[HN Gopher] Elasticsearch SQL
       Elasticsearch SQL
       Author : vincent_s
       Score  : 87 points
       Date   : 2022-10-24 18:29 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.elastic.co)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.elastic.co)
       | bitsondatadev wrote:
       | Trino is a nice query engine solution if you want to not just run
       | SQL on Elasticsearch but also want to be able to join data from
       | Elasticsearch with data in other systems Trino supports. It also
       | supports raw elasticsearch queries that are serialized back into
       | Trino data types.
       | https://trino.io/docs/current/connector/elasticsearch.html
       | abraxas wrote:
       | I'm conflicted on efforts like this. On the one hand SQL is for
       | better or worse the Lingua Franca of database interfaces. On the
       | other hand these half hearted, castrated implementations rarely
       | work with tools geared towards working with true relational
       | stores. The only real gain here is the surface level familiarity
       | and of course the big fat check mark that the marketing team can
       | put on the brochure to say "why, yes of course we support SQL!"
         | showerst wrote:
         | Having spent entirely too much of my life working with
         | Elastic's annoyingly verbose and confusing JSON query syntax,
         | the SQL is a big upgrade here even if it's not 1:1 with
         | relational DBs.
       | cyberCleve wrote:
       | As I recall, this is severely limited in that it does not
       | correctly support sub-searches or pivoting between different
       | indexes. Any news on if this has been improved?
       | Thristle wrote:
       | This was introduced in 6.x or even before that...
       | alexott wrote:
       | As I remember it was introduced in 2018th:
       | https://www.elastic.co/blog/an-introduction-to-elasticsearch...,
       | although there was an open source extension for that...
       | Although I wasn't very hard to implement it for a subset of
       | queries like group by, etc. - primary problem was a good OSS sql
       | parser. We used Presto back in 2016th for that
       | anirudha81 wrote:
       | https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/blob/2.x/docs/user...
       | sql support as per MySQL Grammer.
       | Please see the features and upcoming support for streaming sql
       | with materialized views with s3 support
       | jefurii wrote:
       | Why the f*** couldn't they just build Elasticsearch with a SQL
       | query language from the start? I hate their JSON query syntax and
       | now that this is out I feel like I wasted all the time I spent
       | making my applications work with it.
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | I guess one question, then, is why the f** you couldn't just
         | have used an rdmbs instead of ES from the start....
           | [deleted]
       | synthc wrote:
       | Seems like all the NoSQL databases eventually implement SQL,
       | maybe we should use EventuallySQL instead NoSQL
         | datalopers wrote:
         | MongoDB took about 8 years to fully implement SQL features but
         | they forced it into their god-awful syntax. At least Elastic
         | stuck with SQL?
           | jd_mongodb wrote:
           | MongoDB has an SQL interface these days if you need it
           | https://www.mongodb.com/atlas/sql
             | tofuahdude wrote:
             | That is absolutely hilarious
         | chickenpotpie wrote:
         | A reminder that NoSQL stands for "not only SQL"
           | ralusek wrote:
           | In a practical sense what it really means is "non-RDBMS."
           | Even more specifically what it means is "any of the database
           | technologies that were created or popularized in the period
           | following RDBMS dominance in order to circumvent the
           | performance limitations RDBMS technologies encountered at
           | internet scale."
           | SQL just, unfortunately, was treated somewhat synonymously
           | with RDBMS.
           | jhardy54 wrote:
           | That's a backronym.
           | > NoSQL (originally referring to "non-SQL" or "non-
           | relational") [...] NoSQL systems are also sometimes called
           | Not only SQL [...]
           | > -- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NoSQL
             | tofuahdude wrote:
             | thats the joke!
         | TotoHorner wrote:
         | What other prominent NoSQL databases eventually implemented SQL
         | for queries?
           | DeathArrow wrote:
           | CockroachDB
             | vvern wrote:
             | I don't think it's fair to say it's a NoSQL database. It's
             | very much a transactional, consistent SQL database.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | Cassandra added CQL which is very similar to but not exactly
           | SQL.
             | TotoHorner wrote:
             | Ah interesting. Thanks.
           | robertlagrant wrote:
           | Microsoft's CosmosDB (their DocumentDB clone) has a SQL-like
           | (yes) interface.
       | xnx wrote:
       | The next step is realizing that an SQL database is probably more
       | than enough for most Elasticsearch use cases. See
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32059566
       | anirudha81 wrote:
       | I agree sql is almost always better, but heard that many new
       | students and programmers would rather have a piped Grammer. Eg.
       | Unixish
       | https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/blob/2.x/docs/user...
       | bearjaws wrote:
       | I look forward to a future where everything is SQL at this point.
       | It seems we have spent a significant amount of effort avoiding
       | it, but it time and time again is the best way to query your
       | data.
       | I recently started using Steampipe and it has made my life about
       | 30x better not having to deal with the AWS or Slack API.
       | Essentially a tool to let you query their APIs using SQL, behind
       | the scenes it boots up a Postgres database and essentially does
       | ETL into it.
       | It doesn't do any updates to resources though, so back to the API
       | again...
       | https://steampipe.io/
         | ransom1538 wrote:
         | Put me at any company. Give me a mysql/oracle/etc replica to
         | look at tables with SQL. I will understand your business pretty
         | quickly. Give me a "key/value" store, i know nothing -- until i
         | read the code.
