[HN Gopher] The availability of text generators will force posit...
       The availability of text generators will force positive changes to
       Author : randomwalker
       Score  : 283 points
       Date   : 2022-10-21 13:47 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (aisnakeoil.substack.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (aisnakeoil.substack.com)
       | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
       | There's a limit to how well you can know your students' writing
       | styles if your classes are large. If this is something we want to
       | change, the obvious path is to stop expecting a single teacher to
       | grade 150 essays in a weekend.
       | Fire 20 admin, hire 40 teachers (more or less, depending on the
       | size of you district), then see how many AI's slip through.
       | whywhywhywhy wrote:
       | In high school the first few months of having a copy of Encarta
       | to print out essays for homework was fun before the teachers
       | caught on.
       | If you don't want students to cheat like this maybe build systems
       | that respect their time and engage their brains.
       | thwayunion wrote:
       | Have you given A grades to papers that you are certain were
       | generated by LLMs? Or have you spoken with educators who have?
       | IME, LLM-generated papers are more likely to generate concern
       | about mental health than As. Seriously. I've had faculty comment
       | that they are concerned that a third of their students are
       | suffering from some sort of actual mental illness, and when I
       | explain LLMs they are incredibly relieved that there is a
       | possible alternative explanation.
       | RocketOne wrote:
       | I don't believe, as an ex-English teacher, that any teacher
       | thinks a student is 'acing' their essay if that's not shown in
       | their other writing.
       | Little Johnny, with his poor spelling and grammar, does not
       | suddenly turn in an excellent paper with exemplary grammar,
       | spelling and punctuation. So unless they teach computers how to
       | screw up in the exactly the same way that Johnny does every time
       | he writes a sentence, any teacher worth his salt is going to know
       | it's not his work.
       | As for those with excellent writing skills, well, they have less
       | need to cheat but even they would be sussed out with in class
       | essays and assignments.
         | hot_gril wrote:
         | > unless they teach computers how to screw up in the exactly
         | the same way that Johnny does every time he writes a sentence
         | You can ask an image generator for something like "Barack Obama
         | painted by Picasso" and get a passable result, so it's probably
         | possible to augment a writing model to mimic the style of
         | Johnny's past essays.
       | noasaservice wrote:
       | I'm glad I had a specific teacher in HS for English.
       | He had us do a positional paper over a topic we were passionate
       | about. Topics were first come first serve. We got them approved.
       | And when everyone was done getting topics, he then said "You are
       | now arguing for the OPPOSITE of what you asked for."
       | He later explained why he did so. Obviously, the dept had paper
       | requirements... But he also wanted us to learn a topic and
       | viewpoints from all the angles, including ones you would normally
       | dismiss. It was also a learning moment of "understand the issue
       | before making opinions, and then form a well thought out
       | decision".
       | I've never seen his style before or since.
       | sebringj wrote:
       | I've tried doing this myself for company related compliance
       | testing which mostly is bullshit anyway and doesn't apply to me.
       | GPT3 is better used as a tentative backup tbh because it
       | sometimes gives wrong answers or strange answers similar to how
       | the images and video produced from Stable Diffusion and the like
       | are strange and dreamlike or just impossibly wrong.
       | shadowgovt wrote:
       | There's a neat trick I've seen teachers do to address the concern
       | that regurgitation isn't learning (and it sort of mirrors the
       | technique we use in machine learning): ask a follow-up question
       | based on the essay.
       | A student that has done the underpinning research to generate the
       | essay should be able to field a closely-related question, offered
       | in realtime. If they can't, that's concerning.
       | (To be sure, some students will address this approach by having
       | the machine auto-generate the essay than going off and reading
       | around the answers the essay gives to understand the adjacent
       | space to field the upcoming question. Good; that means they just
       | used the machine as a "cliff's notes on the topic" generator,
       | they still did some research).
         | riskable wrote:
         | That's also just testing memory. I had a teacher do that to me
         | in high school where they graded papers during winter break and
         | when they asked me about it in January I could barely remember
         | that I _wrote_ the document let alone the specifics of the
         | topic.
         | Of course, I have a exceptionally bad (37th percentile) long-
         | term memory so maybe that's just me. Schooling in general seems
         | to be geared towards tests of memory at the expense of
         | understanding.
         | High school me: "Well I understood it _at the time_ " hehe
           | shadowgovt wrote:
           | > just testing memory
           | IIUC, testing memory is half of pedagogy. Memory (or the
           | student growing the necessary techniques and discipline to
           | supplement an internal lack of it) is pretty key to (at least
           | US) pedagogy in the primary / intermediate levels.
       | Aunche wrote:
       | > free students from the drudgery of pointless essays that ask
       | them to regurgitate content (as opposed to essays that teach
       | writing skills or critical thinking, which remain valuable)
       | That's something that sounds good on paper, but it's incredibly
       | difficult in practice. For one, students are all over the place
       | in ability, so what's critical thinking for one student may be
       | the most boring of intuition for another. Evaluating students
       | based on their critical thinking is ripe for subjectivity. I've
       | had multiple teachers who were great at teaching, but clearly had
       | favorites and that was very discouraging for students that were
       | on their bad side and received arbitrarily bad grades. The
       | English teachers I most appreciated followed a boring rubric that
       | incentivizes more formulaic writing.
       | Also, regurgitating content is an important skill as well. Half
       | the formal writing I do at work is documentation, which strictly
       | falls into this category. The other half is design docs, which
       | arguably is a form of regurgitation as well. I'd come up with the
       | design anyways, and the doc is just to share it to others.
       | karaterobot wrote:
       | I'm getting a little tired of the fallacious argument which
       | compares some new technology to an old technology from the past,
       | and says "see how people were afraid of that technology from the
       | past, yet their fears proved unfounded? In the same way, fears
       | about this new technology are unwarranted."
       | The reasons I grumble whenever I see this argument made are:
       | 1. The things being analogized are usually not related in such a
       | way that one prediction not coming true suggests that the other
       | prediction won't come true. You have to examine the likelihoods
       | in isolation, you cannot reason from analogy about everything.
       | 2. Often, predictions about the negative consequences do come
       | true, it's just that we adjust our response to them and fit them
       | into our new view of the world. For example, the prediction that
       | allowing calculators in the classroom would make students worse
       | at arithmetic wasn't _wrong_ , we just decided that we didn't
       | _care_ if students are good at arithmetic anymore. That 's fine
       | if it's how we decide the world should be, but it is not the same
       | thing as the prediction being wrong.
       | 3. More generally, the way I view disruptive technologies is that
       | they are not "just like" some previous technology, and therefore
       | analogous to it. What I mean is, when someone says "people
       | staring at their phones is just like people staring at newspapers
       | in the past", they ignore the fact that phones replaced
       | newspapers. There was a competition, and newspapers lost, so we
       | have to acknowledge there is some meaningful difference between
       | the two that explains why.
       | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
       | I don't want to automatically defend pointless essays about 'How
       | X influenced 19th century England' or whatever is the current go
       | to topic for teachers, but, and it is not a small but, the whole
       | point of writing pointless essays is to give students an idea on
       | how to write for an audience ( their teacher ).
       | At the end of the day, unused muscle will atrophy and students
       | may have trouble even producing appropriate prompts for ML
       | generator. I would weep for the future of humanity, but:
       | 1. Coffee did not kick in yet 2. I have upped my nihilism lately
         | mywittyname wrote:
         | > 2. I have upped my nihilism lately
         | We've left future generations with a mountain of garbage to
         | deal with, what's another paper cup thrown onto the pile?
         | BitwiseFool wrote:
         | I find that the point of most High School essays is not to
         | practice writing, per se, but to demonstrate that the student
         | has internalized whatever lesson or moral the subject is trying
         | to teach.
         | TrickardRixx wrote:
         | "For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of
         | those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their
         | memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters
         | which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of
         | their own memory within them."
           | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
           | I am familiar with this quote and I while I do not want to
           | assume, I think it was intended as a rebuttal/counter to old
           | codger how ancients also thought writing would kill memory.
           | Spoiler alert. It did. Very few people attempt to commit
           | things to memory outside some Guiness record competitions.
           | And just in case I did not hit the point, introduction of
           | Google with world encyclopedia at anyone's hand, further
           | exacerbated that trend.
           | To sum up, I appreciate the sentiment, but in HN I do hope
           | for, nay, I expect pushback in the form that goes beyond
           | weirdly smug quote.
           | What I am saying is: argue with me. Don't quote me
           | philosophical bumper stickers.
             | TrickardRixx wrote:
             | It seems to me that the average person around me remembers
             | more than the ancients had the ability to even know. To
             | your point of "pointless essays teach children how to write
             | to an audience", there are entire populations of people
             | who, as a matter of survival, learn how to modulate their
             | communication based on the recipient. Those children learn
             | this skill well before they write any essays about "How X
             | influenced 19th century England".
               | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
               | <<It seems to me that the average person around me
               | remembers more than the ancients had the ability to even
               | know.
               | It is possible. I have no easy way to counter that. I
               | could yell anecdata is not necessarily
               | valid/useful/relevant data, but I know I use it myself to
               | an extent so I will avoid going down that path.
               | It is true that is likely that I will likely be able to
               | talk to a random person about a variant of pop
               | psychology/crime investigation/science/relationship
               | mechanics shown on recent TV show and I admittedly cannot
               | produce evidence of Plato dealing with the same level of
               | 'not exactly ignorance, but very low level understanding
               | of anything'. I can talk with an average bloke near me
               | about basic genetics, but it in a very limited kind of
               | way.
               | Is being vaguely aware of a subject memorized knowledge (
               | 'ahh, yes, quantum mechanics.. that wheelchair guy
               | invented gravity right' kinda way )? Plato was talking
               | about the kind of memory skill that allowed one to recite
               | Homer. And I am not defending oral tradition ( alphabet
               | was a good invention ), but comparing my friend
               | remembering lines to "Shake shake shake" does not seem to
               | be on the same level.
               | So, to put it in a more direct way:
               | To what extent does an average person around constitute
               | remembering more when compared to Homer? Or is there is
               | just so much more to know in general that an average
               | person can only deal with very vague generalities.
               | << To your point of "pointless essays teach children how
               | to write to an audience", there are entire populations of
               | people who, as a matter of survival, learn how to
               | modulate their communication based on the recipient.
               | Do they though? Last set of news that made circles across
               | all media was that of professor, who made things too
               | hard. I suppose you argue yes. Not only did they survive;
               | they veritably vanquished their audience into oblivion.
               | But I ask you: was that what I mean when suggesting
               | writing and you generalized to modulating message for
               | your audience? Both answers could be argued to be true,
               | but society as whole suffers more with only one of them.
               | God I feel old just typing this.
               | [1]https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/9
               | 78-1-4...
               | ps. The whole post seems a little snarky. Please let me
               | know if that is the case and I will try to adjust
               | language as needed.
               | edit: clarified main question mid paragraph ( Does >> to
               | what extent)
           | tsol wrote:
           | People used to recite epics and important texts from memory.
           | All of culture and history was stored solely in the minds of
           | the people. Illiterate people and literate people do use
           | their memories differently, as one has to rely much more on
           | their memory.
         | quacked wrote:
         | The problem with "writing pointless essays" is that students
         | who write pointless essays learn that writing essays is
         | pointless.
           | tsol wrote:
           | Sure there are. It's just kids don't know anything useful
           | though that we actually need them to write essays. That's why
           | we have them write pointless essays instead.
           | But I have to write essays on how certain systems work, and
           | how certain tasks are achieved in my job in order to document
           | these things. My writing skills definitely play a big part in
           | making a tutorial that is easy for anyone to read and
           | understand.
           | yucky wrote:
           | Until you need to document something important in an email or
           | elsewhere and have no idea how to do it effectively.
             | quacked wrote:
             | Do you think that the only way to learn to document
             | something important is to write boring standardized essays
             | in a school setting?
               | yucky wrote:
               | It's proven to have been the most effective way. I'm
               | happy to learn about other options though since the many
               | of the younger people coming in to the workplace now seem
               | to be half-illiterate.
         | supersrdjan wrote:
         | Larry McEnerney, Director of the University of Chicago's
         | Writing Program, makes the point that (I'm paraphrasing)
         | students don't learn to write for real world audiences by
         | writing for an audience that's forced to read their crap
         | (teachers).
         | I may be misremembering what I heard when I watched this:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtIzMaLkCaM
           | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
           | As a person, who, on occasion, has to read email from people,
           | who send me things, I wholeheartedly disagree with this
           | statement. I do, technically, have to read some of them as it
           | is part of my job description ( not completely unlike the
           | teachers ) and very much a captive audience.
           | And I get that it is hard and everyone has their own
           | idiosyncrasies and all that jazz, but, and this is probably
           | the only time I will defend corporates, were it not
           | acceptable language enforced by HR, those emails would
           | somehow be even worse than they are now.
           | So the goal is the same.. give the audience what it wants.
           | What do I get? Well, it varies..
           | edit: I am really enjoying the link provided, but clearly
           | this guy is talking about a very different level of writer.
         | ianbutler wrote:
         | The issue is the writing paradigm shifts entirely in college. A
         | college English professor would typically fail a standard B-A
         | tier 5 paragraph high school information dump essay. One of the
         | first things I was told in my writing courses in college was to
         | forget that model entirely.
       | jimbokun wrote:
       | Are we sure the language models won't do just as well writing
       | essays requiring writing skills or critical thinking? What about
       | a couple years from now?
       | Getting a good grade on a class assignment is getting pretty darn
       | close to passing the Turing test.
       | cainxinth wrote:
       | I'm a copywriter. I've tested out several GPT-3-based services to
       | see if they could speed up my workflow. None were up to my
       | standards. I spent more time editing their semi-coherent output
       | than it would have taken to just write the thing from scratch.
       | I have no doubt, though, that the day is quickly approaching when
       | they will be of greater use and even threaten the livelihoods of
       | people like me.
         | notRobot wrote:
         | As a broke student who recently got started with copywriting to
         | make ends meet, is there any way to email/message you with a
         | question or two if you don't mind?
           | cainxinth wrote:
           | HN doesn't allow for DMs and I'd rather not give out my
           | email. But you can ask me right here if you like.
         | nicbou wrote:
         | I needed a copywriter, and my experience with copywriters was
         | similar to yours with GPT-3.
           | cainxinth wrote:
           | Yeah, I know. The abundance of mediocre copywriters helps me
           | maintain my client portfolio. I've had clients drop me for
           | someone cheaper many times before, but they often come back
           | after having a bad experience.
       | [deleted]
       | dawnerd wrote:
       | Solution? End homework assignments and make students write in
       | person.
       | Goronmon wrote:
       | People seems to be focusing on college level work.
       | Isn't this going to also cause huge problems at the high school
       | level? When teachers are dealing with large classrooms and a very
       | limited amount of time spent in class, sentiments like "just
       | learn to teach better" aren't going to be very helpful.
       | gnicholas wrote:
       | I wonder if this will affect the split between term papers and
       | in-class essay exams. My wife is a professor and has historically
       | assigned the former, on the theory that it's more flexible for
       | students and there's no downside if the final is open-book.
       | But it seems that in-class essay exams may gain popularity if
       | professors believe that students will use AI tools on term
       | papers. Students who don't use tools like this might also
       | advocate for (or simply select into classes that use) in-class
       | exams.
       | quacked wrote:
       | I love your attitude. I have the exact same one. I'm _so excited_
       | that another form of busywork has been eliminated from school by
       | robots. Eventually they 're going to start having to structure
       | classrooms around learning instead of worksheets.
         | poulpy123 wrote:
         | I was thinking like you until the day I realized that a lot of
         | learning actually implies busywork, like being good at a sport
         | implies a lot of busywork like exercise and nutrition.
           | quacked wrote:
           | Busywork in sports and nutrition are all in obvious service
           | of a more important goal (increase performance in sports).
           | There's a clear incentive and reward to your performance.
           | The same is not true for busywork in school. It is
           | disconnected from life outside of school in a very
           | fundamental way, in that there are no inherent rewards for
           | being able to complete busywork--all of the rewards come from
           | social cleverness, competitive instincts, networking, etc. If
           | you behave like a good student in the professional world--
           | keeping your head down, getting your work done on time,
           | following all the rules--your friends who go out drinking
           | with your boss will blow past you in your career, and you'll
           | be pigeonholed as a drudge-work guy.
           | People treat school as if it's training for real life. But it
           | _is_ real life. Why is everyone so completely convinced that
           | it 's got to be boring, miserable, and institutionalized?
             | ryandrake wrote:
             | Most jobs in the real world don't benefit from social
             | cleverness. They don't even offer the opportunity to
             | schmooze with the boss. They are: "Drive this exact route
             | and deliver boxes, within a time precision of plus or minus
             | 30 seconds." and "Repeat this physical motion on this part
             | 7000 times while keeping yield over 99%." and "Ensure TPS
             | reports are filled out exactly using the correct template
             | and are on Lumbergh's desk every Friday morning 8:30." I
             | would argue the repetition, rule-following and drudgery of
             | school adequately prepares workers for this adulthood.
               | quacked wrote:
               | First, I don't believe you're correct about social
               | cleverness not helping drivers, line workers, or office
               | drones. If anything, the more basic the work, the bigger
               | the rewards for social cleverness are, as you use your
               | relationship with your superiors, peers, and inferiors to
               | influence the work day. (This could be becoming less true
               | with fully metrics-driven establishments like Amazon
               | warehouses.)
               | Second, is that society (where a huge number of people
               | are consigned to that type of labor) a society that
               | you're interested in continuing to build? If so, continue
               | to support the methods used in modern school.
             | [deleted]
         | pkulak wrote:
         | Learning how to write is _really_ important.
         | [deleted]
         | hosh wrote:
         | In order to do that, we would have to be able to measure
         | "learning", and so far, we have only been able to measure
         | "ability to regurgitate facts". It does not help that the
         | mainstream educational paradigm is "to fill the blank slate
         | that is the student".
         | See: John Taylor Gatto's book on this subject-- The Underground
         | History of American Education.
         | There are other educational paradigms, but they are radically
         | different -- no tests, no curriculum, no "fill the blank
         | slate", no measuring.
           | quacked wrote:
           | I knew I'd see Gatto come up eventually. I owe my life to
           | that man. Before and after reading his work is like before
           | and after the Wizard of Oz switches to color.
           | moviewise wrote:
           | Gaining a skill is how we can measure learning.
           | Writing is a skill.
           | Writing clearly, grammatically, persuasively, and logically
           | takes many skills.
             | hosh wrote:
             | That is measuring from the outside, and quantifying it. How
             | do you measure "skill"? You still look at the results,
             | rather than the skill that develops inside a person. It's
             | still the same problem as measuring "learning".
         | jrodthree24 wrote:
         | I really don't understand why essays are bad. Is there any kind
         | of research that goes into this?
         | I agree with you that learning should be the goal. And any busy
         | work that doesn't help should be eliminated. But I just don't
         | know if we know what the right structure should be and if we
         | can say for sure that things like writing essays don't actually
         | help students cultivate their writing and critical thinking
         | skills.
           | quacked wrote:
           | Essays are _wonderful_. It gives me great joy to write essays
           | today, although they 're sometimes called "blog posts" or
           | "rants" or "emails" or "memos".
           | I hated writing essays in school, because the assignment was
           | always "reproduce a work of writing that adheres to the
           | arbitrary standards of the institution for grading purposes".
