[HN Gopher] In Defense of Linked Lists
       In Defense of Linked Lists
       Author : grep_it
       Score  : 150 points
       Date   : 2022-11-04 20:46 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (antirez.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (antirez.com)
       | c-smile wrote:
       | Why do we need to defend a hammer against a sickle?
       | Each tool has its own value it was designed for ...
       | Try to imagine LISP without lists ...
         | bsder wrote:
         | > Try to imagine LISP without lists ...
         | It's called Clojure.
         | Getting rid of CONS (effectively removing singly linked lists)
         | is a huge benefit.
         | klysm wrote:
         | A list can have different memory representations with identical
         | semantics.
       | js2 wrote:
       | > Linked lists are conceptual. A node pointing to itself is the
       | most self centered thing I can imagine in computing: an ideal
       | representation of the more vulgar infinite loop. A node pointing
       | to NULL is a metaphor of loneliness. A linked list with tail and
       | head connected, a powerful symbol of a closed cycle.
       | Tongue-in-cheek, but this really made me smile. :-)
       | tunesmith wrote:
       | How _do_ you detect a cycle with linked lists? :) I actually have
       | a side project where I 've run into this - it's a distributed
       | directed graph structure where the nodes can send messages to
       | each other. It's intended to be acyclic, but "walking the graph"
       | is really only used to send truth values, which are combined with
       | others to run Boolean logic. So in that case, the occasional
       | cycle doesn't matter, because if the calculated boolean value
       | matches that of the node's internal state, it just can cease
       | propagating. So a structural loop won't turn into an infinite
       | processing loop.
       | The problem then becomes that I can't introduce NOT gates
       | anywhere in a cycle, because then the bit will continue flipping
       | and I'll get an infinite processing loop.
       | So it seems my only hope is external processes that continually
       | walk the graph and keep track of where it visited to try and
       | detect loops, and I don't like how that scales...
         | Smaug123 wrote:
         | One of the standard texts on the matter:
         | https://aphyr.com/posts/341-hexing-the-technical-interview
         | dragontamer wrote:
         | With "just" a linked list, you need a turtle (advance one-node
         | at a time), and a hare (advance two-nodes at a time).
         | If the turtle and hare ever meet, you have a cycle. Otherwise,
         | if the hare reaches the end of the list, you don't have a
         | cycle.
           | timjver wrote:
           | Just in case performance matters, there is a more efficient
           | way: have the tortoise stay in place and advance the hare
           | only one node at a time, and assign the hare to the tortoise
           | every time a power of 2 number of steps have been made. This
           | is known as Brent's algorithm, and it requires fewer
           | advancements than the original tortoise and hare algorithm by
           | Floyd.
           | Another notable advantage of Brent's algorithm is that it
           | automatically finds the cycle length, rather than (in Floyd's
           | case) any multiple of the cycle length.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycle_detection#Brent's_algori.
           | ..
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Cycle_detection
             | Cycle detection in (currently) 44 languages. Most (all?)
             | use Brent's algorithm. They're operating on an iterated
             | function but converting most of these to detect cycles in a
             | linked list would be straightforward.
         | klysm wrote:
         | Does the graph have static structure? I'm not sure if you're
         | describing something like an actor system.
           | tunesmith wrote:
           | Akka cluster sharding :) Shape of the graph can change as
           | processes are being run.
         | mdavidn wrote:
         | It's not difficult. Keep a pointer to a recently-visited node.
         | After visiting N nodes, update the pointer to the current node,
         | but also double N. If the pointer ever matches the next node,
         | the list has a cycle. The doubling of N ensures that even large
         | cycles will eventually be detected.
         | bewaretheirs wrote:
         | Set two pointers to the head of the list.
         | Step through the list by one element per iteration with one of
         | them, and with the other, step every other iteration.
         | If the two pointers are ever again equal you've found a cycle.
         | If you hit end of list, no cycle.
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | Can you just store the first reference as a local variable and
         | then compare each time you move to a new node?
         | Or to save the comparisons make the thing the first node points
         | to have a stop flag of some sort.
           | mdavidn wrote:
           | That approach works only when the first node is included in
           | the cycle. Other cycles are possible.
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | Consider this kind of cycle:                 Head -> Node1 ->
           | Node2 -> Node3                 ^                 |
           | +-----------------+
           | If it's a circular list then your option would work, but not
           | all cycles will produce circular lists.
         | ufo wrote:
         | There are a bunch of algorithms for detecting cycles. One of
         | the classics is the tortoise and hare algorithm, which uses
         | only O(1) space.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycle_detection#Floyd's_tortoi...
           | [deleted]
       | scottlamb wrote:
       | > I thought of writing this blog post full of all the things I
       | love about linked lists.
       | The blog post is short, and I think the author covered about
       | everything.
       | Yeah, linked lists are sometimes appropriate, especially
       | intrusive linked lists (the author called them "embedded" linked
       | lists). The hate they get is a backlash against CS programs that
       | introduce people to them early and don't emphasize enough the
       | reasons you should usually pick something else. If we have to err
       | on one side or the other, I'd rather it be telling people not to
       | use them.
       | btw:
       | > Redis can be wrong, but both Redis and the Linux kernel can't.
       | Yes, they can, and I'd rather avoid argument from authority
       | altogether.
       | waynecochran wrote:
       | Another cool property about linked lists is that you can add an
       | element to the head of a list without mutating the previous list.
       | There are not many data structure that you can add an element to
       | and leave the previous version unchanged. This form of
       | immutability is a very nice feature that Lisp / functional
       | programmers enjoy. Because of this, you can concurrently add an
       | element to the head of a list to create new lists without having
       | a critical section in your code.
         | robocat wrote:
         | > you can concurrently add an element to the head of a list to
         | create new lists without having a critical section
         | The race is on: now you have two lists when before you had one?
           | rileyphone wrote:
           | Every element of the list, from its own point of view, is
           | another list.
       | jbandela1 wrote:
       | In my experience, the linked lists that are useful are intrusive
       | linked lists where the data you care about has a next/previous
       | embedded pointer as opposed to an just storing an arbitrary
       | object inside a linked list.
       | One example would be if your thread structure has these embedded
       | pointers, you can easily add/remove a thread to a linked list of
       | threads waiting for some resource without any allocation just by
       | pointer manipulation.
