[HN Gopher] Aegis Authenticator - Secure 2FA App for Android
       Aegis Authenticator - Secure 2FA App for Android
       Author : DerekBickerton
       Score  : 135 points
       Date   : 2022-11-02 16:32 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (getaegis.app)
 (TXT) w3m dump (getaegis.app)
       | acdha wrote:
       | I've been migrating away from TOTP since it's so easily phished
       | but my current approach is to use Yubikeys with their app:
       | https://www.yubico.com/products/yubico-authenticator/
       | That avoids keeping the seeds somewhere a general attack could
       | get (and requiring a tap complicates attacks) and works across
       | all of my devices. The main drawback is that there isn't an easy
       | way to install a seed on multiple keys when first enrolling.
         | psanford wrote:
         | If you are using the yubico-authenticator app then you are
         | using TOTP, just with the seeds stored on your yubikey. This is
         | still vulnerable to phishing.
         | I hope what you meant to say is that you are switching to using
         | WebAuthn with your yubikey on all sites that support it, and
         | then using your yubikey for TOTP on sites that don't support
         | WebAuthn yet. WebAuthn is the thing that gives you actual
         | protection against phishing.
           | [deleted]
           | acdha wrote:
           | Yes, that's exactly what I meant: I use the same Yubikeys for
           | authentication, but fail back to TOTP when sites don't
           | support something secure.
         | Semaphor wrote:
         | I use webauthn where ever available, but considering how rare
         | that is, I might start using this.
         | How well does it work on mobile? Totp via app, tap the nfc key
         | to the phone?
         | And what does "no easy way" mean, how involved is that process?
         | I'd prefer to have the keys on all 3 (or 4, not sure if the
         | security key allows TOTP) sticks.
           | RockRobotRock wrote:
           | Yes, on mobile you either plug the YubiKey into your devices
           | USB-C (or lightning) port, or tap the YubiKey to your phone.
           | The totp secrets live on the yubikey and can't be extracted.
           | You can only read out the current code. I believe you can
           | also secure your YubiKey with a password so it must be
           | entered to see the codes.
           | If you wish to have the same TOTPs on multiple YubiKeys, you
           | are recommended to take a screenshot of the QR code you're
           | given at the beginning (which contains the secret key), and
           | manually add it to all the backup keys you prefer, and then
           | securely erase the screenshot.
           | further reading: https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-
           | us/articles/360013789259-Us...
             | smeej wrote:
             | It's worth noting that if you install Yubico Authenticator
             | on another device and use the same key, you _do_ have
             | access to the codes, because as you said, they 're stored
             | on the key.
             | I initially thought the codes were stored on my _phone_ and
             | the key was only required for _access,_ but that 's not the
             | case.
             | That's either a benefit or a drawback, depending on your
             | threat model, but it's definitely something people should
             | understand.
             | croes wrote:
             | What happens if the Yubikey gets damaged?
               | Semaphor wrote:
               | That's why (as with essentially all YubiKey use-cases),
               | you have backup(s).
           | acdha wrote:
           | Yes - on my desktops and laptops, I use USB. For my phones, I
           | use the same keys with NFC. Basically you start the app, tap
           | the key next to the phone, and then copy/paste the code. It
           | means that my daily two factor needs are handled by the
           | Yubikey I keep on my badge lanyard for both modern and legacy
           | sites.
           | "No easy way" basically means that you either have to save
           | the seed and repeat the setup process for your backup key or
           | enroll two separate devices if allowed. It feels like the
           | authenticator app could have a useful addition where it'd
           | automate that for you if you have two keys present.
         | stoplying1 wrote:
         | "Password Store" ('pass' compatible) for Android also supports
         | TOTP to tokens and Gpg encryption.
         | With Syncthing, 'gopass' and 'Android Password Store', I have a
         | fully open source, very easy to reason about fully in my
         | control, password and totp storage, accessible on all my
         | devices. All of which can only be accessed with my Yubikey that
         | I keep in my pocket and my GPG PIN.
       | kornhole wrote:
       | This is a great switch from AOTP that I just did.