           | Great writing can't be graded, as its value is entirely
           | subjective.
           | As an example, here's an assignment that I might have
           | completed under duress, vs. one that I'd complete voluntarily
           | for fun:
           | "Explain how the theme of Chaos is expressed in
           | Slaughterhouse Five. Use at least five supporting examples
           | from the text and cite your references MLA style. Four pages
           | minimum."
           | "Convince your best friend that Slaughterhouse Five is a
           | terrible novel. Cite the text any way you please, ideally by
           | comparing it to a book you think is actually good."
           | Whatever I produced for the first prompt can be graded by
           | ticking off boxes and looking at my grammar; whatever I
           | produced for the second prompt would need a thorough
           | investigation of my own writing style and a framework of
           | grading that takes into account my own voice as an author.
           | (To be clear--I don't think that giving my prompt in a modern
           | classroom would immediately inspire students. They are far
           | too burdened by the entire system for a single change to fix
           | their experience. I am merely discussing the difference
           | between "pointless essays" and "essays that authors care
           | about".)
             | HWR_14 wrote:
             | 7th graders are highly unlikely to produce writing of such
             | a great quality that it "cannot be graded". Maybe when
             | Hemingway was in the seventh grade. And we can grade
             | subjective things all the time. You can grade code based on
             | something other than whether it runs efficiently, for
             | instance.
             | Meanwhile, your prompt sounds like hell. And is far more
             | subjective than the previous one.
             | > Convince your best friend that Slaughterhouse Five is a
             | terrible novel.
             | So, before you even start the assignment, you let the
             | teachers dictate the position that someone has? And you're
             | not going to teach students to assess themes in books, so
             | what will they judge Slaughterhouse Five on, aesthetics?
             | > Cite the text any way you please
             | Why on earth would you change that requirement. "Cite the
             | text using method X" is a direct analog to "Coding
             | standards dictate this naming convention". I would fire a
             | "free thinker" who refused to adhere to the, sometimes
             | arbitrary, standards for communication with the rest of
             | group. Standards are good.
             | > ideally by comparing it to a book you think is actually
             | good."
             | As a rule, I don't think convincing someone that a work of
             | art is "terrible" should be done by comparing it to
             | something else you "think is good".
             | > [No page limit]
             | You can trust an adult with that, but a seventh grader?
             | Usually they need a page limit to encourage them to write
             | more.
             | It seems like the following a complete essay that you would
             | have to grade very well: "Slaughterhouse Five's lack of
             | elves makes it terrible, because fantasy novels are just
             | better and books like the Lord of the Rings have elves
             | which makes it a good book [Source - My conversation with
             | Johnny yesterday]"
             | Grading that well would be bad because it's horrible in
             | every way.
             | fn-mote wrote:
             | > Great writing can't be graded, as its value is entirely
             | subjective.
             | Well... I have a lot of problems with this, on both sides
             | of the fence.
             | Provocative start: How about we give up the idea that
             | students are producing great work?
             | I mean, I imagine teachers think of the exercises they give
             | as skills development.
             | One of the skills to develop is technical writing.
             | Surely beginning students do not know how to cite textual
             | examples to back up their arguments. Understanding the role
             | of evidence in making an argument should be fundamental to
             | democracy. (Understanding that we are not living in that
             | world recently in the US.) So they need to practice.
             | Choosing the theme is another skill. I don't have anything
             | to say about it, but I don't have a problem with teachers
             | asking students to try to figure something out before they
             | write about it.
               | quacked wrote:
               | > How about we give up the idea that students are
               | producing great work?
               | Almost all teachers are well ahead of you on this one.
               | Far rarer is the belief that students are capable of
               | great work. This is, in fact, my central point: if all of
               | your assignments are bounded by the need for
               | administrative convenience, creativity and originality
               | cannot flourish.
               | Teaching writing through dry, separate "skills
               | development" exercises is like teaching basketball as
               | follows:
               | "Today we'll practice jumping from one ankle to the
               | other. Today we'll practice reading a point guard centric
               | offense. Today we'll be working on our vertical jump
               | height. Now for the exam: demonstrate a cut behind the
               | center and a layup. Hmm, your second step is slow, you
               | get a C."
               | I am arguing that if you want to teach basketball, your
               | students need to play a lot of basketball. Exercises will
               | only really help them once they've experienced the game
               | and have a burning internal desire to compete.
               | ihateolives wrote:
               | > I am arguing that if you want to teach basketball, your
               | students need to play a lot of basketball. Exercises will
               | only really help them once they've experienced the game
               | and have a burning internal desire to compete.
               | Well. I played basketball since 7th grade. Not just
               | played, trained 3 days a week. Before you can really play
               | you have to master certain elements, otherwise it's just
               | fooling around. And at first we trained all those
               | elements separately. Balance, switching feet, turning.
               | Just turning without the ball. Faster, slower. Jumping
               | from left foot, from right. Catching the ball. Throwing
               | it. Passing. Alone, with partner, against the wall. Hook
               | shot, but just up, up, up, get the ball up. Hook from
               | left, from right. Then hook standing directly below hoop.
               | Left, right, left, again. Then adding movement. Over and
               | over again. And then actually playing.
               | quacked wrote:
               | I play tennis, soccer, ultimate frisbee, jiu-jitsu, disc
               | golf, rock climbing, hang gliding, whitewater kayaking,
               | bicycling, and kite surfing, and I've taught many of the
               | same to beginners.
               | I _assure_ you that the instruction only works when the
               | student wants to experience the final form, and they will
               | not get any sense of what the final form is until they
               | have  "fooled around" and have an actual desire to learn
               | the sport. At every level of their progression they need
               | time to experience unstructured performance for fun. The
               | same is true for writing.
               | Kids love to write when they're young and no one's
               | hovering over their shoulders grading them. It's only
               | once they get hit with the five-paragraph essays and the
               | term papers and the dry grammar exercises that they learn
               | to avoid writing, and associate it with boredom and
               | stress.
             | gcanyon wrote:
             | At the high school level it's even worse than you're
             | describing. My daughter was taught using the Jane Schaffer
             | method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schaffer_method
             | Note the section on Body paragraph structure -- that
             | doesn't _begin_ to cover how structured the resulting
             | essays were. I can still remember my daughter sing-songing
             | "T, CD CM CM, CD CM CM, CD CM CM, SC." _Every_ essay had to
             | follow that exact pattern. _Every_ commentary sentence had
             | to start with the approved list of words, and likewise the
             | concluding sentence.
             | It's entirely about how easy it is for the teacher to
             | grade, and has nothing to do with teaching students to
             | actually write. It was awful, and I did everything I could,
             | including contacting the Jane Shaffer people, to criticize
             | it and push back.
               | quacked wrote:
               | Good lord, that _is_ even worse than I 'm describing.
               | A great many people cannot fathom the fundamental truth
               | that the majority of learning is useful simply because it
               | allows us to enjoy to process of living in society for
               | 70-90 years _and for no other reason_. There isn 't any
               | greater purpose to being "good at writing" other than "it
               | makes communication and competition more accessible and
               | convenient", but even that is a subjective value
               | judgement. There are many sub-cultures who exist even
               | inside our own that are perfectly happy being sub-
               | literate.
               | A lot of people are saying "if kids don't learn dry,
               | boring technical writing, then how will they write work
               | emails and documentation?" The implication there is that
               | if you can't write proper emails and documentation,
               | you'll fail at your career. If the emails and
               | documentation I receive are at all representative of
               | greater industry (and I've worked in both aerospace and
               | clinical research) then I can assure everyone that _few
               | people can write at a useful level_ and not only are they
               | still employed but their companies are still around.
               | Given that no one can write anyway, why do we cling to
               | forcing children through painful, humiliating exercises
               | in standardization?
               | moviewise wrote:
               | These essays are usually assigned in college-prep courses
               | with the intention that the students will go to college
               | where they will need to read/write in APA, MLA or other
               | rigid, clear styles that would allow them to read/publish
               | in specific academic journals. It's a high standard for
               | the high-achieving students.
             | counters wrote:
             | > Whatever I produced for the first prompt can be graded by
             | ticking off boxes and looking at my grammar; whatever I
             | produced for the second prompt would need a thorough
             | investigation of my own writing style and a framework of
             | grading that takes into account my own voice as an author.
             | The two prompts motivate the writer to practice two
             | completely different skillsets; they're really not
             | comparable.
             | The first one is focused more on the fundamentals of close
             | reading and analysis. The writer needs to understand what
             | the theme of "chaos" means, then closely read the novel or
             | review their notes to identify literary devices or
             | techniques that theme, and then tie it together in a
             | "report". It requires the assignee to practice very basic
             | skills... it's technical practice, not artistry.
             | The second prompt is the artistry - it's an assignment in
             | discourse or rhetoric. The thing is, it's not possible to
             | successfully execute the second prompt unless you've
             | mastered the techniques from the first prompt. Beyond
             | constructing logical or emotional arguments that may be
             | tailored to your audience (your best friend), you still
             | have to collect evidence from the novel. It might not be a
             | list of literary devices, but if one of your arguments was
             | that the book was poorly and confusingly written, you would
             | still probably need to collect evidence of specific
             | passages that support your claim. The whole point of the
             | first prompt is to build the skill to do this, but with
             | some hand-holding/constraints for practice.
             | I won't defend page limits, but even the reference style
             | mandate is important because it has implications for how
             | you actually write the essay. I deal with technical
             | stakeholders all the time, and the amount of time that we
             | could clear up issues if someone would just properly cite a
             | reference can be ridiculous... perhaps those stakeholders
             | were the teenagers who didn't bother to follow the citation
             | guidelines for their literature class?
               | btilly wrote:
               | I disagree on the ability to execute the second prompt.
               | You _would like_ them to execute the second prompt in a
               | way that demonstrates the skills that the first prompt
               | calls for. They won 't. They'll just take the second
               | prompt, and communicate exactly the same way that they
               | already do to their friends, with similar skills and
               | language. The result may be persuasive - particularly to
               | their friends - but it won't develop analytic skills.
               | counters wrote:
               | This really got me thinking, so here's another comparison
               | to draw on:
               | As a teenage musician, I hated drilling my scales and
               | etudes. Why bother when practice was limited and I had
               | cool ensemble and solo rep to learn? What I didn't
               | understand and appreciate at the time is that all the
               | technical drudgery serves a very real purpose. Most of
               | the existing pedagogy is directly pulled from, based on,
               | or references real repertoire which you'll undoubtedly
               | encounter in your musical career.
               | All those scales in intervals? Well, you can't even begin
               | to make a complex passage musical if you can't execute
               | the technique! Arpeggios in weird fingering/shifting
               | patterns? Turns out that some very exposed orchestral
               | passage necessitates that you use an oddball fingering
               | because it's just not practical to do anything else in
               | context. That entire development section in the concerto
               | you need to cram for an audition? Good thing that one of
               | your etudes book was effectively variations and
               | embellishments on that section, so you can lean on muscle
               | memory and focus on making it sound nice!
               | Essay writing is much the same. No matter what I'm
               | writing - an e-mail, a project proposal, a performance
               | review, whatever - I'm trying to communicate a point.
               | That means constructing an argument and supplying
               | evidence. And doing so in a way that your audience will
               | grok without any additional intervention. You build this
               | skill by practicing, sometimes in ways that seem dumb,
               | boring, and disconnected from reality. Not every pedagogy
               | is ground so well in reality as my music example, but I
               | can't imagine that the cynical take that it's all purely
               | to automate grading is a rational take on things.
               | calvinmorrison wrote:
               | I've jumped back into doodling on guitar after a mid-20's
               | post band break up and... it's totally different this
               | time. I am so much more interested in scales, building
               | chords by manually and so forth, when I was younger I
               | wanted to play songs.
               | The opposite is true for my math. I enjoyed algebra as a
               | kid and hated trig and calculus. Now I am much more
               | interested in calculus and don't like algebra algebra.
               | Sometimes there's different ways to learning, I have no
               | idea.
               | riskable wrote:
               | > That means constructing an argument and supplying
               | evidence.
               | Ah wouldn't it be fantastic if school essays were more
               | like proving to your boss that you followed the spec to
               | the letter and less like... Following the spec to the
               | letter.
               | That's the difference and it makes all the difference.
               | counters wrote:
               | What about convincing your colleagues that something
               | about the spec is wrong?
               | It's worth noting that the same skills the "version 1"
               | essay is supposed to teach should be helpful if all you
               | need to do is compile a checklist and save yourself the
               | hassle of argument.
               | iaaan wrote:
               | > The first one is focused more on the fundamentals of
               | close reading and analysis. The writer needs to
               | understand what the theme of "chaos" means ...
               | I think what ends up happening in reality, at least, in
               | my experience, is that you Google "Slaughterhouse Five
               | chaos" and trawl the first several pages of results
               | looking for information you can essentially copy+paste
               | into your essay (with slight adjustments to get around
               | automatic plagiarism scanners, of course).
               | I did still demonstrate some kind of skill, maybe
               | research and the ability to condense information from
               | many sources down into a single piece of work, but those
               | weren't the skills you mention, and it was definitely not
               | what the teacher was intending for me to do.
               | The second prompt the person you responded to runs into
               | the same issues (I can Google "Slaughterhouse Five
               | reviews"), but at the very least probably feels like a
               | more engaging and compelling essay prompt to the student.
               | tharkun__ wrote:
               | You're generalizing in a way that probably suits you and
               | people like you. Not everyone though.
               | The second prompt would have sent me spinning, panic,
               | want to run.
               | The first prompt, while being 'technical' and not what a
               | future 'writer' would like to do at that point can be
               | somewhat mechanically achieved and while I still wouldn't
               | have liked it, I would begrudgingly do it and it probably
               | helped me overall. It mentions using certain 'techniques'
               | you would've learned about in class. I can apply that.
               | They want a specific number of pages at minimum so that I
               | don't just write 5 sentences to cover the 5 examples,
               | sure, whatever.
               | Like learning math. You gotta learn the basics, learn the
               | multiplication tables by heart. Do the same "compute
               | (-7^2*13-7)+5/5" style exercises over and over. It
               | teaches attention to detail and memorizing and following
               | simple rules. If you can't do that it is very unlikely
               | that a "closer to reality" question that someone that
               | will later go on to become a mathematician would like
               | working on instead would not send you into panic mode.
             | ModernMech wrote:
             | This is a classic pitfall faced by novice teachers. I fell
             | for it too.
             | Assign the second prompt, and I guarantee you'll get
             | something like this as a submission:
             | "Bro, the novel sucks. Trust me."
             | You can't even give this a bad grade, based on the prompt.
             | You can't say it's not convincing, because they'll say
             | "you're not my friend, this would convince my friend"
             | You can't say it's too short, because they'll say you
             | didn't provide a minimum.
             | You can't say it didn't cite the novel, because you said to
             | do whatever.
             | You can't say it didn't compare to other literature,
             | because you said "ideally".
             | Lesson 1 of being a teacher: give the students an inch and
             | they will take a mile.
             | Teaching students is not unlike programming computers, in
             | that they both take instructions very literally. If you are
             | vague with a computer program, you know ahead of time
             | because the program doesn't compile.
             | If you are vague with an assignment you don't know until
             | you get it back. The more vague the assignment, the wider
             | the variety of submissions. If you don't tell them the font
             | face you get a cursive one. If you don't tell them the font
             | size you get huge and tiny. If you don't tell them the
             | margins you get wide and thin.
             | So even if you would personally make a good faith effort at
             | this assignment, it's really better for everyone to be
             | specific and follow the same format.
               | scarecrowbob wrote:
               | Although the general gist of what you're replying to
               | certainly evokes a response in me, I was not going to
               | reply until I read your response and agreed with it's
               | point.
               | Having taught writing in universities over a six-year-
               | long stint, my experience agrees with yours.
               | Pragmatically, the reasons the assignments are structured
               | they way they are isn't because bad faith by instructors,
               | but rather because of the needs of students.
               | I don't blame the students-- they have a lot of shit
               | going on.
               | At the same time, you're absolutely correct that making
               | assignments in the general form we see them has more to
               | do with what students actively demand: they absolutely do
               | not want the kind of assignment suggested by the GP
               | because anything other than a list of boxes to check
               | causes profound anxiety in students.
               | Our comment threads here are excellent examples of what
               | short writing prompts and assessments could look like,
               | and I've gotten invaluable feedback on my writing from
               | participating in internet threads. In this form of
               | writing, there are distinct grades in the form of karma.
               | And there are real stakes for communication, as I can
               | easily fail to get my points across or even upset people.
               | I even sometimes get useful responses that improve my
               | understanding of the world or some topic.
               | As useful as that practice can be, if I had my academic
               | advancement tied to these prompts it would cause me a
               | great deal of stress: how the hell do I know in which
               | contexts someone will read any given post?
               | In the context of the general internet I have a lot of
               | easy ways out. I don't have to listen to dumb people, the
               | poorly informed, or malicious trolls.
               | In the context of a classroom, I can't just tell the
               | teacher "that's just, like, your opinion, man" because
               | they are going to write down a letter and that's going to
               | make my life easier or harder.
               | I'm not a big fan of contemporary education for reasons I
               | could develop in book-length diatribes (I quite a PhD
               | during my dissertation), but I get where students are
               | coming from when they demand some clarity on how they are
               | being assessed.
               | quacked wrote:
               | I covered this point in my last paragraph. The problem
               | with students isn't that they can't follow directions or
               | collaborate; it's that the _hate school and don 't want
               | to be there_.
               | One of the reasons they hate school and don't want to be
               | there is that they are compelled to do pointless,
               | grinding busywork, all day, every day. That's why they're
               | using GPT-3 to fake their essays. Even three hours of
               | reprieve from the system is worth cheating and
               | dishonesty, and all the better if it helps their GPA.
               | I harbor no beliefs that a teacher can walk into the
               | modern school system with a creative, exciting lesson
               | plan and inspire students to perform. The system is
               | broken and fundamentally flawed. It cannot be fixed. You
               | are certainly correct that the best way to get consistent
               | results out of your institutionalized students is to
               | grade to a rigorous, clear format, but in doing so you've
               | only played your part in reinforcing the exact system
               | that drives them to cheat with GPT-3.
               | ModernMech wrote:
               | > The problem with students isn't that they can't follow
               | directions or collaborate; it's that the hate school and
               | don't want to be there.
               | I'd say it's a mix of both.
               | > That's why they're using GPT-3 to fake their essays.
               | I'm not actually sure about the motivation for most
               | students. For students who I've caught using copilot on
               | assignments, it's not because of the reasons you cite.
               | Maybe it is for others.
               | > It cannot be fixed.
               | The main improvement that would fix most of this is to
               | have higher teacher to student ratios. That alone would
               | be a massive improvement, because then teachers would
               | have time to engage students at a different level of
               | attention.
             | moviewise wrote:
             | As a teacher of English as a second language, I find the
             | Jane Schaffer method quite helpful in teaching structure,
             | idea generation, and the skill of supporting statements by
             | providing examples.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schaffer_method
             | Of course all essays shouldn't be written exactly this way,
             | but for students just learning about writing long form, it
             | is a brilliant stepping stone to get the basics down. Too
             | many students--and readers--can't differentiate between a
             | "concrete detail" or statement of fact, and "commentary
             | material" or statement of opinion. This method helps to
             | distinguish them.
