[HN Gopher] Show HN: Sprig, open-source game console and engine,...
       Show HN: Sprig, open-source game console and engine, by teenagers
       for teenagers
       Author : apexedison
       Score  : 223 points
       Date   : 2022-11-03 14:04 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | scandox wrote:
       | Slightly OT: I've been wondering recently if the word teenager
       | and it's use has been a bad thing for people between 12 and 20.
       | If we didn't have this word I'm guessing we wouldn't view them as
       | such a distinct lump and be less ready to generalize about them.
         | apexedison wrote:
         | This is an interesting point. One of the major things we're
         | trying to demonstrate with Hack Club is we box people in too
         | much based on their age. Especially young people who generally
         | have a well defined set of activities laid out for them before
         | they can start practicing some autonomy (largely from the way
         | schooling works). The hope is that open-source projects like
         | this can show people that there are some accessible routes and
         | supportive communities to help them pursue their passions.
         | Personally I hope the work serves more than just teenagers, but
         | working out the details of serving young people well means as
         | an organization we have to focus on it.
         | More directly responding to your point Ivan Illich has some
         | interesting commentary on the modern invention of childhood in
         | Deschooling Society.
         | [deleted]
         | dopidopHN wrote:
         | Historically it's a new concept. At least for the west but I
         | suspect for human as a whole.
         | We used to jump from childhood to adulthood without lingering.
         | I don't cast any judgment on the concept of teenagehood. I
         | think it's out there now.
           | [deleted]
       | dusted wrote:
       | Except for the bare pcb thing, it looks cool..
       | I cringe thinking about long-term exposure to bare PCBs, sure
       | RoHS is a thing, but it's R(eduction), not E(liminiation).. And
       | those guidelines are under the assumption that the electronics
       | are packaged and not touched to bare skin..
       | PCBs are still made with fibers which can penetrate the skin, and
       | I'd be worried about exposure to soldermask, solder and what
       | other chemicals are involved.
         | electroly wrote:
         | If you look closely at the picture of it in action, there is a
         | clear acrylic shell covering the PCB on the back. They're
         | actually gripping the acrylic shell. In the picture of the
         | individual components, it appears to be the laser-cut wood
         | pieces. That picture includes a pair of pieces that look like
         | they go on the front (there's a cutout for the D-pad/face
         | buttons), but I don't see them installed on the action shots. I
         | think that the shell may be intended to cover both back and
         | front, and they just didn't install it for the action pictures.
           | dusted wrote:
           | Oh, I see now, yes that's definitely an improvement! Thanks
           | for pointing it out!
         | monkpit wrote:
         | Oh I thought that was just a cool picture, didn't realize there
         | is no housing :(
         | Maybe someone has created a 3d print for one?
           | apexedison wrote:
           | There are some backing covers which are laser cut. It's
           | possible to swap with a 3D printed cover and use the same
           | mounting holes.
         | apexedison wrote:
         | As others pointed out when fully assembled most of the board is
         | covered (but visible). We designed the board to function like a
         | devkit for the pico as well so unused pins are broken out on
         | pads.
       | asicsp wrote:
       | See also:
       | "Some Assembly Required: An approachable introduction to
       | assembly" - https://github.com/hackclub/some-assembly-required
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31909183 _(587 points | 4
       | months ago | 125 comments)_
       | reesericci wrote:
       | I've been loving my Sprig so far - great project from Hack Club!
       | sdrothrock wrote:
       | There's a dead comment from one of the creators that needs some
       | vouches: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33451938
       | kleiba wrote:
       | This obvious age discrimination against non-teenagers is
       | preposterous! Where are the lawers when you need them?
       | Just kidding, this is an awesome project! I wish I would have
       | been that creative and competent in my teenage years... or even
       | now, for that matter. Respect!
         | trashfishes wrote:
         | Ha! I'm also part of the Sprig team.
         | This project has been created by many Hack Clubbers, and not
         | only in the development of the engine, editors, firmware and
         | hardware. Hack Club teens handled all logistics/supply. The
         | backings were made by a HCer that taught herself laser cutting.
         | PRs for games are being reviewed and commented upon by 4
         | teenagers. All front end dev & copy was done by a HCer. The 3d
         | model on the front page was another's first time in Blender.
