[HN Gopher] Seeking the productive life: Some details of my pers...
       Seeking the productive life: Some details of my personal
       infrastructure (2019)
       Author : pcr910303
       Score  : 133 points
       Date   : 2022-11-02 15:57 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (writings.stephenwolfram.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (writings.stephenwolfram.com)
       | adamredwoods wrote:
       | Previously (still a good re-read!):
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26045380
       | I have the problem of flat surfaces, I've been trying hard to
       | figure out a better way for incoming papers (bills, to read, to
       | investigate, to shred).
         | dang wrote:
         | Thanks! Macroexpanded:
         |  _Seeking the Productive Life: Some Details of My Personal
         | Infrastructure (2019)_ -
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26045380 - Feb 2021 (63
         | comments)
       | reidjs wrote:
       | Part of my solution to this is to identify what parts of a
       | project can be done from my phone and then intentionally avoid
       | doing those on the computer.
       | - Writing correspondence, essays, docs, todolists? The voice-to-
       | text feature works great on iPhones.
       | - Reading blog posts or articles? Extract text then run it
       | through the iPhone's screen reader.
       | - Moving trello tasks around? Do it through the phone app. etc.
         | sokoloff wrote:
         | Writing an essay via voice-to-text on my phone sounds like one
         | of the most painful things I could voluntarily subject myself
         | to.
         | Siri can't even get simple text messages write (pun intended)
           | madars wrote:
           | The great thing about text editors, and to a large extent
           | also paper, is that they give you random access - you can
           | easily see the whole document and make edits at arbitrary
           | points. It's incredibly ergonomic (there is a reason why
           | books overtook scrolls!) and I doubt voice-driven editing can
           | come close. At the same time, audio is easy for creating
           | conversational-style pieces (e.g. podcasts) but a good final
           | product must always come with timestamped transcripts (how
           | else would one grep and/or skip?)
         | Calamitous wrote:
         | I'd be curious to hear what you're using on iPhone for voice-
         | to-text. I've tried a few things and the results have been
         | pretty awful for me.
           | reidjs wrote:
           | Oh just tap the little mic button next to the space bar with
           | any app. It works great (admittedly a white, American male
           | here).
       | dmje wrote:
       | My intuition is that all of the benefit you get being outside and
       | walking is probably lost by strapping a laptop to yourself and
       | being on calls the whole time. Call me old fashioned but I'm
       | outside to look at the sea, hear the birds and be very definitely
       | away from my tech.
         | surfsvammel wrote:
         | For the last year or so I have scheduled my two status meetings
         | back to back in the mornings. That means I have 90 minutes of
         | walking in the forrest in the morning (30min before the
         | meetings and then 30min each for the two meetings).
         | I have two teams reporting to me, and each have a 30minute
         | morning meeting where we decide what needs the team attention
         | during the day. There is also room for small talk to keep it a
         | bit social.
         | Those meetings do not need screensharing very often. When they
         | do, we can manage to look briefly at a phone screen.
         | It has been wonderful and it is something I would miss if I
         | ever had another job. I encourage the others in the team to do
         | the same thing.
         | Walking in the forrest have two benefits; less risk of getting
         | hit by a car, and, it's more quiet of a background for when I
         | unmute.
         | Highly recommended!
           | oangemangut wrote:
           | What about for other users of the forest? Hopefully you're
           | able to stay well away from them so as not to disturb the
           | peace and quiet of the forest for work.
           | holler wrote:
           | > Walking in the forrest have two benefits; it's less chance
           | to get hit by a car, and it's more quiet of a background for
           | when I unmute.
           | More than that, it's very cathartic and peaceful. I used to
           | live next to a big park on the Puget Sound and I would do a
           | similar routine, in addition to occasionally taking a stroll
           | through the park (effectively a forest) at lunch.
           | It had a very calming effect, def miss that!
       | gigel82 wrote:
       | Those monitors trigger me. Uneven heights, one is tilted, there's
       | a gap big enough to fit a hand through, and they're miscalibrated
       | (different color temperature).