             | didibus wrote:
             | Your prompt doesn't seem to actually allow for any critical
             | thinking development or give any guidance to how you can
             | more convincingly express your points or arguments. It also
             | assumes you didn't enjoy the book, which I'm sure some
             | students would have actually enjoyed, so now your prompt is
             | even asking them to argue in bad faith, that doesn't seem
             | to be something we want to foster honestly.
             | The first prompt requires the reader to critically analyze
             | the book, by first requiring them to give it a charitable
             | interpretation.
             | It is said that you cannot disagree with someone if you're
             | unable to explain their position yourself in a clear and
             | definitive manner. Obviously, what are you disagreeing with
             | if you don't even understand what's the ideas behind the
             | thing you disagree with.
             | That's what the first prompt would be about teaching you,
             | to be able to understand other people's ideas and concepts,
             | to look past your initial judgements and bias, give it a
             | charitable interpretation, demonstrate you understood all
             | this by summarizing the idea in a 4 page essay of your own,
             | with supporting references to tie it back to the source,
             | showing the source does in fact argue for these itself.
             | Once you can do that, you have gained the right to go on
             | with your own disagreement and write that essay, which
             | would be your second prompt. Though honestly, your second
             | prompt seems to be geared more towards discussing the
             | entertainment aspect of the book, and not the ideas and
             | concepts it contains, so again it's not that much about
             | critical thinking, because critically there's little to
             | argue about a "I prefer the color red over blue."
             | Personally I think you were trying to get at something
             | else, maybe your point was just, come up with assignments
             | students enjoy and can have fun with?
             | I think this is always true, but some things are just
             | boring to some students, maybe you just don't enjoy
             | reading, writing or even critical thinking, or any of that
             | stuff. I don't know if there's much you can do in that
             | situation. Maybe the solution is more fluid classes, let
             | people move at their own pace, pick their own areas of
             | interests, even if that's directly going to a trade,
             | skipping on literature entirely, etc.
               | quacked wrote:
               | What exactly do you think "critical thinking" is?
               | The first prompt presumes to pick what was important
               | about the book, mandate the form by which the book will
               | be analyzed, and set up a minimum amount of effort before
               | the writer can quit.
               | The second prompt picks a very general bit of opinion and
               | then demands an open-ended argument requiring original
               | thought. In fact, it's _even better_ if the reader liked
               | the book, because it forces them to write as if they didn
               | 't, and opens them to the possibility of a satirical
               | essay.
               | (Note that I am aware that an average modern student
               | wouldn't like the second prompt any more than the first,
               | but that has to more with the system than the prompt. I'm
               | speaking about the pure act of teaching an interesting
               | writer to write well.)
               | Critical thinking requires both the desire and ability to
               | think outside of frameworks that were predetermined by
               | authority. This is part of the reason that modern schools
               | are so bad at "teaching critical thinking skills". The
               | most basic form of critical thinking, in fact the first
               | openly critical thought that students have about
               | learning--"this is a waste of my time"--is suppressed for
               | the convenience of the administration.
               | > Maybe the solution is more fluid classes, let people
               | move at their own pace, pick their own areas of
               | interests, even if that's directly going to a trade, etc.
               | I could not agree with this more. I believe that 'school'
               | should be life-long, year-round, and optional. Ideally
               | we'd go in and out of some type of formal education until
               | we died. However, this level of societal flexibility is
               | directly incompatible with modern school.
             | delusional wrote:
             | When challenged on why we had to follow rules that real
             | writers often ignored, such as those "arbitrary standards"
             | you hate, he responded: "They can break the rules because
             | they already know them by heart. You need to learn them."
             | That stuck with me. I firmly believe that writing essays
             | about boring drudgery is a necessity to develop the skill
             | required to write essays about what's important to you.
             | School is not about doing great work. It's about learning
             | the tools which you can use to do great work. School does
             | not ask you to do novel research, and so it doesn't ask you
             | to write novel essays.
               | quacked wrote:
               | > School is not about doing great work. It's about
               | learning the tools which you can use to do great work.
               | We have no compatible ideas if you insist upon this being
               | the case. School is not "training for real life", it is
               | real life.
               | The thought that it's appropriate and desirable to
               | monopolize the bulk of the time, mental health, and
               | attention of young people in order to keep them from
               | attempting anything of consequence while they "prepare to
               | do more work later" is deleterious to society.
               | (It is also not true that real writers know the rules by
               | heart and choose to break them for their own effect. That
               | implies that there is a real set of rules that people
               | agree on and that every great writer is capable of
               | producing a standardized set of writing that follows
               | these rules. In fact, most great writers take great pains
               | to tell personal stories of failure in school due to an
               | inability and unwillingness to comply with their
               | teachers, and this has been true since antiquity.)
             | [deleted]
             | allturtles wrote:
             | Leaving aside the fact that your two examples assess a
             | pretty different set of skills, one has to deal with the
             | reality that every teacher has many students. It's simply
             | not realistic to expect them to do "a thorough
             | investigation" of every student's style and "voice."
             | Imagine you have 50 students across two classes, each
             | turning in one of these essays. How long are you going to
             | spend on each one? 5 minutes? That's 4 hours of grading
             | time. 15 minutes? 12 hours. Now consider that most of your
             | school day is already occupied with teaching, prepping for
             | classes, office hours, and other responsibilities.
               | sdenton4 wrote:
               | Sounds like a lot of data to process... Perhaps we should
               | use gpt3 to grade the essays, too.
               | _jal wrote:
               | In that case, we can further automate this process and
               | just leave humans out of it - pipe the student's
               | generated essay back in, emit grade, done.
               | This reminds me of a moment that has stuck with me for a
               | long time. Some time in the early 00s, I was wondering
               | around town with a friend fairly late at night. We
               | watched a waste truck picking up outside a building,
               | there were stacks of Yellow Pages piled up, as they had
               | just been delivered everywhere, like they used to.
               | My friend and I joked that they could have saved on
               | transport and fuel by backing up the recycling trucks
               | directly to the printing presses.
               | cercatrova wrote:
               | Reminds me of phone trees with a robotic voice telling to
               | to press 1 for X, 2 for Y etc. When Google announced
               | their automated phone tree handling, I thought, it's just
               | two robots talking to each other over an imperfect
               | medium, human language. Why not just connect the two
               | systems together via API or something?
               | endtime wrote:
               | I haven't been a teacher, but I have been a TA (while a
               | grad student with a full course load) with a substantial
               | weekly grading burden (e.g. 30 students' problem sets a
               | week, with 10-15 problems each, for a class introducing
               | concepts like formal proofs and basic number theory).
               | So I appreciate your point.
               | But I also remember being a student forced to churn out
               | mindless formulaic essays with length and structure
               | requirements. I hated it. I never liked writing until I
               | finally had one good English teacher in high school who
               | assigned and graded in the way you say is infeasible.
               | If a teacher doesn't have the
               | bandwidth/capacity/skill/etc. to teach English well,
               | maybe they should find something else to do instead of
               | torturing students with mind-numbing assignments.
               | JumpCrisscross wrote:
               | > _50 students across two classes, each turning in one of
               | these essays. How long are you going to spend on each
               | one? 5 minutes? That 's 4 hours of grading time. 15
               | minutes? 12 hours._
               | Teachers with fifty students shouldn't be assigning
               | essays. There is no way for them to read them, which
               | means they'll grade by scanning for key words. That
               | destroys the pedagogical value of an essay, this post's
               | point.
               | Scarblac wrote:
               | Sounds like the problem isn't so much with the
               | assignment, but with the idea that assignments only have
               | value if they are graded.
               | JumpCrisscross wrote:
               | > _the problem isn 't so much with the assignment, but
               | with the idea that assignments only have value if they
               | are graded_
               | There's grading and evaluating. Writing something you
               | know won't be read, except for the purpose of being
               | scolded for missing key words, is close to useless
               | pedagogically. Someone motivated enough to learn from
               | that (a) didn't need the assignment and (b) deserves
               | better.
               | fhd2 wrote:
               | This! People learn differently - which IMHO schools don't
               | usually account for - but I personally always learned
               | best when putting something to paper (well, preferably
               | the keyboard).
               | At my university, assignments were primarily used for
               | guided learning - most of the grade came from the exam.
               | If you cheat on the learning, you either don't _need_ to
               | learn to pass the exam (meaning you should have a way to
               | fast track), or you're asking to fail the exam, which
               | hurts no one but yourself.
               | Maybe it's different in other schools? Cause I don't
               | fully get the "Good." argument based on my experience.
               | YMMV.
               | DrewADesign wrote:
               | Sure-- It's not at all tenable right now for teachers to
               | provide in-depth critique on long essay assignments--
               | that doesn't make critiques with avoiding, it makes long
               | essay assignments worth avoiding.
               | I took a very difficult gatekeeper exposition class at a
               | famously rigorous university a few years ago and loved
               | it. We had to write a ton, but I didn't mind it because
               | when you're learning to write, _you need to write a ton._
               | And boy did we. But not all classes there were like that!
               | Some classes, mostly classes _about writing_ were deemed
               | "writing intensive," but others would require little more
               | than a few pages here and there. The standard for that
               | scant output extremely high and the intellectual critique
               | was often blistering; the teacher concentrated on the
               | subject matter instead of combing 50 paragraphs for split
               | infinitive.
               | Currently, I attend a significantly less rigorous
               | university as a full-time undergrad. I have 5 classes,
               | including an elective on the history of a particular art
               | form. The final will be a 10 page paper and 20 minute
               | presentation preceded by a 2 page proposal. While this
               | class requires significantly less written output than the
               | exposition class, the assignment will still take an
               | disproportionate amount of my time. The teacher has many
               | students and no TA, so each paper will receive a cursory
               | intellectual critique, but primarily graded on format and
               | grammar. I'll not likely have learned more than if I'd
               | written a really tight 2/3 page paper that got several
               | serious critiques along the way.
               | mgkimsal wrote:
               | I'll go further and ask "what if their 'voice' is just
               | bad"? Just because I have a 'voice' doesn't mean it's
               | necessarily good. Teaching students to be able to switch
               | voices - some voices/styles are more appropriate for some
               | types of communications than others. Recognizing these
               | types, and being able to switch... that seems like it
               | would be a thing to teach/learn. My early schooling was a
               | long time ago, and I don't think I had the language to
               | categorize all of this at that time, but I do have
               | memories of doing this sort of stuff (mostly grades 6-8
               | where I had the same writing teacher, but later with
               | various classes through grade 12).
               | quacked wrote:
               | All acts of deliberate writing can be examined for
               | clarity, concision, fulfillment of their own purpose,
               | etc. If the purpose of an essay is to teach _writing_ ,
               | then the writing should be inspired and flow freely. It's
               | only _after_ someone can read and write competently that
               | it 's important for them to learn mold their writing for
               | specific, dry purposes.
               | The second half of your argument is incredibly common,
               | although I don't begrudge you for making it. Yes, it's
               | true that teaching effectively and creatively is near-
               | impossible given the current setup and demands of the
               | modern education system. This should tell most people
               | something about the worthiness of the modern system, but
               | instead most of them defend it.
             | mc32 wrote:
             | I think you had a different experience. My experience with
             | essays most typically was to choose your topic, research
             | and write an essay. The standardized tests did usually ask
             | you to choose from one of three topics, none of which was
             | usually something you were enamored with, but that did
             | force you to change from your comfort zone and adapt to
             | situational necessity.
             | [deleted]
             | mysterydip wrote:
             | My favorite were "reproduce a report on these specific
             | historical facts without plagiarizing the textbook," and
             | before the internet was readily available. More a creative
             | writing course than social studies.
             | insane_dreamer wrote:
             | Those type of assignments are part of what "inspired" my
             | daughter to skip out on all her high school English
             | homework, forget the humanities, and study engineering in
             | college. On the one hand, great, we need more women in
             | engineering, and she's good at it (and graduated from a top
             | college). On the other hand, the humanities are great too
             | and it would be nice not to turn people off to them with
             | that type of mind-numbing work that is not only subjective
             | in content but also subject to the desires of the
             | professor.
           | rustybelt wrote:
           | I'll go a step further and defend "busywork". Unfortunately
           | we don't live in a perfectly efficient society so being able
           | to learn and execute a formulaic task that might not seem
           | valuable is a necessary skill for most adults. Especially
           | since individual actors may not have all the necessary
           | information to fully assess the value of a task within a
           | larger framework.
           | thwayunion wrote:
           | Being a concert violinist is fun but playing scales isn't
           | fun. I can't wait for the robots to learn how to play scales
           | for me so I can focus on becoming a concert violinist.
           | ;-)
           | volkhavaar wrote:
           | When I taught a class where I assigned essays I confirmed my
           | own suspicions from when I was assigned essays: the majority
           | of the sentences committed to paper are awful drudgery. I
           | then flipped the requirements on their head and removed
           | minimum page requirements and instead had extremely strict
           | maximum page requirements (with of course the objective
           | material requirements of the essay itself). So much
           | improvement for everyone involved. I had to read through so
           | much less pointless material and the students were forced to
           | focus their ideas in a succinct way to be able to get to all
           | of the objectives of the essay in the limited space. Everyone
           | saved time and did better.
             | pclmulqdq wrote:
             | When I taught a class, I had a strict 3 page maximum on lab
             | reports for this reason. So many people are used to turning
             | in 10's of pages of drudgery. I just want a few that get to
             | the heart of the issue.
           | cannabis_sam wrote:
           | Writing essays is not the problem, grading the essays and
           | grades in general are the problem.
           | Feedback is obviously invaluable, but the point of grades, as
           | used today, is solely to gatekeep who are allowed access to
           | the next level of education. So instead of constructive
           | feedback, it has become a set of filters entirely divorced
           | from actual learning.
           | (And yes, I got good grades, I just hate that so many people
           | I know were denied opportunities based on a shitty system,
           | wildly not fit for purpose)
           | randomwalker wrote:
           | I learned from one of the comments on my original post that
           | many scholars have been saying this for a while, and that
           | there's in fact a book that makes the same point!
           | Why They Can't Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and
           | Other Necessities https://www.amazon.com/Why-They-Cant-Write-
           | Five-Paragraph/dp...
           | lbotos wrote:
           | It's an interesting question. I'd personally love to see more
           | effort being given to "defend your point as succinctly as
           | possible." I wrote a lot of "minimum word count essays and in
           | the "real world" clarity trumps length every day.
           | Length is used as some proxy for rigor, but we know it's only
           | a proxy.
             | onos wrote:
             | I like this idea. Fwiw I feel I learned / grew a lot more
             | in one technical writing class in college than I did in all
             | my years of English classes. Later I picked ip a book
             | "writing with style" that was also quite helpful.
             | One issue for me in English was I really was not interested
             | in the kinds of essays the English teachers were interested
             | in having us write, eg coming up with a thesis on plot
             | themes in Shakespeare. Just not my thing and so I couldn't
             | get anywhere in those classes.
             | adelie wrote:
             | My high school English teacher adamantly refused to read
             | any essay over the length of one page, double-spaced. I
             | learned more from that class than any other writing class I
             | took.
             | endtime wrote:
             | +100
             | When I write today, for work, the challenge is _always_ to
             | write less. My VP might have time to read two pages; he 's
             | almost certainly not going to read anything longer.
             | HWR_14 wrote:
             | I found that in elementary or secondary school page
             | minimums were used to as a cheap proxy for effort. In
             | college page maximums started appearing to encourage
             | concision. Different needs for students at different points
             | in their education.
           | criddell wrote:
           | I think you're going at it backwards. If you are going to ask
           | a student to write an essay, it's on you to be able to show
           | that it's the best way to help that particular student
           | cultivate their writing and critical thinking skills.
             | vlunkr wrote:
             | Does that need to be shown? Seems tautological to me. You
             | learn to write by writing.
               | criddell wrote:
               | The writing part isn't necessarily being questioned, but
               | the form (essay) is. The tweet thread pointed to in the
               | article has some pretty good suggestions.
               | vlunkr wrote:
               | The twitter thread is suggesting prompts for essays that
               | an AI can't handle. So the form hasn't changed, they're
               | just trying to stay ahead of the threat.
             | mgkimsal wrote:
             | Perhaps I'm just... thick, but if a goal is to have someone
             | write, say, 8 pages of thinking and ideas about a topic...
             | I'm not sure there's 'better' ways than to have the person
             | write 8 pages of thinking and ideas about a topic.
             | If the _goal_ is wrong, perhaps just don 't do it, but...
             | "it's on you to show that it's the best way". I don't get
             | it.
             | If I want to see that a student has writing skills, I would
             | think expecting them to write is somewhat definitional?
             | Maybe it's on someone else to 'show' a better way to
             | demonstrate writing skills that doesn't involve writing.
               | JumpCrisscross wrote:
               | > _want to see that a student has writing skills_
               | This is a fine goal. Having "someone write, say, 8 pages"
               | is not, it's a task, and a tedious one at that. No good
               | writer starts with a page goal. It's a common criticism
               | by great writer's of bad publishers.
               | mgkimsal wrote:
               | Personally, my experience with page count assignments
               | were... loose. The goal was never "write 8 pages" but
               | "write about idea ABC" (book just read, subject we just
               | studied). '5 pages' or 8 or whatever was a guideline,
               | with the expectation that to get XYZ ideas across, it'll
               | probably be around that length. If the guideline was X
               | words or Y pages, and I got the ideas across in less (or
               | more), but the ideas were strong, I still got a good
               | grade. Perhaps some of that has changed, but... "write an
               | essay about $foo", and you turn in 2 paragraphs... you'd
               | get marked down.
               | Again, it's been awhile since I've been in middle/high
               | school, so it may have changed some.
               | criddell wrote:
               | These days it's often a word count rather than page count
               | because page counts are too easy to game. There will be
               | an upper and lower limit and when you submit the file, it
               | might be rejected if your paper doesn't meet the
               | criteria.
             | happyopossum wrote:
             | If you're going to up-end hundreds of yers of educational
             | theory and practice, it's on you to be able to show your
             | work. Not all progress is forward.
           | dsr_ wrote:
           | The American educational-system essay is an artificial
           | construct designed to be easy to teach and easy to grade,
           | without being useful for the purposes of educating the essay
           | author or the audience or being persuasive.
           | Writing is generally good. Expressing yourself is good.
           | Analysis and critique are good. The artificial essay is
           | useless.
             | z3c0 wrote:
             | Especially the 5-paragraph essay. Doubly so where
             | paragraphs are rigidly-defined as "a collection of five or
             | more sentences". I argued with a lot of teachers over that
             | one.
             | All it did was teach kids how to write boring simple
             | sentences to meet the implicit "punctuation quota". An
             | equal amount of content compacted into a couple of
             | complex/compound sentences would actually result in marks
             | off.
               | _gabe_ wrote:
               | You have to learn the rules before you break the rules.
               | The 5 paragraph essay taught me a lot about how to create
               | a convincing written argument. The rules are:
               | 1. Start with a hook. Engage the reader.
               | 2. Present the ideas (2-3) that you will be discussing in
               | the essay. Have you ever read a rambling blog post? Yeah,
               | they suck. There's no direction and you don't retain
               | much.
               | Also, 2-3 ideas in one essay is a great number. There's
               | all those studies that say we can only hold 5 things in
               | working memory at once, blah blah blah. Keeping the essay
               | focused on a few core ideas helps the reader retain them
               | better, and the writer to have a well defined scope.