         | Our youngest Sprig game dev right now is an 11 year old
         | (https://github.com/hackclub/sprig/pull/443). We have a water
         | sim built by a 13yr old
         | (https://github.com/hackclub/sprig/pull/402). A raycast
         | experiment by a 15yr old
         | (https://github.com/hackclub/sprig/pull/153).
         | We have so many fun games built already:
         | https://sprig.hackclub.com/gallery.
         | Hack Clubbers are now running Sprig workshops in their clubs
         | and hackathons - and publishing them for others to use. Others
         | are hosting 'Sprig Jams' to work on games together. Can't wait
         | to see what more comes of this all.
           | aliqot wrote:
           | What happends to the teenagers who turn 20? Emeritus or what?
             | awestroke wrote:
             | They are shunned, their name blacklisted, any record of
             | their contributions erased
             | trashfishes wrote:
             | Sort of, yes! This is great question, and ties into our
             | values and ethos. I'll try to keep it short (and note this
             | is just my perspective as one employee).
             | We fully expect (and support!) our teenagers 'graduating'
             | from Hack Club. On one hand, this presents a challenge when
             | our most committed and experienced people age out every
             | year. But on the other hand, there's a fresh group that
             | arrive with new perspectives and insights, and really make
             | the space their own.
             | Our hope is to honor our wonderful alumni too, and the
             | contributions they have made. Many stay on in various ways
             | to continue to support the community.
             | The cool thing about initiatives like Sprig is that while
             | the current technical contributions will exist 'forever',
             | it too can be enjoyed and iterated on by new young people
             | in ways we don't know yet.
         | apexedison wrote:
         | Haha thanks. Hack Club certainly has adults involved (like
         | myself) but we structure projects so teens can be core
         | contributors (the rest of the core engineering staff on Sprig
         | are all less than 20 years old and I'd say 95% of the games in
         | the library are from teenagers).
         | As for Sprig itself the only part that is limited to teens is
         | that we give the console away for free to teenagers who submit
         | games to the gallery. Otherwise anyone can make games and
         | submit them.
           | invalidusernam3 wrote:
           | Would be nice if you sold them to us old people at a 2x cost
           | so we can get one and pay for one for a teen
             | dopidopHN wrote:
             | Yeah that would solve a kinda chicken and egg issue.
             | rytor718 wrote:
             | I second this but mostly because I'm an unrepentant nerd
             | who REALLY wants one of these to show off at my tech
             | workshops for kids :D
               | incanus77 wrote:
               | Yeah, being able to access even one to give hands-on
               | could be pretty valuable.
               | hathawsh wrote:
               | It appears the project hasn't optimized for production
               | (yet?). For now, I can't help but think it may be
               | possible to cobble together a Sprig using inexpensive Pi
               | Pico HATs and 3D printing. Here's the schematic:
               | https://github.com/hackclub/sprig/blob/main/docs/GROWING_
               | A_S...
         | cassianoleal wrote:
         | > preprosperous
         | You mean you expect it to succeed soon? :D
           | kleiba wrote:
           | Haha, thanks! ;-) Fixed.
       | z3 wrote:
       | Great project! Well done boys, that's a true hacker spirit
       | threesided wrote:
       | Love to see the combo of hardware and software being offered up
       | to aspiring young game developers! I'm a huge fan of Pico-8 and
       | other "fantasy consoles" so always welcome to see another one.
       | Awesome work!
         | apexedison wrote:
         | Thank you! I found the other fantasy consoles quite inspiring,
         | PuzzleScript too.
       | ofrzeta wrote:
       | So teenagers don't like housings? :)
         | apexedison wrote:
         | We chose the aesthetic of the bare PCB to help demystify the
         | technology. The console is also designed to be repurposed as a
         | hardware devkit (there are breakout pads and what not).
       | _lucas_honda wrote:
       | nice idea! :)
       | sampoder wrote:
       | Curious, what's the thinking behind making projects like this?
         | apexedison wrote:
         | The idea is to help people learn programming by making it
         | easier for them to think of and execute projects which they
         | share with others. In this case those projects are the making
         | of the console/engine itself and for a much wider group of
         | people the contribution of games to the game library. Thanks
         | for contributing to both!
         | We decided to make the physical console because it was a cool
         | thing to do and would help motivate people to follow through
         | with projects and make games.
           | cxr wrote:
           | What do you make of Microsoft MakeCode?
             | apexedison wrote:
             | I think it's a well executed project and the UI design on
             | the editor is nicely done. We focused a lot on the API of
             | our game engine and honed in on having a small construction
             | kit for Sprig which seems to help people become productive.