       | quijoteuniv wrote:
       | What a guy! Yes, I believe the point is to find what keeps you
       | motivated and works for you. One of my favourite hacks/ritual is
       | making a lot of Mate tea in the morning, drinking a cup, and
       | taking a 1 liter thermo to work. Mate is the best kind of energy
       | drink available and you can pretty much drink as much as you want
       | with no sideeffects (except an extra trip to the toilet). This
       | way I avoid bad coffe at the office. On weekends i drop the Mate
       | tea and prepare myself some descent coffee as a treat
         | mxwsn wrote:
         | I love mate, but just one extra toilet trip is a substantial
         | underestimate for many..
       | [deleted]
       | m463 wrote:
       | title should probably say [2019]
       | gordon_freeman wrote:
       | Everything he does I see his keyboard or monitor in the
       | background. I don't know why he is so much into 'productivity'
       | that even for walks he has to be in front of his machine and
       | working? Why can't he just enjoy walking to relax a bit outdoors.
       | I think walking is as much for mental well being as for improving
       | physical health and decoupling from work and digital life is how
       | I'd like to relax.
         | elzbardico wrote:
         | For people like him, working is the supreme form of relaxation.
         | I can't relate, it is not my cup of tea, but I can understand
         | it and refrain for judging.
       | testfoobar wrote:
       | Hi this is Stephen Wolfram. Let's talk about my favorite topic:
       | Stephen Wolfram.
         | gjvc wrote:
         | 100%
         | Also, don't mention the Rulians.
         | zabzonk wrote:
         | no idea why this was downvoted, except possibly by people who
         | don't know about wolfram
           | dang wrote:
           | For starters, it was snarky, a shallow dismissal, a personal
           | attack, unsubstantive, and an internet trope.
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | SkyMarshal wrote:
           | It's honestly just a boring comment. Yes we all know Wolfram
           | is self-indulgent and overly long-winded, nothing new there,
           | no need to belabor the obvious.
           | The question is whether there's anything of value to be
           | gleaned from his novella-length blog posts. If you think not,
           | then just downvote or flag article submission.
           | But if you actually read the whole thing and found specific
           | things of value, and want to summarize them here, then by all
           | means I hope you're upvoted a million times.
             | deathanatos wrote:
             | > _The question is whether there 's anything of value to be
             | gleaned from his novella-length blog posts. If you think
             | not, then just downvote or flag article submission._
             | Flagging, I've always felt, is sort of heavy-handed for "I
             | disagree with". I use it for spam and the like.
             | There is no "downvote" feature, for article submissions.
             | Which is why it is disappointing when low quality reads
             | like this makes it to the front page.
           | [deleted]
         | dang wrote:
         | Please let's not do Wolfram Derangement Syndrome in HN threads
         | --if not for Wolfram, at least for ourselves. This was already
         | a cliche a decade ago.
         | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...
         | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=false&so...
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | testfoobar wrote:
           | Understood.
           | BTW - as always - thank you for keeping HN threads focused
           | and useful.
       | caust1c wrote:
       | > I have systems that keep all sorts of data, including every
       | keystroke I type, every step I take and what my computer screen
       | looks like every minute
       | Yikes? He's smart, so I'm sure he's protected it adequately, but
       | auditing the surface area of this much software seems insane.
         | kodah wrote:
         | I run my own personal infrastructure. Most of what it takes is
         | to research secure setups from the beginning. You don't have
         | other users so upgrades aren't painful. Frankly what I find
         | most difficult is dealing with aging hardware, but this dude
         | probably had the money to buy everything new.
         | justinlloyd wrote:
         | Not really. I keep even more than that. And at a finer grained
         | resolution. And have done so for almost two decades. It's all
         | put on to a write-only-by-the-capturing-device/read-only-by-
         | other-device secured storage system.
           | timdavila wrote:
           | Curious why you do this and what you feel like it adds to
           | your life?
       | prashp wrote:
       | Is Gwern [1] actually Stephen Wolfram's alter ego? Two sides of
       | the same coin
       | [1] https://www.gwern.net/
       | yayitswei wrote:
       | Has anyone found those funny glasses to be effective at
       | preventing carsickness?
       | jeliotj wrote:
       | I've always found Stephen Wolfram's thoughts to be overly self
       | indulgent, and this is no exception. But it is illuminating since
       | it reveals what I most loathe: the productive life.
       | Being productive is not a good. It leads to wanting to attach a
       | computer to oneself while going on a walk outdoors!
