[HN Gopher] Product vs. Engineering
       Product vs. Engineering
       Author : kiyanwang
       Score  : 141 points
       Date   : 2022-10-17 05:53 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (martinfowler.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (martinfowler.com)
       | javier_e06 wrote:
       | The Us vs. Them dynamic always fails. The "We are all in this
       | together" bs also fails because is empty rhetoric. What works is
       | surround ALL SIDES of the organization with people with superior
       | soft skills.
         | [deleted]
       | fdgsdfogijq wrote:
       | What I have noticed even in top engineering companies is an
       | interesting dichotomy. Product determines the "innovation",
       | engineering determines how to build it. I wonder if thats
       | because, if you let engineers do both, you end up with a mess and
       | accomplish nothing. Programming is hard enough, programming
       | within well defined barriers and goals is much easier. You have a
       | low risk cycle of design -> code -> test.
       | The issue is that often product is not technical enough to bake
       | in technical possibilities to how they think about innovation.
       | Not always, but I have seen this happening even on recommendation
       | and ML marketing systems for some of the large most sophisticated
       | companies.
         | SkyPuncher wrote:
         | In my experience, it's way too easy for engineers to geek out
         | on the how without addressing the "why". I'm guilty of this
         | myself, from time to time.
         | When product is leading the charge, it often means they've
         | validated a need from a customer and are ready to address it.
         | When engineering leads, they're often pushing a capability
         | without having evaluated it against customer needs.
         | mkl95 wrote:
         | > if you let engineers do both, you end up with a mess and
         | accomplish nothing.
         | Hard disagree. When left on their own, a product oriented
         | engineer delivers value orders of magnitude higher than a
         | technical product manager.
           | fdgsdfogijq wrote:
           | As an engineer I want to agree. But for a large corporation,
           | I think they prefer the risk averse approach of strict
           | requirements for engineering.
         | gopalv wrote:
         | > I wonder if thats because, if you let engineers do both, you
         | end up with a mess and accomplish nothing
         | No, it is because an Engineer (with technology selection
         | blinders on) will jump to a What/How before the Why actually
         | lands in a conversation.
         | The why will be recorded as "what the customer wants", we jump
         | from problem to solution too fast.
         | In fact most of the times the product org only provides a
         | "What" to the engineering team which is where most of the
         | problems are buried & plays it close to the chest with the
         | "Why".
         | I was an engineer reporting to the CPO in my last job and my
         | entire job was to diffuse the "Why" down to the engineering
         | org, so that they felt purposeful about the problems they were
         | solving & to push back on the What if there's a better solution
         | possible. But I didn't get to redefine the "Why" part of the
         | question, even though I really wanted to do it to make more
         | progress in the directions I was already headed.
         | Once you got "what", then you get to "how", "who", "when" and
         | usually "how much?".
         | The message usually bounces off the end of that and goes back,
         | to the customer who's eventually going to solve the "how much"
         | problem.
           | sdevonoes wrote:
           | You let your engineers diffuse the "Why".
           | You let your engineers figure out the "How".
           | You let your engineers implement the "What".
           | ... at the end you let your engineers figure out everything.
           | So tiring.
           | passwordoops wrote:
           | >is because an Engineer (with technology selection blinders
           | on) will jump to a What/How before the Why actually lands in
           | a conversation.
           | I'm in marketing/biz dev now at an engineer-led company, and
           | in a meeting last week a dev team presented a new UI that is
           | a MASSIVE departure from our current approach. At the end of
           | the demo, they informed us that a) it's being released in 2
           | weeks, b) do you think the clients will like it, and c) can
           | we charge more for it?
             | ketzo wrote:
             | > a) it's being released in 2 weeks b) do you think clients
             | will like it
             | Oh god, that gives me the sweats. Godspeed.
         | PragmaticPulp wrote:
         | > What I have noticed even in top engineering companies is an
         | interesting dichotomy. Product determines the "innovation",
         | engineering determines how to build it. I wonder if thats
         | because, if you let engineers do both, you end up with a mess
         | and accomplish nothing.
         | The top companies have product and engineering working closely
         | together. This allows product people to go deep on optimizing
         | their product skills and engineers to go deep on optimizing
         | their development skills, both of which are most effective when
         | performed in conjunction with each other as part of a strong
         | team.
         | There are great product-minded engineers and great engineering-
         | minded product managers out there, but it's much easier to find
         | people who are simply good at their domain and know how to work
         | closely with people in other domains to get things done.
         | Some companies try to cargo-cult this by drawing a dividing
         | line: Product defines the "what" and engineers define the
         | "how". Product works in isolation, hands things off to
         | engineers, then engineers churn through tickets in isolation.
         | This is not good at all.