             | The aim is to communicate a specific mental model for Sprig
             | games through the engine's capabilities (tile-based focused
             | on puzzles and level design, though people have managed to
             | do all sorts of things).
       | linsomniac wrote:
       | Hack Club is awesome, I highly recommend it to anyone with
       | teenage kids.
       | There is a playable version on the home page at:
       | https://sprig.hackclub.com/
       | Aside: The game you play on that one was written by my 13yo son.
       | He has become super involved in Hack Club over the last few
       | months, since I showed him that "Sine Rider" game announced on HN
       | (another Hack Club project), and I left it up to him to discover
       | Hack Club from that. As someone who used to run and attend
       | Hacking Society meetings, I was pretty happy to see him dig into
       | Hack Club.
         | apexedison wrote:
         | Amazing! Your son has been such a valuable contributor. I also
         | love the games he made.
         | omay wrote:
         | Hello, yes that is me. Sprig is really cool.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | In a way it is funny to see JavaScript vs Python competing for
       | the next BASIC in this kind of platforms.
       | Good work, it looks cool.
         | apexedison wrote:
         | We debated running JS (Kaluma) or micropython on the Pico. We
         | started with Kaluma because the editor is in the browser. After
         | we got some game submissions though we realized we'd have to do
         | our own wrapper around Jerryscript for performance reasons
         | which is what the console ships with.
           | cedric-h wrote:
           | hi - Sprig firmware dev.
           | Things would go wrong on the device but I would have no idea
           | how to diagnose it because I didn't know what all Kaluma was
           | doing for us. EX: to write to flash, you can't have any IRQs
           | going or code running on another core. How do we know what
           | all Kaluma is doing while running our code?
           | We were going to need a Kaluma-less runtime just to debug our
           | renderer, audio and input handling anyway, haha. I didn't
           | think you were going to let me spend time doing it instead of
           | scrambling to fix bugs with our Kaluma-based impl, so I spent
           | a weekend prototyping our own runtime. It worked, so I didn't
           | have to wait for Kaluma's 2 minute build times anymore.
       | stefanvdw1 wrote:
       | Love it! Sent it to my two teenage brothers who've I been trying
       | to get interested in technical stuff like this
       | riwsky wrote:
       | I've seem many a front page HN article about teenage engineering
       | --but I've gotta admit, this might be the first one about
       | teenagers engineering.
       | cedric-h wrote:
       | Hey everyone, I'm Cedric and part of the Sprig team. I'm 19. I've
       | been trying to make games since middle school.
       | Right now I'm working on getting Lingdong Huang's - who has made
       | a bunch of really cool interactive experiences[0] (like a human
       | face eating simulator) - he made a Sprig game for us[1], I'm
       | trying to get it working on the physical device - but there's a
       | problem, since the device is Raspberry Pi 2040 based and only has
       | 256kb of available RAM (yet the games are written in JavaScript -
       | we run them using our own little JerryScript based runtime[2]).
       | The runtime also runs on personal computers, not just arm-eabi-
       | none, to help us test the games to get better error messages than
       | the physical hardware can give (because no operating system). We
       | call this our Sprig emulator, even though it's just the runtime
       | compiled to a different architecture, hooked up to CoreAudio and
       | a minifb window. Thanks to the emulator, we know Lingdong's game
       | theoretically only uses 180kb of RAM, so we should be fine. And
       | it actually works great in the emulator, but when I try to run it
       | on the device it doesn't get past the startup screen ... which
       | hurts because the entire reason we made the emulator was to get
       | better error messages.
       | All I can do now is puts("") debug everything and figure out what
       | code is reading or writing out of bounds and making the device
       | freeze. I probably configured the heap to be too small again.
       | I have always loved finding excuses to figure out how things
       | _actually work_, which is why every time I sit down to make a
       | game, one thing leads to another and I'm making a game engine.
       | Working on Sprig has taken this to a whole 'nother level because
       | it's essentially our own operating system, too. Nobody tells you
       | if you overflow the stack, the stack guard is only 32 bytes and
       | disabled by default. It all started as a module for Kaluma, but
       | we hit so many performance, RAM and flash constraints that we
       | found it was better to write our own JS runtime. Apologies to
       | Kaluma which is also trying to frontpage HN right now! We both
       | use JerryScript heavily, but Kaluma connects you directly to the
       | GPIOs and IRQs. We just connect you to the screen and the buttons
       | through the same API as in the web browser, which is handy for
       | making tile-based games.
