[HN Gopher] Ask HN: What piece of code/codebase blew your mind w...
       Ask HN: What piece of code/codebase blew your mind when you saw it?
       Mine was when I learned a subset of recursion called mutual
       recursion. It was for a pair of function to determine if a number
       was odd or even.  (define (odd? x)                 (cond
       [(zero? x) #f]                   [else (even? (sub1 x))]))
       (define (even? x)                 (cond                   [(zero?
       x) #t]                   [else (odd? (sub1 x))]))
       Author : Decabytes
       Score  : 84 points
       Date   : 2022-10-31 21:06 UTC (1 hours ago)
       | jesse__ wrote:
       | Handmade Hero.
       | Before warching Casey program, it had not occurred to me you
       | could sit down with a compiler and write an entire video game
       | from scratch.
       | Then, I found out Jonathan Blow sat down and wrote his own
       | compiler, followed by an engine, and now has a game in flight.
       | It's a truly incredible what these guys (and their teams) get
       | done.
         | cloogshicer wrote:
         | Hey, could you recommend an episode of Handmade Hero to get
         | started with? Should you just start at the very beginning or
         | somewhere later in the process?
         | gleenn wrote:
         | Reminds me of the author of the K programming language, Arthur
         | Whitney, wrote is own language, then database, and now he's
         | working on his own OS.
       | Isamu wrote:
       | Lots of good responses here, so I'll give an example that blew my
       | mind in a negative way:
       | Fortran IV code, thousands of lines, no functions, only GOTOs
       | jumping everywhere randomly. Mostly one or two letter variables,
       | lots of GOTOs that turned out to be loops, with lots more jumping
       | into the middle of them and jumping out of them into other loops.
       | No documentation, I was supposed to modularize it. Failed.
       | But it successfully calculated thermodynamic properties for
       | engineering designs, so go figure.
       | nanumbat wrote:
       | My first job in 1987 was porting all of Oracle's source code
       | (entirely in C for 32 bit architectures) to a 64 bit Control Data
       | mainframe.
       | So, that.
         | eigenvalue wrote:
         | Was it particularly well written or optimized in very clever
         | ways? Bob Miner was supposedly a beast of a coder from what
         | I've read, so wouldn't surprise me.
       | _whiteCaps_ wrote:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff%27s_device
       | send(to, from, count)       register short *to, *from;
       | register count;       {           register n = (count + 7) / 8;
       | switch (count % 8) {           case 0: do { *to = *from++;
       | case 7:      *to = *from++;           case 6:      *to = *from++;
       | case 5:      *to = *from++;           case 4:      *to = *from++;
       | case 3:      *to = *from++;           case 2:      *to = *from++;
       | case 1:      *to = *from++;                   } while (--n > 0);
       | }       }
         | vinay_ys wrote:
         | I encountered this technique and I learned the concept of
         | coroutines, it was quite something.
           | hansvm wrote:
           | I remember something about that too. Was this the blog you
           | read?
           | https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/coroutines.html
         | krylon wrote:
         | For a long time, I would at this about once a year and _almost_
         | understand what it does, but never quite getting it. It felt
         | like looking at a hypercube.
         | Then I read it was about loop unrolling, and suddenly it
         | clicked.
       | omoikane wrote:
       | IOCCC taught me that form is just as important as function, and
       | often a lot more fun:
       | https://www.ioccc.org/
       | krylon wrote:
       | Years ago, fresh out of training, I got a job that involved image
       | recognition, and I spent a couple of weeks reading the code
       | dealing with image processing. I was confused, until I realized
       | that all the operations were basically the same, the only
       | difference was the matrix of weights applied to the pixels.
       | That same week, I had a chat with a friend who at the time was
       | dabbling in audio processing, and we tried to understand how
       | lowpass and hipass filters worked. When we did understand it, I
       | realized they worked basically the same as the image processing
       | operations, just with a temporal aspect to it.
       | joshxyz wrote:
       | messagepack implementations.
       | made me realize how much knobs are there in writing a data to
       | bytes encoding function.. you get to pick a trade off between
       | readability, ease of implementation (in other language), encoding
       | speed, encoding output size, and more.