         | pclmulqdq wrote:
         | This is a very useful pattern when you have small collections
         | of large objects, where the vector/array implementation starts
         | to fall flat on its face. Kernels and high-performance servers
         | use these a lot for state tracking.
         | If you combine intrusive linking with a pool allocator, you can
         | have decent locality too.
         | dclowd9901 wrote:
         | I know it's splitting hairs but doesn't that mean the structure
         | is, indeed, a linked list? A structure can be two things at
         | once.
         | antirez wrote:
         | This is a very popolar use case inside kernels implementations.
           | colinfinck wrote:
           | FWIW, I recently implemented a safe Rust crate around the
           | Windows variant of intrusive linked lists [1] and spoke about
           | it at EuroRust [2].
           | I did it only for compatibility and would still prefer
           | vectors whenever I can use them. Nevertheless, I put some
           | efforts into coming up with a useful and high-performing
           | implementation. To give an example: My `append` function is
           | O(1) and not a poor O(N) version that you rightfully
           | criticized in your tweet.
           | [1] https://colinfinck.de/posts/nt-list-windows-linked-lists-
           | in-... [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxhZIyXOIw8
         | klysm wrote:
         | The other benefit of this kind of data structure is the ability
         | for one object to participate in multiple collections.
         | Otherwise you would have to do some kind of hash map structure
         | to point to them.
       | armchairhacker wrote:
       | Linked lists are great to know and understand. Linked lists are
       | not good for performance. In most cases, an array or other data
       | structure is much more efficient than a linked list. But there
       | are cases where linked lists' immutability/segmentation or
       | simplicity to implement make them the better choice.
         | taeric wrote:
         | There are, interestingly, also times when fun facets of the
         | linked lists mutability can lead to benefits.
         | https://taeric.github.io/DancingLinks.html is my attempt at
         | exploring Knuth's DLX algorithm. I can't recommend enough that
         | you look into how he did it. Very fun and exciting use of
         | mutable doubly linked lists.
       | taeric wrote:
       | I suspect the problem is that many people think of stuff like
       | Java's LinkedList when they think of linked lists. As a standard
       | list implementation, I think it is easy to see that a doubly
       | linked list just isn't that strong. Especially with how
       | cumbersome the List interface makes it to take advantage of the
       | links.
       | That said, conceptually, linked items are everywhere; such that
       | you can easily find how to list things following the links. You
       | probably just don't bother keeping that in a "List" structure in
       | your code.
         | xxs wrote:
         | LinkedList is useless in Java. Aside the lock free version of
         | them, Linked Lists are better avoided in any language (Few
         | exceptions)
           | taeric wrote:
           | I'll forever think of this tweet when I see java's LinkeList.
           | https://twitter.com/joshbloch/status/583813919019573248
           | Funny, as I constantly have to tell folks to not bother using
           | it at the office. Everyone always assumes it has to be faster
           | than arraylist for whatever they happen to be doing this
           | time. I think the vast majority of the time it flat doesn't
           | matter, but I also fully expect LinkedList will lose most
           | speed tests.
             | xxs wrote:
             | LinkedList is terrible as the memory overhead is way too
             | high - if you need something better use an ArrayDeque.
         | jsight wrote:
         | I run into people that use LinkedList everywhere in their code
         | "for efficiency". It always confuses me. Are CS professors
         | teaching something that leads to this?
         | In practice, it seems unusual for it to have any advantages
         | over just using an ArrayList in typical JVM applications.
           | taeric wrote:
           | I blame an over reliance on Big O as an arbiter of what is a
           | fast algorithm. Linked lists are commonly taught as having
           | much better insertion speed than arrays.
           | This ignores constant factors and cache coherency, of course.
           | More, it also ignores that most lists that folks will make
           | have a VERY predictable access pattern. Typically just a one
           | way scan, if any traversal at all. With very few inserts, and
           | mostly just appending.
       | forrestthewoods wrote:
       | The first problem with Linked Lists is you should almost never
       | use them. Do they have uses? Of course! However on modern
       | computers memory access is, roughly, more expensive than CPU
       | cycles. The Linked List has been demoted to a "special case" data
       | structure.
       | The second problem is Linked Lists are taught too early. They're
       | historically taught first in Data Structures 101. This results in
       | new programmers using LinkedLists first when they should be used
       | last.
       | readams wrote:
       | Linked lists are great. But they have the problem that, almost
       | always, whatever problem you're trying to solve would be better
       | done with a regular resizable vector.
       | This includes problems that they should be great for, like insert
       | into the middle or the front.
       | The reason is that in practice the way computers actually work is
       | that there is an enormous time penalty for jumping around
       | randomly in memory, and it's large enough that it's often worth
       | paying a O(lg n) cost to switch to something that will be
       | contiguous in memory and allow the CPU to prefetch data.
       | There are exceptions when you really should use an actual linked
       | list, but your default should be a vector and not a linked list.
         | jstimpfle wrote:
         | That works if the data that you want to put in the sequence is
         | copyable (doesn't have "identity"), or if you can arrange so
         | that it gets created in the right spot from the start and you
         | can always choose the iteration order to be sequential in
         | memory. For many more complex structures, that is not the case.
           | ay wrote:
           | Could you give an example of a data that is uncopyable ? A
           | struct witj self-referential pointers ?
         | Smaug123 wrote:
         | Nobody has mentioned immutability yet - linked lists are easily
         | used as one of the simplest immutable persistent data
         | structures. Your definition of "better" appears to be solely
         | about keeping the CPU burning, but if CPU _isn 't_ the
         | bottleneck, I prefer "immutable linked list" over "clone a
         | vector many times" merely on aesthetic and reason-ability
         | grounds.
         | huhtenberg wrote:
         | > almost always
         | As any generalization this one too is, of course, incorrect.
         | Outside of the realm of academia, the need to keep data pieces
         | in several _containers_ at the same time, with no heap
         | operations on insertion or removal and O(1) removal is very
         | common, especially in the kernel space and embedded contexts.
         | The only option that fits the bill - you guessed it - are the
         | linked lists.
           | nostrademons wrote:
           | Note that this (and the article) describes an _intrusive_
           | linked list. _Extrusive_ linked lists (like you might see in
           | a class library or CS 101 project), where the node structure
           | is heap-allocated separately from the data that it points to,
           | have very few practical advantages over vectors, which is why
           | standard libraries are increasingly defaulting to vectors
           | even when the class is named  "list".