       | [0] - https://lingdong.works/ [1] - Lingdong's game. Keep in mind
       | the controls are all WASD and IJKL because the device only has 8
       | buttons.
       | https://editor.sprig.hackclub.com/?file=https://raw.githubus...
       | [2] - github.com/hackclub/spade
         | gred wrote:
         | This looks pretty cool, and takes me back to my early
         | programming days.
         | > by teenagers, for teenagers
         | > I'm 19.
         | Do you plan to continue contributing after you turn 20? I'm not
         | familiar with the project, so I'm not sure what "by teenagers"
         | means in practical terms (e.g. certain types of contributions
         | no longer allowed?).
           | cedric-h wrote:
           | I started out as a member of Hack Club's online community --
           | I discovered them through the GitHub Newsletter, and then
           | made a multiplayer game with its own economy playable through
           | their Slack (github.com/hackagotchi/hackagotchi) -- and then
           | graduated high school in the middle of Covid with no plans
           | and ended up working here. The purpose of the Sprig project
           | is to engage and energize our online community. While our
           | mission is to support teenage hackers, there are no hard and
           | fast rules about what it means to be one. While we're not
           | sending out devices to people over 19, we still accept games
           | from them and show them in our gallery. Does that answer your
           | question?
             | gred wrote:
             | Yep, thanks!
         | hyperupcall wrote:
         | Hey Ced!! Woahhh, I didn't know this project is sorta its own
         | OS - that's epic
         | It's pretty cool to see projects like this, Sinerider, and the
         | like being developed, even if I am on the sidelines haha
         | cedric-h wrote:
         | hoppityboppity wrote:
         | Focus on building things with Unity, Unreal & CUDA.
         | Now that you have hopefully read my one takeaway Cedric...
         | This is from the perspective of someone who has been in the
         | games industry and entrepreneurship for a long time, long
         | enough to become the villain.
         | You're clearly a very talented programmer.
         | In 2008, when I was at elite fancy school, an opportunity that
         | is probably open to you, GPGPU programming had just begun.
         | The last decade of software innovation - machine learning,
         | cryptocurrencies, immersive video games - owes its debts,
         | fundamentally, to people who learned and authored GPU software
         | all day. The ability to program GPUs, and nowadays to build
         | infrastructure for distributed GPU computing, is the primary
         | bottleneck to the greatest innovations in software.
         | If you love low level stuff, this is where you should go.
         | If this doesn't interest you, at least learn Unity and/or
         | Unreal. No more custom game engines. There is a time limit. I
         | know a lot of people in R&D across industry and academia, and
         | the #2 bottleneck for innovation (after #1, GPGPUs, i.e.,
         | performance) is Unity and Unreal skills, i.e., presentation.
         | Why write here?
         | I've seen people in your situation, at 19 years too, capable of
         | great things, attracted to scenes of other talented people like
         | the Hack Club folks.
         | Every 5-10 years there are certain technologies on which all
         | innovation is built. It isn't going to be Raspberry Pis.
         | Please, don't focus on that anymore.
         | Like someone else I know in your situation, who was modding
         | video games: put a time limit to... the "kid shit." That's
         | going to get me downvoted, but seriously, the world flies by
         | you, and people like you have a lot more potential.
         | It is extremely downvotey, but there are objectively more
         | important things for you to be doing. There are other people in
         | your life who know this too (like probably your parents) but
         | they may lack the sophistication to know, really, what you
         | should target your talent cannon on.
           | bitwize wrote:
           | Second this. It should be drilled into the heads of everyone
           | who wants to get into game development: USE A MAJOR ENGINE.
           | No exceptions. Time is money, and hand-rolling an engine is a
           | waste of yours. Unity and Unreal have many, many more man-
           | hours of work put into them than anything you can build, so
           | by choosing one of them you can avoid pitfalls you WILL run
           | into starting from scratch, on top of the labor you'll save
           | not having to build one in the first place. On top of all
           | this, the entire gaming workforce is oriented around these
           | two engines, so when it comes time to collaborate, you will
           | be able to bring people aboard who can contribute
           | immediately.
           | The GPGPU stuff is critically important if you are targeting
           | low-level programming, to which I would add AI processors
           | (NPUs, TPUs, etc.) And bone up on your statistics and linear
           | algebra to like, the "Ph.D in math" level. The AI rocket is
           | about to take off, big time; you want to be on it.