       | zingar wrote:
       | The elephant in the room for me is that it's only the existence
       | of "product organizations" that create the problems described
       | here. Product skills are a vital PART of a multi disciplinary
       | team, but should not be separate or - heaven forbid but just the
       | unfortunate reality - consider themselves in management over or
       | otherwise in charge of any other part of the team. You want to
       | make software? Fine, come be part of the team with me. We'll work
       | together and make great things happen. Don't fool yourself that
       | things will be better if you just tell me what to do.
       | bjornsing wrote:
       | I'm not too fond of the "separate Product and Engineering
       | organizations" model... The whole idea of having one branch of
       | the org chart telling another what to do is kind of flawed. I
       | think it's often better to divide up the product over many
       | separate small teams, each with a product focused "mini CEO" and
       | a tech focused "mini CTO".
         | lifeisstillgood wrote:
         | Yes.
         | Take a rough guide to military planning and you see "strategy,
         | Operations and Tactics" not "business vs tech".
         | And the prevailing direction is towards "mission command" -
         | where each level provides the resources down to the next but
         | it's not "directing" as opposed to "hand off"
         | P5fRxh5kUvp2th wrote:
         | 100% this, what ends up happening is product wedges themselves
         | between business and technical so they wield the power due to
         | having business' ear, and any attempt by technical to
         | communicate directly with business is met with severe
         | reactions.
         | The thing to understand is that very likely your technical
         | people are smarter than your product people. In addition, part
         | of software development is being able to identify what needs to
         | be solved. Any developer with a modicum of experience knows how
         | to do this.
         | Just as you have a technical leader on the team, you need a
         | technical architect on the team. That person can interface with
         | the business or the business analyst (or both) as needed.
         | separate teams is a degenerate case for strong software
         | development.
         | I once literally had a business person ask "who should be
         | involved in this conversation" and my response was "product and
         | technical so we can advise". Product responded after me with
         | "Product" and the lack of technical there was deafening.
         | It becomes a power play, the theory of the different
         | departments works out about as well as putting a racist and a
         | black man in a room to collaborate on race relations.
           | taude wrote:
           | theres a lot of orgs where product people will be onshore and
           | the technies offshore, so the model and barrier kind of makes
           | sense (for this operating model), and typically the Product
           | people will be the more expensive/smarter/critical resource
           | in this case.
             | kenhwang wrote:
             | In my personal experience, that model has rarely led to a
             | good product, good technical implementation, or even good
             | development velocity.
             | P5fRxh5kUvp2th wrote:
             | In this setup you need onshore to manage that offshore team
             | or you're just asking for pain.
           | esotericimpl wrote:
           | The key to this is to only hire "product" people who grew out
           | of either Design or Engineering, Anyone who started as
           | "product" is a wanna be general who provides minimal value.
           | My usual first question to any product candidate is do you
           | find yourself coming from a Design, UX, or Engineering
           | background?
             | lliamander wrote:
             | People with _relevant_ industry experience, even if non-
             | technical, are also good candidates for product roles.
             | cj wrote:
             | I've had luck hiring people with "dev bootcamp" level
             | experience who didn't excel as an engineer post-bootcamp,
             | but know enough technical jargon to communicate,
             | collaborate, and understand engineers.
             | Often these are people who became bored with day to day
             | coding having more interest in the business side of the
             | company
               | [deleted]
           | robocat wrote:
           | > putting a racist and a black man in a room
           | Suggestion: Avoid prickly metaphors. Especially ones that
           | imply reader is situated in a particular country?
           | Reason: Everyone can be racist. In a place with only black
           | men, is nobody a racist?
           | Disclaimer: White guy on an Island. Sorry for off-topic
           | content, I try not to make it a habit. I am generally against
           | PC bullshit.
           | noobker wrote:
           | >very likely your technical people are smarter than your
           | product people
           | Intelligence is multifaceted. That business listens to
           | product and not to engineers could be seen as a type of
           | social intelligence of which engineers are notoriously
           | unskilled.
           | Regardless, framing any portion of your organization as
           | "smarter than" (implicitly "better than") isn't going to help
           | in terms of fostering collaboration.
             | wittycardio wrote:
             | Yes it is multi faceted. But in this industry one of those
             | facets is worth more.
               | Nemi wrote:
               | I am an engineer by trade, but I would argue product is
               | more important than engineering. WHAT you work on is
               | ultimately more important than HOW it is achieved from my
               | experience. Yes, bad engineering will ruin a product, but
               | it is all moot if you are not working on the right thing.
               | So many companies I have worked with are working on the
               | wrong thing. Another way to put it is, a company with a
               | great product that has bad engineering will outperform a
               | company that has great engineering but a bad product.
               | Product/market fit rules all. Once I understood this I
               | was able to work with the product team better.
             | lliamander wrote:
             | > Intelligence is multifaceted. That business listens to
             | product and not to engineers could be seen as a type of
             | social intelligence of which engineers are notoriously
             | unskilled.