       | nl wrote:
       | The Peter Norvig spellchecker: https://norvig.com/spell-
       | correct.html
       | I like it because it's _so_ clearly coded - there are no crazy
       | syntax tricks or hacks - it 's just obviously the right way to
       | write it. And yet it is compact, elegant and non-obvious if you
       | are writing it yourself.
       | srik wrote:
       | CPS comes to mind (Continuation passing style). Apparently
       | continuations really do it for me. One of the many gains from
       | picking up functional programming is stumbling upon little
       | "pearls" like these that I wouldn't have otherwise.
       | https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Continuation_passing_s...
       | fferen wrote:
       | Data from functions:
       | (define (cons x y) (lambda (m) (m x y)))
       | (define (car z) (z (lambda (p q) p)))
       | (define (cdr z) (z (lambda (p q) q)))
       | ihaveabeardnow wrote:
       | I once saw a 20k line Java source file, being used in
       | production... no it wasn't generated. that blew my mind.
         | marginalia_nu wrote:
         | Now that's job security!
       | pawelduda wrote:
       | More of a shell snippet, but removing duplicate lines with awk is
       | one that comes to my mind:
       | awk '!seen[$0]++'
       | gorgoiler wrote:
       | Rob Pike's lexer was very nicely done and struck a chord with me.
       | It's not nearly as magical as some of the other things here. It's
       | just great engineering:
       | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HxaD_trXwRE
       | gregfjohnson wrote:
       | Ken Thompson's self-perpetuating hack on the c compiler and
       | login.c to create a back door that is invisible in the compiler
       | source code and the source code of login.c. Described in his
       | Turing Award acceptance speech, "Reflections on Trusting Trust".
       | pyjarrett wrote:
       | C++'s "Curiously Recurring Template Pattern"
       | template <typename T>          class Foo {};               class
       | Bar : public Foo<Bar> { ... };
       | https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/crtp
         | neeeeees wrote:
         | Good answer. OP didn't specify "blew your mind in a good way".
           | Turing_Machine wrote:
           | If "not in a good way" counts, my nominee would be
           | discovering the hard way that a Windows C function declared
           | as type BOOL can actually return 1,0, or -1.
           | Now, if it had been declared int, I would probably have been
           | on the lookout for it using something other than 1 or 0 as an
           | error condition, but why bother to explicitly invent a BOOL
           | type and then abuse it that way?
       | skruger wrote:
       | Arthur Whitney's J Incunabulum:
       | https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Essays/Incunabulum
       | fegu wrote:
       | The doom square root trick. Reducing an expensive function to
       | almost nothing with low error. Many writeups on the web far
       | better than I could give.
         | jesse__ wrote:
         | I think you mean quakes fast inverse square root? Not aware
         | doom had a clever sqrt routine, but I would be happy to be
         | wrong!
         | kabr wrote:
         | *Quake
       | VirusNewbie wrote:
       | profunctor optics.
       | [deleted]
       | jiripospisil wrote:
       | Well, .NET's garbage collector certainly springs to mind. Not
       | exactly in a good way. You know you have something special on
       | your hands when GitHub refuses to show you a highlighted version
       | of a hand written C++ file (https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blo
       | b/98984ccad55362a66b7fd...).
       | Other than that, I remember my mind was blown a few times while
       | watching Jim Weirich's presentation on functional programming all
       | those years ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FITJMJjASUs).
       | btown wrote:
       | ICantBelieveItCanSort: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.01111.pdf
       | smcameron wrote:
       | Actually Portable Executables / Cosmopolitan
       | https://justine.lol/ape.html https://github.com/jart/cosmopolitan
       | apeace wrote:
       | I really don't like that example. I get that it's just
       | demonstrating mutual recursion and not intended to be practical,
       | but I feel like there could be other ways to demonstrate that
       | concept that aren't so inefficient.