               | 3. Extrapolate the concise ideas in 2-3 _concise_
               | paragraphs. Ever read a rambling blog post? Yeah, they
               | suck. Telling students to keep paragraphs in 3-5
               | sentences helps the essay communicate the ideas in a
               | concise manner.
               | It also helps block out the text in small visually
               | appealing blocks. Ever read super condensed very long
               | paragraphs? Yeah, they suck. It helps to break up your
               | thoughts with some whitespace. (It's almost like coding
               | benefits from this as well...)
               | 4. Conclude your essay. Reiterate what you wanted to
               | cover. This helps the reader retain the ideas, and it
               | allows the author to tie up the ideas in a nice bow. I
               | love when I finish a book or essay and everything comes
               | together and reaffirms what I've been reading the whole
               | time.
               | This format is not only great building blocks, but it
               | helps you write larger volumes. If you repeat these small
               | steps several times, you create chapters. If you repeat
               | these steps on a macro level, the chapters tie together
               | into a cohesive piece of literature.
               | These unnecessary "quotas" may sound meaningless, but a
               | lot of people have thought very hard about how to create
               | basic building blocks writers can follow. These building
               | blocks allow the writers to create concise, well formed
               | arguments. "Boring simple sentences" are extremely
               | conducive to clear and concise writing. I'll take boring
               | sentences that form complex ideas over complex fluff that
               | describes nothing any day. (This is almost analogous to
               | good code design too, weird...)
               | z3c0 wrote:
               | I get the goal of the framework, and I did then as well.
               | It just isn't expressed well, and it's even worse in
               | execution. I think kids are smart enough to handle a more
               | ambiguous "five-section essay". All the same rules apply,
               | but marks off can then be directed towards lack of
               | clarity or belaboring a point. Truly bad writing, y'know?
               | Maybe it's a matter of opinion, but I believe that the
               | grading process is a sufficient guardrail. When the
               | theories are made rigid, it's usually just to ease the
               | grading. I'm okay with that in the right context. In this
               | instance, however, I think it's self-defeating.
               | quacked wrote:
               | Which is exactly the type of writing that an AI excels
               | at. Educators have made their own bed, and GPT-3 is just
               | tucking them in.
               | ModernMech wrote:
               | The 5-paragraph essay is the larval form of the 6-page
               | research paper. As a scientist, you will similarly face
               | reprimands from reviewers if you deviate from the format.
               | dsr_ wrote:
               | Is it better to teach a good writer a specific format, or
               | to teach a specific format in order to teach people how
               | to write?
               | Most people will not become scientists. Those who do can
               | quickly pick up the additional burden of formatting
               | requirements, when necessary.
               | ModernMech wrote:
               | Most people will encounter venues where they need to
               | conform to arbitrary and seemingly pointless formats in
               | order to publish there. Becoming comfortable doing so
               | without throwing a fit is a skill that needs to be
               | learned to operate in modern society.
               | dsr_ wrote:
               | I'm not throwing a fit. I'm saying that the five-
               | paragraph essay is supposed to teach clear writing, and
               | it doesn't.
               | If you want to teach conformity to arbitrary and
               | seemingly pointless strictures, the rest of the public
               | education system does that already.
               | ModernMech wrote:
               | I didn't mean to say it's you throwing a fit, I meant to
               | say that students are throwing fits. Unless you're a
               | student? Sorry I didn't convey that clearly.
               | I wouldn't say that the purpose of the 5-paragaph essay
               | is to teach clear writing. It serves the same purpose as
               | mandating a format for a conference; no format mandate
               | means you get N formats, which makes evaluating them much
               | harder.
         | rongopo wrote:
         | How do you want to learn good writing skills?
           | broast wrote:
           | By generating text from AI, evaluating it, and piecing it
           | together with other AI generated text.
             | rongopo wrote:
             | LOL, thanks!
         | somerandomqaguy wrote:
         | Maybe, but the flip side is that I'm wondering how many schools
         | will look at the opposite and try to start using machine
         | learning to grade essays as well.
           | soco wrote:
           | So we end up with machines grading machines, while pupils and
           | teachers are left doing... something. Isn't it known fact
           | that one cannot fix society with technology?
       | FigurativeVoid wrote:
       | My degree is in English. Specifically I focused a lot on
       | composition theory. Or writing about people writing. I have a few
       | thoughts about this.
       | 1. If it isn't rampant now, it will be in a few years time.
       | Cheating is highly incentivized in college, and this makes it
       | very hard to catch. I doubt you could generate a thesis this way,
       | but you could certainly pass your electives.
       | 2. Writing is highly conventionalized. Half of getting a good
       | grade is following conventions. AI will get really good at this.
       | 3. I suspect ESL students will use this first. When tutoring
       | writing, extremely smart ESL students were getting poor grades in
       | writing courses for having bad grammar, vocabulary, whatever.
       | This will help them get good grades until the AI surpasses native
       | speakers, who will then use it.
       | 4. This is really tragic for students. Writing is really great
       | for solidifying thoughts and learning. I still journal to this
       | day just because of this. This will deeply affect how people
       | learn. But the outcome remains to be seen.
       | Edit: Better words
       | jrm4 wrote:
       | As a non-tenure track college instructor, I'm pretty much "good"
       | on this as well.
       | I think perhaps obviously the bigger underlying difficulty is
       | that very often "teachers" aren't seriously empowered to, nor
       | really judged on their ability to, teach. In higher-ed of course,
       | it's because publishing is king.
       | I have sympathy for the great number of people who teach in
       | higher ed for whom this will make things harder -- but also _it
       | 's gotta change._
       | (For what it's worth, I've seen that "writing" from college
       | students has improved drastically over the last decade or so and
       | I'm pretty sure the vast majority of them are not doing this. I
       | just think they are more involved with the "written word," even
       | if those "words" include emoji, etc. But grammar and even logic
       | have improved tremendously; the only downside is that it all
       | sounds like branding/advertising copy. But that's better than
       | what we had before)
       | greenhearth wrote:
       | How is it good? Writing essays teaches writing and also reading.
       | It also teaches thinking critically about your writing and your
       | reading. They are not pointless at all. It's exactly the same as
       | taking code off the internet instead of trying to solve an
       | algorithmic riddle. You may learn something new, but the problem
       | solving process itself is lost and not developed.
         | mynameisvlad wrote:
         | Well you have a whole article, as well as lots of great debate
         | in these comments telling you why it is (or isn't) good.
         | That's the beauty of using those reading skills you mentioned.
           | greenhearth wrote:
           | What, "the education system, etc...?" Give me a break.
             | mynameisvlad wrote:
             | That's hardly an argument against it.
       | WaitWaitWha wrote:
       | I disagree.
       | Time to time I hire entry level people. Their writing in general,
       | the primary method of communication is atrocious. I am not
       | complaining about fundamental grammar or punctuation. I make
       | those mistakes more frequently then most myself.
       | There is no cohesive flow of thought; there is a lack of logical
       | structure. They are unable to unpack their justification for
       | recommendations. This _costs us_ because we have to have multiple
       | "draft reviews" until the document is succinct, or _cost us_ when
       | the recommendations are misunderstood.
       | Over the last three decades I have seen the decline in the skill
       | of writing.
         | marcus_holmes wrote:
         | So automate. If computers are better than students at writing
         | essays, they're probably better than entry-level hires at
         | writing whatever documents you need.
           | tgv wrote:
           | How are computers going to write that without understanding?
           | A two sentence prompt isn't going to give you what you need.
           | yoyohello13 wrote:
           | If people are bad a structuring an argument and conveying
           | their intent in writing, what makes you think they are better
           | with those things when speaking? or any other form of
           | communication.
           | thwayunion wrote:
           | The purpose of writing in professional settings, especially
           | internal documents for a engineering team, is to _convey
           | information_.
           | Even if models are better at writing essays, it's highly
           | unlikely that the generated essays will convey useful and
           | accurate information. Ie, the writing may be better _as a
           | context-free composition of words and symbols_ , but the
           | semantic content of the writing within the context of the
           | business will be at best nonsense and possibly even
           | misleading.
           | In GP's context, excellent writing that's pure bullshit is
           | even worse than bad writing.
           | Generating design documents that discuss real tradeoffs from
           | a combination of email threads, slack messages, meetings, and
           | code is quite a bit different from generating the billionth
           | essay on Napoleon. We use the latter, in part, to practice
           | the basic skills required for the former. But just because a
           | model can do a half-decent job at the latter doesn't mean
           | that it is anywhere near being able to do the former.
         | itslennysfault wrote:
         | I make those mistakes more frequently then most myself.
         | *than
         | ...this checks out.
       | beloch wrote:
       | I think we're going to see the return of the oral exam (i.e. You
       | show up to the prof's office and they ask you questions on the
       | spot.). Perhaps not for massive low level courses, but likely for
       | advanced courses.
       | They're going to be the bane of the timid, but they do provide
       | ample motivation to study and require elaborate measures to cheat
       | on.
       | ineedasername wrote:
       | Something I haven't seen mentioned much is the potential for this
       | to actually be a powerful research tool. As a trivial example,
       | here's a prompt using the highest quality Da Vinci model:
       |  _Write an analysis of the 2020 MLB baseball season_
       | The 2020 MLB baseball season was one of the most unique seasons
       | in recent         memory. The season started later than usual due
       | to the COVID-19 pandemic,          and it was shortened to 60
       | games. This meant that every game was even more
       | important, as there were fewer opportunities for teams to make up
       | ground in          the standings.              The Los Angeles
       | Dodgers won the World Series, defeating the Tampa Bay Rays in
       | six games. It was a dominant performance by the Dodgers, who won
       | all three of          their postseason series. They became the
       | first team since the 2009 New York          Yankees to win a
       | World Series after losing the previous year's Fall Classic.
       | In 2007 The Rays made an incredible run to the World Series,
       | becoming just the          second team in MLB history to reach
       | the Fall Classic after winning fewer than          40% of their
       | regular season games. For the 2020 season they were led by their
       | pitching staff, which posted a historic ERA of 3.56 during the
       | regular season.
       | Though this is at least a little _potential_ than _actual_
       | capabilities, since fact checking other responses to questions
       | has shown problems-- correct facts in the wrong context, e.g.
       | similar questions gave stats for a team that were correct, but
       | for a season other than the 2020 one asked for in the prompt.
       | croes wrote:
       | >Teachers adapted to the calculator. They can certainly adapt to
       | language models.
       | The burden is once again on those poorly paid with few resources.
       | With this logic, one also believes that more crime leads to
       | better police officers.
       | jollyllama wrote:
       | Putting this out there: like most machine generated "art" these
       | days, the relative increase of output quality is in part marked
       | by a decline in both mean human output quality and the mean
       | ability of humans to perceive quality.
       | ecshafer wrote:
       | Since this is hackernews: During my undergrad I had a professor
       | that would give us our homeworks as normal. But to hand it in, we
       | had to demo the project. He would tell us what to put into the
       | program, check the outputs to make sure it works. Then ask us to
       | show the code for specific parts to spot check it and ask us how
       | it worked. Its essentially an oral exam, and would be hard to
       | cheat it. It is hard to fight against technology but in person
       | has a way of maintaining a good standard.
       | js8 wrote:
       | Students are not the only ones who needs to learn critical
       | thinking, the AI needs to learn it too.
       | trwayAcademic3 wrote:
       | There's several purposes for these highly structured writing
       | assignments.
       | 1. What is the student's reading comprehension. Did they
       | understand the reading assignments and lectures.
       | 2. What is the student's writing skill. Is it free of grammar,
       | spelling mistakes, and is it clear and comprehensible.
       | 3. Can the student follow instructions. Did they carefully read
       | the prompt and directly address all points of the prompt.
       | Reading comprehension can be largely offloaded or doublechecked
       | with cliff notes, youtube videos, or just bugging your classmates
       | for their notes. Writing skill can be largely tool driven with
       | spell check, grammar check, and the new NLP tools like grammarly
       | or hemingway.
       | This largely leaves modern college essays to testing bullet point
       | 3, did the student fully address the prompt in the manner the
       | teacher specified. In my undisclosed observations this is the
       | primary point reduction in college writing that causes a student
       | to not have an A. This is also the exact type of thing the
       | substack suggests can be offhanded to GPT-3, what makes college
       | writing awful for the college students. If this is the case, are
       | we going to build anti-GPT3 techniques such as have students
       | write in a controller lab setting? Are we going to accept that a
       | certain number of submissions will be machine-enhanced and let
       | grade inflation continue? Are we going to accept that modern
       | college essays might be more an exercise in editing machine
       | output than generating new text?
       | The best math classes accepted the invention of the calculator,
       | the computer, and use them as tools to teach even more math.
       | chiefalchemist wrote:
       | > regurgitate content (as opposed to essays that teach writing
       | skills or critical thinking, which remain valuable).
       | Thanks for the clarification.
       | That said, Devil's Advocate here...
       | But isn't "regurgitate content" a writing skill? That be all
       | still quite a bit? Don't they have to walk before they can run
       | (i.e., fine-tuning communication skills)?
       | Regurgitation essays are graded, and that produces a bell curve
       | of quality, doesn't that indicate the skill is a skill worth
       | recognizing? Isn't the lack of such a simple skill indicative of
       | something in a student?
       | I agree that critical thinking is essential. It's something too
       | few of us seem to have. But aren't these essays the gateway to
       | that next step? That is, if you can't be critical of your own
       | ideas, and their organization and presentation, are you truly
       | ready to move on to next level lessons in critical thinking?
       | Put another way, if it were math, why teach addition and
       | subtraction? Why not just move on to calculus? Or higher?
       | photochemsyn wrote:
       | The only real solution to this (assuming that grading systems are
       | all that valuable in terms of optimal educational outcomes) is to
       | base grades on in-class essay writing (and for CS, in-class
       | coding) where students don't have access to any outside
       | assistance, and have to think quickly.
       | Using tools outside class to practice for the in-class work would
       | make a lot of sense however, as students could then rapidly see
       | what a decent essay or code body looks like.
         | pjmorris wrote:
         | > base grades on... and for CS, in-class coding
         | Given that a typical programmer on a typical day has online
         | access, and given the creative lengths students will go to to
         | maintain access to said resources during exams, it seems worth
         | considering allowing online access for programming exams. To
         | address the obvious problems with that approach, could we use
         | AI to generate unique variations on the problems we want the
         | students to solve?
           | Vrondi wrote:
           | This is like any open-book exam. Make the time limit
           | reasonable such that if they know the stuff, they can get it
           | done while referring to a few things in a source, but if they
           | don't know it, there's no way they can look it all up in the
           | available time.
           | Test0129 wrote:
           | Or we could stop asking students trivia and force them to
           | think. Most of my graduate school exams were open book +
           | notes but it hardly helped. You had to demonstrate knowledge
           | by producing a novel solution to the problem most of the
           | time. Not novel as in new research, but novel in the sense
           | you weren't just regurgitating factoids from the books. I
           | also had tons of open book and open note advanced math
           | classes. The problems were made in such a way you had to make
           | a connection with the material and link pieces together in
           | non-obvious ways. In those classes I retained more
           | information even to today.
           | Teaching, even at the collegiate level, has become "how can I
           | do the least so I can do what I want". Tenured research
           | professors generally make terrible teachers...perhaps we need
           | professional teachers.
             | mywittyname wrote:
             | For me, the most "open" a test was, the more I worried
             | about it. Expecting students to remember everything on the
             | test meant that it had to be easy.
             | The hardest exam I ever took was my final exam for Linear
             | Algebra. It was so "open" that people could use matlab on a
             | shared computer that was also projected to the entire
             | class. Turns out, the best students in the class didn't
             | need help on a computer, so it turned into this kind of
             | mind-fuck where you weren't sure if they got a different
             | answer than you because they were wrong, or because you
             | were. To add to the excitement, the questions all tied
             | together and used the answer from the previous one, so if
             | you missed one, you were guaranteed to miss every
             | subsequent question.
         | bambax wrote:
         | > _to base grades on in-class essay writing_
         | Of course. I don't understand how essays written at home are
         | acceptable. It's a good exercise to do them (if done properly)
         | but they shouldn't count for the final grade.
         | Before AI there were professional essay-writers, or tutors, or
         | parents. In a sense AI is progress because now everyone can
         | cheat, instead of only the wealthy.
         | tjpnz wrote:
         | Might also be time that companies stopped taking grades into
         | account when hiring and selecting for internships.
         | rdtwo wrote:
         | I don't Think ai essays are good but they might be less bad
         | than some writers
         | Bakary wrote:
         | This is common in UK universities at least. You can have your
         | entire grade for a year of dense reading at the MSc level be
         | based on three hours of hand-numbing speedwriting. It makes
         | sense while at the same time rewarding and punishing different
         | personality types (and calligraphers).
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | The worst thing about this system is that there's not usually
           | any chance to retake the exam. As far as I can see, there's
           | no good reason for this, and all it does is heap pressure on
           | students while providing a worse overall assessment of their
           | ability.
             | michaelt wrote:
             | Don't most UK universities let undergraduate students resit
             | exams they've failed, within reason?
             | And a degree consists of a good number of courses, each of
             | which will have its own exams - so if you do poorly in one
             | or two exams, there are plenty of chances to bring your
             | average back up.
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | > Don't most UK universities let undergraduate students
               | resit exams they've failed, within reason?
               | I've attended 3. Two of them made students retake the
               | entire year if they needed to resit an exam. The other
               | one based students' entire grade on one set of final
               | exams at the end of the 3 years and had no provision for
               | resits at all.
               | I believe the first two are typical in the UK.
               | > And a degree consists of a good number of courses, each
               | of which will have its own exams - so if you do poorly in
               | one or two exams, there are plenty of chances to bring
               | your average back up
               | That's true, but it's also true that a more lenient
               | system would be more compassionate (student mental health
               | is a _huge_ topic for universities) whilst simultaneously
               | being _a better measure of student 's true abilities_.
             | Bakary wrote:
             | If you look at it another way, it's like a lifetime
             | warranty. You can't trust an appliance vendor to provide
             | quality, but you can trust that if they have a warranty
             | they will meet the conditions where it will make financial
             | sense to have one.
             | Having such an exam adds enormous extraneous pressure that
             | does not reflect the reality of conducting research, but it
             | is this pressure that guarantees (with some exceptions)
             | that the student has been coerced into learning the
             | material to a sufficient standard. There will always be the
             | cramming psychopath who grabs a first after just a week of
             | study and who retains nothing of it, but most students just
             | have to learn intensely over the course of a year to pass
             | through the filter. In some ways, this is also why it's
             | common in the UK for employers to not care so much about
             | the specific degree, just that you have one with good
             | grades from a reputable institution.
