[HN Gopher] Eglot has landed on master: Emacs now has a built-in...
       Eglot has landed on master: Emacs now has a built-in LSP client
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 323 points
       Date   : 2022-10-20 17:33 UTC (3 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (lists.gnu.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lists.gnu.org)
       | frou_dh wrote:
       | The next major release of Emacs is going to be awesome, because
       | among other things the so-called PureGTK work was also merged,
       | which means that it will support HiDPI screens properly on
       | Wayland.
         | josteink wrote:
         | Emacs 29 also aims to introduce experimental support for tree-
         | sitter[1], although it will probably be hidden behind a
         | configure-flag.
         | This should enable us to create better, faster parsers for
         | popular languages where the Emacs-support so far has not been
         | that great.
         | So yeah I second that. Emacs 29 is going to be a great release!
         | [1] https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter
           | mickeyp wrote:
           | I wrote about the importance of tree sitter a while back, for
           | people who don't know why Emacs would adopt it:
           | https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/tree-sitter-
           | complicat...
             | bloopernova wrote:
             | Thank you for a clear and informative article!
             | (And thank you for your wonderful book and website, they've
             | both made my life in DevOps more enjoyable and effective)
               | mickeyp wrote:
               | Thank you :) I'm glad you like the book and site! That
               | makes me very happy.
         | NeutralForest wrote:
         | I'm using it right now!
         | sph wrote:
         | Do not use pgtk if you're not on Wayland. Its maintainer on the
         | mailing list has been pretty adamant in stressing that the old
         | gtk3 code is the better choice if you're on x11, while pgtk is
         | targeting wayland (so they'd rather break x11 compatibility if
         | it fixes a wayland bug)
         | That said, I've been running pgtk on GNOME Wayland on a hidpi
         | screen and it's been great.
           | ghosty141 wrote:
           | PGTK is also needed for proper gnome window borders on WSL 2
       | zarkov99 wrote:
       | With eglot and lsp-mode emacs, for me, has feature parity with
       | vscode for c++ _local_ development. Unfortunately for remote work
       | tramp is still a nightmare and vscode far ahead.
         | nine_k wrote:
         | But VSCode has a very different model than Tramp: a remote
         | server part, not just remote file access.
         | Technically you can run an Emacs server remotely, and connect
         | to it with the UI client. But the setup is going to be much
         | more involved.
           | spudlyo wrote:
           | I'd like to be wrong about this, but after some investigation
           | I've conclused that this is not the case. The Emacs
           | client/server model assumes that the client and server are on
           | the same host. It doesn't work over the network.
             | [deleted]
             | nequo wrote:
             | I haven't tried this myself but would it be possible with
             | ssh port forwarding? Here is someone who seems to have done
             | it:
             | https://mina86.com/2021/emacs-remote/
               | dan-robertson wrote:
               | I think the protocol between emacsclient and the server
               | basically just allows for instructing the server which
               | file to open and passing around things like which X
               | display to open an x window on. I'm not sure how it works
               | for the terminal interface (does it pass the fd over a
               | Unix display socket or have Emacs send bytes over the
               | protocol to the emacsclient?)
               | I once tried to set up some hacked bash script instead of
               | ssh which would set up environment variables and forward
               | the Emacs daemon socket over ssh so that if I remotely
               | attempted to edit a file, my local Emacs would open that
               | remote file over tramp. But the whole thing was kinda
               | nasty.
               | I do want a 'thicker' emacsclient though but mostly
               | because of the end of X windows as I currently use Emacs
               | remotely with X forwarding over ssh.
           | [deleted]
           | zora_goron wrote:
           | > Technically you can run an Emacs server remotely, and
           | connect to it with the UI client. But the setup is going to
           | be much more involved.
           | Any pointers on how to get started with this?
       | hendrikrassmann wrote:
       | 2023 will be the year of emacs on the desktop.
         | fooker wrote:
         | * desktop on emacs.
         | FTFY
           | omnicognate wrote:
           | With EXWM, Emacs has been my desktop for years.
       | mnutt wrote:
       | I use eglot (via doom emacs) and it works but configuration
       | always feels like a slog--the language server it wants to start
       | is often not in the PATH, or is configured incorrectly or
       | something. Javascript's eslint/prettier/tsc are particularly
       | finicky. I'd love to have some method to denote that the presence
       | of .eslintrc/eslint in package.json means run format-on-save,
       | otherwise don't. But I also can't really see how it could be
       | _that_ much better on any other editor?
         | tikhonj wrote:
         | I've had a good experience with direnv[1] and emacs-direnv[2].
         | Direnv can automatically load an environment when you enter a
         | directory, so it automatically "opens" virtualenvs/nix
         | shells/etc. The Emacs direnv mode ensures that each buffer sees
         | the direnv mode for its project directory.
         | I've found this to be a great compromise between automatic
         | behavior on the one hand and transparency + control on the
         | other--I get the right environment loaded automatically _very_
         | consistently and, if something goes wrong, I can open a shell
         | and poke around to see what 's going on (is my nix shell messed
         | up? is the right tool not loaded via direnv? etc). The only
         | time I need to do anything manually is if I make a change to
         | the environment and need to update Emacs about it, in which
         | case I just run M-x direnv-update-environment.