       | The more exciting thing I learned here is that I can backup my
       | entire GrapheneOS phone to my Nextcloud server for recovery. I
       | just go into Android settings->Backup to get started. This will
       | save me a lot of time the next time I lose my phone. Thank you!
       | waynesonfire wrote:
       | I prefer the insecure ones. /s
       | Semaphor wrote:
       | As good a time as any to buy them a beer [0], I have been happily
       | using it for quite some time.
       | [0] https://www.buymeacoffee.com/beemdevelopment
       | GordonS wrote:
       | I switched to Aegis recently, and I did it for only 2 reasons:
       | 1) I prefer to use OSS when possible
       | 2) Aegis supports import/export/backup - so if I get a new phone,
       | I don't have to spend _days_ setting up my dozens of accounts
       | again! This also means I can setup the same OTPs in both Keepass
       | _and_ my phone, so I can always get into my accounts
       | I'm really liking it, it does the same job as the Google and
       | Microsoft Authenticator apps, but import/export/backup means it's
       | more usable
         | Rygian wrote:
         | I can import/export with Google authenticator (via QR codes).
           | rootext wrote:
           | You can import/export to Google Authenticator only and you
           | must have two phones. You cannot backup QR codes because
           | screenshot is forbidden for security reason. You cannot
           | migrate to another application.
           | GordonS wrote:
           | IIRC, it didn't used to give you any control over
           | import/export, and only supported using an opaque Google
           | storage option. Has that changed?
           | Aegis gives me the actual seed, full control of the data so I
           | can do with it as I please.
           | cbsmith wrote:
           | Tends not to work to well in the scenario where you drop your
           | phone into the ocean.
             | openplatypus wrote:
             | Keep away from oceans.
               | cbsmith wrote:
               | Sounds like a good plan.
       | gigatexal wrote:
       | "Secure 2FA" app is an odd title. A 2FA app is nothing if it's
       | not secure. The "secure" bit here is redundant. The fact that it
       | has to be said is actually a red flag. Are you saying it's secure
       | because in reality it really isn't?
       | vzaliva wrote:
       | Before considering switching it I would love to see a more
       | detailed feature comparison to `andOTP` I am presently using.
       | From what I can see it is encryption at rest which andOTP may or
       | may not do and scheduled backup. andOTP does manual backup.
       | Anything else?
         | ajvs wrote:
         | andOTP isn't really being maintained anymore, which is why I
         | switched recently.
       | Semaphor wrote:
       | Last year, 113 comments:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25803996
       | RealStickman_ wrote:
       | How does this compare to FreeOTP+ ?
       | nanomonkey wrote:
       | You can securely store and generate TOTP tokens in emacs:
       | https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/securely-generating-t...
       | Since I have emacs on everything, including my phone, it's not a
       | bad solution for my purposes.
         | pkulak wrote:
         | Of course you can.
       | Krisjohn wrote:
       | The authenticator you use is less important than the process you
       | use to store the TOTP QR codes/secret keys. Never just feed it
       | into an app, always screenshot it and store it somewhere safe
       | THEN put it in something that can generate your TOTP codes.
       | 725686 wrote:
       | Who makes this? How do I know it is trustworthy? I know its
       | supposed to be open source, but when you install from the app
       | store you don't really know what you are installing. I trust
       | Twilio's Authy a tad more than a random app with a nice home
       | page.
       | yewenjie wrote:
       | I was happily using andOTP but seems like it has been
       | unmaintained since June - https://github.com/andOTP/andOTP.
       | I wish F-Droid or Play Store had a feature like GitHub's
       | 'Archived' to inform users.
         | kevinfiol wrote:
         | I'm still using andOTP and I prefer it over Aegis. Are there
         | any reasons to stop using it if it still works? What kind of
         | security vulnerability can affect it? Honest questions.
           | yellowapple wrote:
           | I'm wondering the same thing. It also looks like while Aegis
           | is actively developed on GitHub, that hasn't materialized
           | into a new release on the Play Store or F-Droid in 7 months.