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | > There will always be the cramming psychopath who grabs
               | a first after just a week of study and who retains
               | nothing of it, but most students just have to learn
               | intensely over the course of a year to pass through the
               | filter.
               | My concern is for the students who study intensely, learn
               | as much as anyone else, but don't pass the filter.
               | Universities in other European countries allow single
               | units to be retaken without retaking an entire year, and
               | it seems to me that this provides a fairer system without
               | devaluing the qualification in any way.
             | kwhitefoot wrote:
             | > there's not usually any chance to retake the exam
             | Of course there is. One of my classmates milked this system
             | to remain a student for about twice as long as the rest of
             | us. He was good at manipulating the bureaucracy, not so
             | good at physics; probably should have studied law or some
             | sort of social science instead.
         | AuryGlenz wrote:
         | You could have them write using a program that allows the
         | teacher to play back their writing process in real time as
         | well.
         | Theoretically they could copy it from offscreen but unless
         | they're really good at faking going back and changing things
         | and getting stuck at the right points it would probably be
         | fairly easy to tell.
         | On the flip side there'd be no definitive proof.
         | bergenty wrote:
         | At least for CS courses this means kids will never have the
         | chance to work on something simplistic that can be coded up in
         | 2 hours.
         | coreyp_1 wrote:
         | I agree in principle, but there are so many special
         | accommodations required (extra time for graded assignments,
         | special assistance in the form of a reader, etc.) that would
         | make this a nightmare.
         | I lament, though, that students are often either (A) so
         | overburdened with distractions that they don't have time to
         | learn, (B) so pressured to get high grades that they cannot
         | afford to get a bad grade, and thus must cheat, or (C) just
         | don't care. There are a few gems that are willing to put in the
         | work to learn and appreciate a subject, though. I just wish
         | that more students put in the work required to learn.
           | Vrondi wrote:
           | I have legitimately met college students in the last few
           | years who had no frame of reference for how much time they
           | should be putting in. Freshmen who think that spending 15
           | minutes a week looking over their notes is "studying a lot"
           | are pretty common right now (in the USA).
             | photochemsyn wrote:
             | Three hours of study for each hour spent in class is an
             | average estimate of what it takes to absorb even moderately
             | difficult material in courses in sci/tech.
             | Relevant quote: " _Every truth has four corners. As a
             | teacher I give you one corner, and it is for you to find
             | the other three._ " (Confucius)
               | themoonisachees wrote:
               | Which with napkin math can be shown to be bullshit.
               | Students are spending approximately 1/3 of their time in
               | classes, so how would they get time to sleep among the
               | 4/3 required by studies and classes?
               | [deleted]
               | hombre_fatal wrote:
               | 1:3 hours sounds super aspirational even for only the
               | hardest of classes like organic chemistry and fluid
               | dynamics.
               | But your napkin calc isn't addressing the bit where you
               | only take 1-2 classes like that per semester and pad the
               | rest out with things like literature and electives so you
               | could have a life.
         | dasil003 wrote:
         | > _students could then rapidly see what a decent essay or code
         | body looks like._
         | You mean like how today they study well-regarded human works?
         | I'm not sure how the ML adds anything except which words tend
         | to appear close to each other across a large corpus. The moment
         | where young writers believe that ML is creating anything new
         | and they try to learn from that is when modern civilization
         | starts to eat its own tail.
       | imwillofficial wrote:
       | This is awesome, I swear kids in school are the most creative
       | problem solvers on earth. Just maybe not the problems you
       | intended.
       | oldstrangers wrote:
       | These issues with AI are arising faster than ever, but no one
       | seems to stop an extrapolate the inevitable end result. What do
       | you do when an AI can realistically handle your average college
       | student's entire course load? Existentially, does it even matter?
       | Yes people will be dumber on average, but will they care if they
       | have the answer to all of life's questions in their pockets?
       | I'm old enough to remember people telling me I wouldn't always
       | have a calculator handy, and obviously that didn't age very well.
       | It sounds unnecessarily pessimistic in the face of all the things
       | AI will help us with, but given what we know about human nature,
       | I do expect AI to make us a lot lazier and ... dumber.
         | Buldak wrote:
         | Yeah, there seems to be a general sentiment that if a computer
         | can do it, it wasn't worth a student doing it anyway. But
         | presumably (?) there is a line to cross where that ceases to be
         | the case. So where do you draw it?
         | SV_BubbleTime wrote:
         | >I'm old enough to remember people telling me I wouldn't always
         | have a calculator handy, and obviously that didn't age very
         | well.
         | Logical error though. The analogy to calculator is poor.
         | With a calculator it doesn't matter what your opinion of 17x93
         | is. There is a right answer and a way to get there. Our ability
         | to get output from a calculator doesn't change because more or
         | less people use them.
         | With AI prompted writing, there is no right answer, and what it
         | spits out only exists because other people already wrote on the
         | topic. The quality of the writing is entirely dependent on
         | samples and usage.
       | oxff wrote:
       | This is good, because it shows what a cargo cult education and
       | learning has been for the longest time. Critique in action.
       | la64710 wrote:
       | Great now students can use this free up time to do more
       | productive things.
       | /s
       | whiplash451 wrote:
       | I don't share your enthusiasm. Essays are a great way to learn
       | structured writing for kids.
       | greenhearth wrote:
       | rongopo wrote:
       | Professor here --- I really need a tool to detect this. I have a
       | student whose text always have the same faulty patterns: circular
       | sentences, paragraph that do not sum up, etc. The problems are
       | consistently the same, and even in purpose this cannot be
       | imitated. I think there is a machine behind.
         | danielvf wrote:
         | One of our local writing teachers has addressed this by having
         | the students do some surprise writing in class, no phones, and
         | comparing it to home work.
           | rongopo wrote:
           | This is IMHO the only way to go at the moment.
           | MisterBastahrd wrote:
           | Persuasive writing section?
           | "Write a persuasive essay regarding why the essay you're
           | writing deserves the grade you choose based upon your
           | knowledge of persuasive writing techniques and your classroom
           | participation."
         | agtorre wrote:
         | I imagine as the technology improves and more AI tools become
         | available this will become a war of attrition. Especially since
         | these tools are so useful for non-school purposes, I can only
         | see them getting better with time. It is a shame when people
         | use these tools in a 100% no effort way though, reminds me of
         | people who copied whole essays online in the past and got
         | caught.
         | JCharante wrote:
         | Essay cheating is really annoying. I've learned a foreign
         | language to the point where I've joined a rather large facebook
         | group where students from that country studying abroad ask for
         | advice about problems. 1/3 of the posts are students who are
         | caught cheating asking for advice or asking for recommendations
         | / trying to find someone to do their homework for them. It's
         | made me really dissapointed in my schoolmates to see how they
         | can just talk so openly about it.
         | collegeburner wrote:
         | why do you need a tool? if its crap writing give it a crap
         | grade and move on.
           | xena wrote:
           | A tool would be useful so that the teacher can avoid wasting
           | their time reading an AI generated submission and continue on
           | to the next essay.
             | kjkjadksj wrote:
             | Teachers have turnitin that kinda does this
               | rongopo wrote:
               | To my knowledge turnitin does not tell you about the
               | share of AI generated content.
           | rongopo wrote:
           | Well yes ideally I would do so, but my chair of department
           | wants to have THAT work published. Horror story.
           | thwayunion wrote:
           | 1. Assessment is only a small part of teaching. Often the
           | smallest.
           | 2. The pedagogical intervention depends heavily on whether
           | the student is cheating or just FAR below grade-level.
           | 3. the student likely won't be truthful.
           | 4. Even if we assume the student will tell the truth, if they
           | aren't using an LLM and you accuse them of doing so it's
           | going to crush the student and make teaching that pupil close
           | to impossible.
           | Teachers are teachers, not proctors.
         | Balgair wrote:
         | If it's just one student, then I think you should just talk to
         | them about it and verify. Education is not a 'gotcha' game. If
         | you're in the US, these students are the ones paying a lot of
         | money to get that learning and degree.
         | If it's a lot of students, then you likely need to rethink
         | using essays and the like. Not that they aren't useful when
         | done honestl; they are incredible tools for having students
         | learn.
         | But the near future is only going to be filled with this more
         | and more. You're not likely to be able to outrun OpenAI and
         | GPT3 on your own. Heck, even the whole CS department isn't
         | going to outrun these companies. In fact, it's not a bad idea
         | to put your essays through such tools to see what comes out and
         | then build from there.
         | The nature of learning and education is changing very fast
         | these days and clinging to the old models and methods isn't
         | likely to be the best strat. Innovate, try new things, talk
         | with your students, brainstorm, etc.
           | SV_BubbleTime wrote:
           | >If it's just one student, then I think you should just talk
           | to them about it and verify.
           | I'm not sure I would talk the student about AI at all. I
           | would talk to them about the subject matter.
           | I think that is the obvious solution to detect this. Does the
           | student know the material when "offline"?
           | Maybe you get a few anxious people who can't talk about a
           | topic they know - but that sure does seem like training for
           | the real world.
       | gautamdivgi wrote:
       | I had a chuckle at this. Good this is happening. Kids spend too
       | much time on that anyway and most of it is bullshit. Sure if you
       | had some great success we need a verifiable way to show it (maybe
       | a resume). But this whole "oh look what great things I plan for
       | the world" is nonsense. Hopefully it's a thing of the past soon.
       | Edit - talking about essays that folks write for college
       | admissions, in case the context wasn't clear.
       | petercooper wrote:
       | When Babelfish came out in 1997, I used it to do my French
       | homework, while attempting to fix up when it didn't quite get it
       | right or used an idiom that didn't translate to French. My friend
       | did the same and we were casually warned to stop "whatever it is"
       | we were doing after a couple of weeks ;-) It turned out it was a
       | lot safer to let Babelfish _read_ French than to write it..
       | As a bit of fun, I recently scanned my daughter's homework and
       | threw it into GPT-3 and while I didn't let her see or use the end
       | results (if she had the idea to do it herself, that's her call,
       | but I find the younger generations are not as computer savvy as
       | the media would like you to think!) it pretty much nailed it
       | without me having to do anything else. It's definitely going to
       | cause changes in the educational system in a way that Babelfish
       | certainly did not.
       | bannedbybros wrote:
       | Clickbait. Nobody said students were acing their homework.
       | kotlin2 wrote:
       | This article contains a logical error that I see quite
       | frequently, which is the belief that something being anti-X is
       | somehow pro better alternative Y. In this article, the author
       | believes that writing that stimulates critical thinking and
       | analysis would do a better job at preparing students than the
       | current five paragraph essays that students typically write. They
       | argue that the prevalence of text generators will force change in
       | education from the current system to something better.
       | The argument makes no sense when considered analytically. There
       | is nothing special about the factual five paragraph essay that
       | lends itself well to text generators. Rather, the fundamental
       | issue is that humans have discovered ways of training ML
       | algorithms that can perform almost any task that a human can do.
       | There's nothing stopping the creation of text generators trained
       | to write any conceivable school assignment.
       | Cheating is only going to get easier and more sophisticated over
       | time. This presents a serious issue that may require rethinking
       | how students are evaluated in general.
       | origin_path wrote:
       | There is a need for solutions on several levels here:
       | 1. Quick, tactical. The most obvious fix would be for AI
       | companies offering web access to LLMs to simply make searchable
       | all the text they generated, ideally via an API so aggregator
       | services can index and locate text given samples of it. If you
       | pay enough (corporate/enterprise subscriptions etc), your output
       | doesn't get indexed. Students would be forced to find LLM
       | services that don't do this but there likely won't be that many,
       | as offering such services for free is expensive.
       | 2. Classroom changes. Force students to record their screen as
       | they work on the essay, so teachers can see as it gets typed out.
       | Of course again, some students can overcome this barrier, but
       | it's about raising the bar.
       | 3. Changes of approach. The hardest fix but ultimately the only
       | solution. Students are forced to write arbitrary essays
       | ultimately due to a belief that this teaches people "how to
       | think". Ask what the justification for a humanities degree is,
       | for example, and you'll probably get this answer.
       | If teachers are awarding good grades to AI generated text either
       | their exercises aren't testing this ability, or AI can actually
       | think and should be protected as a sentient life form. I think
       | it's more likely that these essays aren't a good way to test
       | thinking skills. What could work better? Something more direct,
       | maybe? Testing people on logic puzzles, rationality tests, bias
       | check tasks and so on. I definitely feel our society has major
       | difficulties with rationality at scale, and we saw this during
       | COVID in which people routinely conflated rationality/wisdom with
       | blindly outsourcing their thinking to academics and civil
       | servants, regardless of the underlying merits of the arguments
       | those professors were actually making.
       | There's also the other goal of teaching people how to write, but
       | being able to write well is largely about being able to think
       | well, once you mastered the basics of spelling and grammar
       | anyway. With modern AI driven spelling/grammar checkers it's also
       | less important to deeply master the rules, and time can be better
       | spent on the learning how to think and structure an argument
       | aspect.
       | ineedasername wrote:
       | Required intro Writing courses in college aren't so bad these
       | days, at least in many places, shifting more to a critical
       | thinking model of writing construction.
       | That said, other college courses are often required to have a
       | writing component where it simply doesn't make sense and you get
       | nonsense assignments. I like the ability of AI to respond to
       | nonsense with well-constructed nonsense. Here's a nice essay I
       | generated that demonstrates the ability for GPT-3 to respond to
       | even ridiculous prompts, so it should have no problem plowing
       | through the average topics encountered in school.
       | Prompt: Write an essay about the horror of ice cream (start text:
       | Murder)                   I can't think of anything worse than
       | ice cream. I mean, maybe it's not as bad as, say, murder, but
       | it's up there. I shudder to think about the horror of ice cream.
       | It conjures images of congealed dairy         product, cloyingly
       | sweet and sickeningly creamy. To add insult to injury, it's often
       | served at         incredibly cold temperatures, making it a
       | perfect vehicle for achey tummies and jittery limbs. Then you
       | have to deal with the guilt. After all, you're eating something
       | that was created from someone else's death.                  It's
       | a horror that doesn't need any extra fuel. Ice cream is already
       | one of the most gruesome things         imaginable. Imagine
       | adding in the thought of someone else's death? It would be like
       | watching a horror         movie and having the killer pop up out
       | of nowhere, ready to devour your flesh. And that's exactly what
       | happens when you eat ice cream--you become a victim in your own
       | life-sized horror movie.                  To put it bluntly, ice
       | cream is dreadful - and there's no getting around it. In fact, I
       | would         go so far as to say that it's one of the most
       | reviled foods on the planet. After all, why would         anyone
       | want to consume something that tastes terrible, feels terrible on
       | the stomach and makes         you feel like you've been beaten
       | with an ice cream scoop?                  Ice cream has also been
       | linked to violence. In 2005, there was a murder spree in Maryland
       | in which four         people were killed by an ice cream
       | enthusiast named Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer was known for killing and
       | cannibalizing some of his victims. He would lure young men into
       | his home with the promise of free ice         cream and then
       | murder them.
       | Entinel wrote:
       | When I was a student I used to make good money writing essays for
       | other people. I've finally had a job replaced by an AI.
       | kazinator wrote:
       | The value of an assignment like "write three good things and bad
       | things about biotech" is simply that you have to write something
       | that is halfway coherent, using complete sentences, with good
       | punctuation and grammar. It doesn't matter that you don't learn
       | much about biotech, if anything at all.
       | The idea that because a machine can learn to do that, children
       | don't have to, isn't very sound.
       | Calculators are not comparable because they aren't AI;
       | calculators require a detailed specification of the calculations
       | to be performed. They don't just write your math homework.
       | Just wait, AI will do that too. Word problems like "If John has
       | three times as many apples as Bob, who has four fewer than Mary,
       | ..." will be solvable by AI, and so then calculators will go
       | away, being replaced by zero effort.
       | yieldcrv wrote:
       | 18-20 years ago I would just put randomly generated gibberish in
       | my papers after making my point and showing competence in the
       | topic but not having met the minimum word requirements.
       | The educational attainment from my peers was so low that teachers
       | were pretty understanding and gave high marks because I did the
       | point of the assignment.
       | Reminds me of that, but GPT-3 is pretty impressive.
       | gojomo wrote:
       | Narayanan (~randomwalker) is writing a book about, & with likely
       | title, "AI Snake Oil".
       | Of course there's plenty of BS around the domain - every epochal
       | advance arrives inside a phalanx of pretenders & hypesters &
       | scammers.
       | But the rapid progress in the field risks nearly any tangible
       | statements about "AI that does not and cannot work" - the book's
       | stated theme - becoming invalidated by on-the-ground events
       | between composition & dead-tree printing.
       | Thus this viewpoint will more and more be driven towards a sort
       | of timeless mood of generic skepticism & even denialism. There'll
       | be a big audience for that. It's comforting. It meets people at
       | the limits of their understanding. It assuages their fears.
       | But like a head-of-lettuce, it won't age well, except in
       | comparison to even shorter tenures.
       | I think this 9-para, ~500 word... 'essay' - dare I call it that?
       | - is an example of the trap Narayanan finds himself in.
       | Sure, essay assignments have all sorts of long-recognized
       | limitations, dutifully recited here, as could have also been said
       | in the 1990s, or 1960s, or 1930s. But their longevity in
       | education - their 'lindyness' - suggests they had _some_ value,
       | as both exercise  & evaluation. No easy replacement was found in
       | the leisurely decades (centuries?) they were relied-upon.
       | Now, through K-12, they're done-for, in just about any case where
       | a student remains unobserved, with access to LLM writing-
       | assistance. In another 2-5 years, LLMs will not just be writing
       | A+ Senior-in-High-School-level essays, but postgraduate star-
       | student level papers.
       | Against that, Narayanan offers hand-wavy bluster: that somehow,
       | in unstated ways, the "teachers and adjunct professors [who] are
       | underpaid and overworked", who _already_ in the ancestral
       | environment had to depend on the  "easier" but "mind-numbing" and
       | "easier to grade" essay-assignments, will somehow _now_ figure
       | out a _better_ approach, in a _more-difficult_ environment, where
       | their go-to solution for _generations_ has been yanked away.
       | Sure, little Timmy has never swam before, but throw him into the
       | deep end. His problem isn't "callousness or incompetence", so
       | he'll figure it out! Narayanan's understatement: "The adjustment
       | will be painful, for sure."
       | To the extent there will be adaptations, they are unlikely to
       | come from the AI-denialists, who underplay access to these tools
       | as no-big-deal.
       | Adaptations could include uncomfortable steps already on the
       | rise, like closely surveilling students in tech-excluded
       | environments, to be sure they practice, & can perform, those
       | thinking-steps that we'd rather they not fully outsource to cheap
       | thinking-substitutes.
       | Or sessions with AI tutors, who can drill students in more-
       | intensive ways than those "underpaid and overworked" teachers in
       | large institutions have historically managed.
       | Workable solutions will more likely be inspired by Stephenson's
       | (1995) 'The Diamond Age: Or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer"
       | than Narayanan's (2023?) 'AI Snake Oil'.
       | MonkeyMalarky wrote:
       | It's just lowering the bar for cheating a little bit from buying
       | essays / paying someone else to do it.
       | Honestly I don't think writing essays for a course is a good
       | measure of understanding the material. It's mostly an exercises
       | in regurgitation.
         | Hayarotle wrote:
         | Essays are often meant not as a measure of understanding, but
         | as a tool for the student to learn, to reflect on how well they
         | understand the material, and for the teacher to be aware of
         | their weak points. Sometimes they're also meant as a tool for
         | training the skill of essay writing itself. In those cases,
         | it's only graded in order to nudge the student into reading the
         | material and studying (and sometimes to cushion the impact of
         | test scores).
         | thwayunion wrote:
         | I'll happily add $100K to the _salary_ of an engineer if I have
         | strong evidence that they can write well. Poor writing skills
         | is probably the most common reason that people fail to receive
         | a promotion to Senior (albiet often indirectly -- if you cannot
         | write well, having enough impact to justify the promotion is a
         | lot more difficult).
