has been very
           | dependable even in demanding situations where we migrate over
           | to new backends without missing a request. PHP applications
           | can be a different story, but php-fpm provides enough knobs
           | to restart problematic applications on demand. It's probably
           | that last part of a PHP stack I'd want to replace.
           | Debugging application servers in production comes with its
           | own set of difficulties, but I don't see how this one is
           | worse than others. If anything, the ability to start new
           | sockets without restarting the process is a plus.
           | jijji wrote:
           | PHP-FPM is very easy to debug. It's as simple as setting it
           | up to use a listening socket in www.conf (located in i.e.
           | /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d) and then running a packet sniffer
           | (i.e. ngrep) to listen on that socket, all messages back and
           | forth are visible at that point.
           | amq wrote:
           | PHP-FPM has been extremely reliable in my experience.
       | timw4mail wrote:
       | So after looking at the slidedeck on the authors blog, I'm rather
       | confused. How does FrankenPHP keep the code in memory if each
       | request is in a separate memory space?
         | marcofatica wrote:
         | They're probably using PHP's built in opcache or something they
         | rolled themselves                 OPcache improves PHP
         | performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared
         | memory
         | https://www.php.net/manual/en/intro.opcache.php
           | chx wrote:
           | opcache is definitely on https://github.com/dunglas/frankenph
           | p/blob/f97f56d45a403342b...
         | kingkool68 wrote:
         | See Preloading which landed in PHP 7.4
         | https://stitcher.io/blog/preloading-in-php-74
       | simlevesque wrote:
       | Felicitation !
       | Do you have any success story with this application server ?
         | francislavoie wrote:
         | Kinda early for that, isn't it? It's still in the experimental
         | phase.
       | codegeek wrote:
       | I see a bit of C as well ? Also, do we need to use Docker ? I am
       | very interested in trying but wanted to check.
       | If it is Go, can I not just compile the binary and execute ?
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | When do things ever "just compile"? I assume the Docker image
         | is because this is a pre-alpha and the docker image ensures
         | that no one needs to go through hours of dependency/config hell
         | because the docker image is set up with everything necessary
         | already, letting you focus on alpha-testing this and reporting
         | bugs.
           | calvinmorrison wrote:
           | typically I find CMake would do this, or Make, to verify
           | dependencies.
           | Coupled with a packaging system, like debian gives you, this
           | is all pretty straightforward.
           | I ran into this yesterday, and turns out I don't want to
           | install docker just to build a program...
             | TheRealPomax wrote:
             | Right, but there are as many setups as there are potential
             | users, so even if Debian works, that doesn't mean other
             | linux flavours will work as easily, or flavours of BSDs,
             | and then also Macs, and even WSL, or _even_ just plain old
             | Windows.
             | Having an "everyone gets the same thing, so no one wastes
             | time on bootstrapping" solution is a perfect use-case for
             | Docker. And then once the bugs have been found and fixed,
             | and the code is production-ready, you can focus on
             | documenting and scripting the setup procedures for the
             | various operating systems.
               | andirk wrote:
               | As an aside, may I ask what people's opinion of running
               | docker containers in prod is? The joke "But it works on
               | my local--" "Then ship your local".
               | francislavoie wrote:
               | The big win of Docker for me is parity between dev and
               | prod. I absolutely run on Docker in prod. It is not just
               | a dev tool.
         | francislavoie wrote:
         | C is necessary because PHP is written in C. So CGO is used to
         | interface with PHP directly from Go, from a Caddy plugin.
         | Docker is definitely not necessary, but it is the easiest way
         | to ship something that _just works_. Since you need a bunch of
         | build dependencies to compile PHP, the installation steps are
         | different for every distro to pull those in with whatever 's
         | your package manager.
       | k__ wrote:
       | PHP is already FrankenPerl, and Perl FrankenAwk?
       | What happened to the times where some crazy person would simply
       | slap together an interpreter and call it a language?
       | Somehow, language creation got more and more sophisticated these
       | days.
         | [deleted]
         | mhd wrote:
         | Really? Aren't there a lot of slapped together LLVM frontends
         | these days?
       | chx wrote:
       | Looking at the forked PHP source https://github.com/php/php-
       | src/compare/master...dunglas:php-... I do not expect
       | compatibility issues.
         | [deleted]
       | nonoesp wrote:
       | It'd be great to see how a Laravel app could run on FrankenPHP
       | and see if there are speed gains.
       | My current setup is a DigitalOcean Droplet with Nginx and php-
       | fpm.
         | some_developer wrote:
         | Try Octane, it's the app server we were longing for.
       (page generated 2022-10-14 23:00 UTC)