         | Once I got this set up, I can just rely on executable-find to
         | check for (and find) exactly the right tool on a per-project
         | basis--no more worrying about global or seeing the wrong
         | version of a tool. This also made it easy to do stuff like only
         | run formatting if the corresponding tool is available: I add
         | hooks to various programming language modes that only turn on
         | lsp/formatting/etc if executable-find sees the corresponding
         | executable.
         | Compared to the hassle I've had to go through helping my
         | colleagues debug VSCode not seeing the right conda environment,
         | virtualenv or the right version of various tools, Emacs +
         | direnv has been a far nicer and more consistent experience.
         | [1]: https://direnv.net/
         | [2]: https://github.com/wbolster/emacs-direnv
           | mcbuilder wrote:
           | Yeah, I've been doing the same thing. direnv is such a KISS
           | tool, and is language agnostic as well. My prior experience
           | with LSP wasn't exactly pain free, so it's definitely
           | smoothing a rough patch. Having Elgot in master is great if
           | makes the out of box experience work.
           | I use VS code for a couple days and I will already want to go
           | back to Emacs, and having a good LSP experience is pretty
           | important for either.
         | jrockway wrote:
         | I use lsp-mode and got a usable Typescript environment without
         | too much work. I use prettier for formatting everything, so use
         | prettier-js-mode regardless of LSP support, and it works fine.
         | (I have pretter-js-command set to "npx" and pretter-js-args set
         | to "prettier"; this is for our internal components library
         | which I guess has a customized version of prettier for our
         | internal conventions in certain project. I don't really know; I
         | didn't set it up, but it works.)
         | lsp-mode pretty much seems to do the right thing for Typescript
         | projects without any configuration. At work we use React/TSX,
         | for personal projects I use Svelte, and Emacs can find all the
         | symbols, provide correct completions, and point out obvious
         | mistakes. My only complaint is that I can never get Emacs's
         | indentation to match what Prettier wants to do, so I'll type a
         | bunch of code, prettier-on-save, and everything gets moved
         | around. Not a big deal, but something I'd look into more deeply
         | if I actually did Typescript full time. (I just occasionally
         | change frontend stuff, but mostly program Go. gofmt and Emacs
         | agree on formatting, but I think that's because Go is
         | opinionated about formatting and so it's easier for multiple
         | tools to have the same opinion. With Typescript, anything
         | goes.)
         | TL;DR: despite the eglot marketing campaign and its overall
         | cleaner design, lsp-mode might be the thing for you. I try
         | eglot every 6 months and always switch back to lsp-mode. It has
         | its quirks and WTFs, but doesn't get in my way too much.
       | rwilson4 wrote:
       | Exciting! I've happily used elpy [0] for years but it seems to be
       | unsupported now. Might be time to switch!
       | [0]: https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy
         | 098799 wrote:
         | elpy+jedi has been my main environment. LSP was really slow
         | every time I tried it.
           | donatzsky wrote:
           | Emacs used to have poor json support, which is why lsp was
           | slow. That got fixed a version or two ago, and now lsp works
           | great.
       | bigbillheck wrote:
       | Despite the last-minute efforts of RMS:
       | https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2022-10/msg00...
         | sph wrote:
         | Your comment makes it sound like RMS tried to stop it from
         | getting merged into core.
         | Whereas the mail in your link just shows that RMS wanted to
         | discuss whether it should have a generic "LSP" name or not
         | (i.e. retain the original eglot name), which is a valid
         | concern.
           | bigbillheck wrote:
           | Here's him suggesting delaying the release until January:
           | https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-
           | devel/2022-10/msg00...
             | sph wrote:
             | Again, it's because of naming consistency, which one can
             | agree with or not.
             | My issue was your comment just pointed at RMS without
             | specifying what he was being boneheaded about this time,
             | which I thought was a little flamebaity.
               | vfclists wrote:
               | There only two hard things in computer science:
               | This first is naming things
               | The second is getting emacs-lisp to hold hands with the
               | rest of the world
           | didibus wrote:
           | I actually feel the name is the worst part of eglot, it's not
           | like it's a generic polyglot thing, it's really an lsp mode,
           | it'll be one more of those hard to discover Emacs features
           | because of this.
       | tgerdin wrote:
       | Awesome
       | chungus wrote:
       | Interesting, I've been using "the other one": lsp-mode, and have
       | been quite happy with the results. Will see how eglot has
       | progressed and if I can slim my config a bit.
         | eddieh wrote:
         | If Eglot is the Emacs blessed package I'll probably start using
         | it over lsp-mode, but seriously how do I pronounce "Eglot"? Egg
         | Lot? Ah-lot? A-lot? Ehh-lot? Eh-glot?
         | I never tried Eglot simply because the name made me think it
         | was less serious.
           | rogual wrote:
           | E as in Emacs, glot as in polyglot?
             | eddieh wrote:
             | That sounds too close to EGOT
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_EGOT_winners
             | frou_dh wrote:
             | The clever thing is that it's also eglot as in polyglot.
             | FPGAhacker wrote:
             | That makes sense, and never occurred to me. I was in the
             | egg-lot camp
         | TacticalCoder wrote:
         | Same here. Anyone know if eglot is "better" than lsp-mode? Or
         | was it just picked because of some licensing reason? I was
         | under the impression, but I may be wrong, that lsp-mode was
         | somehow better than eglot.