         | TSiege wrote:
         | I'd really disagree with this. Essay writing forces a person to
         | think critically. You have to construct an argument for or
         | against something. Even if it's echoing source material or a
         | teacher, you still have to think in a way that other testing
         | formats do not.
         | By offloading this to a machine the students are undercutting
         | themselves more than anything else. They'll be less effective
         | communicators and less capable of disagreeing with ideas and
         | concepts the face in the real world
           | treis wrote:
           | Eh, once you get the pattern down it becomes almost a rote
           | operation. Especially for a 2-3 page paper. You find 3-4
           | facts/arguments to support your conclusion and turn them into
           | paragraphs. Slap on an intro & conclusion pre/re-stating your
           | 3-4 points and you're done.
             | MonkeyMalarky wrote:
             | Good ol hamburger format, never fails.
             | spywaregorilla wrote:
             | In my required college 1st year writing class I had to read
             | a lot of my peers' writing. Most people have not learned
             | how to do this. They do not understand the concept of
             | stating a premise and then supporting it with evidence.
             | therealdrag0 wrote:
             | "Once you get the pattern down", just like learning other
             | subjects like math? But many kids don't have it down. And
             | there are gradations in complexity. An 8th grader who's got
             | it down and a 12 grader who's got it down will produce
             | different artifacts and should have different assignments.
           | thrwy_918 wrote:
           | I agree with you, but I also had instructors who demanded the
           | same thing: essays as arguments, drawing on evidence and
           | analysis to back up a thesis.
           | An essay that is simply a description of the source material,
           | or a listing of pros and cons with no actual thesis, is a
           | totally different endeavor, and one that has much less value
           | as method of instruction or assessment.
             | Vrondi wrote:
             | If there is no thesis statement, then it isn't really an
             | essay; just a book report.
               | MonkeyMalarky wrote:
               | Restating or paraphrasing a widely accepted thesis
               | statement isn't very educational? When your freshman
               | class of 200 students is writing essays on a handful of
               | topics, the same ones every year, that every other school
               | touches on, there's not going to much in the way of
               | originality.
               | Then again I guess the same argument can be made for
               | maths but no one complains that we're teaching to
               | memorize and repeat the same steps of various proofs one
               | learns in 1st year.
         | glasshug wrote:
         | I think going from a paid sketchy service to a ~free
         | institutional one lowers the bar more than a little bit.
         | Wowfunhappy wrote:
         | So, um, _is_ this cheating?
         | The rule is you have to turn in your own, original work. You
         | provided a prompt, and a piece of software turned it into an
         | essay.
         | Is this inherently different from using the predictive keyboard
         | on iOS, or using Grammerly to write clearer sentences? Where is
         | the cut off point where the computer did too much work on its
         | own?
           | thwayunion wrote:
           | _> So, um, is this cheating?_
           | It's a really good question, but also a really silly question
           | that no one should have to guess about. Teachers should be
           | simply be providing explicit policies one way or the other.
           | I had "anything goes" assignments and "strict" assignments.
           | For the former I didn't care. For the latter I could either
           | tell whp if you were cheating, or else proctored the
           | assignment.
           | Math is a good leader here. Sometimes you allow certain
           | tools. Sometimes you don't. The set of tools allowed tends to
           | increase as courses get more difficult and assignments get
           | larger. It really just depends on what is being evaluated.
           | jjk166 wrote:
           | If you're feeding in the ideas you want the essay to convey
           | and the AI is just turning that into nice prose, I would
           | describe it as a tool instead of cheating - you're still
           | doing the important part. If you're only feeding it the same
           | essay prompt you were given and it is coming up with the
           | ideas it expresses, then it's cheating.
           | Likewise using a 4 function calculator in an arithmetic class
           | is cheating but in an algebra class it's not.
             | aerostable_slug wrote:
             | Is Outlook going to come with an AI that helps an
             | engineering manager succinctly express the pros and cons of
             | two competing approaches to a nontechnical audience and
             | then justifies the decision to go with one over the other?
             | What if these approaches are novel or otherwise something
             | an expert system can't "know about" (or look up on the
             | Wiki)?
               | Wowfunhappy wrote:
               | I think you and GP agree with each other.
               | Regardless, IMO this is where the discussion becomes too
               | hypothetical:
               | * Right now, AIs are bad at writing.
               | * If a student is able to masterfully craft a prompt
               | which causes today's bad AIs to produce good writing,
               | that student is talented, and I suspect they actually did
               | a significant amount of work.
               | * If today's bad AIs are able to produce assignments
               | which receive passing grades with minimal prompting,
               | something is wrong with the assignment. Teachers should
               | assign work that isn't so rote a computer can do it.
               | * If, in the future, AIs are able to write strong, well-
               | reasoned essays about novel concepts, students won't need
               | to learn how to write. They may not need to learn much of
               | anything+, because I don't think there will be much space
               | left for humans in the workforce.
               | -----
               | + "Need" is a key word here; I do believe in learning for
               | its own sake, and apparently we'll have lots of time on
               | our hands. Cool story btw, learning how to develop film
               | in a dark room is lots of fun, would recommend.
               | jjk166 wrote:
               | AI assisted technical writing is already a thing. You
               | might need to give it more input and do more cleanup on
               | what it spits out, but it can still greatly reduce the
               | time and effort needed. There's no reason to believe the
               | technology will stop improving anytime soon.
           | sroussey wrote:
           | Why provide a prompt when you can supply both the book to
           | write about and the assignment?
       | marcus_holmes wrote:
       | "when I were a lad"... we used to have lines given to us as a
       | punishment. Cue Bart Simpson writing on a blackboard, but for us
       | it was "200 lines saying I am not allowed to shitpost on HN" or
       | whatever.
       | If you could program a computer to print the lines for you, then
       | 2 pages of dot-matrix printer output was accepted. I even had a
       | teacher give me 2000 lines - a monstrous punishment by hand -
       | because they knew I could code. They just didn't realise it would
       | cost me an extra 5p in paper and nothing else.
       | Teaching has moved on, and lines are no longer a thing.
       | I hope teaching moves on from essays, because they're about the
       | same level of educational achievement. Essay-writing is no longer
       | a skill that anyone values outside academia, because we moved on.
       | Academia should move on.
         | hot_gril wrote:
         | Real work values the ability to write clear proposals and
         | designs, which isn't far from an essay. Even in tech jobs.
         | Sometimes I'm given a doc that takes so long to understand that
         | it'd be better to just ask the author. There needs to be some
         | way to teach writing skills, whether it's essays or something
         | else.
         | My real gripe with English class is that probably 95% of my
         | assignments have been about fictional work where I'm supposed
         | to describe a character's emotions or explain what the author
         | meant by something. And seemingly the most boring books
         | possible. It was useless and repetitive.
         | dehrmann wrote:
         | > Essay-writing is no longer a skill that anyone values outside
         | academia, because we moved on.
         | Downvote because essay writing is essentially researching a
         | topic, forming an opinion, and communicating that opinion. This
         | is applicable in almost every knowledge job.
       | tomp wrote:
       | Good.
       | Important rate-limiting things like exams or voting should be
       | done in person.
       | ponyous wrote:
       | The question is whether they want to adapt. I know of teachers
       | who wouldn't even look at the documents. A couple of classmates
       | (10+ years ago) literally turned in empty docx. They all got the
       | same grade as on previous exam.
       | endisneigh wrote:
       | A calculator and a language model aren't really the same at all.
       | That being said I'm generally of the opinion that homework should
       | be optional anyway, so if this accelerates the demise of
       | homework, fine.
       | Evaluations should happen strictly in person under supervision.
       | Cheating is just too easy these days.
       | efsavage wrote:
       | They're probably being graded by machines, and the GPA is going
       | onto a resume that's then screened by machine.
       | Next Steps: Machine-generated assignments on the input end,
       | machine generated interviews on the output end.
       | Swizec wrote:
       | As an author, I've been thinking about the future and it sounds
       | dreamy. AI is good at producing verbiage, which readers want for
       | some reason. Humans are good at producing insight, which is the
       | true product that readers are looking for, but don't want to pay
       | for (with clicks or money).
       | So what if the author produced a 5 bullet insight and AI expanded
       | it into the word salad that readers want to buy? We're getting
       | there, lots of startups in this space.
       | Another aspect of why the word lettuce matters is SEO. So it
       | feels like there may be a future where humans communicate in 5
       | bullet insights packaged as word salad by bots for bots.
         | sroussey wrote:
         | Why not have the AI produce the five points?
         | Seems silly to have an AI write an essay and derive the main
         | points itself, except perhaps to differentiate from another AI,
         | but isn't this what seeds are for?
           | Swizec wrote:
           | Because the AI can't produce a novel insight (yet?). Those 5
           | bullets are the main points, AI can expand those into an
           | essay.
           | This idea comes from how you'd write any long essay, or a
           | book. You start with an idea. Then you expand it into
           | chapter/section titles. Then you expand into each of those
           | into more sections. Then more. This gives you the full
           | skeleton of what you're trying to say and, really, already
           | says the whole valuable part.
           | Then you fill the rest with relatable anecdotes and other
           | salad to make a meal and drive the point home. AI would be
           | great at that part.
             | sroussey wrote:
             | I think this would be better, at least for now. But if the
             | AI was trained on material that included the book and other
             | writeups about the book, it might already have the answer.
               | Swizec wrote:
               | I mean the inverse of that. Writing a new book or essay
               | that doesn't exist yet :)
       | thwayunion wrote:
       | No evidence is provided. I'm curious whether the author actually
       | has evidence or is just asserting that this is possible and
       | likely happening.
       | IME, and I have lots of "E" (including training and finetuning my
       | own models), this probably isn't entirely true in most writing-
       | heavy courses. You can use the largest language models, in an
       | interactive fashion, to generate portions of half-decent papers.
       | Maybe even "ace" papers on certain subjects with certain grading
       | criteria (namely, "looks reasonable", not "fine-toothed comb").
       | But in many courses the essays will be extremely low-quality, and
       | even in the happy cases saying that the essay is "machine-
       | generated" is eliding a lot of manual effort.
       | I agree that students are probably using LLMs for their homework,
       | but I'm skeptical that they are all getting As on assignments
       | that are designed as big assessments, or that the essays are
       | actually fully machine-generated. I bet a lot of students -- the
       | laziest ones -- are getting "WTF is this essay even about... did
       | you have a stroke while writing this?!" feedback if they are
       | using LLMs to generate essays whole-cloth.
       | Pedagogically, this matters. Think about calculator usage.
       | There's a huge difference between allowing use of TI-83 on
       | Calculus assignment with lots of word-heavy application problems
       | and allowing use of Wolfram Alpha on a Calculus assignment that's
       | "integration recipe practice".
         | andreilys wrote:
         | _I bet a lot of students -- the laziest ones -- are getting
         | "WTF is this essay even about... did you have a stroke while
         | writing this?!" feedback if they are using LLMs to generate
         | essays whole-cloth._
         | This comes across as very ill informed. I suggest you actually
         | use some of the AI essay-writing services because they are
         | pretty indistinguishable at this point from human writing.
         | Here's one I particularly like -
         | https://www.gomoonbeam.com/
         | lumost wrote:
         | When my parents were in school, they hand wrote essays and used
         | type writers. Correcting a mistake meant rewriting an entire
         | page! When they needed to research something, this meant
         | spending a day in the library manually searching for
         | quotes/citations. When I was in school I had a rudimentary
         | spellchecker, Microsoft word, and Wikipedia.
         | Now a grade school student has access to grammarly. In a few
         | years they'll probably have automated fact checks and text
         | generation.
         | What will happen? My bet is that we'll expect a lot more from
         | students a lot earlier.
         | _delirium wrote:
         | Yeah, I could believe it "aces" homework in a _really_ open-
         | ended writing assignment. An assignment like: write an essay
         | explaining a personal experience and what it meant to you. The
         | people that 's the biggest issue for at the moment are probably
         | writing instructors, since the goal of those classes is to just
         | practice writing something/anything. In computer science
         | though, the writing I've had turned in in my classes that I
         | suspect is LLM-generated usually gets an F. It tends to just
         | ramble about the subject in general and not hit any of the
         | specific points that I'm asking for.
         | Last year I had a take-home exam in an operating systems class
         | that I suspect one student fed entirely as prompts to an LLM,
         | and it was... odd. The answer to every question was a paragraph
         | or two of text, even in cases where the expected answer was
         | true/false, or a number. And even when I _did_ want text as the
         | answer, it was way off, e.g. in one I asked them to explain one
         | strength and one weakness of a specific scheduling algorithm on
         | a given scenario. The submitted answer was just general
         | rambling about scheduling algorithms. Some of this is probably
         | within the reach of an expert using clever prompting
         | strategies, but students who can do that could probably also
         | answer the original question. :-)
         | To be fair, I have seen the "ramble generically on the subject
         | of the question" strategy manually implemented by humans too,
         | in the hopes that if you throw enough BS at the question you
         | might get partial credit by luck. Maybe designing assessments
         | to be LLM-resistant will have the nice side benefit of reducing
         | the viability of BSing as a strategy.
           | cvwright wrote:
           | I used to have students who would write answers like that on
           | in-class exams.
           | Every answer was at least one full, complete sentence, even
           | for yes/no or true/false. And the "short answer" responses
           | filled all available space when one sentence would do.
           | My only conclusion is that some undergraduate institutions
           | around the world must be intentionally drilling it into their
           | students to do this.
             | ElevenLathe wrote:
             | I was told by multiple teachers/professors that its never
             | acceptable to write anything other than a full sentence on
             | a test (unless it's a scantron, obviously). Not sure how
             | common this is, but they could have been trained by other
             | instructors.
             | sudosysgen wrote:
             | In the entirety of my K12 education any answer that wasn't
             | a full complete sentence was a zero.
             | ALittleLight wrote:
             | I think students also believe they can hedge. If they just
             | put down "yes" or "no" then their answer might be
             | completely wrong, but if they drop a bunch of things in the
             | answer then some of those things might be true and you
             | might give partial credit, or, at least, they can argue
             | about it later.
             | akiselev wrote:
             | I suspect it starts in high school. A lot of AP subjects
             | with written portions like AP biology or history are really
             | hard to grade at scale so they have a relatively naive
             | scoring system. The answer can be a total rambling mess but
             | as long as the answer is self consistent (it doesn't
             | contradict itself) it gets points for any relevant
             | information it gets right.
             | For example, if the question is about respiration a
             | rambling answer that mentions "oxygen transport chain",
             | "Krebs cycle", and "ATP" might get 3/5 points even if it
             | doesn't make much sense otherwise as long as the answer
             | doesn't confuse the Calvin and Krebs cycle or otherwise
             | contradict like saying that glucose is a byproduct.
             | gizmo686 wrote:
             | Its possible. I've had proffesors who always gave
             | true/false questions with instructions to either "justify
             | your answer", or "if false, justify your answer".
             | Practically speaking, there is fairly little downside to
             | putting in extra in your answer, as tests are normally
             | scored by how many points in the grading rubric you hit.
           | hot_gril wrote:
           | I don't think it'd do well even for an open-ended assignment.
           | The best language models I've seen are still easy to detect
           | as bots if you read multiple paragraphs of output.
           | Animats wrote:
           | > To be fair, I have seen the "ramble generically on the
           | subject of the question" strategy manually implemented by
           | humans too, in the hopes that if you throw enough BS at the
           | question you might get partial credit by luck.
           | This is the basic speech strategy of politicians. Don't
           | answer the question asked, just talk about something related
           | that you want to talk about.
           | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
           | > To be fair, I have seen the "ramble generically on the
           | subject of the question" strategy manually implemented by
           | humans too, in the hopes that if you throw enough BS at the
           | question you might get partial credit by luck.
           | I had a college professor that knew to recognize this and
           | actively warned against it during the mid-term and final.
           | He said that every question will be answerable in 2 or 3
           | sentences, and that if you write 2-3 paragraphs instead, he
           | would mark you _down_ even if the answer was correct because
           | you 're wasting his time and may have dropped in correct
           | statements that answered the question by luck.
           | So often in school, we'd be getting quizzes/tests back, and
           | I'd peek over at someone else's paper as it was being handed
           | back and notice they wrote an entire paragraph to answer,
           | whereas I answered it in a single sentence and got full
           | credit for a correct answer, and I was always left wondering
           | what the hell they wrote about.
         | hot_gril wrote:
         | > No evidence is provided. I'm curious whether the author
         | actually has evidence or is just asserting that this is
         | possible and likely happening.
         | I read the title and the domain name and thought it was going
         | to talk about a false report about students using ML on
         | homework.
           | thwayunion wrote:
           | I also noticed that bit of irony :)
         | origin_path wrote:
         | Evidence is provided, of a sort. The first link goes to a
         | report by a journalist who interviews redditors who claim they
         | are doing this and talk about why.
           | thwayunion wrote:
           | That article only mentions two students.
           | One of those students doesn't mention using GPT to generate
           | essays. The only mention generating lists and other short-
           | response questions. I find that believable.
           | The other student mentions essay writing, but also says that
           | they "didn't ace the essay" (no mention of the grade).
           | So, the article linked _literally isn 't _evidence for the
           | claim.
             | origin_path wrote:
             | I agree it's not very good evidence that there's a real
             | problem here, the articles and report are more of a good
             | starting point for interesting discussion. On the other
             | hand, the report isn't literally zero evidence either.
             | There are students stating that they're doing this, even if
             | they don't name GPT-3 specifically (does it really matter
             | what model they use?).
               | thwayunion wrote:
               | _> There are students stating that they 're doing this_
               | But there _literally aren 't_. There are _not_ students,
               | quoted in that article, stating that they are  "acing
               | their homework by turning in machine-generated essays".
               | Literally. There aren't.
               | I don't doubt that this is possible, in some sense, but
               | the details _really_ matter. Per my original comment:
               |  _> >> Pedagogically, this matters. Think about
               | calculator usage. There's a huge difference between
               | allowing use of TI-83 on Calculus assignment with lots of
               | word-heavy application problems and allowing use of
               | Wolfram Alpha on a Calculus assignment that's
               | "integration recipe practice"._
               | What was the assignment? What was the purpose of the
               | assignment? What were the grading standards?
               | Eg, I have assigned homework that could be completed by a
               | combination of Copilot and GPT-2. That homework was
               | graded on a very coarse rubric. Today, a student could
               | get an A on that assignment using GPT-2 and Copilot. If I
               | were still teaching today I would not worry about it
               | because:
               | 1. they're only cheating themselves
               | 2. they will still fail the course if they don't learn
               | the material
               | 3. it would save _very little_ time to use those tools
               | for these assignments. Maybe 5-10 minutes max, for a
               | total of 5-10 assignments over the course of an entire
               | semester that are collectively worth less than 1% of the
               | final grade. So it 's an hour and a negligible portion of
               | their grade that will almost certainly be completely
               | washed out in the curve/adjustments at the end of the
               | semester (I don't do knife's-edge end of course grade
               | assignments -- I identify clear bifurcations in the
               | cohort and assign final letter grades to each
               | bifurcation).
               | I believe copilot and gpt can do those assignments. I'm
               | also 100% confident that those tools cannot complete --
               | and can barely even help -- with assignments that
               | actually counted toward student's grades.
               | So, again, the context matters. Not all assignments are
               | assessments and not all assessments need to be cheat-
               | proof.
               | Acing a term paper that's 50% of the grade means
               | something.
