[HN Gopher] Taste vs. Skills
       Taste vs. Skills
       Author : itypedformiles
       Score  : 43 points
       Date   : 2022-11-03 10:19 UTC (1 days ago)
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       | angarg12 wrote:
       | > Taste is knowing what is good -- being able to recognize it.
       | > Skill is the ability to build -- to do what's needed to do the
       | work.
       | > Taste and skill are totally independent.
       | This is the crux of the article, and I'm not sure what to make of
       | it. Some people have argued the opposite as well.
       | When the whole argument rests on a big assumption, I'd expect
       | some data to back it up. If I don't agree with the premise, the
       | argument falls apart.
         | avg_dev wrote:
         | I just flat out disagree with
         | > Taste and skill are totally independent.
         | As my facility with code has grown, so has my sense of taste. I
         | see beauty in code much more clearly than early in my journey.
         | This is true of other things in my life as well.
           | mark_undoio wrote:
           | I agree with you. Skill helps you appreciate what is good
           | taste.
           |  _Both_ come with experience and a willingness to learn.
           | I'm not keen on the idea of taste as simply some innate
           | quality, rather than something learned / taught. Thinking of
           | it as some X factor makes it easier to write off people who
           | just disagree or lack experience.
           | That said, I've totally seen code with poor taste and I've
           | written it myself, so I believe in the underlying concept.
         | cestith wrote:
         | I'm not sure if I would accept the premise, but if we start
         | from it I think the rest of the article makes some self-
         | consistent sense.
         | zwkrt wrote:
         | You bring up a good point. I really don't know anyone in my
         | personal/work life who I think has great taste but poor ability
         | to execute. This includes not only tech but music, interior
         | design, cooking, conversation, anything. I definitely know the
         | reverse; people who can execute quickly but produce something
         | smelly.
         | I'm reminded of the oft-quoted experiment where people judged
         | on the number of ceramics they could create in a given time
         | period ended up making higher quality output than people who
         | were judged on their single best piece. The ability to make
         | good judgements often is acquired by people who continuously
         | have to make many judgements. And the ability to make many
         | judgements is limited by your ability to execute.
         | throw7 wrote:
         | Thanks for the summary as I didn't read the article and I don't
         | like arguing about "taste"... but I was piqued by "do what's
         | needed to do the work" as "skill". I was reminded of the
         | entrance plaque to the Schoellkopf Power Station:
         | to know what to do... wisdom
         | to know how to do it... skill
         | to do the thing as it should be done is... service
         | Ferret7446 wrote:
         | I'd argue that taste is a kind of skill (or more generally,
         | knowledge). It can be developed. Doing things requires a
         | multitude of skills. Depending on the task, some skills may be
         | more impactful. There is also some co-development depending on
         | the skill.
         | Basically, to get better at something, usually you have to
         | branch out and develop periphery skills and knowledge. For
         | example, don't just focus on writing bug-free code fast, but
         | also on software design, and design in general. And team
         | management. And people skills. And read research papers and
         | algorithms. And learn from past failures and case studies, etc.
         | runevault wrote:
         | I'll give a simple example. Do you think knowing how to write a
         | lexer and parser means you know how to write the syntax of a
         | language that will be pleasant to use? Because knowing the
         | algorithms to do one does not mean you have the skills to do
         | the other, which is a form of taste.
         | club_tropical wrote:
         | There is no "data" that would satisfy you if your intuition is
         | so completely erased that you need some sociologist to tell you
         | this.
         | Taste is a manifestation of beauty and beauty in all forms is
         | universal and hypnotic and skill-independent. Babies, animals,
         | 80 year old grandmas, all incapable of executing, all still
         | respond to beauty. Beauty instantiates itself in different
         | "tastes" of the day, maybe, but there is no act of beauty that
         | becomes ugly over time. There are buildings from across the
         | world 500 AD we consider beautiful and even try to emulate
         | today. Execution has very little to do with this; you don't
         | need to be a bricklayer to appreciate the pretty brick building
         | from 16th century London.
         | The people who are most incapable of having good taste are
         | generally _not_ the unskilled people - those actually
         | instinctively orient themselves to beauty when they encounter
         | it - far from it, it is the _lesser skilled_ people who resent
         | their inability to produce something of beauty and respond
         | crabs-in-a-bucket style by taking true beauty down a notch. It
         | is pompous art gallery types that will try to persuade you that
         | the signed toilet bowl is  "akshually art", worthy of being
         | preserved in museums next to Caravaggio.
           | P5fRxh5kUvp2th wrote:
           | well said.
           | It's the same people that demand data before you can conclude
           | that a quadriplegic is going to finish a 40 yard dash behind
           | a non-quadraplegic.
           | BlargMcLarg wrote:
           | So then, what the heck happened in OOP country? Terse writing
           | is the default and individuals discuss ad nauseam what they
           | prefer.
         | Jensson wrote:
         | Do you think that a person who is great at coding games is also
         | great at coming up with good game ideas to code?