           | forrestthewoods wrote:
           | As any generalization this one too is, of course, incorrect.
           | In the real world of application development when choosing
           | between Vector and LinkedList the answer is almost always
           | Vector. There are, of course, certain problems where
           | LinkedList is always the correct answer.
           | However for all problem that have chosen either Vector or
           | LinkedList as their container of choice a super majority
           | should choose Vector.
         | tylerhou wrote:
         | If you're iterating, sure, use a vector. If you're pulling from
         | a queue and doing a lot of processing, maybe an RPC -- does the
         | ~70ns memory latency hit really matter that much? Probably not.
           | kibwen wrote:
           | Why impose that latency if you don't need to? It costs me
           | nothing to reach for a vector instead.
         | jalino23 wrote:
         | by vector you mean regular js arrays?
           | josephg wrote:
           | Broadly yes, C++'s vector is the equivalent of JS arrays.
           | But the javascript array type is much more complicated. It
           | intelligently changes its internal structure based on how you
           | use it - which is pretty wild.
         | bjoli wrote:
         | While I generally agree with you, I have had multiple occasions
         | where amortized O(1) was unacceptable, whereas the overhead of
         | linked lists was ok.
         | imbnwa wrote:
         | I've always wondered why GSAP and CreateJS both rely on linked
         | lists for sequencing animations
         | im3w1l wrote:
         | One data structure I recently found myself wanting is a tree-
         | based "array", with O(log n) access by index / insertion
         | anywhere / deletion anywhere.
         | Kinda weird how rare it seems to be.
           | Munksgaard wrote:
           | That sounds like a pretty run-of-the-mill balanced binary
           | tree? Rust has a BTreeMap: https://doc.rust-
           | lang.org/std/collections/struct.BTreeMap.ht...
         | layer8 wrote:
         | That depends on the number of elements and the size of the
         | payload data. Both approaches can be combined by using a linked
         | list of arrays.
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | Yes.
           | There is a reason why it's hard to create either a bare
           | linked list or a bare array on modern language. It's because
           | both are bad extremes, and the optimum algorithm is almost
           | always some combination of them.
         | andirk wrote:
         | Understanding, and even sympathizing, with the machine's toil
         | re: vectors vs manual linked list can separate a good engineer
         | from a great one. We learn linked lists, assembly, and even
         | machine code in Computer Science majors so that we know what's
         | happening under the hood and can more easily surmise the
         | runtime effects.
           | kibwen wrote:
           | All of these are indeed important, and will eventually (one
           | hopes) result in the student realizing that linked lists are
           | to be avoided because of their poor mechanical sympathy
           | resulting from their awful cache locality.
           | Valid uses for a linked list are extremely niche. Yes, you
           | can name some, and I can name several valid uses for bloom
           | filters. Just because a simple linked list is easy to
           | implement does not mean it should be used, any more than
           | bubble sort should be used for its simplicity.
             | throwawaymaths wrote:
             | Wait why do linked lists have bad cache locality? It
             | depends on how your heap is set up. For example, you could
             | have an allocator that gives relatively good locality by
             | having high granularity and only bailing out if say your LL
             | gets super long (so if your lists are usually short, they
             | could have awesome locality)
         | dmitrygr wrote:
         | Modern CPUs detect patterns of pointer chasing common in linked
         | list use and prefetch to cache just fine. Your comment would
         | have been valid a decade or more ago.
         | And _plenty_ of use cases are much better with linked lists
         | than resizable vectors. Eg: queues.
           | vbezhenar wrote:
           | RAM latency is huge. No amount of prefetching can fix that.
           | If anything, prefetching works better with arrays as RAM
           | reads multiple bytes at once.
           | xxs wrote:
           | Queues are best implemented with a pow2 cyclic array, and you
           | have a free deque, too.
             | attractivechaos wrote:
             | A ring-buffer based queue is mostly better than a linked
             | list but it is not necessarily the best. The typical STL
             | deque implementation [1], with all its complexity, is
             | usually faster than a ring buffer.
             | [1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6292332/what-
             | really-is-a...
           | tylerhou wrote:
           | I have some experience using/modifying linked-list benchmarks
           | (https://github.com/google/multichase) specifically to test
           | memory latency.
           | It is extremely difficult, maybe impossible, to design a
           | prefetcher that can predict the next cacheline(s) to prefetch
           | while traversing in a linked-list. I am not aware of a single
           | CPU that can do this consistently. For instance, if you run
           | multichase (a linked-list chaser) on GCP servers, you
           | generally get the expected memory latency (~70-100ns,
           | depending on the platform).
           | Borealid wrote:
           | I think there's more to cache locality than prefetching. In
           | an array, consecutive elements will be usually be adjacent in
           | physical memory (excepting page boundaries ), so each cache
           | line load where a cache line is larger than the array element
           | will "overfetch" into the next element. This should mean
           | fewer total cache loads and thus more efficient use of memory
           | bandwidth for situations where it is constrained (such as
           | walking a list).
           | howinteresting wrote:
           | For most use cases a ring buffer either with or without a
           | maximum length will do much better as a queue than a linked
           | list will.
           | There are some niche use cases where linked lists are good.
           | Lock-free queues are one, and another big set of use cases is
           | where you need hard O(1) insert even with a high constant
           | factor, not amortized O(1).
             | anonymoushn wrote:
             | High-performance SPSC queues are always implemented with an
             | array.
             | If you need hard O(1) insert you can usually just allocate
             | an array much bigger than you will need. The combination of
             | hard performance requirements and willingness to wait for
             | an allocator all the time is unusual.
             | gamegoblin wrote:
             | The place I see linked lists pop up the mosts are when
             | implementing LRU caches. You need a linked hashmap of sorts
             | where the hashmap gives O(1) lookup to the linked list node
             | in question, and then you can extract that node and move it
             | to the head of the queue in O(1) as well.
             | This is a special case of where they also appear: linked
             | hashmap implementations, where you want a hashmap that has
             | a consistent iteration order.
               | josephg wrote:
               | I've seen them show up in lots of situations through
               | intrusive lists, which I think is the general form of the
               | example you're giving.
               | Intrusive lists are used in the Linux kernel, in physics
               | engines (eg Chipmunk2d) and game engines. The way Redis
               | uses them for TTL expiry follows the same pattern.