               | Acing a paper designed as an opportunity to practice and
               | graded mostly for completion -- but with plenty of
               | detailed feedback in preparation for a term paper --
               | doesn't really mean anything and really only cheats the
               | student of feedback prior to the summative assessment.
               | This, btw, is why I'm more interested in what educators
               | are saying than what students are saying. The teacher's
               | intent for the assessment and the grading rubric matter a
               | lot when determining what "getting an A" means. Acing a
               | bulleted list graded for completion is possible with a
               | 1990s Markov chain.
           | MichaelCollins wrote:
           | Oh well if _redditors_ say they 're doing it...
           | Reddit is filled with shameless habitual liars who claim to
           | be airline pilots in one thread then plumbers in another. The
           | incentive structure of reddit, the internet point skinner
           | box, incentivizes shameless lying and ""creative writing"".
             | lmm wrote:
             | I wonder if people are already using AI text generation to
             | farm Reddit karma.
             | thwayunion wrote:
             | s/reddit/pseudo-anonymous communication mediums/g
               | MichaelCollins wrote:
               | Those with "karma" systems are particularly susceptible,
               | including HN. But I think Reddit is even worse in this
               | regard than HN because there are many times more users
               | (usernames are less likely to be recognized across
               | threads), and reddit makes it into more of a game with
               | various kinds of flare and other 'rewarding' baubles.
       | david927 wrote:
       | In the Czech Republic, and I'm sure this is true in some other
       | countries, many of the exams are oral. The student is given a
       | prompt and they have to stand in front of the teacher(s) and talk
       | about it, giving as much detail as possible.
       | I think it's a great way to handle exams and I wonder if we'll
       | need to shift towards that in the future.
         | ch4s3 wrote:
         | I had this for some classes in Spanish literature in college
         | and I found it way easier than writing a long winded paper
         | about some dull novel about an overbearing matriarch. My
         | business classes similarly had presentations that were
         | partially peer-graded and I really enjoyed those as well.
         | gjulianm wrote:
         | I honestly hate oral exams. I had three for my master degree,
         | in english (not my native language), in math-related courses. I
         | underperformed them because of several reasons
         | - Pressure to actually talk and perform. In a written exam I
         | can stop, look at the paper and take my time to actually start.
         | In an oral exam I have the professor looking at me. Less time
         | to actually think.
         | - It's harder to communicate orally with complex subjects than
         | in written form. Add to that the extra cognitive load of not
         | dealing with your native tongue.
         | - Time constraints on oral exams punish students that don't
         | learn everything by memory but can reason in real-time. I
         | didn't know by heart a certain proof, I know for sure I could
         | have done it in a written exam with time to spare (it wouldn't
         | have been the first time) but I wasn't quick enough for an oral
         | one.
         | - Mental blocks are much harder in oral exams. Some times I
         | blank out and forget something basic (e.g., the derivative of a
         | logarithm). In a written exam I can stop, think, and solve it.
         | In an oral exam, the "stopping" is already making you look like
         | you don't know things, adding pressure that will make you
         | underperform.
         | Written exams have been the norm for decades for a reason. Far
         | easier to actually ask the things you want, they scale far more
         | easily, easier to correct and grade, and easier for students to
         | practice and perform well.
           | JumpCrisscross wrote:
           | > _harder to communicate orally with complex subjects than in
           | written form_
           | American oration is generally awful. Talent in it command a
           | premium. Perhaps this is related to our lack of oral
           | examination ? We're more comfortable with written argument
           | because that's how we're taught to think?
             | gjulianm wrote:
             | Well, it was in an Swiss university and I'm Spanish so I'm
             | not sure if American oratorion had anything to do with it.
             | But, in general, oral communication is harder than written.
             | Written form allows you to take time to form sentences,
             | correct mistakes, reorder thoughts, follow an outline...
             | Oral communication, on the other hand, forces you to think
             | _and speak_ in parallel. It 's always going to be harder.
               | kwhitefoot wrote:
               | Viva voce was a substantial part of my final in Applied
               | Physics at Exeter Uni. in 1977. It was nerve wracking but
               | it was on a specific subject, my final year project on
               | electron spin resonance, so I wasn't having to invent a
               | long speech on the fly, just defend my conclusions,
               | experimental methods, and analysis against critical but
               | not hostile questioning.
               | In my opinion such examinations and written finals
               | succeed in filtering out people who can only regurgitate
               | what they have been spoon fed in class rather than being
               | able to use that information to move forward. I think I
               | was lucky to study when and where I did, it stood me in
               | good stead in industry.
               | Of course there are some people who really do find such
               | examinations difficult. In my opinion the solution is to
               | provide assistance to those people to do better rather
               | than throw the baby out with the bath water.
               | gjulianm wrote:
               | An oral defense of a project you've made is a very
               | different matter from an oral examination of a course,
               | where the expectation is to have far more breadth than
               | depth of knowledge. I've had no problem with oral
               | defenses of projects and thesis, but exams are completely
               | different, you're not really able to prepare at the same
               | level (and you usually have several exams to prepare)
             | owenpalmer wrote:
         | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
         | It depends on what you're trying to teach. Often the whole
         | point is the writing. Being a good speaker is a relevant skill,
         | but it's a different one.
         | busyant wrote:
         | > many of the exams are oral.
         | I agree. But there is a "gold rush" out there in the academic
         | world where the idea is to offload more and more work to "on-
         | line."
         | My son just started school at a respectable US university. Two
         | of his five courses are entirely on-line. A third course
         | (genetics) is done in person, but the exams and quizzes are
         | done on-line.
         | I overhead three undergraduates talking about how easy it is to
         | defeat the anti-cheating software for their on-line courses
         | ("The professors don't review the videos...Just hold your phone
         | out of view of your laptop camera and google the answers...I've
         | never been caught ...).
         | It was disheartening and I told my son to avoid on-line classes
         | in the future because he was just putting himself at a
         | disadvantage.
           | LeifCarrotson wrote:
           | > My son just started school at a respectable US university.
           | > I told my son to avoid on-line classes in the future
           | because he was just putting himself at a disadvantage.
           | At a disadvantage for what?
           | For learning the material - sure, when an easy avenue for
           | cheating with obvious incentives is available, it's
           | unreasonable to expect people not to take advantage of it.
           | Also, I expect that teachers have significant incentives to
           | reduce their lecture efforts - why read the room, modify the
           | lecture in response to Q&A, and tailor curriculum to the
           | actual class progress, when you can just push "play" on the
           | recording from last semester?
           | On-line classes give him an advantage for getting a piece of
           | paper from a respectable US university, however - less work,
           | same piece of paper, same results as far as job eligibility
           | and resume eye-catchers...
             | busyant wrote:
             | > At a disadvantage for what?
             | I'm sure you enjoy being contrarian, but I also suspect you
             | know precisely what I meant.
             | In the short-term, yeah, what's the big deal? But in the
             | long-term, this devalues the courses and the degrees.
             | It's not in the long-term interest of the universities to
             | behave this way because the course they offer are,
             | ostensibly, a way of determining who understands the
             | material and who doesn't.
             | amerkhalid wrote:
             | > At a disadvantage for what?
             | Also some people have hard time breaking the rules even
             | when they know that everyone else is breaking those rules
             | and they are unlikely to get caught. We probably want to
             | discourage systems that give cheaters advantage over honest
             | people.
           | juve1996 wrote:
           | Pretty much confirms what we already know: standards are
           | declining, more unqualified students are attending university
           | because the job market demands it, colleges make bank on
           | tuition and don't want to stop the gravy train. Now online
           | even offers another way for administrators to cut costs while
           | reducing the quality - but no one really cares. Most students
           | want their degree and want to get out now - not blaming them,
           | they're playing the game.
           | beezlebroxxxxxx wrote:
           | Even a decade ago I was seeing obvious cheating when I was
           | TAing classes. International students would hand in an essay
           | with clearly broken english, then follow that up with essays
           | with complex, well written english that was obviously not in
           | their "voice" or even in the same intellectual ballpark as
           | exhibited in the in-person class and discussions. Even pre-
           | internet, essay writing was widely regarded as " library
           | stenography" by students.
           | The meat of the matter really comes down to the professors
           | and how they approach the exams. Generalized essay prompts
           | are hilariously easy to cheat on; complex hyper specific
           | prompts that extend on something specifically discussed in
           | the class are far harder. On-line classes, by their "mass
           | distributional" nature (ie, save money by making them
           | reusable) are almost by definition far more generalized than
           | you would want.
             | tgv wrote:
             | > The meat of the matter really comes down to the
             | professors and how they approach the exams.
             | Until the professor actually asks real questions and grades
             | them as they should be graded. Then the students complain,
             | and the grades are "renormalized" or whatever euphemism
             | they use. And certainly in the US, students have a lot of
             | influence, since they're the paying clients. It's really
             | not surprising that employers ask academic titles for so
             | many entry-level jobs.
         | nmz wrote:
         | With a massive caveat, it wouldn't scale.
         | While anyone can go into khan academy and learn/perform any
         | subject, having an actual person would be tremendously costly.
         | It's strange, when computerized education appeared I thought
         | the cost of education would plummet, now its going to go all
         | the way up.
           | collegeburner wrote:
           | you are looking at 2 different things we both call education
           | but should have separated a long time ago. the cost of
           | learning is almost unbeleivably lower than just 20, 10 years
           | ago. the cost of _credentialing_ might go up.
         | bergenty wrote:
         | As a kid, this would have been absolutely nerve wracking for
         | many people. Especially if the oral exam was in front of the
         | entire class.
         | admissionsguy wrote:
         | How much do the results correlate with the students physical
         | attractiveness?
         | tcmart14 wrote:
         | At least from my experience being a student in the US, we kind
         | of do that, but it is separate. I had quiet a few assignments
         | where I had to give a presentation of some kind. Where we mess
         | up with this, it usually works out that kids make power points
         | full of information and just read off the slides. Of course,
         | this practice isn't exclusive to students, I've seen many
         | presentations in academia, my time in the military, at
         | technical talks, etc that do just this, read off a power point.
         | brianbreslin wrote:
         | My father who is a college professor in his late 70s is
         | starting to do this in the US as he found less correlation
         | between a written assignment and students actually knowing what
         | the material was. Forcing a presentation makes it harder for
         | them to cheat.
           | n4r9 wrote:
           | On the other hand, it risks privileging students that are
           | extroverted and skilled at using rhetoric to disguise
           | ignorance.
             | mountainb wrote:
             | Just like real life. When schools had more prestige, they
             | also relied more heavily on intensive oral examinations.
             | Some of the most prestigious schools in the world still
             | rely heavily on intense oral examinations.
             | Universities can also crib from how law school exams work
             | if they want to still do written examinations.
               | foobarian wrote:
               | IIRC Harvard Business School tracks attendance, students
               | have name plates, and get cold called.
               | criddell wrote:
               | I'm not sure you can do the cold calling thing at a
               | public school. Everybody at HBS signed up for that,
               | public school kids did not.
               | frostburg wrote:
               | Every school (and many university professors) does "cold
               | calls" in Italy, as far as I know; scheduled oral
               | examinations are the exception, not the rule, before
               | university. Not knowing the answer at a random university
               | lecture doesn't generally impact your grades, however,
               | because in most cases those are 100% based on a final
               | (often oral) exam.
               | I wouldn't argue that it is a system without issues but
               | it's still better than rote essay writing.
               | twobitshifter wrote:
               | Yet, much of the education received is of case studies &
               | frameworks, there is some technical content such as
               | finances, supply chains, and balance sheets, but most of
               | what's taught is equiv. of "what did you think about this
               | or that?" and your simple participation in this inward
               | thinking is what goes into your grade.
             | sroussey wrote:
             | Does not work with math and engineering. I had a very
             | difficult electrical engineering course and the final was
             | solving a problem on a whiteboard in the teachers office.
             | account42 wrote:
             | On the other hand, oral exams can be less stressful as long
             | as the examiner is friendly as there can be opportunity to
             | correct mistakes where you _do_ know the subject matter but
             | just had a brainfart. You also get a chance to spend more
             | times  / show off on the parts you do know better.
             | I am very much not an extroverted person and in University
             | written exams were almost always more stressful than oral
             | ones as they try to cram as much as possible into into the
             | time available or were too easy (so at the top end grading
             | becomes very nitpicky) or too hard (which can be
             | demoralizing if no one even manages to complete all
             | questions). Oral exams have much more flexibility to adapt
             | to the individual here.
               | gyy52380 wrote:
               | I think this really depends on your specific university.
               | At my university in Eastern Europe the teachers were
               | bitter and overworked, and that really showed during oral
               | examinations.
               | Because of the high number students enrolled in the
               | classes, almost all oral exams also featured a written
               | component, very similar to a regular exam. Because of the
               | unstructured nature of oral exams, you would have an
               | arbitrary amount of time to solve it. After that the
               | professor would make you elaborate some of your anwsers,
               | or not, depending how he felt like. The students who
               | performed best were indeed very extroverted and able to
               | convince the professor that they actually meant something
               | other than what they wrote.
               | The professors also used these exams to give you an
               | arbitrary grade for the subject, depending exclusively on
               | your oral exam "performance". I remember having a high
               | 90% grade in the written part of my Advanced Electronics
               | class. The professor didn't feel I was confident enough
               | in my answers during the oral exam, so he passed me with
               | 1/30 points even though I answered most of the answers
               | correct, thus bringing my grade down to barely a C.
               | Oral exams sound great in theory but in practice they
               | always felt somewhere between unfair and traumatizing. I
               | much prefer the objectivity of written exams.
               | gjulianm wrote:
               | > On the other hand, oral exams can be less stressful as
               | long as the examiner is friendly as there can be
               | opportunity to correct mistakes where you do know the
               | subject matter but just had a brainfart. You also get a
               | chance to spend more times / show off on the parts you do
               | know better.
               | I don't agree with this at all. Even with a friendly
               | examiner, they have far more presence than in a written
               | exam. You are presenting and being actively judged,
               | unlike in a written exam. Also, you'll spend more time on
               | the parts you know worse precisely because you'll be
               | slower, make more mistakes...
               | > they try to cram as much as possible into into the time
               | available or were too easy (so at the top end grading
               | becomes very nitpicky) or too hard (which can be
               | demoralizing if no one even manages to complete all
               | questions). Oral exams have much more flexibility to
               | adapt to the individual here.
               | Badly adapted exams are a feature of the teacher, not the
               | type of exam. If anything, oral exams are worse for more
               | complex content, as they tend to be shorter in time.
             | juve1996 wrote:
             | Probably not true at the university level - they'll detect
             | bullshit a mile away.
             | staticautomatic wrote:
             | Only so long as the teacher can't tell the difference.
             | collegeburner wrote:
             | good. youre right i got through a lot of presentations
             | easier than other classmates but thats cause learning to
             | present really well is an essential skill. students should
             | be skilled at using rhetoric so i see that as a feature not
             | a bug.
             | everything else in life will reward being well spoken and
             | outgoing, why shouldnt school as well?
               | gjulianm wrote:
               | School should be testing you for knowledge and ability in
               | a certain subject, as objectively as possible. Unless
               | you're in a public speaking course, your public speaking
               | skills should have as little bearing on your grades as
               | possible.
               | collegeburner wrote:
               | no. every course should incorporate significant written
               | and oral components because if you cannot adequately
               | synthesize and communicate the information you're meant
               | to be learning, that course is functionally useless. one
               | of the important things i have learned is nobody cares
               | what you know unless you can communicate it well.
               | gjulianm wrote:
               | Teachers have to prepare their classes because, despite
               | knowing the subject well, actually talking about
               | something requires preparation.
               | It's unreasonable to ask students to not only study and
               | understand the material, but also prepare all the course
               | knowledge enough to be able to communicate that well when
               | asked about a random part, and do that for all the
               | classes they might have. If you wanted to give them time
               | to prepare a specific topic it wouldn't be an exam
               | anymore.
               | Synthesizing and communicating properly a subject is the
               | work of a teacher. It takes practice, deep knowledge of
               | the subject, extra materials. You're asking students to
               | both be students and teachers of all the material for a
               | single exam.
             | prepend wrote:
             | I don't think extrovert is necessarily correlated with
             | skilled speaker.
             | I know lots of extroverts who are terrified of speaking in
             | front of others and introverts who love it.
             | I think this is easier for people who are good at speaking
             | but I think exercises like this will develop the skill.
               | fullstop wrote:
               | > I don't think extrovert is necessarily correlated with
               | skilled speaker.
               | My oldest is quite introverted but can somehow flip a
               | switch internally and is _excellent_ at public speaking.
               | She 's won a number of speech competitions and is far
               | better at this sort of thing than I will ever be.
               | AuryGlenz wrote:
               | I'm quite introverted and wasn't at the level that your
               | daughter is, but apparently did well enough at an
               | impromptu speech in college that I had a very cute girl
               | from the class look me up and add me on Facebook.
               | I still absolutely hated doing it though.
               | fullstop wrote:
               | Please tell me that you made a move.
             | aqsalose wrote:
             | Sure, extroverted students have some advantage.
             | On the other hand, extroverted people have similar
             | advantage in the real life. I myself am quite happy for
             | every lesson where I was pushed to practice people-facing
             | skills (presentations, demonstrations, etc). Even an
             | introverted person can learn to talk about topic
             | knowledgeably if they know it -- which often is valuable
             | confidence-building experience to have. Despite the
             | introversion, one can do it!
             | If the professor - lecturer administering the test is any
             | good, empty rhetoric won't help too much. If they are lazy,
             | students one can try to give "answers" without showing what
             | they don't know in written exams, too.
             | mannykannot wrote:
             | If students are successful at using rhetoric to disguise
             | their ignorance from their teachers, we need to be looking
             | into how teachers are selected, trained and compensated.
             | sethammons wrote:
             | I loved the style of book report that we had with a high
             | school English teacher.
             | While the class was otherwise busy, the teacher called you
             | up to report on your self-chosen-from-a-list book. The
             | teacher opened the book to a page and would read a passage
             | and ask questions about it like what are they talking
             | about, what happened right before and after this. After a
             | couple of passages at different spots, you got your grade.
             | You are not feigning anyone familiar with the material.
         | aredox wrote:
         | Americans and others are just going to discover that they need
         | to invest in education, as in: invest in educators.
       | Viliam1234 wrote:
       | > pointless essays that ask them to regurgitate content (as
       | opposed to essays that teach writing skills or critical thinking,
       | which remain valuable).
       | It's all just a question of time. GPT-3 can regurgitate content,
       | GPT-4 will exhibit writing skills, and GPT-5 will write with
       | critical thinking... at least on the level that an average
       | student does today.
       | guns wrote:
       | Essay writing unconsciously reinforces one's opinion on a topic.
       | This is an excellent tool for intellectual development when the
       | student is free to argue any sensible position. Unfortunately,
       | teachers often require students to choose orthodox positions, and
       | thus essays become a primary tool for indoctrination.
       | Cheating has no place in an academic institution, but machine
       | generated essays are an interesting way for students to avoid
       | enforced compliance.
       | atlgator wrote:
       | Better alternative to Adderall.
       | poulpy123 wrote:
       | > "For biology, we would learn about biotech and write five good
       | and bad things about biotech. I would send a prompt to the AI
       | like, 'what are five good and bad things about biotech?' and it
       | would generate an answer that would get me an A."