         | Also I wonder: if eglot is now part of Emacs, is there any
         | incentive for the lsp-mode devs to keep working on lsp-mode?
           | sreevisakh wrote:
           | I used lsp-mode for a while and then switched to eglot. The
           | reason was that lsp-mode has quite a lot of dependencies
           | including helm and hydra. This can be inconvenient when you
           | use their alternatives likes the vertico-corfu stack. I
           | didn't want more than one extension of the same type in my
           | configuration. eglot uses native emacs APIs for completions
           | and tooltips. This integrates very well with vertico and
           | corfu.
           | > Also I wonder: if eglot is now part of Emacs, is there any
           | incentive for the lsp-mode devs to keep working on lsp-mode?
           | I'm pretty sure that some people will stick to lsp-mode.
           | There are a few builtin extensions which I replaced with more
           | popular external packages (eg: projectile vs project.el). So,
           | I think the lsp-mode devs should keep at it.
             | aardvark179 wrote:
             | Lsp mode depends on neither helm, nor hydra. I think there
             | are some utility things that can use helm, but as far as I
             | remember it that didn't require that helm was set up for
             | anything else and it has never conflicted with anything
             | else I use.
             | jacobsenscott wrote:
             | lsp-mode does not depend on helm or hydra, or anything else
             | really. There are optional packages that allow it to work
             | better with those systems though.
             | https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-
             | mode/page/installation/#vani...
             | wakeupcall wrote:
             | > (eg: projectile vs project.el).
             | Always curious of why you prefer one of the other. Any
             | major thing you prefer projectile? (only ever used
             | project.el here and was satisfied)
             | Similarly, I'm using ivy, first time I see vertico which
             | looks similar.
               | ghosty141 wrote:
               | It has a working switch to cpp/hpp function that you cant
               | really get otherwise. Thats the only thing I miss from
               | projectile.
               | mickeyp wrote:
               | This is actually a builtin feature of Emacs, and is
               | available regardless of whether you use projectile or
               | project.
               | Try `M-x ffap' whilst point is on an include directive's
               | filename, or `M-x ff-find-other-file' to jump between C/H
               | header files.
           | timlod wrote:
           | I've used both, or rather, tried using both - lsp-mode never
           | quite worked for me, whereas eglot is rather simple in
           | comparison and easy to set up.
           | lsp-mode does 'more' (and there's also an auxiliary package,
           | dap-mode, for debugging), but I guess is somewhat more
           | brittle because of this. dap-mode I do use, by the way (for
           | python mainly) - functionality-wise it's my favourite
           | debugger available in Emacs.
           | eglot further has a single developer who already assigns
           | copyright to the FSF (and developed other packages, like
           | flymake, which are already part of emacs), so it has that
           | going for it as well.
           | tptacek wrote:
           | Presumably eglot was picked because it's by far the more
           | emacsy LSP client. It does most of its user-visible job by
           | integrating with other built-in packages, like Flymake,
           | ElDoc, project.el, and most importantly xref. Integrating
           | lsp-mode would make much less sense, since you'd be
           | integrating an alternative universe of packages that already
           | have built-in analogs.
             | ghosty141 wrote:
             | Flymake is my biggest gripe with eglot. Sadly you cant
             | really switch it out with flycheck
               | tptacek wrote:
               | I thought this would annoy me, since I had a custom
               | flycheck setup for years and years prior to eglot, but I
               | haven't noticed any differences in my workflow; it just
               | works.
               | morelisp wrote:
               | Was `flycheck-list-errors` not part of your workflow, or
               | do you have a decent replacement for it? Its lack is my
               | one gripe with flymake.
               | mickeyp wrote:
               | Have you tried `M-x flymake-show-project-diagnostics'?
               | morelisp wrote:
               | Yes; as far as I can tell it runs afoul of unresolvable
               | project.el incompatibilities unless you're using at least
               | Emacs 28.
               | BaculumMeumEst wrote:
               | It seems odd to complain about an issue that doesn't
               | exist in the latest stable version.
               | josteink wrote:
               | Some people run Emacs from their local system package-
               | managers instead of building from source.
               | They _will_ be stuck on older versions and experience
               | those problems as current problems.
               | morelisp wrote:
               | It's been an issue since before it was the latest stable
               | version, and if the packages needed that version they
               | should be declaring dependencies on it. And project.el is
               | still today marked experimental, so this will probably
               | happen again.
               | Version management in Emacs is hard but a) lots of the
               | community runs Emacs versions _much_ older than 1y old
               | and at least few years of compatibility is (used to be?)
               | a strong cultural norm, b) it 's common to offer
               | fallbacks to e.g. `locate-dominating-file` or similar
               | primitive cases especially when using relatively new
               | features, c) I don't think project.el is very good in
               | general.
             | anyfoo wrote:
             | Are you sure? I could have sworn my lsp-mode uses at least
             | flymake, xref, and projectile (which I use over project.el)
             | as well, and I don't remember making a custom setup in that
             | regard? Not in front of emacs right now, but very sure.
             | Maybe that was different in the past?
