[HN Gopher] Vim After 15 Years
       Vim After 15 Years
       Author : metadat
       Score  : 14 points
       Date   : 2022-10-26 21:39 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.langworth.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.langworth.com)
       | gw99 wrote:
       | After 23 years now I pretty much use it as it is out of the box
       | and still only know a small subset of commands. It has been my
       | primary editor that entire time other than when I had to work on
       | C# projects. I have never encountered a bug or crash in that
       | period.
         | midasuni wrote:
         | I used it out of the box until vin 8 when they made a ton of
         | annoying changes involving the defaults. I now have a vimrc to
         | restore it.
           | gw99 wrote:
           | Yeah I have a vimrc but it's only about 8 lines long. I
           | usually type it from memory.
       | petepete wrote:
       | My setup is very similar to the one described in the post, but I
       | switched to neovim for the TreeSitter and LSP.
       | Still, after all these years it's Tim Pope's plugins and fzf that
       | make my editing experience so quick and fun. I could live without
       | the rest, but an honourable mention goes to LuaSnip.
       | mixedmath wrote:
       | This seems to hold pretty well. I've been using vim for
       | approximately 15 years now too and my current setup and
       | preferences are surprisingly similar to those in this post.
       | There is a certain organizational aspect here that I think is
       | important to emphasize: the given paradigm is that vim is a text
       | editor forming one part of the design environment. Assembling
       | this environment inside a tmux session is particularly easy and
       | powerful. And plugins can add some quality of life.
       | In addition, I also like the vim-slime plugin. All this does is
       | facilitate sending lines/regions/blocks to a REPL (or in
       | principle, any tmux pane). It's similar to the tmux send-keys
       | function described in the OP.
       | A different paradigm of vim use is growing in popularity, which
       | is the transform vim into a full IDE on its own.
       | mfonda wrote:
       | > Note that :Ack will jump to the first result in the QuickFix
       | list by default. If you dislike this, use :Ack!
       | Wow, I've been using :Ack for years and have always found that
       | behavior rather annoying. I had no idea about :Ack! -- definitely
       | going to remember this one.
       | Trufa wrote:
       | It's alway pretty fascinating to me that people can actually be
       | productive without an IDE.
       | I've tried several times Vim and I just don't get it how you can
       | live without certain functionalities, I'm sure that with enough
       | tinkering you can get pretty close but search seems to always be
       | kind of a pain in the ass for the complex queries with regex
       | through many files and stuff like that specially the presenting
       | of results has never been close in my opinion as to something
       | like IntelliJ does it.
       | Things like god damn, I've done goofed or I don't quite remember
       | something and having the internal file history with a diff
       | readily available.
       | Some of the click and find implementation/usages never seems to
       | quite there to me.
       | I could go on, if you're truly being productive and not missing
       | out on feature, more power to you, but I honestly wonder if
       | there's no element of fun/pride in using something like vim now-
       | a-days, which of course is totally fine and way more important in
       | my book (to an extent) to pure productivity.
       | There is also the point of being able to use vim bindings inside
       | of the IDE.
       | Maybe I'm just an idiot that can't Vim, totally open to that
       | idea, but I'm truly wondering how productive it actually is.
       | hnzix wrote:
       | FZF is awesome but I would hesitate to remap ; as you lose that
       | binding for movement repeat.
       | Ancapistani wrote:
       | [2017]
       (page generated 2022-10-26 23:00 UTC)