         | xmprt wrote:
         | Being productive is good but only as a means to an end. If
         | you're using your productivity to get more done then that can
         | be dangerous. But if you're using it to get your work done
         | faster then it's actually quite useful.
         | hooverd wrote:
         | Productivity people remind me of that one KRAZAM video [1].
         | [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o7qjN3KF8U
         | prottog wrote:
         | > Being productive is not a good
         | Perhaps you mean that being maximally productive -- that is,
         | seeking productivity over all other goals in life -- is not a
         | good? Because productivity is definitely a good. Without it,
         | all crumbles away to the natural state, which is chaotic and
         | for human purposes "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short".
           | jeliotj wrote:
           | No, I meant what I said exactly. The product might be a good;
           | that can be debated. But the action itself is not
           | intrinsically good.
           | What makes an action good? It always or necessarily produces
           | good things. Very few actions are good in themselves.
           | As to the Hobbes quote: too much for now! I'm at work. :)
         | renewiltord wrote:
         | This is a common sentiment on the Internet. But when I look
         | around at the people I know, none of the people who are anti-
         | productivity are people I admire. In fact, the pro-productivity
         | people do much more of everything with better outcomes.
         | - The pro-productivity people are more involved parents and
         | family members
         | - The pro-productivity people are more involved in hobbies
         | - The pro-productivity people create many more things
         | - The pro-productivity people lift more, go outdoors more,
         | travel more
         | It appears, empirically from my sample set, that being pro-
         | productivity correlates with spending one's life meaningfully.
         | Having chosen to model myself on those I know like this, my
         | life has gotten better.
         | This class of advice (anti-productivity) therefore appears to
         | me to be in the same class of advice as other Internet advice:
         | "kick your kids out at 18 to teach them personal
         | responsibility", "don't take on debt", etc.
         | To make it worse, you only have to scroll approx 1 page down
         | before you have a picture of Stephen Wolfram outdoors.
         | The separation of work and play that so many online commenters
         | form is perhaps key to this whole thing. Work is not a thing I
         | do for money alone. I feel happy and fulfilled when I do it. It
         | is fun!
           | yamtaddle wrote:
           | > The separation of work and play that so many online
           | commenters form is perhaps key to this whole thing. Work is
           | not a thing I do for money alone. I feel happy and fulfilled
           | when I do it. It is fun!
           | That's not "online commenters". It's like 95+% of people who
           | work for a paycheck.
           | BaseballPhysics wrote:
           | > But when I look around at the people I know, none of the
           | people who are anti-productivity are people I admire.
           | It's interesting to me that you think the opposite of "pro-
           | productivity"--which I define as people who are constantly
           | engaging in life hacks to increase their perceived
           | "productivity", and thus treat productivity as some kind of
           | end unto itself--is "anti-productivity".
           | Could we agree that the healthy thing lies somewhere in the
           | middle?
           | cableshaft wrote:
           | > The pro-productivity people are more involved parents and
           | family members
           | I haven't seen this amongst several people I know as pro-
           | productivity. The productivity tends to be hyper-focused on
           | work and side hustles/creative, and family/parental duties
           | seemed to be neglected as a result. But I couldn't find any
           | data on this with a quick search, so it's just conflicting
           | anecdata to your anecdata.
           | Your other bullet points do align more with my experience,
           | but not this one.
           | ativzzz wrote:
           | > Work is not a thing I do for money alone. I feel happy and
           | fulfilled when I do it. It is fun!
           | I really wish I could get into this mindset instead of
           | dreading work. I find no fulfillment from work, in fact the
           | most fulfilled i've felt was when I had no obligations to
           | anyone or anything (taking a break from work)
           | n4r9 wrote:
           | Having read that blog post as well as others like [1], I'm
           | not convinced Wolfram has the time to fulfill those bullet
           | points in a fully engaged manner. He appears to be constantly
           | working (or at least be available for calls and meetings)
           | from waking up at 11am to going to bed at 3am, with a 2-hour
           | dinner break.
           | I dunno, he's clearly not your average Joe. I also enjoy my
           | work but it's more stressful than going for a walk or playing
           | the guitar. At work there are expectations and deadlines, and
           | I have to plan and manage my time, and update the right
           | people when there are delays or scope changes etc etc. Going
           | for a walk you can just be whatever you are in the moment,
           | you don't have to do or be anything that's asked of you for a
           | few hours.