       | I don't call that an essay, and it's something that can be done
       | with a 10 seconds google search without AI.
       | dudeinhawaii wrote:
       | When I was in school, I had the mindset that I wasn't going to
       | discover new insights about very common historical events or
       | writings. I was given a topic like "write a 50 page paper
       | describing the impact of Teutoburg Forest on Roman politics" and
       | rather than try for new insight, I searched the web and found a
       | couple dozen sources. I copy pasted those sources and fragments
       | into a giant word document. I then organized them into what would
       | roughly make sense in terms of timeline and insights. Lastly, I
       | went through and paraphrased every single sentence from start to
       | finish and added in an introductory and conclusion/summary
       | paragraph. The end result was 100% unique (as measured by
       | computer plagiarism software) and netted me an A+. The professor
       | was dumfounded as to how I came up with a 100% original 50 page
       | paper on such a common topic.
       | Having ML write your paper is obviously cheating but isn't too
       | far from what I did mentally. I think the valuable thing being
       | lost is the ability to research a topic, quickly understand
       | what's relevant, and structure the results.
         | yoyohello13 wrote:
         | In my mind, what you did was actually the goal of the paper.
         | You researched the prevailing theories of the "impact of
         | Teutoburg Forest on Roman politics" and summarized them in your
         | own words. You probably have a much better understanding of the
         | subject than if an AI did it for you though.
         | lijogdfljk wrote:
         | To be fair though, that sounds... mostly legit, what you did
         | that is.
         | Ie in many cases in school i don't think they actually care to
         | teach you the subject. What good is that subject really going
         | to have on your life going forward? Even if the sense of ethics
         | or history-repeating i suspect it's quite low.
         | What those meaningless tasks can do _(though highly dependent
         | on the person, i assume)_ is teach you how to research, how to
         | communicate, and how to cite.
         | At least that was always my takeaway from many subjects in
         | school that were subjective _(ie not math, science, etc)_. The
         | content is often the least important aspect of many early
         | learnings. .. but then again i loathed school growing up, so
         | who am i to speak on the subject lol.
         | insane_dreamer wrote:
         | > I think the valuable thing being lost is the ability to
         | research a topic, quickly understand what's relevant, and
         | structure the results.
         | And that's arguably a more valuable skill than the writing
         | itself.
       | abeppu wrote:
       | In multiple subthreads here, people are embracing the idea that
       | if machines can just write all the prose -- great, why should
       | humans bother?
       | As with image generation, one thing I think we haven't adequately
       | considered is once a sizable fraction of the available online
       | data is machine generated, but isn't marked as such, and we begin
       | training models on the outputs of the last generation of models,
       | structurally we can enter a different regime. A sequence of
       | models each trained on the prior model's output can converge to
       | meaningfully different behavior, because we're repeatedly,
       | incrementally changing the task by changing the training data
       | distribution. If _all_ the data is generated by the prior model,
       | this process seeks a fixed point which is reflective of the model
       | architecture and not the original training data. There's a very
       | real possibility that using generative models more (and
       | publishing their outputs) can make these models worse in the
       | future.
       | Weirder, however, is no one has really had the opportunity to
       | look at what happens to human language when a sizable fraction of
       | what we read is produced by these models. Will we normalize any
       | quirks of their output? Will we reproduce or incorporate any
       | idiosyncratic features into our own writing? How will we adapt in
       | a changing linguistic environment?
         | riskable wrote:
         | > As with image generation, one thing I think we haven't
         | adequately considered is once a sizable fraction of the
         | available online data is machine generated, but isn't marked as
         | such, and we begin training models on the outputs of the last
         | generation of models, structurally we can enter a different
         | regime.
         | Ahh but the spark of true genius lights itself.
         | jedberg wrote:
         | I'm not to worried about convergence of the models that use
         | prior training data. Eventually the models won't work and
         | people will notice, and either create new training data or go
         | back to only using older data to train. Also there will always
         | be people who "want to do it the old way" and will still create
         | new art and new writing, which will seed the training data.
         | As for normalizing the quirks of the output -- maybe? But would
         | that be so bad? Language changes all the time, it's constantly
         | mutated by influencers (not the Instagram kind, but the ones
         | that have existed for centuries). Look at how British English
         | is literally called "The Queen's English" because it actually
         | shifted to how the Queen spoke, since she ruled for so long and
         | was very influential to that society.
         | Also it should be noted that some news articles, especially in
         | finance, have been written by computers for over a decade now,
         | and not a lot of people seem to have noticed.
           | js8 wrote:
           | > Eventually the models won't work and people will notice,
           | and either create new training data or go back to only using
           | older data to train
           | That has already happened in "free market capitalism". Prices
           | are supposed to be the representative models of the product
           | quality, but became decoupled from it because companies set
           | the prices based on competitors and not based on quality of
           | what they sell.
           | abeppu wrote:
           | As an applied ML practitioner, currently we get to choose how
           | to use synthetic data vs "real" data, and in what
           | proportions. This can be a valuable tool in our kit. To the
           | degree that data in the wild becomes an unlabeled mix of the
           | two, functionally we lose the ability to make those choices
           | for any given model.
           | > Eventually the models won't work and people will notice
           | For any product dependent on these models, that sounds like
           | pretty negative outcome ... and entirely consistent with my
           | concern that "[t]here's a very real possibility that using
           | generative models more (and publishing their outputs) can
           | make these models worse in the future."
           | > and either create new training data or go back to only
           | using older data to train
           | Especially given that currently LLMs basically learn about
           | entities and concepts in the world via their training text,
           | this breaks the ability to update the model to know about
           | more recent topics of discourse independently from shifting
           | the real vs synthetic proportions.
           | > there will always be people who ... will still create new
           | art and new writing, which will seed the training data
           | But if we aren't able to consistently separate the human-
           | generated and machine-generated content, model training won't
           | be able to place any extra weight on the human-generated
           | stuff. The mere fact that human-generated output doesn't
           | disappear entirely doesn't remove these issues.
           | The analogy is loose, but click fraud creates realistic
           | looking data exhaust that looks close to the behavior of a
           | real user, and can meaningfully disrupt one's ability to
           | optimize for clicks or to know how many actual end users
           | interacted with your item of interest. The fact that some
           | nonzero portion of the clicks are real doesn't erase these
           | problems. And that's in a system which doesn't create the
           | kind of feedback loop described above.
       | jvvw wrote:
       | What's more likely is that coursework will be abandoned and all
       | assessment will be done via invigilated exams :-) (As it was in
       | my degree in fact).
       | I've marked 'essays' in computer science (billed as reports but
       | equivalent enough for these purposes) and I think they are mainly
       | set because the university wants the students to be able to write
       | clearly which is a reasonable ambition.
       | It's often really hard to assess 'understanding'. It's possible
       | to detect non-understanding more easily - you ask enough
       | questions and hope that the non-understanding slips. I guess you
       | try to give students enough rope to hang themselves. Or of course
       | sometimes it is obvious that they don't understand things from
       | the get-go. But it's very hard to create questions novel enough
       | that they can't basically be gamed with regurgitation.
       | Universities do try but still difficult.
         | origin_path wrote:
         | Are you sure the essays are set for that reason? I had to write
         | essays and reports a lot in my CS course but the reason was
         | pretty clearly because the professors didn't want to do code
         | reviews. They certainly didn't care about clarity of writing
         | given the absolutely minimal feedback provided on those
         | reports, the general uselessness of what little was provided
         | and the fact that by the time you reach a university you've
         | already sat through many years of educators teaching you how to
         | write (or trying), so CS profs have no edge there.
         | What taught me to write wasn't school or essay writing
         | homework, not even at university level. The crucible that
         | forged my own ability to spell and argue was the internet.
         | Slashdot, blogging, later HN.
         | If I was a teacher trying to teach people to write, I'd be
         | tempted to pick some reddit forums, and ask students to find a
         | comment they thought they could add to, then submit (to me) a
         | set of replies to them. Online forums give you real time
         | feedback in whether your argument landed or not, whether people
         | understood what you meant and so on. Literally every mini-essay
         | is graded by other readers, in real time, on demand (maybe not
         | on writing quality but it never is, not even in school).
       | freeone3000 wrote:
       | This is an ideal result -- after all, their working lives will be
       | turning in machine-generated work to machine-evaluating bosses,
       | so we should get them started early, lest they fall behind the
       | prompt-engineering curve.
       | crazygringo wrote:
       | > _free students from the drudgery of pointless essays that ask
       | them to regurgitate content_
       | What "pointless" essays are these, may I ask?
       | The classic 5-paragraph essay (intro, point #1, point #2, point
       | #3, conclusion) is the foundation of the vast majority of non-
       | fiction writing. It's teaching the most foundational writing
       | skills.
       | When students are asked to "regurgitate content" and they can't,
       | it means they don't understand the content or they don't know how
       | to write. They _need_ to be able to master that before they can
       | move onto more advanced writing (or more advanced content).
       | I hated writing essays in high school, because I didn't
       | understand the why or how, because I had mostly bad teachers.
       | When I finally learned how to write papers in college, everything
       | clicked and I went from getting C- grades to A grades in subjects
       | that involved essays -- and the writing and explaining skills
       | that I learned, I later wound up using _daily_ in my professional
       | life.
       | But the problem was never with "pointless essays" -- it was that
       | nobody ever taught me how and why to do them properly.
         | ethbr0 wrote:
         | Well said and written! Your bad teachers would be proud.
         | The theme in the comments seems to be "X is simple, therefore
         | rote practice isn't valuable."
         | But that glosses over the fact that fully understanding and
         | being proficient at X is often a prerequisite for learning X'.
         | Or in other words, calculators can do arithmetic. If we skip
         | mastery of that, how do we propose to teach children
         | differential equations?
         | What is probably more important is the grading-side of ML: by
         | leveraging more ML to auto-note and -score the _mechanics_ of
         | assignments, we free up teacher time to focus on interpreting
         | and suggesting improvements for students, which many teachers
         | are currently too overwhelmed to do.
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | > The classic 5-paragraph essay (intro, point #1, point #2,
         | point #3, conclusion) is the foundation of the vast majority of
         | non-fiction writing.
         | Never heard of this format or it being some kind of standard.
         | Is five paragraphs really an 'essay'?
           | tcmart14 wrote:
           | It was pretty common when I started writing papers in school
           | up till maybe 10th grade? I've never heard it as "classic
           | 5-paragraph" but as "1-3-1 format." After 10th grade we
           | introduced bringing in counter arguments.
             | chrisseaton wrote:
             | Seems funny that you'd decided you were making three points
             | before you even knew what the topic was!
               | [deleted]
         | pclmulqdq wrote:
         | The 5-paragraph essay as taught in schools misses the point.
         | The point of an essay is to make a single cohesive argument,
         | preferably in as few words as possible.
         | "Write a standard, 5-paragraph essay discussing the theme of
         | chaos in Slaughterhouse Five, making sure to cite several
         | examples from the text, 1000 words minimum" is a ludicrous
         | assignment. The assignment should be: "Argue whether chaos is a
         | significant theme in Slaughterhouse Five, 5 pages maximum."
           | crazygringo wrote:
           | I could not disagree more.
           | What you call "ludicrous" I call "beginner". Beginning
           | students _need_ the 5-paragraph structure, and they _need_
           | minimum word counts, just like they _need_ to be told to cite
           | examples. Otherwise they just turn in a single-sentence
           | "Slaughterhouse Five has a lot of chaos, which you can see
           | clearly from reading the book, the end." Maybe you laugh but
           | you will literally receive this from 9th-graders.
           | The assignment you're advocating for is more appropriate for
           | a weekly college homework assignment, where you know that the
           | (good) students will struggle to get it _down_ to five pages,
           | and (hopefully) don 't have to be taught that their arguments
           | need to be supported with citations. But it would be
           | disastrous for most high schoolers.
           | You need to learn to play chords and scales before you can
           | play jazz. Writing is no different, you need to start with
           | the fundamentals.
             | pclmulqdq wrote:
             | > Otherwise they just turn in a single-sentence
             | "Slaughterhouse Five has a lot of chaos, which you can see
             | clearly from reading the book, the end." Maybe you laugh
             | but you will literally receive this from 9th-graders.
             | That essay would easily get a 0, and the student (and their
             | peers) would learn not to try that. A student producing a
             | single sentence instead of an essay is a different problem
             | than a student producing an unclear essay or failing to
             | demonstrate that they read the text, which, I think, is the
             | point of the 5-paragraph essay.
             | The actual fundamentals of good writing are grammar, logic,
             | and rhetoric. We only teach one of those (grammar) in
             | schools, and we don't necessarily teach it well. The
             | subjects of logic and rhetoric have largely been replaced
             | by the "5-paragraph essay" until you reach college. That is
             | insane to me.
             | Teaching 5-paragraph essays from middle school to high
             | school is like teaching jazz by having students spend 8
             | years writing renaissance chorales. Writing a few
             | renaissance chorales is probably good for jazz musicians,
             | but spending 8 years writing them will not produce a good
             | jazz artist.
           | Izkata wrote:
           | Not only does it miss the point, I suspect it's why there's
           | so many blog posts nowadays that end with a paragraph titled
           | "Conclusion" that just repeats what was previously said,
           | without actually tying those thoughts together.
       | randomwalker wrote:
       | OP here. The full title of this article is "Students are acing
       | their homework by turning in machine-generated essays. Good."
       | The last word was edited out by the mods, presumably under the
       | belief that it's clickbait. Unfortunately, the headline now
       | sounds like I'm complaining about this development, whereas my
       | post is about how it will force much-needed improvements to
       | education and free students from the drudgery of pointless essays
       | that ask them to regurgitate content (as opposed to essays that
       | teach writing skills or critical thinking, which remain
       | valuable).
         | dang wrote:
         | The problem is that the title was linkbaity, especially with
         | that "Good" at the end. For a mod to edit that out is routine
         | HN moderation (" _Please use the original title, unless it is
         | misleading or linkbait_ " -
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html)
         | Perhaps a better fix is to use a representative sentence from
         | the article body. I've done that now.
         | StevePerkins wrote:
         | Geeze. How is _"... Good. "_ considered unacceptable clickbait,
         | while:
         | - _" Why I don't..."_
         | - _"... considered harmful. "_
         | - _"... written in Rust! "_
         | are so ubiquitous?
           | dang wrote:
           | Those things are also clickbait and we also edit them out
           | when we see them. Are you perhaps assuming that we see
           | everything that gets posted here? That would be very
           | mistaken.
         | fenomas wrote:
         | I _think_ that the site auto-edits titles on first submit, but
         | if you afterwards edit and save, it will use what you put in
         | verbatim.
           | OJFord wrote:
           | This is correct, OP, if you can still edit - just put it back
           | in.
         | DJBunnies wrote:
         | I loathe the editorializing here.
         | zffr wrote:
         | IMO I didn't get the sense that the title is complaining. I
         | took the title as neutral statement and assumed the article
         | would provide evidence for the claim and possibly commentary on
         | it.
         | macspoofing wrote:
         | >whereas my post is about how it will force much-needed
         | improvements to education and free students from the drudgery
         | of pointless essays that ask them to regurgitate content (as
         | opposed to essays that teach writing skills or critical
         | thinking, which remain valuable)
         | OK ... what's wrong with essays that demonstrate knowledge of a
         | particular topic (as you call it "regurgitate content')? And
         | why wouldn't those teach writing skills?
         | Yes, developing critical thinking skills is important, and
         | sometimes you want to focus projects, assignment, homework
         | towards that end. But don't discount the value of being able to
         | synthesize and summarize existing knowledge in a particular
         | area of knowledge. In fact, that's almost always a pre-
         | requisite to making cogent arguments that exercise 'critical
         | thinking' skills.
         | >In fact, it seems to be this kind of essay where language
         | models are doing particularly well, with assignments such as
         | "Write five good and bad things about biotech". As an educator,
         | I think this assignment is close to useless if the goal is to
         | learn about biotech.
         | WHY?? Why is it 'close to useless' for a student to investigate
         | current issues in biotech?
         | And by the way, with academics (and especially in public
         | education), it is almost always the case that a student gets
         | out of it what they put in. That is, if the student is aiming
         | for the absolute minimum and takes every shortcut, neither AI,
         | nor the assignment structure will a make a difference. Going
         | back to this 'close to useless' question, a keen student can
         | really sink their teeth into it and make this topic their own -
         | because this question obviously is open-ended, and leaves room
         | for the student to provide an independent and critical
         | evaluation of the issues that concern the field .... OR ...
         | they can spend 15 mins googling around or using AI, to throw a
         | bunch of stuff together, call it a day, and go back to playing
         | Call of Duty.
         | cableshaft wrote:
         | Hahaha! Oh man. I read the headline, and I instantly said
         | "Good."
         | Click the link and saw the 'Good' and had to crack up laughing.
         | Wish it was kept as part of the headline on HN.
       | ksaj wrote:
       | How's this for an educational product idea: Use AI to read a
       | student's essay, then produce exam questions based on the
       | content. This test would be delivered orally (with accommodation
       | for disabilities that might impact their ability to complete the
       | task, of course).
       | The student should ace the test if they understood the subject
       | well enough to ace an essay on it. They should know the answers
       | very well, since the questions are specific to what they've
       | apparently written. The mark they get on this test would be the
       | research part of the mark they receive for the essay. Then it is
       | just grammar, organization, etc. thereafter.
       | ryndbfsrw wrote:
       | Thats really impressive students are doing this. These tools are
       | non-trivial to use and it shows great initiative from them. I
       | could see these tools being used proactively as part of a
       | creative writing class or helping people improve their language
       | skills. Top stuff!
       | FredPret wrote:
       | In the 90's there was a magazine article about Bill Gates. He
       | interviewed some kids to hear what they want from computers.
       | Doing their homework was the top answer.
       | I remember thinking: yeah right, that will take many decades. I
       | guess 2-3 decades was enough!
       | Vrondi wrote:
       | Time to go back to in-person handwritten essay exams.
         | sroussey wrote:
         | Not handwritten cursive, kids can't read or write that today.
           | aerostable_slug wrote:
           | I took the LSAT some years ago (mostly just for curiosity's
           | sake). When I turned my documents in to the lead proctor, she
           | stopped me and said something like "you were to _write_ your
           | essay! "
           | Confused, I told her I had, to which she loudly stated "you
           | _printed_ your essay, and that 's not permissible!" Once I
           | figured out she meant cursive writing, I told her I hadn't
           | written anything in cursive since maybe 4th or 5th grade, and
           | after that I typed most of my long-form homework on my trusty
           | Apple ][e and "printed" handwritten notes, as I still do
           | today. She turned a bit pale and then turned to the room,
           | interrupted the test, and asked how many candidates were also
           | "printing" their essays. Essentially everyone raised their
           | hands.
           | It turns out the poor older lady was a grade school teacher
           | and had been instructing children how to write in cursive
           | since the days of yore. When she faced the fact that those
           | habits hadn't stuck with any of the once-4th-graders sitting
           | in front of her, she turned even paler and went to get a
           | drink of water. I felt a bit bad for her.
         | neverartful wrote:
         | Physical blue books and an ink pen in an auditorium within a
         | time limit. This would work easy enough for in-person (on-
         | campus) students. Not so good for online/remote.
           | hot_gril wrote:
           | I hated those. I can write reasonably quickly thanks to
           | cursive, but it still felt like my hand was the limiting
           | factor instead of my brain.
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