             | I switched from eglot back to lsp-mode a while ago, but I
             | don't quite remember why unfortunately. I think lsp-mode
             | "did more" or something like that, and seemed to have
             | changed for the better.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | I just remember a zillion weird popups with lsp-mode,
               | which is all UI that isn't built in to Emacs. But also:
               | Projectile isn't built into Emacs. Project.el is. The
               | lsp-mode hovers are bespoke; eglot just uses ElDoc. lsp-
               | mode wants you to use flycheck; flycheck isn't built into
               | Emacs. lsp-mode can use xref, but it also has its own
               | thing. lsp-mode has its own header and modeline goo. It
               | goes on like that.
               | None of this is bad. These aren't critiques of lsp-mode.
               | But they're definitely reasons why it would make sense to
               | integrate Eglot, which prioritizes integrating with Emacs
               | built-in libraries.
               | The actual critique of lsp-mode I would make is that I
               | bounced from lsp-mode at least 3 times trying to get
               | things working, and things would always be ok for like a
               | couple days and then I'd lose 30 minutes to debugging and
               | ultimately just turn it all off so I could get on with my
               | day. I enabled Eglot once, with like 10 lines of use-
               | package, and haven't touched it since.
               | Myrmornis wrote:
               | Yes I had exactly the same experience, maybe 3 years ago?
               | Installing lsp-mode resulted in an overblown UI with all
               | sorts of gadgets; it looked like an attempt to create an
               | "IDE experience" in Emacs, and so I ran away, used eglot
               | for a few months, and then ended my 20-year Emacs run and
               | switched to VSCode. (Apart from magit -- of course I do
               | still have an Emacs instance running.) But it does sound
               | like people are saying that lsp-mode got rid of the
               | tasteless stuff. And since Eglot development has now
               | moved away from GitHub to a combination of unpleasant
               | mailing lists and unfashionable issue-tracking apps, I
               | wonder whether it will stand a chance in the future
               | competition.
               | anyfoo wrote:
               | Sorry, I'm just not sure most of that is true anymore.
               | How long ago was your experience? I remember bouncing off
               | lsp-mode into eglot years ago as well for similar
               | reasons, but nowadays it just seems totally different to
               | me.
               | I've never used anything but xref in lsp-mode, I rely on
               | xref a lot. I wasn't even aware that lsp-mode has, or
               | had, something bespoke there.
               | I use flymake, not flycheck, I don't think I had to
               | configure that.
               | projectile is just my personal preference because I'm
               | used to it, the manual says it integrates with either
               | project.el or projectile.
               | I remember the weird popups you mention from my first
               | lsp-mode trial. I don't know where they're gone, nowadays
               | it's just text in the buffer. (But I don't know whether
               | that's ElDoc or not.)
               | [deleted]
               | josteink wrote:
               | > I just remember a zillion weird popups with lsp-mode
               | I think that may be lsp-ui, not lsp-mode, but I might be
               | mistaken.
           | josteink wrote:
           | > Same here. Anyone know if eglot is "better" than lsp-mode?
           | Or was it just picked because of some licensing reason?
           | I just checked, and both are licensed as GPLv3. I guess it
           | could be this copyright-assignment thing?
           | Either way because of this move, I decided to try eglot over
           | lsp-mode.
           | First thing which happens is that eglot complains its can't
           | find a language-server for the major-mode I'm working in
           | now... And it does *not* offer to automatically install one.
           | Based on this alone, I would say for OOB experience lsp-mode
           | still seems leaps and bounds better.
             | [deleted]
             | jhoechtl wrote:
             | > First thing which happens is that eglot complains its
             | can't find a language-server for the major-mode I'm working
             | in now
             | That was also my experience. Eglot wasn't able to use the
             | installed vscode-json-languageserver for editing JSON
             | instead insisted that typescript is is not installed.
             | lsp-mode worked worked without any configuration out of the
             | box
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | The main difference is that eglot doesn't support the
           | complete set of LSP features yet, but those it does support
           | are better integrated with the existing Emacs codebase and
           | featureset. It's very much a work in progress, not aiming to
           | be a self-contained thing like lsp-mode.
           | PuercoPop wrote:
           | Eglot was written with the explicit goal of landing into
           | Emacs. Which is why from the start it required copyright
           | assignment for non trivial changes.
           | Landing into Emacs core was never a goal for lsp. So it wasnt
           | a choice between eglot vs lsp. It was eglot, yay or nay.
           | oehtXRwMkIs wrote:
           | At least for web development I believe eglot is strictly
           | worse. It does not support running multiple servers (e.g.
           | tsserver and eslint-ls)
           | (https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot/issues/976) which is
           | supported by lsp-mode and neovim's built-in lsp client. Also,
           | it does not have any equivalent to dap-mode which is lsp-mode
           | only. Although worth noting dap-mode is currently useless for
           | js (https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode/issues/369).
             | PuercoPop wrote:
             | Why would one want to run eslint through an LSP? Using
             | flymake it call the CLI works just fine and is more direct.
               | jrockway wrote:
               | Why wouldn't you want the lint error to be highlighted
               | right as you type the code?
               | gopls has staticcheck and govet warnings; they are quite
               | useful as you're typing in your code. (Though sometimes a
               | little aggressive. My favorite is highlighting an if
               | statement as an "empty branch" before I've had time to
               | type in any code. I'm working as fast as I can, Mr.
               | Linter!)
               | morelisp wrote:
               | > Why wouldn't you want the lint error to be highlighted
               | right as you type the code?
               | eslint's flymake integration can do this without any
               | language server commitments. LSP maybe offers some
               | performance advantage - but IMO that says more about
               | eslint than LSP or flymake.