             | To some extent that's true. I'm sure that product folks
             | tend to have higher verbal intelligence (on average). But
             | all forms of intelligence are highly correlated with each
             | other, and engineers are likely higher overall. Many
             | (though not all) of the engineers I know are quite
             | articulate, even when English isn't their first language.
             | Much of the difference in "social intelligence" might just
             | come down to being more outgoing and assertive, rather than
             | an actual difference in ability.
             | > Regardless, framing any portion of your organization as
             | "smarter than" (implicitly "better than") isn't going to
             | help in terms of fostering collaboration.
             | I agree that the other poster's framing was hostile, but I
             | am sympathetic to their frustration. I think it is helpful
             | to remind product and business leaders that your engineers
             | can be great allies in solving hard business problems.
             | MajimasEyepatch wrote:
             | Also a lot of PMs are former engineers. One could argue a
             | person capable of doing both at a high level is "smarter"
             | than a person who cannot. Certainly they would have a
             | unique perspective compared to people who have only been on
             | one side or the other.
             | But like you said, intelligence is multifaceted, and
             | comparing people's intelligence is pointless and divisive.
           | rektomatic wrote:
           | >very likely your technical people are smarter than your
           | product people
           | I'm guessing you work in the technical side of things?
             | [deleted]
             | P5fRxh5kUvp2th wrote:
             | should I guess you're not and that your sole reason for
             | responding is defensiveness in wanting to believe you're
             | smarter than software developers?
             | Or maybe we can try again?
               | ButterBiscuits wrote:
               | > should I guess you're not and that your sole reason for
               | responding is defensiveness in wanting to believe you're
               | smarter than software developers?
               | You can guess that, and honestly it's not even a terrible
               | guess. But it makes you a hypocrite. If you're offended
               | by someone making this kind of assumption about you,
               | reciprocating it isn't going to bring down barriers to
               | communication.
               | > Or maybe we can try again?
               | You deflected entirely from the comment, which is fine.
               | But then why reply at all? It sounds like you just want
               | to be defensive.
         | bkuehl wrote:
         | Our company did a restructuring a couple years ago where the
         | web/user-facing part of the dev team was moved under the same
         | branch with Product. At first I was skeptical, but it has
         | worked out very well. Product Managers and the developers feel
         | like they are on the same "team" working toward a better
         | product. There's a lot more collaboration with PMs trying to
         | get developer input/insight, etc. Things used to be a lot more
         | siloed, and I think it really hurt innovation.
           | drewbeck wrote:
           | This is a really intriguing approach! I can see why it works.
         | crazygringo wrote:
         | What you're describing is how it's already usually done, from
         | what I've seen.
         | But the PM still reports to a director of product, and the TL
         | still reports to director of engineering.
         | And when the director of product and director of engineering
         | have different visions and priorities and criteria for
         | promoting, that's the problem described in the article.
         | And you certainly can't have engineering report to product or
         | vice-versa... I've seen both before and it's utter disaster.
         | makestuff wrote:
         | yeah i was at a startup that had SVP of product and SVP of
         | engineering. For the entire year I was there 60% of the time
         | was spent in meetings where they just blamed each other.
         | Engineering would say product didn't tell us what to build so
         | we just built what we thought they wanted and product would say
         | they told engineering what to build but they did it
         | incorrectly.
         | The company I am at now has a leader who has product and
         | engineering reporting to them for their charter basically
         | following the mini-ceo/cto you described. It has its issues but
         | works much better than the alternative.
           | zingar wrote:
           | The leader who has product and engineering reporting to them
           | is a CTO. Someone who only does one of those things is not a
           | CTO and shouldn't have C-level decision making power.
           | ipaddr wrote:
           | You needed a project manager SVP reporting to cio to make
           | that work with a department for requirements
             | chrisabrams wrote:
             | Thank you for this it was much appreciated humor during my
             | lunch break!
         | CSMastermind wrote:
         | I disagree but the thing I'd disagree most about is calling
         | your product managers a "mini CEO". That exact mistake as led
         | to some of the worst product outcomes I've witnessed.
           | wobbly_bush wrote:
           | Curious, what about that title caused bad outcomes?
             | CSMastermind wrote:
             | I think it sets the wrong expectations for those product
             | managers but in terms of their duties and in terms of
             | collaboration with their team members.
             | I've seen product managers who thought they were _managers_
             | actually in charge of the people on the team and this led
             | to frustration. OR they thought they were decisions makers
             | who had some measure of authority instead of just another
             | member of a team with a specific role. In general
             | collaboration with
             | And when I think about the product managers, I've worked
             | with who described themselves as "mini-CEOs" they lacked
             | basic product management skills. For example: focusing on
             | the what over the why, being overly process driven, and
             | lacking a cohesive vision for what the product will be long
             | term.