           | [1] https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2012/03/the-personal-
           | ana...
           | iamdbtoo wrote:
           | > It appears, empirically from my sample set, that being pro-
           | productivity correlates with spending one's life
           | meaningfully.
           | I think many people have wildly different ideas about what
           | makes a life meaningful and even more about what is a
           | productive use of time.
         | latenightcoding wrote:
         | Most people don't have his potential. Yeah, I'm aware he pushes
         | a lot of crackpot science, but he is still exceedingly
         | brilliant. For the average folk, this is a horrible way to
         | live.
         | _boffin_ wrote:
         | I find that you're projecting your thoughts and lifestyle onto
         | his lifestyle choice. Just stop as it does nobody any good.
         | What's wrong with attaching a computer to oneself while walking
         | outdoors? Does he have the same intrinsic motivators as you?
         | Probably not. Does it matter? Probably not.
         | What about people that go outside and just read? Is that not a
         | good life?
           | yamtaddle wrote:
           | He's the one who posted it online. Fine if others post that
           | they think it's bad, and why. Laudable, even, if you suppose
           | he posted it to communicate some message and others find that
           | message to be harmful or misleading or otherwise bad. They
           | _ought to_ post what they think is wrong with it.
             | _boffin_ wrote:
             | Much more eloquent than what I said
         | bpodgursky wrote:
         | Do you think the world is worse for Stephen Wolfram having been
         | productive?
           | idoh wrote:
           | I took it more along the lines of "this advice is not
           | generally applicable" as opposed to dunking on Wolfram.
         | agnos wrote:
         | This. I felt an almost cringe-like reaction from reading the
         | article. It reminds me of Goodhart's Law: when a measure
         | becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. At some point
         | being productive becomes the end goal and no longer a means to
         | an end, and you've lost touch with the beauty of just going on
         | a walk in nature.
       | 0000011111 wrote:
       | What a fascinating person! Personally, I prefer to run 10 miles
       | on a trail in the morning then go to work and grind. Vs trying to
       | combine exersize and work.
         | diordiderot wrote:
         | Rucking (walking with weight on your back) is actually really
         | really good for both cardio and strength.
         | Once you get older and the knees start wearing out it's a great
         | alternative
       | simonw wrote:
       | I love this essay so much. It was the inspiration for my Dogsheep
       | project - https://dogsheep.github.io/ - because I wanted to build
       | a much less impressive version of a subset of what Wolfram had
       | built, and a Dogsheep is clearly a less intimidating version of a
       | Wolfram!
       | (Also it meant I could call my search engine Dogsheep Beta, as
       | opposed to Wolfram Alpha - and I enjoyed that pun so much I spent
       | quite a significant of time writing the software to support it:
       | https://simonwillison.net/2020/Nov/14/personal-data-warehous... )
       | rcarmo wrote:
       | Regardless of opinions, the sheer volume of his output is a tad
       | overwhelming. I do wish he had taken Mathematica down a different
       | path (just imagine if it was truly broadly available at non-
       | insane pricing as a local native app, almost as a stupefyingly
       | flexible Jupyter), and I find the Wolfram Language too unwieldy
       | for some things, but if you can see past the self-branding and
       | unusual viewpoints, Mathematica is prety awesome.
       | I once had a bit of fun with it on a 20-core Raspberry Pi
       | cluster, and sometimes I think it would have been amazing to run
       | some ML workloads on this kind of environment:
       | https://taoofmac.com/space/blog/2016/08/10/0830
         | taeric wrote:
         | I'd say it is more flexible than jupyter. I really think many
         | folks are hidden from a lot of magical computation you can do
         | with computers, by not having exposure to some of tools like
         | mathematica.
       | hirundo wrote:
       | I share the dream of being able to walk through the woods while
       | working online, but there's no way that Dr. Wolfram's approach
       | would work for me. I just can't walk smoothly enough to read
       | comfortably from a screen, particularly not while avoiding roots
       | and rocks. A gimble stabilizer could help with the text but not
       | the refocusing.
       | So I'm hoping that AR glasses will do the trick before long. If
       | they can project non-jiggly text into the world so that I can
       | rapidly context shift between them with little refocusing, and
       | let me input by wiggling my fingers, I'd pay a lot for it. But I
       | guess lines of code per hour will decline with speed.