           | wakeupcall wrote:
           | Having alternate implementations is never a bad thing.
           | I spent some time to get lsp-mode working earlier this year.
           | It took me more time to declutter the amount of stuff it put
           | on screen than what it took to setup. In fact they have a
           | page about this https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-
           | mode/tutorials/how-to-turn-o...
           | After turning off 2/3 of these, the experience has been
           | stable and supports almost everything. I experienced clangd
           | crashes, but lsp-mode was always able to recover. I'm not too
           | fond of the reliance of treemacs (don't particularly like
           | treemacs behavior in general).
           | I just tried briefly eglot. It worked right out of the box,
           | and the default "output" on screen seems to match what I left
           | enabled for lsp-mode, which seems sane to me. xref
           | integration seems to highlight methods with cc-mode (lsp-mode
           | doesn't).
           | Some lsp features are missing. For example I couldn't find an
           | equivalent for "incoming call hierarchy". Not a show stopper.
           | I would need to spend some good time to see which one
           | provides less overhead, for example.
             | morelisp wrote:
             | > It took me more time to declutter the amount of stuff it
             | put on screen than what it took to setup.
             | Same.
             | lsp-mode is great if you want to use a distraction-filled
             | UI that doesn't integrate with anything else in the Emacs
             | world. My first thought on trying it was "you're showing me
             | three epitexts by default and yet _none_ of them are
             | running through eldoc. " A large number of people seem to
             | want that, god help them.
               | nverno wrote:
               | lsp-mode does integrate with eldoc, you just need to
               | configure what it shows in the minibuffer, eg. to turn of
               | the excessive clutter, set these to nil
               | lsp-signature-render-documentation nil ;ridiculously
               | shows entire doc in mini       lsp-eldoc-render-all nil
               | ; if t, shows all hover info in eldoc - too much
           | pdimitar wrote:
           | I forgot the details but several months ago I had a lot of
           | trouble just having Rust and Elixir LSPs to even start.
           | I got quite weary of hacking on my Emacs so I switched to
           | eglot and had zero trouble since.
           | Sorry for lack of context, I am not shilling for eglot at
           | all, it's just that I have a huge "make it your own by
           | hacking!" fatigue these days.
       | codeflo wrote:
       | I've been wanting to learn Emacs for 20 years. Is now finally the
       | time?
         | radarsat1 wrote:
         | The thing is that you can learn it very incrementally. I've
         | been using it for years and don't know more than a tiny bit. My
         | knowledge of elisp is abysmal. But, you get to learn how to add
         | little things to your config here and there when you find
         | something worth trying or improving.
         | Meanwhile I recommend just learning the vanilla defaults as
         | best as possible. As long as you know how to open files, save
         | things, switch between buffers, and quit, you're kind of good
         | to go as far as immediate usability goes. Eventually you learn
         | a few more key bindings to make navigation easier and faster,
         | how to use macros, shell commands, etc. But you can learn these
         | things on an as-needed basis.
           | margarina72 wrote:
           | honestly i tried the vanilla default many time to start with
           | and it was the reason I waited so long to adopt emacs.
           | Since I tried Doom Emacs, I am really enjoying the
           | experience, and it has seriously improved my workflow.
           | Now I can gradually learn things, improve my lisp, or try new
           | work flows, etc.
           | Pre made distribution are a real improvement to the emacs
           | ecosystem.
           | mickeyp wrote:
           | Agreed. This is really good advice.
           | gumby wrote:
           | One of the offputting things about emacs is the enthusiasm
           | directed to beginners to customize, pick a "distro" and
           | basically overwhelm people when starting. It's a shame
           | because what's wrong with enthusiasm?
           | But you can start using emacs with a handful of commands.
           | Just typing puts characters into your buffer; c-f goes
           | forward a character, c-b back a character, c-p goes the
           | previous line, c-n goes to the next. c-x c-s saves the buffer
           | into a file while c-x c-f finds a file by name and makes a
           | buffer containing its contents. These commands have existed
           | since I started using Emacs about 45 years ago!
           | Emacs is full of help. Press c-h for help -- it will prompt
           | you for what you want help on. Every keystroke, every
           | command, even "how did I get here" is in your help.
           | Over time you'll learn more commands, perhaps put something
           | in your init file...and eventually it will be like a
           | comfortable glove designed to fit your hands (which will stay
           | on the keyboard, right?)
             | tmtvl wrote:
             | Yeah, you can do what I did: open Emacs, see "help" in the
             | menubar (best thing since sliced bread), click it, click
             | "tutorial", and we're off to the races.
             | jonnycomputer wrote:
             | I get this. But on the other hand, there is a reason people
             | customize Emacs, both by writing elisp, and loading
             | packages. Vanilla emacs is usable, but its really not
             | great, from a usability perspective. So the endless
             | recommendations on what you should do to start.
               | bloopernova wrote:
               | A lot like a minimal Linux distro. Both scratch the itch
               | of "I wish I could do this when that happens."
         | mybrid wrote:
         | I've been using Emacs the way most people use Notepad++, just
         | for quick text edits. Been doing that since the 1990s. The
         | other thing I use Emacs for is the regular expression modes for
         | search and replace. Unlike Notepad++ Emacs is available on most
         | systems.