             | I can't tell you correlation-causation here. Whether the
             | description of "mini-CEOs" attracts people who are bad at
             | product management or whether telling someone their job is
             | to be a "mini-CEO" causes them to behave poorly.
         | hipppocamp wrote:
         | > I think it's often better to divide up the product over many
         | separate small teams, each with a product focused "mini CEO"
         | and a tech focused "mini CTO".
         | This only gets you so far. It tends to optimize for speed of
         | teams but at the detriment of the overall product.
         | Eventually you end up with splintering of ideas, terminology,
         | duplicate functionality and features that almost work the same
         | way. You see it across all big companies and products. AWS is a
         | great example of the mess they've made between services and how
         | they don't always play well together and you end up with teams
         | actually competing as they assert that their product should own
         | something that's others shouldn't. I wouldn't be surprised if
         | Google is in the same mess (Drive is a fucking cluster of a
         | mess and it's basically impossible to use for anything
         | productivity related - and don't get me started on how Google
         | Classroom works within that ecosystem that's a double yikes).
         | Same goes for Atlassian. What's the saying? Don't ship your org
         | chart?
           | AndreasHae wrote:
           | Can you think of any FAANG scale orgs that haven't run into
           | having a fragmented product landscape? Maybe there's just a
           | hard limit of how much complexity one business unit can
           | handle before it stops being able to scale up. With that in
           | mind, decentralized teams with tight product+tech
           | collaboration seem to be a successful model. Otherwise we
           | would probably already have seen an example of a successful
           | tech company with centralized product/tech departments.
             | Jare wrote:
             | The fragmentation issues doesn't need FAANG scale, and is
             | already a possibility for any org that scales past 50
             | people or so. If a team has the potential to interfere with
             | another, or the need to depend on another, you already have
             | the primordial soup for conflict and widening cracks.
             | kcexn wrote:
             | Isn't Apple very successful with centralised product/tech
             | departments?
         | [deleted]
         | vsareto wrote:
         | That's usually what happens: assigned product people to
         | engineering teams who focus on what the engineering team works
         | on, then they report one level higher.
         | You shouldn't be seeing a new decision-making Product person
         | every month or so - that's bad news bears.
         | It gets to this state naturally if your product is fairly large
         | and has loose/well-defined modules that are distinct from one-
         | another.
         | PragmaticPulp wrote:
         | Fortunately, this article isn't either. The second half of the
         | article is about breaking down that wall (From the article):
         | > Eliminating the wall between Product and Engineering is
         | essential to establishing high performing product teams.
         | (Quoting parent post):
         | > The whole idea of having one branch of the org chart telling
         | another what to do is kind of flawed.
         | Completely agree, and all of these approaches are destined to
         | fail if it turns into different branches of the org chart
         | fighting with each other.
         | Most of my issues with separate product orgs have come from
         | product executives who feel the product/engineering
         | relationship needs to be more of a handoff or prescriptive
         | relationship. It's not.
         | > I think it's often better to divide up the product over many
         | separate small teams, each with a product focused "mini CEO"
         | and a tech focused "mini CTO".
         | Whatever you do, don't call them "mini CEO" and "mini CTO".
         | This generally implies that the CEO is at the top, which breaks
         | the whole collaborative team idea that we're going for in the
         | first place.
         | spacemadness wrote:
         | I'm dealing with this right now and it feels like we're at
         | constant war instead of collaborating.
       | hackitup7 wrote:
       | Early in my tenure running a Product team I decided that one of
       | my goals would be for PM/Design and Engineering to be as close as
       | possible. I would literally say that I wanted them to view one
       | another as brothers/sisters, and tried to set the example that we
       | would go to bat for engineering (and expect the same) in almost
       | all cases. I think it was probably one of the best organizational
       | decisions I ever made.
         | mrcwinn wrote:
         | I'm a Chief Product Officer at the moment with both experience
         | around product design, UX/UXR, product management -- but also a
         | very deep software engineering background.
         | I certainly have some blind spots, but it's a real advantage to
         | be able to communicate a cohesive narrative and build "one"
         | team (with lots of fantastic disciplines and even, at times,
         | some intentional silo'ing). I can describe the why behind our
         | prioritization, but also keep in view the strategic engineering
         | investments we'll make to support our product vision over the
         | long-term. Will it scale forever? Who knows.
         | But I absolutely believe in fully-integrated product teams. You
         | can really ship some amazing work when you get it right.
         | ipaddr wrote:
         | I have seen cases where pm is close to developers or close to
         | the business leaders. Sometimes too close to either group
         | excludes the other. A balanced pm is preferred.
       | uptownfunk wrote:
       | Hard to get right, becomes a mess if you don't. The toxic us vs
       | them attitude can quickly take over and jam up any hope of
       | progress. Having them on one team is helpful. Also having a
       | healthy org culture of no blame games, mistakes are not ideal but
       | they happen, and focus on spreading happiness to your customers
       | in a sustainable way for everyone also plays a role.