       | JohnJamesRambo wrote:
       | If you showed this to an advanced alien civilization I think they
       | might consider his life one of enforced torture, if they
       | themselves aren't already living it.
       | The Clockwork Orange eyes held open forced to watch screens
       | device comes to mind.
         | AtlasBarfed wrote:
         | But his clockwork orange pays so much better!
       | 1970-01-01 wrote:
       | >But one inevitably needs some flat surface, if only just to sign
       | things (it's not all digital yet), or to eat a snack. So my
       | solution is to have pullouts. If one needs them, pull them out.
       | But one can't leave them pulled out, so nothing can accumulate on
       | them.
       | This is a great tip. Get a desk with pull-outs. I have them on
       | the left and right. They're 1/2 an inch think and strong enough
       | to leave a heavy book, laptop, or whatever until you're done.
       | When both sides get pulled out, some paper-heavy task is
       | occurring, such as taxes.
       | kkfx wrote:
       | I give up filesystem taxonomies to end up in org-mode/org-roam
       | managed time-organized notes, with files attached and retrievable
       | in a classic search&narrow UI (org-roam-node-find) with eventual
       | quick search (via counsel-rg on org-roam-directory, where in that
       | case notes are like files metadata) or queries (org-ql on drawes
       | properties and tags who are ensured a bit consistent via
       | templates (org-capture, yasnippet etc).
       | This extra layer was a game-changer for me, I hesitate for long,
       | but finally switched few years ago and so far prove to be
       | flawlessly. I still miss fancy UI/ML tools, but anything is at my
       | fingertips locally, I can make quick slides if needed directly in
       | org-mode, I can click code-executing links (elisp:), running code
       | blocks (org-babel) and anything is integrated to a level NO ONE
       | modern software can reach due to modern systems archaic, limited
       | and limiting designs.
       | AtlasBarfed wrote:
       | Another Wolfram article written about how much Wolfram Wolfram
       | used to Wolfram new Wolfams. Now with more Wolfram
       | Mister_Snuggles wrote:
       | I've read this before, but took the opportunity to read it again.
       | One of the things that impresses me the most is exemplified by
       | these two examples:
       | > [...] including for example the issue of my elementary school
       | magazine from Easter 1971.
       | > [...] school geography notes from when I was 11 years old,
       | together with the text of a speech I gave
       | When he was 11 he had the foresight to realize that he might want
       | to refer back to this stuff and decided to keep it and store it
       | somewhere that it could be found again. When I was 11 I'd have
       | likely thrown it out during the end-of-year desk/locker clean out
       | and not given it a second thought.
       | While I don't necessarily aspire to his level of productivity,
       | I'm very envious of how meticulous his record keeping is.
       | Whenever I try to get organized like this I quickly get
       | overwhelmed and give up.
       | aliljet wrote:
       | Wow. Reading through Wolfram's post, I stopped and decided to
       | listen to one of his livestreamed software design sessions. Who
       | knows what the right model is, but it's very very clear from at
       | least this video (https://youtu.be/y_M7qtfjjjs) that he's deeply
       | technical and incredibly actively involved in development. I
       | really want to know how effective he is as an organization's
       | manager and not their product manager...
       | ninotheopsguy wrote:
       | An important point not to forget is that he runs an 800 employee
       | profitable company with no outside investments (not to mention
       | his academic work)
       | zorrolovsky wrote:
       | That was a great read. It got me smiling!. It's not often that
       | you find fellow control freaks in the wild. Stephen Wolfram's
       | personal infrastructure sounds overall great, but it crumbles in
       | the sound department. If you're going to be on calls for hours
       | every day, for everything that is holy please get a hands-free
       | set up. The most ergonomic object is no object at all.
       | I use a Scarlett 212 mic and sound card paired with a decent pair
       | of speakers and my working room works like a charm. Everything is
       | set up so if I start a call any device I can walk though the
       | office and have a conversation with someone like they're in the
       | room. 10/10 would recommend.
         | germinalphrase wrote:
         | Are you using a single mic placed on your desk? A wireless lav
         | mic?
         | I imagine you can hear your partners quite well, but _I_ want
         | to be heard well also.
       (page generated 2022-11-02 23:00 UTC)