             | alexbakker wrote:
             | You're right, it's been a while, but we actually issued a
             | beta release for 2.1 today!
               | yellowapple wrote:
               | Nice. Will that hit F-Droid at some point? Or do we gotta
               | wait for the non-beta release?
         | 22c wrote:
         | Also a happy andOTP user. Initially I thought you were being
         | impatient because no updates for a few months isn't necessarily
         | bad, but I see that the project itself has been updated to
         | reflect that it is not being maintained by its creator. Thanks
         | for the heads up.
         | Looking at Aegis, it appears to support importing from andOTP
       | wanderingmind wrote:
       | Aegis is an excellent FOSS Authenticator that is available in
       | FDroid. However, offline first apps are challenging to use TOTP
       | across multiple devices. These days I just use TOTP provided by
       | my password manager (Bitwarden) that is seamless across devices.
       | mongol wrote:
       | Who are Beem Development?
         | alexbakker wrote:
         | It's just a group name for the two guys working on it. Source:
         | I'm one of them (Hi!)
       | barbazoo wrote:
       | I used the one by Twilio but switched my TOTP codes over to
       | 1Password which I was already using anyway. I get that there's a
       | security benefit of not having them in the same app but it's just
       | not practical for me.
       | virtualritz wrote:
       | The killer feature for me is a way to quickly access tokens in my
       | (cloud-side, encrypted) vault from a desktop (or web) app in case
       | of emergency.
       | It's not clear to me if Aegis allows this somehow?
       | The other day I broke my phone. I was traveling and needed to do
       | some 2FA level changes to a GH repo asap.
       | I didn't even know there was an Authy desktop app until then. It
       | saved my ass, literally.
         | [deleted]
         | traceroute66 wrote:
         | Don't know if it exists for Android, but for iPhone users there
         | is _OTP Auth_ , which can make encrypted backups to a
         | destination of your choice.
         | PufPufPuf wrote:
         | You can export the vault (encrypted or not) to a cloud provider
         | (like Google Drive). It's a manual process, but it's simple and
         | quick. Besides, how often do you add new 2FA tokens anyway?
         | nashashmi wrote:
         | Try http://totp.app
         | s_ting765 wrote:
         | The answer you're looking for is Aegis vault backup + Syncthing
         | or Nextcloud. Seriously.
         | I once lost my Authy app data and didn't have it installed on
         | any other of my devices (silly requirement tbh). I don't know
         | whether cloud or 2FA is the joke here but Authy slapped me with
         | a 24hr wait time for a "device reset".
         | pluc wrote:
         | Yubikeys store everything on the key. I can lose my phone and
         | use _your_ phone to see my 2FA codes. It 's honestly one of the
         | only way MFA make sense - otherwise you lock yourself out of
         | your entire digital life when you lose your phone and need to
         | rely on storing your backup codes (which opens up a storage
         | security wormhole).
         | It's also a lot easier to wear around your neck.
           | openplatypus wrote:
           | The only downside is limited space on Yubikey.
           | I am currently carrying 2 tokens :(
             | pgalvin wrote:
             | Up to 32, for those reading who (like me) didn't know about
             | this limitation.
             | https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-
             | us/articles/4404456942738-F...
           | SoftTalker wrote:
           | So you've moved the worry from losing/breaking your phone to
           | losing/breaking your YubiKey?
             | hospadar wrote:
             | I keep a second key as backup for this reason, which
             | honestly is overkill and I only do because I got a second
             | one for free at a conference. Easier solution (which I also
             | use in case I someday need the second one only to discover
             | that the blue smoke leaked out) is to just print out the
             | TOTP secrets and keep them somewhere. I'm usually printing
             | out recovery codes when I get a new TOTP secret so this has
             | never felt like a big deal.
             | Also easy enough to maintain a keepass[xc] vault for totp
             | secrets, you could keep a separate one from your passwords
             | if you were feeling paranoid. Great support on mobile and
             | desktop for using a keepass db as a TOTP source - and easy
             | to sync with dropbox/email/ssh/your web server/whatever
             | dathinab wrote:
             | who says you only have one or no other backup?
