[HN Gopher] Compiler Explorer
       Compiler Explorer
       Author : disadvantage
       Score  : 306 points
       Date   : 2022-10-16 15:50 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (godbolt.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (godbolt.org)
       | photochemsyn wrote:
       | It's great that you can now get RISC-V output. IMO RISC-V is the
       | most pleasant way to learn assembly-level programming. For anyone
       | interested here's a nice resource:
       | https://riscv-programming.org/book.html
         | nevi-me wrote:
         | A bit unrelated, I've been learning ARM64 assembly out of the
         | convenience of having an ARM machine. It's also been pleasant,
         | I've been planning on learning RISC-V next. The only device I
         | have access to though is the ESP32C3, so I don't know how far
         | I'll go with it.
         | Outside of decompiling some code on Godbolt, peeking into the
         | assembly on VS Code, I've also been practising with Rust's
         | inline assembly, quite pleasant.
       | seabass wrote:
       | Is there a trick to make the typescript compiler run? All the
       | other examples seem fine out of the box. No matter what I write,
       | the ts compilation fails.
       | b3morales wrote:
       | A small tip when visiting godbolt: you can use the name of the
       | language you're interested in as a subdomain, to get a page
       | immediately set up for that language, rather than starting with
       | the default C++. For example https://erlang.godbolt.org or
       | https://rust.godbolt.org
         | charcircuit wrote:
         | https://clang.godbolt.org resolves but doesn't seem to do
         | anything.
           | b3morales wrote:
           | I'm not sure how many languages have alternative compilers
           | available, but I suppose you could make that a feature
           | request: to have a direct way to choose the compiler with the
           | a subdomain too. https://clang.c.godbolt.org Or maybe it
           | would make more sense in the path:
           | https://c.godbolt.org/clang
           | kupopuffs wrote:
           | Now, is clang a language? Hmm
             | [deleted]
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | It has "lang" in its name!
           | mattgodbolt wrote:
           | It only works for languages, not compilers. _almost_
           | everything *.godbolt.org resolves to Compiler Explorer (I
           | have some other projects at this domain), but *.compiler-
           | explorer.com and *.godbo.lt always point at CE.
         | camel-cdr wrote:
         | Another tip, specifically for mobile users: try
         | https://godbolt.org/noscript
       | sylware wrote:
       | WOW!
       | There is a noscript/ basic (x)html version AND it does handle the
       | _canonical_ gcc aka the last C compilable gcc (4.7.4).
       | Many of the optimization tricks hidden deep into those massive
       | and complex software will be yours now.
       | shortlived wrote:
       | I just discovered goldbolt aka compiler explorer via this
       | excellent podcast episode: https://corecursive.com/to-the-
       | assembly/
       | slavik81 wrote:
       | I've used Compiler Explorer for many years as a C++ developer.
       | When I started working in HIP, I really missed having Compiler
       | Explorer in my toolbox. I've been on leave for the past couple
       | months and I took the opportunity to make some contributions
       | outside my normal work. Consequentially, full support for
       | compiling HIP to AMDGPU assembly was merged last week.
       | Here's an example: https://godbolt.org/z/qjsErWzcs
         | mattgodbolt wrote:
         | For which we thank you very much for your help!!
       | usefulcat wrote:
       | Awesome tool. I do mostly c++ all day and I use this almost
       | daily, and certainly weekly. I think it's really improved my feel
       | for what the compiler will do with different constructs.
       | motgilk wrote:
       | It's an excellent tool. Would be nice if it showed you the full
       | linker output too, of the final binary.
       | xfgusta wrote:
       | I'd like to share a command-line tool to interact with Compiler
       | Explorer that I made: https://github.com/xfgusta/cexpl. It's
       | written in Python and it's available on PyPI.
       | choeger wrote:
       | When I was still programming in C++ that tool was _the_ method to
       | discuss compiler internals and language semantics with
       | colleagues. Just setup a minimal example and share it with your
       | colleagues. Impressive and sad at the same time. Impressive for
       | obvious reasons. Sad, because the language is so confabulated
       | that there is no easy concise way to talk about its semantics.