           | spijdar wrote:
           | There are a lot of factors involved, but given a limited
           | number of _cache lines_ that can be stored in low level
           | cache, I would think there 'd be at least some performance
           | penalty for prefetching from non-linear blocks of memory vs
           | the inherent spatial locality in an array/vector, if only
           | because it'd cause more old cache to be evicted.
           | colinmhayes wrote:
           | Queues are generally implemented with with a vector of
           | pointers to vectors. Nicely diagrammed here
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6292332/what-really-
           | is-a... Ring buffers also work better than linked lists
             | waynesonfire wrote:
             | is Erlang and JDK general enough for you? Oh, both use
             | linked lists,
             | https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/master/lib/stdlib/src/qu
             | e... https://github.com/openjdk-
             | mirror/jdk7u-jdk/blob/master/src/...
               | xxs wrote:
               | why would your refer LinkedBlockingQueue? You have
               | ArrayBlockingQueue, too. ArrayDeque is just better than
               | LinkedList.
           | [deleted]
           | anonymoushn wrote:
           | Even if your linked list is backed by an array and all the
           | elements are right next to each other, computing some cheap
           | function of the elements of a linked list is incredibly slow
           | compared to the alternative because of the unnecessary and
           | very long dependency chain.
           | Vectors are basically perfect for queues.
           | optymizer wrote:
           | I'm going to call you out on this one, because it's a bold
           | claim, and I'd love to see an explanation and some perf
           | numbers.
           | For example, I'm wondering how the CPU knows what the next
           | item in the list to prefetch it. Unlike the next item in an
           | array, list items could be pointing anywhere in process
           | memory.
           | Also, what counts as a modern CPU in this context? Are we
           | talking latest generation desktop CPUs from Intel, or
           | anything after Core 2 Duo? How about mobile devices with ARM
           | CPUs? Would those just be ignored?
           | Is there a benchmark?
             | dmitrygr wrote:
             | Feast your eyes on the "Intel(r) 64 and IA-32 Architectures
             | Optimization Reference Manual": https://cdrdv2-public.intel
             | .com/671488/248966_software_optim... (newer link, as
             | requested by one of the child comments)
             | It details the prefetchers, how they work, what patterns
             | they recognize (section 3.7)
               | NavinF wrote:
               | Prefetching just one element ahead does fuck-all when ram
               | is 100x slower than cache especially if you need to
               | precharge and activate a new row which is always the case
               | when you're spraying tiny objects all over the place.
               | insanitybit wrote:
               | This is a great document that will absolutely confirm, in
               | a number of ways, that linked lists are going to be
               | terrible for prefetching.
               | [deleted]
               | josephg wrote:
               | It doesn't claim linked lists are fast. And it doesn't
               | have any benchmarking data.
               | Actually the only reference to linked lists I see is in
               | the prefetcher section (3.7.3), where it explicitly
               | recommends that consecutive items are stored in a single
               | 4kb cache line or in consecutive cache lines. They give a
               | positive code example using an array, like other
               | commenters are suggesting.
               | fuckstick wrote:
               | It's a link to a document on architectures well over a
               | decade old - the most recent mentioned is the original
               | Core architecture (from 2008). Honestly, based on your
               | first comment I thought you were implying something about
               | content dependent prefetch or other techniques that I am
               | familiar in the academic literature but unaware of ever
               | being used in mainstream hardware.
               | > Organize the data so consecutive accesses can usually
               | be found in the same 4-KByte page. > * Access the data in
               | constant strides forward or backward IP Prefetcher. 3-72
               | > Method 2: >* Organize the data in consecutive lines. >
               | * Access the data in increasing addresses, in sequential
               | cache lines.
               | Nothing new here that contradicts the GPs skepticism.
               | Certainly not enough evidence for you to be a dick.
               | dmitrygr wrote:
               | yup, was link to old a document with same title. updated.
               | thanks.
               | fuckstick wrote:
               | Ok, but the hardware data prefetch functionality seems
               | basically unchanged:
               | "Characteristics of the hardware prefetcher are: * It
               | requires some regularity in the data access patterns. --
               | If a data access pattern has constant stride, hardware
               | prefetching is effective if the access stride is less
               | than half of the trigger distance of hardware prefetcher.
               | -- If the access stride is not constant, the automatic
               | hardware prefetcher can mask memory latency if the
               | strides of two successive cache misses are less than the
               | trigger threshold distance (small- stride memory
               | traffic). -- The automatic hardware prefetcher is most
               | effective if the strides of two successive cache misses
               | remain less than the trigger threshold distance and close
               | to 64 bytes."
               | forrestthewoods wrote:
               | My benchmarks say you're wrong.
               | https://www.forrestthewoods.com/blog/memory-bandwidth-
               | napkin...
               | dmitrygr wrote:
               | You're joking right?
               | "I made an extra test that wraps matrix4x4 in
               | std::unique_ptr."
               | And that is your test? One piece of code? Not even
               | presenting disassembly? Who the hell knows what your
               | compiler wrought in response to your "std::unique_ptr"
               | and "matrix4x4" ?
               | forrestthewoods wrote:
               | Well I've provided 1 benchmark to your 0. I'd say I'm
               | ahead.
               | My code benchmark is actually far more pre-fetch friendly
               | than a LinkedList because it can prefetch more than one
               | "node" at a time. In a LinkedList you can't prefetch N+1
               | and N+2 at the same time because N+2 is dependent on the
               | result of N+1.
               | I'm always open to learning new things. Modern compiler
               | magic is deep and dark. If sometimes a compiler magically
               | makes it fast and sometimes slow that'd be quite
               | interesting! If you have any concrete examples I'd love
               | to read them.
               | attractivechaos wrote:
               | Sorry for my ignorance - linked list matching the
               | performance of vector is something new to me. I would
               | like to learn more. The best way to prove your point is
               | to show us a benchmark. However, I couldn't find one with
               | a quick google search.
             | porcoda wrote:
             | Google for Intel hardware prefetcher and you'll turn up
             | some info.
             | Re: benchmarks. Not likely exactly what you're looking for,
             | but the GigaUpdates Per Second benchmark
             | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giga-updates_per_second) is
             | sort of the most-pathological-case of pointer jumping where
             | the jumps are random. Prefetchers don't do well with that
             | (for obvious reasons) - they tend to work best when there
             | is some pattern to the accesses. Linked data structures
             | often live somewhere in between - they may start with good,
             | regular stride patterns, but then over time as elements are
             | added and moved around, it turns into a tangle of
             | spaghetti.
             | Edit: I should add more. While prefetchers do exist in
             | hardware, they're a bit of a murky subject. Sometimes they
             | speed things up, sometimes they do so bad they slow
             | everything down. They can be very workload dependent. And
             | to top it off, hardware vendors can sometimes be a bit
             | opaque when explaining what their prefetching hardware
             | actually does well on. It's probably safest to not assume
             | your hardware will help you when it comes to tangled
             | pointer jumping code, and if you can avoid it via a
             | different data structure it's probably good to do so. That
             | said, other data structures may entail other tradeoffs -
             | better cache usage for lookups, but potentially more
             | expensive insertions. As usual with data structures, its a
             | game of balancing tradeoffs.
               | insanitybit wrote:
               | I don't buy this.
