[HN Gopher] Dagger Python SDK: Develop Your CI/CD Pipelines as Code
       Dagger Python SDK: Develop Your CI/CD Pipelines as Code
       Author : yurisagalov
       Score  : 83 points
       Date   : 2022-11-10 17:23 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (dagger.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (dagger.io)
       | meling wrote:
       | This looks awesome! I've built similar CI logic using git and
       | docker apis for an autograder system. Looks like I can throw out
       | some of this code... and replace it with dagger.
       | tatoalo wrote:
       | This is something I'd love to try on my personal projects.
       | I recently used act[0] to locally test my GitHub actions
       | pipelines and worked okay, the fact that I could interact with
       | the Dagger API via a Python SDK could be even more convenient,
       | will definitely try!
       | [0]: https://github.com/nektos/act
       | epgui wrote:
       | Even if this was a great, well-built tool, which I am sure it
       | is...
       | Doesn't this introduce a whole dimension of extra stateful
       | complexity compared to configuration YAML?
         | rytis wrote:
         | But when we have control structures built on top of yaml (like
         | ansible's `loop`, or `when`), we might as well just use proper
         | programming language.
       | xedx wrote:
       | This is an absolute god send for data engineers! We often get
       | blocked full stop with CI/CD headaches and the alternative of "no
       | CI/CD" is just unbearable at times. This needs to catch on quick
       | !
       | bilalq wrote:
       | Haven't heard of Dagger before, but using IaC as code to model
       | your pipelines (including pipelines of infra that itself is
       | modeled as IaC) is absolutely the right way to do things. And
       | doing it in a real programming language rather than some limiting
       | yaml schema is so much nicer. Places I've worked at in the past
       | would refer to these as meta pipelines or self-mutating
       | pipelines.
       | For this reason, I love using the AWS CDK. Being able to model
       | things in TypeScript was so much nicer than the janky flow of
       | always feeling lost in some Ruby/JSON/YAML IaC template
       | monstrosity.
       | Curious how Dagger differentiates itself from AWS CDK or cdktf.
         | shykes wrote:
         | Dagger and IaC tools (AWS CDK, Terraform, Pulumi) are very
         | complementary. Here's a livestream of Nic Jackson (devrel at
         | Terraform) using Dagger and Terraform CDK together to build and
         | deploy an application:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFNe5W1o2_U
         | The main difference is that Dagger focuses on running your
         | entire CI/CD pipeline as a DAG of operations running in
         | containers; whereas IaC tools focus on managing infrastructure
         | state. The typical integration is Dagger would run your IaC
         | tool in a container, and integrate that into a broader pipeline
         | with well-defined inputs and outputs. Dagger itself is
         | stateless except for its cache: infrastructure state management
         | is handed off to your IaC tool.
       | travisgriggs wrote:
       | Years ago, I had inherited a complicated C code base with some
       | clever Makefile jujitsu. None of the recent maintainers
       | understood it at its core. They just put a little lipstick here,
       | and a little there to keep things running.
       | I sat down and extracted the compiler/link flags, and then wrote
       | a Python script to do the build. The code was smaller, and built
       | faster.
       | Every "build" engine evolves from being a simple recipe processor
       | to the software equivalent of a 5 axis CnC mill. Some things
       | should not succumb to one size fits all.
       | pm wrote:
       | So far I've been using Earthly for structuring builds, and it's
       | been brilliant for the most part. Dagger was interesting but a
       | no-go without Python, so curious to see how it stacks up.
       | chologrande wrote:
       | This post is for the python sdk, but the golang SDK is fantastic
       | too.
       | Complete gamechanger to be able to move away from jenkins groovy
       | CPS hell
       | kpen11 wrote:
       | Here's the demo video linked in the blog post:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0bLWmi2B-4
       | It goes step by step through the getting started guide from the
       | Dagger Python SDK docs
       | helderco wrote:
       | Hey, lead developer for the Python SDK here.
       | I have a few examples in https://github.com/helderco/dagger-
       | examples and I plan to add more.
       | There's also reference documentation in https://dagger-
       | io.readthedocs.io/ so you can get a birds eye view on what's
       | possible.
         | JackMcMack wrote:
         | The api looks very simple and easy, that's a very good sign.