             | jesse__ wrote:
             | Counter-point : the tradeoff you accept when using a
             | commercial engine is that they're extremely general
             | purpose, which can be unsuitable if you're trying to do
             | something weird.
             | Look at Braid if you want a good example. Using Unity or UE
             | to build that game would almost certainly require more work
             | than writing a simple 2d platformer engine. Furthermore,
             | the story of how it came to be is, in fact, inexorably
             | linked with the act of writing the engine itself.
             | Sometimes, writing the engine is the right choice.
               | bitwize wrote:
               | Braid was released in 2008 -- forever ago in game-
               | industry time. The industry has become _more_
               | consolidated around Unity and Unreal since then.
               | Unity has 2D platformer support built right in, and the
               | tricky bits -- like the time mechanic -- could be written
               | as an extension. Heck, there's probably a time rewind
               | mechanic in the Unity Asset Store as we speak. They've so
               | far advanced that you're just never going to keep up
               | writing a bespoke engine because they've benefited from
               | being integral to the industry as a whole. Furthermore,
               | the skills you develop on your own with your little
               | bespoke engine aren't going to translate into the
               | industry, where everybody uses Unity or Unreal.
               | It's kind of like how you're never going to build a
               | graphic design business using GIMP, Krita, or Inkscape.
               | They're all nice tools for amateurs and dilettantes, but
               | entire industry standards and processes have coalesced
               | around Photoshop and Illustrator, so that's what you use.
               | The open-source alternatives are decades behind the curve
               | here and in some ways, will never ever catch up. Good
               | luck getting PANTONE support, which is critical to
               | graphic design for print, into GIMP or Inkscape, for
               | instance.
           | teamonkey wrote:
           | > If this doesn't interest you, at least learn Unity and/or
           | Unreal. No more custom game engines. There is a time limit.
           | I work in the games industry and couldn't disagree with this
           | post more. The above is generic advice you give to someone
           | just starting out and wants to work on games but has no clue
           | where to begin. This person is working on a _custom games
           | console_ which is incredible experience, useful and
           | impressive on so many levels.
           | You have to use new hardware all the time. You have to
           | relearn a new shader language all the time. You have to re-
           | learn Unity and Unreal all the time, because they are a
           | shifting target (especially Unity). I have shipped games with
           | 6 different games engines on 4 generations of hardware. I've
           | used 3 professionally in the last two years.
           | The skills you will learn working on this console are the
           | stripped-down core of game development: relevant and
           | everlasting.
           | cedric-h wrote:
           | Appreciate your perspective.
           | What's the point in doing anything if you don't enjoy it, or
           | if it doesn't culminate in something you do enjoy?
           | My metric when I decide to do something isn't "how cool will
           | Hacker News or Hack Club think this is?"
           | It's, how much will I enjoy doing this.
           | You may call it kid shit, and maybe this is the hard-headed
           | kid in me talking, but I hope I never change.
             | djur wrote:
             | This is a great attitude that you'd think would be more
             | common at a place called "Hacker News". The temptation to
             | get "finance brained" is incredibly powerful in this
             | industry, especially as you get closer to Silicon Valley,
             | and the more young programmers resist it the better off
             | we're going to be. Thanks.
               | bitwize wrote:
               | It's not really about finance brain. It's about where are
               | you, as a smart, talented programmer, going to have an
               | impact? For the past ten years, ALL of the major
               | innovations in the software field have been based on
               | GPGPU. Learning how to program GPUs is thus a core,
               | foundational skill if you want to contribute
               | significantly to the biggest innovations of computing.
               | And of course there's so much else to learn on top of
               | that, particularly in terms of math and algorithmic
               | techniques and stuff.
               | Messing around with Raspberry Pis is kid shit by
               | comparison. It's fun, but it's not going to advance much
               | of anything. The Raspberry Pi is literally a "get kids
               | into STEM" initiative, and yet it's used mainly by adults
               | who want to cosplay as "makers". And even then,
               | eventually they usually end up in a drawer.
               | If you want to mess around, Raspberry Pi game consoles
               | are fine but if you want to make a significant
               | contribution, time's a-wastin'. If the rocket takes off
               | and you're not on it, there goes your chance. So yes, set
               | a time limit on the kid shit. Put it away by age 20 or
               | so, and start thinking about what really matters and
               | what's really gonna change things.