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDIkqP4JbkE
               | Prefetching in CPUs predates this talk.
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz9SiF0QVKY
               | That talk is 2018.
               | Cache prefetching works best for linear accesses like
               | with a vector, not for random pointer lookups.
               | Prefetchers are also going to have an extra harder time
               | with double indirection since they're unable to see which
               | value is going to be fed to the lea.
               | Prefetching is also expensive in and of itself, the CPU
               | doesn't do it unless you're already incurring cache hits.
               | This makes cache misses _even worse_. There are also
               | multiple prefetchers in the CPU and _the L1 prefetcher_
               | is very basic and is only going to help with contiguous
               | accesses. Your allocator might be doing some nice things
               | for you that let the _one of the_ L2 prefetchers help, I
               | would expect that you 'll see better L2 performance due
               | to prefetching.
               | If you have an example of a linked list being as fast as
               | a vector for iteration, please do show it.
         | waynesonfire wrote:
           | andrewmcwatters wrote:
           | Would you like to explain to the class?
             | [deleted]
           | klysm wrote:
           | Care to demonstrate why? I have the same experience
             | waynesonfire wrote:
             | the linked list has a wonderful capability that's
             | frequently seen in C where you can do O(1) removal from a
             | list. E.g. you can have an "object" detach itself. This is
             | not possible in Java's standard linked list implementation,
             | among other languages.
             | in general, inserting and removing elements from a vector
             | requires a memory copying.
             | There are programming languages that have linked lists as
             | their fundamental data structure, like Lisp and Erlang.
             | For situations where I don't need random access, linked
             | lists are hard to beat.
             | Linked lists also make wonderful immutable data structures.
             | linked lists have wonderful filter and flatmap performance.
             | how much memory copying would a vector require?
               | klysm wrote:
               | Yes, but in practice the coefficients on the O() almost
               | always end up working in the dense arrays favor because
               | of memory locality.
               | suremarc wrote:
               | This is assuming you already have a pointer of the
               | element you're removing, or a neighbor thereof.
               | Otherwise, you'd have to traverse a portion of the linked
               | list, which has a significant amount of per-element
               | overhead.
               | sakras wrote:
               | The problem with your analysis is that you're using big-O
               | notation. Big-O notation is based on an abstract machine
               | that is pretty unrepresentative of real computers. In
               | practice, the memcpy is always going to be faster (until
               | you get to really big sizes). Put another way, linked
               | list is O(1) with a massive constant, and memcpy is O(n)
               | with a tiny constant.
               | And actually this logic extends to other algorithms too.
               | My rule of thumb is that a linear search (despite being
               | O(n)) will be faster up to around n=100 than binary
               | search (which is O(log n)) just due to the way the CPU
               | operates.
           | zabzonk wrote:
           | yes, he does linked lists are, except in a few specific
           | cases, the wrong solution
           | [deleted]
           | koheripbal wrote:
           | This is not a substantive comment.
         | dragontamer wrote:
         | > regular resizable vector
         | At gross complexity / fragmentation / to your memory allocator.
         | Linked Lists are definitely easier to use if you're ever in a
         | position where you're writing your own malloc(). The
         | infrastructure needed to cleanly resize arrays (and also: the
         | pointers all going bad as you do so) has a lot of faults IMO.
         | EDIT: In particular, linked lists have a fixed size, so their
         | malloc() hand-written implementation is extremely simple.
           | ay wrote:
           | Doubling the vector size each time it needs to be enlarged
           | takes care of fragmentation/memory overhead, in practice. Or
           | preallocating if you know the rough size.
           | It does take some discipline to avoid the storage of
           | pointers, but once you get used to that it's quite fine.
           | Source: I work on VPP, which uses vectors quite extensively.
         | pfdietz wrote:
         | Compacting garbage collectors put linked lists into nearby
         | memory.
           | josephg wrote:
           | Even if memory was packed by a GC, linked lists still have to
           | pay the cost of allocating and garbage collecting every cell
           | of memory individually. I doubt a GC would solve linked
           | lists' woes.
           | Do you have some benchmarks demonstrating your claim?
             | throwawaymaths wrote:
             | Erlang GC is pretty good, plus there are some nice highly
             | local allocators
           | josefx wrote:
           | Will they? I don't think they reorder live objects relative
           | to each other, so any object allocated between two nodes
           | would still end up between those nodes after the GC ran.
       | klntsky wrote:
       | Not to mention path sharing (also called structural sharing) for
       | free.
       | chrisseaton wrote:
       | I've used linked lists where I wanted allocation of an almost-
       | write-only log data structure to be very fast - so not resizing a
       | buffer, and nobody cares about cache locality except for
       | allocation. In a system with a TLA buffer and bump-allocation,
       | this is absolutely ideal because allocation is local and very
       | fast, and does not cause any of the existing log to be brought
       | into cache.
       | "Nobody uses this data structure stuff in real programming at
       | work! You can forget it after college!"
         | [deleted]
         | eatonphil wrote:
         | Here's another example for the crowd: an "unbounded" fifo queue
         | in a fixed memory environment.
         | https://github.com/tigerbeetledb/tigerbeetle/blob/main/src/f...
       | bitwize wrote:
       | Linked lists are one of those things, like textual protocols,
       | that people reach for because they're easy and fun but, from an
       | engineering standpoint, you should never, ever use unless you can
       | provide a STRONG justification for doing so. The locality of
       | reference characteristics of vectors mean that, except for
       | extreme cases, they beat linked lists almost every time on modern
       | cached CPUs.