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | > _...seems we have spent a significant amount of effort
         | avoiding it, but it time and time again is the best way to
         | query your data._
         | It isn't that SQL is the best way (that these solutions keep
         | gravitating towards it), it is just that SQL is pretty much the
         | industry standard at this point. And supporting it is a
         | predictable and usual ploy to expand userbase further.
         | More so for the fact that ClickHouse continues to threaten
         | seemingly a critical portion of the business of both Snowflake
         | and Elastic.
           | dataminded wrote:
           | What query languages have you found that are better than SQL?
           | [edit] Typo.
             | sqlcommando wrote:
             | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-
             | explorer/kusto/... gets linked here from time to time,
             | along with this similar one https://github.com/prql/prql.
             | I'm not sure either one claims SQL parity at this point but
             | one thing they each have going for them is queries start
             | with the entities, rather than the columns, which makes
             | type-ahead completion more natural.
             | I think if you were going to do SQL over you would probably
             | do it that way. SQL is definitely not perfect or optimal,
             | just ubiquitous.
         | Beltalowda wrote:
         | The biggest upshot of SQL is that it makes migrating from one
         | system to the next a lot easier. I can write something against
         | SQLite or PostgreSQL, and when it comes time to move to
         | $something_else for a particular aspect for some reason I ...
         | just can, without having to rewrite the lot.
         | Of course, not all is perfect because no one actually supports
         | ANSI SQL, and everyone has their own extensions and
         | incompatibilities so you'll probably have to at least tweak
         | _some_ things. Besides, string concatenation isn 't exactly a
         | fantastic way to communicate with a database in the first
         | place. But at this point it's pretty much the only thing we've
         | got that's even vaguely universal.
           | ilyt wrote:
           | chasil wrote:
           | There is plenty of lock-in with commercial databases,
           | although the problem is improving.
           | SQL/PSM originated with Oracle, and the ADA syntax is slowly
           | creeping into many database products (but notably not
           | Microsoft/Sybase).
           | If you use PSM, then a number of database products are off
           | the table.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL/PSM
           | deckard1 wrote:
           | > at least tweak some things
           | That's _really_ understating the problem. Oracle, for
           | example, can be wildly different from MySQL or PostgreSQL.
           | SQLite makes selects extremely cheap, so cheap, that if you
           | try to do a straight migration to a server-based DB it will
           | probably just choke. Assuming any devs on your team realized
           | the benefits of SQLite and took advantage of them.
           | But it gets worst with SQL on things that are not relational
           | DBs. The exact person that SQL-on-Elasticsearch is designed
           | for is also going to be the person that won't know the
           | idiosyncrasies of Elasticsearch well enough to know when they
           | are in trouble.[1] They will end up trying to get
           | explanations for what is going on in Elasticsearch in terms
           | of what they know (i.e. SQL on a relational DB). The end
           | result will then be confusion and ultimately re-learning
           | Elasticsearch from the ground up.
           | [1] https://youtu.be/MO0r930Sn_8?t=368
         | stanislavb wrote:
         | And improving your SQL skills is almost always a good choice.
         | No-matter what tech-role you hold at the moment.
         | munk-a wrote:
         | Nothing could quite match my disappointment when I realized
         | that Splunk (a large scale logging storage and retrieval
         | product) decided to create a Splunk Query Language and eschew
         | SQL... except maybe when I realized that they had no equivalent
         | of `val IN(1,2,3...)` instead requiring `val = 1 OR val = 2 OR
         | val = 3 ...`
         | I have taught several non-techy business analyst type people
         | how to write SQL during my years of employment - it really
         | isn't that hard when most of the time it's just "SELECT what
         | you want FROM where you want it" and teaching more complex
         | concepts when and if they come up.
           | matthewaveryusa wrote:
           | And when those more complex concepts do come up and are too
           | difficult to teach (or you want to lower the barrier of
           | entry), you can always create a view that reduces the
           | complexity back down to a select from.
           | deeebug wrote:
           | Unsure if it was added recently, but Splunk Query Language
           | does have VAL IN (1,2,3) now -> https://docs.splunk.com/Docum
           | entation/Splunk/9.0.1/SearchRef...
             | Philip-J-Fry wrote:
             | Splunk 7 added that from what I can find. 5 years old at
             | least.
               | munk-a wrote:
               | I've been using it for quite a while.
         | yarg wrote:
         | The syntax is still backward though.
         | > SELECT blah FROM source
         | vs
         | > FROM source SELECT blah
         | Fixing this would permit some very useful developer features.
           | BeefySwain wrote:
           | Is this the part where I mention that trailing commas should
           | be permitted?
             | munk-a wrote:
             | I'd really like to see trailing commas and I think in most
             | cases they wouldn't actually break with standards
             | requirements. I can accept that I don't have a perfect
             | knowledge of SQL and may be wrong, but I believe `, FROM`
             | `, WHERE` `, LIMIT` would all be pretty easy to detect.
           | slickrick216 wrote:
           | It's because it's streaming I'd bet so really just a wrapper
           | on;
           | index=blah | fields foo
       | coding123 wrote:
       | I haven't used it but you could technically do this over spark in
       | a bunch of round-about ways. But this would be more direct. more
       | right out of the box.
       | starik36 wrote:
       | I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to get their ODBC
       | driver to work as a linked server from SQL Server. I opened
       | tickets and tested various versions. Finally I just gave up
       | because I moved to a company that wasn't using ES.
       | I wonder if they ever got the ODBC driver to work.
       | gavinray wrote:
       | Just as an FYI for folks, you could query Elasticsearch via SQL
       | with Apache Calcite:
       | https://calcite.apache.org/docs/elasticsearch_adapter.html
       | pebcakID10T wrote:
       | It's pretty cool for light work, but I imagine you would be
       | better off doing native ES queries so when you need more complex
       | queries, weighted searches, and optimizations, you will be in a
       | better place to do that.
       (page generated 2022-10-24 23:00 UTC)