       | no_wizard wrote:
       | This is part of a whole series[0] that I am reading and finding
       | quite insightful.
       | I think the "pull quote" for me, was this, from the immediate
       | article:
       |  _Establish team working agreements at all levels. Ensure every
       | team member knows what role they're playing_
       | I think this is a real problem not just in scale ups, but in a
       | lot of engineering organizations. There's no working agreements
       | on what roles that each part of the company plays and expects
       | others to play, its often weighted against some preference of
       | higher up management (often VP / executive / director depending
       | on the size of the org and influence each layer has) that creates
       | these silos and break downs.
       | I think its uncommon to think of start up environments like this,
       | but it is entirely true, once you get past a certain number of
       | employees and start having more delegation layers (directors /
       | VPs) you start to run into these silo problems quickly if you
       | aren't aware of them or don't actively do something about
       | preventing them.
       | Whole thing is worth reading though, very insightful to me at
       | least!
       | [0]: https://martinfowler.com/articles/bottlenecks-of-scaleups/
         | righttoolforjob wrote:
         | Bad (and common) engineering managers avoid agreements on
         | purpose to:
         | 1) cover their asses
         | 2) change anything at will
         | If you never agreed to anything, then you can keep demanding
         | whatever, and blame whoever as well. It's a really shitty
         | management style. I left such an organisation not too long ago
         | where I would say that the engineering department survived not
         | because of, but rather despite of the head of that department.
         | First few years nobody had a clue what he was doing most of the
         | days and when he decided to get actively involved it was
         | obvious he had no clue about anything. He still has no clue but
         | he's made sure to surround himself with incompetent yes-sayers
         | to cement his position.
         | A real political genius.
       | PragmaticPulp wrote:
       | > Leaders should set a principle and expectation of a blameless
       | culture. When something goes wrong, it's a wonderful learning
       | opportunity, to be studied and used to continuously improve. An
       | example of this is the concept of a blameless post-mortem.
       | I understand this idea. I've read several books on the subject
       | and worked to integrate it into several teams now. I think it's
       | an admirable goal.
       | But the blameless culture idea becomes counterproductive when
       | taken to extremes. I've been in a couple "blameless cultures"
       | where a small number of people were _clearly_ to blame for every
       | project falling behind, but every retrospective was about how we
       | could have organized our work better, or planned better, or been
       | more clear about the expectations. No, at some point, the only
       | way we 're going to ship better is to shine some light directly
       | at the one poor performer on the team that everyone _knows_ is to
       | blame. That doesn 't mean being mean or rude or calling them out
       | in public, but something must be done.
         | [deleted]
         | __turbobrew__ wrote:
         | Yea there is a balance between giving engineers power to
         | effectively do their jobs and limiting the amount of damage
         | they can do. You can put up more guard rails for engineers, but
         | it will most likely make it harder to do their job or deal with
         | production emergencies. What is also tough is if you have a
         | group of highly privileged engineers who can manage not having
         | guard rails except for a few cowboys who cause problems. You
         | can limit the capabilities of the entire group to deal with the
         | cowboys, but then you are making all of the responsible
         | engineers less effective.
         | One solution is to move the cowboys to a position where they
         | can do less damage, another is to make the cowboys responsible
         | for their repeat offences, or you can just go full up blameless
         | and have to deal with outages caused by repeat offenders.
         | I have seen this in action at my org -- we basically have a
         | chaos monkey who is a person. They cause an outage and not even
         | a week later they are doing dumb/overly risky actions again.
         | prsimp wrote:
         | In my experience, there is a thin line between "blameless"
         | cultures and "responsibility-less" cultures. Blameless cultures
         | accept that we are all human, make mistakes, have off periods,
         | etc. "Responsibility-less" cultures are as you describe -- they
         | eschew honest conversations about the actual forces that affect
         | projects. Instead they tend to repeat the same process
         | discussions ad nauseum, typically discussing symptoms rather
         | than the actual causes.
         | Since we as humans often prefer to avoid conflict (sometimes at
         | all costs), it's not uncommon to see companies tilt towards the
         | latter. This is exacerbated in "scale up" environments when
         | rapid personnel changes make it difficult to build the kind of
         | trust necessary for direct, honest communication.
         | sophrocyne wrote:
         | Create a culture where making mistakes is ok, but failing to
         | learn from those mistakes is unacceptable.
         | Not mine - That's a Dalio principle. But one that is very
         | sorely needed in many work environments.
         | SkyPuncher wrote:
         | Yea, that's a culture that lacks any sort of accountability.
         | When patterns continue to repeat, one of two things needs to
         | happen:
         | * Management recognizes this is a culture/process issue which
         | many people are affected by. Management must fix it.
         | * An individual continues to repeat the same type of error,
         | despite having had the opportunity to identify, learn, and
         | address it.