       | ignoramous wrote:
       | > _Linked lists are simple. It is one of those rare data
       | structures, together with binary trees and hash tables and a few
       | more, that you can implement just from memory without likely
       | stepping into big errors._
       | Well, if one likes linked lists enough, they can replace binary
       | search trees / hash tables with a skip list. Super powerful and
       | easier to implement than splay trees, red black trees, avl trees,
       | augmented trees, what-have-you.
       | ComputerGuru wrote:
       | One of the only times linked lists are "undoubtedly the right
       | option" is if you're writing some sort of intrusive data
       | structure to avoid an allocation by reusing caller stack from
       | another location. Not sure how many run into that often.
         | docandrew wrote:
         | When I need to avoid an allocation it's because I'm writing an
         | allocator :) Overlaying the list nodes on top of a block of
         | free memory avoids the need for a secondary data structure to
         | keep track of free areas.
         | The other time allocations are undesirable, and therefore
         | linked lists are widely-used, is bare metal work when other
         | allocators just aren't available. You can do tricks like
         | representing pools of free and in-use objects with two lists
         | where the nodes occupy the same memory block. Allocations are a
         | fast O(1) unlink from the free list and O(1) re-link to the
         | used list, and frees are the opposite.
       | photochemsyn wrote:
       | For educational purposes (i.e. hooking easily into graphics
       | packages for visualization) you can make a linked list in Python,
       | using elements like:
       | class Node:                 def __init__(self, dataval=None):
       | self.dataval = dataval              self.nodepointer = None
       | The only reason to do this is for education/visualization of data
       | structures, although I'm wondering if this can be engineered to
       | cause a Python memory leak, via circularization of the linked
       | list, or if Python's GC would catch it. Also educational perhaps.
       | Where linked lists really seem to come into play is with custom
       | manual memory allocators in embedded programming, something of a
       | niche subject.
       | lanstin wrote:
       | I just used linked lists to make an LRU hard limit on the number
       | of items in an in memory store. Each usage, the pointers are
       | updated to move the item to the head. Each time the list is at
       | the limit, the tail is removed and freed. I may take advantage of
       | the machinery to make it go onto free list. This was Go and the
       | DLL thing is my first use of generics.
       | layer8 wrote:
       | I think I first learned about linked lists in the context of
       | programming for AmigaOS, which has a standardized form of
       | (intrusive) linked lists that is used throughout the system. I
       | remember being fascinated by the header node which serves as both
       | the head and the tail of a list due to a "clever" field layout:
       | https://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/Exec_Lists_and_Queues
       | thedracle wrote:
       | There was a time when memory was conventionally expensive, memory
       | allocation of large blocks was slow, and small blocks was much
       | faster (malloc would find a small block faster than a large one
       | on a highly fragmented heap).
       | Before having gigantic caches that would engulf nearly any sized
       | contiguous list, linked lists were sort of vogue, frugal, and
       | thought of as being fairly performant.
       | stephc_int13 wrote:
       | The good thing about linked list is how easy they are to
       | understand and use, almost trivial.
       | The bad thing is that their cost nis ot obvious and not
       | consistent (difficult to predict).
       | I tend prefer simple arrays.
       | This talk by Mike Acton is a good introduction to understand why
       | going for the linked list as go-to data structure can lead to
       | performance issues.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX0ItVEVjHc
       | belter wrote:
       | "Does anyone use LinkedList? I wrote it, and I never use it." -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33418705
       | [deleted]
       | btilly wrote:
       | In scripting languages it is a truism that anything you would
       | want to do with a linked list is probably better done with an
       | array. And given the overhead of working in the language versus
       | things implemented in C, this is generally true.
       | However I have a fun use for linked lists where this is NOT true.
       | Anyone who has played around with algorithms has encountered
       | dynamic programming. So you can, for example, find the count of
       | subsets that sum to a particular number without actually
       | enumerating them all. But what if instead of counting them, you
       | wanted to actually find some?
       | The answer turns out to be that instead of using dynamic
       | programming to get a count, you use dynamic programming to build
       | up a data structure from which you can get the answer. And the
       | right data structure to use turns out to be...a type of linked
       | list! There is no faster array equivalent for what you get.
       | In other words, with a few extra fields for clarity, here is the
       | basic structure for subset sum of positive integers:
       | {             current_sum: ...,             count_of_solutions:
       | ...,             current_value: ...,
       | solutions_using_current_value: (link in one dim of linked list),
       | solutions_using_previous_values: (link on other dim of linked
       | list),         }
       | I leave figuring out the dynamic programming code to generate
       | this as a fun exercise. Likewise how to extract, say, the 500'th
       | subset with this sum. Both are easy if you understand linked
       | lists. If not...well...consider it education!
       | Jtsummers wrote:
       | Language wars, editor wars, and now data structure wars. What
       | random technical thing will people go to virtual blows over next?
         | keepquestioning wrote:
         | https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9rvroo/most...
       | TillE wrote:
       | The Windows kernel also has linked lists as one of its few
       | general-purpose data structures available to drivers.
       | Like any tool, it has its place. As long as you're not traversing
       | large linked lists, they're probably fine.
         | dilyevsky wrote:
         | Traversing a short list but frequently still going to have
         | terrible cache performance compared to something like vector.
         | Just use vectors, folks
           | slaymaker1907 wrote:
           | Allocating a huge chunk of memory all at once when the array
           | grows can also cause a bunch of problems. Linked lists are
           | also much simpler in a multi threaded context.
           | [deleted]
       | adeptima wrote:
       | When people asking my opinion for Rust, I loved to share them the
       | Linkedin List implementation link: https://doc.rust-
       | lang.org/src/alloc/collections/linked_list....
       | And the first feedback is why so many unsafe blocks? What is it
       | Option<NonNull<Node<T>>> ? '_ ?
       | Another reason to share, if you can understand Linkedin List, you
       | are free to code in Rust ;)
         | dekhn wrote:
         | I don't know Rust but I would guess that an
         | Option<NonNull<Node<T>>> would be a Node of type T, that cannot
         | be set to null, but can be optional. This is a type I would
         | want to return from a function that could either return
         | nothing, or a pointer to a real thing.
         | As for the unsafety, I would assume the authors of collections
         | know what they are doing and do that for performance.