         | The on thing I would caution is Emacs creates backup files that
         | can clutter. I find it is worth creating a dedicated back up
         | folder. This does require configuration and there are tutorials
         | on Youtube for this. I'd say about once or twice per year the
         | backup files on every save have saved my bacon.
         | Finally, I prefer Emacs key binds to vi modes but that's just
         | personal taste.
         | mickeyp wrote:
         | Yes, with caveats. Give yourself a goal you want to accomplish
         | in Emacs -- just one -- and then start with that. Do not try to
         | overload your learning by doing everything in Emacs from day
         | one.
         | julianeon wrote:
         | I don't particularly know why this would motivate you to learn
         | it. Yes you can use Lisp in Emacs - I frequently use it just to
         | do math using Polish notation. But even though I know how to
         | write Lisp, and have written my own functions, I rarely use it.
         | xenodium wrote:
         | Emacs is a fun long-term ride. A gift of sorts that keeps on
         | giving... and by that, I mean no matter how experienced you
         | are, you'll continue learning something new at all times. I
         | often write about things I discover or build myself at
         | https://xenodium.com.
         | https://planet.emacslife.com is a great aggregator.
         | https://reddit.com/r/emacs is handy too.
         | https://www.youtube.com/c/SystemCrafters is an awesome channel.
         | https://emacsrocks.com has some awesome demos.
         | https://emacsrocks.com/e13.html is one of my all-time favorites
         | (watch until the end, has a worthy finale).
         | G3rn0ti wrote:
         | Get yourself a copy of ,,Mastering Emacs" and jump straight in.
         | Learning by doing. Turns out you don't actually need to install
         | a lot of packages these days to get started. Use js2-mode
         | and/or web-mode (?) worked great with React projects with me
         | together with ,,compile mode" (,,C-c C-l") built-in) running
         | build and tests in package.json for you. Later you can add lsp-
         | mode or eglot if you really need to.
         | Once you're comfortable with installing packages using Emacs'
         | UI try watching the ,,Emacs from scratch" series on YouTube and
         | familiarize yourself with ,,use-package.el" to build a clean,
         | version controlled custom config.
         | If you do a lot of technical writing org-mode.el is pretty cool
         | and also built-in. I am using it for live coding sessions.
           | FullyFunctional wrote:
           | This is great, thanks. I've used Emacs since 1988 but feel
           | like a complete newb as it's crazy hard to keep up with the
           | development and much of what google will turn up is seems out
           | of data already.
           | I love emacs, but I really wish the out-of-the-box experience
           | was better (eg. IIUC, even the default package repository is
           | known obsolete, so why is it still the default?)
         | noelwelsh wrote:
         | I put the question to the Emacs magic eight ball
         | (https://github.com/RyanMatlock/eight-ball) and the answer was
         | yes!
         | tsuru wrote:
         | Yes.
       | Myrmornis wrote:
       | My biggest concern about this is that now it is in Emacs, there's
       | no easy way to contribute to it, or follow development.
       | Previously it was on GitHub and there was zero friction to
       | contributing other than figuring out your elisp changes. But now,
       | I think that Issues in the github site are discouraged, and so
       | there will be no convenient way of watching issues and feature
       | requests raised against the project, or of following discussion
       | of proposed patches and code review. In principle of course,
       | these things are possible by using old issue tracking
       | applications and following often dysfunctional/cantankerous
       | discussions in a email list, both of whose scope is the whole of
       | emacs.
         | rout39574 wrote:
         | How many contributions did you have to eglot before it was
         | included?
           | Myrmornis wrote:
           | 4 PRs and 3 Issues
         | tgerdin wrote:
         | Probably says more about the Emacs development process than
         | Eglot itself. But as it stands, the copyright assignment is
         | non-negotiable I guess.
         | db48x wrote:
         | Email is Email. Either you reply to an email from Github or an
         | email from the mailing list.
           | Myrmornis wrote:
           | You don't use GitHub/GitLab/SourceHut/Codeberg by "replying
           | to emails". You use them by:
           | - pushing branches to your own fork so that others can see
           | your work while it's in draft form
           | - opening PRs against the main project, and writing a nice PR
           | introduction describing the changes that you've made, their
           | background, and motivation, drawbacks and hesitations, etc.
           | - participating in a feedback conversation with the
           | maintainers and other developers with comments attached to
           | specific lines in the code (at a specific revision), as well
           | as attached at diff level
           | - having the project CI run against your branch to check that
           | all tests pass, across a collection of different OSs and
           | architectures. (You can also run their CI in your own fork to
           | check it works there before even opening a PR).
           | - opening Issues, and discussing with other developers
           | - having the ability to write your text comments along with
           | images, videos, and syntax-highlighted code fragments.
           | - and many other things
             | rekado wrote:
             | You can still do that with your fork on a forge. And all
             | that other stuff relating to communication (commenting on
             | specific lines of a change set, writing a nice introduction
             | describing the changes you've made, discussing with other
             | developers, etc.) is possible just as well with a patch-
             | via-email workflow.
             | db48x wrote:
             | No, you can do all of that on the mailing list too.
             | - Send the mailing list an email with a url for your
             | repository. Request that they pull from it. We call this a
             | "pull request", rather than a "Pull Request", but it's the
             | same thing.