             | anyway I wouldn't but s Yubikey for TOTP. OTP sucks. Sure
             | it's better than no 2FA and TOTP is better than SMS OTP
             | still it's not grate.
             | WebAuthn-like auth can provide all the benefits of TOTP
             | while being way more secure and in some cases even not
             | convenient.
             | The main drawback is how to backup your 2FA which makes it
             | less of a choice for a "casual" user.
             | pluc wrote:
             | Sure. I have a backup key but yes, you can't get MFA
             | without adding a device that you may lose; whether that's
             | your phone or a key. Like I said I prefer a key because I
             | can't put my phone on a chain around my neck or on my
             | keychain.
         | alexbakker wrote:
         | Aegis is fully offline and doesn't have an official desktop
         | application. You could of course create an export of your Aegis
         | vault and import it in a third-party desktop application, like
         | GNOME's Authenticator or OTPClient.
           | tlaundal wrote:
           | This is what I do. Two "live" authenticators with my phone
           | and laptop and a secure offsite backup.
           | I don't add new keys particularily often, so it isn't that
           | big of a hassle two manually sync the authenticators.
         | rsync wrote:
         | "I didn't even know there was an Authy desktop app until then.
         | It saved my ass, literally."
         | That's a really unexpected outcome - can you provide any
         | details ?
       | wingmanjd wrote:
       | I didn't know Aegis supported the Nextcloud backup target! I was
       | hacking my way around on earlier versions of Android using Solid
       | Explorer's connection to my Nextcloud, but that stopped working
       | somewhere along the way.
       | Reconnected via the Storage Access Framework and backups are
       | syncing!
       | Thank you, alexbakker
       | Lucent wrote:
       | Just keep TOTP in your password manager at this point. Whatever
       | security is lost by it not being a "true second factor" is made
       | up for by not having to recover or restore backups due to a lost
       | or stolen phone.
         | arepublicadoceu wrote:
         | I would argue that the most important account to have TOTP
         | enabled IS your password manager. So, if you already have a
         | TOTP app to generate codes for your Password Manager why not
         | consolidate it?
         | Besides, if you dont have a physical and digital backup of your
         | TOTP seeds you really like to live dangerously.
           | howinteresting wrote:
           | 2fa for your password manager is good, but that doesn't have
           | to be TOTP. That can just as well be something like the
           | 1password secret key (something you have).
             | plumeria wrote:
             | I think that's the idea behind using a key file and a
             | password in KeepassXC.
           | unethical_ban wrote:
           | The one place I intentionally don't have TOTP is my password
           | manager.
           | there is a base case somewhere in a backup strategy where
           | TOTP is not feasible. The base case for me is "Keepass file
           | backed up to multiple locations and my master key written
           | down in an envelope in my house in case I hit my head".
           | Why would I lock my passwords away behind a TOTP that can get
           | lost? My TOTP in Authy is protected by a long random key.
           | Where do I store the key? In my password manager.
           | You can't use a password manager and TOTP to back each other
           | up.
             | arepublicadoceu wrote:
             | I realise now that I was not clear on my post. Using TOTP
             | or second factor is useful for those heathens that insist
             | in using cloud based service for password manager (I'm
             | one). Not for local keepass/pass synced by
             | syncthing/rsync/ssh etc.
             | I treat my kdbx as a single password encrypted backup of my
             | bitwarden vault on my computer and external hard-drive.
             | I care much less about second factor if it's something
             | offline on my computer than something accessible by a web
             | interface to anyone in the world.
         | andrewaylett wrote:
         | I use Bitwarden for TOTP, because I have become convinced that
         | it still provides a true second factor even if both the
         | password and the TOTP seed are in the same entry in my password
         | manager.
         | This is because every access to Bitwarden requires two factors:
         | a device I've already logged in with, and either the passphrase
         | or a biometric unlock. Bootstrapping a new device requires the
         | passphrase and a token.
         | unethical_ban wrote:
         | If you have a TOTP app that allows exoprts, I agree.