           | proto_lambda wrote:
           | `NonNull` is actually a wrapper around the pointer type, with
           | the added invariant that the pointer cannot be null. The
           | compiler is made aware of this, which allows
           | `Option<NonNull<T>>` to be just a plain pointer, where the
           | `None` variant of the option corresponds to a null pointer
           | and the `Some(ptr)` case corresponds to a non-null pointer.
             | josephg wrote:
             | I really wish rust had better syntax for this. Raw C
             | pointers should probably all be Option<NonNull<T>> rather
             | than *mut T.
             | The latter is easier to type but worse in almost every way.
             | Ergonomics should guide you to the former, not the latter.
               | kibwen wrote:
               | It's an interesting suggestion to impose Option semantics
               | on raw pointers by default (presumably with some
               | alternative way to receive a nullable pointer, for
               | completeness). But in the meantime, in your own codebase,
               | it's easy enough to do `type Ptr<T> =
               | Option<NonNull<<T>>`.
               | andrewflnr wrote:
               | I think if you tried to do that, you'd basically be
               | mixing type-driven optimizations with the C FFI, which
               | sounds sketchy, to me at least. The null-optimization for
               | Option is just that, an optimization, and I don't like
               | taking it for granted where safety/security is at stake.
         | nemothekid wrote:
         | > _When people asking my opinion for Rust, I loved to share
         | them the Linkedin List implementation link:_
         | This LinkedList obsession is a bit bizarre to me, and tends to
         | come from older programmers who come from a time when coding
         | interviews involved writing linked lists and balancing b-trees.
         | To me though it also represents the stubbornness of C
         | programmers who refuse to consider things like growable vectors
         | a solved problem. My reaction to the LinkedList coders is not
         | "well Rust needs to maintain ownership", its _why does your
         | benchmark for how easy a language is involve how easy it is to
         | fuck around with raw pointers_?.
         | LinkedLists are a tool, but to C programmers that are an
         | invaluable fundamental building block that shows up early in
         | any C programmers education due to how simple they are to
         | implement and the wide range of use cases they can be used for.
         | But they are technically an unsafe data structure and if you
         | willing to let some of that stubbornness go and finally accept
         | some guard rails, you have to be able to see that a data
         | structure like linkedlists will be harder to implement.
         | It has nothing to do with the language; implementing with
         | LinkedLists with any sort of guardrails adds a ton of
         | complexity, either up front (e.g. borrowchecker) or behind the
         | scenes (e.g. a garbage collector). When you accept this fact,
         | it becomes ludicrous to imply that a LinkedList implementation
         | is a good benchmark for the ergonomics of a language like Rust.
         | chlorion wrote:
         | Considering that unsafe rust basically just allows raw pointer
         | access (see link below) which is already a thing you can do
         | normally in C, I do not see how that's a very good argument
         | against it honestly.
         | As for the Option type, it is exactly what it says. It's an
         | optional, non-nullable node generic over type T. I suppose
         | generics, optionals and the idea of non-nullable types might be
         | exotic at first, but this is not a problem with Rust as much as
         | it's a problem with C not being able to express these concepts
         | in the first place and instead expecting you to spray null
         | checks all over the place!
         | https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch19-01-unsafe-rust.html
         | andrewflnr wrote:
         | In the Rust ecosystem philosophy, linked lists are the kind of
         | thing you want to write once, very carefully, then re-use a
         | lot. That's exactly the kind of code where unsafe can be
         | reasonable. It's not like it would actually be safer in any
         | other language that didn't have an explicit unsafe keyword.
         | More aesthetically pleasing, perhaps, but not safer.
         | You're acting like it's some epic burn on Rust that there's
         | some ugly code in its stdlib. It's not. Stdlibs are like that.
         | Furthermore, as others have pointed out, linked lists in
         | particular are a pathological case for Rust, meaning you're
         | pointing and snickering at a special case of a special case.
         | Most people never have to write or look at that kind of code.
           | svnpenn wrote:
           | this comes off as extremely defensive. I don't feel like the
           | person you're responding to, intended any kind of "sick
           | burn". Calm down dude.
         | SighMagi wrote:
         | There's so much code marked "unsafe" in there...
           | estebank wrote:
           | That's because in order to interact with pointers you need
           | unsafe, and not using unsafe in Rust requires a single
           | ownership tree _or_ reference counting. If you 're not keen
           | on either of those solutions, you shouldn't be writing a
           | Doubly Linked List in other languages either (because they
           | will have either pointers or reference counting/GC).
             | andrewflnr wrote:
             | "Those solutions" start off being hierarchical ownership or
             | reference counting, but turn into "pointers or reference
             | counting". Requiring pointers is implicit to the definition
             | of linked lists, and calling it out here is silly. And you
             | don't really need either ref counting (again, pretty
             | obviously, witness every real world implementation) or
             | hierarchical ownership outside Rust.
             | Conceptually, the list as a vague concept owns all the
             | nodes. The ownership just stops being expressible directly
             | through references the way Rust wants it to be. But you
             | don't have to re-invent hierarchical ownership to implement
             | DLLs in other languages, because it's not really there in
             | the problem. You just have to accept that they're always
             | going to suck under Rust's ownership model.
           | tracker1 wrote:
           | There be dragons...
         | hnov wrote:
         | Isn't a doubly linked list basically incompatible with Rust's
         | idea of memory ownership?
           | proto_lambda wrote:
           | It's definitely not a data structure that makes the borrow
           | checker happy. Luckily it's also not a data structure that's
           | required or desirable in 99% of cases, but the standard
           | library still offers an implementation for those 1% so people
           | don't try to write their own (turns out getting a doubly
           | linked list correct isn't quite as trivial as it may seem).
             | Waterluvian wrote:
             | I'm actually a bit surprised it's in the standard library
             | if it's so uncommonly needed. Isn't Rust's stdlib tiny with
             | a philosophy of letting the community fill in most things?
               | estebank wrote:
               | There were arguments made for its non-inclusion[1].
               | [1]: https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-
               | lists/sixth.html
               | Waterluvian wrote:
               | I enjoyed reading this. A fun style.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | AIUI, GhostCell and related patterns can be used to implement
           | doubly linked lists in safe Rust. These patterns are quite
           | obscure and hard to use in practice, though.
           | tmtvl wrote:
           | From what I remember Rust has some kind of RefCell with weak
           | references. Those could be used to make DLLs, if anyone can
           | find a reason to use those. That said, you could also use
           | zippers...