         | We've been doing similar stuff in python, mainly in combination
         | with Pulumi automation.
         | You can do some very fancy things, and I'm sure Dagger would be
         | a nice addition to that. But honestly the thing I'm missing
         | most is a nice UI above all that. How to present realtime and
         | historic logs (and state) for multiple concurrent actions is
         | still not as easy as I think it could be.
         | anentropic wrote:
         | Haven't tried it yet, but I like the features!
       | shykes wrote:
       | Hi everyone, Dagger co-founder here. Happy to answer any
       | questions.
       | We also released an update to the Go SDK a few days ago:
       | https://dagger.io/blog/go-sdk-0.4
         | ath3nd wrote:
         | It looks awesome! I have a clarification question on this one:
         | > Using the SDK, your program prepares API requests describing
         | pipelines to run, then sends them to the engine. The wire
         | protocol used to communicate with the engine is private and not
         | yet documented, but this will change in the future. For now,
         | the SDK is the only documented API available to your program.
         | Does it mean the sdk is making a round trip to the dagger API
         | remotely somewhere, or is the round trip to a locally running
         | docker container?
           | dolanor wrote:
           | Hi, on the locally running engine.
         | pydry wrote:
         | A) Why async in the user code? Is it really necessary?
         | B) Can you mock pipeline events?
         | bennine wrote:
         | Hey there, this looks interesting. What's the scope of this
         | project? Is it meant to be closer to developers or do you see
         | this being used in production?
         | How is progress of builds, observability, etc being tackled?
       | rekwah wrote:
       | Curious if cuelang just ended up being too much of a hurdle for
       | onboarding. I like it and have used it quite a bit but there's
       | something about the syntax that makes it impenetrable for many.
         | shykes wrote:
         | There's some of that. CUE is incredibly powerful, but it can be
         | polarizing. But the fundamental problem is that developers
         | don't want to learn a new language to write CI/CD pipelines:
         | they want to use the language they already know and love.
         | So, no matter what language we had chosen for our first SDK, we
         | would have eventually hit the same problem. The only way to
         | truly solve the "CI/CD as code" problem for everyone, is to
         | have a common engine and API that can be programmed with
         | (almost) any language.
       | dith3r wrote:
       | how this compares to buildbot or gajapipelines
       | mkesper wrote:
       | Might be an interesting middle ground between the nightmare of
       | everthing-as-plugins-but-flexible Jenkins and something like
       | tekton.
       | diarrhea wrote:
       | I've long wished to be just writing (ideally) Python to define
       | and run CI/CD pipelines. YAML is simply hell, `if` keys in such
       | data description languages are cruel jokes.
       | Round-trip times for GitHub Actions are too high: sometimes
       | you're waiting for 10 minutes just to run into a dumb typo, empty
       | string-evaluated variable or other mishap. There's zero IDE
       | support for almost anything beyond getting the YAML syntax itself
       | right.
       | We have containerization for write-once-run-anywhere and
       | languages like Python for highly productive (without footguns as
       | bash has them), imperative descriptions of what to do. The main
       | downside I see is it getting messy and cowboy-ish. That's where
       | frameworks can step in. If the Dagger SDK were widely adopted,
       | it'd be as exchangeable and widely understood/supported as, say,
       | GitHub Actions themselves.
       | We currently have quite inefficient GHA pipelines (repeated
       | actions etc.) simply because the provided YAML possibilities
       | aren't descriptive enough. (Are Turing-complete languages a bad
       | choice for pipelines?)
       | What's unclear to me from the article and video is how this can
       | replace e.g. GitHub Actions. Their integration with e.g. PR
       | status checks and the like is a must, of course. Would Dagger
       | just run on top of a `ubuntu-latest` GHA runner?
         | ripperdoc wrote:
         | I can only agree, sitting with this right now and it's all so
         | brittle. Of course, it's not just YAML, it's Javascript,
         | Powershell and Bash embedded into strings plus various hacky
         | methods of escaping, templating and sending values between
         | steps. It's really a mess.
         | blowski wrote:
         | Think about it from the perspective of the provider of the
         | build platform (e.g. CircleCI, GitLab, GitHub). There are way
         | fewer edge cases parsing YAML files than allowing Turing
         | complete languages.