             | - Send an email to the development mailing list, making
             | sure to write a nice introduction describing the changes
             | that you've made, their background, motivation, drawbacks,
             | hesitations, and so on.
             | - participate in feedback conversations with the
             | maintainers and other developers with comments situated
             | next to quotations of specific lines of code from specific
             | revisions or specific diff hunks.
             | - Just run "make check". 99% of all of the code in Emacs is
             | written in Emacs Lisp, which is platform-independent. If
             | the tests pass on your own computer you can rest assured
             | that they will pass on everyone else's too.
             | - sending emails to ask questions and discuss them with
             | other developers
             | - feel free to include any type of media in your emails,
             | all but one participant in the mailing list can view them
             | - and many other things
               | count wrote:
               | > - Send the mailing list an email with a url for your
               | repository. Request that they pull from it. We call this
               | a "pull request", rather than a "Pull Request", but it's
               | the same thing.
               | This is the 'we have PRs at home' point of view.
               | It's not WRONG, but I think it does miss the point. 'Just
               | do everything different from what tons of other folks are
               | doing day in and day out' is not the best answer.
               | The project is well within it's rights to do so, but,
               | there's a reason GitHub specifically is super popular,
               | and it's mostly to provide structure and avoid the pain
               | in the neck that the 'do it by email' and 'just use these
               | different things' approach while collaborating.
               | db48x wrote:
               | > 'Just do everything different from what tons of other
               | folks are doing day in and day out' is not the best
               | answer.
               | Following the herd is definitely the wrong answer.
           | st3fan wrote:
         | tmtvl wrote:
         | Eh, I find GNU Savannah easy enough to navigate and to track
         | changes through it. It may not have an integrated issue
         | tracker, but that's what the mailing list and GNU debbugs are
         | for.
           | dan-robertson wrote:
           | I don't understand how this comment actually responds to any
           | of the issues the parent raises? I think they would have made
           | a perfectly good comment if they hadn't spelled out the
           | issues with the non-GitHub system but they seem to have taken
           | the time to address many of the things you write about in
           | advance (unless they edited that part in after your comment).
           | Fwiw I also think you're missing the point about the
           | increased barrier to entry. I suppose one could make
           | arguments from first principles about which platform has the
           | higher barrier to entry but actual people don't start from
           | first principles - they are much more likely to be familiar
           | with GitHub (I have weaker priors for eglot contributors but
           | I still expect potential new contributors to be more familiar
           | with GitHub).
       | fithisux wrote:
       | Huge
       | j_m_b wrote:
       | What's the difference between egplot and lsp-mode? Why was it
       | what the emacs devs settled on?
         | dleslie wrote:
         | As a primarily C# developer, these days, both are unusable
         | because their interaction with omnisharp is slow, brittle, and
         | prone to indefinite hangs.
         | It's odd, because vscode uses omnisharp over lsp and it is
         | fast, powerful and reliable.
           | zasdffaa wrote:
           | I tried using omnisharp with emacs and it was as crappy as
           | you say. I gave up with it and went back to Vis. studio, with
           | regrets.
         | honkob wrote:
         | Eglot is a bit of a smaller implementation and from my
         | experience tends to require a bit less configuration than lsp-
         | mode. I think eglot was settled on as the developer of eglot
         | specifically put in the effort to make sure people did
         | copyright assignment so it could be easily merged into the
         | emacs master
         | e3bc54b2 wrote:
         | *eglot (short for Emacs polyGLOT)
         | And major difference is eglot is slimmer compared to lsp-mode,
         | integrates with and relies on built-ins more (xref etc) rather
         | than inventing its own paradigm, is less cluttered by default
         | and IME less buggier than lsp-mode cludge and now comes with
         | emacs so doesn't need any other packages (other than language
         | servers themselves, of course).
         | OTOH lsp-mode supports more than 1 active language server per
         | buffer, generally support more features of the protocol than
         | eglot and installs servers automatically (which may be a
         | feature or bug depending on your system).
         | It comes down to utility and personal preference, but I've used
         | lsp-mode before, found it quite buggy and cluttered, moved to
         | eglot and have near zero LSP config now.
           | amake wrote:
           | lsp-mode also uses xref.
             | tptacek wrote:
             | It has its own thingy, too, in lsp-ui, right?
           | morelisp wrote:
           | > OTOH lsp-mode supports more than 1 active language server
           | per buffer
           | If LSP survives, I'm certain solving this in the editor
           | rather than the server this will come to be seen as an anti-
           | pattern.
             | mdaniel wrote:
             | I wish I knew more of the LSP surface area in order to know
             | whether a "meta LSP" was feasible. IJ has something similar
             | with "embedded languages" that it either ships knowing
             | about, or a user can annotate an AST section with a comment
             | (in the outer language's syntax) indicating the inner
             | language; SQL language support in Java is the most recent
             | example I can think of -- both of these situations allow
             | inspection of the inner language:                   // IJ
             | knows that "executeQuery" only accepts SQL string literals
             | // and the string is both highlighted and checked that
             | "count" and "thing" are legal
             | statement.executeQuery("SELECT count(1) FROM thing");
             | // the following line designates the inner language
             | // language=SQL         String someSql = "WITH thing AS
             | (SELECT whatever) SELECT * FROM thing";
             | With a language server, I'm guessing it would have to take
             | the 2nd route, since I don't _think_ language servers get
             | into the business of knowing the semantics of the libraries
             | against which they are completing
               | morelisp wrote:
               | It's a somewhat-supported thing;
               | https://code.visualstudio.com/api/language-
               | extensions/embedd... has some introduction to how it's
               | often done.