             | slaymaker1907 wrote:
             | Now imagine writing the drop implementation for a DLL that
             | doesn't cause a stack overflow.
             | steveklabnik wrote:
             | RefCell<T> and weak references are two different things,
             | but rust has both, yes.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | It's at odds with it, but so are many other data structures
           | found in the standard library. The solution is usually to use
           | unsafe { } inside the data structure to allow for those
           | criss-crossing pointers (while exposing safe, checker-
           | friendly interfaces to the outside world)
           | This is a great resource that outlines several different
           | strategies for implementing linked lists in Rust:
           | https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/
         | kibwen wrote:
         | When explaining why the difficulty of modeling linked lists in
         | Rust doesn't matter, I like to share the following book, "Learn
         | Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists", written by the woman
         | who wrote the implementation you've linked above: https://rust-
         | unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/
           | keepquestioning wrote:
           | I read this and noped out of learning Rust.
       | AtNightWeCode wrote:
       | People must stop give attention to old garbage solutions that
       | should not be used. Never use a link list if you don't
       | specifically need a link list. You probably don't know why you
       | would need one so don't go there.
       | dragontamer wrote:
       | The most interesting thing about linked lists to me is how
       | trivially it can be made lock-free multithreaded with atomics.
       | An array/stack can be made multithreaded but it is non-trivial to
       | handle the edge-cases. In particular, the ABA problem is rather
       | difficult. I've seen many solutions to it (ex: a synchronization
       | variable that puts the stack into "push-only" mode and then "pop-
       | only" mode. There's no ABA-problem if all threads are pushing!)
       | However, pushing/popping from a Linked List stack requires no
       | such synchronization at all. Simply compare-and-swap the head
       | (and on failure, try again). Its about as simple as you can get
       | when it comes to atomic / lock free patterns.
         | [deleted]
         | yeputons wrote:
         | > Simply compare-and-swap the head (and on failure, try again).
         | It doesn't help with ABA at all, does it? Unless you assume
         | that nodes are immutable and the same pointer is never reused,
         | of course.
           | dragontamer wrote:
           | I forgot about that other ABA issue.
           | Still, that's easily solved: 64-bit version number + 64-bit
           | pointer (or 32-bit version number + 32-bit pointer) for a
           | 128-bit (or 64-bit) compare-and-swap.
           | All modern CPUs support 128-bit CAS.
           | EDIT: The version number is incremented by +1 each time. It
           | is unlikely that you'd overflow 64-bit version number and
           | risk an ABA problem, though 32-bits can be overflowed
           | surprisingly quickly in today's computers.
           | --------
           | EDIT2: Note: I'm pretty sure (but not 100% sure) that the
           | Head of a linked-list stack can be "simply" compared-and-
           | swapped to remain lock-free and 100% valid (ie: 64-bit
           | compare and swap over the 64-bit pointer). I did not mean to
           | imply that you can "CAS any arbitrary node of a linked-list".
           | A fully generic linked list is possible and I've seen it with
           | the 128-bit CAS operator, but that wasn't what I was going
           | for originally.
             | murderfs wrote:
             | > EDIT2: Note: I'm pretty sure (but not 100% sure) that the
             | Head of a linked-list stack can be "simply" compared-and-
             | swapped to remain lock-free and 100% valid (ie: 64-bit
             | compare and swap over the 64-bit pointer).
             | No, you cannot. The problem is what you're comparing and
             | swapping into the head during a pop. You want to do the
             | moral equivalent of `current = list;
             | list.compare_exchange(current, current->next)`, but
             | current->next might have changed if someone else popped the
             | original head, pushed something else, and then pushed the
             | original head again.
             | You need double CAS or LL/SC or a more complicated scheme
             | to make this work.
               | dragontamer wrote:
               | Fair catch.
               | That's obscure but it looks like you're correct in this
               | case.
               | murderfs wrote:
               | It might not be immediately obvious that this can happen,
               | but in practice, this scenario happens very frequently,
               | because if you free a node and then malloc a node, you're
               | very likely to get the same address back with most memory
               | allocators.
         | [deleted]
       | ayhanfuat wrote:
       | For completenes, here's what Bjarne Stroustrup says on why you
       | should avoid using linked lists: https://youtu.be/YQs6IC-vgmo
       | elteto wrote:
       | I much prefer deques to linked lists when I need O(1) push/pop
       | but still want to keep some semblance of cache locality. Although
       | you can't splice two deques together as easily as two linked
       | lists.
       | Sadly, you can't really control the block size in C++'s
       | std::deque so you can't communicate useful information to the
       | library about your use case. I think MSVC allocates such a small
       | block that it is effectively a linked list.
         | woojoo666 wrote:
         | I feel like to compare linked lists and dequeues, you would
         | have to give a specific implementation of a dequeue
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | Correct, deques are abstract data types and you can implement
           | them multiple ways, including using linked lists or growable
           | arrays/vectors. So they aren't directly comparable to linked
           | lists since under the hood they can be implemented with
           | linked lists (or doubly linked lists at least). You could
           | compare the performance of different deque implementations,
           | though.
         | intrepidhero wrote:
         | How does a dequeue improve the situation with cache locality
         | versus a linked list?
           | klyrs wrote:
           | It depends on the implementation. Python's deque, for
           | example, is implemented as a two-level data structure; a
           | circularly linked list of blocks. If you've got page-sized
           | blocks, then your deque can be sufficiently local for most
           | cases. It introduces a little extra logic, and you'll want to
           | keep around a spare block to prevent thrashing memory if you
           | repeatedly push/pop at the block boundary, but it's often
           | worth the pain if the data structure is anywhere near a hot
           | loop.
           | zwkrt wrote:
           | Mosty dequeues are implemented under the hood with arrays. A
           | linked list usually requires a heap allocation for each
           | element.
           | This is speaking in generalities though, since you could have
           | an "alternatively implemented dequeue or a linked list
           | entirely on the stack.
           | blibble wrote:
           | it's typically implemented as an array (e.g. circular buffer)
         | layer8 wrote:
         | Note that a deque in general is an ADT that isn't necessarily
         | implemented in the way std::deque commonly is. A deque can be
         | implemented as a linked list.
       | koinedad wrote:
       | They are really cool. Deleting an element by assigning next to
       | next.next still blows my mind.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | If you think that's neat, check out Dancing Links used for
         | backtracking algorithms:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_Links
       (page generated 2022-11-04 23:00 UTC)