       | fleddr wrote:
       | Too much fluff. Keep it simple.
       | A good PM can clearly articulate what is to be build and why. In
       | my experience, the why is often completely lacking. Zero
       | research. Shady A/B tests with unclear conclusions. Pretty much
       | the "why" is often somebody deep down in the business emailing a
       | random idea. And it seemed cool and people want to please people
       | rather than dismiss them.
       | With a clear and simple goal and why, if you have half-decent
       | engaged engineers, they can now _think along_ on how to best
       | achieve the goal. This could refine the feature itself, its
       | visual design, anything. The idea that product people have
       | monopoly knowledge on product is ridiculous.
       | So with a clear and hardened idea you build it. Then we come to
       | the other part that PMs never seem to engage in: feedback.
       | Did it work? Did anybody use the feature at all? Was the goal
       | met? Did we get user feedback? Often lacking as engineers are to
       | focus on the new sprint.
       | Engineers can't grow or feel product ownership if they're so far
       | removed from its real world impact.
       | And as for my second trigger: don't "negotiate" technical debt.
       | The idea that it's negotiable is why it won't get done, so make a
       | stand and remove room for negotiation. It very much is in your
       | power to do so.
       | eftychis wrote:
       | I think this runs back on "Innovator's Dilemma"[1] and "... they
       | didn't think if they should build it."
       | I say it is also a failure of scaling and power struggle. Because
       | you have to have a VP for engineering and a VP of product to show
       | to your customers and to your employees right?
       | As the article does well to point out that backfires in so many
       | ways: "engineers get stuck due to lack of context." Imagine the
       | market needing a bridge and internally to be playing pantomime on
       | "we need a beam I think of x weight..." Try to build a plane that
       | way I dare you. Software is fine as you can just convince the
       | customer to buy extra hardware.
       | That sucks of course if you expect to consider your employees as
       | resources in a factory chain because of course those models apply
       | cleanly to engineering work... (That last sentence was
       | sarcastic.) Companies do it because it is cheaper to have people
       | multi task in the short term and ticks boxes. That's what kills
       | companies so I am fine with that I guess. More companies will
       | sprung that will be better hopefully.
       | 1.
       | https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2615.The_Innovator_s_Dil...
         | hinkley wrote:
         | > Try to build a plane that way I dare you.
         | This may be why modern Boeing is so fucked.
         | source: worked on the 787 program, the hardware for our team
         | was selected before there was a team. Our part was only
         | successful and on time in large part because I'm a stubborn
         | asshole.
           | eftychis wrote:
           | Thanks for the input! I have only second and third hand input
           | from the 787 program so didn't want to imply anything there.
           | I hope Boeing fixes that managerial issues leading to what
           | you describe as I am a fan of its historical product in
           | general. (If I am reading your comments right and I am not
           | blinded by my pre-conceptions.)
             | hinkley wrote:
             | Boeing isn't Boeing anymore, it's McDonnell Douglas wearing
             | a Boeing skin suit.
             | I think that example is slightly tangential to your thrust,
             | but sort of illustrates the bigger problem that when a
             | project is operating anywhere near the boundaries of
             | logistical possibility, it becomes very hard to incorporate
             | perspective from the people with boots on the ground, who
             | know ten ways to get something done and that your
             | suggestion isn't one of them.
             | It's the same problem General Contractors have with trying
             | to herd architects who try to design at the limits of
             | materials science and don't understand that there's a large
             | gap between physics and execution, where building codes,
             | manufacturing defects, and the ravages of time all live.
             | Not to mention costs (exotic materials often require exotic
             | labor).
           | BerislavLopac wrote:
           | Stubborn Assholes is the name of my new post-punk trash-metal
           | crossover band.
       | hinkley wrote:
       | The very first figure in this article illustrates one of my pet
       | peeves: We see a classic S curve productivity chart and then we
       | immediately attribute it to some sort of management failure
       | instead of pure unadulterated reality.
       | As it turns out, the S curve is a plot of the area under a bell
       | curve; at the beginning of the project it's hard to get traction.
       | At the end it's hard to cross all the T's and dot the i's. Most
       | of your velocity comes in the middle, which is why it's so hard
       | to plot an intercept.
       | We usually make the fiction of the intercept into reality by
       | accumulating tech debt more quickly. If you're very lucky with
       | your engineering culture, you are maintaining the slope of the
       | line at the end because you built a culture of competence along
       | the way and you are now capable of completing more tasks per unit
       | of time than you were at the midpoint, often by sacrificing
       | throughput before the midpoint.
       | williamcotton wrote:
       | The role of "Product Engineer" is a deeper solution to this issue
       | that I find appealing.