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | I also use it for this purpose, however I have come to hate the
         | way other people use it for this. I have a colleague who has
         | really no idea what he's talking about with respect to machine
         | performance, and who did not have the requisite knowledge of
         | how to peep at the assembly code of a given function with the
         | standard tools like objdump, who now loves to send everyone
         | godbolt links in slack, along with his suppositions about which
         | function will be faster, based entirely on vibes (mostly,
         | instruction count). This drives me up the wall. I wish there
         | was some minimum height needed to ride godbolt.
           | jcranmer wrote:
           | Using Compiler Explorer to see how different compilers
           | interpret the same code, or understanding the generated ABI,
           | or if various pragmas are or are not working, etc., is a very
           | good use of it--I suspect most compiler developers at this
           | point more or less have a tab of Compiler Explorer
           | permanently open at this point.
           | > I have a colleague who has really no idea what he's talking
           | about with respect to machine performance, and who did not
           | have the requisite knowledge of how to peep at the assembly
           | code of a given function with the standard tools like
           | objdump, who now loves to send everyone godbolt links in
           | slack, along with his suppositions about which function will
           | be faster, based entirely on vibes (mostly, instruction
           | count).
           | This, however, just _no_.
           | nickysielicki wrote:
           | objdump sucks, source annotations via coloring makes it at
           | least 5x faster to read assembly, I don't care how smart you
           | are or how fluent you are in assembly. If your colleague is
           | wrong for other reasons, that's orthogonal.
             | nibbleshifter wrote:
             | Side by side (or coloured, or whatever) source -> assembly
             | annotations is also a really, really efficient way to learn
             | some more assembly.
             | Write program -> compile -> disassemble w/ some mapping ->
             | make notes -> repeat.
             | Eventually your brains pattern recognition starts to allow
             | you to do neat things with disassembles of programs without
             | source code.
           | mattgodbolt wrote:
           | I go to some pain in my talks to say "instruction count is
           | not a good proxy for performance", but unfortunately folks do
           | still use it. It's handy to say "hey, there's no loop in this
           | output" or "this loop does 3 multiplies; the alternative does
           | two and an add" or similar. It's a mixed blessing to have
           | brought the compiler output to the masses, I can only hope it
           | starts a useful learning process!
           | MauranKilom wrote:
           | Assuming that "caring about performance" = "you are in a
           | tight loop": Here's a tool that simulates/visualizes
           | instruction flow and data dependencies over multiple loop
           | iterations.
           | https://uica.uops.info/
           | Paste in assembly code, check "Trace Table" and run, then
           | "Open Trace". Not sure if it will help with your annoying
           | colleague, but it gives a much more concrete idea about how a
           | processor will execute any given code.
           | Or, if you want to channel their energy into something
           | slightly more direct, there's also https://quick-bench.com/
           | which allows easy micro-benchmarking. Still not guaranteed to
           | be relevant to any real-world scenario, but more data-driven
           | than "vibes".
           | vnorilo wrote:
           | How $lang maps to assembly is half the picture: how assembly
           | maps to CPU is the other half. We shouldn't blame ignorance
           | of the latter on a tool for exploring the former.
           | I do totally get how some people learn just enough to be
           | annoying. Generally I still think that's not a good reason to
           | gatekeep them.
           | mwcampbell wrote:
           | It's hard to measure performance in realistic situations;
           | it's easy to measure code size. I recently found myself
           | wasting time doing micro-optimizations, encouraged by the
           | feedback loop of measuring and reducing code size (in my
           | case, not with Compiler Explorer, but with "cargo bloat",
           | since I was working on a Rust project.)
             | sitkack wrote:
             | I know you know this but instructions are basically free in
             | the face of memory access and random memory access is the
             | worst. Linear scans over contiguous memory (per thread)
             | generally optimizes performance.
             | Instruction counts are only useful if everything is
             | guaranteed to be in registers.
         | throwawy6969 wrote:
         | curiousgal wrote:
         | Do you all not need to understand assembly to advance the
         | discussion?
           | jfoutz wrote:
           | yes but there's real value in exploration. I haven't touched
           | c or assembly for a long time. here's a cold read.