         | pydry wrote:
         | >Are Turing-complete languages a bad choice for pipelines?
         | I'd say that non turing complete languages are a bad fit for
         | pipelines. Even mildly complex pipeline will eventually have
         | loops and conditionals.
         | Better python than some originally-a-config-YAML language
         | turned into an imperative monstrosity with loops and
         | conditionals bolted on.
           | courgette wrote:
           | Not a snarky question : what about having data and config in
           | yml, and some high level tool like ansible or terraform and
           | the occasional bash?
           | You loop and branch in ansible/terraform
           | I hate that setup but also I have a hard time thinking of
           | something else
             | duped wrote:
             | I don't think there's a meaningful distinction between
             | configuration and code in a CI pipeline. This is what
             | people try to do, and it's frankly a massive waste.
             | The problem is the attempt to make a distinction when there
             | cannot be one.
             | chologrande wrote:
             | Looping in ansible/terraform is exactly the problem. Logic
             | and control flow in YAML/hcl is a nightmare. Plus there's
             | no debugging! You can't set breakpoints in a yaml file or
             | HCL.
             | Adding more YAML to be parsed by other YAML is just
             | terrible at scale.
           | lmm wrote:
           | Something like Dhall might be viable for pipelines. I wonder
           | if there are any efforts in that direction.
         | shykes wrote:
         | > _What 's unclear to me from the article and video is how this
         | can replace e.g. GitHub Actions. Their integration with e.g. PR
         | status checks and the like is a must, of course._
         | You guessed correctly: Dagger does not replace Github Actions,
         | they are complementary. The Dagger project itself uses Github
         | Actions and Dagger together :)
         | > _Would Dagger just run on top of a `ubuntu-latest` GHA
         | runner?_
         | Sure, you can do that. The only dependency to run Dagger is
         | Docker or any OCI-compatible runtime. So, assuming the `ubuntu-
         | latest` runner has docker installed, you can just execute your
         | Dagger-enabled tool, and it should work out of the box.
         | For example here's our own github workflow for testing the
         | Python SDK (you can look around for other workflows):
         | https://github.com/dagger/dagger/blob/main/.github/workflows...
         | Note that the word "dagger" doesn't even appear, since Dagger
         | is embedded as a library (in this case, using the Go SDK). As
         | far as GHA is concerned, it's just executing a regular binary.
         | wmichelin wrote:
         | I don't know if this is just scoped to my company, but drone
         | seemingly supports starlark, which is just python
       | madjam002 wrote:
       | I had a look at Dagger, but I'm having a lot of success recently
       | just building CI/CD pipelines with Nix. My `.gitlab-ci.yml` file
       | is then just a thin wrapper of `nix build` commands, and
       | pipelines can be run locally in the exact same environment as
       | CI/CD.
       | mkoubaa wrote:
       | While I prefer python over yaml, I tend to think imperative build
       | systems are inherently more brittle.
         | shykes wrote:
         | Dagger remains a declarative DAG-based system. The trick is
         | that you can control it with a (also declarative) API. This
         | gives you the best of both worlds: a robust declarative
         | environment to run your pipelines, accessible from your
         | favorite language (imperative or not).
       | aclatuts wrote:
       | This makes a lot of sense but would it prevent developers from
       | using the default diagrams already built into most CICD websites.
       | I assume migrating to this would make the CICD pipeline look like
       | one step from gitlab, bitbucket, and githubs perspective.
         | shykes wrote:
         | It's up to you how granular you make your CI configuration.
         | Much of it depends on the context and how your team works.
         | If you've already found yourself integrating a Makefile in a CI
         | job, and figuring out the best mapping of Make rules to CI
         | job/step/workflow: this is exactly the same. Ultimately you're
         | just executing a tool which happens to depend on the Dagger
         | engine. How and when you execute it is entirely up to you.
         | For example, here's the Github Actions job we use to test the
         | Dagger Python SDK. It executes a custom tool written in Go. hht
         | tps://github.com/dagger/dagger/blob/bd75d17f9625f837d7a2f9...
       | pianoben wrote:
       | (NB: No relation to the widely-used Android/Java DI library)
       (page generated 2022-11-10 23:01 UTC)