       | My answer would be the jQuery code base, back in the day when
       | that was popular. At the time I didn't know a whole lot about
       | Javascript or the DOM. I remember it feeling like the kind of
       | code you could just read top to bottom and it was almost like
       | reading a novel. Really well-organized, well-commented, and
       | effective. I don't know if it's still like that, but at the time
       | it was transformative for me.
       | fegu wrote:
       | Swapping two variables without a temporary using xor.
         | nicklaf wrote:
         | Also: zeroing a register by XORing it with itself.
         | Turing_Machine wrote:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XOR_swap_algorithm
       | mjw1007 wrote:
       | Hashlife.
       | I'm pretty sure that if something of the sort had occurred to me
       | before I came across it, I would have thought "that'll never
       | work" and moved on without taking it seriously.
       | nicklaf wrote:
       | Not programming per se, but: mathematical induction. It feels
       | like cheating to get an infinite number of true statements by
       | cleverly setting up a deductive argument.
       | jph wrote:
       | The Legendary Fast Inverse Square Root with "Voodoo Black Magic"
       | https://medium.com/hard-mode/the-legendary-fast-inverse-squa...
         | jesse__ wrote:
         | 10/10
         | KIFulgore wrote:
         | That one still kills me. By Carmack's comment, surprised him
         | too.
       | Phrodo_00 wrote:
       | The actual y combinator (for recursive anonymous functions) took
       | me a while to understand, and I'm pretty sure that by now I've
       | forgot how it works and would need to take a second look at it.
       | On the less functional side, Linux linked lists are super smart.
       | gaudat wrote:
       | The Elixir |> (pipeline / nose) operator. Makes functional
       | programming much cleaner without brackets or intermediate
       | variables. I wish more programming language has this. JavaScript
       | comes close with chained calls of map.
       | swyx wrote:
       | it isn't rocket science, but
       | https://github.com/fkling/astexplorer significantly raised my
       | standard of what a readable, modifiable, nontrivial react/redux
       | codebase could look like. bonus that astexplorer is basically
       | used by everyone in the js tooling ecosystem
       | [deleted]
       | jeffreyrogers wrote:
       | Arthur Whitney's compiler for a language "isomorphic to c":
       | https://kparc.com/b/.
       | Amazing that someone can write correct, fast code like that.
       | thenipper wrote:
       | Most legacy ML models I've had to move to production aka not on a
       | laptop. Oh you meant in a good way...
       | eb0la wrote:
       | A flight simulator called fly8 had an interesting C structure
       | made of pointers to functions. It was a way to declare a device
       | driver in C.
       | Years later I could tell my colleagues how a device driver/plugin
       | actually worked (before COM/etc) just with this.
         | Phrodo_00 wrote:
         | uefi's boot services are pretty much implemented this exact
         | way.
       | tcgv wrote:
       | I was mind blown in college when learning recursive programming
       | and being introduced to the recursive solution to the Tower of
       | Hanoi problem:
       | - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Hanoi#Recursive_imple...
       | I remeber thinking "where's the rest of the code? It surely can't
       | be just those lines!"
       | treffer wrote:
       | For codenbases... Objectweb ASM blew my mind.
       | It's a library to read/write java class files. The core at that
       | time would fit into 2 java files.
       | It was a reader and a writer built around a visitor pattern. At
       | that time apache bcel was also big, a library to build in-memory
       | class file representations which you would then manipulate. ASM
       | allowed you to do many transformation without ever holding the
       | whole file in memory.
       | ASM also had an in-memory representation as an add-on. It was all
       | nicely layered and the core was just a marvelous small piece of
       | code, with incredible low memory consumption.
       | pierrec wrote:
       | I've read and re-implemented a lot of stuff by Inigo Quilez. Much
       | of it is ingenious but eventually straightforward once you get
       | the hang of it. I still find this particular snippet magical:
       | https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MdB3Dw
       | Well, the code itself is simple GLSL. The math is (and I have not
       | verified this) not that complex either, as I believe it's all
       | about integrating the raytracing equation for a moving sphere
       | over the time variable. I guess what I find most impressive is
       | just the fact that it works and that someone even thought of
       | doing that. I also think this is currently the only example of
       | this method being used anywhere, and it might mostly stay that
       | way because the method might not be super generalisable.
         | paulgb wrote:
         | His "Painting a Character with Maths" video is also incredibly
         | mind-blowing.