           | push    rbp
           | this is going to take the contents of rbp and push it onto
           | the top of the stack - this will probably also change the
           | stack pointer                       mov     rbp, rsp
           | move goes left <-, like a = 5, not 5 = a. so, copy the
           | updated stack pointer into rbp                       mov
           | DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi
           | now, I'm not 100% sure, but I believe this guy puts edi just
           | under the value we pushed to the top of the stack
           | mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
           | Take that value, and put it into eax, I'm not 100% sure why
           | it's not just mov eax edi.                       imul    eax,
           | eax
           | integer multiply, this is the part that does the double.
           | pop     rbp
           | restore rbp (which we messed with)                       ret
           | and we're done.
           | there are at least three holes in my understanding - but
           | those three are not _that_ hard to track down.
           | 1, does the stack pointer actually auto increment? (I think
           | it does) 2, imul overflow and setting sign flags and such. -
           | that shouldn't be hard to run down.
           | 3, what is the c calling convention? it looks like the
           | argument is top of stack, but also in edi - is that shuffling
           | really needed? I think there's a bucket of implicit behavior
           | there that's kinda scary.
           | I would _hope_ unless linking to a library, whatever called
           | this, just did the imul eax eax.
           | My understanding may be deeply flawed, but explaining my
           | assumptions and my understanding does two things.
           | 1, it helps me learn.
           | 2, it helps others re-evaluate their assumptions and possibly
           | see from a different viewpoint.
           | I'm not saying spam compiler lists. But a clear and well
           | thought out question can certainly advance discussion. It
           | forces people to formalize their assumptions.
             | umanwizard wrote:
             | The default godbolt page runs the compiler with no flags,
             | which means without any optimizations. This explains why
             | the code unnecessarily shuffles stuff to the stack and
             | back. Unoptimized clang/llvm output spills everything to
             | the stack, and register allocation is an optimization.
             | With -O3, the code is:                   imul edi, edi
             | mov eax, edi         ret
             | Yep, the calling convention for x86-64 on Linux and macOS
             | passes the first six integer arguments in rdi, rsi, rdx,
             | rcx, r8, and r9, and then spills to stack.
               | Sharlin wrote:
               | And Win64 in rcx, rdx, r8, and r9.
               | Having originally learned the basics of assembly on the
               | chronically register-deprived x86, it took me a while to
               | get used to the fact that standard CCs now pass things in
               | registers (and rsi and rdi in particular, retaining their
               | ancient names while being completely general-purpose
               | these days).
             | atq2119 wrote:
             | FWIW, the stack grows downwards and push decrements the
             | stack pointer.
           | dtgriscom wrote:
           | ... having trouble parsing this...
           | umanwizard wrote:
           | Assembly is not that hard to learn to read.
           | einpoklum wrote:
           | No, because:
           | 1. You can figure out things about the assembly even without
           | understanding assembly (e.g. lines of source translating into
           | 0 lines of output vs many lines of output).
           | 2. You have labels.
           | 3. You can figure out some of the assembly on your own. Say:
           | `mov %r1 %r2` - it probably moves what's in entity %r1 into a
           | similar entity %r2, or vice-versa. etc.
           | 4. You can see what the executable outputs
           | 5. and most importantly: You can read compiler warnings and
           | errors...
             | whateveracct wrote:
             | You can also RTFM and simply .. learn assembly.
       | elromulous wrote:
       | Seriously asking, how is it even possible to submit this to hn at
       | this point? When one submits a previously submitted link, doesn't
       | it just alias to the previous submission?
         | josephcsible wrote:
         | That only happens if the previous submission was recent enough.
       | 5e92cb50239222b wrote:
       | A decent interview with the creator in podcast form.
       | https://cppcast.com/matt-godbolt-compiler-explorer/
         | c-cube wrote:
         | There's also 2's complement, a podcast by the author and a
         | friend of his. It's pretty nice.