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | As someone who often thinks about these kinds of things, I like
       | the OP's "skills as floor, taste as ceiling" take. Nothing earth-
       | shattering here, but a cool little post.
       | leetrout wrote:
       | Ira Glass said this best over a decade ago.
       | Couple sources:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbC4gqZGPSY
       | https://www.themarginalian.org/2014/01/29/ira-glass-success-...
         | pcurve wrote:
         | That's a classic. Thanks for sharing.
       | n0w wrote:
       | I enjoyed the article, but I found the description of taste a bit
       | nebulous.
       | I think part of it is the knowledge and experience you base your
       | expectations/perspective on.
       | I would argue that there is a subjective aspect to taste that is
       | determined by your personal/technical values. Having different
       | values doesn't mean you have bad taste, it means you're
       | optimising for different things.
       | If you find yourself in an environment where you're unhappy
       | because things don't match your taste, you might value different
       | things. This doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong or
       | objectively bad.
       | I think it's useful to frame things in this way because it can
       | prevent you from dismissing the opinions of people that value
       | different things.
       | Diversity of opinion and perspective is a good thing to a certain
       | degree. Lack of a common set of shared values is probably a
       | breeding ground for conflict though!
       | booleandilemma wrote:
       | _Taste and skill are totally independent._
       | This is not true for things that matter. It's no coincidence that
       | the example he chooses is movies, of all things.
       | Skill is the independent variable. When your skill increases,
       | your taste will increase.
       | It's not more complicated than that.
       | But a lot of people make it more complicated than that because
       | they have an incentive to.
       | Because convincing others that you have "taste" is a very useful
       | skill (ha) in our world. It's how you can position yourself as a
       | leader, manager, critic, etc. without taking the time to develop
       | skill yourself. It's a shortcut.
       | The trick is having to decoupling the two, which this article
       | tries at.
       | I'd take 1 engineer with skill over 100 with "taste" (whatever
       | that means) any day.
       | haskell_melody wrote:
       | Great article.
       | taylorbuley wrote:
       | Highly recommend Ira Glass's peptalk on this topic as related to
       | storytelling, about embracing the process of failing forward.
       | https://vimeo.com/24715531
       | robocat wrote:
       | Linus Torvalds talks about taste in
       | https://www.tag1consulting.com/blog/interview-linus-torvalds...
       | I did maintain Git for a few months, and the thing that made me
       | ask Junio if he wanted to be the maintainer is that very-hard-to-
       | describe notion of "good taste". I don't really have a better
       | description for it: programming is about solving technical
       | problems, but how you solve them, and how you think about them is
       | important too, and it's one of those things you start to
       | recognize over time: certain people have that "good taste" thing
       | and pick the "right" solution.            I don't want to claim
       | that programming is an art, because it really is mostly just
       | about "good engineering". I'm a big believer in Thomas Edison's
       | "one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration"
       | mantra: it's almost all about the little details and the everyday
       | grunt-work. But there is that occasional "inspiration" part, that
       | "good taste" thing that is about more than just solving some
       | problem - solving it cleanly and nicely and yes, even
       | beautifully.            And Junio had that "good taste".
       | And every time Git comes up, I try to remember to really make it
       | very very clear: I may have started and designed the core ideas
       | in Git, but I often get too much credit for that part. It's been
       | 15+ years, and I was really only involved with Git in that first
       | year. Junio has been an exemplary maintainer, and he's the one
       | who has made Git what it is today.            Btw, this whole
       | "good taste" thing and finding people who have it, and trusting
       | them - that's very much not just about Git. It's very much the
       | history of Linux too. Unlike Git, Linux is obviously a project
       | that I still do actively maintain, but very much like Git, it's
       | also a project with lots of other people involved, and I think
       | one of the big successes of Linux is having literally hundreds of
       | maintainers around, all with that hard-to-define "good taste",
       | and all people who maintain parts of the kernel.
         | mark_undoio wrote:
         | This also reminds me there are different dimensions to taste.
         | A developer can have both excellent taste and skill in code and
         | lack one or both in its user interface. For instance, I'd
         | personally say git seems to be amazingly successful and robust
         | but that the UX could be much more consistent without
         | sacrificing any power.
         | I fully expect there are other dimensions to this too for other
         | overlapping domains in software engineering. Something like
         | E.g:
         | - testing - does the test code work? (skill), is it making the
         | most of opportunities for coverage and self-documentation
         | (taste? Or a different kind of skill?) - API design - can it do
         | what's required? (skill), is it a sensible ABI too? (skill),
         | can others understand it? (taste), is boilerplate minimal?
         | (taste) - documentation - is it correct _and_ complete (skill)
         | _and_ understandable? (taste) - code review - can you spot bugs
         | and inconsistencies? (skill), are you giving feedback that
         | allows incremental improvements without overwhelming? (taste)
         | I fully believe both skill and taste can be learned in all
         | these areas but different thought processes will help in each.
         | k__ wrote:
         | This is an interesting take. I had the impression Unix devs
         | often see the Linux kernel as a bad example for "taste".
         | avg_dev wrote:
         | I have a lot of respect for both Linus Torvalds and Junio
         | Hamano. I think git has been very important, Linux even moreso.
         | But why didn't darcs or hg win instead? I will never know.
         | This ultimately sums up my thoughts:
         | https://twitter.com/markrussinovich/status/15784512452490526...
       (page generated 2022-11-04 23:01 UTC)