[HN Gopher] Browsers, JSON, and FormData
       Browsers, JSON, and FormData
       Author : tannhaeuser
       Score  : 63 points
       Date   : 2022-11-10 09:49 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.jim-nielsen.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.jim-nielsen.com)
       | mjburgess wrote:
       | There's a lot of value in modern browsers asking "what are all
       | these JS frameworks providing?" and providing primitives for the
       | top 20% of features natively.
       | The existence of JS frameworks _to build apps_ , in this sense, I
       | think can be seen as a browser failure. The browser exists to
       | provide a GUI for HTTP, and it's failing to provide "the common
       | default" we now expect.
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | They tried, but made the mistake of stopping once the low-level
         | stuff was done. Welcome to Webcomponents, it can do what you
         | currently use Angular, Vue, or React for, but it only covers
         | the plumbing, not the actual kitchen itself, so you either have
         | to write your own kitchen, try to mimic the kitchens that
         | vue/angular/react/etc already made, or use a kitchen made by
         | someone else and hope that does everything you needed.
         | Which is an unfortunate side-effect of the whole "JS is about
         | giving people APIs to make things with, not dictate what those
         | things are" philosophy. In this specific case, that leads to
         | APIs that technically cover the needs, while also offering
         | exactly nothing that people can "just use" for writing UIs that
         | are natively understood by the browser.
           | ctxc wrote:
           | Meta: Plumbing and porcelain is the more popular pair.
           | https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Plumbing-and-
           | Po...
           | nonethewiser wrote:
           | What is the plumbing and kitchen in this context?
             | moritzwarhier wrote:
             | Plumbing = DOM updates and events, and in the case of Web
             | Components, Shadow DOM for scope isolation. Kitchen =
             | Declarative way to define DOM structures depending on
             | application state. Plus optionally some conventions around
             | updating application state. What it boils down to is
             | "components".
       | mort96 wrote:
       | The quote in the beginning seems ridiculous on its face. I've
       | heard a lot of reasons why people choose SPAs, and "I can make a
       | transition animation between pages" is never it. In fact, almost
       | no SPAs I've used have transition animations between pages.
         | brigandish wrote:
         | I believe "swish transitions" refers to the lack of the page
         | refresh flash, which really was one of the initial attractions
         | to SPAs when they first came to prominence.
           | eurasiantiger wrote:
           | And now we have websites where clicking a link does nothing
           | until a few seconds later the page content suddenly changes.
           | If you're lucky, the page will scroll to the top as well!
             | KronisLV wrote:
             | > And now we have websites where clicking a link does
             | nothing until a few seconds later the page content suddenly
             | changes.
             | Worse yet, sometimes people do "page" transitions in JS
             | event handlers, which means that all of the sudden you no
             | longer can ctrl/shift + click these UI elements to open up
             | the page in a new tab/window, or even copy the link.
             | Not that well made SPA solutions aren't pleasant to use,
             | it's just that you can do all sorts of weird things that
             | make using them miserable.
               | capableweb wrote:
               | I agree a lot of SPA implementations suck in the way you
               | describe, just wanted to add that this was a issue before
               | SPA navigation too.
               | Some websites used iframes to render the main content,
               | and kept navigation controls outside the iframe. So if
               | you open a link in a new tab (or window, before tabs
               | existed), you ended up on a page with just the content
               | without the navigation.
               | Some routers still use this way for page setup, for some
               | reason.
               | Shitty implementations will be shitty, no matter how you
               | do it.
               | brigandish wrote:
               | I'd forgotten about those horrible iframes! It makes me
               | wonder what other horrors I've left behind.
               | solarkraft wrote:
               | My health insurance provider has a website (seems mostly
               | server rendered but with dynamic elements) that links
               | documents that you can only access once (it seems).
               | They're real links that will open a new tab when middle-
               | clicked.
               | ... but not of the document since the document is opened
               | through some JS crap.
               | Thank you, Techniker-Krankenkasse.
           | mort96 wrote:
           | Huh, I browse server rendered pages every day and
           | rarely/never experience the page refresh flash.
             | brigandish wrote:
             | The internet was a lot slower 15/20 years ago.
               | mort96 wrote:
               | I'm not denying that it was accurate 15/20 years ago, I'm
               | questioning whether it's accurate today.
               | Maybe there's an argument to be made for it in developing
               | countries, but in my experience, SPAs are way, way worse
               | to use than SSR pages on slow devices and unreliable
               | connections. Buttons are unresponsive for a minute as JS
               | is downloaded and parsed and executed, content can't
               | render incrementally, and the UI softlocks waiting for a
               | failed or timed out API request. People don't seem to be
               | making SPAs to benefit slow and unreliable devices and
               | connections.