               | My (limited, from trying to hack a language server for a
               | custom C preprocessor I have and reading a few others)
               | experience is that language servers are not very good at
               | true arbitrary composition but even the most monolithic
               | ones are at least somewhat "wrappable". So a normal Java
               | LSP wrapped in something that recognizes `executeQuery`
               | and knows how to run additional checks on its string
               | argument is possible. However, that thing running the
               | additional checks on the string could not itself easily
               | be an arbitrary SQL language server unless it was
               | expressly designed for doing so.
               | The bigger issue is that you usually want some kind of
               | semantic knowledge to cross the boundary! For example in
               | HTML If I look for the definition of a string '#foo' in
               | JS I want to jump to the element with ID foo; if I want
               | to find uses of a .foo CSS selector I want to find the
               | HTML documents with class="foo" and the JSX components
               | with className="foo", etc. Isolating the servers misses
               | most of the potential. You need a language-server-
               | protocol-server protocol that can pass typed identifiers
               | between each other; and now you've got not just
               | programming problems but ontological problems which are
               | the worst kind to have.
               | mdaniel wrote:
               | That was a super interesting link, thank you.
               | For the ontological problem, I presume you're referring
               | to how there are so many differing ideas of how to
               | represent ASTs _(apologies for mixing languages, these
               | URLs were just handy)_ :
               | * https://lisperator.net/uglifyjs/ast#nodes
               | * https://github.com/estree/estree#the-estree-spec
               | * ... likely others
               | which makes it hard for ls1 to ask ls2 about "the for-of
               | iteration variable Node" because ls2 could be using
               | UglifyJS or ESTree or their own(!) AST nomenclature?
               | And all of this is made worse by (e.g.) Java1.3 versus
               | Java19 because languages are rarely static
           | josteink wrote:
           | > egloty ... now comes with emacs so doesn't need any other
           | packages (other than language servers themselves, of course).
           | One of the things I love about lsp-mode is how it
           | automatically installs any language server I need, when I
           | need it.
           | I would rather install one package and be done, than use one
           | built-in package, and have to manually hunt, download, and
           | manually maintain language-servers for all the different
           | languages I'm using in my programs, on all the machines I do
           | programming on.
           | If eglot wants to become the defacto standard, it will need
           | to solve this sooner rather than later.
           | But I suspect RMS will be opposed to having Emacs
           | automatically download "non-free" (not GPLed) code?
             | e3bc54b2 wrote:
             | I understand where you are coming from, but in my case
             | having anything be auto-installed is just a pain. My distro
             | of choice is NixOS where installing stuff works
             | fundamentally different from most other distros. When I
             | tried it, lsp-mode just wasn't aware of it (not sure if it
             | does now, but considering this space is vast, it is simply
             | impossible to support every distro out there). Which means
             | automated installation simply didn't work and I had to
             | spend lot of time finding issues. For Emacs newbie it was a
             | terrible pain.
             | Compared to that, I was done setting up Eglot + language
             | server in 2 minutes flat, there was no config needed and it
             | Just Worked!
             | rekado wrote:
             | > "non-free" (not GPLed)
             | These two terms are not synonymous. Only proprietary
             | software is "non-free". Software under free software
             | licenses other than the GPL (whether copyleft or
             | pushover/"permissive") is never considered "non-free".
             | lvass wrote:
             | On the other hand, "manually" installing LSP servers for me
             | has consistently been running a single liner, with the huge
             | benefit of being packaged in a predictable manner and
             | updated alongside my system.
             | tptacek wrote:
             | The idea of my lsp mode installing servers for me fills me
             | with dread. I'm fine with, like, `brew install whatever-
             | server` or `go get golang.org/x/tools/gopls` or whatever.
             | But if lsp-mode's deal for installing a new language server
             | happens not to work on my machine, I'm in for 45 minutes of
             | elisp debugging to figure out what the hell is going wrong.
             | Most languages we work in have more tooling than just a
             | language server; we don't expect Emacs to install our
             | debugger or code generator. It's weird that we expect it to
             | install the lsp server.
               | josteink wrote:
               | It has language servers for lots of things. Things you
               | may not even consider languages! HTML, CSS, JSON (and all
               | its different usages and schemas), etc.
               | What tooling would you install for that? What tooling
               | does your system package-manager offer for that?
               | LSP-mode offering a "vertical" form of integration here
               | (these major modes have been tested with these servers,
               | and here's how to install and invoke them) makes perfect
               | sense to me as a user.
           | jhoechtl wrote:
           | > OTOH lsp-mode supports more than 1 active language server
           | per buffer
           | for those editing html fes with css and javascript all in one
           | file this is a showstopper
         | luispauloml wrote:
         | Aside from what has been said, it is possible that whoever is
         | behind lsp-mode may have never actually suggested to merge it
         | into master. I haven't checked if this is the case, though, but
         | if it is, then the decision is a lot simpler.
         | clircle wrote:
         | Eglot has copyright assigned to FSF and has been targeting a
         | master branch merge since its development started.
       | NeutralForest wrote:
       | So glad, there's a branch for tree-sitter as well =)
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