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8--5LwHRhjk
         | CyborgCabbage wrote:
         | He has a YouTube channel as well: https://youtu.be/8--5LwHRhjk
         | Also you may like Marble Marcher made by Code Parade, it's a
         | game that uses a similar approach to rendering:
         | https://youtu.be/9U0XVdvQwAI
       | jansan wrote:
       | Euclidean algorithm as a one-line function:
       | function gcd(a,b){ return b ? gcd(b, a%b) : a; }
         | racl101 wrote:
         | An oldie but a goodie.
       | davchana wrote:
       | Mine was super basic, one of many, that a 0 DAY can push an excel
       | date a day behind, so DATE(2022, 10, 0) means Last Day of
       | October. No need to keep an array of which month has 30, 31 or
       | 28/29 days. Simple DATE(2022,3,0) gives the last day of February.
       | Trufa wrote:
       | For me it was as simple as when I could start doing functional
       | programming with javascript.
       | I was so surprised, since I had learned the other way first that
       | it is actually easier to teach functional approaches with
       | teenagers.
       | arr.map(x => x _2) was abundantly clearer than
       | const newArr = [] for(let i, i < arr.length, i++) {
       | newArr.push(arr[i]_2) }
       | And to be perfectly honest, I might have goofed the for loop.
         | carl_dr wrote:
         | > I might have goofed the for loop.
         | Yeah, you did! It should have used semi-colons. (And HN has
         | lost the carets ...)
         | And I agree completely with you.
         | jansan wrote:
         | The javascript array functions and arrow functions are a gift
         | from heaven.
         |  _And to be perfectly honest, I might have goofed the for
         | loop._
         | You did, the commas must be semicolons :)
           | dopidopHN wrote:
           | I miss that ability to just pass whatever around easily in
           | JS.
           | Ok... it's Footgun prone and callback hell is real.
           | But I still try to obtain that in other more boring language.
           | mikercampbell wrote:
           | Functional JavaScript has saved me so much. And I'm not
           | talkin Ramda, just functional principles.
           | I can't tell you how much time I spent chasing a bug when it
           | was a date that was passed by reference.
           | Rather than trying to keep track, I just return copies of
           | arrays and objects and it's way easier.
           | Even a simple
           | ``` function yeppers(input) => ({...input, x: 7}) ```
           | (An overly simple example)
           | has made things smoother.
         | joshxyz wrote:
         | this is a huge milestone in my coding. i remember refactoring a
         | bunch of my code as soon as i learned how to use map functions
         | lol
       | mattmiller wrote:
       | Its been a while since I worked with this lib but I always
       | thought Pygments was pretty.
       | https://github.com/pygments/pygments
       | icelancer wrote:
       | A lot of VGA/SVGA paging blew my mind 20-25 years ago when I saw
       | it.
       | Frankly, it still does. Low-mid level graphics code is incredible
       | wizardry.
         | downvotetruth wrote:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26607815
       | fouronnes3 wrote:
       | In python the inverse of the zip function is zip. You call it
       | with with * to make list elements into function arguments. So a,
       | b = zip(*c) is the inverse of c = zip(a, b).
       | pklausler wrote:
       | Haskell:                   primes = filterPrime [2..]
       | where filterPrime (p:xs) = p : filterPrime [x | x <- xs, x `mod`
       | p /= 0]
         | KerrickStaley wrote:
         | This uses trial division to find primes, which is not
         | efficient, and I would not recommend using this implementation.
         | Instead you should use the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm.
         | Unfortunately this algorithm is easier to implement in an
         | imperative, eager fashion than in a lazy, functional fashion.
         | See the paper "The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes" for more
         | details: https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/papers/Sieve-JFP.pdf
           | [deleted]
         | mikercampbell wrote:
         | Haskell is one of those that I want to get into, but don't have
         | the bandwidth. I'm getting into elixir and even that has had to
         | require a shift of perspective
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