               | djur wrote:
               | The idea that a "smart, talented programmer" should
               | reshape their life and their interests around "hav[ing]
               | an impact" and "contributing significantly to the biggest
               | innovations of computing", to have "[their] chance" to
               | get on "the rocket" before it "takes off", this is what
               | I'm referring to. The idea that you're literally wasting
               | your time if not working in certain fields: "machine
               | learning, cryptocurrencies, immersive video games". Why
               | do you assume that "impact" and "innovation" should be
               | the driving interests of a young programmer's life? This
               | is a cultural presumption, if not an ideological
               | position.
               | apexedison wrote:
               | Many people who in retrospect are truly innovative almost
               | definitionally spend their time doing things other people
               | don't regard as valuable (at first at least). As an
               | extreme example of someone who prioritized a life of play
               | look at Claude Shannon. He literally had a shop for
               | building toys at home. I'm grateful he wasn't overly
               | attracted to what others regarded as impactful at the
               | time. That being said I still don't think it's important
               | whether one's play becomes valued. I suspect in the long
               | run we're all better off having people in the world who
               | are passionate about what they are doing.
               | criticalmass1 wrote:
               | All of that might be true. All generalizations are
               | sometimes untrue.
               | > spend their time doing things other people don't regard
               | as valuable...
               | Sprig is an educational project, shepherded by adults
               | affiliated with big name institutions like MIT and
               | Google. They are extremely conventionally successful
               | smart people who think "nurturing programming talent" is
               | valuable. What are we even talking about? These things
               | don't happen in a vacuum.
               | criticalmass1 wrote:
               | > The temptation to get "finance brained"
               | Trust me, people don't get into programming video games
               | for the money.
               | Anyway, this is a funny perspective. Zach Latta, the Hack
               | Club founder, got a Thiel Fellowship. I would not
               | characterize Peter Thiel's philanthropy as 100% mission
               | driven. I also don't think he's a supervillian. But there
               | is a finance angle, not a negative one, to even the most
               | seemingly twee retrocomputing things.
               | Maybe if you saw Hack Club's deck, you would comprehend.
               | Any talented non-college enrolled young person could also
               | consider a Thiel Fellowship. There are many opportunities
               | out there.
               | djur wrote:
               | Why should the goals of the project funder have any
               | bearing on the goals of participants in the project?
       | apexedison wrote:
       | If you want to check out some of the games people have made you
       | can find them here: https://sprig.hackclub.com/gallery
       | zach_garwood wrote:
       | Man, I wish something like this would have existed back when I
       | was trying to make choose-your-own-adventure games in QBASIC back
       | in my teens! This is really awesome!
         | apexedison wrote:
         | Give it a try! I'd love to see the game you make.
       | omay wrote:
       | I am a big fan of Sprigs. It is kind of crazy that my game is on
       | the front page. Sprig is really easy to make games with, but it
       | is also capable enough to make more complex things.
       | bdickason wrote:
       | This is very cool. I love the focus on builders and do think
       | there's a gap in easy to use 2d web-friendly game engines
       | currently.
       | Phaser still requires a ton of boilerplate code compared to the
       | example games here.
       | Both Godot and Unity are very similar to each other and aren't
       | great for say.. hacking together a quick js prototype and sharing
       | it with your friends on the web (or with a lil' device).
         | teamonkey wrote:
         | The hole left by Flash has still not been filled
           | carl_dr wrote:
           | This.
           | For all the faults with Flash (security primarily) it gave so
           | many people an easy way into games development.
           | We're missing this today.
           | Just getting the environment setup for a lot of game engines
           | today is beyond today's teenagers (and to be fair, me - both
           | in terms of required knowledge and attention span), whereas
           | 40 years ago, you just turned your computer on and boom - a
           | flashing cursor. You had to type things to even load games.
         | apexedison wrote:
         | Thanks! I've been really strongly influenced by great
         | constructionists like Brian Silverman (who worked on Scratch
         | and early Lego Mindstorms). He also helped consult on Sprig
         | actually. We wanted to have a nice composable construct kit of
         | ideas which would make getting started easy but which would
         | still be fun for experts.
         | I've been really impressed with how well people can build out
         | really engaging games with simple graphics but interesting game
         | mechanics. The community already has pushed it beyond what we
         | originally expected when designing the engine.
       (page generated 2022-11-03 23:01 UTC)