         | If the individual site allows backup codes, I agree.
         | But you first need an app that hosts your TOTP that has
         | exportable secrets.
         | theandrewbailey wrote:
         | A password database file is sort-of a second factor (something
         | you have).
         | Semaphor wrote:
         | Restoring backups is extremely easy, though.
       | petre wrote:
       | It's the only decent authenticator that I've found on the play
       | store.
       | rounakdatta wrote:
       | Thanks for supporting the Nextcloud backup - win win! App is
       | perfect, just a single feedback: Possibly find a way to auto-
       | populate the logo images of the apps?
       | Sytten wrote:
       | I am considering switching from authy because it still doesn't
       | have folders or collections or tags but the transition is
       | annoying without root on android. Also wondering how people
       | ensure they can restore if your phone dies?
         | Semaphor wrote:
         | Aegis supports automatic backups, I backup my Aegis database
         | encrypted to my nextcloud.
         | edit: Also, it allows (after checking the "I know what I'm
         | doing" warning) plaintext secret export, if you want that for
         | some reason.
         | Macha wrote:
         | Aegis at least lets you export a password encrypted backup
         | tlaundal wrote:
         | I did the transition by extracting keys from the desktop app
         | using the scripts mentioned in this gist[1] and its comments.
         | Of course, you should not do this unless you are comfortable
         | verifying the security of the scripts yourself.
         | Importing to Aegis afterwards was quite straight-forward.
         | [1]:
         | https://gist.github.com/gboudreau/94bb0c11a6209c82418d01a59d...
       | thr0wnawaytod4y wrote:
       | I just put a 2FA implant in my arm
         | mnd999 wrote:
         | I'd much prefer having my phone stolen than my arm stolen.
         | gchamonlive wrote:
         | Update your threat scenario to encompass dismemberment and
         | create a recovery protocol accordingly. Not sure you would be
         | able to do drills, at least not a second time.
           | robertlagrant wrote:
           | A drill would be a valid vector.
         | jaimehrubiks wrote:
         | I prefer to calculate the numbers on paper every time. But you
         | need to do it fast enough to make it in less than 30 seconds.
       | branon wrote:
       | Recently had a hard time exporting 20+ OTP secrets from Google
       | Authenticator.
       | I believe I discovered a bug in the app: if you long press a
       | secret > edit > leave an empty string as the comment, and then
       | export a QR code containing this secret, your other device will
       | fail to import ("QR code cannot be interpreted.").
       | I've only seen this happen with secrets where the comment is put
       | in parentheses and appended to the regular, immutable name of the
       | secret. There's another type of secret where the entire name can
       | be edited, this I did not test. But if you try the import/export
       | flow on a secret whose name contains `()` I bet you'll hit the
       | bug.
       | I briefly tried Aegis but you must have Aegis+Authenticatior
       | installed, and be root, or you can exfiltrate Authenticator's
       | database file from private storage, which best as I can tell,
       | also requires root. Shouldn't have gone with Authenticator at
       | all, I've learned.
       | It seems optimal to simply retain the original secret (QR code or
       | whichever medium) you are given when 2FA is initially enabled.
       | Later found this equivalent: https://mattscodecave.com/posts/how-
       | to-move-from-google-auth...
         | alexbakker wrote:
         | There's a third option to switch from Google Authenticator to
         | Aegis. You can simply scan those export QR codes of Google
         | Authenticator with Aegis.
           | chinathrow wrote:
           | Wouldn't that need a second device since one can't screenshot
           | Google Authenticator?
             | password4321 wrote:
             | Or take a picture of the phone screen, say with a webcam.
             | alexbakker wrote:
             | Correct.
       | notRobot wrote:
       | I've been having a great experience with this!
       | voidee wrote:
       | FYI: For iOS users looking for alternatives to Google
       | Authenticator or Authy, I highly recommend the open source Raivo.
       | https://raivo-otp.com/
       | Recently moved all of my TOTPs to it. Encrypted iCloud sync and
       | local backup if desired.
       (page generated 2022-11-02 23:00 UTC)