       | But let's do away with the term "engineer" almost completely,
       | because what the average web application developer is doing is
       | hardly engineering. The tools are at the point where most of the
       | computer engineering has been abstracted away to the point where
       | developers can primarily focus on business logic. Most
       | experienced web application developers that I know have already
       | been doing product work in their day-to-day routines. People who
       | actually write code in direct contact with customers and their
       | needs is highly efficient.
       | Our industry needs an order of magnitude less people who do not
       | write code. In my view everyone should be a programmer of some
       | sort. Our management tools are programmable yet management will
       | not lower themselves to the ranks of the manual laborer and
       | instead will choose to hire someone to program their management
       | tools for them. This is highly inefficient. I'm sure we would see
       | less meetings if management actually had something worthwhile to
       | do with their time.
       | I do see a need for computer engineers in that they should write
       | the tools that the other programmers use for these kind of
       | domain-specific purposes.
         | williamcotton wrote:
         | This should in turn reduce not only the layers of management
         | but the need for managers to make up for the inefficiencies
         | between "person dictating idea" and "person implementing idea".
         | It's also a sign to me that our tools for product development
         | are too general purpose and we would benefit from less capable
         | and easier to learn and use DSLs. Those DSLs should at least be
         | extendable from in-house computer engineers who do in fact
         | worry about things like data storage, CPUs, and memory
         | management.
         | agomez314 wrote:
         | Great insight. Like Hal Abelson said, nowadays it's more of a
         | matter of how "you use various kinds of programming styles and
         | techniques like combinators to glue things together." This
         | lowers the bar to programming to more people, making the excuse
         | "i'm not technical" less and less relevant.
       | metaquestxyz wrote:
       | BerislavLopac wrote:
       | My experience in this area boils down to this:
       | First of all, I think that the title "product manager" is not a
       | very good one, and is actively harmful. While it is technically
       | correct, the word "manager" in most people evokes the idea of
       | managing people, and there is a very short step from there to
       | seeing PMs as ones who "manage" everyone involved with the
       | product development. "Product owner" is not much better either.
       | But we don't have a much better term, so PMs it is.
       | For all practical purposes, the amount of features a software
       | product can have implemented is virtually unlimited. In reality,
       | features can only be added over time, and the role of product
       | managers is to guide the prioritization by making product
       | decisions. Long time ago, in a talk at a startup event, I
       | compared PMs with the people being quartered in medieval times
       | [0]: the product development process is pulled in different
       | directions by various "horses" - groups more or less directly
       | involved in the development and use of that product, and the PM's
       | role is to balance those horses and prevent any one of them of
       | dragging the whole thing in its direction. (I have identified
       | those horses as, respectively: sales, marketing, end users and
       | engineering. This is a common arrangement, but others are
       | possible in some environments.)
       | Ultimately, the PM should have enough understanding of particular
       | interests of each of those groups to be able to make informed
       | decisions. Sometimes, the priority will be to make the product
       | easier to sell (e.g. add this feature this potential customer is
       | asking for); at other times, the priority will be to resolve some
       | technical debt to make deployment faster; and so on. Obviously,
       | that understanding does not come from vacuum; it requires talking
       | to the representatives of the all of the "horses" and gathering
       | all the necessary information.
       | In practice, it is common - as some other comments have mentioned
       | - for the PMs to succumb to the pressure of the "business" side
       | of the equation (sales and marketing). As a technical lead, I
       | have always made a point of working together with the PMs and
       | help them keep that balance.
       | [0]
       | https://media.hswstatic.com/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250ZW50Lmhzd3N0...
         | tikhonj wrote:
         | In my ideal world the role would be called something like
         | "product developer" with the responsibility to develop and
         | articulate a clear vision for the product (with a holistic
         | understanding of "product").
           | dsmmcken wrote:
           | "Product Designer" is becoming a more common role at big
           | companies these days, and tends to have a similar role to a
           | traditional PMs. Usually from a designer background.
         | Jenk wrote:
         | Does "Product Lead" evoke similar (negative) thoughts for you?
         | I find that title (and anything "... Lead") carries the least
         | connotation.
         | And IME, in an org that has PLs, PM becomes "one who manages
         | PLs" - otherwise, if there are PMs but no PLs, I get the
         | impression they are mostly Project Managers, rebranded to
         | Product Managers, but without any of the Product responsibility
         | or thought.
           | BerislavLopac wrote:
           | Yes, "Product Lead" does feel much better. +1
           | [deleted]
         | wobbly_bush wrote:
         | > at other times, the priority will be to resolve some
         | technical debt to make deployment faster; and so on
         | It's interesting you mention this. In my experience, PMs have
         | only owned end-user experience, they come up with end-user
         | project prioritization. The consolidation of asks from various
         | departments was instead done by dev managers/directors/VPs. So
         | for example, a dev manager decides between a customer-facing
         | feature and some tech debt to make deployments faster -
         | contrasting short term deliverables with long term velocity of
         | the team.