               | brigandish wrote:
               | I'm not arguing with you, I think most SPAs are
               | unjustified, it's just that 15/20 years ago people really
               | wanted to get rid of whole page refresh and all the
               | problems that brings, which is a laudable aim, but has
               | morphed into "why don't we make our own back button" and
               | nonsense like that.
               | The justification nowadays seems to be (in truth) "if you
               | take away my tools I don't know how to build things so
               | I'm going to run npm init and go from there".
           | satyrnein wrote:
           | And then pjax/Turbolinks attempted to address that more
           | surgically, without giving up on server rendering.
           | megaman821 wrote:
           | All modern browsers hold the old page for a bit so there is
           | no flash.
       | lol768 wrote:
       | People rely on browsers not being able to POST a JSON body to a
       | (cross-origin) API to prevent cross-site request forgery.
       | Maybe this is obsolete in a SameSite=Lax by default world, but
       | simply allowing browsers to support a JSON enctype has
       | consequences that need to be carefully thought through.
       | If you wanted browsers to do this properly, you'd probably need
       | to send a pre-flight?
       | mro_name wrote:
       | this asymmetry between html form post to binary dump wire format
       | bugged me a lot. So I made glue to convert formdata dumps back to
       | html forms (which then can be processed with standard xml tools
       | or viewed as is): https://code.mro.name/mro/form2xml
       | Works like a charm in e.g. https://mro.name/2021/ocaml-stickers/
       | lyptt wrote:
       | See also: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8664671
       | Looks like supporting an enctype of application/json was
       | proposed, but never went anywhere.
         | Timwi wrote:
         | As someone who doesn't follow the standardization process, I
         | would love an explanation how proposals like this fail even
         | when they have widespread support and no downsides. Is there an
         | easy answer to this or is it different from case to case?
           | lyptt wrote:
           | From what I've seen, standards need to be picked up by
           | browser vendors for them to become established.
           | Usually one vendor will implement it behind a flag, and if it
           | gains traction then other vendors will follow suit before it
           | becomes a generally available feature.
         | mjepronk wrote:
         | Personally, I don't like the use of indexing to determine the
         | JSON structure (like this `<input name="foo[0][1]">`). I think
         | it's way more powerful to derive the JSON structure from the
         | DOM tree. That's why I wrote some code to do exactly that:
         | https://gist.github.com/mjepronk/5b33eaa90ecf11a5c2c47935a2c...
         | The use of `<fieldset>` and `<section>` may not be the best
         | choice. You could use `data-` attributes on arbitrary tags for
         | instance.
       | TheRealPomax wrote:
       | This really strikes me as a shining example of "porque no los
       | dos":                 "So many third-party services have APIs you
       | can integrate with and guess what? They probably speak JSON
       | exclusively. But browsers don't send user-entered data as JSON by
       | default, so what's one to do? You can:              "1. Create a
       | URL that accepts the structure of a default browser POST request
       | (<form method="post" action="/my-url">).              "2. Throw
       | progressive enhancement out the door, expect JavaScript to work
       | for all your users, and drop a <script> tag on the page somewhere
       | that handles the logic to submit a JSON payload to whatever
       | service will store this information for you."
       | No, you do both: you create a server route that accepts that
       | form's POST (or PUT or DELETE or whatever) _and_ you write the
       | code necessary to intercept the form 's submit event and runs
       | _that same post operation_ backed by a Fetch request instead,
       | then work the result into the page without needing the navigation
       | action that a bare form uses. Congrats: your site now works both
       | with limited-to-no JS, and as progressive web page when JS is
       | fully available. All you had to do was stick with the basics:
       | have a restful server.
         | [deleted]
       | Macha wrote:
       | Honestly sounds more like an argument for adding a <form
       | enctype="application/json"> to the standard to me
         | sixbrx wrote:
         | Together with allowing nested forms (finally), I think this
         | would be great.
           | TheRealPomax wrote:
           | Forms are for sending data to URLs, what would the use-case
           | of a nested form even be?
             | Timwi wrote:
             | Can't speak for the OP, but more than once I've run into a
             | case where I need the form tags to be nested in the DOM,
             | for reasons relating to the page structure but not the form
             | contents. I would like nested form elements to just be
             | allowed in the DOM, and if you submit the inner form then
             | the outer should just be ignored, and if you submit the
             | outer it should just submit all of the form values.
               | rickstanley wrote:
               | Today we have the form attribute [0] to alleviate some
               | cases.
               | [0]: https://caniuse.com/form-attribute
               | TheRealPomax wrote:
               | That sounds... confusing? What is the form supposed to do
               | when you submit it if it has another form inside it but
               | that form's values are... a separate form? Without a
               | concrete use-case, I'm having a hard time understanding
               | how this would make sense.
               | artificialLimbs wrote:
               | Would this not be a(nother) good use case for htmx?