         | https://www.twoscomplement.org/
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _Compiler Explorer_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24066570 - Aug 2020 (48
       | comments)
       |  _Compiler Explorer_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18671993 - Dec 2018 (44
       | comments)
       |  _RMSbolt - An implementation of the Godbolt compiler-explorer
       | for Emacs_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18104167 - Sept
       | 2018 (9 comments)
       |  _Compiler bug in MSVC?_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16142512 - Jan 2018 (2
       | comments)
       |  _C compiler undefined behavior: calls never-called function_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15147335 - Sept 2017 (83
       | comments)
       |  _GodBolt: Enter C, get Assembly_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13182726 - Dec 2016 (151
       | comments)
       |  _Compiler Explorer - now with side-by-side compiler comparison_
       | - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12627295 - Oct 2016 (6
       | comments)
       |  _Compiler Explorer_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11671730 - May 2016 (38
       | comments)
       |  _Interactive C++ Assembly Explorer_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9861294 - July 2015 (8
       | comments)
       |  _See What Your C Function Compiles To_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9808870 - June 2015 (2
       | comments)
       |  _C /C++ Fiddle_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7593109 -
       | April 2014 (40 comments)
       |  _Interactively watch how your C++ gets compiled._ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4020814 - May 2012 (1
       | comment)
         | mattgodbolt wrote:
         | Right...we turn up here every few months. Always grateful for
         | the PR, of course :)
           | kolbe wrote:
           | Do you earn anything from this site? Even if you do, I can't
           | imagine it's much relative to an Optiver salary. Why do you
           | do it?
       | RobotToaster wrote:
       | It's interesting to see what the different levels of compiler
       | optimisation produce.
       | prasadi wrote:
       | dorongrinstein wrote:
       | Thank you Matt Godbolt for creating such a wonderful tool. You're
       | as cool as they get!
         | skybrian wrote:
         | I didn't realize until today that Godbolt was someone's name. I
         | had thought it was a whimsically named compiler tool. :)
           | ainar-g wrote:
           | I've only found out recently, thanks to the C++ Iceberg.
           | https://fouronnes.github.io/cppiceberg/
           | (Entries are clickable.)
           | therein wrote:
           | I hadn't realized it until I started working with him back in
           | the day and saw his name on Slack.
           | Wrote him a message and told him how much we appreciated his
           | work at my previous workplace and how we used it all the time
           | to settle debates about C++ code.
           | Wonderful guy, back then he was very pleasantly surprised
           | that people actually used his website.
           | mattgodbolt wrote:
           | It still surprises me too! I need to change my name to Matt
           | Compiler-Explorer :D
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | I've used Godbolt for years.
       | The story that I heard, was that he was arguing with someone
       | about some compiler optimization, and created the site to prove a
       | point.
         | tialaramex wrote:
         | There's a CPPCon talk - which I'm sure somebody else can
         | remember and link - where Matt explains how this started. IIRC
         | He was initially wondering whether C++ iterators are _actually_
         | the same price as the C-style for loops you 'd once have used
         | instead with an index counting up or a pointer increasing. If
         | it was _slower_ then in Matt 's industry that's useless, but if
         | it's the same speed then the improved clarity of what you mean
         | is valuable.
         | Obviously the results will be identical but because the
         | iterators _look_ fancy (and are easier to think about) maybe
         | there 's some object getting constructed, it might be a _lot_
         | heavier - right? Nope, same machine code. Matt initially did
         | this much more manually, the Godbolt web site is just that same
         | idea getting further enriched over time.
         | This is even more striking for something like Rust's iterators
         | that don't look at _all_ like it 's just the C-style for loop,
         | there's a call to _make_ the iterator IntoIterator::into_iter()
         | and then repeated calls to its next() method, sounds expensive
         | - but nope, once again the optimiser can see what 's going on
         | here and emit the same machine code. Having a tool like Godbolt
         | to confirm (or sometimes refute) the belief that these things
         | are actually the _same_ is really useful, as _even after
         | confirming that optimisation is needed_ if the proposed
         | "optimisation" doesn't change the machine code it wasn't an
         | optimisation, just making the program needlessly harder to
         | understand.
           | Simran-B wrote:
           | It's the CppCon 2017 talk with the title "What has my
           | compiler done for me lately? Unbolting the compiler's lid".