           | BerislavLopac wrote:
           | > they come up with end-user project prioritization
           | Then they have failed from the beginning. Technically,
           | _everything_ you do affects end-users - including faster
           | deployments - although in some cases that effect is more
           | obvious than in others.
           | In a perfect world, each product (or, in a complex system, a
           | well defined subset of features within a product) should have
           | a dedicated representative of each of the "horses", who
           | should agree on the priorities - with the product lead (thank
           | you @Jenk!) guiding the process and helping resolve the
           | conflicts.
             | wobbly_bush wrote:
             | > Technically, everything you do affects end-users -
             | including faster deployments - although in some cases that
             | effect is more obvious than in others.
             | I agree with this. This is why the dev
             | managers/directors/VPs own the _delivery_ of the business
             | goals for the year. They balance the customer-facing
             | improvements with internal improvements which affect
             | development velocity (deployments, ops, how easy is it for
             | new employees to onboard onto a code base, how easy is it
             | for someone with <2 years experience on a codebase to ship
             | a feature, etc.).
             | So PMs in collaboration with dev managers own _what_
             | customer-facing improvements to deliver, and the
             | responsibility of _how_ to deliver and the actual delivery
             | falls on the dev managers.
             | I'm not proposing this as a new model, I'm saying this is
             | what I've seen been followed in some companies.
         | sdevonoes wrote:
         | Product developer (or Product Engineer since we use the word
         | engineer everywhere). Compare team A = {software engineer,
         | product engineer, design engineer, qa engineer}, and team B = {
         | software engineer, product manager, design engineer, qa
         | engineer }. Team A screams "all team members collaborate the
         | same way when it comes to build a product". Team B screams
         | "there is 1 manager, and the rest are not"
       | iancmceachern wrote:
       | I've seen it work, and I've seen it not work a lot.
       | The key to getting it to work is to build an environment, a
       | culture, where the product testing and feedback is baked into the
       | process and communicated directly to the engineers and designers
       | doing the work.
       | It looks a lot like a race team building and operationalizing a
       | new racing platform. The movie ford vs Ferrari captures it well.
       | Pragmatically in what I do (design medical devices and robotics)
       | it looks like regular "labs" where you test your prototype
       | product in real world conditions, gather feedback, and iterate
       | the design based on that feedback. It doesn't work when those
       | functions are siloed. I.E. The lab people run the lab in a
       | vacuum, write up theor findings, send them up through their
       | management then back down through engineering management then to
       | the individual designers. This doesn't work, it's like the game
       | of telephone, the end is never what was initially communicated.
       | What works is to entrench those two together. The designers doing
       | the work attend and are part of the labs. They know first hand
       | what to do and why. It cuts out the miscommunication and also
       | cuts out 50% of the needless work and meetings.
       | ng12 wrote:
       | I've become pretty skeptical about "Product Management" as a
       | function. I feel like it's one of those ideas that's cargo-culted
       | from Google without anywhere near the same rigor.
       | A good product person is worth their weight in gold but holy hell
       | there are a lot of charlatans out there. These days I prefer to
       | work at companies without PMs, as an engineer the odds simply
       | don't work in your favor.
         | zingar wrote:
         | So much snake oil. So many people have "shifted from product
         | owner to product management", but I've yet to meet anyone who
         | can tell me the difference.
           | VinLucero wrote:
           | Fair discourse: I have worked at Google, Credit Karma and now
           | Sivo (YC W21) as a (technical) program and product manager.
           | I know for a fact that Google doesn't actually have "Product
           | Owner" as a role in their org chart.
           | At Google, the separation is:
           | Product Manager (Vision), which is focused on gathering
           | business needs and driving the Feature Roadmap.
           | Program Manager (Execution), which focuses on finding ways to
           | unblock delivery of the vision with cross-functional teams,
           | such as getting designs, legal approvals, etc.
           | I recently experienced a Product Owner for the first time
           | when hiring one at Sivo (YC W21).
           | It seems like Product Owners exist to accelerate the Roadmap
           | vision into Epics and Stories in solutions like JIRA so
           | product visions are more actionable by engineering.
           | Similarly, while not a role at Google, I have heard that some
           | MegaCorps will have "project managers" that often report up
           | into Program Managers. This is similar to the product owner
           | and product manager relationship.
           | Hope that helps!
             | ketzo wrote:
             | How do Engineering Managers work alongside those two roles?
               | singron wrote:
               | This is how you end up with 8 bosses like in office
               | space. EM, TL, ATL, PM, PgM are all telling you what to
               | do and asking for status updates. I wish there was
               | someone to liase and multiplex all that, but I think they
               | all think that's what their job is.
         | cbsmith wrote:
         | Product Management certainly predates Google by at least a
         | generation. Indeed, Google is notoriously skeptical on the
         | product management role and requires their product managers to
         | have a technical background to at least some degree.
       | extantproject wrote:
       | https://archive.ph/tAAhH
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