             | megaman821 wrote:
             | Nested forms would be great if you could prefix the name
             | attributes easily. Like filling out a form where it asks
             | for your name and your spouse's name. Now the first name
             | and last name keys are in the form twice.
               | TheRealPomax wrote:
               | Okay but that's a terrible example: lots of people _don
               | 't_ have the same last name despite being married. So you
               | better use separate fields for that if you want "last
               | names". But of course, programmers famously have no idea
               | what names are, resulting in a never ending stream of
               | "why the fuck won't you let me use the name that I have?"
               | for anything from ecommerce to government websites, so
               | you really shouldn't even have a separate first and last
               | name field, you should just have a "name" field, and it
               | bloody well better support all of unicode, because the
               | only person who can tell you what their name is, is the
               | person filling out the field, not you as form designer =)
               | [1] https://www.kalzumeus.com/2010/06/17/falsehoods-
               | programmers-...
               | [2] https://shinesolutions.com/2018/01/08/falsehoods-
               | programmers...
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | > A big impediment to moving away from SPAs is that we've
       | collectively spent years building up an entire infrastructure of
       | backend services which power the internet by communicating with
       | browsers in JSON
       | Something I like about Django/DRF (and likely many others I
       | haven't used) is that it makes the above an imaginary problem.
       | Django trivializes accepting form or Json or xml or whatnot. It
       | just wants a Python object after deserialization and usually you
       | can get a few of those formats for free, or otherwise very little
       | work.
       | martin_drapeau wrote:
       | I wish front-end developers would use the right tool for the
       | right situation. Not everything is a nail!
       | Forms are a great example. Browsers and back-end languages have
       | supported those very well for a long time without the use of
       | JavaScript.
       | Routing is another thing browsers and back-end languages do very
       | well.
       | The SaaS we are building is in Laravel + Vue. Laravel has a
       | powerful validation engine and top notch routing and session
       | management. We leverage those 100%.
       | Vue shines for user interaction. Instead of a single SPA, we
       | usually have one per rendered page (i.e. User Interface). Works
       | very well.
       | I haven't found any downside to this approach vs a full-blown
       | SPA. Only benefits.
         | satyrnein wrote:
         | Is this using Inertia.js? Did you consider Livewire?
         | ithrow wrote:
         | _Vue shines for user interaction. Instead of a single SPA, we
         | usually have one per rendered page (i.e. User Interface). Works
         | very well._
         | That means you have to parse all the JS on every rendered page.
       | _ZeD_ wrote:
       | this... this is actually what we did in 199x, before
       | xmlhttprequest. there's a reason we switched away from that.
         | denton-scratch wrote:
         | XMLHttpRequest is fine and groovy (if your user has Javascript
         | enabled, of course). But why does everything have to be JSON?
           | Kinrany wrote:
           | JSON is close to using the most fundamental logical
           | primitives needed to structure serialized data. It's a set of
           | value types, an ordered collection and a key-value
           | collection.
             | mort96 wrote:
             | With a syntax that's ridiculously easy to write a parser
             | and generator for (with the one exception of high unicode
             | character escape sequences being encoded as two \uXXXX
             | escapes after each other which form a surrogate pair rather
             | than one \uXXXXXXXX escape, which is a bitch to deal with
             | unless you use UTF-16 internally). It's certainly easier to
             | write a mostly-correct JSON parser than an XML parser.
             | artificialLimbs wrote:
             | But why not just return hypermedia, assuming a web page?
           | TheRealPomax wrote:
           | Because it is a _vast_ improvement over XML, the thing that
           | XMLHttpRequest was designed to be used for. It was supposed
           | to be an http request for a DTD 'd XML asset, and thank god
           | we stopped using it for that and went "no that's okay, it
           | doesn't enforce XML compliance, we'll use it for any text
           | content we want, thanks".
           | Which of course turned out to be incredibly dangerous when
           | that text is (or is derived from) user-generated content, and
           | that's where JSON comes in: JSON is a true data format,
           | instantly turned into the native object that you can work
           | with in the programming language that browser already has to
           | speak in order to be considered a real browser. In stark
           | contrast to XML, which ironically _can 't_ be turned into a
           | data object, it can only be turned into a full fledged,
           | separate document that you then need to use additional APIs
           | for in order to _extract_ data from.
           | XMLHttpRequest was a bad idea that worked because it was also
           | the best option because it was the only option. Thank
           | goodness we moved on.
       | akira2501 wrote:
       | Often, I'm going to have to be trucking an OAuth token around to
       | make this API work and I'm going to want to respond to expired
       | tokens and other exceptions in a rational way for the users
       | benefit. Further, having History State and Custom Validation at
       | my disposal are great tools to use when designing anything other
       | than very simple forms.
       | I'm not sure javascript should be seen as a burden here.
       (page generated 2022-11-12 23:01 UTC)