           | The Compiler Explorer backstory starts here:
           | https://youtu.be/bSkpMdDe4g4?t=4m57s
           | JadeNB wrote:
           | > This is even more striking for something like Rust's
           | iterators that don't look at all like it's just the C-style
           | for loop, there's a call to make the iterator
           | IntoIterator::into_iter() and then repeated calls to its
           | next() method, sounds expensive - but nope, once again the
           | optimiser can see what's going on here and emit the same
           | machine code.
           | > Having a tool like Godbolt to confirm (or sometimes refute)
           | the belief that these things are actually the same is really
           | useful, as even after confirming that optimisation is needed
           | if the proposed "optimisation" doesn't change the machine
           | code it wasn't an optimisation, just making the program
           | needlessly harder to understand.
           | I'm not sure I understand this. Wouldn't you expect higher-
           | order code to be easier to optimise, since it comes closer to
           | telling the compiler what you want to do, so that the
           | compiler can figure it out, rather than forcing the compiler
           | to divine the big-picture intention of a bunch of low-level
           | instructions?
           | And, if high-level code generates exactly the same machine
           | code as low-level code, isn't that an argument in _favour_ of
           | high-level code--it lets you code declaratively, saying what
           | you mean--rather than _against_ high-level code? An
           | optimisation might be optimising for intelligibility, not
           | just run-time ... and, while an experienced low-level C
           | programmer might find the low-level code more readable,
           | surely the non-expert maintenance programmer who comes
           | afterwards will be grateful not to have to recognise the low-
           | level patterns but rather have them spelled out in high-level
           | code?
             | generichuman wrote:
             | > Wouldn't you expect higher-order code to be easier to
             | optimise, since it comes closer to telling the compiler
             | what you want to do, so that the compiler can figure it
             | out, rather than forcing the compiler to divine the big-
             | picture intention of a bunch of low-level instructions?
             | Optimization is an NP-hard problem. What compiler backends
             | do these days is mostly to pattern match known optimizable
             | code blocks. Some of the other optimizations are an
             | approximation of the actual solution. The order of
             | optimization type being made also affects the result.
             | So in a perfect world where we could solve NP-hard
             | problems, higher-level code (with more constraints put on
             | it -- as in Rust traits, not C++ templates) would be easier
             | to optimize. But since we don't live in that utopia, nope.
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | Perfect optimization is at the very least Turing
               | complete.
             | p1necone wrote:
             | > I'm not sure I understand this. Wouldn't you expect
             | higher-order code to be easier to optimise, since it comes
             | closer to telling the compiler what you want to do, so that
             | the compiler can figure it out, rather than forcing the
             | compiler to divine the big-picture intention of a bunch of
             | low-level instructions?
             | This assumes a "sufficiently smart compiler", whereas if
             | you write the exact low level basic for loop (or unroll it
             | manually or whatever) you want you can be confident that
             | even a pretty dumb compiler is still going to output
             | something close to optimal.
             | It just seems like most compilers are "sufficiently smart"
             | for this sort of thing nowadays (and have been for quite
             | some time). But it's not always the case, and the code you
             | think would obviously be optimized by the compiler isn't
             | always. So it pays to check these things if you're writing
             | code for something where potentially eking out extra
             | performance really matters.
       | justshowpost wrote:
       | Its better than the others but also very unprofessional as the
       | other web stuff. It DOES link but its absolutely impossible to
       | view generated map. People are just hyping about codegen related
       | microoptimizations but don't care about layout at all.
       | Very typical for today's world where javascript coder counts as
       | software engineer.
       | TobyTheDog123 wrote:
       | First ran across this when looking into Carbon - it's a very cool
       | tool!
       | mattgodbolt wrote:
       | Wow - we're on Hacker News again! Hello all, and thanks for the
       | link and discussion! While we're here, we recently made some
       | stats public: https://stats.compiler-explorer.com/ (spot the
       | Hacker News spike!)
       | General stuff: we're always looking for help; everything's open
       | source on GH: https://github.com/compiler-explorer/ (the base
       | project, our cloud setup, all our build scripts, etc). The most
       | valuable way to help us is with issues and PRs, or hang out on
       | our Discord (https://discord.gg/zNNgyRKh). Then spread the word,
       | and last we welcome sponsors on GH
       | (https://github.com/sponsors/mattgodbolt) or Patreon
       | (https://www.patreon.com/mattgodbolt).
         | chrisaycock wrote:
         | And for those who haven't read it yet, here's Matt's own
         | article in _ACM Queue_ :
         | https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=3372264
         | Genbox wrote:
         | Hi Matt. Thank you for such an excellent project.
         | I'm pretty sure you already know of sharplab.io. A lot of us C#
         | devs prefer it over Compiler Explorer for a bunch of reasons,
         | but the main one is really the speed.
         | My guess is that Sharplab gets it speed because it hooks
         | directly into the JIT compiler itself. There is no overhead
         | from touching disk or the linker.
           | andyayers wrote:
           | IIRC with .NET 7 we will be able to improve this as we can
           | now dump the jit-generated assembly from official builds.
           | .NET 7 will be officially released in a month or so.
           | Currently C#/F#/VB support in Compiler Explorer relies on
           | prejitting which has various issues.
           | mattgodbolt wrote:
           | Hi Genbox, thanks for the kind words. I've never heard of
           | sharplab.io - the speed of C# compilation is not very high on
           | the priorities of CE right now (though we have some issues
           | filed, and some (stale) PRs to help). We welcome help
           | improving it!
           | If you're talking about the speed of other languages than C#,
           | then most of the time is in the compilers itself, not the
           | fairly limited pre- and post-processing we do. We have a
           | pretty sophisticated setup (at least, I think it is...) for
           | handling the 1,500 compiler/language combinations, hundreds
           | of libraries etc (around 2TB of data), but there's always
           | tradeoffs between fast start-up time, manageability and
           | simplicity of adding new compilers, and the run-time
           | performance of running the compilers etc.
           | dataflow wrote:
           | Confused, how is this related to C++ compilers?
           | Edit: Oh wow I didn't realize the website does other
           | languages, thanks!
             | vips7L wrote:
             | Godbolt does more than C++. I often share Java byte code
             | snippets from there
             | mattgodbolt wrote:
             | Why does it have to be related to C++ compilers? Compiler
             | Explorer supports a number of languages, including C#:
             | $ curl -sL https://godbolt.org/api/languages       Id
             | | Name       csharp         | C#       fsharp         | F#
             | vb             | Visual Basic       go             | Go
             | c              | C       c++            | C++       fortran
             | | Fortran       assembly       | Assembly       circle
             | | C++ (Circle)       circt          | CIRCT       hlsl
             | | HLSL       cppx           | Cppx       crystal        |
             | Crystal       dart           | Dart       erlang         |
             | Erlang       carbon         | Carbon       hook           |
             | Hook       cppx_blue      | Cppx-Blue       cppx_gold
             | | Cppx-Gold       mlir           | MLIR       cuda
             | | CUDA C++       analysis       | Analysis       python
             | | Python       racket         | Racket       ruby
             | | Ruby       typescript     | TypeScript Native       d
             | | D       ada            | Ada       cpp_for_opencl | C++
             | for OpenCL       openclc        | OpenCL C       llvm
             | | LLVM IR       cpp2_cppfront  | Cpp2-cppfront       rust
             | | Rust       ispc           | ispc       java           |
             | Java       kotlin         | Kotlin       nim            |
             | Nim       pony           | Pony       scala          |
             | Scala       solidity       | Solidity       clean
             | | Clean       pascal         | Pascal       haskell
             | | Haskell       ocaml          | OCaml       swift
             | | Swift       zig            | Zig       $
         | the_only_law wrote:
         | Thank you for making one of the coolest tools I found in the
         | web in years.
       | caramelcream wrote:
       | Compiler Explorer is such a wonderful tool. It made examining and
       | comparing compiler outputs so much easier and now pretty much
       | everyone interested in optimizations is using it.
       (page generated 2022-10-16 23:00 UTC)